The Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-04-08, Page 1) TA; ?1,11741,•';
With which is amalgamated *the Goalie Vidette and Wroxeter Nei
----Litt itsi
By The Pedestrian
ouncil Hopes to
old Present Rate
• . "
john W Hanna, .1tas .re-
ceived word front Hun, F. Cass,
minhaer of highways that "an early
eltaxt" will be male en the paying
lit highway se trout Wirifiant to
, Blelevale.
0 -t -
Anyone knowing, the persulinel
of tile two rinks that wOli4he Doa-
ald Rae and Raiz trophies in the
year 1054 is asked to contact W
'0 - 0 - 0
Barrel Goes Over
Saturday Afternoon
The hand placed on the Ice
above the Mel eezie Bridge by ,the
fire brigade earlier tills winter:
went over . the clam at 5.14 p.m.
last'Saturday and as a result three
lucky ticket holdera won prizes,'
' first place wan Alex Baird,
who . won $25,00; second, John,
Sturdy;. $10,00 and lhird, Edward'
Bauer, $0,00. • All three had made
their guess as'.eo the,day, and hour
when the barrel 'would go over
the' dam wlieirlhey purchased tick-
ets Several Weeks ago, The 'first
prize winner was only olil,"by
minutes, with the Others 57 and 'Ti)
minutes off the actual time the
barrel Went dawn stream with the
ice ,
proceeds .from the barrel
guessing contest will he used by
dim firemen to assist the swimming
pool fund. •
1311S Wt
Since there will 'be two hockey
games In the local arena this week
the usual draw, for $00 Will not
be held on Wednesday evening but
tickets will he add en Friday eve-,
. ning. Your purchases of these
draw tickets have been of groat
assistance to the hockey clUb • all
through the winter,.
0 0
-311fNSTIKEL' SHOW 1Y1AY-7- • ,
The Wingliam Lions are busy
practising far the minstrel ,show
.Whi0 will , be presented in thO
town hall In May. The dates, have
been set as Tuesday and WedneS- , day, May 12th atd 1.3th,
REMAINS UNCHANGED has flooded the "prairies" to some considerable depth. The lower,
town dam almost disappeared when the flooding backed ,up to the
Point where the dam itself could hardly be seen.—A-T photo.
HIGH WATER—While the spring !run: off brought up., district --river
levels ever the past week-end, Win ham did not ,experience any real
Alamage from the -over-burdened river courses. The above picture Was
taken from Victoria. Wingharn, over Vie- 'Maitland • RiVer which
ockey,.Stot--Referee Benefit Game
$1,000 ScholarShip
Has Been Awarded
Zone ,C1, 'danadCazi Legion, held
a meeting in the town hall on Sun-
day afternoon with about 150 in at:
tendance. ;Lloyd Carter, president
of winghani,Brandb 180 gave the
welcoming ,address.
John W, Hanna, lVf.P.P, for Hie-
ron-Brace 'Mid. Mayor R, E. Mc-
Kinney , kddressed the gathering.
Other speakers were District Com-
mander. 'Ross-Gorden • Of Guelph,
:Kelly Koehler, , Deputy District
C!ominiander' . of Markdale; " Ora
Crawford of the 'DVA in London,
G'eorge rtiglis,' Provincial Service
Bureau.' chairman and Herman
'oring, -past, ,4ne.,Commander„ of
Kincardine: • •
The meetl.ct-g:was •c110;.§4- Zc114 tentrimini'der Jaglc ..litateSbir of Wing-
-ham with John Pattison, as-.secre-
tary; They wilt continue their dil-
lies until the fall. Zone Meeting,
Harvey Pfaff. of Exeter was ap-
pointed Zone Commander and Doug
Andrew's. „et Clinton was .named
'Deptity Zone Commander.
Reports were heard froth the itaf-
lous zone chairmen and, Don Ad-
ams, -district membership chair-
num, gave his report, • ,
A parade pre.ceeded the meeting
when, wreaths were placed at the
cenotaph,' The ladies of the Auxii;
iary catered itt the Legion .Home
,al.the close of the meeting. ,
Tuesday evening of last week was
0. big night for minor hockey' piny-
ers and -hbckey Jens thioUghout
the district' when the Winnipeg
Red; 'White and Blues, in Ontario
for' .1b.e.,.-Yom-kg•!Canatia,..:Week at
Goderich, met the Wingliain 'Pee--
Wee All-Stars in an .exbibitioll
Metal, Proceeds of the'• game,
amounting, to $250.00 were turned
over to' the Listowel,Diaaster 'Fund.
ActiVity at the 'arena-opened at
620 When two picked teams from
the Wingh4M. minor- Hockey league
;who. named .themselves the .Can-
adiens 'and the Maple Leafs, battled
it out, Cinadiens emerging on the
long. end .of a 3-2 score. Goal-get-
ters for the winners were Bill Kerr,
Roding 1.1.0IIIelteheey anddafs Tot,werMe
4,717 Griffith
and T. Reed. Referees Were Deng
Lacteridge, fired Ray Walker/
' Wlaiiineg"Defeated' •
The lealured ',game of The 'night
was, 'of &nine,• time match,Witfi.the
Winnipeg boys, :Who:last. the. en-
counter air a. 5.:3 count—Details' of
the play. appear InitnOtliO,r Stlary,hr
this paper. " ••,!.
Referees for the game were Jack
Mcliityie and Dennis' -Reagan of
the Detroit Red Wings, and Morley
McBride. of Winnipeg,. •
At the conclusion of the game
Vince Leah, coach of the Winnipeg
team, presented a cheque for $250
to Mayor -0, M, Nichol of Listowel
anti -asked him to turn the' dona-
tion over „to„ the Disaster Fund in
that town. Other speakers at the
presentation were Mayor R. B.,
McKinney. "I Winglimn and John
W. Hanna, M.P.P.
In a, second presentation. Lloyd
Carter, chairman of the minor
sports committee of the local Re-
creation Council, gave each of the
'Winnipeg players ,a wallet, These
were the gifts of Dr, W, A, McKlb-
bon. Previous to the game the
Winnipeg heirs were guests ' at a
banquet at the Legion home -and
following the gaine.ltineli was serv-
ed to the visiting players, as Well as
all the lads Who took part in the
Minor hockey 'league dirritig the
paTsltiewl)iiiitienrOr' sports eolillnitice of
the Recreation Council has asked
The Advance-Thnes to express ap-
preciation to the ladies of the Le-
gipu who supplied the
meals, the arena commission for
the free use of the arena and to
iii var-
i‘oVtiesague,arys, l3ro, theta ,and CR
well as
NX for
tpouballiic,ito3.thleTs' twhiel g aalsisxei heitcls'
A London 'teacher has been
awarded a $1,000' scholarship • by
the Federation of Women Teach-
ers' Associations 'of Ontario, esta-
blished in memory of the late
Helen Keefer, former ' -executive
secretary of the federation, •An-
nouncemern of the award to Mlys
Ida (Sally) Linton,' a federatien
meneber and test administrator for
the London Board, of Education,
was made last Wednesday by Mrs:
Florneee Irvine, federation .-presia
dent, at; the 'organizatithi'S annual
spring tea held in Toronto. •
. 'Miss Linton was born at Wing,.
'ham, daughter of the late Mr. and
Mrs, Tollerton Lutton. She attend-
ed public and high schools here
and graduated from London
final School, She holds a Bachelor, of -
Arts degree of time University Of
Western Ontario and • has' • taken
graduate studies at the School of
Education, Boston University.
The Widget for 1059 and. the
1955 auditor's statement were, 'un-
der review by Lite town outwit .at
its regular meeting; on Monde'
e,M ing,
While the mill rate fur 1059
not set, the hope was expresS, ti
that the mill rate for comMerlif
and industrial assessments wot d
.rerrtain,the same as last; year, d
that the residential rate would le
lowered by, half of one mill,
After council had nerltsed
budget, Mayor McKinney said;
feel that due to careful finaneing,
and providing we do not receiVe
excessive. :dernaltela for increaakel
moneys over which we have'
contro l,. such as high School, pub-
lic, school or froM Huron GettutV,
we can keep our present mill rate
rodsindustrial and eommerclal pre-
perty owners, and due to n the :On-
tario proviacial gove'rnment's un-
conditional grant to residential prO-
Pertiea, we reduce otn:
rate to the latter , by half a
and still repair our streets and, paxe
Leopold Street ay intended Oil
purchase some additional
melt; for the town.
May guy Tractor
"I would suggest we consid4r
purchasing a tractor, with a •shovel
so we can remove the snow when
we get a storm and, net wait for a
big build-up of snow. I would like
to see a tractor with grader
blade so -we could dp some:. grad-
ing, if that is practical, I would
also like to see council get more
seats to be used af?ounci the tOW4,
We have talked about this, but te.
far we have taken no action" '
Front the auditor's statement it
was pointed' out that Lime town' is
in a healthy finaatial position,- and
that for the first' time in trta4
years it itas -been possible to keel),
within the budget. and Set ulya-pc
•reserve fund in order to purchase
necessary equipment which is re-
quired byi the municipality, The
mayor also said that 1959 will see
some easing in payments as the
debentures on the fire hall have
been completed and that in 1960 -the
debentures for overdraft will be
finished. 'However, added, expel],
diLtires will be necessary to cover
the high sehdoi addition and an
Increase in the county levy,
Councillor Buchanan said that he
was very much opposed to any sug-
gestion to lower taxes at the pre-
sent 'time, as there is a lot of work
to be clone in the community in
the way of maintenance,
Mayor McIpiney replied that the
-reduction in the residential rate
was made possible by the provin.'
vial unconditional grant, which
could •be applied only to the resi-
dential assessment.
Clerk William Renwick brought
in the quarterly statement of ex!-
pendlture which showed that the:
cost of snow removal in 1059 had
-been considerably higher than hi
;the sante three months-last year.
So •far this year the, public works
committee has anent $4,419 on sub-
sidized street work and $2,619 on
non-subsidized ' work as compared
to $2,593 and $2,106 respectively in
the first three months of 1958.
.14cpair Maio Street
Mayors-- McKinney said that he
had -received word that the De-
part:meat of Highways would pro-
ceed with time badly, needed repairs
.,(Pleaseitturn to Page Twelve)
Star Euchre Was
Quit Successful
ccessful Year Ended
()cal Curling Rin
Warren C allcut presided for a
meeting of the Wingham Business
Association' last Thut'sclay evening
when members gathered to discuss
possible bilainesepromotions which
might be undertaken to make shop
piag ut Wilightuti more interesting
and attractive jahn P McKibbon.
acted as secretary,
Considerable discussion was' du-
vet..0 to general conditions on- the
main. areet, ,such aS the •need of re-
pairs to the. pavement, mo re' fre-
aptent, sweeping ht. the summer
•molnits, and better street lighting,
..:It!Was-..-ilecided-that a 'delegation ,
Weald appreatail.ithiholl the follow-
ing Monday • evening , with the re-
quest .1:Md.-consideration be given
'to the suggestielWof the associa-
tion. .
Numerous methods. of adding
new interest to. the. town as far
as were dis-
eused.. One: suggestion was that a'
bead be 'brought into town on Sat-
Urday nights, . Another thought
was a weekly draw for prizes with
tickets procurable along with pur-
chases in the. stores.
Upshot of the.. &Scansion was
that' another meeting be held this
coming Monday night when the
various promotions outlined could
be talked over; hopefully with a
larger -representation of the busi-
ness people of the town.
One strong proposal' was that a
weekly fee of Perhaps $1:00 pet
merchant might, be collected to
meet -the posts.,,
Objective for Winghain and ells-.
trict in the April campaign of the
Canadian Cannier society is $1,000,
It was revealed .this week by the
branch president, Mrs. Ii, S, Mac-
Thin represents a ,portion Of the
$13,000 target set for the Heron.
Unit of the 'Boviety iii its. -second
year of- operation. -LaSt. year . the
unit raised slightly over $12,000 in,
its first campaign,
A door-to-door -earivaes • will be
staged here from Monelay,• April- 13
to April 13. • by volenteer canvas-
'Sera .with DeWitt Miller as cam-
petit chairman.
Ppple in the surrounding dis-
trict are asked to send their •clona.
Woes ,to /Jr, Miller Or leave 'their
contrlindicits at either of the local
• Ifinats raised an Huron •are used
LIAttiCe •SC! rVICt "work here as
well as general education and re-
search programs carried on across
Canada. During 11108, . the Huron
unit spent $1,800 on 'some 45 'can-
cer .patients.. Au additional $700
was used ,to atineate citizens in the
synfpternapf cancer and the need
for early diagnosis. , •
Oiler .$10,000 waa forwarded to
provincial headquarters in Toronto
to be, -used 117. 'research projeeLS,
"'Thanks Lo the' .support of the
people of Huron, our Unit IS, able
to play- an effective part in. the
vital fight against one of •the,mest
bafftingf and tragic .disease, of our'
tinie," ,states Mrs, Kenneth of
,Woodlitten, president ef the . unit.
• "Weliapelo.inereaseenr
.110n this year to help speed the clay
When a cure is found.""
The' antionid objective of tfie so-
ciety $2,750,000 which helps to
finance the biggest and meat 6/t-
elling medical crusade of all tirrre-'--
the ',Crusade to , end the curse of
cancer through research. Cancer
takes the live); of 22,000 Canadians
and causes great suffering and ec-
onomic_ hardship, not only among
elderly persons but also • among
children and young adults, '
The Country Curling Club euchre
and social will .he held on
Friday. April 10 at 8.30 in Blue-
vale community hall, Adm. 50
eents, Lunch supplied. F8b
During the past ,few weeks rut-
;nor "has been circulated in 'Huron
that the, proVhicial Department of
Health was going to alter its plans
torthe hospital to be erected south,
oilkloderich for the treatment of
retarded children. It, was ritor-
ed , that the institution Weald be
drastically cut in size,
Iii anSwer to the ruMors,Charles
MaeNaughtou, ..AP,P; far „South
Huron, .has issued the following
statement: ,
"1 am MAIM:Hied- `td: say': on be-
half of Hon, 11, B. Pyre-load, Min-
ister' Of health, 'that :there is no
change in the thinking on the part
of the department in respect to the
size of the propoSed mental insti-
tution to be built near Goderich.,:
The only change Is the result of
new trends and concepts affecting
Mental Institutions to the extent
that it might be meal-purpose in
character. •
"Further, I nun authorized to say
that construction of certain of the
service :buildings; ,power` plant,
etc., Will be undertaken at the
earliest date possible in .the stun-
ner of 1959. The value of .the in-
stitution to -Gederich and the en-
tire :Huron community` will in no
Way eb' impaired by any of the
changes referred to above, The
Minister, who will address the aa-
mud meeting and nominating con=
vention of the }large PC associa-
tion in Clinton On April 13th, Will
amplify the foregoing in terms of;
greatter• detail on that occasion."
Clergy Gather
I For Social Night
MeMbers of the. Wing-ham and
DiStriet Ministerial 'Association,
With their wives, about 40 in all,
gathered in the basement of the
Wiligharn United Church on Mon-
day evening for dinner and a social
gaehering. The ladies of - the
church, catered for the ,dinner.
' Dr, Alexander Nimmo asked the
blessing and the appreciation of
the lgirtherIng was expressed to the
ladles by Rev. T, B, Kennedy of
1.31tieVale, •
C, Johneion of Winghani
was. 'Chairman for the program
Which follOWed dinner, when Dr.
Ninnno showed very iliterestlag
elides of his trip to ,Burope last
w summer. The pictures Wore .chlef-
ly taken in England, Ireland, Scot-
land and
Rev. W. D. Clark expressed the
thanks ' of the gathering to Dr.
5110 lain had Leaching experience
in the grades and in opportunity
classes in Fort Frances and Lon-
don, Last summer she leetttred in
intelligence testing at the Sault
$1e, Marie summer school in auxi-
liary education, For ,several sum-
'Ain, she has taught crafts at
camps hi hayfield anti ..A.Igonquin
During the Second Wald, War
she served for three years as a
home sister with .the Royal Cana-
dian Army -Medical Corps In Eng-
land, Belgium, Holland' and Ger-
many, On her return froth over-
seas Miss Linton was 'appointed
test administrator for the London
Board of Education,
Miss Litton has -been granted
year's leave„of absence by thelion-
don Board and plans to attend ,the
Teachers' College of Coluiribia
vetsity, New York, Courses will la-
:elude a study of psychological as-
pects of special- education. The
'scholarship will also enable her to'
tout' Norway, Sweden and benmark
t6 study spacial edileatioti for
Which these three countries aro
H. P. Carmichael was elected
president for the 'ensuing year at
the Wingham Curling Club's annual
rneetlitg on March 30. He succeeds
_Harold 'Thonlas, who chaired the
meeting. A very successful year,
both financially and socially, has
been witnessed' daring Mr. Thomas'
term as president, and he thanked
.the club members ,for their assis-
tance and to-operation.,
Jack Lloyd, *reporting for the
Round-Robin- corninittee said that
24 rinks ,had taken part In the
December elteiv'e, 28 in both January
and *February and '24 in the 'March
draw. The club this year gained
-21 neW mem:hers. •
Lloyd Casemore, chairman of/the
Rock Fund committee, said there
was a anitill -balance in the fund.
It was .depided 'that the annual 'fee
be increased to $30 and $15 for
new merribers, plus 'the Rock Fund
fee; If:Jetts are,. paid before Janu-
ary 113, the'$30 will be reduced Lo
Tha'nes for the 1fse of rink
radiates was express ed by Frank
Madill on behalf bt the' schOol
boys, Madill also thought the
boys deserved , circuit for a alleeeSS-
tut year and -for the (vork they
bad deaf: in connection' with the
laying of, the 'neW floor.
In reSPonse to appreciatioir. toe
faciiitios. Farm ChM. with
Jim 'COtlites as' apoltaentin, the
president Said that the Farm Club
had supported- the Wingition curl-
Mrs. Robert Howsell and Tofu
Henderson held high score at the
etichre hi the Oddfellowls
hall on Tuesday evening of last
week, The -Star members were
pleased with the attendance, and
19 tables wet* in play.
OthOr prlie winners' were Mrs
Alex, Robertson and Wilford Uns-
tick, low points and Mrs, Jack
Mtte.cntyre, lady playing as a man.
, .
Mr, and'Mrs, Cus McGlynn. R.R,
2, Whigham, wish to announce the
,engagement of their daughter, El-
eanor Joan, to :Lawrence :Joseph
.Curran, son of *Mt and Mrs. .Volix
,Curran, It'll, 1, Harriston. The
nutrriage will take Place May a at
.-6a.cred Heart Chilton. Teeswaler,
Mr., and Mts. Otte joutvans.
Wish to announce Ilse- engagement
of their daughter Siebrigit Antjo
Jouwamit, to Herman Adolf Mus-
eheld, son of Mr, and Mrs, Ludwig
IVIOscheid, Altetut, West.f., Ger-
many. The Wedding will take place
April 24::10511, 8h
114th tilliallili)AY.,-44.1rs, 'George holtertsen, who 'Wes With ..her ilatightei,
Mrs.. (kind txigitt and Mr, Edgar,- marked ,her 1)41-lt birthday last •Sattir.,
-tlay, Mrs, Robertsait lh lit frail beitith and is cettfified t i it Wheel, chair,
hilt enjoyed. visiting, with inleinbers of her .fatally on bee birthday.
She is it native of alioneig Township, but lived at Wiest:OH/it -all her
Married Making her hoine, With her danghter -Shiee .her intsbitan
,diet! She two sena, Otinerott, Strathelair, Man., tun)
Rirks TeeiiiVittekl -also We daughters, Mrs, <Oki Edgar mat Mrs.
ChStdont Edgar., One Siat:er Mrs. John RObsart iltidlititit well tas
grandehildirett and 10 great-gra dildren..-A4 photo,
MacKay,'Lorne Gardner and Lloyd
Brown. Time Hamilton. Trophy
in the January draw `was won by
Di', W. A. Crtt.rvforti, Len Craw-
ford, Joint Ittnistedtler and Wilt.
The February draw winners foe
sciliOts mid the Donald Roy Trephy
were nt,. Crawford, Gordon Godltin,
Sam SWeenoy and Bill Reed, while
the junior;;, 'taking the Raz th1610.
were tin ,Crawford, David Carr,
Ted WOrnvorth and ,Malcolm Mae-
Kay, 'Ken Ashton, Gordon Goditin
and ReSs Itariditon, with Barley
GraW ip fOrd, Skip, Welt the March-
"Mg Club and that their efforts on
the new floor were also greatly
• It was suggested that the build-
ing- be inspected for structural
defects, and that a bulletin board
be placed in the club rooms,
Officers elected besides Mr. Car-
michael were: Hon, presidents,
J. W. Hanna; jbe Kerr; 1st vice,
T. A, Curriel; 2nd vice, F. F.
Madill; 3rd vice, 'I'om McDonald;
sec., J. PI, Crawford; treas., H. L..
'Committees, first named in each .
case as chairman:
Round Robin: Jack Lloyd, .1.A
V. 14, Madill, M, Boyd, nil.
Rae, R, 3, Hetherington, 5-
Bonspiel: f4. Scott, Jim. Murray,
Callan, IT, Thomas, J. Run-
stecitler, W. Edwards, -Stewart
Scott, 0: 'Brooks, Jim Currie, -Dr.-
lee: L. Casemore, Bill 'Bata,
Gndkin, 13, Tiffin, L, Gardner.
lee Plant; Bill . Bain, Gordon
Mae: ay.
Mating: Geo Brooks, P. Clark,
Seim& Boys: E, Madill, R.
Caipholl, It, Ritter. •
Irinaricr: 0, C. Nesmith. IT, P.
Carlidelniel, A. D. MacWilliam, Dr.
W, A. Crawford, .0. Struthers, W.
a French,
Prizes: tee Vance, john .Curriet
D. A, •Itarm, A. Matey, F. Hopper,
,1`, Alexander.
Memberttitip: P. Hopper, A. Sins-
seaack HOwnlan, IT., MacArthur,
0, Haselgrove, Tim Butler, 13,
add, J, McKibben.
Maintenattee: It, 8,
Hetherington, Rowsell, J. Caul-
tea, N, ;Pintotil, G. Wilton, 14".
Davidson, W. Tiffitti, W, White,
$4, Hastings, Ct, Ham-
P",' Madill,
AnditorsZ Ed, Pahrier\ and. GOO.
• The Winners Of the Deeetriber
draw Were Prank Topper, 'Cordon
tation's• Most loved and respected
servants, Mts, Keefer was Meal.
five Secrelarv"from 1050 -until' her
death 1687, Said Mrs. Irvine hi
announcing the award, " Helen
Keefer's pertonality was such that
no one who e'er iriet her, however
fleetingly, ever, forgot het, !ter
grooklshess, her smile, her sense
of huniont, hot efficiency and buss.
ales acumen combined to make het
ono of the forenteat Vvolrien Owen.
tiVeS Canada.'
bane in, Wroxeter ComYnwiity
Hag April 10th, Music by Ken
Wilb,ee'S Orchestra, Admission 50c
till 10.30; 750 after, Booth and
cheek room. „ P813
riICRIME 1'1111ltli3AUK PCNit/
A. euchre will be held at. Gil-
'etres School on PridaY, April
10th at 8,30 p.rn, Leitch served,
' ItIverybedy %Weenie, "8b
'The Hrtissels,Lion Club will held
then', itnnUal concert and dance on
PrItittY evening, April, 1.0th in the
Brussels town hell. EraW for a now
CheVrelet ear Will be made at Mid-
ilIght, Two orchestras and a wen-
derftll array of talent, 1-Sb
011Sli•ItSSMIHISI'S. 1V1C>tal 'TiN(k.
A meeting' Of the . AS-; Widely reeogiii.ked,
Soelation Will be held in the Court- The Beloit Reefer Scholarship
oil Ciminbefs MI Monday, April 18, was established by the federatitni
at tight o'clock, Fab- as a, memorial to one of the proof-
'I t