The Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-12-03, Page 1made the presentation.---CENX photo by John Strong. •
With which is arnalganiated thp GorriO Vidette and Wroxeter News "
wowami, °wag). „
onsaiky, DEetzwit 3rd, 008
By Poi Pedestrian
Geo. Irwin Receives
50-Year 100P Jewel
Apologieo, to yiotji Stephens,
*horn We identified in a story last
week. as Major 401,s StePbens'on
in •connectiOn ,with the mess dinner
of the 21st Regiment.
; 0 4 0
The lo'cal firemen haVe had two
calla in the past Week. The first
wa$ a nasty run to Belgrave in. a
near freezing rain when Purdon
/fOtorS„was, endangered by a fire
near the furnace on Tuesday night.
.Pn Friday evening they were call-
ed to Lloyd's plant on John Street
to quell an incipient blaze near
'''the boilers. Nticiutie was light in
both cases.,
• 0 A 0
='Two . or three families' in town
have :been enjoying bear steaks.
Since the retUrn• of the hunters
from the northland. The steaks are
ieiorted'tb''lfave been" very 'tasty. a.
peopite the fact that there was a ,heavy snowfall .on IVIOndvaYk. electors in Wingharn turned put in good numbers .to cast their' ballOtsi
for deputy` reeve and air; members of town 'council; The high-per'-',
eentage vote was in sharp. ontrastte most communities 'where, in some
instances votes as IOW as 25 per cent were .recorded,`'
Joe Kerr, who• has been the town's .deputy reeve far :Several' years,
defeated his opponent,: Carmicha.el, a former councillor, 500 le 393.
Elected to council were G. W, Buchanan, W. F, Purginank J, j',
Callan John Gorbutt P. C. NasPaith• and Harold,Podock, Defeated
Were W. B. Conran and "Earl liareilton., Buchanan, and Pocock, are new •
members of the council, while the remaining three were returned,
The vote by sup-divisions fellows;
Sub-Division 1 2
Carmiehael, Hugh 57 - 94
Kerr, Joe 90 175
95 ,110. • 37 • 393
1Q4 140 560 .
•., .'(Cerr) . : . .. 1.67'
fAN01,0A7...0 .....
211 109
173 132
1,91 • 143
116 92
129 100
104 78
21h 149
lafi 1,23
*Buchanan, G. 'W 123
*Bergman, W. F. ..... 92
*Callan, J. W, • 93
Conron, Wm, B. '55
*Gorbutt, John Jr. 75
Hamilton, Earl E. 46
*Nesmith, D. C.' 101
*Pocock, Harold .. ..... . 71
* Elected. ,
210- 75
180 54
,186 66
94 ' 34
113 49
75 30
188 64
146 66
SANTA CAME TO TOWN—Deaiiite weather which w asn't even fit for Santa. Claus, the genial gentlenuin
arrived on Saturday afternoon,' to the delight of say Oral hundred youngsters whd ware on' hand ,forlireats
of candy provided by the Buginess Association--Ad vance-Times photo. •
R 4114/TES
.The lucky few who. ^left last week
and-before for Florida will scarcely
believe' What they have missed:
After ari "inizetOlY clew and
November winter. came—all in one
swat. The snow bekan to arrive
4 0
on Thursday in earnest and by Sat-
urday had 'worked' itself to one '
of the nastiest .bliziards. ever seen
in "this part Of the, country: .Now
the. white' And lo; Piled up in eVery
tikailable spot.
While the Oults Wingham.
° ere ,htistling off to the polls on
oriday, some of the .youngsters,
of Wlogklara , Public Ochbol .were
alse giving serious ,thought to mu-
•nicipal governinent.
Mrs•,Webster's grade • 5,`pupils
and grades. Q. ,and 7; with Mrs.
Walsh as teacher, cast their votes
for deputy-reeve and six council-
Tare, using . two separate ballots,
.juk as the grgiwniips
, Rae Corrin was returning officers
•for: Mrs. Webster's class while
Larry Aitchison and Doug Ewing
'were scrutineers: The result of the
election was de,puty reeve, Kerr
23; Cariniehael 10. For council,
Nesmith 36; 'Hamilton 24; Callan
23; Gorbutt 22; Buchanan, Pocock
and Conron each, with 13; Berg-
man 9.
Lions to Combine Pean
ale, Spectacle Collectio
lively "auction sale with each child
donating at' least one' article . for
the auction. „te great variety. of
saleable goods turned 'up after the
lunch bpur,
Yon Batesen And Brian Murray,
auctioneers*, injected so Much en-
thusias 'that all • articles were, m,
sold in •-short .order, ranging in'
price, from Etre to flay cents.:
The students are justly proud of
their fine,effort in whelping a very
worthwhile :cause.
Grade VI Pupils
Hold Auction Sale'
Goldfish, turtles, pencil cases,
pottery, comic books, games, model
planes and numerous other items
were the means of raising. about
7.00 for the. Retarded Children's
School, in Wingham on. Friday
Grade 6 children at the Wing--
hain Public School, with their
teacher, Mrs. Thornton, held a'
District Deputy 'Grand Master
Rae Crawford, of Brussels, visited
the local on Thursday eve-
ning, when about 60 , °Mellows,
their wives and friends attended , an open meeting.
kotir men, Ed garrison, James
i i/Lnrray, John TvIcKibbon, all of
Wingham and George Dalgleiah,
now of Hamilton,. were presented
with 25-year jewels by Mr, Craw-
ford. Three other members, James
Patterson of Kitchener, Moses
Brown,' Toronto and Basil' Mundy
of London• were also to have been
presented with ' 25-year jewels but
were.tinable to attend the meeting.
Earlier in the evening Noble
Grand Nelson Pickell and Past
Noble Grand Wilford Caslick vis-
ited at the home 'of George Irwin,
a Past Noble Grand of .many years
standing and the oldest Member of
theVingliam lodge. They present-
ed Mr, Irwin with his 50-year jew-
el, Another presentation was made
at the home of William B. McCool,
who was unable to attend the
Meeting, 'when he received a 25.,
year jewel.
Following the meeting at the
lodge hail, Dr. Alexander Nimmo
showed slides of his' trip 'to Europe
and Great. Britain. Lunch was
served and an enjoyable social, time
was spent,
on Monday evening the :mem: their annual ;peanut. Plan!
—Mr, and Mrs. prank Moffatt,
Mrs. Gwen Adarns and Hrs. K. M.
Ma0Lennan, attended the instal=
latIon-F';eeremony,,Itt St..-Andrew's
Chapter 0,E.S. Tiverton. last week.,
One of 'the quietest nomination
meetings in several years was' held
in Bluevale on Friday,when nomi-
nations were received for reeve,
four councillors :and three school
trustees fOr the Township of Turn-
Without exeeptiOn + the former
office-holders were returned "by ac-
clamation and only the eight nomi-
nations ware received.
Results of the nominations are as
follows: ,
Reeve—W,Jack • Willits,
Councillors- 'W. Harry Mulvey,
Herb Foster'' Alex 1VIcTa'vish and
Glenn T. Appleby,
Mrs, Walst.was returning officer
Tor grades` 6 and 7, Brian Douglas
and Geerge 'Kerr being scrutineers.
Joe Kerr was elected as deputy
reeve, while the successful candi-
dates for- oouncil were Nasinith,
li:teha'poti, Callan, Gorbutt;* Burg-
mas. and, Hamilton.
SeVeral grades cast their ballots
In class at the time of the federal
eleothili. The students have dis-
played', a keen interest in both
federal and. municipal, politics . arid
are, even at this 'early age, learning .
ters peanuts' hi several 'forms 'and
containers Will be offered to the
householders as.a means of .raisitig
'alexia for child welfare Work. , 1 In.: addition,, the Lions willk
Ibr—theOollatioreedf—any'''ole d.
unused spectacles which may be
available. Strange , thongh'this re-
quest may seem, it is part of a
plan /developed by Lions Interna-
tional to alleviate' hardship hi the
needy countries' of the 'world,
So far niore than 200,000 pairs of,
eyeglasses .hav6 been <collected by
Lions and sent 'to such countries
as India, Where the standard of
living does not, permit the poorer
classes the benefit of proper eye
correction; as we know it in Can-
The. Lions Clubs in the countries
to which the glaSses are sent sort
and catalogue them so• that field
workers may call on this bank for
glasses' of whatever 'type required
in individual eases. It is surpris-
ing to learn that more than 90 per
cent of the glasses collected and
abroad can be used without .alter-
ation for some needy person, who
is thus enabled to return to a use-
ful occupation.
Townspeople are asked to greet
the Lions with their usual gener-
osity and thoughtfulness 'for the
welfare of others both at home and
hers o fthe Lions•Club of Wingham
will embark' one,a rather, unusual
eonabination of .taSks.
At the simper hbur they, will fan.
ring door bells, in, the •coarse ''of
out into •
TURNBERRY TWP. Gorrie Man Is Named
ero by Truck Assoc.
Mr. Nuhn has been a resident of
Gorrie for the past seven and a
half years and has a wife and
three children. His parents live in
the Palmerston district. He has
been a truck driver for 16 years..
School Trustees—Bert Holmes,
EdWarci Powell, Eldon Kirten.,
The school' trustees were elected
for a two-year term,
FIFTY-YEAR JEWEL—George Irwin, Wingham, was presented last
Thursday evening with a fifty-year jewpl as member of the Winglenia
Oddfellows Lodge. P.N.G. Wilford Casliek and N.G. Nelsen Picket,
The annual meeting of the
Canadian ,I.,egien Branch 180 was
held on Tuesday evening of last
Week with DeWitt Miller acting
as chairman for the' election of of-
Lloyd Carter was re-elected as
president. Other officers are:
Vice-presidents, Jack Orvis, George
Brooks and Jack Sturdy; record-
ing secretary, George Tervitt; trea-
surer, Robert Chettleburgh; ser-
geant-at-arms, Willis Hall; trus-
tees, Keith McLaughlin, Norman
Elliott, Ted English; service bu-
teat officer, Robert Casemore; au-
ditors, A, M. Peebles and Howard
The Legion branch and the La-
dies'. Auxiliary have donated $500
to the swimming pool fund. A do-
nation was also made to the veter-.
airs at Byron Sanatoriure,
It was decided to hold a Christ-
mas 'party for the children of the,
hranch members, the date to be
announded later,
lifts, 13; S. Fisher has presented
the Legion with a large etalection
of official photographs of World
War f, these are to be niounted
in an ahem and as other war
photographs become available they
Will be added to the collection.
Special Music
Special Music will be provided by
a group of young people 'front litt-
Mort, et. the Wingharn. baptist
Church on Sunday: evening, when
service will be held at the regillitt
tinge, Seim, instrumentals, trios
and group tattobers will be Included
lb. the servIed.
GORRIE—Wilmer Nuhn, 38, a
truck driver employed by Hynd-
man's Transpoit, has received the
fern-6h annual award of the Auto-
motive Transport Association of
Ontario, and was named the 1958
hero of Canada's Trucking indus-
try 'for his rescue of a mother and
her two children trapped in a
gasoline soaked car.
Last September 22 he saw a col-
lision on Highway 9, six miles from
Orangeville, between a heavy truck
and a car. The car was buried
beneath 'the truck in a mud-filled
ditch, Mr. Nuhn crawled into 'the
Wreckage and brought out the wo-
man driver, Despite warnings from
'bystanders, he carried out the two
children, who were near suffo-
—1VIr. and Mrs. Wally Basel
moved to their new home in Claes-
ley onSaturday:,
14reSide'et, Bill ciniVnn Was* in"
the chair for' the regular meeting
of -the Lions Club, vvhicli Was held
on:Friday 'evening, Since the Lions
Club normally meets 'at the Hotel
Brunswick, destroyed by \firei a
few Weeks ago, the dinner was
held• at the United Church,; and'
the catering was bundled by the
ladies of the W.A.
Hap SWatridge Was at the piano
for, the song' sessions, which were
led by Harry: McArthur and T. A.
Carrie had charge Of the fine box.
The guest speaker for the eve-
ning was District. Deputy Governor
Harvey Webster of Lucknow, ;who .
was taking the place of District
Governor Rae Watson, The latter
was called away' that day, due to
the loss of a building in London :of
Which he was the owner. The
structore was lost in a bad fire.
Eight new members of the Lions
Club were initiated, Lion G. W.
Tiffin being'in 'charge of the cere-
mony, assisted bf Lion T. S. Beat-
tie. The new members were le-
troduced by Lion Tom Currie,
Those initiated were Leander
'Slim" Boucher, G. W. "Bud"
Cruickshank, John Cruickshank,
Ross Dundas, Charles Hodgins,
Francis. Mills,‘ Murray 'Rae and
Harold tHap" Sveatridge,
A "first', for the local club was
achieved when Lion W. T. Cruick-
shank pinned the badge of Lionism .
On his son, Lion "Bud" Cruick-
The club decided to sponsor a'
midget hockey team again this
Winter, with Lions Harry IVIcAr-
thut and Murray Rae to look af-
ter its rrianagefflent
Four managers also volunteered
Minor league, Ross Dundas, Stew-
to help with teams to the town
art Beattie, Frank Madill and Thigh
The' donation to the Community
Swimming Pool Fund was discuss-
ed and referred to the directors
foi final decision as to amount,
Due to the• very ugly weather on
Saturday .there was a eptinPFative-
0!;innall turnout..Of district families
to.greet,Santa Claus on, his arrival,
lb tow -11o*e\rert Several. hundred
youngsters :came to greet him at
t6Wii, -hall and receive their
Christmas treat, and -to go on to
the free. slicrar at the .Lyceum
Theatre, all as the' guestS of the
WijighaM 'BusirieSs „ Association.
After Sa had completed his
chores tlicvntoWn he 'made his an-
nnal call at the hospital.
Stores will!. be ciPen all day Thurs-
dOtY commencing DeCernber 4. Open
Wednesday, nights Until December
it4o Monday and Tuesday
nights, December 22 and 23. Stores
will be closed Baiting Day, Decem-
ber 26. ' " 3-10-17b
Santa will Wroxeter on
Saturday, December • 20, at 1.30.
There will be a picture show and
,treats for all the childi:en.
6 F3-3.0-17b
, ;'d The pupils' of Bluevale Public
'School will ! present their annual
'Christmas Concert on 'TUeSdaY,
A December 9th, at 8.30 'Sharp in the
Bluevale Community Hall,. Every-
One welcome. ,Adthission: Adults.
35c; Children' 10e. F3I?
'the monthly; Meeting of the
Ladies' Auxiliary to VVinghan1
General Hospital will. be held in
lire .Cohncil Chantber 'on -Friday
niternoon, December 5, at three
• F3b
The Ladies' Aid of St. Andrew's
Presbyterian Church are holding
Christmas Tea and sale of
hometnade baking and miscellan-
eees articles on. Saiurday, Detem-
her 6, at 3 P.M," in the Sunday
School Ifoom,'
W. R. Hamilton, optoreetrist,
daring the Month of December
wishee to, have day appointments
9 to 12 n..m. if possible, and even,
fngs, by appointment,. Fib
I a
ivIES Ailt-W.Clt. B. Aiteool, Wit 00 Was the teolPlent of a
26.iyee:a Jeteci. whon.,inembers of the V4/htithattt Otldileiligws 'edge eltiilest
at his home last Thfirsday &Wing, At loft Is kast Noble ()Mita.
Casliek and at right Noble ttrithil t•hASOtt inekellicKI1114
photo 'by tioitti Strohm
Daned in. Wrokoter Community
14011,, Prides,. becernber SpOtisor-
Cid by the WrOgeter Midget 13 all
dab, *ale by an Wilbee and"
IVreledy Maker S,
popular PiieeS, Deriding' starts at
titiltiSt1V1A8 e0NtIlltrf
elattrias concert and dance by
PniclYee School Will be held in the
Whitedhurch—eettifittiOlty hall on
Friday, December, 5th at 8.341 PAI ,
Orchestral ;, "113b
ly1r, and Mrs, Charles $hoWerS
announce the engagement' of thee
nngett daughter, ArettiaMay, Co
,hift.itarold CoiStelt, son' o>"' Mr, and
1441.- Gordon C llpbbn of tiecletio4
tong 110. The Wadding Will' take
Place at Oeuteurdel trkited Chtith,
Oftiden, 4 bee, 10, at 7 PA+ t31)
AARE AlbtoiltAVA,,—Flto Whieli broke out In the boiler resin at PuirciOn Motorti, belgraVei Tuesday
+Welling 01 last Week,- threatened the garage huildlitg for fora time, iteoting relit And, high Wind added to
the uluPlealiithOesS of the clicuniStAileeS, The 'Will ham District flit% brigade intsWered the eatio,.Advance,
Thies Ode.
1 .