The Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-10-15, Page 8and SATiffiDAY fletober 17 and1,1i3 BO Hope, Bing Crosby and Dorothy ,Lamour "THE ROAD TO BALI" Plus . "THE PARSON AND THE OUTLAW" The Untold. Story' of • 4113e The Kid fu.) 1, M lei"; OCtoher '20th . SPeCi41,Sitypripe - , FREEt SHOW We're not goi.4 to tell yini what's showing, beeanse ha We go to print we fle0 know our selves , selves .4-,but It's All for Free .- In Appreciation of your Faith- ful Patrortaie. wt 3 I, IF you are using 'Rib mortgage plan of buying your honae, YOU should know abOut our special :IVIORTGAGE INSURANCE ConsUlt— FRANK C. HOPPER —. Representative— Canada Life WINGHA1V1,;ONT, 4,;1'''.e Ph& 962; BROWNIE'SORIVEil CLINTON, ONTV ,0007P1lel!srl.t44.lisay "f iiktvinr4401) ,_,_,Noti4 iFi 4 ' THURSDAY and FRIDAf ,,Oetober 46 and 17 431 "THE COOL AND THE CRAZY" (AdUlt Entertain/Tient) Scott Marlow and Gigi Perreau "DRAGSTRIP RIOT" Yvonne Lime and Gary Clarke (Adult Entertainment) (One Cartoon) SATURDAY ONLY Oat, 18 Double :reat'nFt --- ;4•711 AU N:St.• INGER" ',(Colone) John TrflifhdierlOY Garland • MotO.Ciele Gang" . 8te.tie ,Te..rt,11, Ann Nayland Theatre doses October 18th' .7' We are grateful for your patroh- age• It -has been our endeavor to.bring 'you the best in enter- tainment. Next year we hope to see you again. We shall 'coa- tinue to bring you the best films obtainable, OFFICERS ELECTED BY-GAIT,. MEMBERS.. 'WBOXPlTIPIt —Bleven girls and their leaders, Misa .'Perva Gallaher and Mrs. Lloyd MOOce, were pre-. scut VII Tuesday night In the hail .of' the church, when the 110W13?" organized gt.oup. met fdr the second meeting of the season, During devotions. the .Q.,O.,I.T. Prayer Wall repeated in unison, The mol'd's brayer praYer follPwed and. the Seripture lesson was read by Catli., erin.e. Edgar, .doyee lieinmel., led in Pr Oyer, The officers for the coining Yee,1' are lielen. McGee, president; Dawn Lone Clark, vioc preaklenti • Carol. Leuttit„ neeretau; Gail. Stale, treasurer. • Initiation,was held for eight girls Dawn hue Clark, Joyce Heimp.el„ Sharon Elliott, Betty' Ann Adams, Gil Statia Carol Louttit, Brenda Gathers and .Catherine Edgar, The initiation proeeedings were in charge ,of Helen McGee,. Elaine Sanderson and Carol .Newton. 7 A project was 'discussed but no decision was reached, It was. -de- cided to hold a Hallowe'en party on October 21st in the church AsuinginionlilliliiiIIMIlmillopiiiimoilmol111,11.111.111 001mispopiou i ' :I ' R HAMILTON i i .,-- i Thoroughness -- Ability ,-,- Time tested ' i i . _ :. i . phone 37 for appointment •.' 4 '' , m f ignalislisixioloaviwaimiliail000lmistimoirositliiiiiimpinii, `.i• OPTOMETRIST 4' • Women's.. reSs S really „fine aeliee o o . al iiBroWn or Blue shoes . in Balt,' enbajt and high hgels,, SALE PRICE 1i99' $2•99 • $199 t U U $29.95 up Wornen's Arch 'Support Shoes' • A 09tiltdradtkot,nuobeifywt4 'lot,' the • wet weather ahead. , , ++ 1 '1 ;15eys., f. ,21 ! . .$3i49 B S ,„oxfords and Stra +424.1. 4 .Sate;:., n soft kid leathergovith L*1 )..g.11:1-$.7.16• 14. 749 . • • ;. ' ChildreWS ShOes .• , ,s1t, Smait'i styles in Patent' ;Straps or DroWn • SALO :*RICE $3 49r.anc!4.3 41 $ 9 Come and' see the Mani' Ilarieina not advertis0 *1 0 IS • k 4 A •F ashion. Scoop for stYliqp, worktnarOip:. :and Price Winter Coats u. i'It'only we had the space to nietnre for Iyouti,r tke.pcickwayiety of styled - - tbe power to orknisid qiiitaipainstakingh tailoring - the 'texture of the fabrics - - .the, luxury- look of , furs - we -can'onl'gem phasize that we scoured the market to brit* you these Exceptional Coat Values. WOMEN'S 'SWEATERS Variety of styles and colors. asLEValues rtaitlicE.05 . $3.99 *BLOUSES , Ilt,74,,'"EERYLENE", or cotton :/rt#11n Style and Odour rano. Valuta to $5.95 $1 98 $299 .AND' F:all'and.Winter Loveliest Dress Creation' • • . . 11( ,ReduCed,froM values to $22.50 m Fall blends, its ,way, into Minter - time to think of)gay color In Fall Materiala for wee! under' oliats ••.; = to business 1#olidaying ..fahead ,Paitying., Here 110.' wondrous new diesies bi the season's newt,* stylei said 'materials. Prices slasfied to • • .40 . • 414, liAroesstAiraAwrosepitrArAPA++Am,,,ApAraNyArArAtrAmArr4r • IFIglipAir and SATURDAY Weber 17 and 18 Peulde 'Feature `'RETURN TO WARBOW" Colour Phil Carey, Catherine McLeod "CRASH, LANDING Gary Merrill, Nancy Davis The WINetiu*AdVioleo-Willa4, Winhieadioy, Oct. 16, OM ADD Life and Miles to Your Tires! Have Your Car and Truck Tires Balanced 'on our All New , PRECISION DYNAMIC WHEEL BALANCER Thin,ueiv machine, the ohly one of its kind be- tween Oweii Sound. and ,Lontlen hi designed to. balance car and truck wheel by a highly' scientifie method - Properly balanced *heels mean Tire Savings -Safer Thriving and cut down on repair to steer Meehan. isnir„on any vehiple, • This new machine will handle all car tires and truck tires up to size 11,00 x 20, 7..SAVE TIfteS ' —$AVE MONEY WITH A BALANCE JOB AT Ken s Alignment Pho'ne 355 biout'olukl Road I U U Mr, and, Mrs. Alfred- Jones. of Guelph, visited over the week-end with Mr. and Km Sothern, Mr, find Mrs. Carl Stewart of Lis- towel and. Mr. And Mrs. dames Vittie were Sunday visitors at the same home, Master Cameron Edgar returned horno from the Children's War Me- morial Hospital ill London on Wed-, nesday, where he underwent stir. gory on his throat a few days be-. fore, Mrs, Bruce Arnent and little son, Owl) ,on Sunday after spending a Joey, returned home to Gowans- few days with her parents, Mr and Mrs, William McCann. Mr. and Mrs, Peter Phiorney and Jarie of Port Colborne Spent a few days, last week with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Keith, Mr, and Mrs. Pe9tt Keith and Randy of Baden were also week-end visitors at the same home. Mr, Bob, Campbell, Ardythe and Leslie of Malton visited over the week-end with Miss Pearl Patter- son. Alan Campbell, four-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Campbell, was rushed to Listoviel Memorial Hospital on Thursday night after falling at his home and severely' cutting his tongue„ Several stitches were required to close the wound. He was. later able to return to his' home. A.177,2 Mae Kaster left on Satur- da,Y for RcAF' Radar Unit, Beaver bank, N.S., 'after spending the pas) two weeks ,i-vvithi her..parents, ,Mr, and Mrs. Dave Hattori She,rece4i, lyt•graduatedhfibrrilRfintion RCA Statitni' as' ii'likliteit.LidiftrOl bilVi '14 'Ii;kFora.fIti nakili 64 home of. :Miss Mary •• jolintehl, About,, 32 'girls .attended and all eiih joyed a wiener roast, The CGIT is; holding' its Friendship.Rally in Clinton on Sunday, Octobers lflth at 2.30 p.m, E.S.T Mr. and Mrs. Ron Ilube end. Tommy of Grimsby spent the past week-end in the community. Mr, and Mrs. Ted Harris and family of Bowmtinville spent the week-end With Mrs. Nellie Gamble fer, Lift ii Week-e guests wit r anif 4A14 g h M* mrs,Ha.rolel,.poig, were Mr, And, r;s.." HafveY,'Bride ant1 soh 6,f *Pap". ward Doig of Palinersten. Norwan Orciss, of porttz, n1nuth, and ITTes0' of Toronto spent Thursday WitliuMr:q4i•d r MrS. HOWell F4sef `and"at ti.Artclid Ata's'anfe:' 4/1 eletilik iiePord*ICh.' Mrs. E,.Freischanr 'and. pfmilp ef,',Seratford peni. the' Week4" end with! An. and Mrs. tarries' Warn rell. A ,presentation aria aance was herd in the Fon:1100 Comniiinity hall on Friday night -in honor Of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon GOldrich, the forther, Elaine Demerling. They ,were presented with a set of table lamps. Dancing was enjoyed to the music of the Fordwieh Orches- tra. Mr. and Mrs. 11. M. Bride, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bride and Bob, attended the wedding on Ftiday night, in Elora of Miss Carole Miss. Donna Toner and Mr., Den- ald t ,DOig spent .the Weeltn't1 my Detroit. Detroit. Mrs. •,10e Gallivan adOnril": wiled , them, home after' spending twq,weeks With Mr, and Mrs. Ross' Do*, . . • *Po:Q tilYirf cordevaliMinqk smt .11?m„€169'..o botimpk\wittl IfAller'W3ist* Mrs., Pearl, Patiersqn,4- , Mr; Cfor,bett,Int Wood sttic)i- was in, the/ commimity,; one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jack King • spent a day last week TOronto. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Giles and Gary of Arkona spent the holiday week-end with Mrs. George Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Howe spent the holiday week-end in Windsor, at the home' of Mr. and Mrs. Clare Howe. Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Goldrich of London spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Anson Demerling; Me. and Mrs, Ross Doig spent the holiday week-end with mem- bers of the familY in St. Cath- arines, Week-end visitors with Mr: and „Mrs, Everitt Allen were Mr. and Mrs, Nile Siiehner and baby, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mundel, Mr, and Mrs. Bob • Holland and family, all of Kitchener and Mr. and Mrs, liar- ,Old Hilbert and family of GOderich, Mita Elizabeth 'Armstrong and Mr. Dick Armstrong ;tient the hour day Week-end With Mt. and Mrs. Vic* O'Brecht in Mimico, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Campbell and fatally Visited on Sunday with Mr„ and Mrs, dare Campbell at Moles.i worth, Sunday visitors' with Mr. and Mrs. sack Brown were Mt, and Mrs. Ken Duncan and ramify of Elliot Lake, Mrs, W. Duncan and John of Ouelpli and Mr. anti Mrs, Oliver Teliby of Mount For.. est, Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Galbraith of duelph spent the week-end with Mn and ltra, Lindsay Otilbrititil, Mrs. tari Upper of a, Catharineg spent the Holiday week-end at the same hottie and also visited With Mr, and MO, Strong.. Miss Dorothy Douglas. St Andrew's Speaker. The fall Thankoffering meeting of St, Andrew's. Auxiliary of the Women's Missionary -Society was held ,On Tuesday arternoen, Cietober 7th,with Mrs. .4. Wigan° presiding. Mrs‘ Ninuno opened the meeting with a call to worship, It irr a.good thing to give thanks unto the Lord''; A special service of thanks- giving, followed. Miss V, McLaugh. lin led in prayer, The secretary, Mrs Horace Aitchesen, read the minutes and correspondence and called the roll, .A solo,. "A Prayer of Thanksgiving", was snug, hy . Mrs. O, A. Cooper, Miss V, MeLaugh., lin. and Mrs, Wm.. Ford were ap- pointed delegates to • attend . the sectional meeting in ,'Brussels; Oc. • tober. 23, Mrs, T. C, ging offered the dedicatory .prayor, following the offering, Mrs, 4esllo Podolia introduced the guest speaker, Miss Dorothy. Douglas, 'missionary 'furlough from Formosa, Miss Douglas. said, "We bear the word missionary used in speaking of .those Who go to the foreign flew, but. every Christian is a Missionary.ii Paul referred ;to our bodies to illustrate service; The hands cannot do the work of the feet and each of 414, has his own partictilikr work/ to 09,, Miss Douglass reported, wonder- fail progress in Forums, especially in the schools and churches. With nine thousand Aineileans living on the island, 'the natives arc ing a new way of life.. There ,:are many .cars. They - have electrical equipment and hare learned to. eat Western foods, . They are anxious for an education end this gives the them, A great many of them hear the .00spel for the first, :time in hospital. One of the main tasks of the Ohurch is to train 11447rP leaders, There are hundreds of villagel3 where the' Gospel has never t)Pe11. 1)1'040110. On bhalf of the auxiliary,. Mrs, 4,.Purrie expressed appreciation to Miss' Douglas . for her .inspiring. and .interesting message, prayer by Mrs, John .Pollock brought the !meeting to a eleSe and following, the meeting handl Was served,. The .Use of barium sulfate, give n to dogs under anesthesia, by mewls Of At stomach pump,, 14 helpful Veterinarians hi ahaking 14m accurate X-ray diagnosis of prob. loins In the dog's digestive traet, CROWN Theatre Harriston FRIDAY and SATURDAY Oetober 17 and 1$ "THE SHEEPMAN" Glen Ford - Shirley MacLaine Plus ' "BOMBERS B 52" fra'ii Malden - Natalie Wood g TaS. - THUR. Oeteber 20 - 21 7. - 23 t GOb's LITTLE ACRE" Robert Ryan, Aldo Ray and Tina Louise Erskine , Caldwell's world's fam- ous novel now a rollicking hit on the screen. Adult Entertainment • , Rev. Neil McCombie Speaks ,at Service GORRIF,— The Presbyterian An- niversary services were well attend- ed. The Rev. Neil McCoMbie of Ripley was the guest 'speaker, for thet day, and chose as his subject, "The Vte of the Oni.Talent" Bob Cunningham of Ethel was soloist at the rnornkrig senvice4, Xi ; In the evening ,. Mr. -Mc4reaie• sp,olse on,rtihe„, dependence. of the branches on, vine, Don, Atche- sOn"or, IlaWsten,"waY the sploist: The choir rendered special, anthems at both services.' Beantitin "chk3r- santhernuiris kiiidOd 1 tc( Pie beauty of the services. FORDWICH Mr. and Mrs, Petznuk and family of Kitchener were week7 end tors aitd Schaet 2 Dr. anti ivirs. R. Q . Leach of, Los :.----. ;,. Angeles, Cal,, are spending 'a few M SALE PRICE days with Mr. and Mrs. Noah Reis 1 ' Retter„Oade. Dress x fortis. in..3..the , newest styles.- made •,nf sturdy. "•calf in , leather or Ueo-, 'late U emodsmicalwi. "Check these values for next iyear'i wearing and John. Thaever popular Teen-age Shoe. = -- Girls' White Buck and I Black Suede Tieg $4.49 EVERY GARMENT REDUCED 30% FALL COATS $19.99u Mrs. Chas. Piggott . . Was. in 71st Year .„. , Oo.13,13,Ig—Mrs, Chas, Piggott died. in K-W Hospital, gitchener in her 4.71,42tellyte:rr,,Xise. riscostilvvilyleeedk)• by one, in g of Kansas City and three bre- church the chance to contact .thers and one sister, Her husband SPECIAL SELECTION OF COATS REDUCED 10% to 20% MISSES'. SUITS The, same Suits you have seen at a much higher price earlier this iiesurial And in the suit colors and stY1egi, you love . • Pin Cheeks, Madill; Tartans 4; Oabardinee $21.99' UP NEWEST FASHIONS LtiXtmuOuSLY DETAILED SAVE UP TO SA 1 ' While the seasen IS just back StrOtend the censer for Wearing these garment*— . the price is foremost Every coat reduced frOm SS% to 60%, predeceased her In •1, M 000 Mrs, Piggott and her first bus.. hand, Mr, James Ilyndinan, resided invOuonieTtlacl Pet. j3060. ywea4srshaegloo, at t he - eghnetnz;rir e,oenhtTetu.efusonaeyre,14iltieormnepoili: wgititi; burial in. Fortiwich 'OeineterY, . 1111011101iItog 9111111111111111111111111111/11101111•11111111111111111111•1111111111111iiimilitimmumistownins oturilimisimmintimitimillS1111111111111111111011110111111aMall•1111111111111111111 ii ' 4 1 i i , Ilan!s. r . 1 10 DAYS ONLY =Starts October 16th • Epds onto ex251 '''' 1 ... ..-, Bargains for everyone at this sensational shoe sale. Reductions from 10 to 50% on all leather merchandise. This Special Sale iii, M. II .,. ., 1 to make room for winter stock, and to give the public quality merchandise, at the VERY LOWEST • ., 0: - ..-..,.. e uctions on All Shoes in the Store f. BOY'S' S,Cf1001,', ,,OR • ' • DA. ;:1 r,. Re3r,s‘',, OFfords-ita BT°,90 ;444'1.40E: 4141 4. 1” i4 leid4e141114111411it 4 taret• it+ t fOtrOng4,1 11 7dY 7-$449+411 WINGH Several styles of the TsIEWEiiii Sale Prices $2.5 Better Grade ;of Worne A group of High `Grade SWIM, „These regulag 44. , • t • GLOVES Values to $2.08 Leathers and Fabrics 99c $1 49 AND' s PiNTIES Spatial Purchase IDEAL CH/IISTMAS GIFTS See Value Laden Counters. Special Reduction on Slips, Nitihtiei, Hats, Brassieres and, Foundation Garments, For Greater Savings Shop Now! Lidieet. 'Wear. Wiighalli • • A SKIRTS Broken colour andi size range. Values to' $16.95 •