The Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-03-18, Page 9erve.teamt • • •• e aril Ztbt)rintr- WMI111 431, ONTABIO. WEBNESDAK. 01.41lICA! 1141, 11850 • . a Ks WHAM MED. MIRK INSPECTOR. FORNICH 4 regular meeting of the ffowielt 'Township WW1 held In the clerk's office on March 5, All inembers were present and the reeve, Arthur Gibson, was In the chair, The minutes of the last regular 'meeting and special moot- lag were read and on motion of McMichael and R, Gibson were adopted as read. Allan-Haskins--That By-law No. 8-59 of the Township of Howlett for the year 1959, the road appro- priation by-law, as' read the first A•nr n UNEMPLOYMENT HAS NOT BEEN CAUSED BY IMMIGRATION Ten Tables at Regular Euchre FoRDwg.4-T-frou tables of pro*. gressiVe euchre were in play at the' coinunity hall here when the high scores were won by _Mrs, George PIttendreigh. and Ernie Dinsmare, ConsOlation prizes went to 'Mrs, Anson 'Der/letting . and William Byers, "The special was won by Francis 'Those in charge were Mr. and Mrs, Clare Harris and Mr, and Mrs, Stan, Bride, .• Quilts Donated to r. FORDWZOH—The WeVeS, of the Forevelee United Church met at the home of leere., Jack Wilson for the March meeting, Mrs, Stan, pride, preeldent, opened the meet. lag with prayer and the hy4nn. "There Is A green Hill", She 'pre- sented.the theme of the meetingl"A. Concern for 'Christian Llteratair, by giving a few thoughts on read. said, "We are what NYe 1.ne'a Guild Mr, Norman M01440010 of Wingliam netted one day last wool- with Mr. and Mrs, Ton MeGlernek and Mrs, Ida Gallagher. Mr. and Mrs,liiruce Wallace •of Hamilton visited a couple of days last Week with 'M'r, and.Mrs, Aitehosen Wallace, Miss Marjorie Foster of Van- couver, B.G., arrived at Melton on Thursday night, where she was met by her brother elect came to Fordwich by car where she will spend three weeks!, vacation with her mother, Mrs. Ruby Foster. Mr, and Mrs, Doug Wildfang of loronto spent the week-end with read, It Is• a challenging thought ARENA NEWS that the majority of people in the world cannot read. It causes con- fusion as these folks can only take tile word of others which is not always the true picture of things. When they do learn to read there' is not the proper literature at hand for them to read." The roll call was answered by 27 with "A Missionary Book". The minutes were read by the Secre- tary, Mrs. Parker Eurig. Mrs. John -Craig and Mrs, jack Wilson were' named as delegates, to the Huron 'Presbyterial in Gode'rleti 'on March 20th. Miss "Minnie Mall-, wain, citizenship' secretary, gave a, report on,"Penal Reforms as They 'Relate to Women," , • Mrs., ;Flamed' Doig, stewardship secretary, reael a letter from Mrs. Moore, Preebyterial stewardship secretary, telling that the alio-, cation was the same as last year, but that didn't cover the alloeatIon of the Presbyterial and so it was hoped that it • would he exceeded by even more than last year. Miss Suttie is the missionary for -prayer. Mrs. Thompson is the shut-in for thig month, An "In Memoriam" was observed for Mrs. Elmer Fallis, who passed to higher service this mtinth; fol- lowed by prayer .by Mrs, Ken. Graham, Mrs. Mel. Allan, assisted by' Mrs. .1. H. Pollock, conducted the worship service, Mrs.„ Jack Wilson sang a solo. Mrs. Wm, Wilson and Miss Violet Beswitherick 'presented the study .book. 'The subject was "Im- migration". They said that needs these people to increase Our heritage, to fill no the gap that Was created when so many' of 'or. youth- Were taken -irk .the Seetleti. Wprld War. Besides this selfiShi interest we have a social reanonsi- bility to the people of the world Who have euffered the brunt of the war, trials of refugee camps, and revolutions, These people are referred to as "They": This produces a barrier, to their proper status in Canada. This barrierisereated by language,' Cites's,. their willingness to woric long hours and to live in poorer housing. conditions .than ourselves, ;the immigrants have created more jobs• than they have filled so un- employment has.not been Created by them. We need them. We 'have a-responsibility to provide a wel- come; to have the church at the ship when they leave their natiVe country, and to meet them 'when Lily! arrive here; to provide Eng- lisii social centres for. them to enjoy themselves. " GDRRIE—Pie Gliders' • roupd robin .play offs for' the Barber Shop Trophy donated by Lionel Johnston finished 'lase week; Bill Taylor's rink, •complesine Hugh Hutchison, DeWitt Adrimee aml ROE. Elochner Won' the 'trophy. Lionel Johnston'S rink 'Was in seeded place and' Harcild •eleing's in 3rd 'plac6. ' • ' ' Mrs. Roy.Simmons. and also visited with Me, Simmons in the Kitchener Hospital. Mrs, Wlldfang remained for a few days• Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Bride and little son of Torento visited :Sun- daywith Mr, and Mrs. Harold Doig. Pordwich • ietermediate hockey team met Kui!tzVille on Thursday night in the localatena in tee, first game' of a play-off' series coming Out on top by -We store 'of '7. to 4. Mr.,and 'Mn. Everitt Allae were Kitchener rsitors ;pee . day !eat week Mts, ROY Simmons •adeenl- panied them einci visited, with her husband` In the hospifil 'there. Mr, and Mrs. Cali Stewart of Listowel' visited Sunday, with'" Mr, and Mrs. Jhri SteWart.-„:- Mrs. Ruby Forester of, Toronto spent. the weele•end at her home here, • • Denny,Mr. and Mrs. Ted D 'Brenda Leo and Earida .of Erin visited week-end the weeend with ,Mr. ,and Mrs. Earl Moate.e' Mr. and Mrs.' Wellington Har- grave and ftiailly:'ilaited Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs, Alex. Wray in Toronto, Messrs. Emmeison Har- grave and Frank GIbson returned home with them, where. they 'had both undergeneemajor opeiatioes the •peist weejr: l•r• F ' Mr, and :Mrs: Lorne ,Lambkin and family spent the" week-end in. Mitchell. '; Mr, Bob Gibson ..returned. home. Saturday from ,Lietewel 'Hospital' where he had' been , confined for several days atter, being inhered in a iimekey gspe between ,Drayton ;and: _ , • Mr. and Mrs.,'Stan z McCrtie and family pi •Paiinerston Visited Sun- day with , .the, latter'ii --mother, Inez ••••!.- , Mr. anct''Mrs. Fired ',Selfert. and family and Mise tiliebeitaeleTetYlove of Galt visited reier bee, .weetc-end with' Mr. aerleMee;',.I.)ritee Seifert. Mr, Jack Selfele- of Montreal spending aefeefr days-with his par- ents. • Mt, and ..Mrs:'Afniilti., Doig and Gerald spent' Sunday' Kitchener with Mr, app., Mrs,. 'Leland. Kress. Mr. and •Mes, 'Harold leo;Ilocli 'and• family, find" akin,' ,,,Howell' Fraser vlsieetipteSiiridae.ein Toren-, to ,with reletiVes. " • . . • Mr, Jack, Fteitiii. Of Stoney Ceeek • • spent ...the week-end with mother.' ' Mr, and Campbell, ,of London visited' ev'er the week-. end with the Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Creaby, Sotheran.: Mrs,: Sotheran returned with. Mr: Camp- bell as far ha 8trithroy on Stitt-, day, owing to the itevere illness of her mother. Mrs. Campbell re- ' hoRRIE.. In the Interineddiate'hoectey so- les with Teelotdale at' tde:Belerioee Arena Friday night Tevietdele was eliminated. Gorrie • will •play with Clifford for the. eiimPion4bip, FirSt g'a,me in thlieeriee will be in Behnore Tuesday • 0 -0 0 • The Tti•-•county Midgets.;- ''with Dave Neilson; coaeh,'"'eve6reeev4 Newry '7-3 Friday' night' aid' on Saturday •won the trophYein Gode rich. FORDWICH,--Members of St. Anne's Guild of Trinity,', Church met for the March meeting at the home of Mrs, 17, 0, Attweli with the presidept, Mrs, • Wellington Hargrave, presiding, The Scrip- ture lesson was read by Mrs. At, twill. The third chapter from the study book was given by Mrs, Jack Douglas and Mrs, Bill Kato, Mrs, Don King, secretary, read the minutes of the last meeting. Fooll call was. answered by 14 mem- bers with a verse on Easter. The next meeting will be April 9,th in the basement of the church and Mrs, R, Tompkins, florist froin Lis- towel, will be guest speaker. TWo quilts were donated by Mrs, Bruce Armstrong and these will be malted at a later date. Members Were reminded ghat Mrs, Seriver of !WOO Kitchener will tic in the Fordwich Hail on May 76, ' Rev. L, Attwell spoke a few minutes 'to the group stressing the fact that in 1900 Trinity -Church would be 100 years old and hoped that more beautification might be clone by then. The meeting was closed with prayer and Mrs, Lyle Simmons Conducted contests Lunch was served by the hostess; assisted by Miss Rona Van Velsor. • U a You Are' Needed- By.the Red Cross GORIelE-eWhen', edu think ,• of- Red Cross do you think of water safety, .an .outpest. hospital_ in the remote -and isolated part„ef North.:• ern Ontario, free, blood, 'first aid, mean nothing without ,yeue: everyone but the Red Croes'wuld • Red Cross needs Teeple •who course' or the loan cupboard? Thei Red Cross MOans - something, e , to give' a few hours 'to -sew or, knit for the Women's Work Coramitee or help -as- one -of:the ,officers ef: conveners. Red Cross needs 'people who will help• morally-:and• finan- cially, this volunteer society-which, is -dedicated to the•improvedent:of health, prevention of disease and the mitigation-of sufferpg thronih- out.the world R, Gibson-McMichael—That By- law No, 7-59 of the Township of Howick for the year 1959, 4 by-law setting salaries, as read the third time be finally passed. Haskins-Allan---That. By-law 9-59 of the Township of Howick it for the year 1909, a tree.'planting agreement by-law, as read the first and second time be passed. Allan-Haskins-'-That we give a grant of $25,00 to' the Huron County. Soil and Crop Improvement Association, Gibson—That we give a grant of $20.00 to the North Huron Safety Council. HeskinS-McMichael—That we ac- cept the resignation of Mrs. Em- erson Ferguson on the Howlett Recreation Committee, and appoint: 'Mrs. Jack Ferguson as a member on the Committee, Gibson-MeMiehael—That • we accept the application of Engeland Produce Co,- of IVItiverton for warble fly spraying. • Haskins-Allan--That we appoint Ken Graham as warble fly in- spector for the Township of Howick for the year 1959. McMichael-R, Gibson—That we charge 12c a head for spraying cattle and 50c a lb. for •poivdcr for 'brushing, and 1.4c a head if not paid for by July' 1st, 1959. Allan-Haskinv•-That By-law No. 0-50 of the Township of Howick for the year '1959, the amended " Hyslop Municipal Drain Turnberry Township Howick Portion as read the third time be finally passed. R. Gibson-McMichael—That we have all insurance policies re- writtento expire on the same date, April 146,' 6 Haskins-Allan-' the , road aeceunts as approved be paid, McMichael-Gibson—That the ;fol- lowing accounts he paid, Proetheial Tree:Meek h , enilie, 92c; ft A. Carrie & Sons, ambulance to Wingham, $6.00; advertising, $16.76; fox bounty, $10.00; yoir funeral hoine, funeral, $115.00; relief accounts, $388.00; North Huron Safety Council, grant, $20.00; R. H, CarsOn & Song stove $23.76; G. e. Gibson & Sons Ltd.. snow re- moVal, Wroxeter shed, $37.00; road account, transfer, 00,927,41. Haskins-Allan—That we do now adjourn tomeet again on April 6th Or at the call of the reeve, Carried, S. Harold Pollock, Arthur Gibsbn, Clerk, Reeve. Zone Commander To A ttend'in April , FORDWICH---The Ladles' Auxil- iary to,"Howicit Legion met hi the Legion rooms for the March meet- ing with the president, Mrs. Jack WilSon, in the chair. The secre- tary, Mrs. William Austin, took .cane of -the . correspondence,- .It was decided, to bring in name• blocks for quilt at next mettIng,•• Letters were read from 'two former members, Mrs, 'Joe Hefter of :Goderich and Mrs. Norris Chal- mers of Port McNichol. A dance held in Wroxeter netted $101,00, which was turned in, Alettermas read ' from, the zone Commander accepting an invitation to be at the April meeting. • The mystery prize was won by Mrs. Mary Moore donated biMis. Ross Doig. The zone rally, which Is to he held in Seaforth, was dis- cussed and plans were made., The meeting •adjourned and a social half hour 'over the tea cups was enjoyed. *I* :Urges Province to • Standardize Change -C44nge U I I lr U i. a U • • U U .HAATHER AND' SON NIVtHT was held for the Boy Scout troop at the' eblited.`Ciiiirell, heft, -int • Wediieedity :evening of last Yveek. The above plieto s tshow sonic o the boy$, tethers.and-,gueste. lire top Photie•catches" a leiv of 'the 'men along with their ye •ung chargeg. Just- to make 'sure the ladles were not forgotten, fotir cub 'leaders wore on hand, (centre) and ,in the !ewer picture monitors 'of the head table are shown, as they dug ,in for a hearty dinner.—A-Tphotes:. JOHN' HANNA- REPORTS... Canadian Fabric Scores Triumph lip No=lroning A Canadian preduct has scored a triumph in a field .in which the United States has always • been considered the leader—the develop- ment of "wash and wear" fabrics. Tile -Very first fabric to be grant- ed eh: 'unqualified no honing ap- proval .by the United Statee Test- ing Company is a terylene tricot produeed in Galt, Ontario.' The testing laboratory has given mini- mum care rating to many fabrics but it has never before been able to vouch for a fabric as requiring no ironing whatsoever, The continent's top wash-and- wear fabric is a distinctively •Caree adian development and nothing comparable has yet been produced in the United States, Since •the cloth was introduced in 1956, men's terylene tricot shirts in white or with a fine stripe of ,colorgd -nylon have 'become well-known front • coast to coast and women and children have been wearing striped tricot dresses and 'blouses in a: wide variety of styles, ' Receetly, the fabric-maker de- cided to see how this Canadian success would stack up against fabrics 'produced south of the border, Sample garments were sub. vmeirtdtei cdt to at e that tes ti ce the fnapbarilicy„ pTehre. formed better without ironing than any material ever tested, It can be machine washed and either drip. dried or tumble-dried in an auto- matic dicier. New striped patterns in a, rain» bow of colors will eppettr dresses, blouses, and children's weer for the corning spring, 'Cana. dews know a good thing when they see it! Ir Mrs. ,Th'os. Vittie - Was Principal - Of Wroxeter School- GORR1E—There passed away at the Kitchener-Waterier -'Hospital on aVionday ,Mrs, Thomas, Vittiecin her 57th year, after an illness of more than two months,' which was cheerful y borne. ,she was the former "While Wassz . man, a. daughter of Mr. Mes. John 'Wessman. Born Bluevale, at the, age of three she moved with her parents to Clinton, whete she attended public seller)! and Colleg-, late Institute and ecimpleted her. education in Toronto. She taught continuation schools ie Tieunins, Comlber, Kingston. Fordw,ich and prior to her marriage was' prince pal of the Wroxeter Contieinatioie School. - • She attended 'St. Stephen's• Aege lion Church and was •ti valued, member of the Woman's Auxiliary. She married Cleveland Stafford_ t - of Howlett: Township in 1221. lie predeceased. her in, 1940. .In 1942' she was married to Thomas, Vile tie, who survives, There are also two sons, William Stafford of Kit- chener and John Stafford, HoWlek and one daughter, Mrs, WM, Barnes (Thelma) of ' Kitchener;' two brothers, Leslie Wessman To- reel() .and William of Windsor; two sisters, Mrs, John Little, 'Wee- sot- and Mi's, Howard Hill. Van- couver. lonncral service 'was at the :Wit tunOrEd ,Borne On Thursday 'at 2 pan„ conducted by Rev. B. C: Att- Well 'of St. Stephen's' 'Anglican' Church. Burial was in the•dorrle Cemetery. .Pallbearers .'sth r e' Stir' ling' E klward 1\loktori Cleo, bane, Wes, UnderWood. - Jacic Sitarnol and Wilfred Brown. Mail-Jed, here „frit'a week' with her. father, • Mr. and -.Mrs. ,Anson Deinerlieg' spent- the Weelt-end in London at the borne of their "daughter, Mrs. Gordon Cf;ldricli and Mr. Goldrieh: Mr. and 'Mrs, Wm. Dodswell, Mrs, Tillie Manstie Misses Annie and- Violet Cunningham oi Ilatriston visited one ,day itiet 'week with Mrs., Ed Matthews. Mrs. Mee Corbett and family of London visited Sue- day at the same home. • CongratulatiOnii, t.o Mr, mid Mese Art Wells of LOndOil Inee Eleanor Ashton) on ithe birth of a son' at Victoria HOSPital, LOndoti, March 12th and to Ur,- and Mrs, Mae Mc- . eptosh (nee Male Bride) a daugh- ter In Lletrevell.ieoePital Priday, March lath., Miss Atclyth Campbell of Maltrie l/s spending thO .nexf three Weelte'., with het gtatitittletliee, Mrs, Pearl Petted:1We •• Mr, Tom bunnitigi,on ,of •Owee' Sound is. spending Some time with his daughter,' Mts, leen, Graham and Mr. ,Grahanio, Miss rtuth' Alinston r ot Toronto spent tha'weeit.ettil with het par: eats. Of Motes and Beams Henry. rushing off to his. °Mee, discoveted in a final glance in the hall, Mill:6r that he had forgotten to pee on a tie. lie scolded hiS wife, Sylvia, •for not having noticed tile omission and then hastened to repair Just as lie was about to leave the house Sylvia called him back, ,•11enry," she asked, "What color- of dress ark I wearing?" Henry sheepishly had to return to' the breakfast roont to find out, —The Printed Word. summer for well .deserved reerea-. pion, , I do 'believe, however,' that this Government' should 'eoneider -every possible ,means of providing for uniform • change elates on a pro- vince-wide basis, . The haphazard manner in which •this -matter is now .handled results hot only in pure confusion but in scores of instances extreme incon- venience and in, fact hardship. There 'are periods of several weeks both spring and fall, where, pro, bably half the municipalities in eoine' counties are on daylight sav- ing time While others ere on stan- dard time, areas where dis- trict high schools operate it is not uncommon Tor the older children in a fondly to be attending school In town which is on standard time while the younger children attend public school In a , municipality whicho is still on, daylight .time or yice versa. The extreme 'Moon- venience of such a eibtation will, I am sure, be obvious to - all Hote 'Members and may t assure you, Mr. Speaker, there are many other inconveniemies with which all of us' are quite familiar. 'Mr. Speaker, t h. e foregoing pronipts 'me 'to 'ask 'the following questions! (1) Have the munirepallthes the authority to set or change time Steger& e (2) Hag the Legislature 01; the Government 'luny authority or jur- isdiaion In the matter? (3), in any event has 'the Covern-, meld; considered a course of antion in response, to the countless reso- lutions which have been -submitted to many Hon, Members and In turn submitted to the Hon, -Provincial Secretory? May 1, Mr, Speaker, express the ()Minim that this 's a matter that Warrants careful consideration and appropriate action on the part of Wheat 'ever 'government 01' agency . or department of pi/eminent : which possesses the authority to deal with this thoroughly unsatis- factory'situation, Week-end ViSittits With Mrs. born Ridley Were tti, Arid Mts. Cecil Lynn and tathily Of bretligeVille,• Mr, and Mrs, CeOrge tolander and John Of London. • Mr. and Mr's. tihYden Devitt Spent one day last f,ve4 in Kitchener, Charles McNaughton, :South :Thiron; recently :addressed the; Legislature on the question of standardize he ehange-over "dates Iraq' daylight saving to standard time, a matter Which has been of Serlikth eoncern to' municipalities hi: Western 'Ontario for :several 'years. The text of 'his remarks in the. Legislature follows: * Mr. Speaker« Before the orders of the day I 'should like'to comment and Seek sonic information on a inatter which I am convinced 'is of great conCern to 'a very considerable number of people 411 Ontario, par- eieularey In the rural sections of the Province. I refer to the confusing and al, together, haphazard method of re- gniating the available , hours of daylight that hae 'plagued the gtiod people of this Province 'for many y,OarS. 'and' appears likely to do so again in the course of the next few:Week% • support of this observation, Mr. ,Speaker, permit me to say to you' and the 'Hon, Members of the Hotele that I have received some 20-edd resolutions urging the Pro- vieclel Government to do some- thing to rectify this sheath:M. Fur- ther, 1 kilOW that the Hon, Member IltirolttBritee has received irnilar resolutions and I can only reeelene that the same can be said by Moat if hot all Members from rural ridings, 'These r(solutions are represents- tine of a broad cross section of the People in that they have been pre- sented bY, all Women's Inetitetes in my riding' and I believe &rough. +Mit the Province 'as well as the council of, the County of Huron mad Many ntunicipai commits. 1\l'oN.v 'While t believe rural fonts largely would prefer standard time oilyearqound basis, nevertheless I. am confident ,they appreciate that people in urban areas w,otild' e deprivcrt o> much of the dmilight hours they depend on during the Bridge Club- Witiher8 at last Week's reguler gathering of the bridge club Were First , Omar Haselgreve and b. Itenry; second,S. a Ctaretferd Mrs, G. Gannett and third, Mrs.. Gedkiii and Mee, A. Parker. I Mts. Elwin • 'Somers 'spent the week-end with her daughter, Mrs, Earl Wilken, near Listowel. - Mrs:, Jas, Shera has returned home after spending' the past three months with her daughter le Kitehener. Jim 'Graham, eldest sort of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Graham had his tonsils removed In Palmerston Hospital on Friday and was able to return home Sunday afternoon. Mr. 'Cecil 'Grainger, Mrs, Effie MeCreekiri; Viola ,and Violet spent Monday of last Week in London, Mr. and Mre, Geo, Brown and Jean visited Mr, and Mrs, John Farrell on Sunday. The Gorrie Public Library will hold Its anneel ,meeting Wednesday evening hi the L.O,L. hall, Pro- gressive euchre Will 'also be played. Mr, and Mi's. Lionel Johnston, Linda and 13rian, visited Liatowel friends on Sunday returning Mon- day morning, " 'Mr. and Mrs, :Cored Detr) of Windsor were the, house guests Of their daughter and 8on4n.latir, Mr, and Mte. John Stafford. Mrs, E. hi", Strong spent last week-end in Guelph and, on Mon- day, Match 0th Mr. E, l3, Strong Went to Guelph, and both attended the funeral of Mrs, Stroegts OW- sin; Mrs, Henry Jack Son, duelph. 16s. CMS, Lawrence is visiting relatives in Toronto, Mrs, Melt Sharpin Was the high lady and Mr: Cordon Coulter high gent -at' the LO.L, enefire last 'Wednesday evening, latieek spending department • of governmenteend undoubtedly there Will be news of many more miles Of good roads for the Province and for our Riding. Thienigimiti. • the -past fortnight eomihating conventions .have been occurring tisteughout the Province at the rate of several per weelc and MeMbers of all parties have been disappearing 'from •the House for a tew days to seek, 'Mir! usually, obtain the 'entlereation of their or- ganization and Supporters, It appetite that bah Peogeessive- ConeerVetive end Libeled Parties will eontest fi.lrn.oSt every eeat, while the C.C'F, will field It large number Of candidates, Your 'bet Member is 'grateful to 'have receiv- ed already the endersatlen of hi$ Party and supporters in the con- stituency"and he had had the privi- lege of 'attending several neiniti. riling conventions aerosa the Pro- Vince, However, Premier Frost has given no indication Oe an elet,• title date, so that all partiee and all candidates are, stilt merely pre., paring for the fray. The seventh week of sitting of the Legislature proved to be one of legislative drudgery, The House sat long hours, with both evening and morning rSeSSicl$, for Wove* neeeasary consideration of new laws• 'by the Committee of ilhes Whole House: house Committees continued their daily morning ses- Sioni arid all Members seemed to find more than enough' to keep them busy. In feet, as eVeryone seems to feel that tin early electioa is-in the offing, Members have been most assiduous in their, duties, OppoSition Members, in particular, have been sharpshooting at every government Measure and Minister,' in Hope of finding some good election issue or issues—with very little success,. More Departmental estimates Were presented 10 the House by the responsible Ministers end cello,- filler considered, errtued shout, ele• tacked and defended', and finally accepted. Among the estimates 'receiving apt-newel were those of Public Works—which indicated eoesernotimi of, eonee new public buildings withit*the Riding; .k clu- cation--Which. previded for there generous school gents, Weeding rtesieterite Sao()) Hoards for construction of, 'eye'', misfit ettieteries,'shop work melts, dmilestin science teems end acner- al purpose rooms, and tit Itia ereatin of $5;000.00 per Mite to Ottonn.06 for 'Secondary School ' construction; Traiteport --- which gave Mote inforMatitin oil the new points system and new driver test- ing and licensing regulations! 'and Referent Institutions Which indicat- ed the advances made In derree. UMW inetitetierie and steps to 'be taken In conjunction With the red:, o r Al authorities for lintlletheetatleet Of the Fatittink Repent. 'The hod Week Will see the Miniatet of WO- WAYS introducing eetitieetet for the I 'AL