The Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-08-13, Page 41 111. 111011•1110111111.1110.111101110ms, Do;rT oEPP,io Too , MUCH pw THAT RARBIT'S FOOT - IT MAY HAVE A FALLEN ARCH ,./ It is now the time of the year when you should be feeding your beef cattle grain and concentrates. For the week of August 11 th'l lt to August 23 we are offering " special 24% Beef Maker at a Reduced Price of $79 a ton. THIS IS A REAL BARGAIN, BUY NOW! rifiNGH Afte SHUR-GAIN FEED reursisois MI LLS 4040 118A1011 1• 1.?1,11 W4a1-1, nnip • W/NO/-1A ;44 mslonammussassammis: imam BOARD, first floor bed-sitting room and daily care for a male wheel-chair patient urgently re- quired in Wingham or vicinity. Apply immediately to Box 48 Advance-Times or phone Brus- sels 53r4. 6:13* TRANSPORTATION Tenders will be received by 'the inidersigned until 12 o'clock noon, August 15, 1958, for- the transpore tation of approximately 14 children from Zetland Bridge to- No, 2 School via the B line, Turnberry. This 'contract could be clivideci and done by two cars or by one bug. For ,further particulars 'contact the chairman, Bert Holmes. Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted, . Alex Corrigan, Sec,-Treas. ' 6:13b PERSONAL WIN MONTHLY CASH PRIZES— Enter the London Free Press Amateur Snapshot Contest, Forms available — Northern Bureaer office. Call 389. 13:20b ACCOUNTS OWING to Frank Caskinette may be paid at the service station until. August 30; after that time at the residence, Victoria Street, former Van- Camp home. Accounts owing September 15 will be turned over for collection, 13b 'NURSING; HOME for aged and convalescents. Kind competent care to everyone. Nourishing food. Spacious grounds and rooms; reasonable rates, Bethes- da Rest Home, River Street, Chesley. 30 :6 :13:27b WHY NOT HAVE YOUR FEET CHECKED Without Any Obligation —by— A Qualified, Experienced FOOT CORRECTIONIST Undue pressure can cause those sciatic pains, leg, hip or lower backache. See— J. A. VICKERS, F.C. At Queen's Hotel, Wingham Each Monday afternoon, or other times at 481 8th Ave., Hanover, Phone 500. HEADSTOCK WANTED: DEADSTOCK removed promptly for sanitary disposal. FREE pick up on larger animals, reasonable collection charge for small ani- mals, Phone collect Wingham 378; Palmerston 123w, or Dur- ham 398, Gordon Young (Elmira) Limited, 6rrb HIGHEST cash prices paid for sick, down and disabled Cows and Horses, also, dead cows' and horses at cash value. Please phone promptly Bruce Marlatt. Call collect 56r7 Brussels, 24 hour service. 19rrb Wingham CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Barristers, Solicitors, 4/1 Wingham, Phon -49 J. H. CRAWFORD, Q.C. It. 5. HETHERINGTON0 J. W. BUSHFIELD Q.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to Loan Office—Meyer Block, Wingham WELLINGTON Insurance, Company Est. 1840 has fait.ifullly served its policy Head Wilco --.. Toronto Matter in Inadrance Agency: wtpoutini ----,,,,,,-.--,-,,,,—.-Neraillficr..AATIOUrnmo.i.11,,C,CA.A.Z17,,,OAWAAIRIPMATOOAF,C.31 "A, -e-er-everrlerleeerermr""-*'''' mc, • rag* row The Wingbam Advarlo644111el; WeetnallidaY, 1958 FOR SALE • rME'S. TAXI SERVICE and used. Furniture. We buy and sell Phone 185, rrb GYM SUIT, white, size 12, for sale, Phone 741W2-1, 13h NE* POTATOES and Green Beans for sale, Apply to George Baird, plume 545J, 13* ANTIQUE SETTEE and antique organ for gale, Phone 113 after six, 13* MILK PILTERS for sale—"Rapid '6-inch, 79e; 6%-inch, 850. Alexander's Hardware. lrrb OIL BATH PUMP JACK in good condition for sale. Suitable for electric motor. R. H. Coultes, phone 32R4 Brussels. '13* SMALL QUEBEC HEATER, stove, doors, windows, shutters, 1 storm window, used lumber for sale. Myrtle Johnston, Shuter St„ Wingham, Ontario. 13* EMERSON 17"—Television and stand for sale, In good condition, $60.00 or best offer. Alvin Smith, Lucknow, Box 191. . 13* ,CHILD'S BED 18x24, bassinette and high chair. Also kitchen cabinet for sale 65" high, 38" wide and 20" deep, light varnish. All good condition. Phone 243. 13* 1000 Gallon. Steel Water Tank for sale, ideal for children's swim- ing pool, 2 ft, deep. $30.00. J. W. Woolcock, R.R. 2. Wingham. 13* MARSHALL smooth top mattress- es, 253 coils. Guaranteed, Regu- lar $49.50, specially priced only $39.95. R. A. Currie & Sons Furni- ture. 6:13b ALLIS-CHALIVIERS combine ST100 three years old for sale, Good condition. Complete with pick-up and all attachments, $2100. Call Daehwood 164r14. 6:13b CASH REGISTER, Adding Mach- in'e rolls in stack at The Adva,nce- Tithes. Typewriter ribbons. Smith-Corona typewriters and adders. Victor adding machines. SEVERAL used milking machines for sale. Let us install one of these or a new Woods in your home an a trial basis. Distance REAL ESTATE A NUMBER of building lots in the Town of Wingham for sale. Apply to Harry Bateman,. 13* 200 ACRE FARM for sale, good barn and brick house. Phone 402.13, 13b 7 ROOM BRICK HOUSE for sale, garage. Catharine St. Phone 235. 13b LOVELY. HOME with all conven- ience for sale, easy terms, R. B. Quance; latieltnema Ontario, 13* GENERAL' STORE good location, 5 miles from Grand Bend, for sale, 'groceries, meat, dry goods, and hardware, Living quarters, $40,000, tern over. Good terms M, J, ) Gaiser Real Estate, Eketer, Phone 24. Residence' basbwtied 164R4, • ' 6:13b TWO STOREY, Stucco Renee Wingham, Three bedrooms, Oil Furnace, Bath ' heavyy Large let with Garden, beautiful Lawn, 2 patios. Beautiful, redec- orated home for sale, Owner leaving town, Arrange possession, Phone 422-R. 13:27h AMBULANCE 'SlitlIVICE OtittRIE‘Z AlvintiLAN'Ot, Wing- ham. Always reliable Servlee, Phehtie bay, 51; XIght,'716 or 036, GA. 4 FOR SALE . . , 1953 METEOR Convertible, one owner, immaculate condition, Phone 35r9. Wroxeter behyeen $ am, to 6 p.m, 13b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE HOLSTEIN HEIFER for sale, vaccinated, due to freshen. Apply tp Harry Bateman. 13* REGISTERED LANDRACE Swine for la. Either sex. Ivan Hap-. kips R.R. 1 Clifford, phone 197re Mildmay, rrb 34 PIGS, 6 weeks old for sale. Well started, Apply Wallace Moreland, R.R.1 Wroxeter. Phone 19r21, 13b POULTRY FOR SALE MATURING PULLETS FOR SALE DEKALB PULLETS for sale, any quantity. Hatched April 3rd. Vaccinated for Newcastle and bronchitis, Write for particulars. Moore's Poultry Farm, R.R. 3, Seaforth, Ont., or call 647-31. 6rrb FOR RENT ULTRA NfODERN APARTMENT for rent with modern bath and kitchen, 2 bedrooms. Apply Box No. 47 Advance.jTimes. 6:13b HEATED APARTMENT available September 1st, 2 bedrooms, pri- vate . bath. Apply Gammie Apts., Lucknow, 183, 13* COUNTRY HOUSE for rent. Hy- dro. Free fuel. High and Public School buses at gate. Apply Box 49, Advance-Times. 13b MALE HELP WANTED BE ,YOUR OWN BOSS A NATIONWIDE wholesale dis- tributor requires agents to sell 'nationally famous lines at whole- sale prices. You can earn $100 and more weekly. Just a few hours daily can add plenty to your income, plus many free, gifts. Enquire now, as this- offer is limited. Box 537, ',Toronto, 13b FEMALE HELP 'WANTED LADIES; if you 'want work but cannot 'give full time we have just the thing you needa.Contact Mrs. Leurien Green, district man- age; Box 281 Hanover for infor- mation regarding rural Avon territories near you. 23:13A HELP WANTED WOMEN—ONLY WANTED TO RENT 100 to 150 acre farm wanted to rent or buy, good bUildings. 'Give full particulars, Box 46. 6:13:27* BUSINESS MANAGER wishes to rent. home in Wingham, Please contact Box 45, Advance-Times. rr MISCELLANEOUS • NEVER; NEVER, never since the world began such relief from sore, aching, burning feet, Weak ankles, sore knees, hips and back, cramps in feet or legs. Corns, callouses, bunions dis- appear, arthritis pains fade away, brings back circulation, Consult A. Kaufman, phone 84 Lis- towel, open every Tuesday after- noon and evening. Open every Friday at Les Heubach, Elmira, phone MO 9.2604-5, and in Walk- erton at Percy Pletch's, phone 195W, August 14 and '28, rrb FOR ARTIFICIAL • insemination service or more information, tele- phone the Waterloo Cattle Breed- ing Association collect at; Clin- ton Htf 2-3441 or Tecswater 126 between 7.30 and 9.30 am, Week days, 6 and 8 pen. on Saturdays. Do not call 'for service on Sun- day. Cows in heat on Sunday can be inseminated satisfactorily on Monday, We supply service to top quality bulls of the Holstein, Jersey, Ayrshire, Guernsey, RroWif Swiss, Red riot, Here,. ford (polled horned), Beef Shorthorn (polled• and horned). and Dual Puypose Shorthorn, Angus and. Obarolais breeds, The cost is low, 23rrb WANTED HigheS't Cash Prices paid for old, sick or disabled Horses & Cows HIGHEST CASH VALUE PAID IN SURROUNDING DISTRICT for DEAD COWS and HORSES, For Prompt, Sanitary Disposal, day or night OLD HORSES for Slaughter at 5c per pound. 24 HOUR SERVICE Phone LEROY ACHESON Atwood 153, collect GEORGE HISLOP Wroxeter 2rI5 Boar Holders' Names Not CiVen Out It is strictly against our rules • tO divulge the horn Or nth/teas a any advertiser 'Using mi Ac Vallee-Tune not Ntnlp0. PleaSe do not OA les foe this - Information, SEALED TENDERS FOR HEATING; TENDERS FOR THE SUPPLY OF FUEL OIL FOR THE HURON COUNTY HOME, CLINTON, WILL BE RECEIVED BY Tllic,' UNDERSIGNED, UNTIL DAY MORNING AUGUST 25, 1958. Tenders are to be sealedl and clearly marked as to contents. Specification for fuel oil is as follows; "No, 5 oil, viscosity between 40a and 600 •Saybolt units, Complete specification to be supplied with each tender." Lowest or any tender not necessar- ily accepted. J. G. Berry Clerk-Treasurer County of Huron Court House Goderich, Ont. ' lab SEALED TENDERS FOR HEATING;' TENDERS FOR THE. SUPPLY OF FUEL OIL FOR THE HURON COUNTY COURT HOUSE, 0:1 DE- RICH, AND THE HURON COUN- TY REGISTRY OFFICE, CODE• RICH, •WILL BE RECEIVER) BY THE UNDERSIGNED UNTIL WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27; 1958 Teridere are to be sealed and clear- ly marked as to contents. Tenders erhaylbe for each of the above, or they may be combined irite one tender. Specification 'for fuel oil is as follows: "No. 2 light industrial fuel oil" Lowest or- any tender' not nec- essarily accepted. J. G. Berry Clerk-Treasurer Comity of Huron Court House Goderich, Ont. 13b SEALED TENDERS FOR HEATING; TENDERS FOR THE SUPPLY OF COAL FOR TUE ,HURON COUN- TY JAIL, GODERICH, WILL BE RECEIVED jaY- I THE UNHER- SIGNED UNTIL WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27, 195'8. Tenders are, to be sewed ; and clearly marked as to"centerits. LoWest or any tender not Inec- essarily accepted. • J'. G. Berry Clerk-Treasurer County of Huron Court House Goderich, Ont. 13b CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all my friends who sent cards, treats and visited me while I was a patient in Wing-. ham Hospital also Dr. W. A. Mc- Kibbon and nurses, their kindness will always be remembered. James Dolg. 13b CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank the neighbours and friends for their many floral, tributes and kindnesses shown to us at the time of our recent ber- eavement, also R. A. Currie & Sons funeral home, Dr. W. A. Crawford and staff at the Wing- ham General Hospital.Angus Fam- ily. 13* CARD OF THANKS Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Francis and family wish to extend their heart- felt thanks and appreciation for the acts of kindess, messages of sympathy and the beautiful floral tributes received horn their kind friends; relatives and neighbours, in their recent bereavement of a beloved son and brother. Special thanks to the pallbearers, flower= bearers and those who so kindly gave contribution8.-1The Francis Family. 13* • AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE of Household Effects at the residence of Miss Edna Carr, Minnie Street, on Saturday, August 16 at 2 o'clock. Edna Carr, prop., L. G. Bryce, auctioneer, lab GET THIS FILLED RIGHT AWAY, 11'5 IMPORTANT `NAT YOU START TAKING I MMEDIATELY!IT I'LL -TAKE IT TO .1 Women .Carried on For Missionaries During War Years . BELGRAVEThe August meet- ing of the presbyterien was held on Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs, Edgar Wightman with a good attendance, Mrs. Joseph Ihinbar presided, meeting _opened with the singing- of the Psalrn. "An People Who on Earth Do Dwell", Mrs. Clifford • Purdon read. Scripture passages from Luke 24 and Acts 1, Mrs. Wightman led, in the Glad. Tidings prayer, ' • A report was given of the execu- tive meeting of Huron Presbyterial The fall rally is to be held in Hensel!' on September 9th, Visits to the sick and shut-in were re- ported,. The September meeting is to be held in the evening and used Christmas cards 'are to be brought to this meeting, Mr; Nicholson gave a. talk on the life of Delnorah, who was an aclVisor to the people of Israel in the time ,of King Baruk, The hymn, "Come, Ye Thankful People, Come" was sung, • . Mee. Athol. Bruce had charge of the topic on "Christianity in Japan". The first 'Christian mis- sion to the Japanese was Roman Catholic. At that time there war much antagonism towards any Christian faith. , After 1914 the doorsaef Japan were -Mice more opened and 'interest was renewed by a co-operative campaign, by Protestants and Roman Catholics Women had. great influence in keeping Christianity from' beeom- ine a casualty of the Second World War and today Christianity is go-. ing forward. Outstanding charac- teristics of Japanese are their' courtesy, their care of elderly people and their love of beauty, Mrs. Ken Barbour led in prayer for the .7a,panese and 'Koreans in Japan. The hymn "Jesus Shall Reign" was sung and Mrs. Dunbar closed the meeting with prayer. • -. Mrs, Wightman and her daugha ters Served a delicious lunch and a social hour was enjoyed by all. Mr.' and Mrs. Baker Move to Strathroy Mr.. aid Mrs. Ken Baker were guests of honei at a farewell party in the Legion Heine on Saturday evening, when 'about 100 friends were in attendance. Dancing was enjoyed during thei 1 evening and Mr. , and ,Mrs. Baker were presented with two step-up tables and two table lamps, as well as a sum of money: The party, was arranged by Mr. and Mrs. Clare Cooper and Mr. and Mrs. Cal Burke. 'On Friday evening Mrs. Howard Meehan was hostess to the ladies of the neighborhood at the Meehan cottage at Kincardine when a sur- prise wiener roast was held for Mrs. Baker, Two tables of euchre were in play and Mrs. Baker was presented With an oil painting. Mr. and Mrs, Baker and their four children leave on Friday of this week to take up residence in Strathroy. Why the boss liked this wife! How do you—as a wif —rtin your home? Entertairil Today, many a firm likes to meet a., employee's wife before giving him a More responsible job. . And obi —how you'll shine as a hostess when you have the help •of a marvellous 1958 Frigidaire Re- frigerator from Burke's. Ice oubee tumble out faster than yeti can use them—at a flick of your, band, You can keep ice cream' frozen solid as long as you wish (even months) in the huge zero zone Freezer section. And how you'll like Frigidaire's, convenient roll-to-you shelves . big'llydratots for fruits and vege- tables , automatic defrosting in the R.efrigerathresection, And Frigi-, daire Regeigerators are easiest of all to keep clean EIS Burke's can show you, Shelves, compartments .-everything — "steps out" for cleaning In a wink: Make sure you enjoy the conven knee of a Frigidaire Refrigerator in your lieme, Let Burke's sinew you all the different Frigidaire Re- frigeraters, Then choose yours on .'Burke's Ider credit term; Burke's Will give you a generous trade-in on your old Refrigerator too. Visit Durkee today oi' tonight! BURKE ELECTRIC Commercial, Industrial, Hon* and Farm Wiring. Meter 11.6-isitid and Repair . WINOIIAM rittONV 474 INSTALL EXTRA BATH 1N RESIDENCE At the Auguat Meeting of the directors of the Wingham General Hospital on Friday evening the administratrix, Mr5, Morrey re- ported that there had been 192 admissions during July, There were 22 births, 103 operations, 21,7 X-rays, 10 transfusions, Seventy- one patnients attended the cancer clinic, Hospital '-patient days total- led 1467,with a daily average of 03 patients. A. D. MacWilliam, chairman of the finance committee, reported that the operating loss for the month was $4,019,03, Some govern- ment grants were received, during the month which were not included in the statement of operating rev- enue and expenditure. Mrs, Morrey 'said that a class of 24 trainees in the certified nursing assistants' course will . commence training on September 2, This will •be the largest plass ever under- teken at the Wingham Hospital, An additional 28 names remain on the waiting list, The administratrix also said that the hospital staff lacks a supervisor for the 4 to 12 shift. To Instal Bathroom DeWitt Miller, chairman of the property committee, reported that an additional bathroom is required in the nurses' residence to com- plete the accommodations for the director Of, nursing. A suitable room has been decided upon and the installation of the necessary fixtures was approved. The chairMen also reported that outside painting at the ,hospital is in progress and that work will be dohe on the eavestrough soon. He also stated that the elevator had been inspected by a goverir- ment representative who had re-' ported it to be in satisfactory con- dition, Some members of the board contended that the lift is not op- erating properly, The elevator is maintained under a yearly contract and the repair man is to he in- formed of the troubles which are still.,creating.inconvenience. WESTERN FAIR ,TICKETS ARE NOW ON SALE HERE Western. Fair advance admission tickets can noW be purchased in Winghamand adjoining towns and; villages in strip of two . for one dollar.. Only holders of these ad- vance sale tickets 'are' entitled te participate in the draw Setiirdak, night, September 13, for three, beautiful 1958 four door r sedans, Meteor, Pontiac ,and Nash Ramb- ler. • This purchase of a strip of two tickets for a dollar gives the holder six chances to win a car; 'truly a bargain. You don't have to be present to win one of these sedans. Western Fair, September 8 to 13 at Queens Park, -London, is the Magic show of.-Wstera Ontario, with. a thousand and one- attrac- tions for the entire family. Don't forget the dates„ September, 8 to 13 and don't forget .to' 'buy those ad- vance admission tickets for the entire family. You may win a car. One adult ticket will admit two children, up to the age of twelve. FINANCING A CAR: Before you buy ask about our Low Cost Financing Service, with complete Insurance Coverage. STEWART A. ,SCOTT Phone 293 Wingham BIRTHS PAITVISON—In Wingham Hospital, on, Wednesday, August 0tb.1908, to Mr. and. iYirs, Henry, Pattison, RR, 5, Wingham, a daughter. STACEY—In. Wingham Hospital„ on Wednesday, August 6, 1958, to. Mr, and Mrs. Alvin .Stacey, Wing- ham, a .daughter. ROCK—In Wingham Hospital, on Thursday, August 7, 1.958, to Me, and Mrs. Donald Rock, R,R. 2, , Brussels, a „daughter. VAN PEEN—In Wingham Hospi- tal, on Monday, August 11, 1955, to Mr, and Mrs, Peter Van Veen, 13,A, 2, Brussels,. a eon, OHM---In Wingham, Hospital, on .Monday, August 11, 1958, to Mr, and Meg. Clarence Ohm, 29 Stan- ley Street, London, a son. WARWTCK—In Wingham Hospi- tal, on Monday, August 11, 1958, to Mr, and Mrs, James K. War- wick, Blyth, a son, MARRIED CLINGER - KERR—A quiet wed- ding ceremony took place at Dundas Street Centre United Church,. on Saturday, August 9th, when Mrs. Helen M, Kerr, form- erly of Wingham, was united in marriage to Marshall Clinger, of London. The address as of Sept- ember 1st will be 536 Oakridge Dr., London, Mountain; plentiful snow, mod- ern comfort and equipment, easily accessible are all included in the Province of Quebee'S welcome to an increasing number of sport en- thusiasts. Notice to WATER •CONSUMERS The ,hours for. watering lawns and gardens are from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m.,, and from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. This will be strictly enforced. An ANNUAL charge of $4.44 gross, lesi prompt payment discount of 10 per cent, is made for the use of 4 hose or outside tap for the above noted purposes. Anyone found watering lawns or girdeus; Who has not paid for this service will be billed accordingly. " Wingham Public Utilities Commiss4 C. E. Shera, Superintendent MASSEY-FERGUSON TRACTORS NEW 50's and 65's NEW HOLLAND BALERS USED TRACTORS 1 No. 44 Tractor USED EQUIPMENT One-Way Disc for Ford of Ferguson CHARLES HODGINS Phone 378 BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY A. H. MCTAVISH BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLIC) TnESWATEtt - ONTARIO Telephone 33 Teeswater WrOXeter-,,-Every • Wednesday • afternoon, or by appointment, Frederick F. Horrnith Phrn.B., 12.0. Cato! E. Fiornuth, R.O. Mrs. Viok H. Homuth, R.O. OPToMETRISTS PIIONR 118 Ha; ritton, Ontario ELUX-O-MATIC has revolutioniz- ed power cleaning. See it first for a completely new conception • of household efficiency. Call L. • H. Reynolds, 640.11, your Electro- e,, *lux dealer. rrb MEAT FOR SALE—Good beef by ,.the quarter. Killed on premises. Inspected by Dept. of Health: Yearling heifers, Top quality. Lowest prices. Raynard Ackert, Ripley, phone 24r30. 17rrb 1 COLEMAN OIL Space Heater complete with pipes, ,oil drum, screen; 1 Singer Sewing Machine (treadle) overhauled;, 1 Baby Astral Electric refrigerator in -perfect rufining condition; 3 4-ft. 2 fight': flurescent fixtures com- plete with lamps, These items may be seen at'the home of Dave A Hutcheson, Edward St., Wing- .ham, phone 124. 13b •!)8ROADLOOlvt CARPETS cost less than ybu think you can have the .finest, all-wool, hard-twist broadloom in popular rug sizes for a Modest investment. Samples on display now. For a free esti- mate, without obligation, drop in this week or phone for an ap- pointment in your own home. WELWOOD'S, phone 86. 6,13b is no barrier. Irving Keyes, ,Glarnis. Phone Paisley 114r4. MAKE MONEY at home assemb- 23Alt-Nov ling our items. Experience un- necessary. Lee Mfg. 466 S. Rob- ertson, Los Angeles 48, Cal. 13* IS Y "R. TELEVISION properly ins for all risk coverage? For ..ormation phone 293, Stew- Art ..',.. Scott, Wingham, 2rrb STEWART A. SCOTT can now save you 15% on your car or truck insurance. Yearly or sik months policies are available. Special rates for farmers, -For further information phone 293, Wingham, 28rrb ENTERTAINMENT each evening at the Clifford Inn, CE4rrb BINGO .irt the .Wingham Town Dail on Saturday evening, Aug. 16th, at 8.39. Cash prizes. Spon- sored by the Ladies" Auxiliary to the. Canadian Legion, 9rrb-D WINGHAM W. I, meeting, Auglist 21, Mrs, H. AitchiSon, Mrs, S. Bateson conveners, Mrs. O. G. Anderson, speaker. Hostess con- vend;, Mrs. 0. Haselgrove. CE13b WANTED GIRL WANTED to room and board, Victoria Street. Phone 962J. 13* TENDERS WANTED VANCE'S DRUG STORE DOCTOR, I ON ALWAYS RELY ON THEM FOR FAST, DEPENDABLE SERVICE! aa, Ettleest LOCAL 'MAO* Altkri,4;7 Sturdy Steel Construction Set of 4 — $4.95 Set of 4 with casters $6.95 Can be fastened to any spring Walker Home 'Furnishings WALKER Phone 106. Wingham