The Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-05-07, Page 12DON'T TAKE CHANCES!
are the probiemi of ,today's brakes.
Mrs, Geo. Henderson
Was Morris Native
A funeral 'service,. conducted by
Dr, Alexander Mania 'of St.'An-
drew's Presbyterian Manch, Wing-
ham, was held for Mrs. George
Henderson at "her home on Sat-
urday afternoon. Mrs. Henderson
died in Wingham' General 'Hospi-
tal last Thursday following' sev-
eral weeks of failing health. .She
was 88. Mrs, Henderson, the form-
er Joanne Ireland; was liOrd• on
the 3rd concession of Morris Town-
ship, the third child of the late
Mr. and M.'S. 'James 'Ireland. Fol.
lowing her marriage . to the late
George Henderson continued
to live in the neighbourhood. After,
his death she 'moved to 'Brussels,
where she lived alone. . • ;
Surviving are a sister, Mrs: Hdr-
hart (Elsie) Glassier, 273 Bruns-
wick St., Stratford, and a brother,
William, Morris Township, a step-
son, William, Morris TownshiPi
and a grand soil, Amide Henderson,
Chatham, Pallbearers. for . her,
funeral were 'all nephews; W.
Smith, Wilbur Turnbull, James
Ireland, Charles Megalith, Archie
'MoS'es and 'Gordon GlassiCr, •
FloWerbearers were James Smith,
Hugh Smith, James, Turnbull. and
Andrew Turnbull. .
Burial Was made in the Drusstils
Town Assumes
Catholic Cemetery .
(coethmed from eage:ene)'
Regular for 39e• , 6 f or $1 ;.00
KLEENEX - regular or chubbY
° . NOW:,1-N STOCK,
cb?.Tiri ED SP ED POTA7 OIL ,
llllll ,,,,,,,, ;.„,;.„. lllllllll inu11t 411ri 5. lllll lll 1u4 uy1ui llllllllll 1u1Nu,ln u111gmuum1111 misty
• .10104vm:1•41iilkiii*.i............4...vv.m.v....aum•ailio:van•ainie..i.imosa4moitmasetweasmukoebats....-':.,..-,--o.oreo l
' .. •
• ••
N, McLaughlin left
the batter pdrt of last week to
spend some tithe with her Son,
Arthur, and Mrs, UV/Awe:11ln at
Larder Lake,
—Mr, and Mrs, Bill Sturdy anti
family of Owen S,ntrid are visiting
with • his Metifee, Mrs, Prank
Stniely, Viettoritt Street- and other
Wirighand• relatiVea,
Itenald Rae and daughter
of , Phoenix, Ariulhil, are VisitIng
;with her. .mothet, lVtra, 14.: Pry
Awl Witt relatives in toW00.
Po rcris piivym
- for Health -
forPanay .•
ledfAs /17
' • ' " """' r" ' ••-• • •"' - •'
4 •
.gard woPld provide a positiv.
'approach to the tray lc sgtty
Problem' lgl opposed to the present
system whieli takes note only tot.
dentexit4, Cott101i frit that there
zrkrn, whereby the police WOPI4
tlAte 'thp shilre,re in the ceinintm45t
who merit younnendation for their
.courtesy, Pare alai Shill in the
handling of ihotor 'vehicles, iie
eeTligtee• WiedueSPY• XV Mt 1•1%
Copper Crafting Is
Shown to Kinettes
suggested tiket souls form of award was wool 4:6 be .said top th e 414.,
or citation for merit in this re- gvalen if it can be carried out.
. .-.4" • • "
4,4 ore people come to HFC
for money help '`KYv'O ahatts. each night;
at 7,15
711f lVIlA.11 1.11N,DAY AND.
The Xegular meeting • of the
Wingliarn Kinette Chin was. held at
the home of Mrs. Cy Rebinsoe.
Two. delegates, tries, Jack Walker
and 'Mrs. Cy Rubinson were
prime& to attend the Kin Con-
vention to be held in Hamilton
ArhY Jfi - 10,
Vie sum of $25. was unanimotiSly
voted to the' 'Witter Safety Pend.
Mrs. Al -Williams Won the raffle of
the .evening,
,Tack Lloyd introduced the
.guest speaker, Mrs. Ferguson, of
.Welland who spoke on the u.rt of
copper craft work, She donated a
pair of earrings which were raffled,
Mrs. Harvey Fisher - thanked
tie speaker and presented her with
a small gift.
After a delicious lunch, President
Mrs. Jack Batcson adjourned the
meeting to meet again at the home
ief Mrs. Jack Walker on Monday,
OPTS., Sat, May S-9-19
Fired' Astaire, eyd Matisse
Prer4114111, . ,
TO 'r eft litreetli
Cheirinall E. WilleinSeli of the
Piddle works committee, said that
I ' an hat:pet:lien 'Of the ' Streets had
been earrieti but and it Was s'.94-
giO,cti that parantettnt pavhig
illeterlal he placed on the baltreee
Of Prances .Street and the hill
llOrtil front thy lisrwson iiricign.
Tile perennial, question of .etrtiY
dogs was brought lip, several
eeencillors, the mayor mid the
Pellee ehlef reporting eeMplaints
front reOltientS Of the town, Me,
thuds Of dealing with dogs on the
loose Were diseuSsed, and .it be-
came aPParellt,: ag esttal, that en-
fereement of the by-law is ex-
treinely diffienit, since It is neves-
Sary to either .cetch ,the' dog or re-
Ceive a, formal complaint from a
eltizep who is prepared to give
evidence. To further 'complicate
the 'worries of the iinfortithate who
is •natneil dog-eatelier, the present
by-law states that the tiorTs PlaY
he aP2reliended only on a highway
. or pill ile place. That means the
clog catcher cannot lawfully tres-
pass on private .property to carry
out his duties,',
musical poking fun at the
• -4ttiSsian...way of life.
Reason? BFC, Cartadali leading consumer fin/mos
company, offers courteous
money management advice
a nd ,prompt loan service
backed by 80 years of ex•
,OvIr millionfamineir a year lu)epliteori:0. AintolintEhsCi.tóyourvearaty
one-day service' and take
borrow' up 'to $1,000, get
borrow confidenityfr orn
AEcovrtia ,tnni me,,,0114.1e rolls are .avallable at
office at all
m ribbons for type-
Ill1101110111111.11.0111111.1101.11BOR401.11141ir May 12.
GIBEE11:1111 Fl NA
rACF-z(e:01.4, ei awed*
E, K, Fitch, Moroger
35A Wfrti Stre0 Teleplietter 1.501
- Goor-lcu
• Fire Conintitte,e
COunCillor Jack -Gorbutt, who is
ehairrnan of the fire corrimittee re-
mitted. on the outcome of a !meet-
ing of .represeetallveS of the rural.
inunicipalities 'WI-deb share ine the'
tlistriet fire brigade centred
Wingham. After , full .discussion
of the"fire brigade's 'problem».) the
meeting was agreed to increase the
payment' to "Airbriten, oil rural
calls frotri'll1,06- per' hour to $34,.
Ceoncillor 'Colwell of the reeve-
ation committee read a, letter from
the secretary • of that organization
Svhicli ramiested 'that a grisnt Of •b4 :yonsideied by council
for this year. The:ernount .is some-
what ieks ,than that requested last
because some 'savings have
been effected in the operation of
the !near conneil through 'Volun-
•tary assistance, • .COnneillor Corr
eon said that "the Wingham pro-
gram is oPerated. a.G ephsiderablY
less expense „than, is the ,case in.
Many other, communities. •
By-law, 1306 was: read, whereby a
fine of $80,00 or 10 days in jail will
he the penalty for 'throwing rub-
bish on , the streets and public
places of the town. Be-law was
passedon, motion ,,of Councillors
Wilkinson and 13urginan.
'Ask Standards Be guyed ' ' •
A letter, from a Ferdwitet resident
complained, of the guards around
the lamp standards on main street.
He said that they l are diffieult for
a. driver to 'see, and, as a result he
had ScraRed his new car quite
badly. Council ,decided that a letter
be qfre'eted• to the, Public
Commission, asking that the.,sta,nr1;,•
ards, be moved' back flush with the
line •of the"SideWalls to elireiriate
this hazard:, •
The mayor 'repcitted that
ginders haVe exarnined the bridge
and• at:, the ,'former :Howson
property a.nd, it appears that Ito,
bridge is quite sound and that the
chtm is not 'Remy to dethrierate to
any great extent for the next year
or , two. Cotincillor. :Callan said,
that 'the finance and piddle works
committee are 'of the ••opinion that
the Motley. Which `Wouldbe neces-
sary to, •repair .the dam would be
better used at the prose* time fox
the: improVament, of 'streets. • • . ' Driver eilognition • R, The ,Mayerk• aSIted the,opinion "of
council iri regard10 -a PoS8Ible pro-.
SAILOltS ALL-eThe hornpipe, dancers, of Lucknow, apeared in the, dance recital at the town hail on Iilriday•
evening. Left to right they are Jane Finlayson, Betty Bell, Barbara inalayseii and Margaret AVICLepcatil
,--AdVancti,Tirnes photo.
Our Price* Are Lower Free
We Keep DoWn the Upkeep •Delivery
Ontario No,
_Mrs, Bert Porter returned to I —Mr, and Mfrs. Doug Fry and
Toronto -with Miss Doris Fells on family arrived in Wingham, on
Sunday and will spend •a few clays "Sunday evening and are spending
• ,and
in the city, the week with their parentS,- Mr.
and Mrs. E. S, Lewis, Mrs, Fr
—An exhibition of oil .paintings other Wingham - relatives. • was on display at Warren' House
on Saturday afternoon, the work
of W, A, Paterson, 'Toronto. Mr.
Paterson is a consitia Mrs, Edgar
Harrison of town. •
75 lbs. $2.29
56 lbs. $1.69
If11111111111111111111111!111111111111.0 lllll 141111111110 0111110111100 llllll „„„„„,„„,„, l ,,,,,,
root- G MIMIONIO.111000•11101•11.1
—Little Julaine and Jahice 'And-
erson, of Belgrave, visited laSt
week with their grandmother, Mrs.
Lloyd .Ilingston of Wingham.
—Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Walton. —0/S John Seddon has returned
SAVE 'au
Maple. Leaf - Pear Shaped
Imagine pressing your hand against a brake chum of
sixty miles an hour
. The heal generated is such that'll could make a cheap
brake lining completely useless after ,one fast step!
Raybeslos brake linings are specially made to resist
heat and wear--Far your Safety.
11/2 lbs. $1.49
SAVE,' • rte
Clarks 'PORK & BEANS 6 $1 00 Regular 2 for 39e ' for
.ILAI I Green Giant NIBLEFS S tot Itegiihir 2' for 37e. • for * it,
SAVE; 1te
Blue arid Gold Fancy PEAS ft fin
nevilar 2 for 37c 6 for VII
home from H.M.C.S, ' Cornwallis, of Livonia, Mich,, spent the week-.
Cor»wallis, NS., where he has end with Mr, and MI's. Herbert
completed :basic training and is Fuller.
spending. two .week's • leave here,
He will 'be informed of his —Mr. Wendell Alton of London
new posting- when he arrives -in went to ,Toronto at the week-end
Halifax following' his furlough, where he will spend the next
Month taking a course at Banting•
—Miss Alice Reading was a Sun-lInatitute,
day visiter -with Brantford friends, - • —,Mr, and Mrs. Allister Green,
—Mrs, Ethel Sloan spent the Linda and Janis sPent the week-
week-end with members a her end at the e hom -of Mrs. •Green's , . • ' tANADAllaisT.KNowN Amp tAelAst-SettING BRAKE lit/e40,1,-,.;cergei4v ainnyin raritford. • - brother, Me. and Mrs. Lloyd. Weir ..•• .- • of TeXento and attended.the
AEA mail4Paylor 'wedding in that City
on Saturday, They were accompan-
ied by Mrs. Green's sister, Mrs.
George Gibson of 'Wroseter.
—Mr. and M rs, Edgar Harrison
visited in Toronto over the week-
—Mr. anti Mrs. J, 'W. Leeson.
:Blair, 'spent' the week-end with
Mrs. D. B, lVfacNeughton and Mr.
' John MacNaughton. • rensed, 'ft was pointed out:Jii,lit
funds will he needed for .the fiVr-
ohase 'Of projector which' lean lie
made available in this, loCality,.
Councillor Conran said that the.
projeet is proving quite sueeeSS411
and that the films which are'pab-
eri here by the National mire
Board are already being extensively
used. ,
Business Tax Peobietn -
'AM:outing to the striiggle. over
unpaid business taxes, the council.
decided to proceed' With action •to
Place the real assets of one /Perrier
business man under seizure and the
solicitor will be direeted to inforni
others who are' in arrears that
action will be taken to collect over-
dud business taxes at, once.
' —111ts, Miller Davis, who has
been a patient In Wingham Gen-
eral Hospital 'for the past few
weeks, was admitted to St. Joieph's
Hospital, London on Wednesday of
last week:
—Mrs. •Itobt. Wenger returned to
her home at the week-'6,nd after
visiting for sonic time in Mildmay,
—Mr, and Mrs. Marvin Brown
and family, of Kingston, were visi-
tot's with their parents, Mr. and
W. J. Brown and Mr. and Mrs,
'Stapleton. • 1
I —Mr. and Mrs. J, W. Macdonald
and 'daughter, Connie, "Toronto,
* spent the week-end with Mrs. G. N. During the 'discussion of the
Underwood. 1 • , problem it was Pointed out that
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Powell' new businesses being established —
' and 'family, 8th line of Turnberry, in the town should he subject to spent Sunday ,with- the former's prePayment of , business briar, and
, that 'others, of a less permanent Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rohe: Powell, nature are already covered by the
—Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton will transient traders' by-law , which
attend the Federated. Women's In- requires the perehase of h, 000
Whalvver you rho,on dt ldryel MOTHER ,on her special day
SUNDAY ; 'MAY :11111, ,
3L USE5 , SCARVES:— , • " stitutes of Ontario Conference in
from Wednesday to Friday.
H, C, J. Pestell of Van-
conyer, B,C., who is on a business
trip to Eastern' Canada, spent the
Week-end with Mn and Mrs. W. F.
—Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Niergarth
recently attended an "At Rome"
st the horrid of their son and
driughter-le-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Eliner W. Niergarth, Orchard
Heights, in Port Credit. Mr. Nicr-
garth, who Is en engineer in the
Bell Telephone, Toronto, will be
leaving shortly fier a year at the
Milt-Canada Line on Hundson's
fay as sUperintent1ent 4 of Section
' ttit• •• ",
Mother can otwayo hoe tt nen, Blouse and'intr ' . You'll haVe.:uke treuide choosing a Settif 'for
Neieeti011 is' Meet ititrattioe, Fancy ;initeirbiel ' „Maker, fronilnir very smart, scow, .of *41.dryes
and "Terilenes7 tyltit beitutital tiecklriieo,..lard and Stitaikei4; arid there's a wide price, range.
- train ....1 ,,,,,,,, .. ,,,, ,,,,,,,,, .......,......,. • 69c to $3.-.10, . 110;.‘op
Smart tailored Cotton Blouses .iii iti1atil Or. 'IVy ' '' GLOVES
. . . :,11., (1,. ,r: '.* ' 4114ettLi. --..-,ali'Wily.s7itittke a ®9 $2 98
ospos. , ,,,, .
141c0 '''''''"' ,,,,,,,, '''''''"""' , '''""'"' ' 44°"9a to q"'") ' Now Illoves ,iii sheer* double nYibn or ditahl-
Wifit t000. .Priec
ttlilicUrioUaly triinmed. .t A
Mothers everywhere enjoy
the personal gifts available at
MeKibbons Drug Store,
This year we have on display
hundreds of gifts suitable for
this wonderful occasion
Drop in'to see them to-daze
Moil's and Rowntree CHOCOLATES
IttiSTCRAFT CARDS for Mother say
just the right ttqngt
Gel your* Rasicrail Card to-cloy
••• very treentahle gift, ,,,, .,„. C to 11
ticense before bitch a business can
he opened. Pollee Chief Platt Was
directed to enforce this by-law in
those cases where it presently
Council received a letter from' us
firm of solicitors in. Goderich, act-
ing for Mrs. E. IVrostkowalta; of
Winghaln, and demanding action in
regard , to a building whichI's
located next to their client's props
erty on Bristol Terrace. The build-
ing in 4hestion vies moved Onto the
lot but is still on a trailer And the
cornplaintant objected to the un-
sightly apnearane.t of the strticture.
Mayor R. 8, IVIckinney, s" ill that
he had contacted the ownel',of: the
building, who has stated that It
will be Metter] as' soon as the
ground is in co nditiOn for the
A beautiful Litce theiretil
•11 Idled • With, it lovefig niellsirge "to Illother't
Avery' heoutithl stock of ateir is ller'e''frui#f
the laniong :"Kitten" line to. 'iwoist ';you
ribiceting,MOtlieeo coltiOro lit
Petal 0000 extitiniite * • ' e„.would cheer her.
O 'Priced ;from • tr lt. up IKEPEPAN-rvixovies $6 95 JENWELLElfiSt---
(ktitniCIASS ,,,, • ,,,,,,,, • ,,,,, ,,,,,, * 'Here too, we he,Ve tt very oeleellott
Alt excellent inolkod,„et. hoithig
jiff 0,0600iiitto histiranee, tstAte'for
ills Man With it PAU* t 0.1101*f
PRANK CE :140PP:tit
,--RtptesintatiVet t
Phone 461 ,
Moo Oiut biliovt,* $9 95 00004 little gifts for ,
ittOthor. 1Pritottil troth
litegloterod trade, Naine Products.
0 LTD. OFFERS (Wing am
efrrfrit Friendly Store