The Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-12-17, Page 8Vtig:Vriga ' Many other Special Values In Other Lines L144417,,,WW4P< a, their mil) anniVersary op Itiesday ef w CELEBRATE 55th ANNIVERSARY-41ft and Mrs, It elicit Johnston of Minnie .Street„ Wingbano, celebrated, raAte 101Fht 1016 W)110910 AdvaZIVO-Timeia WednesdnY, Dee, 17,185$ Chi to fight TB BIN Christmas Seals 4061.4KlacifitkreiliMiIiMagrdli:iffatalaVOM'W-alWifOlililMtre'lAItarre=r" Gift Suggestions a a I a a a from lie/woods', :. 440 seven moire shopping days but there's still a big array of 0, attractive gift items at Welwood's, Use Oils as a guide for your A ' M shopping lists, For Him Sanforized fine broadcloth DRESS SHIRTS - colours $2.98 11 Sparkling White $3.50 A nntss sox „ many styles and patterns 69e to $1.39 pr, SPORTS SHIRTS, attractive plaids ......... ..... , $2.98, ea. KID GLOVES lined $2.69 pe, WRITE HANOTIERCIIIEITS 25c dos. $1.39 -Ai FINE LEATHER WALLETS $1.49 to $3.50 is NOON DRESS SHIRTS -...... ........ $4.50 ea, Big heavy duty. PARKAS, warmest lining s12.50 PENS, 'LIGHTERS, HANDY TOOLS, SHAVING SETS, TIES and PYJAMAS. ,'- For Her Lovely sheer NYLONS; 51 gauge 79e to $1.00 pr. DUSTERS, HOUSECOATS $3.95 - $4.95 ea. ki LACK TRU1I GOWNS $1.98 ea.. - 4 PAT BY' NUMBER SETS, large sizes $3.95 ' COSTUME JEWELLERY 59e to :moo A A if FLETTE PYJAMAS and GOWNS . from $2.95 • Big Fleecy BATH TOWELS 4 89e to $1.39 ea. A Ai. WaBA§,so SHEETS $7.50 pr. ill 08,4* CARDIGANS $4.50 ea. 1 ENGLISH CUP and SAUCER . ImPorted PINE HANDKERCHIEFS 39e to 59e$1:5 a. GLASSWARE, CHINA. WARE, BLANKETS, LINGERIE, • PICTURES and TABLECLOTHS. A A A A A Cabinet Silverware, $97.50 EVENING GUILD ELECTS OFFICERS Mrs. Alvin Higgins opened the Welling Guild, meeting. at St. Paul's Augliean Church on Tuesday of last week with prayer. 'The sec- retary, Mrs, Jack .Salter, read the Minutes and. coaled, the roll., Miss Dorothe Comber, treasurer, gave a summary of the year's fin- Ancial standing which Indicated a .94,cpe.g4f41 year. Mrs. Herbert .convener ,of a. committee 4o- pointed .earlier to purchase two plaques, 044 a Memorial to those serving World War I and the other for those of the Second World War, gave a report op their progress 'to date 'but no final &- lab:leaves made. The matter of eapboards La he lauilt in the juilier. -roorn was dis- cussed and the committee .appointed to look after the details was Mrs.' 'Herbert Puller, Mrs, Ipck-. ridge and Mrs. Miller Davis Mem- hers were asked to donate _home- made candy for the Sunday School Christmas 'concert and several vol- nteered. It was also decided to bold a pancake social in February. C. P. Johnson presided for the election of officers with the following results: Hon, pres., Mrs.' C. F Johnson; pres„ Mrs, Alvin Biggins; first vice, Mrs. Terry' Nethery; second vice, Mrs. Glen Foxton; sec., Mrs. Peter Norman; treas., Miss Dorothe Comber; press reporter, ligrai Jack Salter; visiting - committee convener, .Mrs, Charles Wilkinson; card cotran„ Mrs. Glen Paxton; 'sewing comm., Mrs. Terry Nethery. After the close -of the .meeting lunch was' served by Mrs. Peter Norman, Mrs. Jim Morrison, Miss Alice Reading, Mrs. Ken Downie, Miss Lillian Ellaeott -and Mrs Glen Poston, Justawn,Tterch • V o.ws at Kitchener A wedding trip to Florida fol- lowed the wedding last Saturday of Mary Elizabeth Vercb and yr, Robert jutason of Kitchener at Benton Street Baptist Church. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Verch, and the bridegroom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Henry Suatason of Kitebener, formerly of Wing-ham. ` Rev. Leander Roblin officiated for ,the eandlekight ceremony in a setting .of white chrysanthemums and fern. Mr, Paul Snyder was organist and Miss Margaret Hiller was seilnist • The :bride'..s white satin formal gown featured a scoop neckline, and bouffant. skirt highlighted by Impressed pleats, Iler. fingertip veil was studded with pearls and rhinestones; and she carried white orchida, stephariotia and ivy stream- ers. • Miss Jean Verch or Kitenener was maid of honor, and - brides- maids were Miss Diane Moore end Miss Judith Meisel, both of Kitehener. They wore ernerald green crystal charm. frocks with scoop necklines and sashes fall ing- to the hemline. They wore white • feather he.addresses and carried muffs of white chrysan- . themuma. •Allan Justason was best man for his brother, and ushers were Fred pluthe and Delford Schultz. All are of Kitchener, Receiving at the church, the' bride's mother chose a chocolate brown crepe dress and moss•green accessories. A., green orehid „,eer- 'sage conipleted. her insemble. Envoy S. 'Newman Is, W.I. Speaker Envoy Stanley NeWrnan of The Wingbarn Salvation Army Corps was the guest speaker at the regu- lar meeting of the Winemm Wo- men's Institute held on Thursday', afternoon in the council chamber. His address dealt with the work of the Army. He told of the great need In every community for help, especially at Christmas time, Food, money and clothing are always needed. He asked that clothing be clean and of a practical nature. Be also stated that not only the poor, but also shut-ins, young and .old, lonely people and strangers in the community need visits and tb be remembered in various ways, Mrs. Wilfred Henry thanked the speak-, er and presented him with a sum of money, the proceeds of a special collection taken for the purpose. , Several Christmas carols were sung during the meeting. Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton. gave two Christ- MS readings, "The Littlek Grey Cottage" and "Our -Christmas Gift to Mother". Mrs. .1. 11, Crawford gave a talk on making shortbread and also gave a demonstration of table decorations for Christmas and her shortbread was sampled. Mrs. E. Parish was .in the chair. The meeting Opened in the usual way, Mrs. N, Keating read the utes of the last meeting and cor- respondence. The meeting closed by singing the national anthem And • lovely lunch was served. Rebekah 1,,odge Entertains Priends Over 70 were in attendance on Monday evening when Majestic Re- bekah Lodge held its annual Christ- mas party in the Oddfellowls Hall. Guests and members Were Welboni, ed 13Y Noble Grand Lola Sanderson. Mrs. Horate Aitchison presided over the program. A lovely Christrnat tree provided a seasonable setting, Christmas carols were' sung with Mrs. Wm. Hogg at the piano, Mrs. Wilfred Henry sang a solo and seleetions On the drum and piano were play" ed by Mrs, Tom Cruickshank and Mrs. Lola Sanderson. Mrs. ID. S. Macilatighton gave readings, Vollowing the prOgram Piregrea- siVe enclire was enjoyed. Winners with blgh scores Were MrS. D. Z. IVracNaughton and Joe Schneider; Werndat playing AS a man, Mrs. Wil- fred Henry; lucky tally, Mrs. Torn Cruieltshatilt; and birthday' prize, Kpliriam Parish, whose 'birthday beceinber /0, Mrs. Gordon MacKay Altar Guild Pres. Mrs. Elwood Armitage was host- ess on Friday to members of the 'Altar Guild of St. Paul's Anglican Church. The president, Xis. Jack King, presided and Rev. C. F. Johnson opened the meeting, •It was deeided that the Guild would decorate the -church on Fri- day evening of this week, The eleetion of officers was held arid Mrs. Gordon MacKay was apL pointed to the office of president- for the coming year. Mrs. Her- bert Fuller was elected vice-prost- dent and Mrs. Roy Manuel, secre- tary-treasurer. A visitor, Miss Jean Mills, of Farmington, Mich„ was present, , Rev. Johnson closed the meeting with praypr. . CGIT Vesper Service At United Church The Wingham C.G.I.T, national Christmas Vesper Service was held, in the United Church on. Sunday evening at 7 o'clock. The 37 girls in middies went in processional to the choir loft, singing "0 'Come All Ye Faithtel". Julia -Cruileshanle, as leader of 'the service, pronounced the- invoCation and passages from the Scriptures were read by Helen Hotchkiss and Diane Davidson. During the service the C.G.T.T. menibers, under the direction of Alan D Bennett, sang three- beau-. tiful anthems, "Lo, How a Rose", "The' Huron Carol" and "Christ- mas Is Come". The congregation jeined in,several Christmas carols and hymns, Mrs. V. Reid told tilt., story of "The Shepherd Who Didn't Go", Wlio gained a, sight of Christ by being faithful to his flocks. The' announcements and benediction were given by Rev, T. G. Husser. The highlight of the service was the candle-lighting ceremony led by Betty Ann Rapp, Sandra Riley and Elaine Moffat and culminat- ing in the declaration of the purpose and lighting of tapers by each, of the girls as the processional was sung and two sOmi-circles of light Were formed in the darkened church, Following the service the girls and their mothers and friends ga- Abered in the Sunday 'School room kir a, Christmas social period of carols, Christmas puzzles and a Christmas story, A lovely lunch was served from an attractive table and plans were made to sing carols at the hospital Wednesday evening. As usual, the evening closed with, MRS. NORM. CORTES PRESIDENT OF WMS WHITECHURCK- The Calvin- Brick W.M.Si met on Friday last at the borne of Mrs. Ronald Coul- tes, with 11 ladies present, Mrs. Gilbert Beecroft presided for the devotional period and led in pray- er. Mrs, Harry Cook led in the Scripture message from Luke. Mrs. Clarence Chamney led in the reading of the lVfagnificat and the prayer of general thanksgiving, The committee, Mrs. Gordon. Me- gurney, Mra, George McGee and Mrs. Chas, Shiell, brought in a slate of officers that was duly elected. Thank you notes were re- ceiVed from Mrs. Norman Coultes and Mrs, MeNatighton, The group voted to contribute $25 to the Stbry Time talks on CKNK. 'The officers are: Prea., Mrs. Nor- Inan,Cotiltes; first vice, Mrs. Gil- bert Beeeroft; secOnd vice, Mrs. Harry Cook; see„ Mrs. John Jamie- son, Mrs. Alex Robertson; treas., MrS. RA:Maid Coultes; Mission Bandy supts,, Mrs. ClarenCe Charaney, Mrs. Alex Robertson, Mrs. Sidney Thompson; Baby Band, Mrs, Roy Pattlson. Mrs. MeRitehlei Mrs. Wm, Irwin; Missionary Monthly god., Mrg., DOW; IiterktUre, Mrs. MeRitehie; Christian stewardship, Mrs, George McGee; citizenship, Mrs, Gordon McBurney; supply, Mrs. Lawrende Taylor, Mrs.,. :lames COlalteg, Mrs. George Cetlitea; spec. fat fund, Mrs. Chas, Shiell; com- munity friendship, 'Mrs. Ronald Coultes, Mrs, Calvin Robinson, Mrs. Alex Leaver; sunshine! arid cheer, Mrs, John L. Currie; press reporter, Mrs, John Jamieson; pianists, Mrs. Sidney Thompson, Mrs. Norman doultes; group leaders, Mrs. Gil-. ?mit Beecrott, Mrs. Alex Robertson, Mrt, Kenneth Magort and Mit, Gorden Metareey, Mrs, Gilbert Beecroft's group .0ettred the Whelk et the 'quarterly birthday tea, All enjoyed the so- cial time together. Husbanctst , Friends Attend ,O.E.S. Party The Members of the Order of the Eastern Star held -their Christ- mas party TueSday evening • of .last week when hushands and frienda numbering about '60, gathered in the chapter rooms after the regu- lar meeting. A beautifully dee:grated. tree .add-, ed the necessary Christmas atmos- phere for the .ticcasion, All enjoy- ed a li vely ' si ng-song of . Christmas .carols, led by Mrs. Andy Lunn and Mrs. Morris Swanson At the piano.• Court whist was played and' the'. •prize for ladies' high score was won by Mrs. Andy Lunn. and. Thom- as Henderson won • the prize for, the men. The lucky. chair prize Was won by Andy Lunn, A delicious Christmas lunch was served: from. a. beantiftilly decorat- ed table by the . lunch committee, convened by Mrs,' Elwood Armi- tage.. Chriomas -Merchand)he .PRICED TO SELL Take advantage of these Specials! *4, s4 AUTOMATIC) COFFEE PERCOLATOR :„ . SAVE $6.00 ELECTRIC FRVPAN$ , SAVE $7.9 MEN'S 811AVERS , SAVE $6.50 AUTOIViAtICITOASTER•Sa ▪ ,• SAVE $6.00- 4. STEAM . ' . $AVE $5.80 • (FREE ftioniui Board, Pad and'Cover. ) DRYx.IRONS , • • from $4.75 up • SPECIAL CLEAR.OUT. PRICES ON' -ALL 1958 RANGES, 'REFI4GERATORS, • DRYERS, .% WASHERS, ETC. Use our,Lay Away Plan % Easy' Terms No payments till F" eb.; 1959 . • urke Electric Cononereiul, Industrial, Wane ana *aria' Wiring n rt'afis ,:todies9 ,Weat, Featuring Gifts shell IN Toy-LAND Hundreds of Fine Toys for girls and boys of ` all ages .. and you'lllike popular Variety Store Prices. DOLLS $1.98 to $7.95 DOLL PRAMS $4,98 to $15,00 BIG,DISH and COOKING SETS $1.98 ea. HOCKEY GAMES, this is ideal for a family gift. Every player can he controlled, lots of action, two Sizes $11.50 and $15.95 GUN and HOLSTER. 'SETS for the fast draw'rs $2.95 to $5.50 TRUCKS; TRAINS, BUILDING SETS, MODELLING SETS, just 'about everything to 'make them happy on Christmas morn' BOOKS and GABS....all the old favourites and the new ones also. Mission Band Presents Pageant • The Christmas meeting of the Mission Band of the Wingham Un- ited Church was held in the Sun- day School room, with 36 members present, The worship service, which took the form- of a pageant entitled "Rejoice! Christ Is Born" was enacted by several of the child- ren. Those taking part were Don- na McKay and Brian Caslick who read, the Scripture and Judy Cal-. Ian who sang as a solo, "Away in FINE_ BOXED effluswas CARDS and BULK CARDS. a Manger". GIFT WRAPPING SUPPLIES Patsy Walker acted as candle- . CIIIIISZKAS TREE -,sets $2.69 and up Miller ter and d Ross Barry Conron, B Caslick were r the ligh an an TREE HOLDERS, DECORATIONS, BULBS and NOVELTIES Three Wise Men. Several carols were sung, in which all took part. At this season Hamilton's off er you money-saving values. Here is your chance to buy DIAMOND RINGS - WATCHES CABINET SILVERWARE AT SAVINfiS OF' 2.0 TO. 50 PER CENT Mrs. McArthur read a Christmas Phone ou rit- much solo by Susan Spry was enjoyed. The meeting elos- story, "The Little Fir Tree" and 114WOODS apiano ot,er the stortee in our December Stock-Reducing Sale PRE - CHRISTMAS ed With the benediction and the children were then treated to a V-nri-03%->a4ra.aZeMisre,Mal.va7.14%-`,..iare,'-e.V..11aMail. candy snow man, ALL IN REbUCTION SALE •ionitniiiiioinginiittotonFitonstiit4nmiomtsuitiest*e***4 DIAMOND RINGS $45.00 TO $350.00 9 411 Ink . VIYilford Caslielt k expressed apPre- a ciatiett on behalf the guests to the indiribert itif the lodge for a itiOgit enjoyable evening. If PHONE 474-', Motor Re-wing and Repair - • WINGRAm _ • !Uspmvjioro,...a,ismr.,w,-yo,,A.-mteosvoo.vx-,r.otooy!oisw.:-lov.I[t. 14..-remozo,...,K,mr,414-wizrztrivrzozirzirzIF-exiscrgo.tsokr.csaotisoasaiasaapswat-anwer.orzivocarogia '' Ilk, , Slips $1.98 to $6.95 , ' . Blouses $2.98 to $6.95 Gloves $1.19 Op i V , ' Crinolines . ' 4). Pajamas - Sweaters • `AR 11,44rik '-'6' H5a0:kuipes "...i:::•',........ ...'ili..;*,•• • - Quilted House Coats $12.95 up ' ''''''si , .4\01 411) Dustei. Coats $4,99 up • . Scarves li9c to $3.95 ......-...;.-.... a. A iv ' Bullty Sweate1.5 $5,95 uP '4 t .*.. „ Stoles . $2;98 to $7.9,5 Hanna's Ladies° Wear 140001140010101