The Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-11-19, Page 10t
KIP AND BOOTS were Wit kept in mind by the designer of this tray-mat of heavy ribbed
polyebene; For the pup, it is suggested es an ideal spot for his 'fgeiliq rlisli since •the: plate
cannot be nudged off the mat, For winter lootv(retur, the raised edge .catehes .the drips pre.;
Venting marks on floors and carpets. Inie tray has many other uses such es bolding baby
accessories er flower pots. The plastie cah he easily With kitraV and wider and
folded out Of sight when not in use. ,
Nevember 211-21-22
Victor Mature, Lt•o Uenn
' in •
4. realistic war adventure melo-
drama, which takes plaCe in the
"'. • • Libyan desert,
Burial Services on
Remembrance Day
Funeral service was held on
November 11th, at the Walker
Funeral Home, Patrick Street for
George W, Nicholson of Nile. Mr.
Nicholson died as the result of an
accident late Saturday afternoon,
November 8th, while helping a
neighbor to erect a television aerial.
The aerial came in contact with
hydro wires due to a strong wind,
A son of Mrs. John E. Nicholson
Of Turnberry Township and the
late Mr. Nicholson, deceased was
-born in Turnberry. He was in his
35th year.
In April, 1951„ he was married lin
Teeswater to Mabel Marshall of
Bluevale, who survives with a son
:Rickey, two and a half years of
age. Mr, Nicholson has operated a
service station at Nile for some
time, and had farmed in Grey.
Township for five years before
'Moving to Nile. He was a member
of the, Bluevale branch of the Loyal
Orange Lodge.
Surviving ,besides his wife, son
' and mother are two sisters, Marg-
uerite• (Mrs. Wallace Small) R.R. 1,
Britton and Helen (Mrs. Elton
Elliott) R.R. 2, Listowel and a
brother Robert of Prince Albert,
Rev. Roy Kennedy of Dungannon
and Mr, ,A. Neelon of Bluevale con-
ducted the funeral service Pall
bearers were Harvey Bradshaw,
Wroxeter, Glenn lvIcKercher and
George Ross of Jamestown, Stewart
Taylor and Ralph Matthews of Nile
and Charles Thom of Auburn. Flor-
al tributes were carried by 'Harold
McGee, Ross McNee and Edgar
Dougherty of Nile. Interment was
in Wingham cemetery.
Mrs. Nicholson is a sister of Mrs,
Lloyd Hingston and Mrs. James
Sent of Wingham.
were""'Wedit-end visitors with Mr,
and. Mrs; Chris. Newina,n.
—John ,liorton, of. Willowdale,
Was a ,week-end guest with , his
aunt Mrs 'Harold Burrell' and Mr.
I3 u r•rekh
L, 4.3 r;
Chas.- A, -Roberts left for
Toronto oh Wednesday' where. sire
spent a'eoupleof days at.the home
of her son, 'Richard, On Friday she
left from, Melton by plane for Vic-
toria, BC., where, sheinterids
ing for several Weeks with her son,
Rev, 3. A, and. , Mrs. Robe4s and
family. • -•••
—Mn, and Mrs. iitigh Carmichael
and Peter spent last week-end with
Mrs. Carrnichaere brother, Mr. and
Mrs. Van Hopper, in Detroit, They
also, spent 'a day, in Windsor with
Mr,' Carmicha,el's sister, Mrs. Ken-
neth Kerfey and wont on to visit
with eousins, Mr. and Mrs, George
Silcox,, at Ridgetown.
.-,*rS, J. 5: Kraemer of Kitchen-
, • . er,- is -, staying vith„ her mother,
Mrs,' HoWard Machan. Mrs.- Krae-
mer came home 'because of her
father's serious •
Gift Wrapping
Some of ihe boxes the stores pro-
vide at Christmas are so beautiful
they ,pose ,a 'problem, It seems a
,little :superfluous to cover them
with wrapping but then it may
seem a little too casual not to do
something ,te.them.. Well, why not
wrap_ them in household saran?
With *yew:- "gift tag- on top of the
'boX under *.•the saran; even the
'Prettiekt?heie takes 'on a gleaming
sParlile that' adds to the appear-
ance of ythir
—Mrs. Elsie Sturdy is. spending
a week . with her daughter, Mrs.
Alan McManus, and Mr. McManus
in Stratford.
—IVIrn and Mrs. W. W. Gurney,
Jean, Don arid Rae were in Tor-
onto over the week-end and attend-
ed the Royal Wihtar Fair. •• The
children • saw the Santa • Claus
parade on Saterday.
—Mr, and Mrs. SteWatt McBur-
ney spent Sunday•in Port Colborne.,
—Mr. amid Mrs. Wm. Willis, Wing-
ham, and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
Willis, of Jamestown, spent Sun-
day' with Mr. and Mrs. H, Spears
'and family, of ,St. Thomas:
—Mra. Mary Armstrong, 'of
Brantford, spent the week-end with
her sister, Mrs. W. C. Murray.
"—Mr. and Mrs. 'Jeff Clegg add
Mrs, E. Procter, of Sarnia, Mr.
Jack Porter, of Merriton, Mr: and
Mrs.' Bruce Edgar, of Hamilton;
and Mr. Jim Newman, of Allendale,
Shower Held of
Casemore Home
Misses. Bernadette Stroeder and
Lillian Campbell were hostesses on
Monday evening of last week at a
shower for Miss Mae Daw,, whose
marriage to Douglas Claire takes
place ,in Toronto on Saturday. The
shower was held at the home of
Mrs. Helen Casemore.
About 20 friends were 'present.
A number of games and contests
were enjoyed with Mae Daw, Flo-
rence Cook, Maxine Machan„ Mrs,
Jim Currie 'and Mrs, Joe Ma,chan
as winners.
Miss Stroeder read an address
ancl,, the gifts were presented by
MiYss Campbell and Miss Ruth
Thompson. Among the many
beautiful miscellaneous items reA
ceived were a lazy Susan, eannister
get, towels, a set of dishes, cake
plate, roasting pan and several
ornamental pieces.
Miss Daw will live in Toronto
following her marriage.
On Sunday, Nov. 9, William Sin-
riamon, 18, of R.R, 2 Wingharn,
son of Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Sin-
namon was treated at the Wingham
Hospital for.ihjuries suffered 'When
the car in which he was riding
left the road and plunged into a
ditch. None of the othei, occupants
were injured. Be suffered scalp
laceratloas and shock, but his con-
dition was later described as sat-
. ;
A 'wonderful selection of Sweaters awaits you at Edighoffers,*
naturally we are speaking of fabulous "RIT'l'EN
OKLON", They're truly' beautiful and of course many more
qualities are offered in these lovely Sweaters — full fashioning,
hand washability, no shrink or stretch, and a selection of
40.1leite colours that WilLcateh admiring glances eVerywinge.
Orlon Short Sleeve PULLOVERS $6.95,
Long S'eeve *PULLOVERS' $7.9
CARDIGANS . • $8.9
4,/,t „Zoo „, etc teetaterte
Another wonderful, MITTEN' ereatiOn with all the delightful
qualities you look Jot inr ,a' really good sweater. This smooth
new fibre is SO easy to hand. Malik SO reoletallt to aininitage,
and tailored to lamb:a:Bon. The glowing radiant colours arelhe
most beautiful you've ever
BAN LON /4.1ength sleeve $9.95
CARDIGAN'S $4 4 't • $9,95
NA •
t t ISO a
Radio & Electric
her favorite
Setts When
you give' love
pettufliCs and tot;
lefties thAt
livery woman aporetiales,,
Silk; Otlii WiDti
Pile 'moo Wittgkao,okavgliipt-Tonek W0,1400day, $10V4 9, 1901
Mrs, Alvin P. Orvis
Buried on Friday
110W16 LIONS
If. a native of
Wingham died in Paris at the
age of Mr. Lecliett7hati TO'
aided there for the past '90 years.
He ' was assistant, agent of the
'Lake Bela and ,Northern:
way, He survived by ids wife,
the former Lottle Green; a
daughter, Mrs. 'Hewitt Kelley,.
Brantford; and brothers
Blind River; Hr ary cif
and Norman of Hamilton; and a•
sister, Mrs. Fred :Aitchison of.
IRELAND—Alfred 0. Ireland, 59,
Kincardine, former . CNR ern-
ployee, native of Wingham. Sur-
vivors, wife;former Dorothy
Luban; brother, Fred, . Phoenix,
Arizona, and stoker, Mrs. Alfred
Coll.lne, Kincardine. •Interment.
Saturday, November 15, at fin-
ot-A ot)414.i
111XPT, Ito been organized
I .give ppeolal4ed serried
for the protection of rAiliir-
I•MILSIP")% JUDY niabr,, S914K
Canada,' Life
Phon 4673 e
TWO sluff via .crash night
MA at 7,15
114010114101Hm !!1 imumo. ..... MIJON..111:
sENt, - I,
Y. _4 Es
Make your
selection novel
CI CA1114:DC7wh Iril(etioltur selection lttjgl'lris at!
its very •peak.' You'll find the I
,fluest cards here.
Support yogi, local • merchants
who advertise regularly in The
for your conven-.
fence, • FIRST Cz~i SS
George Williams.
Located in Mason's. Store.
Owing to lack of space, smell
clocks and watches only.
Mrs. Alvin P. Orvis,..4the former
Lydia Dthel Dowse, died .on Toes-
day, November 3.1th in Wingham
General Hospital following a long
illness, She was fl4 years of age.
Mrs. Orvis was 'born at :Salem
in Culross Township, .She was a
daughter of the late Thomas john
Dowse and 'Ruth Ann Baptist. She
was educated at Salem. and was
married to Alvin P. .-Orvis- in 19194
Two infants, predeceased her,
A staunch and active member of
Wingliam United Church, she
taught Sunday School, was a me,m-'
ber of the Woman's Missionary
Society and sang In the choir 'for.
25 years..
Surviving besides her husband
is a sister, Mrs. Arthur Mabel)
Edgar also of Wingham, A sister, •
Mrs, Alfred (Mary) Locicridge and
a brother, Howard Dowse, pre-
deceased her.
The funeral was held on No-.
vember 14th at 2 p.m., from the
R. A. Currie & Sons funeral home,
with Rev. Alexander Nimmo,
officiating. Interment was in Wing-
ham cemetery.
Pallbearers were nephews, Har-
vey, Arthur and Maitland .Ed-
gar and Ross, 'Jack and Bill
Orvis. Floral tributes were carried
by Fred Howson, Vic Loughlean,
Charles Johnston and Garnet
Howley T4.04*- Chtb, held ite
anniversary' of charter night On
Friday evening In Wroxeter cora-
mnnity tall With an, attendance.
of 97. The turkey dinner WAS. Serv,
ed by members of the United
Church Tam* Starlight group.
President Wray Cooper presided
over the meeting and among the
distinguished guests were District,
GoVeraor Rae Watson and Mrs.
Watson, Deputy District Governor
Harvey Webster and Mrs. Web•
ster, all of Lucknow, International
Councillor J.'J. McLaughlin of St.
Marys and Zone Chairman Harvey
McDermitt and Mrs. MoDermitt of
Nine charter members and .their
wives were seated at a special
table and during the evening were .
presented with 15-year chevrons.
by Governor Rae Watson, who was
also the guest speaker, selecting
as his. subject "Lionism",
The charter members are How-
ard Wylie, Ken Edgar, Cordon Ed,
gar, Gordon Gibson, Harold Towns-
end, Allen Munro, Harvey McMich-
ael, Ken Hastie and Bill MacDon-
ald. -
McKi b bons
U rocery
Phone: Our Prices Are Lower Free
590 We Keep Down the Upkeep Delivery U
Tomato SOUP if/
10 oz. tin, 8 for $1.00
`SAVE lie
20 oz. tin, 6 for $1.00
with her sister, Mrs. Stewart Mc-,
Burney, and ;other relatives in the
district, retuned to her hettne on.
—Mr, and Mrs. Harry yeLean,
of Fenelon 14 alls, Mr: and Mrs. H.
Johnston, and Mrs. J, Houghton,. of
Mildmay, visited on Simday with.
Mr. and Mrs. R. 0. Wenger,
—Mrs. Zelenko and daughter,
Dale, of Windsor, , wer$ week-end
visitors with the former's brother,
Mr. Jack P. and Mrs. 'Alexander.
—Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Alexan-
der and Mrs. Jack P. Alexander
attended a wedding in Knox United
Church, toedon, on Saturday when
Miss Carol .McKinley and -Mr, Al-
• fred Leeson were married. Mr.
Alexander was an usher. ,..
—Mr. and Mrs. Alex Reid spent
a day last week with their daugh-
ter, Mrs. J. C, Thompson, Rev.
Thoinpson, and family in London.
—Saturday visitors with Rev. and
Mri. C. F. Johnson at St. Paul's
rectory were Mr, and Mrs. A. W.
Johnson and Mr. Vernon Johnson,
of London, Simddy guests at the
same home were Mr. and Mrs. J, E.
Johnston, Ross. and .Heather, Mrs.
M. Nicholson and Mrs. P. Croucher,
an of Owen Sortad.,
—Mrs.. Waiter" Tisdale, of Kin-
dersley,. Sask., is spending' a few
weeks with her sister, Mrs. George
Deyell. . •
ed Front
* '
SAVE loc
oz. -
Mrs. Gordon Moir was pianist
and Warren Coiling was •the tail
twister. A variety musical pro-
gram was provided by the Reg.
Galloway Troup.
Lions attended from Palmers-
ton,. Lucknow, '71'eeswater and
Sunburn •
Lynn Valley PEAS, 15'pz. 2.for 21c
Stokely's Fancy CORN; i5 oz. = 2 for 33c'
it. PORK & BEANS, 20 oz. 2 for 39c rit,
Carnation MILK (tall tins) 3 for 44c
' . Vaneamp's 20,
48 oz.
—Miss Marjorie Hall returned to
her home in- Acton • on Tuesday
after spending the past few days
with her brother, Mr. Robert Hall,
and Mrs. Hall,
--Mr, arid. Mrs. Perce Coupland,
Mrs. Margaret Willits, Mr. ,and.
Mrs. Chas, RenWick, Mike Somers
and Mr. John Fitch were enter-
tained Thursday evening at a
dinner at the home of Mr, and
Mrs, Lloyd 'Montgomery, Mr. John
Fitch is spending the winter at the
same home.
; Pineapple & Grapefruit JUICE ,39c
Hunt's KETCHUP, 11 ()Z., . 2 fo 33c rt
Squirrel PEANUT BUTTER, 16 oz. 33c 7. •
• Redbird MATCHES
Peameal St's to 4 lb. average
3 for 29c
TIDE Detergent (10c off)
Skinless SAUSAGE
Maple Leaf
.. • .... .„ 71c
lb. -i
Howard Wylie read a short
sketch of the history of the How-
telt Lions Club whiqh was organ-
ized in September, 1943,, by Rev.
Ernest Caldwell, at that time the
rector of . the three Anglican
Churches at Wroxeter, Gorrie and
Fordwich. The club was sponsor-
ed by Wingham Lions Club and
J, H, Wylie was its first president
A special award was given to
Ken Edgar who has been for 14
of the 15 years the tail twister of
the Howick club. His gift 'was
a framed certificate called the
"Bullshooter's License". ,
A mechanical man draw was wen
by Mrs. Allan .1-lyndman and Har-
vey McDermitt won a similar prize
in an auction.
—MissNMarlene StaintOn and Mr.
Neil Staintori, Of -London; spent the
week-end -at ,I their home here,
—Mr.-and Mrs. Robert. alsh and
Bobby _halm, returned home' after
spending. a two, weeks' holiday at
Napanee, •
—Mr.. and ltirs. Ian A/It:Laurin.
-were week-end guests with , the
former's parentS, Dr. and Mrs. J.
McLaurin, of Toronto.
—Sunday guests with Mr. and
Mrs. Mark Gardner were Mr, and
Mrs. Harold Foster and Bonnie, of
Hensall, Mr., and Mrs. Stanley
Campbell ai,"-id Paul and Terry
Gardner, of Wingliam,
. .
—Messrs. ' Don, Norman and
George, Cameron. were in Toronto
on Friday and Saturday of last
Week to- visit their Mother, Mrs,
Gertrude Cameron. Mrs. Cameron
had been released from hospital but
had to return again in a few days.
Her eoreditioh is• somewhat im-
proved. • •
Mr. Bill COnnell spent Monday
of this Week. In 'Wilighttrii,
. •
—Mr, and Mrs, Ken Cerson were
in RidgetoWn over .the week-end
and Visited on Sunday. 'with Mrs,
Chas, Dauphin, who is a patient In
hospital In Chathain,
Devon - Slieed•Eindlesa
Noel POTATOES . . 10 lbs 29c SIG Fit Ki
Gokae" het '21"ler - vi
nded St cc
c odion tl It4 DETAILS .MAKE'- PE)
gftea•ief q ati
. ' 1.1"....1 . _ _..—._.____ ... ..,.„ . ..,.........._ r
. $65.00.'
Tip Tot 'overlooks no detail to give
Yon a tailored to niettriure suit that
etild be equalled for appearance Atm]
eturifort.. The skilled human 'hand .
guides the crafting of your suit from
measuring to indivichntl ]rand-Ctitting 4
to tailoring, Shaping and pr&
sing, Yes,. fir the BIG difference in
quality that conies from patient,
attention to details, Choose 'Tlit"
overt' time, See us very soon!
George Merkley
Dies Sudden11
Stricken on Tuesday ,Morning
with a severe coronary, George
Merkley of Belniore passed away'
shortly after the attack iri Wing-
ham General Hospital,
Mr. Merkley wee born in Turn-
berry Township on September 5th,
1909. He was the son of the late
Henry Merkley and Mrs. Martha
;Warwick, who now resides in
Over 25 years ago he went into
the garage business in Belmore
and was well-known to a great
many people in the` district. In
conjunction with his garage basi-
licas, Mr. Merkley was agent for
Minneapolis,,Moiine and Waterloo
farm machinery. He was always
interested and active in, the wel-
fare of the eominalnity.
'Surviving besides his Wife, the
former Marjory 'Horton, are two
daughters, Shirley arid jerthice,
both at home; his mother, Mrs.
Martha Warwick of Wingham;
two sisters, Mrs, Morrison. Shamir!
(Rosie.) Of Turnberry and
Wrii, King (Verna) of WingliaM
and two ,brothers, William 'of
Thrtibot,ry 'and Harry of Wing-
Valera'!" servloe will be held at
A. Currie ,ft Sells funeral
Win gliam, Oil i:thttrsdaY,
November 20th at 3.50 With
ititerrheet iii Wingham terneterY,
Rev. Itarold West of Ilelmore and
AIegander NitnitO Of Wing.,
ham will ,be the offielating clergy..
On Monday of last week Seven-
year-old Heather Rueston, daugh-
ter „Of Mrs. Ruth I-firesten, Wing-
ham, fractured her ankle in a fall,
A east was applied at the hospital.
On Tuesday David. Gibson, the 5-
year.old son of Mr. and Mrs, Gary
Gibsbn, town, fractured his left
dollar bone in a fall Re will wear
a cast for several. weeks,
Marilyn Strong, 8, daughter' of
Mr. and Mrs. John Strong, Wing-
ham, suffered a fractured left
ankle in a fall last Friday, A cast
was fitted at the hospital,
tin Saturcliy Gary MacDonald,
15, son of Mrs, Catherine MaeLioe-
aid, LtiekehW lingered severe head
eras and boticessiOn when he fell
triton a car. The boy's Condition
is now reported as satisfactory,
(W itigham) Limited
Letitia Mitchell is leav-
ing today for Hamilton where she
will spend a few. Weeks with her
son, Harold Mitchell, and Mrs„
—Mr; and Mrs. Doug,' McGowan
Spent the 'week-end with his par-
ents, Mr, and: Mrs. George Mc-
Gowan, of Downsvicw, and attend..
ed the Royal Winter Pair on Sat-
urday, „
—Mr, F, Langridge, of near 1861-
grave, ' was :visitor 'one day last
week with his On, Mr, John Lang,
ridgee Mrs. tangridge and family:
—Mr, and Mr44.1t0.41 Johnson and
'terry, of Eirrriliighara, Mich., spout
the Weekend hi Wingharri, Mrs.
Murray Johnson returned with
them to' 'Michigan,
—IVIra,Vm; Davidson, of Port
COlberhei Whet 11E41 'been visiting
writE tintliDlkintat STOltft..0