The Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-11-19, Page 8Insuranae Branch Manager ' . feel ~~or Production .AT LOWEST COST WITH MAXIMUM RETURNS Science applied and science proven on the Shur- Gain demonstration farm assures you of feeds that make available to you the best and latest that the science of animal nutrition can provide. r New! Sensational! the Smith-Corona Electric Portable„ the only, electric portable anywhere, Gives you all the typing ease of an• office electric, yet it Weighs only 18, pounds., Conies in 6 smart cplourn e. Dr., Mrs, MacLennan Installed as WP, WM At ORS on Tuesday Amidst a floral setting of plek carnations, the flower chosen by the W.ortele' Metren for the coming year, the officers of Herein chain ter No, 89 OES, Were 'installed in eveeryveinininpgreostsivoest. w ceremony, "Plee* day Mrs. Viola Foy; le,D,D.0,1Ve., and Dr, Jos. Fax, Pen were the Metal- ling officers, They were assist- ed by Mrs, Christine Currie, Mrs, Evelyn ecOte P.M., Mrs.. Gertrude Currie, P,M. ane James Walpole, P.P: Mrs. Lillian Bateson, P,M., was the in- stalling marshal and Mrs, Elizabeth Fuller, inetalling chaplain. The , soloist was Mrs.'Marjorie Guest. and Mrs, Vera, Elliott was pianist, Hos,ourary offices were filled by past matrons of Huron chapter and the 'orchid matrons of Blyth„ Palmerston, Listowel, Kincardine and Tiverton chapters. The offieers for 1958-59 are: Weer., Mrs. Doris MacLennan; W,P,, • Dr. Murray . MacLennan; A,M., ,Mrs. Kathleen Moffat; AP., Mr. Farish Moffat; secretary, Mrs, Florence Reavie; treasurer, Mrs. Gwen Adams; conductress, Mrs, Shirley Donaldson; •assoc. con- ductress, Mrs, Johanna Gibson; chaplain, Miss Norma Coutts; mar- shal;Mrs. Thelma Rowselle; organ- ist, Mrs, Louise Swanson; star points, Mrs, Margaret CollYer, Mrs. Ada Vogan, Mrs. OdeeMichel, Mrs, Kathleen Forster,• Mrs. Esther King; warden, Miss Mary Mac- Intyre; sentinel, Mr.. Donald Don- aldson. The retiring matron .was pre- sented with her past matron's jewel by Mrs, Gertrude Currie. James Walpole presented the retiring patron, Muria,y Taylor with a gift from thechapter. The worthy matron, Mrs. Doris MacLerinap was presented with a white 0.E,S. Bible from her husband and family and • also received gifts from the chapter, her officers and friends. Guests were present from Tiver- ton, Kincardine, Blyth, Listowel. and Palmerston. Following the meeting lunch was served by the social committee convened by Mrs. Bertha Miller and Mrs. Edna Davis. •••,44."414•4•••A•Aw••••••••44:4.4w•••••.••••••••••••••••••v••••••••• Help yourself, to success with aSmith-Corona Portable ACTIVITIES Willing Workers To Study Flour The third meeting of the "Wing- ham Willing Workers" was held at the4ranne of Mrs. Lapp on Wed- nesday with ten girls present. They opened the meeting by singing "0 Canada", followed by repeating the 4-11 pledge and motet} in unison. The roll call was' "One rule for storing cereals".,The minutes were read by Betty Zink It was decid- ed the next meeting would be December 1st at Mrs. Currie's home. A visit will be made to }Towson's Feed Mill in Blyth on November 29. Mrs. Curr:ie reviewed "A Trip to Town with Betty Brown" -and showed different samples of flours and cereals, The club divided into two groups, and one group made wheat germ muffins while the other group made cracked wheat muffins. These were later sampled and enjoyed. For the home assignment the girls are to obtain all the inform- ation they can about ,flour in the nearest store and to prepare Whole wheat muffins. Cooking Meddlers Visit Flour Mill' BELGRAVE — The 13elgeave Cooking Meddlers inet at the ;home Of their assistant leader, Mrs, CHU, ford Purdon on. Saturday night, The Meeting ;opened with "0 Canada'', the 4-14 Motto and pledge. Roll call was answered by naming one rule for inning cereal. Each member was asked to take their large notebook rings and 25C to the ne,tt meeting to pay for Materials used in the record books, On Seturday Morning part of the elub paid a visit to the Blyth Fleet Mill and gave an Interesting report at the meeting., „PiVe. of the girls Made graham muffins .which Were judged at the meeting. The Conkleg lefecidlere will meet again at the home of Mrs. POMO be November 29th, when the. roll Cali Will be, "Three Thing's l lane keened about florrea inee keieneee .a,, V' • .;111.-7—V-' • '77 7"" • A • tudents- (Surveys show that students using ty pewriters•obtain 38% better marks) • • • Try a Smith-Corona Portable in Our office now see how its light, peppy touch makes typing fast and accurate : Its- Super-speed keys won't jam at any speed. And its keyboard .iS Many ekcln- sive features, `too, like the time-say- ing Page Gage for foolproof; even margins. Neater notes .. easier studyi0g,, . better Marks! Make this yoUr formula-for siccess with the help of a new. smith- Corona Portable Typewriter. Your notes and assignments will be clean, far easier to read. And higher grades just naturally follow! Yes, a Smith-Corona Portable can.. heti, you ;,do heifer all.•ihrough youi_ school years ehOOSe .•.faAr0"itrite' Srnifir-•' • Corona froth fike,:great models : Super '(in 6 cOloarS);.Sterling, Skywriter and Electric, com- . plete with handy: carrying cases. We shall be:happy to denionstrate then." for you. • The Winghant Advance Times Teltphonet Winghani 890* _.a+e-eeenneeemeeeeneeneneeeeeeneeeee SHUR •-.GAIN REEF - AND DAIRY 1 . . FEEDS AVAILABLE WITH THESE 'EXTRAS A peen " „ AT Wei , GLANWORTH SALE ARENA on the Wellington Road between Qlanworth and. St. Thomas Moray Accredited and Vaccinated. Many listed or Weller Balance Federally blood-tested, ie. WWI Selection of Top VIVA and Springing Cows and Heifers. 12 good Heifers due in January 'and February.. A few Open Heifers. 3 service age Bulls. A few Open Heifers and Heifer Calves. Shore Holsteins Ltd. Sale Managers ° SHUR-GAIN Switch t o 20% Super Lay Mash $1,9,5 cwt. Shur- Gain SHUR-GAIN NOW! Lookik—*. 119 Glanworth • Holsteiti..Salle THURSDAY, „NOV*. Zith Our company. is Canada's own No. 1 exclusive health and, accident insurance company, writing sickness and accident, semi-private and private hospitalization coverage, including prepaid medical a.nd eurgicial benefits to individuals, groups, school ..groups, as well as hodkey and sports groups. The, basis .of compensating our branch manager will he forgery and commission. Write in confidence to Our company is expanding and is interested in the establishment of a new district braeith !office to be opened in Wine-ham. This office will serve Huron county as well as a portion of Bruce and Perth. The man that we seek should 'have preirieus rah` e experienec and be ambitious to Improve 'his hoeizoni. EARL rumAst, PRESIDENT Canada Health^ & Accident Assurance Corporation WATERLOO — ONTARIO 5HUR-GAIN Dige1stion and Higher Palat- ability. viding^ for Deficiencies in Poor Quality Roughages. HIBH LEVEL ANTIBIOTICS MOLASSES for Better Food SUPPLEMENT "A" pro' DIETHYLSTILBESTROL - for Faster Tlii:iftier' Gains on Your Beef Cattle. as a Special Booster When Needed Most. Pig Booster Mash Med. $4,55 cwt. .SI-IUR-GAIN - Calf Starter Grower $4 30 cit. • Canada , Packets a. TRIP TO .CHICAGO Murray Gaunt, R. R, 1„, Lecanow, is this year's winner of a ;special Junior Farmer trip to Chicago, Th e trip is awarded each year to the boY or girl in Huron County having the highest total score In seed nod livestock judging competitions in a, a:en-year period. Bruce Coleman, R. R. 4, Seaforth, was the runner up for this award and represented Huron on the Eastern Ontario and Quebec junior Farmer Tour, earlier this fall, Murray has an outstanding „re- cord In 4-H and Junior Farmer Work. He was a member of the Lucknow Calf Club for four years and had the highest score in that club each year In 1955 he was the winner of the Qeeen's Guineas Class at the Royal Winter, Fair, In 1956' he was a, member of the Huron County Royal Winter Fair judging team, which won the On- tario Veterinary' Association Trophy for the team with the high- est score in the beef section. Murray is president of the Col- Wanash Junior .Farmers and is ac- tive in the Huron County Junior Fai-nier$ Association. He is a mem- ber of the debating team which represented Huron County Junior Farmers in 1957 and will be com- peting in this, year's debates. He is 23 years of age and a graduate of the Two-Year Diploma Course at the , Ontario Agricultural College. He is a son of Mr, and Mrs, Andrew Gaunt, who, live on the 12th con- cession of West Wawanosh TWP. Murray farms with his father and since graduating froin college has constructed and operates a turkey broiler house of 6,500 bird capacity. The trip to •Chicago is from Nov- eniber 29th to December 5th and , will include many points of interest in and' around Chicago,' including the ,Chicago Worlds' Fair and part of :the International 4-H Congress, which is held at the Conrad Hilton Hotel. Announce Winners Of Agir. Scholairships A committee composed" .of Jim Kinkead, Goderich, public school inspector for North Huron, Warden I Jack Morrissey and Agricultural , Representative D. H. Miles an- , nounce the winners of the Huron County Scholarships for the On-, tare) Agricultural College' Degree Course; the Diploma Course, On- tario :Agricultural College; Mac- donald Institute, Guelph, and the Western Ontario Agricultural Col- lege, Ridgetowri. The four $100.00 scholaiships have been awarded as follows: Degree• Course, O.A.C., Charles MacGregor, R, R. 2, Seaforth, who has completed his Grade XIII at the Seaforth District High School; Diploma Course, 0.A.C., Michael Dalton, R. R. 7, Lucknow, Michael has been a member of the Dungan- non 4-H Calf Club' and has spent portions of the last two sumeners in the tObacco fields; Macdonald In- stitute Scholarebip, to Marilyn Strang, of R, R. 1, Ilensail, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Strang, Marilyn has completed eight 4-H Homemaking Club projects since 1951; Western Ontario Agricultural Scheel, Ridegtown, Donald Lobb, R, R, 2, Clinton, Don has an out- standing record at High School, as well as outstanding achievements in 4-H Club work. BODMIN FORUM WANTS LARGER CATTLE BREED BELGRAVE Bodmin Farm Forum met at the home of Mr. and MM. Stanley Cook oil Monday evening with an attendance of seven adults and three ,children, The topic for discussion was "Performance or PersOnality", This group stated ,that they buy their stock for production Standards, and they do net think that today's show ring standards are guaranteeing the best livestock for the average producer. They felt that stock should be tested for production and they would like , to see a larger breed of cattle. • , Progressive - euchre was played with high prizes going to ntr. and Mrs, Richard Procter, consolation pries,. Rollie de tong and ]lase de Yong, Ltitish of sandwiches, cookies and coffee was served, The next Meeting *ill ,be held at the hoMe of Mr. and Mrs, WA. ard Proeter, GORDON Ili, ORB HEADS FEDERATION 'Gordon. W. Greer, dairy farmer from, Ottawa was re-elected presi- dent of the Ontario,Federation of Agriculture for second, Straight. term; ,at the Annual convenfien of the ,OFA held in. Toronto last week. First vice-president tor the coining one-year term is Vihiani farmer from ligrristen. Musgrave, past-president . 0 the United • Co,operatives of Ontario, Clarksburg, was elected second vice-president, Other members Of the executive elected at the meet- ingeire J. A. Ferguson, Se Thonites: Charles Huffman, Hamm, and„Leni Laventure, Glasgow .Station, Lloyd Jasper of Mlldmay • Is Immediate past-president, • • The OFA. member groups- are represented by Members of the 29.- member board .of governors, Be- sides the men named above, these people were elected as .governors: Douglas Simpson, Glencoe;• 4 A. Daynard; _Staffer; Charles Muneo, Embro; G, Caldwell, Churchill; R. K, Stewart, Peterboro; Dr, H, H. Hannam, Ottawa; U. Leduc, Alfred; Mel Van-Horne, Spring Bay; Louis Davis, Owen Sound; Charles McInnis, Iroquois; Charles Baker, Chatham; Lloyd C, Coley man, Blenheim; Tom Robson, Learningtoe; R. Myers, 'Chatham; H. V, Schantz, Kitchener; .Alden McLean e eluirkirk; Joseph Crutch- ley, Durham.; J, F, Sequin, Ottawa; Mrs, Arthur Hudson, Lyn ... Mrs. F. Perry, Napenee; Mr$,- .n.B, Corson, Kirkfield; Mac Sprowl, Acton. Rural Residents Will Receive 2 Bonus Mos. On Hospital Insur. Residents of rural Ontario who have registered for Ontario •Hos- pital Insurance through their -local Medical Co-operatives are entitled to, and will receive, the two months' free, coverage the same as any other residents of Ontario 'who have registered :prior to the closing date of November 29. according to a statement made by Paul E. Meehan, Regional Manager,' Rural Enrolment, of the Ontario Hospital Services Commission. "The fact that some of the Medi- cal Co-operatives neve billed• their members for several months' Orem- iums in advence has .caused some misunderstanding on the part 'of a number of rural residents", stat- ed Mr. 'Meehan, "but iegereless of the period for which the members are billed initially, the two months' free coverage is being,added, thus establishing the required ',repeal period." 'q'tie previsions of Ontario Hos- pital Insurance, he went on, are the same for all residents, and the fact that a person is' registered through a medical Co-operative does not in any way change his eligibility for the two bonus months' insurance, which the Com- mission made available for early registration:" ' More than 5,300,000 residents of the -Province are registered, repre- senting over 90% of the 'population, and, it is anticipated that before the plan begins to operate this per- centage may even be higher. Arthur S. Bolton Receives Promotion T. R. Hilliard, director of Agri- cultural Extension for the Province of Ontario, has announced that ArtenneS. Bolton has' been promot- ed to the position a .associate agricultural representative. Mr. Bolton was appointed to the Extension Services of the Province shortly after his graduation from OAC, Guelph, in 1955. He has been the assistant agriceltural represen- tative in. Huron County since that time in charge of 4-H club and. Junior Farm work. Mr. Bolton specialized in agricultural engineer- lag while at CAC. Church Groups Meet At Hiltz Home DONNYBROOK — The meting Of the WaVeS. and W.A. was held on Tuesday afternoon at the home of'.Rev. and Mrs. Hiltz, Auburn with Mrs. Gordon Naylor in charge. It was opened by singing a hymn. Since it was •Remembrance Day, two minutes' silence was observed. Mrs. Jae, Leddy itead the Scrip-, ture lesson, Mrs. Wm, Hardy gave a reading and another hymn was sung, Mrs. Chas.. Jefferson read the chapter, in the, study book. Mrs. 14. Jefferson arid Mrs, iTorn Armstrong sang "Have Thine (Wm Way", Mrs. Stuart Chamney read an article on "Christian Steward- ship, Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as reacto It was de- cided to have a bazaar at the December meeting, proceeds to go to help with a bale which is to be sent to Nerthern'Oritarib. A hymn was sung in closing, Mts. H. Jefferson presided fOr the W.A, meeting Which followed. A hymn wtta sung and a teliim read in, unison. Mrs. Sam Thorripw son gave a reading "We Thank thee, The Meeting closed in the usual manner, r, .. . .. . , . . . ,.„ ..f.,: ;.........,..,,:. ,..„... .._.,... ; ... - . • : - ' .1111J1(1( AT GAUNT WINS ,i,..0,* ,The vono......m.......p.., vve.4.4040,140v,*. tom unman as, gm , Ham".