The Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-09-03, Page 12'—‘•.`r.kvt, • , •
OLD AND NEW—H. N. Gowdy Son's float depicted old-fashioned
and modern methods of heating. This float was judged first prize
winner in the old-fashioned•claSS.
• <..,,Fr--,41 your
and Mrs, Ziohn McPhail of
Niagara Fulls, N.Y.,. spent the
weekend with the fOriner'S brother,
Mr, Xlehnel Willa and Mr4%
—Mr, and Mrs, Ed Small and Mr.
and Mrs, alias, Davidson one&
Sunday in London with the forrner's
daughter, Mr, and Mrs. John. Hain-
es and family and with Mr. David-
son'a father, Mr, Rohert Davidson,
of Brussels, who is a patient in
St, Joseph's Hospital,.
—A lawn bowling team from
the Auxiliary to the Legion, Mrs.
Frank Sturdy, Mrs Herb Camnbel
and' Mks, A. Haferrnehl attended a
tournament in Walkerton last
week, They were Pla,ced on rinks
from other places, Mrs. Campbell's
rink won third priae, and Mrs,
Hafermehl's Was second, •
L-Mr. mid Mrs. Bruce St, George
and son, Sean 'spent last week in
the Bruce Peninstila visiting with
relatives and Sriends,
.-Mr. and Mrs, John Lochridge
and family of Watford spent the
week-end with his parents, Mr, and
Mrs, Walter Lockridge.
—Mrs. Blanche Claxton of Mont-
real who has been visiting for the
past three weeks with Mrs. Geo
Cameron Sr., returned home on
—Mrs. J. McLeod and Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Morgan and baby son
of Qshawa, were guests last week
with Mr. and Mrs, Walter Van-
—Limit,' Audrey Wilson and
friend, Lieut. Daisy Hatt, of Lon-
don, also Lieut. Dorothy Putman
of Strathroyowere holiday visitors
With Mrs. Irwin, Minnie St. Mrs.
Irwin is visiting this week with
her sister, Mrs. Sturgeon of Lon-
* F. C.* It A %A,. t•I I. TED
so. Orr AMIWI114114 ,ormisooPAMICIPAltrItiSS
Having purchased the Supertest Service
"Station formerly operated by Fraxik Cas-
,, Ilcanette, corner of Josephine and Victoria
Streets,• I will be pleased to meet all regular
customers and to welcOme new friends.
Wesley White
„Iliaa. ;„, rLA taaa...a.a.,a,a ,--.- • •
'wive TAR Wliwisix; Advana.44141011 Wednal4dari *P t+ 470, 19$
• •••
- • .
in the " •
. ALL - NEW'. Control PANEL .
Two ohowe each Hight
plod ut 7.1$
SePtember t - $ ,
with Norman Wisdoal
A Rollicking Comedy.
• Wider:4
1 DELUXE IMPERIAL, Model AlL,5140. Daluxe 30" range with
• new convenience features for best tanking -. easier eleatiingl
Has color Glance Centralia and guper Deluxe Control Panel;
Autoniatic Timer and. Minute Timer; Automatic Outlet; Plug- aa
Out Units; Miracle Seal Oven; Reversible Oven Racks; Non-, I
-▪ Fog Book-In Wihdow in Oven Door. Dimensional: Width-30";
Counter Height--36"; Deptb=25-15/16"; Overall Illeight--17%".
- Even if you have provided an
annuity for later years—you
will probably be able to use
an extra financial cushion
When retirement time comes.
Talk it over soon with an
* Investors representative —
“yonr best friendfinancially "
cell or write:
Thos. A. Jardin
Phone 147
John W. Waines
Phone 1042
it..!•Innxionsamillinlifin nonsalnalitunn ilio nan irmOr ilnia llimniii •
•. . '
1,0 HI! lllllllllllllllllll CruipAtmtmprirA lllll ll lll lllll
lout.Grocery .•
Phone: Our PriCes Are Lower Free
590 We Keep DO*0:the'Llp4eepi DeliVery
Due to the fact that part of our Staff wish to
attend. a Wedding Saturday afternoon, Sept. 6, we
would appreciate very* MUCh, that any of our,.
Customers wishing a Week-end; telephone order
to arrange-for same either. Friday .or ,Saturday
morning, :before 12 o'clock. •
—Mr. and Mrs. R, C. Cowan of
Drumbo, Ont., spent the week-earl
with Mrs. E. A. VanStone. Mr. and•
Mrs. Ed Eekenswiller and Mama
of Clifford were Sunday' guests at
the, same home.
—Mrs.- H. Sperling spent the
week-end with friends at Coiling-
wood, Waubaushene, Parry Sound
and Pointe Au Baril.
—Miss Letitia Robinson, Mrs. L
Lamb, Mrs. I, Hawking,' Mr. and
Mrs, Robt. Johnston, Mr. and Mrs.
Elgin Johnston and family and
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hawking and
Donald weie Thursday visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wylie at
their cottage, Amberly Beach:
Master David Langridge return-
ed home on Friday, after pending
a week with his grandparents, Mr,
and Mrs. F, Langridge of near Bel-
—Master 'Paul and Mis; Beverley
Bell of Petrolia spent the latter
part of the week with their grand;
parents, Mr: and Mrs, F. Edgar,
and Mrs. M. Bell. '
—Mr. and Mrs.. Frank Ortlieb
and Mr. and Mrs. John Ortlieb and
their children of Keewatin spent
the past two weeks with Mr. and
Mrs. Norman Deyell and Mr. and
Mrs. Glen Butcher.
Mr. and Mrs. Mel Keating and
family of Exeter spent Saturday
in town and attended the Frontier
Days activities,
—Mr.. and Mrs. Ken Hawking
and Donald, of Brandon, Man.,
left on Friday after visiting •for
several, days with his aunt, Mrs. I.
Hawking, Mrs. Hawking returned
to Brandon with them for an ex-
tended visit. ,
—Mrs. Harry Colborne •of Evans-
ville and 'her son, Robert of Chic-
and, :fem. Darling and family,
Clinton, Ma. and. Mrs, Roy McFad-
den and; tarrilly 'of TupPerville and
Ar..P."4.iici. Mrs: Harmon Mitchell of
, • • . „ .
B+ rank
-Ma.and ,Mr's. Walter Murray
and Paul opRiehneoncl Hill visited
with hiss mother,,Mrs. S. A. Murray
oVerrithe ave-ekrend,, Mrs,. . •Mri and
Thos.-,,Roane",:and' JOS./pie -of Tees"-
water and Lenciae, Of (Toronto, visit-
ed at the same home.
—Gudits at'the hetrie -of Mr. and
Mrs., Cleths; Kattinges, during the
past Weeh .Weta Mr. and Mrs, Earl
Harris and Dennis ' of Roseville,
Mich., Mr and Mrs. Frank O'Brien . of Detreit, and Mfrs. Joe Smith,
Stratford and Miss Nita Robertson
af •• -
Irv,ia Merrick, Beth, Dee-
riie „and 13everley. and friends Of-
Wirrgi jinn ,visited .recently with Mr.
and-•Mas. Alex WiRiarnson of la-
acrd M. rs, ,J. 'H. E. Webb
area, ,speriding ,a; few days in •New
• .and, Mrs.. Howard Sher-
bondy leaved. to the '-fprziner
residenee, of '.,the_ late Mr, and. Mrs.
Wal; John. Street,
a,--Reeent 'viattors 'with Mr. and
4,11/rirrt!':±Wtr3':. leeittkiher„oYf 74con2VItor'
,. and
and.. Mrs' Jr Keith s and Brenda of
London, Mr.
Ph ylli s
iiiaa anal Phyllis. of „Greenock, Mr.
and, Mrs. ,T;aStnitha•and fainily, Lis-
towel, Miss ..BeVerley Nethery - of
Barrie, Mr., 'and 'Mrs. A. Nethery •
and Jane Anne Stevenson
paid Mrs; L,,, $one,,er',Lonnie and
Barry;-;fty. of iWiagliattria • '
• MriaTiamas,Metealfe of. Wing-'
I •• •
barn', sakat"al--Weelenrecently with
`sister and brother-in-law, Mr.
and .:Mrs.RP'efey ',Gray "'of , Toronto
andl rattended..;:,,the -Morlek-Gray
wedding: "
Mr.iind". Maw Harry Merkley
Vlaifeci. With her brother Mr. Allarr
McLean and Mrs, McLean in...Lon-
don.over the hpliday. •
and.'Mrs. o: Weeks of
Power Glen, St. Catharines, spent
the weekaend• in *Ingham at'' the
home of Mrs. T. W.' brerrick,'
—Mr, Bob Carbert left on Sun-
day morning for Ottawa Where he
took over his new duties as director
of inforinatiOn, for the Canadian
Federation of Agriculture, on Tuesa
0.....mmommort seawoomeneweemorow-
Great Western Fair
Starts Next Week
Western Fair, the family fair of
all Western Ontario, opens next
Monday at 'Queens Park, London,
and will run for a full week of the
year's best entertainment.
Western Fair takes extreme pride
in its two flower shows, fruit and
vegetable displays and livestock
show. In fact Western Fair takes
pride in its entire 1958 edition and
its large Western Ontario family
attendance, the reason fbr this
large attendance being the fact
that Western Fair truly has "some-
thing" for 'every member of the
ago have returned borne after visit-
ing friends in Wingham,
Mrs. Angus Mowbray, Doug and
Carl visited for a few days last
week with Mr, and Mrs. Andy Bell
and family of Petrolia.
—Mr. John Jackson, who. has
recently moved with. Mrs. Jackson
aad -Bobby to West Hill, was in
town op Friday of last week.
—Mrs. H. Sperling lima been ap-'
pointed Beauty Counsellor manager
for this district.
—Mrs. Jack Broughton • and
Pauline of Atwodd visited - las
Wednesday with Mr. and MrS
Norman Keating.
—Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hamilton
Ruth Ann and Irouglas spent di<
week-end in Algonquin Park:
—Mrs. Norman Elliott :and fam-
ily returned at the week-end from
two weeks' vacation at Southarrip•
ton,where they visited with Mrs.
Elliott's mother, Mrs. De Long.
—Mr. and Mrs. Willis Craig and
Paul of Port Hope, Mr, and Mrs.
John Swan, Bill, Bob' and Betty of
,Bervie, and Mies Eleanor Tout of
Kincardine spent Sunday ,with Mr.
and Mrs. Leonard Phillips and fam-
ily. Mr, ad Mrs. Thom 'Phillips of
Applegate, Mich., also called at the
Phillips home.
—Mr. and Mrs. Joseph •Schneider
and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Cruick-
shank spent the week-end at North
—Mr. and Mrs.. Wallage. Burns
of Windsor and Mr. Bob Burns of
Belleville attended the Tervit-Cott-
rill wedding in Tiverton on Satur-
day. •
—Mrs. L. Lamb left on Sunday
to visit with her daughter, Mrs.
J, Christensen, Mr, Christensen and
family of Streetsville. She will re-
New Crop No*0. •
• LB -$1.99
• LBS. $1.05
2 -LBS. ;11111...,A•vmertlip•
,/ ' •
With. Holiday time non* nothing but a pleasant memory, it's" time
to look ahead,to your'FALL SEWING and a wonderful seleetion
of hew materials awaits you at Edighoffets.
Fogsibly,fint on the• list of Fall Fabrics would be these ever
popular Pinkie and our selection is tops.
Stuart Wool and $1 .98; Rayon in 54" width yd.
All •Wool Reversible Plaids? 54" width - $3.60 yd.
OCher VERY SMART WOOLLEN PABRICS‘ in tweed effects,
plain, shades and $2.98 to $4.51) .novelty weaves • .0
CORD U 110Y$7,—
All aroPular shadeti in ,Attich; ,some, with LureX or‘Faney Weave.
$1.59, 11.9$ and $2459 PRICE
Hsieh Velveteen In ' . ' $259 Red, Diacli and Coral. Priem ll l l .„.., . . . • yd.
SAtilittX P-41, FABRICS. include Rayons in plain
shades; attractive boneltS, popular new. Jerse:r Materials, Arid
other ltayens'in the Mosthiststaniditig,weaVeS yen, Could Wisit'fOr. both are building up bank• aecovutstes •
an extra room 'for
A terrifie silection‘ of new naitrielleaei in stripes; flerais,
ehildreh's and novelty inkittrink
.i?rLCe , ... • f opl 69e Sql.
1Poptilat, plain shades at 69c yd.
know ° a bank is the safe, Convellient,
pleasant place to build up funds for every
need And pUtPose,
They know) toe, that in a chartered bank
yott deal With- skilled, friendly, people;
ready to help'tivith all your banking,
main there for some time. •
—Mr. and Mrs. Mel Riehl and
Faye of Tobermora spent the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs., Norman
- Deyell. '
—Mrs. M. Haselgrove of London
spent the week-end at the home
of her son, Mr. and Mrs. Omar
—Mn, and Mrs. Percy Stainton
arrived home on Sunday following,
a motor trip to the Maritimes. They-
were away for two • and a half
Mgr. Geo. R. Allen. of Chicago
spent Labor Day week-end at his
home on John Street. Mr. Allen
has recently returned from, • 'P
three-weeks' trip to Japan and
Hong Kong.
—Mr. and Mrs. Robert Case-'
more, Nancy and Jim of Wingham •
and Mr. and Mrs. Gairdon Hall`
Bluevale have returned after spend,-
ing a few days• with Mr. and Mral
Harvey Groves, at Akron, Ohio,.
—Mr. Ralph Deveretut and
daughters, Janet and Susan of
Landon spent the week-end with
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Corinna. •
—Friends of Mrs. James Seli
be sorry to ' hear that she IS `a
patient at Victoria Hospital; Lena
--lin.. and Mrs. Lee Vance spent
Sunday and Monday in 'Wallace-'
burg with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne
—Miss Earnscliffe Musgrove has
returned to Buffalo and Miss Anne
Henry to New York after spending
the summer with Mrs. W. J. Greer
and Mrs, C, H. Hinde.
• —Mrs Frank -Freeman of • Shel-
burrie has been visiting with her.
cousins, Mrs. Alvin Davis and,;Mrai.
Arthur Edgar and friendaln Wing-
hann and district, • ; •
—Dr. 0, McConkey 'and Mrs. like-
Conker of Guelph have spent :the
past few days with her mother,
Mrs. George Hanna. ,
—Mr. arid Mrs. Bruce Maelnona
ald, Carey and Stephen spent ifie
week-end in Windsor with Mr!. and
Mrs. Les Laurendeau -and family.
—Miss Barbara Edwards left on
_Friday. for Toronto, where she re-
sumed her duties' on Tuesday -at
Melody' Road School.
, —Miss Sheila Hutchison, Miss
Mary Frances Chrrie, Mr. Ronald
Hibbard and Mr. James Smith .of
Toronto spent the holiday week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. T. AaCurrie.
-a-David , and Stephen Lloyd of
Toronto sperit the past Week with
their grandparents, Mr. and Mr8.
eyrie Caslick was a.
week-end Visitor with his cousin,
Murray Coultes, East Wawanosh.
_Mr, and Mrs. Ron Murray and
Stephanie are spending this ,week
at the horde of -hie mother, MrS. W.
C....3111;d Mrs. W. A. Brackley
of aravenhurst and Mr. and Mrs,
C, l,T, Blackhall of Torphto attend,'
ed the funeral' of• their brother-in;
lava, the late Theodore Mundy oh.
Saturday and remained for the
week-end with Mr, and Mrs,' Wile
C°-1Iftrashl..Jean Grunip left oh Tuesa,
day fork Toronto, where She
visit with her sister, Mr's, Mutrie;
41-1.148trn81.611Atlitiner Cosens and Miss
Mary Anther left on Wddne'sday
to spent a few days with Latalapi
aid Mrs, Keith Tomlinson
and Sheila of StreetsvIlle Were
Week,etid visitors with her parents,
Mr. 'and Mrs, Wilfred R. Ifatniadn,
Robert retiirned home With his
parents after• spending several
Weeks With his grandparentS. '
—Mr. Prank Cfibbons of London
spent the week-end with' his 'par,
enta, IVO, and Mrs, James Oibboni.
—Mr, and Mrs. cordon Keith'
and Norman Ana Cary spent the
Week-end with her Mother,. Mrs,
r'eeCIXtri "V dvisitors with Mr.`atid' Notteratt Xeating. were Mr's.
ttanIts, veil and daughters, Shir-
-my Gild Myrtle told Maitet Ken.'
oath g,aotraft ail Of LOneltifil Mt,„
Nowadays, practically everybody has a
bank account.
Lastyeat stoner forvvard-lboking Canadians
opened 450,000' new deposit accounts in
the chattered banks---ahnost as Many as
the increase in population.
The owners of todaY's 11 thillion attounts
David •Cathers returned'
home on Tuesday, following several
weeks' 'visit with, her son and
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs,
L loyd Oathers •and family of near
HanoVet , ,
aaSgt, H. Ha Happy of London,
Ont., spent the ,weelt-end with hie
sister Mrs, Cameron, Mr.,
Calderon, Andr'
and Mrs .Bruce Edgar of
liamiltibx and 11.14';'.7.ini Newman of
'Allandale Were/. Week-end ,Visitors
With their•aparents,:. ra and Mrs.
Chris Newman
'Refit' Mrs," 'David Bui'gets
havaanieVed tirit 'the, :borne recently
vacated 'by :the, O'Brien fanillY on
Carlitig,,Terraeo,- Mr D,.s, ' `Seriedi et ;of , Alfred'
Street is a ,:pationt . in St,. Joseph's
Ireenital;--.,Lenainri . •
Ivintray • of 'Brahip.,
ton.'sperit the week-end in. •Wing-
ham with; relatives tiria,frieluts.
Oikdr-en' ,spent. part Of last
Week TOaerito an the remainder
• .the Weelaaat Ainherley.,
Mrs. S; 'Untidy, ati4'..te.e Van-
stOne,,rettirnect Homelast week
after speridint feW flays'with her
sOiia• 'and "Walter" ,Miikaay
at Rialinienal and Ma, and
-Attar Peed Mfirray Bran-0ton.
itiOward t radon
• arid' Wendy ,Of 'Toronto were bolm
day week4tkl.', kitestig With Ur, and
'Mrsi:-Deno Mama and family,
'-Mt: itreette and
throe antaretiliavii nowt' to 'Carl.,
Ing tori*oti: to'itieqiouSe formerly
oteupleCt *it 'mid Mrs. Mo..
.to toWit 'froffiv 'Ttifolserry TOWnsbip,
TH E CBA1(1* Ot Et)BANkSSEtVING YOUR C-0MIA 11,1 N Y. • (Win ham) Limited' ,
*1101 FlkiENDLY 81\0100"
_A 'A • „ • • • .