The Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-12-03, Page 14: *P414"r shoWs Aight stalling a•t 749 pan. • National Faun: Radio Forum on the 8th, of December will discuss %4 Farm Managemen t., Present on 4. the panel Will be Jack Wilton, WI, president of the Carman Farm COME INTO THE WALLPAPER $1101' Management Club, Carman, Mani- 4 • 11 t V , A Garr volt EVERYONE , toba. From trie Maritime; Erie !•4 Nova Scotia, will explain the pro- q Many new Items in Crystal, 'Pottery, klecorilliored AlumiuuM and )1,, .144: i,i Meek; a farmer from Canning, Sinai( Gift Items,. blems a Nova bootie farmer faces when he tries 'to l earn and apply 1 POT a gilt that lasts, give Floor Covering 1 good management methods, Final- • ly, Art Robertson, an agricultural ty/ Newest designs in Inlaid and Printed' Linoleum. . ' economist from the Ontario ,A gri- REASONABLE' CliAlFIGES , George Williams Located in Mason's Store. Owing to lack of space, small clocks and watches (NAY. W. F. Burgman .LIFET1ME SECURITY a Can- ada Life special contract .1.4rovid- - big Life Insurance and Pensioo Option all in .one policy avail- able from age 0 to ago 53, . FRANK C. HOPPER .- -Representative-- Canada Life WINGHA.K. ONT. t Phone 462 ' TIKEATRE CIMSED MONDA.1.' TUESDAY A.IND WEDNU4SPAS., CACH WEIN in "ZERO HOUR!" An exciting story in which the action centers around the dan- ger faced by a plane full of passengers when both the pilot and co-pilot are stricken with food poisoning. TAWAS. IFIVL SAT. Deecinher 6 alla Andrews, Linda Darnel" Sterling Hayden FIRST CLASS WATCH REPAIRS UM Theatre . ;limp vvinown Advanee-Time', We dnesday, H ee, 196$ , Speaki ng to a Belleville club recently, Mr. Hager announced Linn a major promotion campaign would be ,conducted by B, F. Good- rich to aid motorists in selecting a tire suited to their individual driving habits. • "A recent survey conducted fOr us by a research organization shows that far too many Canadian drivers are purchasing tires with little regard for anticipated service on the road. There are many thousands who put light duty tires Road safety and motoring con- venieuce are being impaired by "thousands of Canadians using in- correct tires for their specific driving needs". This is the opinion of a ell-known Speaker, Ralph Hager, oil company tire sales manager of B. F. Goodrich Canada Limited. Select Tires Suited To Driving Habits For Highway Safety , I wish to thank my many kind friends for the support given me in electing me councillor for 1959. I will do all with- in my power to warrant the confidence you place in me. THANK YOU legislation or excessive tire tire condition accident. pollee practice if wear or weakened contributes to an j Mr. and Mra, Walter Tisdale of Kindersley. Sask., has been visiting with Mrs Tisdale's slater, Mrs. Gee, Deyell for the past two weeks, and are leaving Monday for St, Peters- burg, Florida for a couple of months before returning home, -Mr, and Mrs, Bill Coultes ,or Brussels visited on Sunday vViAli Mr. and Mrs, Brnee MacDonald, -Ron 'bell of the Provincial Police Force, 'Ars, Bell and daugh- ter Rhonda arrived hi Wirigharn on Monday and have taken up resi. denee in the Edwards a,partnlent• on Victoria St„ formerly occupied by Mr, and Mrs, Wally Haselgrove. The Bells came here from Guelph. -Mr; James Gibbons and Mrs. Wilfred White spent a few days last week in Detroit visiting with relatives. -Rev, and, Mrs. T. E. Kennedy, Bluevale, were supper' guests of • Mr, and Mrs. Raymond Henning recently turd baptized thei r baby daughter, Twyla Colleen. -Dr. and Mrs. Bill Burgman of Kirkland Lake, and Dr. and Mrs, Geo. Burgman of Niagara Falls flew to Mexico where they are e n- joyin g a, holiday and also attendin g a dental convention in Mexico City. YULE LOGS FOR FIRESIDE COLOR ,t Rey WHIM of Barrie visited with Me. and Mrs, Stewart Cowan at the week-end and Mre, Wilson and son Bradley, who. spent the past .month ,with her par- enta, and' little daughter Deborah Ann, born, December 18 in Wing, ham Hospital, returned home With him, -Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dalgie;h of- ..Harnilton, former Wingbarn resi- dents visited friends in town on Friday and Saturday, Mr, gleish was a guest at the Oticifel- low's meetin g on Friday evening when her ihtiOnnd was presented with a 25-year jewel, - -Mrs. R, Hoblen anti Miss Jeat flobclen of Hamilton and Mr, Jim Hobden of Toronto were visitors in Wingharn over the week-end. Dr. and 1Vres, :Alexander Ninuno spent the early part Of last week in Detroit, Mich. . _ Accident Victims --• • Treated at Hospital • Poor walking conditions on snow-covered- streets' accounted for the admission of several pa tients at the Win gharn Generci'l Hospital during the past week, Suffering from fractures. Among the more seriously injur- ed was James Howstorr of White- church, who was brought to the hospital on Tuesday of last week after bein g struck on the heq.c1 by a, branch of a tree. Be received treatment for bead and facial in- jui:les and is reported to be pro- gressing satisfacto rily.. , Alex Hackett, 40, of R.R, 7, Luck- now, was admitted to hospital here on Thu rsday after he had been badly injured while working with a corn v picking machine.. It was found necessary to amputate the left hand, Mr. Hackett's condi- tion is repoited .as satisfactory this week. • . - 011fr )0 ..iis / N BAGS Rebekah Lodge Special Meeting To enjoy a real old-fashioned Christmas this year, nialce some Yule logs out of old newspapers. Chemicals are the secret of these brightly-burning logs. When news- papers are rolled tightly, tied and soaked in solutions of different chemicals, th ey burn slowly and produce a rainbow of colored flames. The logs take about a month to dry, so better, start now if they are to be ready for Christ- mas. Put 2 pounds coarse salt into a pail preferably a polythene or wooden one, since the chemicals will corrode metal-2 pounds blue- stone and 2 gallon; boiling water. Now add one ounce of any of the followin g chemicals, depending on the flame color desired: strontium nitrate which burns with a red flame ; bismuth nitrate which burns crimson; antimony chloride which burns blue; baritiln-chloride or. borax, both .of which give a'green flame; or potassium chloride which burns purple. Put the rolled' up newspapers into the solution and let them soak until the liquid is absorbed, Don't use slick paper Magazines 'because they wen" absorb li q uid easily. Dry the logs on a rack till they are completely dry. When they are put on a holiday fire 'they'll burn with an array of glowing colors. and what a , wonderful new selection has just arrived in rich leathers and, fine plastic Calf. 911. vehicles which travel over rough road conditions at sustained high speeds, A light duty tire will only perform light duty service and all tire 4:GM/Males have an obligation to protect motoring safety by help- ing the driver to select the hest tire for his needs," said Mr. Hager. Newspapers will provide the key , to the program of advertising, merchandising and promo ion p'ans, Mr. Hager said that newspaper ad- vertising was still considered tho strongest medium for censumer appeal of this nature. In addition to the scieetion pro- gram, Mr, Hager's company plans a nation-wide campaign aimed at consumers and safety .officials th have responsibility for . tire" con- dition placed on the motorist. He said that while a driver is respon- sible for windshield wipers or head- . lights, there Is little responsibility placed on the driver in either PLLISONALk_ • cultural College at' Guelph, will SANDRAN-the 'newest Plastic Floor Covering wi t poi nt out Some of the problems ill a wide range of patterns, in 6' and 9' widths ' faced by the extension specialist in 'w ONLY $1.89 per sq, yd. qt this field. OAC presently gives' Ni some of the most complete man- For a Bright Christma,s enjoy a Bri ght New Floor front Nei * agement trainin g and assistance courses in Canada. The chairman will be Rodger Schwass, editor- ,A manager, Natkmal Farm Radio t,44 Forum.' " ?..007',4Z.,4=7",41.7MPAnZANiltentri-VP,0%-rAMV,V*Zifiv.-VAIMMARMir,r, PreligAte44°' . ./P ,'14.4K4,4MKAgAliX04040404g04AVAI* , 04471 ' 40 ' ' ' • rti 4 The Besti Gif ts under the tree . ,. come from EDIGHOFFERS p, - your friendly bhristmas shopping Store - ForolTIS, to Hear FaroalVianagement cip,se to OM, of Canada's farm- era Must be managers, In any other line of work, mast of thece luen would not have to master the wide range Of Shills in keeping books, planning &lead and coping with management and Marketing Prqlems.. $o the farmer mita be a good manager, Row can he train himself? Where can lie ob- tain this training? What will it cost? twooterrotagootasimagowskswoulwriclikooim....g.....,, Phone 37 (or " appointment • ( ;7. 71iiiignuimiloolopipiumumsotiliflopinpmeoungitionoinicipomororl IiiiUiilUji fin*: •11.riiittit4o GIFT SUGGESTIONS The• Wallpaper 'Sh00. W R HAMILTON Thoroughness - Ability Time tested 1 # OPTOMETRIST 'Priced from, $2.98 A special meetin g /of Rebekah Lodge was held in the I.O.O.F. Hall on Thursday evenin g, November . 20, Mrs. Margaret Rose of Sault Ste, Marie, Vice president of Re- bekah Assembly of Ontario, vice Ontario, Mrs. Florence kir patrick, district deputy president, of Rip- ley, and Mrs, Martha Patterson, immediate past president, visited the lodge. Mrs. ' Lola Sanderson, Noble Grand, opened the lod ge and Cor- onation LOd ge Teeswater presented th e consecration' service. Faithful Lodge dl Walkerton closed the lod ge. • 'After the meeting a lovely lunch waS served by the committee in charge. , UMBRELLAS Our new stock Of Umbrellas offers a Choice of very smart and colour- Priced jut styles. from -$2.98 DUSTERS and HOUSECOATS They make such a lovely gift and you'll flint a wonderful selec- tion of Tartans, Embossed Nylons, Quilted Satins, Wool, and Ben galines. • 1 ,Priced From $8.95 to' $17.95, - SCARVES You can make yourself popular with your "women" with a personal, gift from McKIBBONS - Perfumes, Fancy Soaps, Dusting Powders, Bath Salts, and similar items are always p opular, see them, they are convenient- ly displayed for easy selection A ND the PRICES, ARE RIGHT. New and colourful Scarves and •Sqnares attractive patterns. From 69c up *Suggestions, .for The' Home: Linens of all types - Luxurious Kenwood Blankets, Scatter Mats, Lace Cloths, Chenille Spreads, Mohair Snug Rugs • All at ,Popular Prices, llllllllllll llllllll 1110.11111 lllll 11111 lllll 1.1111111.11.11110,11m111 lllll 111.11t lllllllll lllll 0.111 lllll i llllllllllllllllll 111111,11 lllllll llllllllllllllllll 1 lllll lllllll i lllllllllll llllll %."0-71.,-'71.IVMItt2=1 • By Faberge By Yardley By Elizabeth Arden Bath Mitts '$L25 Perflunes $2.00 it up • Dusting Powders $2.50 Stick Cologne • $1.25 • , The 131ue Grass Fragrance TO SW. Old , PANTIE SETS , Any girl would be pleased with suCh a lovely gilt, so lacy and delicate. Shades of- Apricot, Aqua and Red, Colognes $2.00, $3.00, $5.00 Fabergettes (Perrin-AO Cologne - quartettes Colognes $1.25, $1.95 Perfumes $1.50, $2.50 Soaps 50c, 35c Sets for ladies from $1.25 $3.50 $3.75 Soaps $1.00 & $3.00 Woodhue, Aphrodesia, Act IV. and Tigress Price $3.95 The ever popular En glish E Lavender. those who gave .me their support on Election Day a most sincere A fine selection of , SPORT SHIRTS', from $4.95 , ll ll lllllll llllll isnot ll llllllllllll illnl l 11 llllll 1 llllll 1111111 lllllll 1 lllll E1111111111111111/11111111411111111111111111611111111111111111114 lllll 11 llllllll lllllllllll The Clifton Line I THANK YOU The lievir and popular Is a complete line of Luxurious items for the Bath - 13ATFI SOAP MITTS $1.00 BATH SALTS DUSTING 'POWDER MITTS SHIRT VESTS, at $6.95 DRESS SHIRTS Featurin g a large selection of Whites in No-Iron fabrics, hand- some "Stardust" and regular broadclolihs. Gordon Buchanan, • . . 59c - 98c - $2.29 lllllllll . llll ..... $1:25 and BOYS who are BIG! Shaving Sets - (like dad's) ....... ll l . l . 59c, 98c, $1.39 (electric) Priced from $5.00 POLO' JAMAS Fine interlock cotton in poPular two-tone styles. FOR LITTLE GIRLS! Cosmetic Sets - (like mother's) 59c, 89c 41 Bride Dolls 75c IndiaA Models .. • 4. a • . • 4 4 . 1.39 Viewmasters 8 1•V•• i1...••• $2.95 Price $5.95 A terrific display of SMART NEW TIES $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00 Wige, bird 't Opp Electors -- Thank You age404=01,74,1U • Viewmasters l . ll $2.95 1,070.7",APIMIIVInVri from $4.95 Lovely leather Jewel Boxes, with & without music $4 50 - $12.95 Buxton Billfolds from $3.95 - This year all leather goods will he initialed in our store for a reasonable charge. CARDS CARDS! CARDS! ,The- Rustcraft Kind - MUSICAL POWDER BOXES May I extend to the ratepayers of the Town of Wingharn my hearty thanks and appreciation for the fine vote accorded me at the polls in Monday's election. Your support is indeed, most encouraging. I can promise that our town will be given the best possible attention on my part and that it will be both a pleasure and a privilege to represent you once more on the County Council. Please accept my good wishes for the coming Yuletide season and the New Year , which lies ahead. Attractive shades find patterns in Nylon, All Wool, or Nylon' ";'. and Wool llends. From $1.00 MEN'S DRESSING GOWNS ' in itandSOine, good quality rayon taAana . at $13.95 Esmond Gowns at $6.95 ,ii(1•01 heti ft 011111141 "14. 1:111 Vir 101 ;oaf off i ri• till, to 00 tlimiii1111011 titoilt 01104444004/04040MAKUOMOOMIWMilf40,CIE,140410‘10MINUMM*U0040+040400,4* 14.•EDIGHOFFERS(Wingham) LTD. "The Friendly Store" 1.11000-00,Moilrf4WAV*140140400107 410001-700, PHONE 55 DRUG S1'OR5,. • •-‘,JOE .11(11ERR, • 1 v ' a.