The Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-04-01, Page 7in am Xbbantr=irinitr0 ,,,,,,,DDAA,;(04...),.-wiED,,,E DAN, APRIL IA .$950 WI CHOOSES COURSES FOR LOCAL LEADERS MRS, A. NECHOLSON PSTESS TO GROUP Webster To Live in Quebec The :fireplace, banked with pink and White snapdragons and silver Candelabra WO the setting at the home of Me. and Mrs, It, P. Web- ster of Tiverton recently, when their daughter, Marilyn giirior, ex- elionged marriage vows with Ser- geant -George n,McGillivray, son of Mr. and WS, ;fames McGillivray of pert Elgin. The fteV, Roder- lek McLeod of "Knox Presbyterian Church, Tiverton officiated at, the ceremony, The wedding music was played by Mrs. Marjorie Mac- Lean of Clarksville. II.ELORAVE—The Easter' meet; ing of the Belgrave Winnea'S In- stitute was _held -in the commun- ity misty?. on Tuesday afternoon, March 24, The president, Mrs, _Richard Procter, Was in charge of the business sesuslola When an in- vitation was received and accept- ed to join with the Wingham Insti- tute on May 21. former SiVingbam Manager Retires The Toronto-Pominlon Xianh an- nounced, en Wedireaday 'Of Jast week that J. R, M,, Spittal, manager of 40 Seafer'th branchrWill retire'. shortly from the service 'because of ill health, Mr, Snittarli Pnlit• will be tilted by W, C. Moore, pre.,: gent manag.ei of 'the 'Paris branch. Mr. Spittal has .been. Manager f li Seaforth since 195ti. PreVinti0 :to 'that he • was at Jarantferd and Mr.-$pitt.41 was very active as the comma/titles in which he had re, sided, .kie was, keenly interested in the work of the. Lions Clubs, both Wingharn and In Seaferth, He headed the boys' and girls' work committee in the latter town, • An outstanding vocalist, Mr, Spittal has neen• niseir leader in St. Thomas Church at Sea-forth A _wara.y.elara a .vrla4 leok pr,tiaanathe invasion of Europe op D-Day, he Is a member of SeafOrth Branch 156 of the Canadian Legion. The monthly meeting of tire Xilrion Williamson Group Met at tit home of Mrs.. Allan NiehOlson On Thursday evening of last Week- Joan ,Ohltilek opened the ;meet- ing with call to worship, "Jesus Bids" Us Sidne" was sung. Jean Chittiek read the Scripture lesson, after 'which- Helen. Currie led in prayer, Miss Williamson showed a Map of the Montreal and Otto,Wa Mod, Mrs, Nicholson then read the story froin the study book, A poem -" -` •by Eii-ry-slatitilips,-•Edria Mae Armstrong and Mary Phillips conducted a gaine, "Sing Them Over Again to Me" was sung. Linich was then served an.d. the meeting closed with the benedic- tion. The group voted as its choice of courses for the, 1959.6O local dens' tralidag school, first, Lamp- ahades; second, FOCUS. on Finishes; third,' Safety Begins at Home, Mrs. Ha reona IaWala-laad----Mage-Caltaaarl- P ura on will be the leaders for the 4-11 .Garden Club, which the Insti- tute is sponaoring and Will attend the training achpol at Wing/tam on April 8th. • Mrs. Ivan Wigntman, Mrs. Wal- Mrs. Jack Ernest Value of Wills 4' Subject of Speaker • The bride looked lovely in a blue taffeta sheath with white over, triaalid-inatehing headdraS ',arro white accessories, She carried a white created with gardenias. Mrs. ;teen Ft, Willtinsan of Guelph was het sister's 'matron of honour, wearing e Wire brocaded taffeta dress with pink accessor- ies and corsage of pink carnations, The charming little' flower girl was Janice MacLean of Oakville wearing a pink nylon dress with unstaring headdress and she ear- tied a nosegay of pink and blue carnations, The tables are turned when Barry Bartmansis 17-year-old playwtight and director, cast his father, Werner Bartmanns as the lead is latest one-act "The idol". Now • father listens to son. Trousseau . Tea For .13ride,Flect Mrs, , liarYoy MaMiChael :enter- tained at a trousseau tea an Saturday afternoon and evening; in honour of her daughter Shirley, Whop Marriage to Mn,.. Lloyd 4aMont,'Tecawater, will take place' next Saturday, Apra 4th in Watata eter United Clitiren, Mrs, Morley McMichael, aunt of the bride,- welcomed the guests, Receiving with Mrs; McMiehael and her daughter was Mrs. Calvin Lamont of .IIrrirreod, mother of the groom. elect, the afternoon Mrs. `1.3sainas McMichael of -Wiintii-Onss'auate-efe the bride-elect, presided at the tea ; table which was centered with spring flowers flanked by white candies in silver holders, Miss Elva Hupfer, aunt of the 'bride, Was in charge of the register. Serving were Miss Ruth Toner and Miss Alma McMichael,, ShoWing tne trousseau 'linens and gifts were Mrs, Glen McMichael, Miss Ethel Reis, Miss Joan Lamont and Miss Joyce Ford, In the • evening Mrs, William Campbell of Fordwich presided. Mrs. Kenneth 'McMichael and Mrs. Mrs. Ronald Hill of Teeswater served. Others assisting were Mrs, Charles ,McCutcheon, Miss Evelyn Hupfer, Mrs, . Richard Griffith, Mrs. Lloyd Hupfer, Mrs. R. R. A. Hunter 'and Mrs. William Hart. Father Plays Leading Part In Son's one Act Drama Entry ter Scott and Mrs, Melvin. Taylor were named the nominating corn- "mitteelo prepare a slate of officers for the next !sleeting whiels Will be the annual meeting. The group had collected 818.00 through the past year for Mental Health, and voted a donation of $10.00 to the Muscular Dystrophy Frinci, Mrs. Mark Armstrong was con- vener of the program and the roll call was answered with an Easter resolution, The motto; "Consid.er the Utiles", was given by 'Mrs, Jesse 'Wheeler. Mrs. Lawrence Vannan gave a piano solo. The address on Easter was given. by Mrs. tGeotge Michie. Mrs, MelVin Taylor gave a reading, "A Day in the Life of a Speech Correctionist Teacher". Lunch was served by Mrs. J. Anderson, Mrs. C. R. Coul- tes and Mrs. Carl Procter. BELHAVE Russ Poyton, of Hamilton, sent REV. JOHNSON BAPTIZES in an interesting clipping from a. Hamilton paper concerning' TWIN GRANDDAUGHTERS Werner Bartmann anti hia17-yean, On Easter Monday afternoon, at old son, Barry. Werner will be re- membered by television viewers in this area as "Uncle Herman"; a part he portrayed for more than two years. Recently he took a much more serious part in a one-act play, written by his son and called 'The. Idol", Barry is a Member of the Hamilton Players' Guild, Werner played 'the role tif,.the Lutheran minister, the leading character,' who barricaded him self in his church while wreckers hammered around him when city fathers expropriated the building for new federal offices. His wife was dead and his son believed kill- . ed iii Korea and ,the church, his Last object of love, became his idol, Moves to Edmonton Several friends ;gathered at the home of Mrs. Murray Stainton on Monday evening to bid farewell to Mrs. Jack Ernest, who leaves the end of the week to join her hus- band in Edmonton. A social time was spent and Mrs. Ernest was presented with a blanket. Mrs, Ernest, mho -name tv sWiag." ham over tte year:age andl'eSided on Boland Street, and their two children; Michael and Michelle will fly from Melton. 'Her husband Sgt. "Red" Ernest, son of Mt; and Mrs, Jack Ernest. has been station- ed at Edmonton since the first of the year. He went there after spending a furlough in Wingham following duty in Egypt, Final Euchre Held Tonight John R. Wilkinson assisted the groom as best man. The reception was later held at The Clams with the 'head table adorned With .three tieredsatedding cake and pretty a rran ge ments • of snapdragons. 'The bride's mother wore a two piece blue shantung dress with blue hat and beige accessories and a corsage of pink carnations, The groom's mother chose a navy dress with matching accessories and a corsage of white carnations. For the wedding trip, the bride wore a 'beige wool ensemble with fur jacket and corsage of white gardenias. The: couple will reside in Que- bec City where the groom is sta- tioned in the 'Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps. • Guest attended from Kirwan, dine, Port Elgin., Wingharn, Kit- chener, Guelph, Toronto and Oak- ville. The bride is a nursing graduate of Wingham General Hospital, A slate ,,of officers was brought In at the meeting of the United Church Couples' CIO on Tuesday evening of last week, when Rev. 'T. G. and Mrs. Husser were nam- ed honorary presidents. ' The executive consists of 'Mr. arid Mrs. Lovell McGuire, presi- dents; Mr, and 'Mrs, George Guest, vice presidents; Mr. and Mrs. Bill King, secretaries; Mr, and Mrs. Don McKay, treasurers; Mr, and „1"Xf:r,s;. Allister Green and Mr. and Mts.' Russell Sinith, program com- mittee, Mr. and Mrs. George Stokes *fie appointed executive members at large. • J. BuShfield, local barrister, • gave a most interesting 'and infor- niative address pertaining to the drawing' up of "wills and the com- plications involved in settling es- tates when wills have not been made. Mrs, A. Green conducted games and contests and lunch was in the form of a, box social. Nineteen couples 'attended this meeting, The eittb is growing in membership and enthusiasm and it is hoped that more couples will be welcomed at the next meeting on April 28th. St. George's Church, Owen Sound, Rev. C. F. Johnson, assisted by the rector, Rev, H. L. Parker, officiat- ed at the christening of Mr, John- son's twin granddaughters, Janet Marie and Joan Patricia Beare, daughters of Mr. and Mrs, la M. Beare, Orillia. The 'Godparents were Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Crouches*, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Georges, of Owen Sound. Following the service, Mr. and Mrs. Croucher, assisted by Miss Constance Hutton, received the guests at their home. Tea was served from a pretty tea table, and the two christening cakes were cut 7,3,""atiaa'"Beare - Sr, and' Mrs. son. , Guests were present from Owen Sound, Toronto, North Bay, Wing- ham and Orillia. Belgrave frier-41s and relatives were shocked 'to hear of the sud- den death of Andy Procter, who resides with his daughter in Strathroy. Mr. Praetor at one time lived where Mr. and Mrs, Albert Bacon now reside. Mr. 'Roy McGee of Kitchener spent the week-end with his brother, Mr, Gordon McGee. Mr, and Mrs. Mike Rezzensoff and family of St. Catharines spent the Easter week-end with per sister, Mrs. Laura Johnston, and George and other relatives. Mr, and MrS. Lloyd Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Les Shaw and Sna,ron, all of London, spent the week-end with their parents, Mn, and Mrs. John Anderson. Mrs. Alice Johnston, and Miss Iris .Johnston of London spentsthe week-end, and Mr. and Mrs. Clays; ton Procter of Fort Francis are visiting this week with Mr. and DONNYBROOK SHEARING SHEEP IN PIONEER DAYS 13EL,GRAVE-,The largest 'turn- out this season sit the regular weekly. euchre party was on Wed- :Imlay evening when there were 11 tables in play. High prize win- ners were Mrs. Harold Procter and Stanley Cook. Coaaolatioa prizes went to Mrs. J. E. McCallum and Marls,„ Armstrong. Novelty prize winners Were Mrs, Earl Noble and CVOs, Nethery., A's the spring season is fast ap- proaching ,with Its, many activities and °inside' Writk, finsti etrehre party will be held tonight, April 1. Ulrich Will be served following the games. Club 20 Meets BELGRAVE—Mr. and Mrs. Ro- bert Grasby weleorded the members of Club 20, to their home on Thurs- day eveningawhen an, enjoyable time was Spent playing progressive euchre; 7.High . prizes Were won by Mrs, Genrge Martin and 'Clifton Walsh, Consolatien prize *inners were Mrs. Harold Vincent and Lewis Stionehouse. A. lunch was served: rrea s,f`dwiet.ehasehdi s beautiful' " sonretu e Jdafpraonm- e fiancee and his father did not believe in mixed marriages and refused. to marry them, Finally, an offstage voice, inter- preted by some as that of God and by' others as an Inner voice, showed the minister the error of his ways, He returned to a state of grace, announced he would marry his son and the Japanese girl and peacefully leave the church to the demolition crew. "The Idol" will represent Ham- ilton. in the Wentworth Drama Festival, . Werner Hartmann,. according to the clipping, had proved to be one of the finest character actors seen in Hamilton for some time, a mas- ter at dialect and a man with a flair for building a 'thoroughly likeable Old World character, it with friends and relatives in the Western Ontario locality could tra- vel back home on Sunday evening. He suggested that it might be possible to leave the Monday mor- ning down train out of the sched- ule. and replace it with a train to the city an Sunday evening. Mr. Burns agreed that experience might prove 'this the wiser course, Freight Service Unchanged The railway spokesman relieved the minds 'of the industrial repre- sentatives present when he said that no change is contemplated in the freight schedules through this area., WHITECH'URCH Many will be interested to know that Mrs. (Rev.) Graydon. Cox was a patient in the .Hamilton Hospn- tal for 'the past week. Her sister, Mrs. C. Boss of • Walkerton, who went to visit at the 'Cox' home last Tuesday, had the misfortune to fall when. coming from the'hosai- ta,1 and broke the bones in her left wrist. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Ross, of Chalk River were unable to at- tend the Langton-Cox wedding as their daughter, 'Mary Ellen, is a patient in the hospitarthere, suf- fering from rheurnatic fevea Mr, John Boyle received word last week ,that his sister, Mrs, Wal- ter Lettner, who had been a pa- tient in Bearboro Hospital, Toron- to, for over two months, had recov- ered sufficiently item her con- cussion to be removed to a conval- escent home, where she Will be a patient for the next two months. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Simmons and Nancy of" London, visited on Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Martin ,and Miss Nancy stayed to spend the holiday here. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Coupiand of Toronto spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Robinson. Billie Robinson has been laid up with flir and an ear infection. 'Mrs. Victor Young of Wingham spent the week-end at Marnoch with her brother, Mr. Adam Mc- Burney, Mr. and Mrs, Harold Slesser and family of Olarnis visited on Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Harry Cook, Shirley McPhee Wed By Dr. A. Nimmo 'Holiday 'viS,tors at',Deilinybrook, included Mr. Wallace Jefferson of Port Attlint, Miss •Irene Jefferson of Dunnville, Mr. and Mrs. George Reeves of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. William chessel and family of Mitchell, Mt, end Mrs. Sam Jef- ferson and 'sons of Newmarket; with Mr. and Mrs. H. JefferSon and other 'menibers Of the family; Mr. and Mrs. Cliff HenderSon and fam- ily of 'Kippen with Mr:. and Mts. Stuart Cha,mney and daughter* the Misses Betty, and Joan Dever- eaux at their home here; Sgt. and Mrs., }tern ,Deinty and fan-lily :of petawawe and ,Mta, J.' O. Robin son of,Wiaginini with Mr, and M. Eriva 'Haaitison and. fririiily, 'Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs. Ray. Hanna on the birth of their son in Wingliam. Hospital on Satur- day, a brother for Ramona and Raymond. The sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs. Sam Thompson and her mother, Mrs. Cecil Chem- hey in their recentbereanenlent. Friends Gather At Guest Home Mr. and Mrs, George Guest were host and hostess for a party on Saturday evening when about ten couples gathered in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carbert of Ot- tawa, who were spending the week= end in town. Progressive euchre was played, Wilford Caslicic expressed the pleasure of the group in having Mr. and Mrs, Carbert with thein again and then completely stirs prised...Mr-and Mrs. Harold -Kett, who, will be celebrating their 15th wedding anniversary on April 5th, by presenting thein with ,a. corn- Mrs. Carl Procter, flower sandwich plate. Mr, and Mr. William Walden of West- ►Mrs. Kerr thanked their friends field has been spending the past and lunch was served. week visiting with Mr. and Mrs' Albert Vincent, Miss Barbara Irwin Toronto spent the week-end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Pierson Irwin. Mrs. Cora McGill spent Easter with •her sister, Mrs, Margaret Lowry, at Duridas. Mr. Tony Langridge of Hamilton spent Easter with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. F. Langridge. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Marshall and family of Carson spent the week- end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Cook and other relatives: 'Mrs, Cora Messer and Miss Mar- tha. Armstrong of Windsor are spending the Easter holiday with Mr. and;Mrs. Williard Armstrong and -Joyce: Mr. and Mrs, Russel Kelly, Guy and Gail and. Miss Lee Cuthbertson of Cooksville spent the Easter week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Wil- iram Kelly, ' a'rici Mrs. Ira Campbell have 'sold their home at Lucknow and are living in a house trailer at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Floyd Camp- bell until they have a new bomb built in. Belgrave. Miss Lille Taylor, Preston, is spending some holidays wills Mr. and Mrs. William VanCarnp and Kay, MiSs Verna Johnston of Sarnia snent the week-end with Miss Nora VanCarnp and Mr, Jim VanCamp. Easter visitors with Mr. and :Mrs, Barl'Anderson were: Mr. and Mrs, Bill Schreiber and family, Milton; Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Health and fam- ily; Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hunking and family of Auburn; Mr, and Mrs, James Andersen and family of Toronto; Keith Anderson of Tor- onto; Miss Jean Irwin and Bob Vaughn and friend of Hamilton, Mrs, Ted Fear has returned to her home after spending the past few 'weeks with 'her parents, and other relatives in Vancouver, ' Mn arid Mrs. Wilfred Pickell and family of Hamilton spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Wheel- er. Warren is remaining to spend the week With his granains.rents, Ma and Mrs, Lloyd IVIebonald of Galt spent the Week-end with het parents, Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Hie- gins. Mr. and Mrs. John Spivey and Titicaca. Theft floWers Were colonial . family of itagataall and Ma Robert aancjaa ta of pink and mauve or/lig Matters and his grandSons, Donald flowers, and Kirk of Toronto are visiting Rosedale Presbyterian Church was adorned with white spring flowers for the marriage pf Miss- Shirley Laura McPhee, daughter of Mr.. and Mrs, Walter McPhee 'of' Sarnia, to Mr, Richard Marston Crabbe, son of Mrs. Clabbe of Clarkson and the late Mr. George Crabbe. .The, ceremony took place on Saturday, March 28. Dr. Alex- ander Nimmo of Wingham offici- ated. 'Mr. John R. McPhee gave his sister in marriage and she wore a gown of pears de faille styled with a scoop neckline bordered with beaded Gillprite hiee, Leiong sleeves ending in lily points. Her chapel train was appliqued With, lace petals and the bouffant skirt' had side garlands of the late, Her headdress was a beaded 'double crown and she carried a white bouquet pf freesia, gardenias and hyacinths, Mrs. Ray-MAW Everingliani of Sarnia, Mrs. Gerald Weber of Lon- don, Ontario and Miss Joan Stin- son of Toronto attended the bride. They were gowned alike in waltz- length dresses Of re-embroidered Swiss organdy, made with portrait necklines, ehert cap, sleeves and Wide pleated eumberlands, Their full skirts were gathered arid re- embroidered hi soft orchid tones and they Were metalling head- 92nd Zintlelinitt-41M. Mary &Weil Of itrerdwielt telebtaled het 92nd birthday ea Monday, March 23111: Pribrids ntid relatives gathered IA the Ilinine Of her daughter, Mrs, Mary least, tie Mark the occasion, Mrs, Severt VVris botn On the lath Of illowleir and ha, lived Moat 'of *at. Ioug and active life in INsailaatis, Mei& Seaert said that fora Tang life people should eat more -often and net so nindi at a time and ,do plenty, Of hard Work...A.10 photo New Rail Service (Continued from Page One) er as a light and fast type of ear, which houses a self-contained en- gine, passenger space and small hand 'baggage compartment, The car is finished in stainless steel and provides ample roominess and comfort for the passengers. The engine compartment is fully sound- proofed so that there is no an- noyance for those in the passenger section, Powered by two 275 horsepower diesel engines; the extra power is provided to 'give the car very ra- pid acceleration as it leaves each station along the Way. He said the car could attain a speed of 60 miles per hour in 500 feet from a standing position. Purpose of the high rate of acceleration, of course, is to cut schedules and 'shorten the time required 'from point to paint. The car.. will accommodate 49 passengers and , can be operated iron eitheaaandt , so , that turn- arotind Is eli minated.' When Vlore than one, of the cars is used tan- dem the rate of acceleration re- mains unchanged, for the power atilt in each car is employed, Daily Schedule ' In outlining the schedule for the new service Mr. Burns 'said that the figures have been set conser- vatively for, the present, and it is hoped that they will be improved as crews become. thoroughly fa- miliar wills' the new equIprrient. The schedule as presently set up calls for a .morning, car through Wingharn, daily at 7.35 arriving in Toronto at 10.10. am. Returning the same evening the passenger will leave.,Toronto at 5.30 and ar- rive in Wingham at 9.40. On the trip down there will be one change at Guelph and on the ,return jour-- ney, two changes, at Guelph. and Palmerston. Waits 'In' connection with these changes 'are not long, 10 or 15 minutes, In additloh to the daily morning' add evening aervlee there Will he an afternOon service to the city en Tuesday, Thursday and Satur- day. In this ease the trip takes longer, leaving Wingham at 2,14 and 'arriving Toronto at 7.20. Mayor R. E. McKinney said that the fight to aetain passenger ser- vice here has been going on for a long time and he felt that the rail- way is snaking a definite attempt to meet our requirements. He said that passenger service is very im- portant to the towns in this area, Since our opportunities to obtain new industry are affected, The mayor also said that bus service has proven to be anything but re- liable becanse It is so sharply con- trolled by'the weather, . Gordon Buchanan of, 0, Lloyd & Son Ltd:, Said that he has travelled on the proposed type of equipment Many times and had found it very convetilent, He said that the new move on the part of the railways Will be a great boon to Western Ontario and that the people of this area should support it with their patronage, Mr, tuchana,n added that he felt Malten should be given con- aideratien as a stopping point, in Order to 'facilitate connections for those Who are travelling by air. D, C, alitainith agreed that the hew service will 'be an exeellent one evert with the schedule already banned and even better if it can be Improved. He strongly 'larva that the railway give serious thought to Weelaehel service So that city diVellers Who 'Wish to *Visa and Mrs. Edgar', WightMart and family, and also with Mr. and Mrs, James Walsh and fatally. Mr and Mrs. Mel Ort and Mr. Marvin Orr of Elmwood spent Sunday with the former'0 son and daughter-In-law, Mr, and Mrs. Smiles Wale's and family. Mr, and r1VIs, Mel Orr and 'Mr, Marvin Orr of EltriWood spent Sail- day With the Pinner's son and dasighter4n4aw, Mr, end Mrs, I3tid Orr, Ricky and John Ort returned With their grandparents to spend the holidays. `Stisan and Irene Jones of London ate spending the hblidaya with their grandparents, Mr, and MS, loins those :Yeautiful , White locks shorn, -but of course the wool'was needed to make yarn, ,for there were so many ,children to keep in socks and clothing. So the work Went on, and shortly after the noon hour the job was eonipleted. The flock was closed in the orchard, to 'be kept tinder observation for a couple of days before being taken to the back pasture, And then, haste to the wedding. The driver was hitthed to the 'bug- gy which bad been previously washed and deedrated for the occa- Sion, the girls decked. out in their pink dresses and sailor hate, Then We were off to the wedding.( The bride Was ringed and kissed, anti We wer6 all racing our horses down the gravel road towards the bride's borne where We Were treated to a fine Wedding dinner, The' house being Much Lou mildl to acctainne- date the guests, a long table Was set Out on the lawn and all the goodies piled it. Then the high- light of the event was a dance, Which Was attended by everyone Within driving distance. It Was featared by old-time fiddling and calling Off that Would have served as a Model for any western style radio or' TV program in our day, Lovers of the musical art hoed It down until nearly daWn, The pio- tieer- apisit Wag seen at its jolly best oh Such ciectisioa. 'Thus ended( a Perfect day lea farlo By IL tlenry.Leisintian Down on the' farm the morning light was breaking; the eastern sky was showing streaks of light on the horizon, The robin, which an, ways nested in the pear tree, was starting to warble his first notes. The Leghorn rooster had taken up his position on the . gate-post to give' forth his morning call: • The poet has. said,' "What is so rare as a day in June?".' He might rather crave said,• "A morning in ,when the , orchards are in` full `blossom. And. the . meadowlarks afel,'SInging, the, swalloWs, gliding gtatefully through tie ails and the goods dotted with red and white lilies; when the farm is overrun with young life, the little lambs fit6ing and seanipering over • the knolls and stone piles; when the Young calves first come out of the stable and try to run with their 6,M sticking up, and the old sow is lying at the south side of the straw stack 'bleaching her hide in lie 'sun. It' was a special day on the farm, a One of hustle' and , bustle; it was sheep shearing day. Also, there Was .to be a wedding in the coin- Inanity, and we Were told that We tbilld not go to it until all the 66etis were clipped. The .stin was jest rising when the flock was arty- en -from the pasture and locked In a, timan corral at the end of the lane tinder the large maple tree.. The flock consisted of 22 ewes and ; the bookkeeper, plus their- Offdpring, the year's crop of lambs, 11444 Bookkeeper was a Leicester rain, a large stately fellovit with long White 'Wool, We called him. Sir Thomas, It Was sister Olive Who Milted hills, and I must say she parried him Well. She had just returned front high school, where presuniably She had been 'studying Wait some of the noblemen whoni Queen Victoria had knighted,, se When the first animal She met in the yard was the ram, she greeted kiln: With, "deed 'morning, Sir Thomas," and that War his handle for .the rest of his days, But getting blink to my story. All the sheep were in readiness, the older ones to be deprived of their Wool. Father' etitated the pen with a. pair of Steel shears, Sir Thonias was the first Vietlin, He put up a 'brave tight for a while, but soon was stibdrred and shout of his fine fleece, Mother, who Was Watching the proteedings, thought it air aWfttl pity to have Mt. William 4, Wright of Port Credit Weal beet man and the uah- eta Were Ma. Donald Reiss and Mr. StuartW. browtt of Port Credit. Mr,, arid 1Vfrii, Crabhe flew to Istew York for their hendynabori c over the holidays with Mr. and Mrs, Harold Procter. Charlie Procter Of Oaltaille and Ceerge Procter of Guelph spent the week-exid with their Parents, Ma. and Mrs. Stewart Procter, Mr, •and Mrs, Wightrnan Of Lisa toWel Visited On Saturday with Mr,