The Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-07-09, Page 7;Oa
Aabani. Zthbantri-lrintro
Bluevale Belles
Win 4.H .1innors
.KitrovAtm — The "PhieVale
Beliefs", 4e/a. Club attended achieve..
Ment day at Gorrie on Saturday,.
The girls made an exhibit "A Geed
Breakfast," 'with Susan Sellers
giving the comments,
:Maine Kirton, haying completed
six. 'hople-reahing. courses,' received.
county :honors, 'Brenda Brecken-
ridge, Kathlee Craig Susan ,Sellets"
and Nancy Taylor received Peat,
Mates indicating' the ecaliplati9h
pf two courses, • •
Other members attending were;
Susan Clark, mary Hamilton; Marie
Johnston, Shirley johnson Gail
Kirton, Rose Marie Nicholson, Anne
Peacock, Dorothy Shaw, Edith.
Shaw, •
Mrs. W. J. Peacock and Mrs.
Carl Johnston were the leaders of
the project, Mrs. Melvin Craig and
Mrs, Charles Mathers also attend-
ed the meeting. •
ORRIE — One lnindre41. and all Who •completed the current pro-
twenty-five persons, of wham TO. jeet. • were Club Girls, attended the, W#4 'announced that a.. fall
Coullty iOnOrs Presented LOSSES IN JAPAN
REGAINED BY CHURCH t Gorrie Achievement Day Br.„uxsrmx_alie wonian,s As, sociation mat in the United Church
on July' 3rd, with an attendance. of 2
3, Mrs, John Wieketead presided.
The Parsonage committee report.,
ed pn the purchase of curtains for
the parsonage, It • was decided to
make further perchases and 00
committee was etnitewered to do so,
W.M.S. Meeting
The W.M.S. met in the United
Church on July 3rd, with Mrs,
Alex, MeCrackin presiding.
eVrrs. J, V. Fischer presided for
the study period. Mrs. Alex Corri-
gan gave an accohet of conditions
in Japan following the second
World War. About 590 churches
Were destroyed during thawar, and
many schools. Many of each have
been rebuilt with assistance from
all parts of North America, Now
Japanese chierches• are 92 % self-
supporting, Training schools for
church leaders have been built,
The United Church has largely
=dearer. its losses in Japan.
Prelifet would 'be "Your cereal
Shelf" and the spring project f4r
March 1659 will be "Horne Beau-
tification". girls who are 12 years
old 'her Septertiber 1st May take
the fall project and those who are
12 by March 1st may 'take' the,
spring project.
Leaders of the visiting clubs are;
Relhaore, Mrs, W. Johann; asst.,
Mrs. J. Rutherford; Bluevale, Mrs.
W, er, Peacock; asst,, Mrs. C, Johns-
ton; Lakelet, gee, Lloyd Jacques;
asst„ Mrs, Harold Wallace; Moles-
Worth, Mrs, A. Smith; asst, Mrs. T,
McKercher; Wingham, Mrs. W. T.
Lapp; asst., Mrs. J. L. Currie.
Mrs. Glenn Johnston is leader
of the Gorrie club and Mrs, Clar-
ence Sperling assistant. Evelyn
Ann Stephens is president• of the
Gorrie "Safety Satellite Sisters"
and they had 14 member's complete
the course.
CADETS TAKE COURSE in Winghana Left tp right, back how: COW,
P. Nasmith, Winghana; Gnr. R. Weiler, Walkerton; Gnr. K. Muir,
Walkerton; Gar. R. Hetherington, Wingharn; Our. D. Logan, Brussels;
Gnr. K. Forster, Walkerton;. Gam, K. Robinson, Belgrave; Gnr.
Pocock, Wingham; centre: Gnr. T Wormworth, Wingham; Gnr. K.
landmark, Brussels; Grn. D. Huck, Walkerton; Gnr. G. Crawford,
, 10-
Wingharn; Gnr, J, Merkley, Wingham; Gnr, D. Murray; Wingliam;
Our. IL Rowe, Teeswater; Gnr. W. Houma Walkerton, Onr. D. Pette-
place, Walkerton; front: Beir. R. Meyer, ,Formosa; One. R, Malmer,
Walkerton; Gnr. D, Loekridge, Wingham; Gnr. J, Runstedtler, Wing-
ham; Gar., R. Walker,, Wingham; Onr, D. Jagdin, Wingha,m; Our. A.
Waechter,, Walkerton and Se, Maj. Stan Hastings, Wirighain:
tiOnest Recession Valuable
To Management and Tabour
Homo-Wang Club ae'h everiaent. day
tee the projeet "The Club girl
-Stands on Guard" in Gorrie on
Thursday, 'end their leaders
Were present from Wingham, Bel-
mere, Iefolesworth, Bluevale, Laker
let and Gorrie,
Miss Shirley Patterson, home ec-
onomist, of Clinton, was assisted by
Mist: Mary Lou Black, new /mole
economist for Bruce, Mrs. Robert
McKerehee, Seaforth and Mrs.
fry Brightwell, Stratford.
ach club had on display record
Vooks, charts and: first aid kits,
There were two club exhibits, "One
Nyay to Good Health"; which was
commented on by Susan Sellers of
the Bluevale Club. Yvonne Sper-
ling, of the Gorrie Club, was the
commentator for that clUb's ex-
Whit, "A Hobby I EnjoY". Skits and
demonstrations were presented by
the clubs from Selmer% Lakelet,
Molesworth and Wingham, —
Presentation of county honors
for .completion of six proiecti was
'Made by Mrs, Stanley Bride, of
Fofdwich, Federated representa-
tive of Huron East -to Mae Double-
dee, Norma Harper:, Muriel Hai-
kills and Shirley 'Simmons; all of
the Belmore Club, Elaine Kirton,
Bluevale and Katharine Simpson,
Certificates of Achievement were'
Presented to those completing a
second project and teaspoons to
BLTJEVALE—The regular• meet-
ing of the W.M.S, was held in the
church basement on Wednesday.
The opening devotionals was taken
by the president, Mrs., H. J. Mc-
Murray, The minutes were read
and adopted and the supply secre-
tar3r.reported the amount for the
supplY allocation was received and
forwarded to the treasurer. ,
Mrs. R, Gray read the Scripture
and gave the comments, basing her
thoughts on the "Good Shepherd
and the Sheep". 'The members of
the Explorers' Group, with Mrs. B.
Elston and Mrs, R. Gray 'as lead-
ers, were in charge of the topic and
they illustrated 'by means of a map
of Japan, their studies during the
year in a. very interesting and
instructive way,
Donna Mundell and Audrey Kir-
'-on took up the offering and 211re
Elston gave the dedicatory prayer,
Piao selections were given by .
Gordon McMurray. The roll 'call
was answered with a thought:from
the lait meeting.
Missionary letters were read
from Rev, and Mrs. Malcolm and
Rev: Andrews. The meeting was
closed with prayer.
Mr,-, and Mrs. Chas: Kent and
family of North To'nawenda, NY.,
were recent visitors with ,Mr.• and
Mrs. Howard Cowan. Rickie Ab-
ram returned home with them for
jee . it,
ari their. guests, Mr. and Mrs Bob
tr, ,,:,_ r,: and Mrs. Jack • Musgr ove
Nay and Robbie, Mrs. Peter Merk-
linger and Mr. Carl Cook, , all of
Waterloo; and Miss Nadine. Cook
spent several days last week at
Port Elgin beach. Mr: and Mrs,
Bill Nay and Rickie also spent
the July 1st holiday there. • '
Mre and Mrs. Jos, Higgiris, Jo-
anne and Wayne Of Mitchell, Miss
Lenore Higgins, Reg, ,Ne 'Lernden,
and Mr. and Mrs. Chester higgiirs,
Blyth, visited with, Mrs. ' Wan. Gel-.. lagher and•Miss Maude Higgins' on
"` '` •-eilleidileeraftera'ertalidlieg • ,lie', rier
ease • United Church centennial
?ay. morning service. ,. e.) and Mis. Lynn dogblin of
Winnipeg visited. relatives 'around
Gorrie last week. ' . . • .
MTS. Minnie Irwin returned home
last •, week after spending three
months with her daughter in Cali-
fainia. , , ., ,
;Mr: jarid 'Mrs. FredeDoWdell' and
Mr. and Mrs, Frank Hall, all. of
Toronto, were 'guests of Mr. and
'Mrs Fred Hyndmene ' ' , .
e,Mr., and Mrs: Roy De Long and
Mr., ..and Mrs. Wm. De Long ,of
Illepoltlin visited ,Sienday with ,Mie
and Mrs; Fred. Feigel.,.: , , ,
::• Mies' Betty Wylie, Toronto,; and
Mrs r Georie Wylie and John, of
Wallaceburg, are visiting . Mrs.
John 'Wylie. • / .
" Mr.' I3erf Wright i returned, Wed- , • nesday to his home after sire:riding
•a time at the home of Mr. and
Mee. Thos. Nickle. Teeswater,
Miss Beatrice Potter and Mre.
C. Ritchie visited Miss Emily Pete
ter in Victoria Hospital, London,
on Friday. • . ,'
Mrs. Courtney Gilpin Is spending . a few days in London visiting Mr.
C Gilpin, who is in VictOria Hos- .
Vital. • , '
Mr. James Walker, Miss Carol
hinison, and Mr, David Berke, all
'of Toronto, and Mies Edythe Walk-
er, Wingharn,' 'spent the week-end
at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Lorne
Walker. Mr. D. Btirke is remain-
ing for a week's visit.
e Two stiles of houeehpld effects
Were held in the village last week.
On Wednesday an auction was held
of furniture; etc., belonging to the
late Miss Pearl Stinson- and on
Saturday the househeld „effeets of
the la e Mrs. Ida Hastie were sold,
. N A. L. Stephens and Evelyn
Ann pent the holideer week-end
With relatives in Chatham,, %
fulness, diligence, imagination and
deterimination on the 'part of all
whp compete for the consumer's
favour, employers, merchants and
salesmen included.
H causes many of us to value
our jobs more highly; with the -
results that we come to care rather
More about doing better that which
we are paid to do, (The catchphrase
"I couldn't care less!" is notice,
ably less prevalent than it was;
so , is the attitude of mind which it
It brings home to at least some
unionists the fundamental truth
that their Welfare and that of their
families 'is much less dependent
on the union than on the ability
of the company to sell its products,
And who` knows, it may even
have, led some union officials, to
reflect: that their 'own jobs--and
the very existence of the union
local, itself—is no less dependent
on this.),
These occasional recessions,, then,
result in a certain re-evaluation
and correction of •perspeative on
the part of most of us which to
put it mildly, is not wholly bad.
They warn of the•f oily and dan-
ger ,of taking things for granted,
and are a, salutary reminder that
both national and •personal. pros-
perity, far from being itutomatic-
ally guaranteed, must continue to
be earned.—Industry.
The business recession of the
past, year is the third such temp-
orary interruption of the great,
postwar economic boom. Nobody
is enjoying it, .for the very good
reason that such interruptions,
while not over-serious for most of
us, are unpleasant and disconcert-
ing while they last. It requires a
certain frankness, therefore, to ad-
mitto ourselves that they are not
without some value.
If you doubt this, consider for
a moment some of the incidental
effects of a slowing down in the
tempo of economic activity.
It reminds many people that
thrift is still a virtue; that, what-
ever the difficulties, it is still pru-
dent in good times to save or invest
at least a tenth part of annual in-
come against the 'possibility of
days less fair. ,
It leads management to intensify
its' effort to achieve greater effic-
iency of operation; to crack down
on waste and extravagance, And
cut out unjustifiable "frills" which
swell expenses—and therefore'
Costs. •
It compels increased resource-
United Church
Groups' Meet
B7LGRAVE—The regular meet-
ing of the. Woman's Missionary
Society and ,the Woman's Associa-
tion of. Knox 'United Church was
held in the church on Wednesday
afternoon. Mis. Kenneth Wheeler,
president, was in charge of the
W.A. meeting, opening with Mat-
thew 6: 25-34 read in unison. The
theme of the meeting was "Leave
Your Worries Behind".
Minutes were read lay Mrs. Cecil
Chamney and the financial state-
ment, given by Mrs. J. M, Coultes,
showed a balance on hand of $259,-
13. Fifteen members answered the
roll call with a verse from the
Mrs. Jesse Wheeler gave a re-
port for the Manse Committtee. It
was moved and seconded by Mrs.
J. M. Coultes and Mrs. George
Martin that the following inscrip-
tion be placed on the new collec-
tion plates 'being given by the
W. A,, "Knox United Church,
1958." The collection was received
and this meeting adjourned.
*se: Walter Scott opened the
W.M.S. meeting with a hymn and
prayer, Minutes were read by Mrs.
Earl. Anderson and the treasurer's
report by Mrs. George Martin,
gift fund report by Mrs. Jesse
Wheeler, There were 13 home and
8 hospital visits to the sick and
shut-in recorded.
• Mrs. Scott read an account of
Foreign Mission Day, on the neces-
sity of keeping missions before the
public. Arrangements were made
for the Mission Band picnic to be
held the end of July in the com-
munity park. The Offering was re-
ceived and dedicated.
The theme of the worship ser-
vice was "The Bible and Prayer",
with Mrs. Williard Armstrong as
leader, opening with the call to
worship followed by a hymn and
prayer. Mrs. George ,Martin gave
a reading "Value of Bible Reading"
followed by a hymn. Mrs. E. Leslie
gave, a reading, "The Necessity of
Waiting on God in Prayer". Mrs.
Martin read a poem on prayer. Mrs.
Earl Anderson 'gave a paper on
Christian Stewardship and Mrs.
Scott closed the meeting with the
Mr.1 and Mrs, Sparling Johnston
and 1VIrs, Ed, Johnston attended
the Centennial service, in Wrteeeter
United Church on :Sunday..
Mrs. ,Tony Meehan, of Windsor;
Mr.' Jack Meehan,- of *Kingston,
and Mr. and Mrs. Perneow, of Dee
troit, have been visitingeMe. and
Mrs. Harry Elliott,
Mrs, Arnold Lillow, Mary and
Barbara, Miss Norma MelVeinee,and
Mrs. Ernie King and Rickey, are
enjoying a holiday at Bauble Beach,
Mr. and Mri, Lloyd VanWyck.
Mary and Anne of- Waterloo, were
Sunday visitors at the home of
Miss Mary Duff.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Davies and
children of Toronto, were holiday
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
M. and Mrs. Neil. MacEachren
their daughter; Mrs. Louise Neilson,
and son, also Gilbert and Neil
MacEachren spent 'Sunday ' with
`Mrs. R. F. ,Garniss.
Mary VanWyck of Waterloo and
Linda and Julie Street, of Listowel,
are •holidaying with Mrs. M. L. Ait-
Mrs. R, E. Mcleinrray and Elean-
or returned to their home in Rich-
mond Hill on Sunday after' spend-
ing the past week with her par-
ents here.
Mr. Geo. CaldWall of Pittsburg
ilevialtleelerteltit 'Mr. 'a.irdt*fterdere
Greenaway and fandly.
Music pupils, of Mrs. Nora' C.
Moffatt who hitVe received word
that- they successfully passed ex-
aminations are Gordon McMurray,
honors, Grade III W.C.M.; Gerald
Thomas, pass, Grade V W.C.M.;
Faye Edgar, horiors, Grade II
Theory; Carol Robinson, .1st class
honors, Grade I Theory.
'Mr, Charlie Stuart of Regina is
a visitor with Mr, and Mrs. George
Stuart. Mr. Stuart came east for
the Lucknow Centennial, Other
guests at the 'Stuart home included
Mr, Al Pickard of Regina and Mr,
and Mrs, Pickard of Exeter.
\ Mr.' and Mrs. Allan Durnin and
Miss. Helen Durnin of London were'
visitors with Mr. and Mrs: James
Miss . Norma Murray was among
the successful students at the
Stratford,' Teachers' College, con-
gratulations. ,,Norma will teach
near Goirie next term.
Dr. George MacGregor, his
daughter, Mrs. Kuchorn, and her
sons, John and Stuart, of Chicago,
have been ,visitors with his sister,
Mrs. George Stuart end' Mrs. Stu-
Congratulations to Mary B. Pur-
don, S.S. No; j,3 Gladys McDonald,
and Albert Heffernan of S.S, No: 4,
and to Ann Rintoul, Shirley Mc-
Neil and Bob Taylor of Fordyce,
who, passed the entrance exami-
Miss W. D, Rutherford attended
the SoutheMpton Centennial last
Yit5K gs 1s,,,go&404.74,Jr--9,,acts
rs;' Stan Todd; -.miss Rutherford
who taught hi Southampton some
years ago met many old friends.
Terry Wilson spent the eveek-end
as' the guest of Ernest Ackert Jr.,
at their cottage at Fairy Lake.
Mr. and Mrs. Leeson, Bonnie and
Lenora of London were visitors
with Mr. and 'Mrs. James Curran
on "Sithrday. The girls are remain-
for a two week holiday.
Family Gathering
At Armitage Home
A family gathering was held at
the home of Mr. and Mrs, R. E,
Armitage on Sunday afternoon,
followed 'by dinner, It was the first •
time all the members were able to
be together at one time for over
twenty years.
Those nresent were Mr. and Mrs.
G. R. Laundy, Buffalo and their
daughter and son, Miss Eleanore
and Mn'. Roger Laundy; Mr. and
Mrs. 4, W. Ney of Merriton, their
son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Paterson. end" son, of Brant-
ford; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mickle,
Wallaceburg and their daughter
and her husband, Mr. arid Mrs,
Leonard Beathem of Amherstburg;
Mr.. and Mrs. Maurice Swanson
and Karen, Mr.' and Mrs. Gordon
Carson (Pauline Swanson) of
TeesWater and two phildten, and
Jimmie and Lennie Lou Sims. 1/
20 • 1'
.-Year -Old -English Visitor
Manages., -Uncle's Livestock
The North Huron Junior Farmere
and junior Instittite members
gathered for a social evening on
Monday in honor of a guest from
England, Miss Anna Elliott. Miss
Elliott showed slides of the coun-
tryside and typical farm scenes
around her hame at Marpeth, Nor-
thumberland County, England:
Four delegates of the Young
Farmers' Organization in 'Britain
ere.. visiting in Ontario. Charles
Bailey of 'Surrey is in Bruce at the
present time, Derek Heath of War-
wickshire in Perth County and
Miss Lysbeth Jones from Wales, in
Welland, •
They arrived in Canada. May 31st
and since then Miss Elliott has
visited Wellington County, then
Northern Ontario, Lambton County
and Huron, She was the guest of
Misses Jean and Isobel Smith from
last Thursday and left on Tuesday
for Niagara, ,She will spend a few
days there and will then visit Jun-
ior Farmer groups in Victoria and
Frontenac Counties and will spend
two days in,OttaWa where she will
meet the other delegates, They will
then 'spend t*o days in Montreal
before leaving for England,
Picnic Held for
Lennie Lou Sims
Mrs. Gordon Davidson, organist
and choir leader of St, Paul's
Church. arid Mrs, Bill Lackridge,
leader of the Junior Auxiliary en-
tertained members of the Junior
choir and J. A. on Wednesday of
last week at a picnic at Teeswater
Lions Club Park, Mrs, jack ‘74n.
camp assisted during the after-
noon and supplied transportation
for some of the children; nUrnber,
ing 20.
The picnic Was held tee a "going-
away" patty for Lennie Lou Sims,
who is moving to North Bay
In the near future, and has been
a member of the J. igior Choir and te
juniot Anxilirteei, '•
The childten :" yed the park
facilities and swimming, A picnic
lunch was served and Lennie LOU
was presented 'With a titerernie
Oalriera by her friends. Her first
Pictures on the view camera were
taketi at the pieta°,
Mr. and Mrs. Laing
Honeymoomin West
St. Paul's Church was the Scene
Of a Pretty summer wedding on
Saturday, July 5, at four o'clock,
when , Gloria Louise Sims was un-
ited in marriage with 1VIr. John
Jeffrey Laing, of ,North Bay, in a
ceremony conducted by 'Rev, C. F.
Johnson, The bride is a daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Swan-
son of town; and the groom's par-
ents are Mr. and Mrs. Alexander
Laireg of Winnipeg.
Mr. Swanson gave his daughter
in marriage. Her gown was Wedge-,
wood blue organza with a match-
ing cape with a hood of poinsettia
lade. She carried a white Bible
crested with a white rose.
Mrs. Gordon Cerson, the bride's
sister, of Teeswater, was matron
of honor, wearing a dress identical
to the bride's with cape and hood
of matching material. Her flowers
Were pink rosebuds covering a
White fan.
Mrs, Gordon Davidson, organist
of St. Paul's Church, played tra-
ditional wedding 'Music and ac-
companied Miss Karen Swanson,
the bride's sister, who was soloist.
Miss Swanson sang "Wedding
Prayer" and "The Lord's My Shep-
Ted Taylor of London was
groomsman and the ushers were
Lloyd Howe of North Bay and
Gordon Carson, brother-in-law of
the bride, "from Teeswater.
FolloWing the ceremony a lunch-
eon was served in the church par-
lor and a reception was held later
at the Legion Home.
Mr. and Mrs, Laidg will travel
to Winnipeg for their honeymoon,
where the groom's family will hold
a reunion during their stay, For
travelling the 'bride wore a black
embrOldeted silk dress with a
black peek-a-boo duster,. White ac-
cessories and a orchid corsage.
Guest s at 'the wedding Were from
Wallaceburg, Amherstburg, De-
trolt, North Bay, Birmingham,
Buffalo, Mberitern, Brantford, Tor-'
onto, London Lucknow, Tees-
water and Winghatil.
Mr. aRct Mrs. Laing will live in
North Bays
William MacIntyre
Passes Suddenly
ford 1VfacIntyre, youngest son of
the late Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Mac-
Intyre, and a lifelong resident of
Kinloss excepting a few years spent
in Saskatchewan, passed away sud-
denly at his borne on Saturday
Of their family of six sons and
five daughters, one son, Alex, who
arrived here on Sunday, by plane
from Swift Current, and one daugh-
ter, Mrs. Lance Moffatt (Eliza-
beth) of River Course, Alta., now
Mr. Maclntyre was well known
in this district for many years, as
the read superintendent.
He had suffered a heart seizure
previously, and recovered after a
few Weeks',rest, but passed away
Saturday morning 'before a doctor
reached his home.
He was in his 67th year arid
leaves to mourn hie vvife, formerly
Annie Ross, and one soil, Donald,
of Kiiiless and five grandchildren;
one brother, Alex and one sister.
I/1E014110A was in South Kinloss
cemetery from Johnstono's funeral
home, Lucknow, On Monday, With
his pastor, Revs rt. T. A, Marshall
of South Kirdoee Presbyterian
Church,, officiating,
Mr, and' Mrs. Harry Rinn and
family spent a few days last week'
'visiting with'the latter's lather, Mr.!
Frisby at Huntsville.,
' Mr. and Mrs. Mac Sandford of
Vancouver, 'B.C., ,called on Mr. and
Mrs. Lewis Stonehouse, Mrs. Rob-
ert Stonehouse and Mr. Robert
Stonehouse, who is a patient in
the Wingham General Hospital,
on route 'of a motor trip to. Nova
Scotia. 'Mr. Norman Stonehouse of
London also visited with his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stone-
house, over the week-end.
Mr; and Mrs. Harold Cantelon
and family of Galt visited for' a
couple. of days last• week with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs, Harry Mc-
• Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bolt, Lorna
and Marlene Purdon 'attended the
Caledonian games at Embro last
Mrs. Leslie Bolt, Mrs. Clarence
Yuill and Mrs. John Nixon attend-
ed a shower for Miss June Stokes
at the home of Mrs. Doran Thorn-
ton near Belniore on Friday even-
Mr., and Mrs. John Nixon and
family, and Mr, and Mrs. Leslie
Bolt and Lorna visited on Sunday
With Mr. Bolt's aunt, Mrs. Alec
Fraser and other friends at Blen-
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Wheeler and
Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Wheeler
and family attended the Brown-
ridge reunion held at Brampton on
Saturday and then Mr, and, Mrs.
Herb Wheeler went on to Hamil-
ton to spend a few days with their
daugher and son-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs, Wilfred Pickell and ,family.
Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Wheeler
and children visited on Sunday
with Mr: and Mrs, Eugene Mc-
Adam and family, of Clinton,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hopper and
their grandson, Dennis of Bruce
Mines and Billy hopper Of • Sault
Ste. Marie, spent a few days with
Mr. and. Mrs. Lyle hopper.
Mrs, Robert 'Higgins is spending
a •fevv days with her son and
daughter-in-law, Mr. , and Mrs.
Jerry Higgins of Toronto.
Miss Partbaleroeter and Miss Ila
Pengelly have received word that
they have successfully passed their
second year course at Stratford
Teachers' College. Miss Procter
will teach at 5.5, No, 6 Morris, arid
Miss Pengelly at the Moricrieff
Sc mhOro* and
Mrs. George Sargent
and family of Paulette, Vermont,
aro visiting With Mrs. A, M, Per-
due, Miss Frances MeCtea, and
with Mr, and Mrs, Lawrence Van-
The young people were chosen
through a'series of interviews: The
first WaS a County tea, the winner
of'each county then passing an
area interview in which five coun-
ties Were represented. The success-
ful candidates for each area Went
on to London add the four dele-
gates Weed chosen from the group,
In each' case *their' Were, asked it
number of questions in varied
„fields, Those who received the
hewer of being representatives
Were selected on merit of general
knowledge and interests.
The Voting Partners groups 4n
Britain are On:parable to the Jun-
toe Fernier and Junior Institute
organizatione in Canada, They also
carry out'number of projects
Similar to the 444 Clubs here, The
age limit for IneNbership is from
10 to 25Y ears.
Anna Elliott works for her Uncle,
'''Bradley Galbraith, Kenneth Cur-
rie,- Robert' Burchill, 'Albert Smyth
and Bill ReaVie Were in London on
Monday and visited with the lat-
ter's father, Mr. Rutherford Reav1e
in W'estminster Hospital.
Mrs. James Leaver, Wingham,
vieted on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. George Ceultes.
Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Coupland,
of Toronto spent the week-end at
the hOme of her parents;-Mr. and
Mrs. Chas, Robinson.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Scott of El-
mira visited on Sunday with Mr,
and Mrs. Norman Coultes.
Mrs. Victor Yoting, Wingham,
visited on Saturday with her bro-
ther, Mr. Adam IVIeBurney of Mar-
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wright of
Clifford visited on Sunday at the
home of their daughter, Mrs. Sid-
ney Thompson.
Helen Currie and Doreen Stacey
left on Monday to spend eight days
at the Presbyterian Church Camp
at laintail.
William Reayie, 'who has been at
Capreol at the ONR-station, Was
home last week and spent a few
days in Teronto. •
Albert Smyth, who has been at
Armstrong, spent last week at his
home in E, Wawanosh.
Little Donna Leader, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Leader of
Lucknow has been ,staying with
her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
James Currie, while Mrs, Leader
was a patient in Wingham Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs, John Mason, Lon-
don, and Mr. and Mrs. Fleming
Johnston and family of Bluevale,
visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Kenneth Mason. Mr. Cecil
.Skinner of Exeter and Mrs. Roy
Motz of Elkton, Mich., visited at
the Mason home on Saturday. '
Mrs. William Bieman of Owen.
Sound visited' over the week-end
at the homes of her sons Mr. Albert
and Mr, Levi Bietnan.
Mr. and Mrs:. Harold Thompson
and family and Vicki 'Swain of
Tilleonburg, visited on Sunday
with Mr. and 'Mrs. Calvin Robin-
son.. Alice ;Thompson and Miss
Swain stayed' to, visit this week
with. Waevarmeh relatiVes, Mr.
and Mrs:Roes Robinson and Keith
'of teigrava also ' visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Calvin Robinson.
Rev, and Mrs. Dunlop and child-
ren of Cumberland were guests on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Law-
rence Taylor. Mrs. Chas. Showers
of Turnberry •and Miss Ruth Show-
ers, Reg, N., of Sarnia also visited
at the same home.
Mrs. Thos, O'Malley had the mis-
fortune to fall on Thursday and
break the bone in her left wrist.
Mrs. Mary Chapman Sr., Mrs,
Smith and 'Mr. and Mrs. Russell
Chapman and Gary visited on Sun-
day with friends in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moss and
family of Platteville visited on Sun-
day with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs, Ben McClenaghan. Mr. and
Mrs. Melvin MeClenagthan and
Michael of Kitchener visited there
on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Russ611 Gaunt, Don-
ald and Janet, visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Andrew Gaunt of St, Helene
'Mr. John Cordon of Saskatoon
is visiting this week at the home
of his sister, Mrs. John McGee,
after visiting for the past two
Weeks in London and St. Thomas
with friends.
Mrs. Kenneth Dowling spent a
few days last week at the home
of her daughter, Mrs. Robt. Altehe-
son of Ilderton.
Mr. Brown bi iCitehener has pur-
chased the Ross McGregor ferret
on the ,trd of kinloss and has been
busy during the past week Shing-
ling the 'barn.
Rev. and Mrs. Geo, Watt and
family of Oakville spent a few
'days last week with his parents,
Rev. and Mrs. W. ‘T. Watt,
who owns a mixed farm comprising
250 acres, Though only 20 years
old, she manages all the livestock
on the 'farm. They breed their own'
pigs, and usually keep about 100
They are sold for pork at 120 lbs.
live weight.
The cattle inch:dee ten milking
cows, dual purpose 'Shorthorns and
30 stinker' cows, Angus Shorthorn
creases,' with their. calves, Anna
keeps a small poultry flock of her
own for pocket triOneY,
In addition to the livestock she
breecla and retieell Border'oljle
dogs. Those she trains herself and
80110 them as working fatin doga
The North Huron Junior Feririere
and Junior Institute Were -pleased
to have Miss Elliott as their guest
and enjoyed comparing Metes on
England and 'Canada, The. latter
part of Monday 'evening' took the
RAM of a real Canadian Wiener
roast,' t-
Hiller Reunion
At Gorrie Park
aormit — The Miller reunion
was held in the Gorrie community
park ,On Sunday afterniebn With an
attendance Of 73.
Those from a distance, who also
attended the centennial service in
Wroxeter 'United Chttrch ,were:
Miss Mary Miller antflefra ICiomss
Smith, Detroit; Miss 'Lenore Hig,
gins, Landon; Mr. and Mrs, Tom
Dakar, Stityner, Mn and. Mrs,
Fred McPherson and Miss Bessie
McPhersen, 1Vlise Helen Gihsort,
eNellie ttuttaii, Mr, and Mere
elle, all Of Terealte, Mrs. Mary
Weaning, Concord; Mr. and Mr's.
SO6 Higgins and fancily, Mitchell,
Mr., and lqrst CheSter Higgina, of M
Others Were present ',trent Ltich,
now, Goderieh, Betreeels and the
=surrounding community',.