The Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-03-25, Page 7-4.-0!""••7 1•:4-...-1T-,;;,--,
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Poor Weather tonditiolls_'
To Hamper WFSC Ice 'Revile.
THE BIG SHOE—Mother Hubbard's shoe was the back drop for the
1059 Ice Revue at the arena here Saturday evening. The setting was
We work of the club's property committee Ito Bennett, H, .Otrrie,
George Guest. and H. Wild.
kittens formed a circle at mid-ice
and played "'Drop the Handker-•
ellier, Some unrehearsed Wei-
dents caused spontaneous laughter
and got the •show off to a good
Featured guests were Miss Broil-
wyn Brothers and James IltitChi-
Son of the Guelph College FigUre
Skating Club and John Wild, tal-
ented, local boy, who is now profes-
sional at owmanvi e an
-Elope. These specialty numbers
Were, of course, highlights Of the
In Spite of a severe blizzard and
tWardous road conditions the
Wingham Skating Club's Ice Re-
vtre in the arena on Saturday night
was a splendid success,
ThOse who have :watched the de-
velopment of the'skill of We local
skaters were proud of the progress
they have made, this winker under
,he painstaking direction of the
local' professional, Harold Brooks,
ers, w o a' no seen ireevious
local ice shows, were amazed at
the grace and precision of the 60
young perfOrmers, who range in
age from, four to eighteen.
This year's production was titled
"The Old Woman Who Lived in a
Shoe"; and, in keeping with this
theme, in a setting of 'evergreens
at the south end of the ice space,
Was a house Shaped like a shoe
and from its doors` the old Wo-
man, her children and guests came,
frolicked And bowed out.
The first to emerge was the old
woman herself (Wendy Cronk-
wright), followed by her children
and a group of playful kittens. The
MI the dances from waltzes to
tangos, all the figures and preci-
sions performed by the local mein-
hers were cleverly and gracefully
done and showed the earnest prac-
deo and attention to instructions
these young people have, given
throughout the 'entire winter and
many showed marked grace .and
SpeeialtY nullifiers were Perform-
ed by Jean Gurney and Nancy El-
liott; each skating solo and a duo
number by Jean' Gurney and little
KITTENS PLAY—This group of children took the p art of playful little Kittens at the Wingham Figure
Skating Club Ice Revue last Saturday evening. The children received a big hand for their efforts.
ME FISH—Little 13ronwyn Brothers and James Hutchison, two of the ,
featured skaters, from the Guelph College Figure Skating Club are DOOR OMNERS1Sheila Crewson, left and Patsy Soiling were two of
Shown above as they demonstrated "The Fish". The two skaters the young*skaters who acted as door openers in Mother Hubbard's' Shoe
thrilled the crowd with their top-notch skating, at ate annual Ice, Revue staged, here last Saturday evening; " " •
Penny Lowe, also a comedy act by
the trio, Wilfred Pocock, Douglas
Hamilton and the Old Woman,
Because of the storm the band
was unable to perform, Their lea-
der, George Wonch, was not able to
get up from Clinton.
W. B. -Cenron announced the
various numbers and Tom Burrell
was in charge 'of the music.
Words of praise should also be
passed along ,to the mothers and
grandmothers who did such a fine
job in the costume department as
all the frills and kilts looked es-
pecially fetching this year, and
once again the Wingham Ice Revue
was a fine success. 4
Others taking part were Patsy
Soiling, Sheila Crewson, Barbara
Henry, Vana Rosenhagen, Michael
Kernaghan, Nancy Guest, Donald
Husser, Rhonda Bell; David pa,-
son, Susan Williams, Glenn bun-
das, Douglas Selling, Marlene Ro-
gers, Wilfred. Pocock, , Jane Day,
Jean 'Bacon, 'Douglas Hamilton,
Jean Rogers, Ruth Ann Hamilton,
Rae Gurney, Douglas LoWe, Bon-,
nie Jardin, Susan Spry, Cathy
Peachey, Marian Farrier, Peggy
Rae, Betty Hutchison, Joan Rem-
ington, Nancy Elliott, Joan Ciuick-'
shank, Jean Gurney, Judy Reid,
Harold Brooks, Linda Lowe, Bar-
bara, Boyd, Joan Bennett, Patsy
Zurbrigg, Gloria Lewis, Jennifer
Dundas, Ann Welwood, Marion
Pocock, Vicki Rosenhagen, Bar-
bara Hetherington, Gail McDonald,
Debbie Gibson and Karen Rae:
Mary Joan Corrin, Elaine Let-
teaurLinda Reavie, Barbara Detz-
ler, Linda MeTaggart, Paul . Mc-
Donald, Gloria Reed, Neil McDon-
ald, Douglas Lowe, Brenda Ha-
fermehl, Joan Cantelon, Debbie
Foxton, Sharon -Willie, Valerie Sel-
ling, Lynda 'Johnston, Mary Ann
Cruickshank and Barbara Feagan.
••••. •
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• ••••••••••
Welcomes MeMber
Eighteen members were present
for the Evening Guild meeting in
the parish room of St. Paul's Angli-
con Church on Tuesday evening of
last week. Mrs. Alvin Higgins,'
president, opened with prayer, fol-
lowed by the L'ord's prayer and the
I roll call was ,answered.
One new -member Mrs. Clarence
Wade, was welcomed ' to the
Guild. The business of the_ month
was dealt with and it -was announc-,
ed that at the next meeting; the
third Tuesday in April,- an auction
sale Will be held. Each member
was asked to donate two articles
for the sale.
. Mrs. Leander Boucher-read an
Easter poem and Mrs. Wm. Lock-
ridge read an Irish poem. Rev.
C. F. Johnson closed the meeting
with prayer.
Lunch was served by Mrs. Hig-
gins and her group, Mrs. Miller
DaVis, Mrs. 'Wm. Lockridge and
Mrs. Leander Boucher. "
THE CANASTA TANGO—Marlene Rogers, Wilfred P ocock, Jean Rogers and Doug Hamilton were two of
the seven couples who skated in the Caautsta Tang o number at the Ice Revue here last Saturday. The'
skating selection was well performed• by this older group of skaters. Others taking part were Jean Bacon,
Jane Day, Rae Gurney, Ruth Ann Hamilton, Cathy P eachey, Susan Spry, Joan Remington, Bonnie Jardin,
Peggy Rae and Marian Farrier.
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It's yours free a phone now and
reserve your oopy. faoOt• PkitIFORgANCE—Litile Penny )(Awe and oTta.n. Gurney, both
members of the food figure Skating Club, gave a dernonStration of
Side-by-Side skating at the Itovue last Saturday. It was a good per•
ternianto and Was Weil iteelVeda -0 • •••••
TOP SRATIL'it--Littic Bronaryn Brallhers of the Guelph College Figure.
Skating Club thrilled the mullextee at the arena here Saturday evening
with her amazing ability. She is pictured above as she Went into One
Of her figures,