The Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-05-21, Page 7Second' in the class .for junior duets, Grades 11, 4 and 5 were Janie Day,
at the l• jt and Ruth . Ann itawilton.
Winners of the class for boyS' Changed voic,es were,from the left, Bruce Maehaii:first Glenn gitijut seconds
Owl Philip Adams and Paid Mutton! tied for third pluee.
wiNoliAlki, 19,5$
Whatiers of the girls' vocal solo 11. years tun] wider, e4 to right, Cathy Batwa, itiathletin liOdgitis and
IF/Andra .Cameron. Prises were .a.Warded in Witt order,
• iirSt, ;ilium whiners in the (;10S',1 or senior dileig, Orudes th 7 and 8,',
were Cathy Hanna, at elie.right and Jane Anne CO1V.ine
L 1
•The 'whiners of the 14-irls' Vocal 44410,'8" years antlimdet• were, left to right, Joan Remington, Wendy" Puller
AO Anne 5iST i. They •won last, second and respeei ely, Singing the seleetion "Neiv•Slioes"; Winner., Of Second dace in the class: for senior duets, Grades 6, 7 AO 8
were th•len Runstedtler, right, and it'ayne C_:aslielc, telt.
ALL READli To: 6i6--=TWo groups :of Grade 1 pupils a,lt set to gv on stage .at the Public --aloof . music
Festival held at the high School on' Thursday evening. Parents will have to pick out their own youngsters
in,'-this one. The cameraman 'didn't have a chalice. •
ii.lbeire were four winners in the ,clasil for boys' vocal' solo; .14 'years and wider. • From the •left. they -.are
Waync, .Caslick, first; .Douglas second;: and Bob ostram and "George. Wiltinki 41,7)10. were tied
fur third.
Left to right; bean, Balser, Bruce Boyd and John Wel wood, first, second and third respectiveli in boys' vocal
solo, 8 years and wider. Their selection Was "White Dreams°. • ,
Douglas Cameron, second and Bob FOUR fiENERATIONS
boy's solo, 14 years and under with
Ostrom and George Wiltinit tying
for third. The song was "Going to
Musk Festlyal'
(continued from. Page One)
V, sang "The Coming Out Party",
Winners 'in thia group, were Cathy
Hanna and,,Helm Carbert, lane
Day and Rath Anti Hamilton, Tom,
Eliacott and On Nasmith, Alma
Jane Elliott and Judy Callan, Jan-
ice Henderson and Joan Riehl,
Grade II •'ptiPils of Miss Phyllis
Johns opened the afternoon sea.
sions with a rhythm band number
and chorus. Cathy' Hanna., Kath-
leen Hodgina, Sandra Cameron,
Carbeft and. Alma 'Jane El-
liott (tie), Ruth Ann 'Hamilton
,were the winners in girl's •solo, D.
years and undei% They sang "Mar-
gery Maketh the Tea." In third place for Julikt duets, Grades 3, 4 and 5
Seen at the left alid Mtn NaShaith,
. •
Mr. and Mrs, Harold. Burrell, and
children, Elizabeth and Tom oT
Wing,harn were in PortCredit -over
the week-Phd to attend a family
reunion 'and to visit- with ivrr. Bur-
rell's mother, Mrs. Walter, Burrell,
who is 88 years -of age.
This was the first time that all
Mrs. Burrell's descendants, four
generations, had ever 'been able to
gather together, To celebrate the
happy occasion they attended sor-,
vice at St. Andrew's Presbyterian
Church in Port Credit, Later they
hold a 'picnic at High Park in Tor,
Attending the reunion were Mr,
and Mrs. Archie Burrell of Saska. '
toon, Saslh; Miss Muriel Burrell,
Reg, K, of Toronto; Miss Ruth
Burrell, Dbia; .Mr, and Mrs. Doug-
las •Bin•rell and son, Robert, of
Timmins, and their daughter, Mrs..
Shrepetit, Mr. Sltrepetz' .and
son, Michael, of'Toronto; Mr. and.
Jaels 13f1rrell, attice, Carol
and Gary of Port Credit and Mr.
and Mrs, :Hamlet Burrell and family
were Tommy Llbeott,
"Somewhere Child is Singing,"
Was the title of the song for triple
trios, 'no group from. Grades V,
VI and VII was 'first; Grade VII,
group. No. 1 Was second and Grade
group 2, Was third.
Mta. Ithrietlien Shera's Grade.
Students sang 'a OhOrtis and i'ounds,
This was followed by the boy's
solo, 11 years and Under, Douglas
Vytie, Donald Carter, John White,
Donald Rintoul and Bob Lewis
headed the ,list in this class, the
song Doing Vapor Beals".
"Sing a Song 'to Lady April" was
sung" by the '611,teAarits for senior
duets, Grades VI, v/r, Vitt, the
winners being Cathy Hanna "atrial
Jane Ann COlVin; Helen Aunstedt-
ler and Wayne 'Oatliel“ Brenda
Cdttron and gaSail Bennett; San-
dra Cameron and' Brenda Mac-
Lennan; Betty Ann Lapp and Mary
Joan Lapp,
Wayne Vasilek Wit ;first in the
of Wingharri.
Thp boy's solo, open, scheduled
for 4.45 p,m, was won by Bruce
Ma,chan, Glenn. Skirts and Phillip
Adains and Paul Hutton (tie)
third, They sang "Carry On,"
The final class, No 10, was 'the
girl's solo, '14 years and under,
"'Lucy Lavender". Jean Gurney,
Susan Bennett and Jane Ann Col-
vin were the winners.
It Was a busy day for everyone
concerned, teachers and officials
having barely enough time for
quick. snacks at 'noon and evening
meal, hours. J. T, Rinkead, inspec-
tor of North Huron schools was
chairman; The audiences were also
greeted by Stewart Beattie Wing-
ham Public Scheid] principal.
An added feature at the evening's
performance was an alto instru-
mentAl solo, "The. Eaglet," by Ron-
ald Vognn, Who was first prise
Winner at the Goderich festival,
The final -number 'was a three
part thorns by Mrs, Margaret
Walsh's class, They sang "God
Bless Our ilofne", and were ac-
companied by Mrs, Douglas at the
organ, „
The teachers and Music super-
visor are to be_congratulated
the atletess of the festival.- It is
reinarkable to witness the , confi-
donee and poke of the Youngsters
and to follow their ,progreas, in
music year. by. year., The' adjudi-
eater gave the ehilqrert praise'
well aS OtinStrildtiVe -criticism id a
very 'encouraging Manner..
The event was unique tilt
fact that two foUr-gehertition
unions were cortibined, as Mt','i •
Page of Leaside was also present.
Mrs. Page 'is the mother of Mrs,
All of Mrs, Page's
deseetdraits attended and in the
Burrell family only one grandsok
Who was In hospital, WAS abseht.
Renald Vagenth instrUniontal 'win-
e Brenda ike* at the Huron County tmisle
iesti v
Winne** of teas hoste *boo kgill0 yeiit*.iiittit taoelei Were; Hough* Jo third. plane fo the s. Bier duet elasti tot Grades t iota 11 ivo
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