The Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-02-25, Page 11gar t t a Abe. A MEN'S LOAFERS OR OXFORDS NEMER"' STYLES $8.9.$ and $9.9.5, 'YOUR FAMILY ' S CAE STORE Intertneclia0, tfocke) GROUP PLAYOFFS Wingham vs, Port t,Igin Winghon Arena FRIDAY, FEBRUARY ,?lth WEPNEsDAY, MARCH 4th PHONE 12- „wwismaisigimisinsio First 13onspiel, Win. Two Trophies. On SittardayeeFelireary 7, the Bala ailea hydro office sent a rink of curlers to Allifiten to attend the Georgian BAY Area, bonspiel and they Caine home with tWo trophies. It was;ar great win"' for the rink, With Fred golte, skip; Torn Wal- her, vice; Beck"Rogere, second and Den 74,1fcLeaa (of Wingham) lead, Thje Was Don's first bonePlol, a first year player, They won 'the everage .plas trophy which eerried With it individual trophies in mini- ature and the trophy for the finals, This did not carry any Frigee with it. 411.1110.104•11111111MIK1111.111111,1111100,11111111a11110,11..O.1111•01111110-1141.1111.1111111d,1111.1m1,011W.INIVIlle.1.11.9461111-11,110 ••••••••••••:::.. Schedule Set for . Pee Wee Playoff Thursday, February '20, 4,15 p.m, e--T.eeene I and` 44 Friday, February 27, 0 p.m,— Teams '2 and 3, Saturday; February 28, 11.30 a.m, --Wineers of' Thureeley and Friday, play off for House League Chart)-, les-Care reereceeeldeeeedm, Ladies Wednesday League (February 11th) Magpies 41'ilt, Robins 411/2 Wrens 32. Orioles 32, Bluebirds 29, Can- aries- '29, High single, Lyla Hickey, 241; high triple, Gwen lVfacLaurin, 640; (February 18th) Magpies 411/2 , Robins 441/2 , Wrens '33, Orioles 33, Canaries 31, Blue-' birds 31. High single, Arlene Sinnamon, 232e ;high triple, Ruth Lott, 545, LOTTIME SPCV,RITIT a Gan- gda Life speeiej eontraet provid"- leg Life pasurence end..Pension Optien ghee oyi( policy avieklable • :frone age Q age 55. The winner in SatUrday'S game goes to Goclerich on Saturday, March 7 to play in the Heeon .ZOne' Reereation Council tournament, ' An exhibition game is slated for t ams and 6 Feb, 28 at 1231 Standing of the teams at the end of the schedule was 'as follows: Team. FRANK C. HOPPER --Representative— Canada Life WINGHAM, ONT, ?bone 462 Pth. W T L 13 6 1 3 4 13 • 4 5 1 3 • 9 1 5 7 2 3 WINCHAM VS. PORT ELc4I4 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27th WINGHAIVI ARENA TROPHY WINNHRS-,Lee Siemer ' S. A. Ssott, Murray Rae, skip, and Boh ftowsell were the 'winning rink in the Winghaie BonsPiel for the A. ltr. Crawford, Trophy, held at the local curiing Club last Wednesday. The rink, playing in. the Ma iaelock draw had thr eel wins and a plus of 18.—Advance-Times photo. MONDAY, MARCH 2nd PORT ELGIN. ARENA DODGERS, OUTSCORE KINCARDINE TEAM Su day Hunting Ban Covered Columnist Pete Millen CoMartercial League 'League standings at Feb. 17 were: Flying Saucers 87; Martians 72; Hula Hoops 71; Sputniks 62; Comets 51; Hot Rods 48. Ladies' high single, ,Mrs. Max McCarter, 212; men's high' single, Frank Burke, 292, Lloyd's R, and W. Club Monarchs 2,345, Ramblers 2,100, Jets 1,930, Henry J's 1,878, Bel Airs 1,850. Men's high single, Cecil Yoeman, 198. Men's high .triple, Cecil Yoe- man, 544. • Ladies' high single, Ann Yoeman, 161. Ladies' high triple, Ann Yoe- man, 423. WEDNESDAY,- MARCH 4th w,INGHAm ARENA TuNsu. PLAYOFF GAMES SHOULD AE SOME OF THE BEST MOONEY ALL SEASON — COME OUT 'AND SUPPORT YOUR HOME TEAM. • 411.111,001.1.0i1...7.11•10111•11.....0.1.,1/411“1109.111111.11;111111,041IIIII1.1111/0.11101.11•0041•111.101.60IIIISMII, 1956 CHRYSLER* .1-110or soap, a 'one owner car and is in tip•Op .shape and le clean as a whietle inside and mit, 1956 BUICK. SPECIAL Two-door hardeep• medal With, :autoinatiel tranemiasion, excellent tires, two-toned in White and Green. . 1955 DESOTO 4-door sedan, low Mileage, one-owner eat Thie ear is — - a real dandy, in alinost new condition ; one owner ear, in nice condition.- able to persilade a county council' to permit Sunday hunting in a spe- cific county, The chance is slim. County council members are farm- ers; farmers want peach and quiet o.n Sunday. Maybe it would be more correct to say that farmers, in the main, are more morally conscious of Sunday and its proper obser- vance than city people. In fact, far- mers rarely' do, any work that day except what is absolutely necessary. Hunter-farmer relations have not Inv reved,jtl, the past.ten Year,e,, the hunting pressure increases, the friction and bad relations between farmers and hunters appears to be growing, not shrinking. I'm sorry to see et this way, but from where I sit, I den't think. we'll, have qun- day hunting in southern Ontario in my time. . —Reprinted fram The Telegram. Toronto, Februrary' 17, 1959. Sunday hunting is a recurring controversial topic across southern Ontario. It's forbidden by a section of the fish and game' laws, which sets forth, thatno person may dis- charge a firearm from one hour 'after sunset Saturday night, to one hour before sunrise Monday morn- ing. It was introduced' into the game laws of Ontario through the efforts of the Lord's Day Alliance, At one time, this same I.,ord's Day Alliance waS able to stop Sunday gelfing, Sunday swiniming,. ,antl 'Sunday eports. But 'as time *went on, those actiVittes were emancipe,e- eedeeehey.becaine,epopulaee-aettethe 'law that kept people from indulg- ing in those- activities was repeal- ed, I doubt if such a thing will happen in Senday hunting. . It's not that I'm egainst Sunday hunting.It's just that the cards are atacked against those who want it. Oddly enough, north of North Bay and throughout practically all of northern Ontario. Sunalay hunt- ing is tolerated, It's illegal up thee°, too, but theke appears to be a sort of gentleman's agreement that -no charges will be laid. There's more tp it than that. In northern On- terio there are great areas of Crown land, public land, where a hunter may travel without annoy- ing anyone. The cruX 'of the problem in south- ern Ontario seem to be that all 1i-tinting , is trespass hunting, It's done on privately-owned land, and' the people who own the land,. while they tolerate week-day bunting, F more or less', just won't have it on Sunday. I'll admia there are some parts of southern Ontario that are still in the public domain, but 90 per cent of the land is patented. 1954 DODGE 1-eloor eedau, also 1954 PONTIAC 4-dpor sedan, newly painted, two tone Blue, and Beige, custom radio, turn signale. A real hargeirta•cleati, 'and runs like n top. AND BUTTERMILK BREAD /VW* REMINGTON'S I.G.A. Your Dodge, DeSoto and Simca Dealer Phone 710 Wingham The Wingham Len Crawford Dodgers travelled to Kincardine on (Thursday night to meet the lake- shore intermediates .in a delayed fixture 'which had ,been' held, over bee use of bad weather on. the 'scheduled date earlier in the seasdn. The locals whomped out a 10-7 victory in a game which was Marked by high scoring and wide- open hockey on both, sides. Wingham had the first period all to themselves as Lott and • Wood counted at 1.45 and 15720. Lott's goal was assisted by Barry Fry- fogle and Ken 'Carson, while Mur- ray Gerrie got the assist on *Kee Wood's marker. The period ended without penalties. ' 'the'seeOnd 'frarne the Dodgers added four to their total ,while tile Kincardine club got through • only twice., Murray Stainton counted 'f() the locals at 1.4, on ^an assist from 'Doug Murray, folloWed seven minutes later by Ken Hodgkinson, who .picked up e paSs from Murray Gerrie, Kincardine retaliated as Burnside scored train Vyrn and Bruce, only to have Bruce• Lott score on Bill LoCkrielge's assist: With less thi4 four minutes. to go in the period McLeod of Kincardine banged !in the second counter for his club on Py.m'S assist. Wing- ham came hack one minute later to count. on Hodgkinson's marker pone 'Ken Wood's pass, ending the stanza 6-2. Penalties were 'handed out to Ellwood Irwin (2). for interference and cross Checking gncl to Barry Fryfogle for holding. Kincardine theeatened a major come-back in the first half of the third period as they cracked in goals by Burnside at 3.50; told at 1.10; Threndyle at 6,22 and Fulford. at 8.35, However, with only one more counter at 14,03 they weren't able to match the punch of the Dodgers who smeshed in four goals during the period. Doug Murray scored from Murray Stainton early in the period, followed by another goal by the same pair at 11,35, Ellwood Irwin broke In alone a few minutes later end K. Hodgkinson wound it up with 'two and a half Minutes to go, In the ehirea period penalties were Meted out to Zola of Kin- cardine for hooking, D, Walleye, hooking, J. Connell, holding, Court- ney, holding and Pym for inter- ference, it takes "New Process' SHUR-GAIN in your plans for profitable crops PLANNED SAVINGS ALL THE WAY! "NEw PROGESS" SHUR-GAIN', with its controlled low moisture content,, and granular texture *assureSfree-Pow- ing... it drills well, and there's almost a complete absence of dust. SHUR-GAIN ' retains its smooth flowing consistency, despite long F storage.. After. using 'SPUR-GAIN, equipment is easily , and quickly cleaned. BONERS TRIM CHEWY ,COLTS The commonest complaint I h'ear comes from men who work Satur- days and have just Wednesday afternoon to hunt. They claim that hunting in southern 'Ontario is too distaht to be reached and enjoYed in one afternoon. Those who can hunt on Saturdaye say that one day isn't enough, They'd like the whole week-end. Sow deer hunters claim that a law that idles them on Sunday, when they're miles foal home in a deer camp, is rid- eniOUS and unfair. Those,exponents of Sunday hunting say that golf, swimming. sailing, water- skiing, camping, even Sunday sports, are legal Sunday recreation 'so why not .hunting? in the main, all those sports are conducted either in private clubs or on public waters. There's no trespassing. This Sunday shooting ban could be upset if a group of hunters was ' • INVITATIONS • ANNOUNCEMgNTS • REdgPTION CARDS ,• THANK YOU CARDS Carol Lee COFFEE CAKE 59c . WEEK-END FEATURE - '1952 CHEVROLET 4-door sedate mot*Or overhauled and newly painted, . with" custom radio, turn signale. 1956 DODGE , Club Conpe, loiv mileage, Clean, tWo-tone, free; excellent ahape, ' Come jn and see these used cars of _ quality today .at Spiel Won by DON'T DEPEND ON LUCIt'... PLAN PRO. FITABLE CROPS with "NEW PRocass" SHUR-GAIN, the fertilizer scientifi- cally processed to provide greater plant food value.t .guaranteed hand-, ling ease. Featuring, "ThIERMO.GRAVURE" PRINTINP GOrrie Rink, Alt eight-rink, one-draw bon- spiel was staged at the VordWieh rink on Thursday evening nf last week, with the following winning priv.e.s: First, sill Taylor, Gottle, 3 wins plus Allan Adams, Wror- eter, 2 wins plus 15: itetwidk, Behri6rei viuS plus 8. The &Me solation prize went to Mt Morro Of Olifturit tollowlrig &tub* twu tiuks tram Gurrie and two frOtit Witte gter Met With four FOrdWich rinks for evening's curling and, social. att,ty,ity. PROFITABLE CROPS ARE PLANNED with' the fertilizer that,delivers greater plant food value and guarantees worthwhile Savings in time and labbur. Three years ahead of the" field with "NEW PROCESS", SHUR-GAIN is granular ... is the original free-flowing fettiliZer . is backed by 40 years of; fertilizer experience. It has been proven, the finest fertilizer for your good earth. Here's why: When granu- lar fertilizer is mixed with the soil more of the phosphorus in the fertili- zer remains readily available to go to work; delivering greater plant food value from every ton. r . • Yee may mAto -ybur Wedding Invitations, Aniiouncemomits and Ofmigmottit 41011101400 confidencit its to quality ond corrittthess of Arhi."1 AO* 14AVII P11.1.0NALIZ6D WSDDINID NAPKINS, MATC1-ItS AND CAKII The Wingham Crawford Dodgers deefated 'the Cheeley Colts at a game played in Paisley on Satur- day night. on a 7-3 count, in the first period cbesley open- ed when Campbell scored from Gregg at the 5,20 mark. Wingham came back as Maurice Stainton picked up' Elwood Irwin's pass to , score and with only seconds to go' in the' oframe Matirlee Stainton Caine in far his second unassisted. Ohcslot opened the action in the second as Gregg scored alone. Again Wingharn accounted for two before the period ended. i3ruce Ina fired in the first from Ken Cor- son and Murray Stainton made it '4-2 on a pass from Bong Murray. Dodgers outscored the Colts 3-1 hi the third stann, Wingham goald bring scored by Barry Pry- Mee from Bruce Lott and Ken ,Gerson, Ken 'Corson front Bruce Lott and Keit Wood- from niwood. IrWin. The lone Chesley marker. Wes' scored ley aregg ffoth Camp- ben and Wood, CANADA PACKERS LIMITED Manufacturers of New Process SHUR.GAIN Fertilizer FERTILIZERS Townie y Cheatham SHUR -GAIN