The Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-05-07, Page 8.** 4 A 41 qpinipoonitiompin,HIMIOININS111 1111011111111111111111101 "mimult Rey - , IL - - OPTOMETRIST Thoroughness Ability Time tented U Phone 37 for appointment Vosa wifilia 4' 'FM13.41 and MOAT' Aftty 8 and 9 "The Fuzzy Pink Nightgown" Jane Russel - Keenan Wynn (Two Cartoons) AY arid May 10 and 12 Doulder ireantre - "The Halliday Brand" JeSeph Cotton Betsy Blair "STAR art ND1A" (Colour/ Cornet 1lVilcte - Jean Wallace (One. Cartoon) :4 PrIIESDA,t and WEDNESDAY! le Nay 13 and 14 - Double Feature - 110HR.OR ST :OW 'THE BLACK SLEEP',1 Rathbone Aldm Tarniroff -nit CREEPING t.: UNKNOWN" F. Brian Derclesey - Jack Warner: COTte Cartoon) .111141411.11111411111101,13114[13:01IMi111341101111".1.MIJ WED., 'MIM ., 1k 3iI., & SAT, May 7, 8, 9 and, 10. "PAL JOEY" - Starring Frank Sinatra, Rita I-Taerevorth SPeeial Matinee performance SATATRIDAY at 2,15 Roy Rogers in "PALS OF THE GOLDEN WEST" MONDAY Und TUESDAY tIATFUL OF RAIN" ,A.doit • rwa Marie Saint and Don Murray; A Dramatic Powerhouse Neighbors Gather .. At Orpphy: .11-Qme' [ Mlee 7417 .GIbbiens, Mrs, lg's Ignitlr, Mrs. Wilfred White and 'Mrs. JOS, Brophy entertained at a lrniticellaneous shower at the lap-- iteles home on 'Thursday evening, ;May 1st, honoring Miss Shirley I 'Chettletimegh. bride-elect, About 60 ladies, all neighbors of Miss Met^ tlels-Orgh„. presented her withh. Mane! beautiful and useful .gifts, Th.e guest of honor wee seated In a prettily decorated elieir and Was assisted in -opening the gifts by Miss Mary Gibbons. She was also presented with a lovely cur-- sage. . 1 Aesisting the hostesses In serv- ing lunch were Mrs, Ted Gawky, Mrs. Gordon Davidson, Mrs, DeWitt: Miller and Mrs. Herb Fuller MISS, Crhettlebilrgh will be married to Mr, Ted. Rose the middle of May. ------ HOSPITAL AUXILIARY FINALIZE SALE PLANS At their Mays meeting the Ladies' Auxiliary to Wingharn General Hospital completed plans for the spring rummage sale which will be held in the Wingliam Armouries on. Saturday eiternoon, May 10, at two o'Cloek, The meeting was held 'in the council chamber with the president, Mrs. N, Cameron, pre•• siding, Special mention was' made of the posters which had been prepared by some of the pupils of Whighain Public School and placed In the store windows to remind peciple of the rummage sale. These posters display an originality beauty of design Which will attract the, passing shopper, The sewing committees report Showed that 242 articles had been completer:I during the past .mouth. These included 60 sheets, adult ,gowns, nursery supplies and 29 ;feather pillows which the women had made from feather ticks. The meeting closed with the de., sire that all the women would be in their accustomed places for the rummage sale on Saturday. Doug Nesbitt Wins Draw at CWL Tea. The Catholic Women's League of Sacred Heart Church held, a very successful tea and bake sale in the council chambers on. Saturday , afternoon. The president, Mrs. Geo. Skint was assisted by the second vice president, Mrs.' Wm. Temple- man in receiving the guests at the door. Mrs. F. Casicariette, first vice president, was convener for the bake table, with Mrs. W. Lock- ridge acting in the same capacity for the tea tables. Tea was served by Mrs. G. O'Brien, Mrs, J. Han- na, Mrs. R. Foxton and Mrs.' W: Riddell, with Mrs. Joe Readinan In.charge of making tea. Mrs. N. D, Cameron made the draw for the bedspread, on which tickets bad been sold. The winner was Doug Nesbitt of Winghia, - Good News for Homemakers LN0Ackft APPETIZERS ARE THE UV. TO PLEASANT piNING., Bridge Club. North 0,44 -0QUth----Tigd for 1st lend 2nd, Mrs. D, NISMith, and 711AgIna, Mrs, .1, A. Wilson and Mrs, R. Pnridaa 2r f arcs. 0, GO, zips: A, R. DuV'et. icgat Bad West-lst, Mrs, W. 1'0117 aPti W. 8, IfcCieel; 2rld, Mre, (leo. Careeron and Cordon Mat,- Kay; Srd, Afra, 4, Parker and MM., R. "-f-f, 14142Yd. [BROWNIE'S DRIVE-INi CLINTON ONT Featuring the Largest' Wide: Sereen ii Huron County iTwo $howa Nightly, Rain or 1, Clear - First ShOw at Dusk Mx office open at 4 p.m. !Children Crider 12 in Cars Free! D,, 'MORS, NR ,A Sr. SAT. 10 and 1.7 "PERRI". A Waft Disney Triimmit A Very First In True Life 'Adventure pectacultir And Intimate, Al Real AU unforgetable liiiiiiii111111.11111111M1111.1111111111111•111111111 ZTURSDAY and FRIDAY May 8 and 9 "HELL DRIVERS' 7th CAVALRY" Technicolor /WAY, MAY 10th on," "The Iron Sheriff" 8terling Hayden. SARIT At TOE litAGIR1 RING Color Darla, Massey fONDAY, 'May- 1S, Srotheja Day And TeRgDAT, May is "WRITTEN ON THE "WIND" (Adult, Veit.) Reek Ifodadit, LeArtert 'Racal All Achnitted *en • , AV. Aria VitritsinAV i 11 ii and VI THE VVILD NORTH' nbrttdtflor • wclatitylat Ott IdAter toldVeYti 01$1,614 Llashmar Listo41, Ont. TITURADAY and'FRIDAY May 8- and 0 "ZERO HOUR" VtiataltiSion Dana Andrews, Linda. Darnell SATTIRDAY Rind MONDAY STAY 10 rend 18 "TIN STAR" Vista :Vision' prt dt'aPanda, Anti/day Perkins . „ ISEADAY WilogrADA Stgy 1g and 14 VVAWAY GIRL' Molt otrata, vitt mattinent BIRTHS WEST-In Wingham Hospital,. on Tuesday; April 29, #o r, and Mrs, Michael Weit, Belmore, a son, REINHART-In Wingliam Hospi- tal, on Wednesday, April 30, to Mr. and Mrs, Norman Reinhart, R.R. 2, Mildmay, a son. HTGGINS--An Wingharn- Hospital, on Thursday, May 1, to Mr, and Mrs. Ronald Higgins, Brussels, a daughter, HAL-DENBY-In Wingham. Hospi- tal, on Saturday„May 3, to Mr. and Mrs. Tames Haldenby, Holy- rood, a daughter; McGLYNN-in Winghem Hospi- tal, on Saturday, May 3, -to Mr. and Mrs. Douglas McGlynn, Teeswater, a daughter. Wingham General. Hospital, on Sunday, May 4, to Mr, and' Mrs, Kenneth White, R.R. 4, Brussels, a On, CR,ANSTON-In. Whigham Hospi- tal, on Monday May 5, to Mr. and Mrs. Keith -Cranston,..Luelte now, a son. McGEE-In Wingham Hospital, on Monday, May 5, to and Mrs, George McGee, R.R. 3,-Wingham, a son. SCFL1LL--In Wingham Hospital, on Tuesday, May 6, to Mr.: and. Mrs. James Schill, R.R. I, Teeseilater, a daughter. WHITECHURCH Mr, and Mrs; Kenneth Purdon and baby John, visited on Wed- nesday with .).11s parerA Mr.. and Mrs. John Punic-ft and left on Fri- day for _Elliott Lake where. Ken- neth will be . employed ,with the Erie Constracion Co. Mr. and Mrs. Tordon Donaldson and Brian of Teeswater visited on Snnday with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Albert. Smyth of Home- payne has been holidaying for the past two weeks at his home here, It's easy to put diners in happy spirits. Set the nitiod by taking time out for appetizers. A bowl or mug of satisfying soothing soup . chilled glasses of V-8,'Or fruit juice. Most any starter will Flease if it tempts the. appetites. amilies and guests take to this refreshing pause before the main food event. So there is no extra work„ for you, Mrs. Hostess, arrange it in hazy serve yourself style. Tonight, start with a tureen or pitcher of snap. _Note the diterful response. What coda be more springlike than these soups and garnishes-- Asparagus soup With toasted almonds or croutons. Ree f broth with, orange peel • twists. Minestrone 'with grated cheese. After such elegant soup, you'll want to serve a real'spring. estiyal dinner. Try Etstbetuect chicken drutttrticks to keep cot pany with buttered greed beans, rail vegetable relishes (with sour cream dip), butterscotch layer cake Ida Cara. Diteetichit go like this: ItAIIIIEggEn CHICKEN DilliklitlettS litb10/5 darer' 4 eithis tiCkS in' bdt stittztessett Its st Skillet Pot Lady Golfers Hold Bridge Parfet The ladies of the Whigham Golf Club held a very successful dessert bridge last Wednesday af- ternoon at the home of Mrs. Harley Crawford. There were 21 tables In play and the winners were Mrs. E. Armi- tage, first; Mrs, %Vni. Isbister, second; and Mrs. W. Bergman, con- solation, Mrs, E. Shaunessy won the mystery prize. Mission Band Views Film WROXETER--The regular meet- ing of the Buds of Promise Mission Band was held ' in the Milted Church hail on Thursday after school, Sharon Elliott,. vice-presi- dent, conducted the meeting, opened with Quiet music, with Mrs, Dnrst, at the piano. Following the call to worship, the ehildreL joined in the singing of the Mis- sion Band hymn, and repeating of the Mission Band Purpose, Connie Clarke led in prayer. - Mrs. Buchanan leader of the Clorrie Mission Band, was a -guest, and presented a coloured film on Japan, which was narrated" by her, and which told of the home life and the school life, of Komoti, a thir- teen-year:old Japanese girl and her f am fly. The president expressed thanks to Mrs. Buchanan and the meeting cl'o'sed with the singing of ,"Jesus Loves the Little Children", and the .i‘fizpali benediction. The fisherman should he well satisfied with his catch if he NIERS Manitoba, for the principal species taken are Northern pike, lake and speckled trout, and pickerel. sauce, finely chop 1 medium onion, mix in a saucepan with table- spoons lemon Nice, 1 ethic-spoon Worcestershire sauce, Ve cup ketchup or lb can condensed tomato soup, 5,4 cup water, 1,,'2 teas salt and 1 tablespoon brown sugar. Bring, to a boil and simmer S minutes. Pear over chicken; cover and simmer 30 minutes, basting now and then. Serves 6. LUSHES WITH SOUR CREAM MP Arrange a tray of (billed raw vegetables-carrot <ark, radishes, greet) onions, -celery. tomato wedges, chunks of cauliflower and broccoli flotcerettes. For the dip, ping sauce, mix t cup chilled sour cream with 1 tablespoon soy sauce stud 1 tablespoon lemon juice. SOUP SCOOPS 'PARTY FINALE-1401 CELERY • CONSOMME The "complete" hostess malt serve departing guests cups of hot celeryronsomme for extra warmth during the s,late walk or drive horne. Hear together et 10-ounte ran condensed cream of celery soup, a 10.ourice can condensed ntonuat and a soup can milk for 4 tti serVri s In ,a few days, the motorist can, see practically every spot in the province of Print.u.e Edivard Island Hince )1, ls,only .140 miles long from liple lip and }acres in width from 4 to 40 miles. aN ow ']GIG'U'E" ON mo,L,5. AnorroN Townwrk. W, B. Sinclair ree eiveel .wordon'WedPostlay that the Municipal Board had .approved the proposed, debenture issue of . Oa to finance construction of the four-room,. two storey ;dciition to Marton District High School. As a result, it is expected work an the addition will he started vithin a week, Alan Wh (cher, liairmari of the W,D,H,S. board, states the board will sign a con- act immediately with contractor uberi Bryant Construction of Owen Sound, who was previoltply Nen the job, subject to the. IVrtal. cipal Board's App royal,- WI n rt on Echo. WATER TANR FILLED °vim WEER-END The new Hanover water storage tank, with a. 208,000-Alton capacity Was filled on Saturday and Sunday. It took approximately seven hour's to fill the tank, Sunday evening, water was. spouting out of the overflow pipe at the top .pr the tank, • Citizens in some sections . of the town have been complaining about The taste of the water, but usually when anything new la added to, a water system, it affects the taste of the .watei for a few days.- Hanove? Post. CHOOSE YOUR OWN TERMS ON ANY FARM LOA over $150 TRANS CANADA CRE Need extra cash for your farm ?.Then solve ybur , financial problem ,with a Icoan frcim TransCanada '• Credit, Right now 'Vans Canada Credit is oN4itit special ,terms on all fatin loans above $1,5,60. „'. Payments can bOpread over,as tong as two :40d.', a-half years; and can be 'made in any one of these, . three ways: 1 QUARTERLY . 2 HALF-YEAR 3 ANNUALLY REGULAR LOANS , Loans of $1..,000 and less areravailable on Canada Crediei monthly payin „ ent term'', Don't Let the tack Of4eady money. preyerit%j4 , from buyingseeci, .stoCk, or any .other 4.aim requirement:, Get 'the cash you, need .4.C ;riallo.' Canada Credit. • THE ALL-CANADIAN LOAN 'COMPANY' TRANS CANADA CIE CORPORATION 148 THE'SQUiliE OODERTC111, ONTARIO . PHONE '797 The wAfilrhiull Advnalet-Titnetl, WolItlesdlOci May 7t1b 10158 AT SALE;z. 1'ICETINO--4ilembers or the sales stuff of Lloyd .k Son gathered in Winglitim last rot a general sales meeting. Shown above, from the left are Lawrence Sampson, G. W. Melt:man, Harper English, Del Ewing, arm English, Marvin Brown, 11111 Montgomery, Al Clarke of the Weiser Lack Gee and Pon Lloyd, 1.4 '! •11••• WHAT A THOUGHTFUL GIFT! ) 8-ET YOU GOT IT AT c VANCE'S DRUG STORE RIGHT YOU ARE gathais ?Ez4x, 'W GHAM MOTORS Phone 139 Wingham Jack Karr on a world of Foo Ets Wattage gossip Horn earbire trankila and Cortina Conley, two stars of Toronto's hi Jack Karr, the Star's level-eyed critic of stage and screen, is a man =ivho knows what he's talking about, Por 20 years, he's been plying his Pencil like a floodlanip around the theatre centres of Canada, Hollywood, New York and London. You'll fincrhis 1. daily coltunn,'"Showplace", and his Saturday special, "On Stage" as entertaining as the glittering world or showbusiness itself Yet the Karr by-line is only one of many you'll recognize as hallmarks of top-flight reporting when you buy the Toronto Daily Star. it's the paper that gives you quality in qllvitityl POP ALL THE ENTERTAINIVE14-r NEWS HEAD THE TORONTO STAR* q i i#vue, "g8r ne haw? '58" alt Rocilo City theatre. Toot' *Limy WWI *lit slAgo Ka* ltd uistr 14!itatitt r,S.