The Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-12-03, Page 2„ , •
am Aitrottot-Ilioes,, Ivedoosaior, A#4.114, ips8
• Although December has dropped'
„rom first to seventh place among
the year's traffic -dangerous months,
it still contains one of the most per-
ilous periods -the Christmas and
• New Year holidays, Police forces
across Canada -federal, provincial,
mnnicipal and industrial- will co-
• l operate in a campaign against De-
cember's 'holiday hazards", the
drive to get a surging start with the
nation-wide "Safe -Driving Week'',
sponsored by the Canadian Highway
Safety Conference between Decerti-zi
ber lst and 7th.
"Safe - Driving Week" receives
strong, and forceful participation by
all police, as well as provincial and
• community safety organizations and
service clubs, church -arroups, mac,-
istrates and judges; government of-
ficials and many other bodies. Its
aim is to make the motorist and pe-
destrian aware of his responsibility
as an individual in the prevention of
highway accidents, injuries, econo-
Entirely aside from the civic as-
pects of Monday's election in Wing-
' ham, it had an educational value of
great importance. At least two
rades at the public school held el-
ections, using the names of the civic
The fact that the elections at the
school Were held on the same &A-
,: while interest and home discussion
was presumably at its peak, added
a great deal to what world, at any
time, be a good lesson in active proc-
•l, bee of democracy.
•:The youngsters who took part in
the mock .elections will have an un-
derstanding of chic rights and re-
sponsibilities which few of the old-
er generation had at the same age.
There is no better time to emphasize
the importance of the basic founda-
'lions of our governmental system
khan- when minds are -flexible and
readily impressed.
We think the teachers who had
the imagination and energy to stage
this practical exercise should be
heartilY commended for their inter-
est m e -welfare of our town and
'country 15 or 20 years hence. -
• On Monday evenino-bof next
.week the members of thei.ions Club
will make a house-to-house canvass
of the hornes in Wingham, the oc-
-easion being their annual peanut
Vunds raised in this way are
used to further the Lions' welfare
-work, particularly as it relates to
the children in the town and district
who are in need of medical treat-
ment, spectacles, etc.
W6 have always particularly en-
joyed recommending this campaign
to you, for it is one instance when
you are not asked for a mere do -
'nation, The Lions ask you to pur-
chase from a stock of several types
of peanut products, all of which are
.-.Itseftil and very good value for the
This year, in addition to the sale
of peanuts, the Lions are collecting
I h
spectac es W. If lc are no longer of any
iuse to their owners. There must be
littndreds of discarded eyepieces in
ttbis town and through -the world-
, wide Organization of international
Lionisni they can be put back into
usefulness again.
The eyegla.sses .%ri.,11 be forwarded
to the rieedy countries of the world,
!where is has been found that no less
than'90per cent of them will fit some
;person who has no funds to purchase
spectatles of his own,
This is indeed an opportanitv to
be of teal service to other,s, So have
• the Old glasses ready for your can-
irlieWintham AdVancerTimes
rousted it whethoe. boos°
ger Brothei% Pithilshera
tory "WoUgerjitAlt.or
;Mb et Aualit Bartow of teattiliitto4
Mt.:114041*f ts Setorld Mt* Mill,
'Pot ottke Dept.
#104% Rate** 'Oriekeir *00, SL a M0*ti
iF�gn tc othitate
1Y. & Ws per peat
Rata 44,00 pe'tat
/We* 0* ASktitentin
mic losses and deaths,
When Safe -Driving Week closes
Sunday at midnight the police will
concentrate more specifically on the
menaces that come with the carefree
and happy spirit of Christmas and
New Years. While Safe -Driving
Week is a campaign of awareness,
"Holiday Hazards" is a drive with
legal teeth in it and the law-enforce-
ment bodies strengthen their vigil-
ance at that time in on effort to pre-
vent drivers and walker,s from killing
themselves with happiness.
The Canadian Highway Safety
Conference urges every motorist and
pedestrian -and every parent and
teacher -to extend their personal
efforts to co-operate with the police
in this vital work.
It was particularly gratifying to
find the Kinsmen Club of Wingham
presenting the first cheque to the
Community Swimming Pool Mind:
The need for a swimming pool has
been apparent to the Kinsmen for a
,considerable time and that club has
discussed every angle of the project.
When the subject was last under
consideration the Kinsmen came to
the conclusion it WOU iti be too big
for one organization to handle alone
but that it should be taken up as a
community -wide enterprise. The
fact that circumstances have led to
just that situation triggered their ac-
tion. in making the first donation, to
the healthy tune of $2,000.
We have heard the opinion ex-
pressed by a few residents of this
conununity that a SWiffi ming pool
may be fine, but that it will mean no-
thing as far .as the 'cafety of our
children is concerned. his school
of thought ...contends that the river
will always, be there and it will al-
ways take a certain number of lives.
Along with the Kinsmen we ut-
terly and completely disagree With
this defeatist themy. It is true That
boys will -alwaYs head for, the mill
pond chine -,,spring-b-nt: bOyS NA'ho
have been taught to swim are one
'thousand per cent lesS likely to die
1?y• di owning than those who have
never learned to look after them-
selves in the water.
The swimming pool project bars
all the hallmarks of a course at ac -
tion which will succeed. Let us not
think of b. new pool as siniply anoth-
er plactiof amusement. It can and
will ferye a vitally important -pur
pose in this community.
While the onus for accident pre-
vention lies heavily upon the shoul-
ders of the motorist, there are times
when 'one cannot but feel that too
much is asked of the man behind the
Naturally it is the driver's res-
ponsibility to avoid careless mis-
haps of all kinds, particularly where
other -Vehicles are concerned. The
car operator, too, has the special
worry of watching out for little boys
and girls who may dodge out into his
path withont warning,
However, when these youngsters
reach the age where they are attend-
ing the upper grades of public school
and after they have reached high
school it would be reasonable to sup-
pose that some of the responsibility
for their personal safety would rest
with themsavest
There is very little evidence to
support this theory in Wingham,
Those drivers who are unfortunate
enough to be on the streets when
students are oil their way to „, and
from the local schools have to run a.
virtual gauntlet of all -but defiant
young pedestrians who often refuse
to move even to the side of the
street to let car through. The ad-
vent of snow and the consequently
slippery conditions of road surfaces
makes their youthful' arrogance a
folly of Ohne concern.
Parents and 'teachers might
well step into the forefront of the
battle for traffic safety by taking
whatever drastic stens are needed to
insist on more sensible behaviour on
th &part of the very persons this pro-
gram is primarily designed to pro -
n V V v V V V V S ?WON 4t, V V tfte
Renliniscirio a
41.0117Y2 'SEARS AGO
Rarry Green and David Dinsley,
typhoid patients et the hospital,
are convalescing rapidly ands 'Will
be able to go borne this week.
Miss Edna Chandler, who was
operated on at the hospital on Frl-,
day last, is now considered out of:
Provincial Constable Phimien,
• Accompanied by a detective, vitit.q,
• ed Gorrie on Monday and called'
at the hotels, to see if the local
option law was being observed.
He brought borne a sample of the
beverage which was being served
and it was forwarded to Toronto
to be analyzed,
Mrs. Thomas 3, Watt, of Michi-'
gan, is visiting relatives in Wing -
ham and Bluevala having been
summoned home owing to the ill-
• ness of her mother.,
Mr. D. E. McDonald and daugh-
ters, Misses Mabel, Flora and Ver-
na were at Listowel for Moncla.„
evening, taking part in the Scot
tish concert.
Dr. A. J. Irwin, reeve, is in. God-
erich this week, attending the',
meet$ng of county council.
Mn C. Xt. Walker has returned
home from the West.
• Dr. T. Chisholm, has returned
Thome after spending a few weeks in
the Canadian West.
• Mr. Thomas Bell of Southampton
is visiting with Wingham rela-
tives this week.
0 - - 0
Mr. David Loutheed, the Wing-
hamite in the London Free Press
contest, secured over 49 million
votes and won a $300 Sherlock -
Manning baby grand phonograph
Mr. Loug,heed is- very grateful to
his friends for their loyal sapport.'
When one considers that he wrote
up over, $2100 worth of businbss
for the Free Press they can easily
• see that the winners of the lamer
prizes, who were far 'ahead -of him,
must have written a great deal of
Mrs. C. S. Rintoul and her son,
Chester, were driving along the
fifth line of .Morris to visit with
her daughter, Mrs. McLean, at
Belgrave, when their horse scared
at a newly -painted mailbox, bolted
rasa turned the buggy over into the
ilepotikro- 000401Nes
•""st I ow
„ •4110.41\ s .1.40tHi g MOtt., „ pi• , !•”4••••8 ,, ,, , !,•••••OwRqffitgo•••••••ipollfimosoampe.manasnouruit.
The Bible Toda• y se:Y:1:v' Walden, 844
r Canada Bible Society!
Churcites throughout the world
will observe next Sunday, Decem-
ber 7th, as Bible Sunday. Emphasis
will be placed upon the Living
Word - "Tile Word was made
Flesh, and dwelt amongst us -full
of grace and truth," The reading
and hearing of this ancient record
C.G.I,T. to Decorate
For S.S. Concert
BELGRAVE-The regular meet-
ing of the Canadian Girls in train-
ing was held on Friday evening in
the detach basement, opening with
the Purpose, Luke 2;52 and the
Children's •Song in unison_ Linda
Johnston gave the call to worship
which was followed by a hymn,
Suggested. Bible Reading
Wednesday, Matt. 5:17-48; Thurs-
day, Matt, 6:1-15; Friday, Matt.
6:16-34; Saturday, Matt. 7:1-20;
Sunday, Luke 10:1-42; Monday,
Luke 15:1-32; Tuesday, Luke 24:
Betty Rinn read the Scripture
lesson from Matthew 25:14-21.
Lin -
Johnston read the story, "The BOX 473
will not fail to produce in millions
of hearts, a sense of direction and
hope for our Modern world.
This year the message will be,
read in 1127 languaies, and dialects,
Last Christmas this Good :News
appeared in 17 additional languages
for the first time, and in the cur-
rent year will he available in about
16 more languages, and dialects
through the untiring work of the
Bible Society,
Young Oak Tree". Marie Coultes
gave .out the stewardship earda
The •group made plans for a
Christmas party to be held on Dec-
ember 17 at the home of their
• leader, Mrs. Ted Fear, and .nambs
were drawn for the exchange of
gifts. The girls have also volunteer-
ditch- While badly shaken aP,'110 ea}tla
dee°rat e the Christmas tree
bones were broken. •for the Sunday School concert, on
George, five-year-old son of Mr. De ecentz.nber 23, and will serve the
L. C. Young, president of the
lunch and do the dishes after the
Wingham Salt Works, .met with an
unfortunate accident. 'While with • Practice was held for the vesper
a couple 4 companions the little service, and the meeting closed
Tad was ,playing on the CPR turn-
table and in some manner caught
bis foot when the table was shifted.
It was badly smashed, but we Aul-
the oc or p
saving the foot.
Pte. Tom Lutton,, son of Mr.
Thomas Lutton„ has won a com-
mission for bravery in carrying off
the battlefield Capt. C. G. Van -
Stone while wounded. Lt. Lutton
has been over the top nine times.
Bre was completely buried by a
shell, but has otherwise escaped
The Bank of Hamilton has open-
ed an office in the village of Blue -
vale. Mr,. W. P. Pugh is acting
Gordon Wray, son of Mr. and
Mrs. John "W'ra7 of 'Tairnberry, is
reported dangerously ill with flu
in an English- military; hospital.
Gordon was just recovering from
gunshot wounds in the right knee.
0 - 0 - 0
Mr. and Mrs. .7, 3 Evans, who
have purchased Mrs. Richies
• house on Centre Street, moved into
their new home on Monday.
Jiii.ta Mildred Reid of Toronto
• is spending a Month with her par-
ents on Carling Terrace recover-
ing from an operation.
Miss Lily Craig, who has been
Visiting With Mrs. W. W. Arki-
strOng and Mrs. W L. Otaig, re-
turned to Termite on Tuesday-,
• Mis. John IIehIe eft on Tues-
day for Toronto Where She. has
taken an apartment for the
]fr, X. Ihneard of Toronto was
a visitnt With her Sister, Mrs. R. S.
McGee, last Week.
Mrs. It, S. Rthivea of inrontri,
is ting her Parents, Mr. and
Mt, John Oitibraith
lira3. R. BentiedY Of Aylmer
is Spending a, few days in town.
Mr. Morris Cheatle l iiititing at
the hotne of his patents.
the Huron Curling Club held ait
•organization Meeting in. the Club
totifitt On IllOrOdOr OVelting
• the ;Wowing tinkers Were -ticketed:
/ton. Prelf., G. E. Artaitage;
A. Wilson; viet-prea, /Oates
Morray; W.-treat,15, A, W.
letecUtiVe COMM., I. A. Ca -ries.
1043,Usitlitik thteldeen; ben/spiel,
Itarry Diatnorid, 15onald Rae, Row -
with Taps.
The Boy Scouts of Belgrave
were pleased that their Apple Day:
Was so successful and thank all
those who helped to make it so.
The Belgrave 'School concert will
be held on* Thursday evening of
this 'week at 815 p.m. in the For -
Box 473
November 27, 1958
The Viringhara Advance -Times,
Dear Sirs:
The Management and Staff
the Winghtun Area of the Ontario
Hydro wish to express their sin-
cere appreciation for the coverage
given them on the occasion of their
recdnt safety banquet. •
• This rebord, of which we are
justly proud, was given excellent
publicity and we are very pleased
that you, saw fit to write an edi-
torial on it. Our top management
have seen fit to have -this editorial
circulated •throughout the region
and this is being considered on a'
province wide basis,
The Staff are pleased to -have
received this publicity and we are
of the opinion that this itself is an
important contributing factor to-
wards furthering our safety record_
esters' hall_
Yours truly, •
W. H McArthur,
and jitney comm., T. 11. Olbson,
E. 3, Nash, Donald Rae, Jim Mur-
ray, William Gray F. Davidson.
0 - 0 - 0
Mrs, W. 3. Skinner, nee Ha-
zel Brandon, former resident of
Wingham, now organist and choir
leader at the Baptist Church in
Leamington, has accepted a simil-
ar position with St. Andrew's Un-
ited Church, Welland,
Mizz Joyce Walker underwent an
operation for the removal of her
appendix last Friday evening and
is making a .xsfisfactory recovery.
The interior of the Sacred. Heart
Church now presents a much im-
proved appearance, as the work of
redecorating has been completed'
by Smith & Williamson of Brim-,
On Monday two Nil -Ingham rinks'
took Part in a, bonspiel at Kitch-
ener. They Were O. C. Oarrimage,
Harley OraWford, O. liaselgrove'
and Art Wilton, skip; Ed Nash.
John Hanna, Fred Davidson, Dont-'
aid Rae, skip..
pate of blankets on which the
Ladies' Auxiliary to the Wingham
Legion had sold 'llekeis, was won
was Made at the Auxiliary binge
1;)" litra, Wilt Henri- The draw
last week and was made by Wren
Iona Terry, who IS noW statiOned
' ttalifajt,
LAC fkirman l'"zy of St. thornas
and LAC Dangles Pry a Rent:Ville
Were Week -end rialtos With their,
mother, Um. N.
Lew* 0talseitail Sit& sturdy of
le spotiditig a furlough at,
home bete.
Um, A. bark arrived 'home at.
spending the Oast tour weeks
caring for tier mother, the 14e'
Atm. VitfIllars Wilkinson at
Manager Wingbam Area.
0 - 0 - 0
Wingham, Ont,
The Editor,
children, Wliu hitYc to go hock and *
forth, to the school over the 1+40.
Renate bridge. These Parptti )2ay
the aame taxes as we do. In other
Parts of the town and what la
being done to do away with this
Death Trap at ,b011 entrances to
the bridge-. So why not let Onr
TOWn Fathers discuss something
important Tike this rattier than
flogs, which bias. been the Major
sane for 4144041m •for the past
Dear Sir:
In your last tWo las-net df The
Advance-"Ilrnes I read with interest
your articles on dogs and rabies.
Could it be that our Town Fathers
have finally awakened to the fact
that there might be something
more important to discuss a.t their
meetings than dogs?.
Dont get me Wrong, Sir, at I
know it could be Very serious if
a dog in our community were to
take this dreaded disease and at-
ttek some child or maybe adult,
but don't you think that in a tom -
mina)/ like outs that everyone
that has a dog has bad them in -
Oculated, as Dani sure, like us, no
One would bare a dog unless it
wat used like One of the family,
and who in. this day and age does
not have their children itiectdated
against contagious &Se/Wet?
Right now, with the bad weather
we will be having for the next
three or tour months, X am much
more concerned about my children, along with many other
Ihnititiiirid Organ Servide
Wuriliter Settlet
litinshalt• Organ Service
tol*tay '114,044 Servke
Conn Orin
Btu* nevoi Seiridee
Thillinan ones* Servide
Praline* N4;littionlitott
„ 041 Liberty .414777
A Taxpayer.
Gaylfler, McIntosh
& 'Ward.
chiwpred ArmovintaPtot
Roll Telephone Bldg.
Walkertoh, Ont„
mutIrscom 0.13
' . ti
The .whole family can join in the tun of taking I
Christmas pictures if there's a Kodak camera ti
outfit under the tree for someone on your Jist. 0
Contains everything for taking good pictures - indoors or out.
Cameras now in colour..
' 0,
• $14.95 PI
Starflash Camera,. only . •$9.95 r'
4 STARFLEK , . .• $12.45
4 BROWNIE HOLIDAY (takes Kodak• 0
Midget Flasholder) - $5.90 jt
4 Kodalite Flasholder) $9.25 .0
Midgefor Kodalite Flasholder . $16.25' 0,
4 PONY 11 . . .. . . .. . . $29.95
• ' * * ' * • • •
lescr..tneritomiAtwoxi $44.95 ,A
• risogrioarlgozirogtfm
$11.75 $17.50 $18.85 $23.95 $28.95 i§
4 537.95, $46.95 and up
Films of Types - black and
itt. white, colour and movie -as
well as a complete list of flash-
bulbs. •
•j• $5.25
Jrii."J".4,7011AP- .2.1.70703%V-Iltrit'knrool*M.:AMMrolen470.7.000:11**MNIS*04
Phone 139 WingIra
t,.. : . -I) . . . ' . :--- ,
au 0 ' ,-,..,u• rtb.••:
Rev. C. F, Johnson, 14,Th. - Rector
Mrs, Gordon Davidson - Organist
2nd Somdey in Advent
11,00 a.m.-Holy Communion
2.30 p.m -Sunday School
7,00 p.tri.-1,:vening Prayer
it Thurs., Dee. 4 -Senior W.A., Rectory at 3
it, Dee. 5 -Ladies) Guild, Rectory at 3 p.m.
i Tues., Dee. 9-Evg. Ouild, parish room, 8.00 p.m.
g .