The Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-02-25, Page 7ingtlarn 'Ot)viorgr-Zitpro
W.F.ON-PWAY.41.140:141( 241. 1044
Fordwich'Ice C
Fpr Top Nort4h
NnicrlY leo peOple crowded htto
the lrerdWiell wren* hist SisinrdaY
evening fat 'the annual lee oar"'
naval, Which had keel! postponed
froin the Previens Saturday due to
kad Weather.
A girls' hockey game between.
FordWieli and Moksworth 'started
off the activities with Fordwich
t"6-, Ofining by a Small margin,
The photograPhs on this Page
taken during the evening slum
some of the winners in the war
Ions events,
Top' left are Helen Johnston and
Yvonne -Spading, who took the
prize for the best figure skating
couple, putting on an excellent
Play of figures,
hi. the lower left are Helen drolw-
stol. and Charles Gibson, who tried
for the best skating couple but lost
out to 'Worrell Zurbrigg and
Yvonne Spading., To their right
are. Mrs. John Wilson of Ford-
Wick and .Warren Zurbrigg of
Gerrie, Who took the first prize for
the oldest couple on skates,
In the picture top right are Mar.
garet 'Byer and Dianne Carswell,
who, won' first and second prize
in the Jancy elstunte entry and
Sharoa,Indloek who won the first
prize ,,for. the best Valentine cos-
tume, • ,
Immediately ,below these three
belief; the queen e,.1 the carnival,
little' dress Nancy .Geddire and to
her right are Rickey 'Mariner and
'Tom Mitchell who won the , prizes
for the best comic costumes in the
6 to 12 year class.
LoWer right are •Gordon Raster
and Douglas Gibson who won two
separate prizes, for their charac-
ter costumes.
Following judging of costumes
skating ,races were held for the
youngsters, • Judges were Glen
Zurbrigg of , Fordwich and. Mrs.
Andrew Simpson and Mrs. Paul
Mains of Molesworth.
Bteti.. ()ft.._ Again • Fice! Weekly. Euchre
. . . . ':U1111.0RAVE— There were nine . . . tables in play at ,the regular weekly.
n • Church euchre party held .in; the commuli-r
Intended for last. week, ,,
WROXETER.7;-A slipper .ineeting
was held by the HowlcieLiona',.C.litti
Monday night _in Wroxotei•:•torfi..
rnftinitY•lid.11.'TiVentir-threq Were
present. ! Second vice. president
Gorden Moir presided.
The• Rev. .1, W. Hird 'was 'the
guest speaker and chose as hi's,
subject "Memeries". He was thank,-
ed. and presented- with a 'gift by
Allen Munroe, Warren 'Coiling
who has 'been a valued member ,of
the HoWick 'club 'Is lea;Ving 'shortly
to go' to Midharst and was pre-
sented with gift by 'Allen Gra7
Dick Carson led in a sing 'song.
Ken Edgar, the' talltwister, had a
busy night extracting fines from
the members. .Two,members, Gor-
don Edgar and Harvey McDermitt
who Had been were „welcomed
Plans were completed for - the
Howick Lions' honspiel to 'be hold .
Wednesday at the- Listowel runk.
They also planned an Easter dance
for the Monday afte,i Easter.
Mrs. Ken. McMichael was pianist
and the Starlight group of the
United Church catered.
High prIZes .Were 'Won by Miss
Annie McNichol' and Herson Ir-
win. Consolation priZea went to.
Mrs. Harold Procter .and. ,Jesse
Wheeler, Novelty prize winner
was Mrs., Herson
ity 'centre on Wednesday eiiening. . The following articlOwas written ham.• ' 'Every Sunda`y, for eight
by ,','Oliirrinist Walter Gilhooly and years, at Wingham. he condueted
antkared recmity in the Ottawa a radio —el-lurch aerViee. entitled
Citizen: "Pulpit on the Air",
Siri. 'Yeara ago, Dr, W. A Bee "I nave always' regretted, since
, croft :was called to .Ottawa, ado' coming 'to' Ottawa,", he 'said, "that
Wingliam, Ontario, 0' organize a the Canadian troacleasting Cor-
Cnited Church congregation in Alta potation does not grant churches'
Vista and to build the handsome here facilities for Sunday Services.
elnireb. :and hid' that,' hears, the It does at Montreal, Toronto and
named Itidetur Park .United. Winnipeg but, for some odd reason,
• Iii a short while he will leave this not over 'CEO."
happy pastorate for Victoria ,VII-
lage,, a new Toronto sub-division
lyineerist of Don. Mils, His task
there will be similar to the one
that:, Met here, He's faced
again "with, the challenge of 'form-
ing c6rigre.gation and helping It
build ;a 'church, •
'Club 20.Mieets
Mrs. Har-
old Vincent welecimed the members
of. Club 20 to ,their,hOnie on Thurs-
day- evening, ..vyhen; an enjoyable
time was spent Waking progressive.
High prize., winners Were Mrs.
Robert Grasby ancrgifton Walsh,
Consolation prize .vvinners were
Mrs, Gordon 'Bosnian and George
Michie, A lunch was served,
District Group Wills
At Drama. Festival
The North Huron Junior Farmers
:won the Huren County Junior Far-
mers Drama Festival at Seaforth
'last Thursday, with' their presenta-
tion of "High Window". The play
was. directed 'by Mrs. Roy Ken-
nedy- of Brussels, ,assisted by Miss
jean Smith,
Taking part as members 'Of the
,Cast were, Ruth Proctor, of Bel-
grave, Sheila Black, Brussels; Bes-
sie Campbell, 'Wingham; Jim Bow-
inan, Brussels and Harry Brydges,
The group was presented with a
trophy by Merton Keys of Seaforth.
Ruth Proctor also took the prize
for the 'best actress. Her part
"High , Window" was played in a
Wheel chair. She Was presented
with an 'award by Mits Jean Smith,
President of the Huron County
Juniors. Bill Strong of Seaforth
Won the best actor' award and
Ethel Refs, of Forciwieh, received
honorable. mention for her part, in
the Howick Junior .Farmers' pre-
Sentation, "Her First Date",
:Mrs, Ted 'Feat Ile* from Malton
last week to' Vancouver to 'be With
her mother,. 'who is 'quite
Mrs. Clifford Logan and Harold
Vineent -were 61 ThVanto one day
last week.
Mr. William alma is in patient in
the' Wingharn General 'Hospital,'
having had .hiS'appendix removed,
Mr. Alfred Cook had the misfor-
tune to' fall deWli the stairs in his
home arid suffered a broken nose.
He was a pallent" in' the Clinton
Mrs. ;fames .Coultes was in
London on
Mrs, George -Martin has been
spending, a feW days 'with her sis-
ter and brother-in-law, Mr, and
Mrs. Cecil Armstrong and family at
Thorndale, • ' '
ship of eirrling ei, If they did,
might not have hoard it described
by a masterly Sphaker, Sit 'Wil-
liam's speech was a dplight and
Made tremendous impression on
7 BELGRAVE--Mrs. Richard .P-roe-
ter,' peesident:of.the,Belgrave Wo-
men's Institute was in charge of
-the 'regular''meeting held on Tues-
day afternoon in the community
centre whew, there we're 30 item-
-bets present! It was announced
that the 'MI, has had several re-
Plies jilart councils, etc., regarding
its stand abbut 'daylight' saving
The group is going to :sponsor a
441 garden.. club with Mrs, Herson
Irwin as leader, A. donation is be-
ing sent to Mental Health and Mus-
eulnr Dystrophy. The postponed
euchre and dance will be held early
hi March,
Mrs. 5, M, Coultes, Mrs. Jack An-
derson, Mrs. Albert Vincent, Mrs,
Lyle Hopper and Mrs, Clifford Lo-
gan were 'named a committee to
prepare for the Belgrave 'Co-op
banquet which the group 'is cater-
ing to oil NI:arch 17.
The following were wined as
collectors for the Red Cross for the
village and surrounding corrantin-
ity: Bill Taylor, Mrs. Kenneth
Wheeler, Clarence -ruin, Mrs, Gor-
don Higgins, 'Glare VanCainp, Ro-
bert Grabby, Mark Armstrong', Al-
bert Vincent, Harty Brydges and
Mel Bradburn,,,
The next meeting will be held on
March 24th -instead of the regular
date, which is the date of the ban-
quet. Mrs. Lawrence Vannan and
Mrs. M. Taylor gave, a report on
the Sin-runary Day held in Clinton
Mrs, Lewis, Stonehouse was con-
vener of :the program and the roll
call was answered by telling "What
I Would bp 'if I Were rteeVe".
Miss L'OulSo Jefferson gave the
inottO "We help ourselves by help-
ing ' others". Patsy Logan and
Lorna. Bolt sang a; duet aecompan-
ied Mrs, Lawrence. Vultriati, The
address on citizenship was given
by Mrs. Stanley Cook, Lunch was
served by Mrs. Walter Scott, Mrs.
Ivan Wightroan and Mrs, Stanley
The remarkable thing is this big,
ruddy-elieeked man is' making this
move .at the age of 73---41. time ,of
life When most 'rneri, Clergymen er
illeldrits., lawyers Or laborers, are
resting in retirement: Dr; Beecroft
is a paStor who has no ehought of
turning ,hirnselfput to ,pasture,
"Why Should I quit worn?" he
"My health *is good. and
Weed' is work to by done. rli be
• sorry. to leave the'Wonderial people
Of Rideau Park United and I can't
saY..enongh that is good about
them,, ' They needed little leader-
Ship from Me in realitiriwthis fine
House' of worship."
members of lila congregation
would tell you otherWiSe, One said
had Dr. ,Oceeroft net heeit at clergy-
man' he would .have Made a first
cla4 flhancier.ot 'captain of in-
Born in'Elari TewoirriP; ViatOila
County,' Dr. Beeertift .graduated. in
theology from Oucien,s University
fi 1913, 11T 1915'holoilied 'tile•StIr
eavy'Siege 13attery as a guntiet
and spent three Years in Prarice,
Prior to 'oohing to Ottawa he
adi'Ved his church at Pencion
Oftiven hal rst, Ha irylrury;andWhigo
Mr, and Mrs, Alex Leaver visited
on Sunday* at 'the home of their
daughter, Mrs. D, A. Hackett o
Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Ritchie
and family Visited on Sunday 'with
his 'parents, Mr, and Mrs, Gordon
Ritchie of Luelmew. The funeral
of Mrs. Ritehle's brother, the late
Thomas Hebb of Amberley will be
held from the McKenzie-Mae-Len-
nen funeral .home on Tuesday.
Mr, and Mrs. James Gaunt an t
Janet and, Laverne Dowling spent
Sunday tit London, Where they vis-
ited with the latter's sister, Mrs. I .
Robert Altelreson lit St. Joseph's
Hospital. " I
Mr. and Mrs, George Coultes of
East WaWanosh celebrated the 54th
anniversary of their marriage on
Sunday .at, the home Of their daugh-
ter, 'Mrs. John Gaunt. Mr„ and
Mrs. Jarritia °finites 'arid children
alSo visited there,
Mrs, John Morrison, and baby
Arnold left on Saturday to spend
.a few days at the. home of Mr. and
MM. Jett, lrOrsytil of Windsor.
Mr, and Mrs. Dawson. Craig and
sons Spent $nricittY tit the home Of
her, sister, Mrs. W. 3, Veaeoelt of
*ridge Club
plow., tables were hr play at the
Bridge Club Oh Thursday evening
last•. Winners wem first, Mrs, H.
Campbell, Crawford ;second,
Mrs. J, A, Wilson, O, Haseigrovo;
third, Mtn, 15 Porter, Mtg, Cl.
A keen curlee' all his life, Dr,
Beeeroft is chaplain of ,the Ottawa
Curling .Chill and ,still an earnest
devotee of the game, 'His own best
success was. at H' aileybury ,where,
for three years, he played second
on 'a 'rink that reached the Briar
Dominion finals. "Not had for a
preacher.', he said, Curling to.
minded ;hint of a pleasant' little in-
1.030", he said, "the opening
luncheon of the Briar Dominion'
championships was being held 'at
the s'PotOnto Granite Club, Sit
Malloek, • the father• of
penny postage" in the, British
pire, -was the guest speaker, Tom
Rennie, President of the club, was
chairman and, as the .senior pacire
present, lie asked me tp' say 'Grace'.
"This was the blessing askedr
'iror the food Set before us; for
freedom in' our land; for the fel-
lowship of Men, 0 Lord, make us
truly thankful,'
"I sal, down", he said, "and Sir
William leaned, across to Eanrile
and asked him - to have ran repeat
the blessing for hitn,' I did,
"When Sir William 'got up to
speak, and I have no Idea If he had
talk ' 'Prepared, be took the
blessing and wove Into one of the
finest extemporaneous speeches I
"Until then, some of those curl-
ers across Canada' Might pot
have appreciated 0.11 we had to be
kratohil for, A few might not have
realiXed, fully the grand chintado-
. .• • •
• - • •••
71PF 4"r9R,f9i!ite1
► —An photos by **ham' Advairet4hit6s.,