The Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-07-02, Page 10gifts Presented By Aylmer Church Rev, and Mrs, Garnet Hasser were the guests of honor at a function in Aylmer last week when they were presented with a pair et television chairs, a purse of money and other gifts by members of their congregation, Rev. and Mrs. Husser left the Aylmer church at the end of the month to take up similar duties at the Wingharn United Church. Awards Presented to School Students The Marion Inglia Medal for the highest marks in Grade VIII on the year's work at Wingham Public school went to John Strong, son of Mr, and Mrs. John Strong. The General Proficiency Award, donated by the Lions : Club of Wingham, and awarded to a pupil selected by the staff, was pre- sented to Jean Gurney, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. W. W: Gurney. FORDWICII Messrs, James Vittie, Fraser Lynn, Carl Ettinger, ,Mel William. McCann, all of Fordwich, attended a church parade for Le- gion members held in Mildmay on Sunday in connection with their old boys' reunion. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. James Jamieson, Mrs. Marie Kieswetter and Dean- na, all of Kitchener,, apent the week-end,with Mrs. Alveretta Wal- lace. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Doig vis- ited one day last week with their daughter, Mrs. Harvey Bride, in a Toronto Hospital. Miss Aldyth Bast and Mr, Mer- aye Wallace visited Sunday with Mr, Vern Gilmore at Barrie. and with Miss Ann Webster at Stroud. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Allan Cooper of Toronto, who were ,married Saturday, June 21st. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Hoffman and Bob moved on Friday to their home in Harriston, which they recently purchased: Promotion Results at Fordwich School Grade 5 to Grade 6: Jean Browne, Karen Carswell, Garry Lawrence, Elizabeth Dickert, Ann Miller. Grade 6 to Grade 7: John Carp- well, Cameron Edgar, John Forde, Janie Hambly, Wayne Lawrence, Ricky 1VIarriner, Wayne Marriner, Audy Miller, Donald Ratan, jack Rattan. Grade 7 to Grade 8: Doris Cars- well, Ruth 'Cober, Marjorie Connell, Shirley- Eurig, Martin Ninham, Andrey Ruttan, Gary Sothern, Douglas Watson, John.Wilson. Grade 8 to Grade 9: Jean Foster, David Inglis, Ward Lohr, Jean Siefert, Pauline Sothern. Mr, Ron Hube, principal. Junior Room Grade 4 to Grade 5: Robert Campbell, David JacobSon, Helen Johnston, Jean Lawrence (Hon- ours), Marion Dickert (Recom- mended). Grade 3 to Grade 4: Billy Cars- well, Marilyn Porde, Douglas Gib- son, Marjorie Mitten (Honours), Barry Matthews, Elaine Miller (Pass), Grade 2 to Grade 3: Lorna Browne, Leslie Campbell (Hon- ours). ,Grade 1 to Grade 2: Phyllis Cober, Shirley .Ann Ettinger, David Porde, Charles' Gibeon, Randy King, Billy Miller, Cheryl,BaYler (Recona- mended), Tena Milligan (Grade 1B to Grade 1.A. Mies Beatrice Wade, teacher. Loh; leating-Cne *Oplication keeps . :buildings free of .1 flisefer, two to three "treonthe purlron' • Meg: Approved for 050 on 10 form bbildingL 40.oz -calf casts-only $3.85. ON SALE r. ittila.41_47407 . AMV11.1014110, Build a Cottage 994/9411.9, Wins..Teip • Displam: Gratitude 4e ia'r arpite R, ,Is.58 AdvimpummoB Theatre • .i.r.,1140w0 • Fitrat at '74.5 OORDWIC4I—Howlek TOWnellip council, a apaylal Meeting last Week, passed the ateeeeSarY to set PP one TownAillp $ennol Area, this action a$ 41' Deeent,' bar P5th this year the pment two ToWilship School Areas. et, Eaiit West Howl* will be dissolved, This •ellatigg, hes CoMe. about, in TIOWlek 41, order to make, a jr,reaier share of 'provincial grante avail- able to the toWnShip tot; 041.0°1 pUrposes,„ tigVAIMAI ,mosto 1.40N11)-AT, 'irtiEsom: ANo .117Pm$DAT,. gAcu WEVI .,1'..:_unday &Tyke roil9wIng. the 'morning serviCo' tn Wiugham.Unitecl 'ClInrch. Mr, W. $,' .4411 mv. Fullgland moSe• pregentatiarla On behalf et the pone. zregatitan to. ReV, R.. and Xra. Durraat, Mr, Sall spolie high' terms Of. the splendid service. which Mr, Darrant had rendered to .the eburch while 'he had ..supplied- dur- ing the' interval. .between tho two: regular ministers.. Ha had made a. place for himaell .among the eon-. gregation and in the community Which would apt soon be fergotten. Next .%madtyi the congregation greets the new minister, Rev, T, •Garaett, ,Huaser , who erulleS from, Aylmer. This will also he the first of the summer services held in con- junction with St, Andrew's .Pres.,' byterian, annrch, Can: you. '90e. 015D00 gotjt. future? ' To New York The Delhi District TP;O:F. has. chosen Marlene Clark ,9f Pert Rowan as the student wha will At- Leila the animal 'United. Natialla Pilgrimaae for Yeuth." This is the first -Moe the Delhi District Odd Fellows hap Undertak- in existence for Mae years, ape/4- en this project although is has been cored by the Odd Fellowa of Araerl- ea and Canada, Over 600 students from ail over the 'Jetted States and Canada and Possibly Hawaii, Cuba amp, Attatras lia, will take part over a afx year period, with one group every tva wcelic Miss Clark will meet other, deleeates inYoungstown, Ohio on . July 1 and from there a bas tear aati take them, to 'Harrisburg, Pa., , Gettyeburg Washiegton,. Okla Mount Vernon, Annapolis Naval Academy., West Point Mili- tary Academy, Baltimore, Dela, warp, Valley Forge, Philadelphia and finally New York City, The group will spend one week in New York City visiting many points of interest such as the 'Un- ited Nations, International House, Rockefeller Centre, Radio City. Music Hall, Statue of Liberty and take a three hour boat trip around Manhattan Island. However the main purpose of the pilgrimage is to study the functions and work- ings of the United Isrationa, Miss Clark a student of Delhi District High School was selected on the basis of character, leader- ship, scholarship, interest in world and civic affairs, 'participation in young people's groups, and general fitness. Tine opportunity was open to anyone between the ages of 16 and la years. Miss Clark is one of 12 Ontario delegates. They receive travelling as well as spending money, They travel iu chartered buses and .are under the supervision of adult. leaders. • Marlene is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie. Clark of Port Rowan, who formerly worked with Mr. A. J, Walker in Wingham.• Mrs. Clark . was the former Alba Shiell of Bluevale. ,MIslariday, Friday Saturilas. Jail II, l and "INDIAN FIGHTER With Kirk Doughy, A fast-aption frontier mace, drama. HOICK SCHOOL AREAS COMBINED YOU don't need a Crystal ball to, see your financial future. An Investors Syndicate plan will make your financial dreams come true, Talk it over soon with an Investors representative "your best friend fina,ncially;" .or Write: Thos. A. Jardin Phone 147 oNr, John W. Waines R.- B. 3, USTOWEL Phone NM Investors,. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, July sa, 11 and L SEVEN THUNDERS' With Tony Wright anal Anna GaylOr Iitaraeilles is the setting for this exciting, story of the last war :aosimmemessmusimesteassneaster Pass EXaMirlatiOtkS At SS. No, 12, Howick FORDWICH—The following arc the promotion results at S.S: No, 12, Howick: Prompted to Grade 9'Kent Ark,' kenman, Robert 1Sride, Harry kel, Promoted tp Grade 8—Lorne An, kenrnan, Peggy Ann Gibson, Promoted to grade 7—Fraser Gib, son, Garfield Gibson, Trutt* Win- kel. , Promoted to Grade 6--IVIOrraY Gedecke, John Harris, Francis Kennedy, • . Promoted to Grade 4—Brian Gib.: son, Evelyn KennedY. Promoted to Grade Har- ris, Patsy Kennedy. ' Promoted to Grade 2-2-Cheryl Gibson, Sylvia Kennedy, Rona VanVelsor, :teacher. PINK CO S GIVE MORE. MILK syn d Ica to:: 1111100IIICCMONIP(4. 0InCle !i!INtIPAL BEST BUY 'IN CLEANERS ! THE NEW SUPER-POWERED COWRY 'POMO %ram' To usif TELETYPE COMMUNIOATION VVITH 10 MARKIET TAROS:. A !staff aiheinber' With: the 'Termite" 'head office of the Ontario Ifog Prod:mops' Co-operativc shows the: new teletype muchine to: S,, Itallahan, Belgrave; secretery of East Wawa,nosh Federation ' of Agriculture, director Of ; Viotti' 'County Hog, Pro-. (lacers; Leslie Fortune, Witightim, director of Huron County Hog 'farodueers; Hemingway, Brussejs,. Huron County Federation of Agriculture Field:mut. o trootOn , . Rato-Metle -Swivel-Top Claimer • Makes easy, Sied.•111, feature' Include— SWIvel-Top, Rolls on 4 Swivel Wheels, New 1 h.p. Motor, flexible Vinyl. "Dols3P.OsCabiliPe.°PnanCeileDanuisiltgElaip71$1 Adjustable Suction, Triple:Fitter... OUR PRICE ONLY • OA more milk—keep your cattle foree emourfe_blietsi wg orflkiefso.r 7Douust:btehtetemr *with POWDER lasts 2 weeks • *./ith pink .COWFLY POWDER. protection for your cattle. Costs less than aa cent a day. Apgroved for VilsOn oil stock. 2 lb, con cosis only $75S, Use Common Sense When Near Water • Canada has been blessed with hundreds cif thousands of beautiful lakes, rivers and streams. They are ours to enjoy in so many ways. Un- fortunately, their appeal for health- ful, happy recreation is always marred by Canada's annual drown- ing toll. The need for education in water Safety is apparent at every turn. Our headlines usually give the grim retails. There is always the thought "that the majority of these deaths could have been avoided if a few simple rules had been learned, and practised. . Death by drowning plays no fav7 'orites.•Men, women and ehildren -of all ages are its victims. Expert Swimmers are no exception and are as likely to become a drowning statistic as are those making their first venture in the water. The Red Cross rules of water Safety are simple. They are merely the praetial application - of common sense. Parents are requested to be- come familiar with these simple, rules and ' to give guidance and example . to their children. Boating enthusiasts sheuld realize their re- sponsibility for others seeking re- .creation in the water and have consideration for their passengers. , This year everyone can have - a happier vacation and a more heal-. thful summer if we learn and -ob- serve the Red Cross ,rules of water . safety. Our drowning record. is not a proud one. A Mutual effort will cave lives this summer. . Complete with Deluxe Oleening Tools.. Small Deposit Delivers. • Balance Easy Terms... , Phone Now. For Barns Jima FLORBAIT FLY KILLER .1.11114 Dust ELORBAIT ever: floors to keep I barns free of flies. Takes only 3 Miautes. Kills over 95.% of the flies-in 4 hours. 24 oz. con costa ,nty,„$1.25. rocery New PERMABAIT FLY KILLER Phone: Our PrieS Are Lovirer . . . 590 Weiceep' tioWii.the Upkeep FRESHNESS GUARITIERII) AT :THE SALES BOARD: io the Torduto Head office of the Ontario nog .Piodueei*'Co-operative. nre: left to ,right—Orville, Taylor, Belgrave, past president of Huron County Hog Producers .-Assoc4. Boss Smith, KR. 1, Wing-ham, president, Morris TWo. Fed, of Agriculture; Elmer Ireland WinOntiro, Viee-President, East Ni7awanosh Fed. Of Agriculture: R. E. Grey, a salesman for the Hog 'Cd-operatiVe. 7 FORDIVICH herries' ft, „„ed.. Montmorency eiinsistiix of 20,,lbs...,..Cherries, r; e .'arriN'Tibits.i.i.Suiinal.: a a .Order 1\,low *P1n;ne 590 -1. regarding'.:,p4ce, SOTHERN REUNION AT KURTZVILLE POR,D.WICH—The annual Soth-i era' reunion 'was held Saturday in the Kurtzville arena with about .10Q in attendance. 'After dinner a ball game, races and pontests were en- joyed while some of the older folk reminisced. Just prior to the, slimier hour Roy Hartman, president, presided for tile business. 21/IiralteS of last year's reunion Were read by the secretary, Mrs. Lyle Simmons, Two minutea silence was observed in memory of those who have passed away since tbe,last reunion, Eleetibn of officers for 1959 re- sulted as follows: Pres., Victor Gib- son; first vice, Roy Sininunis; see.- treas., Mrs. Irwin Gibson; lunch crinunittee, Mrs. ,Tessic Zianner- man, Mrs. Arnetta Sothern, Mrs. Elgin Schade, Mrs. Robert Grasby; sports, Elgin Sehade, Doug Wild- fang, Bill Campbell, ,Mrs. W. Soth- Oldest person present was liam Sothern; yonngest, Guy Soeh- ner, threesWeek-old sea of Mr, and Mrs.` Nile Soehnet; persans Coming, fartfiest, Mr. ,aiacl 11/fra, Alex Haveksbee. , . Next year's muilien 'will again be held in , Ktirtzville.. THAT ,,MAKES A REAL '``MAN'S HQLIDA SPORT JACKETS:— . serve so imittiy uses for vacationers when golfing, boating, Smart styles, from S9.95 PANTS: A very find selection of Men's, Pants from wash tyrtes to the very hest for informal eg at en tit . $ 7 95 dress, Priced at ,•PUeUe, and WUvja., to . 1 • . • • SPORT SHIRTS:— 'For real relaited comfort, rothing takes Out Olata Of a•PMA•t°' wonderful selection, Pridi" •• ,,,, $4.95' T SHIRTS;— Thoge Wonderful teOlffil*e SihArtty tO popular with all sportsmen and so ettitily waShable. Stitiart Terry Cloth and knitted &idiom styles, In good sliadefi. $2.95 $3.95 Priced at ,, „... .................. ` • *no We bate u eulnorefe Omit n/ (lnttnge Material, which includes: Cedar Log Siding „ $150 M 3/4 x 10" Cedar Bevel Siding $150 M Hornasote Siding = — — $110 M Windows sizes and prices on request Doors sizes and prices on request -wt WILL ERECT C(fTT'AGJM 11011, V01.1 ui SIMPL' YOU TILIL' PACKAGE', Ala) YOU MALI) IT, Shades Of Sand, White and • $2 95 s* 3 95 Handsome Swim Suits Styled ,hy Catalina, 15 a pilltit for every Boxer style, Price . • and SPORT' SHIRTSz--"• Another holidaY garthetit Oat la it real faVotirite *lth Most Men, Grey, Price ..... .......... .................. ..... FIRST witit most god boot World Npees Sports Npu,,s Fino ft Oat Sexy 'Pupils Present Teacher with ,Gift PORDWICH—Juat befete sehool Ploaeci for the sunrimer Vacation on rriday, tits pupils of Grades .6-6-74 reversed the program, and called the teacher, Mr, Roil titlbe te the trent. He 'Wail presented With cuff links anti tie drip, Mr, Ward Lehr read the Addrega, Mt, Ilittie leaviag its teach school In ,Ztormey Creek. He thank- ed the boys and girls tot the titt, Mr. Oube" haS been the instruotor for the tteci Croila Water atifety tlasses, also active in hockey and baseball, SO VIII be mhistled la the cotrunuttitys SELGRAVE CO-OP BELGRAVE, ONT. Phone: Wingliani 106bW Brussels 14r10 Misses Jean Greer, Ruth Hibberd and Naricy Sothern left Friday for Jack's Rancla where th‘ey will be eMPloyed for the sumniea months. Mrs. Ron Reed and little daugh- ter, of Liatowel visited one. day last week with kr, and Mrs. E. Hargrave. Mr: and Mrs, Scott Keith and Randy Oa Waterloo spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs, Alex Keith. Mr. Larry McDermitt returned home Friday after spending a week in Hamilton, Mr, Mervyn Wallace of Guelph is spending two Weeks at hia home here. Miss EliSabeth Patterson of Kit- chener spent the week-end with her mOther, Mrs. Pearl Patterson. Miss Mary Corbett and Mrs. Ru- by Forester of Toronto spent the week4end at the latter's home here. Mr. and Mrs. William Campbell of Toronto Visited Over the week- end with 11r, and Mts. Crosby Sethern, Mr, and Mrs, Doug Wildfang ot Tomato spent the week-end with Mr and IVErs. Roy Sin-limit's,. Mr, aad Mrs, Jack Drown and faintly enjoyed a theeesday motor trip laat Week to Ottawa, Hull and Mow; the St. Lawrence Seaway. Ma.a. Cassie Scarborough of San- dusky, Mich., visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Stan Foreatet"and also spent Noine thin, with Mr, and Mts. El. Hargrave .atid Mr, MA VON. Art Forager. Mt, and 11/fra, Cecil Galbraith of Guelph spent a few days last week with Mr, amid flVirs. Lindsay Gal-. braith. Messrs, Jack nolg ,and James Grant et St, Catharlaes Spent four days with the ,former's parents, Mr, Mid Mre, Roaa Doig. Jack Holg and two ,children are ,visiting Hitgland for two months, ,and Mrs, Harvey McDermititt spent Monday in Toronto with Mis; HIsie Vtdbermitt. Miss Marian buke left this week tot .Wasaga, and Mies Marilyn Armstrong to Haliburtorm, where, thoy 'WM be employed Air summer ' months, .• Mrs. Sohn Inglis. 11(nniii, bavid left on, Monday for Rintore, where they' spend the Mr, and Mrs. Anson Dernerling at6W 111° i I tAftartAl: likriONAL 141WSPAPER left this week for Parry SoUnd, where they will spend six weeks. Misa Elaine Dernerling and Mr. Gcirclon Goldriph ` spent the week- end with the fornier's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Royden Devitta apent the- holiday week-end in Mtehener. - Mr. add Mrs. William. 1VIarriner and family- speat several days at their cottage at Poiat Clarke. .Mr. and Mra, Orville :Guy and Mr: and Mrs. Henry Howe spent three days last week up aroUnd Georgian Bay. • Mr. and Mrs, Ansdn Demeiling were pleasantly suraised Satur- 'day night when a nuMber Of friends dropped in te help them celebtate• their 25th wedding anni- versary, Goegratulatioas to Mt, and Mra: Maurice Wallace on the birth of a son at St. Joseph's Hospital on Suaday, Stine 29th, MiaS Mary Byrd of Leaden speat two weeks it the cominunitY, Mr and Mrs. Cecil Allea mid atm and Miss * Catherine Callen sPeat last PridaY in Kitchener. Mr. amid*. Mrs. Cecil:Lynn, Xaren and Judy and Mrs, Dera Ridley apent the holiday Weekt-end in London, $unday eVening visitore With Mr. end Mrs. B. liar:grave Were Mt, and Mrs, Alvin Moore aad Jane of ' Deckerville, Mich, Mr. and, Mrs. ROSS Ternliti of Ditrhara were Week-end ViSitota with 'Mr.' mid Mrs. Art Porester. Mt amid Mrs, George. Trethew'ey and family visited over the Week- end with Mr, and Mrs. Ira Schaefer and attended the Sothern reunion' Xiirt.,4ville SaliMay, • ' Week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Hveritt Allan were Mt and Urs. Bob Holland and family. Mr. and Mrs, Nile "Soeliner aha son mind Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Mandel all 'of Kite-Inbar, Mt: and grs.,Hateld Ilibbett arid 'filthily of Wer`mk-end Visitors with Mr. an& Mrs. Peter Browne were 11/tr. and' Mrs. Humid Xirby and Miss Louise LitOWIto of Willowdale,