The Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-03-04, Page 7 e Mitt am abbatirtritimro
Euchre Winners
r041)W4"4.4--- Twelve tables of
euchre were in on Tuesd4y
night J4 the community Ina Win.
nets. were: High. lady, Mrs„,,Creorge
Pittendreigh; high :gent,- ° Bride; eon:K:141one, Mrs, CroanY
,Sethern and James Vittie;, special;
Mrs, Stan Bride,
Those in pharge were Mr, and
Mrs, Reese! Niehol and. Mr. and
Mrs, Clarence Carswellf
Woodpeckers Cause
Roof Destruction
..43LOEYALE Morris, Beeman
likes birds, but not the pileated
Woodpecker since he fauna Pert of
.hier roef destroyed by the .birds at-
tacking the felt shinglea,
tt appears. that the bids de-
light in destruction and the noise
they can Make! It may be that
their food le harder to get this
year, owing to the trees being snow
and lee-covered,
ST. HELENS BITEVALE There were eight tablee at the
card, party held at 'the St, Helens'
School on Wednesday evening with
Mrs. Charles McDonald and Mr,
missevALE,.,—Mr, and Mrs, Wel- FORDWIOH — The Fordwich
lace Agar Were nonored by friende C•G,I.T, Met. at the home Of •Mra•
at a party in Bluevalp commimity Dimer Harding With Miss Janet
ball on Thursday evening, Mr, and MacGregor and Marian Harding
Mrs, Agar have moved to Wing, as assistant hoetesses, Marjorie
ham, having sold their farm on the Connell and Peggy Gibson were
Second concession of Morris Town- in charge and opened the meeting
ship, They have been lifetime res with the riatitmal anthem, the
*dents 9f Morris and will be great- Lord'e Prayer, the purpose
ly missed by their neighbors. I and answer. The minutes were
Earl Sellers read an appreciative read and annetmeementa were made concerning the trip to the address and the presentation of a , Icecapades 'in Kitchener, platform rbeker, a coffee table and
television tables was made by Mr, I Nancy Sothern and Sharon Fol-
and MM. Ross TurVeY, Mr. Glenn lock condueted the worship ser- Sellers and Mrs. Charles Bosman, . Vice. Jean Siefert was mocler t Relatives ef VI, find MILS. Audi. tor a panel discussion on .race re-
present were daughters, Mrs, Bruce 'talons, Patsy Harris spoke on
HayeS, of Gorrie, Mrs, Charles race relations in Canada in regard
Hay and daughters of Zurich, Miss to prejudice, education and bons-
Wilda' Agar of Wingham; two bro- j n Margaret Wallace spoke of thers, Fred Agar of Manitoba and
George Agar of Stratford; also
cousins, Mrs, Robert 'Purvey and
daughters: of Blyth.
The evening was spent at euchre
with 15 tables in play,
• Mr, C, Hoffman attended the'
funeral service for his cousin, the
late Gordon Benedict nt Kitchener
on 'F'ridny .
Rev. J. E. KenriedY and Mrs.
Kennedy ottenried the funeral ser-
Vice for Mrs. Kennedy's' unele, Mr.
W. j, Hunter, at -Oshawa on Feb.
25th, Mr, Kennedy .gaye the' fun-
eral oration, Mr, Hunter was
native of Cranbraok.
Mr. and' Mrs. A, p, 'smith vis-
ited in Listowel on SunClaY.
Brenda and His:silty Moffatt, of
Seuthampton, • are visiting their
grandparents, 'Mr, and Mrs, Burns
.Bluevale . WoMen's Institute will
meet pn Thursday, Mar, 12th, .at the
holhe of Miss Mary Duff. The
theme will be Canadian Industries
.ana the convener, Mrs. Alex Cor-
rigan will sneak on '"New Fabrics,
Manufactured and Synthetic", Miss
J.: -Yogi will give - the' motto and
Mrs. A, D. Smith •a demonstration
on ;smocking.
the relation of the Canadian In-
dian in Canada arid especially of
life on the reserve near Sarnia,
Mrs, William Kato 'answered ques-
tions aSked about the Japanese in
Cangda. She -told of their evacu-
ation from the West Coast to the
East. She Said of the- 25,000 of
their group, .not sone hadr been
screened as undesirable, She said
they found the least racial preju-
dice in Ontario of all the provinces
they bad been in% She showed the
girls how to. dress in 'a Japanese
kimoeo, -She told what the dif-
ferent bows tied at the back signi-
fied, •
_Mr, and Mrs, Glenn Johnston at-
tended the -convention of Agricul-
tural Societies held in the King
Edward Hotel, Toronto, last Week.
Mr. Richard Aldrich of Galt •vis-
lied in the community last week,
Mr. and Mrs. Percy McDermitt
TOP PRODUCTION—Pictured above is the cast of the one-act comedy
play staged at the high school last Thursday and Friday .evening, as
Part of the variety program. From left to right are Stewart McGill,
Russell Smith, director, Pamela Porte*, Lawrie Stuckey, Jean Thonm,
'son, Marjorie Kieffer, David Kennedy nntt Karen Anderson. The play
was highly humorous and a decided suce,ess.—Advance-Times photo.
towel, spent the•week-end with her
• The many friends of Mrs, Gann
King will be pleased to know that
for the highest scores and Mr%
Fred McQuillin and Nancy Cran-
ston receiving the consolation
The ladies are reminded of the
March, meeting of 'the Women's In;
stitute this (Thureday) afternoon
at 2.00 o'clock. Roll call, "A city
in Ireland". - Rae Watson will be
the guest speaker and the ladies
are asked to hand in tite penny
round-up bags. A 'millinery course
will be held on March 11th, 12th
and 13th In the community hall
and If yoti are desirous of attending
this popular course please contact
Mrs. C. McDonald or Nits, E.
Messrs Lorne Durnin and Eldon
Miller attended the Good Roads
Convention in Toronto last week.
Miss Johnson and her pupIls en-
joyed a sleigh riding party on the
farm of Bob Lyons one evening
last week. Later 'they were enter,.
tallied at the home of Mr. and MI'S,
Ernest Gaunt, when they were
Served hot dogs and-hot chocolate,
courtesy .of Mrs. Gaunt and Mrs.
Ross Gammie.
Lt, 'Brian Staples of Camp Bord-
en was a week-end visitor with.
Mr. and Mrs. John Cameron and
4,..arge Attendance
At W.I. Euchre •
Bluevtle Wo-
-inen's Institute sponsored a euchre
ItartY Bluevale community -hall
.reh. 25th and. a • merry time
was had bY all. Twenty-one tables
w'pre in. play,
Prize winners were: High scores;
William- EISton, Mrs. Jos. Mar-
shall; Listowel; second high, Alan
Breckenridge, Mrs. Elmer Sellere;
cOnsalation prizes, Leslie Greena-
way, Mrs. .Harvey Edgar; lucky
draw', Joseph Marshall, Mrs, Oliver
' The prize for coming the longest
distance was won by Mr. and Mrs.
Hilliard Jefferson, • Auburn, ' 18
New Group Formed
13y U.C. Women or the. event before the big is shown above as they practiaed
event.—Advance-Times- photo.
SQUARE DANCERS—The intermediate girls of the Wingliam District
High School square danced for the capacity crowds at the school's
variety program last Thursday and Friday. The square dance group
been visiting 'for the past three•
Weeks. at the home of their ,daugh,•:S
ter, Mrs. Frank McConnell of Lon-
don, and with others of their 'fam-
ily there. Marilyn Cameron of Ash-
field spent the week-end at the/
herne of Mr. and Mrs. William Pur-
don of West Wawanosh,
Mrs, William, Dawson, Mr. and
Mrs. Wesley Tiffin and Mr. Harris
Purdon spent the week-end at
Brantford at the home of •Mr, and
Mrs. James Henderson. .
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pottbr of
Fleming, Sask., visited last week
with his aunt, Mrs. William Daw-
son, and his uncle. Mr. 'A'. E. Fur-
don of Lucknow, and with Mr. and
Mrs. Cecil Falconer. Mr. Potter
38 a grandson.of MT, Robert Henry
Mr, Russell Ross last week pur-
chased the Dick Charters hundred
acre farin east of his home farm.
Rustell has worked this farm for
the past three years,
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Falconer
spent the week-end at the home
of their son, Relison Falconer of
Sarnia. Little Brian Falconer,
who had been here with his grand-
parents, returned home.
Mr. A. E. Buckton suffered a
stroke on-Friday as he sat in his
chair. He has been making a good
recovery. Their daughter, Mrs.
Gilbert HamiltOn, of Lucknow, has
been in attendance.
Miss Marion Buckton, grand-
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Buckton
and daughter of Mr. and lifts. Herb
Buckton of Lucknow, was taken to
Wingham Hospital on Sunday and
rushed to thb Isolation Hospital in
Landon, where she is believed to
be suffering from either polio or
meningitis. Marion is eighteen
years old and a student In Luck- I
now District High School. She
took ill on Thursday.
Mr, and Mrs, Percy Vincent of
Auburn spent a few days last week
with Mr. and Mrs. James Falconer..
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barr and I
children of Holyrood visited on
Sunday with her grandparents, Mr,
and Mrs. A, E. Buckten.
Mr. and Mrs. John Purdon spent
Sunday. ats the home of their son,
Mr, Clifford Burden o4 Beigrave.
Mr. Ross IVIcgregor and Mr, El-
don Enterson left two weeks ago
Inst4u!„.c.Asks for
No .Parking Signs
Mr. John A. Thompson is a
patient in Victoria Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Chamney visited
on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Ernest Craig, Goderich.
Mr. Kenneth Campbell suffered
some fractured ribs while working
on contruction work in Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. James teddy enter-
tained the euchre club on Friday
evening when ten tables were in
pray High scores were held by
Mrs E Robinson and Mr Sam
Thompson and low by Mrs Sam
Thompson and Mr. Wm. HardY.
s A game was enjoyed,after which Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Car,
a cup of tea wait served and a so- 'Stewart in Listowel.
cial lime spent:- I Miss Margaret McCann of Lis-
and fantily of Brantford, Mr. and Lunch was served by Jean Sie-
'Mrs, Harold McDermitt of Galt .f ert, Glenna ilib'berd, Mrs. Cars-
visited on SundaY with Mr. and well and Jean Greer. The meet-
MrasHarvey McDermitt. ing closed with Taps, Mr. and Mrs. Royden Devitt
spent Sunday with relatives in
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wade and
family of Woodstock were Sundny
visitors with Mrs, William Wade
and Beatrice.
Mr, and Mrs. Bill Mann visited she was able to return home Sat-
one day last week with Mr, and urday froni the Palmerston Hos-
Mrs, Dick Aldrich in Galt. pital. We wish her a speedy re-
The W.O.A.A. intermediate hock- cove*.
ey game between Fordwich and Friends Of Mrs. Dick Aldrich of
Drayton, played in the arena on Galt and formerly of Fordwich will
Friday night resulted in a win for be sorry to hear that she is at prel
Ehe local boys of 10-7. This is the eent confined to bed, suffering
first game of the best three of five from phlebitis.
series. Next game will be on 'Wed- Mr. and Mrs. Bob Campbell arid
nesday night in Drayton, family visited recently with Mr.
Mrs. Drew Aitc;heson of Elora is arid Mrs. Lorne From in George-
spending some time at the home of town.
Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Chiomey and
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Graham of -Jane of Port Colborne spent a few
St. Marys spent two days last week days last week with Mr. and Mrs.
with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lehr. Alex Keith,
Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Lynn and • Mrs. Ruby Forester of Toronto
family of Orangeville spent the spent the week-end at her home
FORDWICFI—The Village Group week-end with Mrs, Dora Ridley. here-
in the W.A. of 'the United Church Miss Aldyth Bast spent one day - Miss Louise Browne of Toronto
met ist the home of Mrs, Clarence, last week in Kitchener. , ,spent' the Week-end with her par-
Carsviell for the purpose oft ors, ;,:X..r.,..Uoyel,Simmermakei. Nisited ,ents, Mr. and Urs. Peter Browne.
ganizing. Mrs. Carswell conducted one slaY last- week with relatives Mr. and Mrs. Ross Tomlin' of ' • a - short-worSbiPr saiwieeswith.Mary in Ritchener,• A+. Durhanassyleiled 'Bun ay , wi
and Martha as the theme. Mk. and Mrs. Cecil Galbraith of 'Mr. and Mra. Art-Fs:rester.
Mrs. Harold Pollock explained Guelph were Sunday visitors with ..Mr. and Mrs. Doug Wilcifang of
purnose of 'OW, .Wornen's' As- Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay' Galbraith. Toronto were Week-end visitors
seciation and the 'value of the Miss Donna Johnson daughter with' Ma and Mrs. Roy Simmons.
group system. It' was decided to of Mr, and Mrs. Carl Johnson, Mr. and, Mrs'. jack Reid and fam-
farm a group, Mrs. Ross Doig, commenced her duties in the Bell 'Hy and Mr. Eert Reid of. the sec-
Mrs, 'Crosby Sothern and Mrs. Telephone in Wingham. ond line of Mintb visited on Sun-
Emma Williamson were appointed Mr. and Mrs, Bill Sothcrn. Gary, day with Mr. and Mrs, Wellington
conveners Nancy and Bill Mulvey visited on Hargrave. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Elliott of
Rinevale visited on Sunday with
Misses Letitia , and Louise Mat-
thews. ' •
Mr. and Mre. James Lamont,
Dale, Danny, Dwight and Donelda
and Mrs, Thomas Smith visited on
Sunday with Mrs. Elizabeth Camp-
bell, Mrs. Richard Chamney and
Mrs. Emily Elston at Wingham.
Mr, and Mrs, David Armstrong
and Mr, and Mrs. 'Robert Grasby,
Mary and Donna, visited on Sunday
with Mrs. Hilda Roberts in Lis-
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Robinson
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
R. Crawford arid family •at God-
Belmore WMS Gets
Letter from India
BELMORE—•The Women's Mis-
sionary Society of Beimore United
Church held its meeting February
25th at the home of Mrs, 'John
Mrs. F. Doubledee was leader and
the theme was "Race Prejudice
Etposed". God is no respecter of
persons, -but in every nation he that
feareth Him and worketh righte-
ousness is accepted of Him.
Hymn 514 was sung, followed by
prayer. The first -chapter of Ruth
was read responsively. Mrs. Tom
Abraham gave a reading, "Seven
Went to 'Hiroshima". In it were
portrayed many of the awful re-
sults of the atomic bombing which
took place there in 1945 and the
great courage of some oethe suf-
ferers, leukemia being one of the
diseases following the bembing, es-
pecially with children.
Mrs. West read a very interest-
ing letter from, Rev, Isaac Khirnla
of India, telling of his work there,
The group bad the 'pleasure of
hearing him speak some time ago
at Behnore. Mrs. W, Johann read
the chapter on Mexico in the study
book 'and Mre. J. Rutherford gave
a reading on -temperance.
Roll call was the name of a mis-
sionary. The Presbyterian ladies
sent an invitation to join them in
their Easter thankoffeting meet-
ing on March 19th. Another hymn
was sueg and Mrs. West closed the
meeting with prayer.
WHITECHURCH—The ladies of
the Woinen's Institute held a busi-
ness meeting last Thursday at the
borne of Mrs. Victor Emerson with .
nine ladies pkesent and with tile
president, Mrs. Russell Ross, pre-
siding. They decided to send a,
delegate to the Conference held
In May at 0.A.C., Guelph', -and
Subrditted two resolutions to the
1<inlosi Council, asking for a "No
Parking') sign to be erected ar
least, a. 'car-length north of the in-
terSection pf the north road and
Highway, 86 and also asked for
"Slow" 'or "30 M.P.H." sign to be
erected again at the north side of
the Wilson bill, where drivers com-
ing South, drop over a sharp hill,
before seeing the school children
walking on the road.
The regular monthly meeting of
the Women's Institute Will be Held •
on Tuesday next at the home of
Mrs. Garnet F`arrier. Mrs. (Rev.)
Husser of Wingham will be the
spedial speaker and will tell of her
work with retarded children. All
the svomen of the community are
cordially invited to attend,
by buS forjexas and Other south-
ern 'States.
Mr. and Mrs', Nelson Sniith of
Aurora, spent the week-end at the
home of his sistei., Mrs. Russell
Chapman, and with his mother,
Mrs. Mary Smith. a patient in the
Wingham Hospital.
1Vliss Willielmina Smith of Lang-
side spent the week-end at the
home of her sister, Mrs. William
Pardon. • • . • • • it I .1
MASON— In Victoria Hospital,
Loncien, on Friday, February 20,
1959, to Mr. and 1VIrs, Lloyd Ma-
' Soh," Liman, a daughter, Sharon
Dawn, a sister felt Roger and
.BELGFtAVE--- Lorne Campbell,
Scoutmaster Of the Belgrave Boy
Scouts, has 'announced that the fol-
lowing members have passed their
tenderfoot tests: David Hanna,
John de Yong, Ronald Nicholson,
Douglas.Johnston,.Murray Coates,
J amea Taylor, Douglas Coultes,
Barry Logan, Walter BacOn. Reg.
Purdon, Wayne Coultes, Wayne
Pletch and Max Pletch,
The folloWing list of boys started
their training last week: Allan
Bosinan, Ralph Logan, Carry Rob-
inson, Billy Robinson, George Bie-
man, Keith Pletch, Douglas Bic-
man, 'Clayton Robinson and David
B eecroft.
Assistants to Mr. Campbell are
Jack Mitchell and John Nixon. The
meetings are held every Tuesday
evening in Kilos: United Chtitch
MARCH 31, 1959
The OWIter, possessor, or harborer of a dog shall
cause the same to be registered at the office of
Town Clerk. or eolice Chief
ON Olt BEFORg MARCH 31st, 1959
ivvitil DOG $
Sl8GOND MALV DOG . $ 4.0t)
ItENNEL LICENSE ............... „. ...... $10.0
441 MEP 'Or MUM,
ham and Morrie also attended the
funeral, • ,
Messrs, Elliott Carruthers, Eu-
gene Conley, Edbert Bushell and
Wallace Conn returned home from
the Good Roads cenVention in To-
ronto .on Wednesday. Some of the
men returning home that night
encountered so much" heavy .fog
that they weere forced to stop over
Mrs, Irene Paterson of Toronto
spent the week-end with her mo-
ther, Mrs; William Taylor.
Mae. ncl Mrs. Ronald Perrott of
Goderich visited recently with her
father, Mr. William Forster of
West Wawanosh.
Ten tables were in play last Fri-
day evening at Fordyce •school• at
the euehre held by Mrs. George
Fisher and students. John Boyle
.captured the lone hand travelling
prize and Ann Martin and Jamee
Martin: s held high points. Mrs.
Chas, Martin and Tom. Robinson
held low points. They decided to
hold another euchre thiss Wednes-
day evening.
Miss Win/lifted Farrier of To-
ronto spent the week-end at the
home of her brother, Mr. Gr, E. Far-
rier and her parents, Mr, and Mrs.
W. It, Farrier, aceompanied her
back to Long Branch, where thb
will spend a few weeks at the home
of Mr. and Mrs, Carman Farrier.
Mr.,and Mrs. Elroy Laidlaw and
children visited on Monday with
his mother, Mrs. James Laidlaw,
in Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth" Dickson
and children and Mr. Stanley
Moore and Michael and Peter, of
WoOdstock, as well as ether local
relatives, spent Sunday with their'
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Mr. and Mrs. William Martin of
Kitchener spent Sunday at the
home of his brother, Mr. Howard
Martin of Weat Wawanosh,
Mr. and Mrs, Stewart Couplanci
of Toronto visited slyer the week-
end with Wroxeter reislives and
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Robinson.
Ma and Mts. Robert MelVlairray
and Gercion visited on Sunday with
Mr. and MI-s, Gotdon
Mr. and 'Mrs. Edwin Smyth and
Doreen and Bill spent Sunday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. DaVid
-Stroud of Ripley.
Mr, and, Mrs, Sidney Thompson
and baby Dennis spent Sunday with
her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Gordon
Wright of Clifford.
Mr. Anstiii Cook of, Marnoch
spent the week-end at the home of
Mr, and Mrs. 'William McGatvey of
Thornbary, Mr, and Mrs. Harold
Slesser and family of Glainis
ited ori Sunday with her parents,
Mr. and Mr's. Harry Cook of Mar-
The V, S. 'Watt mill in the village
had a, break last, week and bags
of chop piled 'up over the week.
Mt. ROA' McMichael of Sonia
spent the week-end with Mrs. Mc-
Michael and family at the home of
Mr. and Mts. Uershoin Johnston.
Little Linda, VelVfielmei Wee able
to leaVe Whighant Picspital ort
Thursday Spent a few days at
the home .or Mr. and Mrs, jaMes
Johnston of TnilibeitY.
Mt. and Mrs, C40ergo Corrk have
Mrs. Harry Moss and Janie of
Platteville visited on Friday with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben
McClenaghan, Mrs. McClenaghan
accompanied Mrs. Moss home to
spend a week there.
Mr. Thomas George of India will
have charge of the service in the
'United Church here on Sunday.
Mr. George has been doing post-
graduate work in engineering in
Toronto this year.
Miss Janet Gaunt of Hanover.
spent the week-end with her par-
ents, Mr, and Mrs. Russell Gaunt.
Mr, Parrish Moffat attended the
convention of the Ontario Plough-
men's Association held in Toronto
last week, and Mrs. Moffat ac-
companied him and pisited with
her aunt, Miss Katharine McKen-
zie at Smith's F.'alls.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Smith and
Kathy of Toronto spent the week-
end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs
Russell Chapman and With her
grandmother, Mrs. Smith, who was
taken to Wingham Hospital on
Thursday, suffering from a heart
-condition and :pneumonia,
The well drillers moved to Mr.
Gordon Rintoul's last week and
commenced drilling at the north of
the house.
Mr, and Mrs. Edward Nicholson
And Colleen. of Thamesford spent
the Weekend With her narents,
Mrs, Hutchison here and Mr, HUt-
chistm in Whigharri Hoepital, He
has been making a geed recovery.
Ross Winks and Tom Inglis ar-
rived back from their trip to Mex-
ico a week ago, In zero weather.
They had been away for three
Week a
Miss Myrtle Beecroft, of New
London, Conn, is visiting with Mr.
atid Mrs. Ceoll Wheeler, who have
been living hi rlt, PeterSbnrg. nor-
ida, for the past two months,
Mt and Mrs, James Gaunt and
baby ;Tana Moved on SatUrday
Btirgeeeville, where JIM hue .found
einploythent on a farm.
Ur. and Mrs, Albert Cotetes, Mr,
and MI'S, :James Coultes and Mt.
NOrmat Coultos were In Elora Ott
Saltirdliy Where they atteeded the
funeral of their aunt, Mrs, John
Coultes, Who had passed away on
'Wednesday in hot 96th year. Her
litiebeed predeceased hot (wet 20
years ago, She made hot home,
With, het sister, Mts. raskin,
terfrient was Guelph cemetery,
other family relatives front Wing-
ENVER/FAIN S'4011001.‘,..the Above photo provee that it isn't netesatttY to to *0 1161614/u_bd tb find
heitutiftla giria, This is the high School kick' w Welt brought tremendous tespoilee at *he Sehnora
variety itOneett staged ot the 46100 lnat Theireday and lEriday. They are, left toWs train front io hack,
Sandra Strnifg, 'Barbara Fichte/11, Fenny Gerrief right rows Judy Lunn, Alexandet and Vettle
Itliettalfe.....AdVautte.thilcs phOto.
Weekly Euchre
VELGRAVE-- Mrs. Lewis Cook
and Mark Armatrong were the
high ptiZe Wiritiera at the regular
Weekly euchre party held In the
conninunity centre last week. There
were 10 tables in play and Oa-
Solation prizes went to Mrs. J. M•
Cotiltee and Lewis Cook, Nevelty
prite Winners Were Mrs, Cora life.
Gill a.rid Stanley Cook,
A, g‘ ix. A LIO '1.441.41.40.4:A.4"1"1-‘01.10* Vo r.• Oif 44" Mk 4.4 It 4 4 * 4.406 4:400# 4 .1******V0**1•*%,... N. 44 eiosalso. teleesSiise,**4 404esteisseeeel leo tts 44see eat* 444,4.0 *.f 4.. -ft gil*.11.41 0,, 0 0 0,,.....0i,01.400.0. +0000161114041. 044 4 * "N4