The Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-11-12, Page 6Kitchener Surgeon .1 J, '4" 0 A SS Inducted in College yijiTCH REPAIRS Forty;two Canadians were among itcAsolcmitao 1100 Syrgeons who were inducted , recently as fellows of the Ameri- George Williams °IrirIgh W. a•gUn. lloy. 2,, '41101-WinianAnnlino00.1O100 Onooninioanak.A 010u0Rammo,totooviOolOwkomoonillangot0000se• YOU HAVE HEARD OF THEM WE HA V E THEM! THE NEW CHRISTMAS TREE i. Warren Plastic G. • 'CHRISTMAS TREES that last for years and years. ft, Tree $22.95 4 ft, Tree $14.95 30 in. Tree.,, $7.95 • This something new and delightful in Christmas decoration. The Warren Plastic Tree comes dis- mantled, down to the last twig and is perfectly eu- gineered for easy assembly in minutes. The flexible plastic twigs fit neatly Into individual brandies, After the holiday disman- tle for easy storage. A beautiful repliea of na- ture's own silver spruce • tree. Permanent, Practical and Economical, ORDER ,NOW FOR CHRISTMAS Hassocks The all-'new, easy to in- - Bate air filled Hassock ONLY ' $6.95 • Hold 500 lbs., wipe -clean plastic finish, in assorted tolors, fully guaranteed. OTHER FELT-FILLED HASSOCKS FROM $2.95 ALSO UPHOLSTERED FOOT STOOLS NY Walker !tomb Furnishings Phone 106 S. J. WALKER Wingham 2" Rock Wool Batts, 70' per bag Regular price $3.85 $3.65 3" Rock Wool Batts, 50' per big t 1.35 Regular price $3.50 4 W Loose Wool Insulation $1 43 Regular price $1.50 bag ...,1541WERFPFT. ti History of Church, MRS AM, BAIN FARLS MAY SIR Community Told J All 1(1/ID$ or OB 'PRINTING l 60th Celebration JOIN 441 PROJECT IS CLUB PRESIDENT A Winghem Advance-Times can College of Surgeons. Dr. N'ew- Located in $asoa's $tore. ell W. Philpott of Montreal was ()Wing to Of space, small ,elocks and watches OWY, S'1% , REL411$ - Tim Sunday School 'room, of the 'United Church was the scene of a, very happy cv- ent evening when many' of the congregation gathered in honer .of the 60th anniversary of the present church. Piano music by Mrs. Chester Taylor was enjoy, ed before the supper.. After all had. done justice to the repast, served cafeteria, style, Rev. B. F. Green, the minister, presided for a. fine ,program which opened. with a short devotional period, A hymn, Scripture reading and pray- er by Rev. W. J. Taylor of Dor- chester Was followed by the Dox- ology. elected president. Among 'these Canadians entitled to use the designation V,A.O.S., is Dr, .3, M. ID, Hay of Kitchener', Mrs.' Hay IS the former Patricia Parker of Wingham, daughter of D. F, and Mrs.. Parher, 4 THE ANSWER TO YOUR MONEY PROBLEMS NIAGARA LOANS. ARE EASY LOANS UP TO '$2500 SACRED HEART ,C.W.L, ENTERTAINS MISTS EASY REPAYMENT PLANS LIFE INSURANCE AVAILABLE The regular Meeting of the Mary Hastings Rainbow Club was held. in the Ocidtellows' Hall with. 3.0 members answering the roll call with their favorite. pickle, The Meeting opened with the House- wife's Creed .and Lord's Prayer In Unison, The minutes and corres- pondence wore read .and the .trea- Stirer -4 report ,glven, An invitation frorri ,Clinton to a party on Nov• ember 27th was accepted. Mrs, Emily Elston told of .her visit 'to Woodeden Camp and of some of .the 'children she -saw -there. The Christmas party will be held December 2nd in the Legion Home and. dinner •will be served at 7 p.m. Tickets may be obtained from Mrs. Vance SandersOn before November 15. „, Mrs, David CrotherS won the draw on a towel wash. cloth. The shut-ins and, needy will be re- membered .at Christmas, •• The election of .officers was held and the following elected;' Past president, Emily Elston; president, Mrs, Win, Bain; 1st vice, Mrs, Har- vey Aitcheson.; secretary, Mrs. Vance Sanderson; treasurer, Mrs, Emily Elston. Euchre -was played and Mrs. King Mrs, • Alexander and Mrs. Gowdy won the prizes. The joint hostesses were Mrs.' Martha Warwick and Mrs. Lulu Anger, • with several ladies helping, During lunch two newlyweds, Mrs, Aldin Pardon and' Mrs, Mark Gardner were present- ed with cups and saucers. • Every Friday 'afternoon, commencing Oc- tober 31st, 1958, a representative of NIAG- ARA FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED, Stratford, • will be in the office of H. C. MacLean, Queens Hotel, Wingham. For inquiries write NIAGARA FINANCE.COM- PANY, LIMITED, Stratford or phone Wingham 115. The •VVinghara . branch of the Catholic Women's. League held a, social evening In 'Sacred Heart Church hall, on. Tuesday --Qf last 1Yeelt. There were 11.0-ladies pre, sent, Mebers of the Q.W,L. from 'in Blyth, Brussels,' , riston, Listowel,'LlicknoW,' Kings- bridge, freeswater •anrd- St. Augus., tine were guests, ., • • •The door - prize Was won by Mrs. grubbe 9f TeesWater. Vrs. W Templeman, Mrs. F. - Caskanette, Mrs., E. Palmer and- Miss Mary Loujse Flaqh were in charge of the entertainment. Readings were given by Mrs, G. Skinn and Mrs L. - Redman, Miss Mary Louise Flach organized a game whereby each• lady -was introduced to her. neighbours. Mrs. E, Palmer and. Mrs, J. Hanna, modelled and auctioned off fancy. aprons and a penny auction sale was held, Lunch was served - and the evening ended with a -vote of thanks: A three-storey anniversary cake was then cut by Mrs. 'W, I, assisted by" Lorine Errington ane Allan McDonald, 'the choir sang a number and Mr. and Mrs, Garnet Farrier and Wayne of Whitechurch favored with several fine musical numbers, ' Lorne Woods read greeting: from several former ministers, in- cluding Rev, T, C. Wilkinson, Rev M. G. Newton, Rev, Barnard, Rev S. E'. Hayward and Mr, Ralph Howlett, A song led by the boy; and girls followed, Miss W. D, Rutherford gave a most interesting historical sketch of Calvin Church, since its erec- tion in 1898, After a solo by Mrs. Ray Laidlaw Miss Rutherford told of the building of the church and quoted some costs, such as the chairs in the basement, at 19e, each; the pews, pulpit, pulpit seat and choir seats, $390.00; the carpet for the vestry and pulpit, $16.83 and the building itself, less than '$3600. Rev, Mr. Kaiser of Ashfield brought greetings and Rev. Will Taylor, Who had taught in S.S. No. 3 around 1904, spoke of the church and comunity life, at that time and read a jingle he had composed at the time, including names of many in the community, It was during his stay here under the pastorate of Rev, S. M. Whaley that Mr. Taylor decided to enter the min- istry. Mrs. G. Stuart, Mr. and ,Mrs. W. Rice and Mr, W. I, Miller sang a quartet and alter closing remarks by Rev, Green the singing of "Blest Be the Tie That Binds" brought a most enjoyable evening to a close. Next year, 1959, will be the 100th anniversary of the founding of the church at St. Helens, AWIeliMnalimi.minuomik.1•1,4M•11414.4411•1.110/MiNNWINNINNI”0,0111.1.1“mor lik . .. Memorial Service ;At St. Helens An impressive Memorial service in observance of Remembrance Day was held at the community hall on Sunday afternoon with Rev, B. F, Green in charge and with members of the Lucknow Legion and the Women's Auxiliary attend- ing in a •body. Mrs. Clare Johnston of Lucknow read an appropriate poem and sang "The Rose of No Man's Land", The choir of the United Church sang "God Will Take Care of 'You" and Rev. Green gave a message in keeping with the occasion. At the cenotaph the wreath was placed by Terry,Wilson and Rev. Green was assisted in the service by Garnet Henderson of Lucknow. . of thorough training and years of experience is your assurance of an ex- pert job, when you bring your vehicle to . Wingham Body Shop ST. HELENS ST. 1-/.:41,4ENS--The local Wo- men's Institute met In the coin- IMMItY hall on Thursday afternoon with an attendance of 13. After the opening exercises the roll call was answered by a, quotation contain- ing the word "Peace". The Sec- retary reported that there was a balance of $72.41 In the treasury. She al read thank you cards front several people who had re- ceived cards or gifts from the In- stitute recently. The winter's supply of wood has been put in the basement and it was decided that this should be paid for. Mrs, Charles McDonald, Mrs. E. W. RiCe and Mrs. Frank Mcquillin were appointed 'to en- quire about and purchase a coffee and tea maker for the hall, The president announced that the West Wawanosh Federation of Agriculture banquet, to which the Institute will cater, IS to be held November '16th, Plans for the memorial service on Sunday at the cenotaph were discussed. The assistant ' secretary, Mrs Frank MeQuillin, gave a report of cards and gifts sent to the sick. bereaved, etc, These' Are bought with a collection of p,ennies taken at each meeting. The -enclosed porch'of the hall has beep• painted on the inside and a vote of t,lianks was tendered the members who did this work by Mrs. E. W. Rice, The motto, on "Peace" was pre- pared by Mrs. A. Gaunt and. read by Mrs. C. McDonald. An instru- mental, "How Great Thou Art", was played by Mrs. Chester Tay- lor. The local leader of the 4-H course, "Cereal Shelf", Mrs, G. Mc- Pherson: gave a short summary of this new course. If any girls be- tween the ages of 12 and 26 wish to still take this course they may contact Mrs. McPherson. It was agreed to pay the ex- penses of her attendance at the lo- cal leaders' school held recently at Wingham. Miss W. D. Rutherford gave an interesting report of the Tweeds- muir Workshop which she and Mrs. C. McDonald attended at Dungan- non. Mrs. Robert Walker of St. George, Provincial curator 'of the Tweedsmuir History Books, had been the speaker. Miss Ruther- ford's report made everone realize what a tremendous amount of re- search must go into the compiling of these books. Mrs. E. W. Rice is to help Miss Rutherford this month with any work in connection with the hook which she is compil- ing for St. Helens Institute. The president, Mrs. C. MdDon- aid, and secretary, Mrs, E. Gaunt, were delegates to the area con- vention ,held in London, and they each gaire very interesting reperts. The theme of the convention was "I must bear no hatred in my heart against anyone". Readings were given by Mrs. Phone 746 , SID ADAMS, Prop. Wingham ;lust tell us where - and we'll be there. Mr. and Mrs. William Bowes of BlYth were recent visitors with Mr. and Mr's, E. W. Rice. Frank MeQuillin on "The Song of the- Lazy Farmer" and •by Mrs. G. McPherson on' "A Patriotic Creed". A contest was conducted by Mrs. W, A. Miller. 'The singing of the national an- them brought the 'meeting to a close and after the Institute grace lunch was served by the hostesses, Mrs. Gordon McPherson and Mrs. Prank McQuillin. giuminfiummellumni1imummimilmssmismoususisliM111111111111111111111011111,1111111.1111111111111111111111111•111111111111111111111111111111111111.11111111111.111 .114111111111.11 •11111111 ,11 n 11 ,1111111.1111111111•11,11111111111111111,11IIIIIIIIIMI11111111111111111111111111111111114im1n Ilals11n imumisSisimmu111osostimili11n Iiwouli Wingham - Co.• Ltd o U IS .PLEASED TO 'ANNOUNCE THE OFFICIAL OPENING OF TIER NEW RETAIL BUILDING SUPPLY' CENTRE AND SERVICE STATION. IN THE FORMER'CROSSETT MOTORS 'BUILDING, WINGHAM. . (UW0111E110 1111,,,,,,,,,,,,„n, „11,111111„11.,,,,, Y 11111111.1111111111111 em ......... 1111111111n ,.,1,,,,,'1.,,111,,111 1111110111111111.1 TO MARK 'THIS EVENT WE OFFER. li 11 i. it • a n a U a a 5% Discount on every item inpoeutiliositeout It liElpupti:g Ma terials arid U a a U U a a avaoigyagivioagooliz Wednesday, thru Saturday - Nov. 12, 13, 14 and 15 LUMBER • U I U U SPRUCE 2 x 4's - Reg. $115.00 SPECIAL --- ONLY $109.00 Per 1,000 feet BUILDERS' SUPPLIES NAILS - GLASS - BOLTS - CABINET HARDWARE WEATHER STRIFFiNO FOR DOORS and WINDOWS CAULRING• COMPOUND is Gallons, Quarts and Cartridges INTERIOR and EXTERIOR DOOR HARDWARE MARTIN SENOUR Paints and Enamels We invite you to visit our RE-OPENED Look at this Bargain Lineup CEMENT 5 3 n u)atg°s °:;5° WA fiVD5 95c ROOFING 12EIC IIAaI7Z1sq. $ I, 0400 STEEL ROOFING $11.50 per sq. .. . INSULATION PLYWOOD tki, • 01111111itifili111,101111111111111111ffitlItMilitIM11111.110.1.111t1111111.10111i.ili11411•1111,11111t1 ..... 11(1 fe/111111111111,,, GARAGES - Only $300.00 and up 10 iffinigti I 1'31 11 tiii 11U,111otillll 111.• tin oolfet11114111 14 to outilloiffitill it ti llllllll 11.'111,11 I Contractors for U W I 4 x 8 good one side - Reg. $4.32 per sheet SPECIAL $3.99 U i. U U • WNW? • MOW • WINDOWS • DOORS' • .0 PINS F till A SERVICE STATION FOR THE BEST IN GASOLINE = OILS = LUBRICANTS TIRES = BATTERIES ANTI=FREEZE 0 F VI A ,71g1=,"8 During our GRAND OPENING Finest In North A merica %" 4 x 8 good one side - Reg. $10.56 per sheet SPECIAL 59.50 • NEW HOMES GARAGES. • RECREATION ROOMS 5/16" 4 Combinations Doors = Sale $15.00 to $22.00 STORM WINDOWS = Made=To=Orcler 8 SHEATHING Reg, $3,60 per sheet SPECIAL $3,35 U U Complete' Range .:of iFLOORINd end PLASTIC WALL TILES • NEW FARM BUILDINGS • POLE BARNS for Poultry, Hogs and Cattle. • PO'LE SHEDS. 1/4" 4 4, POPLAR UNDERLAY Reg. $1.30 per sheet • SPECIAL $1.25 a a 1'gin a I .wmill Co. Limited Supply Centre horn Winghanes Leading Building - • 4.41140. 4 f