The Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-05-07, Page 339c lb. t. 47c lb. 49c lb. 2 pkgs. 39c i 65c lb. 65e lb. T. BEEF ROASTS & STEAKS at LOW PRICES U Minetts Best TOMATOES, 28 oz. tin - 2 for 45c TOILET TISSUE lllll lllll•„ 10 for 79c Treesweet ORANGE JUICE, 48 oz. tin , _ 39c PEANUT BUTTER, 16 oz..,..,...,..... 33c ; 'I! Weston SODAS • 33e ib, DOG FOOD . — — — , 3 for 25c Kounty Kist PEAS l lllllll , . 10 for $1.0q BANANAS . — , , . — 2 lbs. 29c a Cello TOMATOES 29c plug. POTATOES - 50 lb. bag $1.75 Come in and look or Phone 207 , FREE 10 Bags of Sugar - 100 Weight 7.111: Tickets with- each $5.00 Purchase • FOODLAND MARKET Wingham 5-102-1-0.0.--mimaimmuniminfnialiminpoonnfolo LARGE WIENERS i LARGE SAUSAGE PICNIC HAMS r LARGE BOLOGNA LARGE PORK CHOPS COTTAGE ROLLS FIRST DRAW- MAY '17th F271 ]lilts"" 7 .14110,- 4. ..ortorsgroilp, kuutivri YOUR. CHOICE Or SEA LY S'MOOTH,TOP MATTRESSES MARSHAL 20 oil O (4k4lity tiv)thig. O Olsal p44 • Viriatt fg1t. • Fully ventilated • 4/0 , 4/0 FULLY GUARANTEED Specially Priced UALITY VARIETY IffTEL1,"N11 SERVICE LOW PRICE VALUE Limited Stock - Order noW Getting full value for every purchase depends upon the wining .combin- ation we show here — Quality lasts longer, Variety means 'Wide selection, Intelligent Service is buying insurance and low price becomes important only when the other three factors are present. Get all 4 all the tune at STAINTON'S. Farm' .Feneing:. INSTITUTE SHIELD BILESNNTED----Mrs, Lau Sing, riebt at U.S.'S, '1% Eitst WaWanoslb•accOpts the Women's Institute.mhielti Irwin Mrs. :Richard Olt beliblf of her group, which won -top 3tono0 for ,•;:bytlim bsnFA,.25. members 01.' less, 2-,Ativance-Thres photo. See You .at The Trade Fair 1848 POULTRY FENCING ttolpt.M.C.41110-11.111•6411M4.1=1,11.Mbroinit Veteran Cabinet Maker Says Today's Styles Won't Last ity woodwork for executive suites in business offices. We asked- Mr. Cruickshanks what kind of wood he liked best to work with. FOOT SUFFERERS J A. Vickers, Foot Correctionist is at the QUEENS HOTEL, WJNGHAM. EACH MONDAY AFTERNOON to 'take care of your foot troubles. Any other time phone 500 Ji-lanover. 30,7b "Taken all around, I like oak the best, It doesn't spilt easily, it's, easy to chisel, It's just nice wood to work in, makes the nicest joh. Ma- hogany is nice to look at, I know. But it's awful soft. It very easily gets marked up." Mr. Cruickshanks said that he had always found that he had enough cabinet making to do around the shop, and had never been much of a "do-it-yourself" 7 WIRES 40-INCRES HIGH 22-INCH STAYS Per Rod - VVC . Russ Poyton, who now lives at He was an old Englishnian,,who Chedolte, Mbunt ',Hamilton, ,found an interesting -article in the April 26' issue of the Hamilton Spectator and sent it on to us. Rnss, who has recently departed from town; says that he , misses Wingharri and the many good friends he made While here. learned his craft in the Old .05un- . te rayr,velxI.ti as a wonderful wood- • At his home on Hollywood' Ave- nue . in West Hamilton, Mr.'Cruick- shanks showed us , two tiftber samples of David :Miller:s _handi- work, One was a clock stand, scallop shell had -been carVedlieep- ly1nto the oak, and burgeoning plants thrust long, spiralling drils around the outer edges, The other, piece was a smoking' ,stand, the central figure- of which a puckish, jolly little old ,geltle- man -chewing on a ,cigar,' • , "David Miller did, some wonder- ful work, But they really: • don't need much of that kind . of work any more. All they do today is what we call 'chip carving'. It's just surface carving, Has no depth, no real feeling -to it. ...,-"Why, that ,man Miller -would carve a, balf-lite Size 'figure' out 'of a piece of wood without even .1-narking it out on the block. They'd tell him they wanted-• a figure of Joseph of Arimathea, and he'd just 'go right ahead with-his chisel and -carve him out;:.. -and every detail would be •perfect, There's nothing like that • being dime today." Mr. Cruiekshanks learned -. his trade in the little Huron County town of Wingham, 55 years ago. His father was a farmer, a little beyond the town, and young Robert 'first went to work with the Canada Vurniture Company in Wingharc. "It was .mostly bedroom fUrni- ture; that they were making, .bur- cans and dressers an the like. And that's :where I learned the trade of cabinet making; That Was in 1903. Wingham was a .mu'eli bigger place then than it is now. Why it had four furniture factories then, I think there's only the one left now. "Well, after that I went to an- other plant where they made what they called 'parlor frames', the frameWork for sofas and the like, which had to be upholstered. Then I- had a spell of work -in a London factory, and finally came to Dun- das. ."F`irst, I worked with Jones Brothers, They're gone long. ago. They made all sorts of store fix- tures; you know, cot:hitt:1.S and shelves and partitions. I stayed with them eight years, and.' then filially came to the Valley „City plant. That was in 1918," Mr, Cruiekshanks liked it at Valley City, and learned the 'busi- ness of making church furnishings, "Why, we've put woodwork into churches right across the country," he said, "There are the choir stalls and, the dean's stalls, for instance at Christ's Church Cathedral' in Hamilton, too. . . • "Up in Ottawa we fitted out, the whole chancel, put in reredos, altar, choir stalls and panelling, ,at Christ Church. Cathedral the:ro. ,And in 1928 I went out touver to put in ail the woodwork iri the Canadian Memorial Chapel there, We built the pews and eYery., thing," explained that the 'work' for' all such projects was first" Of -all completed in the Valley CitY; Menu,. fadltring Company's plant in ban- dits, "We would assemble It. all -to Make sure -everything was in 'per- feet order, then knock it all down and• -ship to where It was -to be' in, stalled," The 'company, he sairli also fills many orders for laboratory .13.eri6h. es hospitals and, ladustries, and -fills orders -for Very high 041. ... tto.. t ....... lllllllllllll it lllllll ll lllll 111$1111 lllllllllll t$i lllll 11f1111,11.11111 lll l l lll FARM GATES man around the house. CANADIAN IllEAVY The feature - was written by Kingsley Brown . and concerns Robert truielislianks, veteran cabi-, net Maker. Rig- wife also came from here and will be 'remembered as Margaret Elliott. ' 0 - 0 - 0 Chrome kitchen suites and mass- produced stream-lined -,dining- room-ensembles of plastic ana:ply- wood may have: brought . joy to modern :thousewlyes' hearts, but the trend is one that has sadden- ed the heart of Robert Cruick- shanks. , • ,Mr. Crulekshanks 'is a cabitiet- Maker of the -old sche01, an arttSan whose whole life-time has been 1 , spent putting grace and form into mahogany and oak, in cunningly 'fitting pieces -'together with dove- tail a.nd mortise, in producing furniture that embraces art as well as utility. , The Valley City Manufacturing . Company, of Dundas, *here Mr,. Cruiokshariks is • now employed, 'however, .qeates church furniture and, other special institutional fix- .tures which require the services of real old-time craffsnien of his type. ' "There aren't many 'places left where 'we can `do this kind of work," Said' Mr. Orniekshanks. "I guess it's a dying trade, -being a cabinet :maker,—Today everybody Wants this Modern stuff made of metal and 'the like. , , .They don't want -anything , finely made any more At his bench in the Valley City shops' however, Robert Cruielt- , shanks still. enjoys the opportunity to produce beautiful pieces of furni- Lure; lectdrns and pulpits, stalls and chancel screens, and all the lovely woodwork still being made for churches all over Canada and the United States. "But even the sort of thing the 'churches ask for is changing," he , said, . "Once upon. a time all we, did.was Gothic work, Gothic is such lovely work to do. You really have to work to make something in Gothic, -but when it's finished it's a work -to be proud of, Now they Want the straight-line modern stuff. It's not interesting that's all, You don't get the same joy out of Making -it," , Mr. Orttickshanks shook his head sadly. , "I don't suppoSe it will be in my limb," he said, "but I do think that sortie day the Gothic is going to come back, People are going to get. awfully tired of this modern shirr, believe me." We saw, on his Work bench tWO let:terms, the - little desks alien Which, the Bible ' rests in many churches, One Was in exquisite Gothic, bearing Oil the front the carved features of a Man, a lion, a bull ' and an eagle, "Matthew, Mark,- Luke and john,'! said Mr. Cruickshanks, "LaVely work, isn't it?" The other one Was as straight and utilitarian as a packing ease, Mr, Cruiekshanks looked at It and sadly', shook his head, "I guess that's',What they pay their money for, but Ws not art," I Mr. CruickshanIa. explained that he doesn't do Cho carving. As a cabinet•intiket it is his job to fashion the individual pieces and assemble thorn Into a perfect Whole, "That carving on the lectern," he said, "that was done by. David Miller, He -died a few years ago, 18 i - . INCITES HIGH - GALVANIZED rIPE, FRAME'S $25.00 with a lasting token of your love from the varied selection $2.00 $29.00 12,-,FOOT 14 FOOT ...... J6=FOOT `Wind you, I made that dining- room cabinet there," he said modestly. "But that was a long time ago. I don't do much around the house now outside of making a few repairs here and there." Mrs, CruickShanks was 'at home with him when we called at their 'pleasant West Hamilton home. She Was the former Margaret El- liott, also of Wingham, "No, we didn't go to school to- gether," he said, "You see, she liv- ed in Turnberry Township and I lived in Morris Township, and we went to different schools. We did- n't meet until after we started going to the country dances and that sort of thing," Dances in those days, he said, weren't like the dances of today. "It was. mostly square , dancing., with sometimes a few waltzes and schottisches. That was something like a 'waltz, too." "And they had an old-time fid- dler to provide the music, I sup- pose?" Mr. Cruickshanks laughed, it's funny that you men- tion that. You see I used to do a lot of that dance fiddling myself. I was -fiddling at the dances when I first met my wife." ". "And you still play the fiddle'?" "Oh, my no. I -haven't played since 1912. Cut my finger badly a machine 'at the plant and the, finger went stiff and I could never play again," , Mr. Cruiekshanks ,said there was lots of fun and activity in Wing- ham in the old days, "More going on then than there is today, I'm sure. Why, that town had four or five good hotels, then. Yes, there was the Brunswick Hotel, the Queens Hotel, 'the Dins- ley House, the National Hotel and the Exchange Hotel, Unless, Fm mistaken there's only one of them left, and that's the Brunswick Hotel, We Still visit up there once in a while. Up there about a nionth ago, in. fact." The Cruicksnanks have had five children, four boys and a girl, all of whom ate now living in the Hamilton area, They are Elgin, Earl, Fred and Claude and their daughter, Myrtle. Although Mr.'Cruickshanks pass- ed retirement age several years ago, he refuses to stop working. "They're very good to me at Valley City. They -let me work four hours a day, from eight to neon. I don't know what I Would' do if eouldh't do a little work each day. Cabinet-making is about all, I get any tun out of." at Hafermehl's Jewellery A 11111WWAIT SUGGESTIONS ADE': Bone China Florals TEAS and SAUCERS LATEST FASHIONS IN JEWELLERY FULL LEAD CRYSTALWARE TRULY FINE WATCHES by- Longines - Wittnauer Bulova Have your gift wrapped at no extra cost . llll llllll lllll 110 llll llllll llllllllll 140.4 llllllll ht.. llllllll lllll 110,041$1.010.11004001.1111 ttt lllllll llllllll llll I , atincilitimiiiiiiiitimininsiimiimilimPinimiiiiimmilioutsinmintuilliiiiilt4 i • , • • : .._ i EXTRA EXTRA ► i .. . - „. . Li • ii. U U A ouncing • = Foodlan n _ d rr;" T heir ;New Meat Dept U GENEUNE EVEREADY Savings Galore! U r ICe TOP 27c 29c 19c 15c 'STEEL .FENCE POSTS. Lawn and 1 G4rdio. FENCING 6-VOLT 7-FOOT TEE BAR WHILE 88-LB. EXTRA HEAVY 11' LASTS! FENCER BATTERIES 8 WIDE'S, INCDES MGR i61/2-INCII STAY WiltiS (9-11A.11 EVEN SPACAND) $3 BARBED WIRE 49 Strong - Ornamental FENCING with SCROLL Painted Green 36.Mches High per foot 4.2-inches High - per foot 18-inches. High - per foot 12-inches High per foot STEEL. 18 1VIRES, 48-NCHES HIGH , ti-INCH STAY WIRES Heavy Gatege Per Rod Light Gauge Per Rod Fence any steel( with adjustable high and low 'insulation position'. . EACII WITH, INSELATOU ELEcTRIC. FENCE POSTS EACH 95 4 $9.951 RE: Insurance Agency of the late , Mrs. Maude Dodd Ali imiloyholiters Of this busi- ness pich.Sc bo advised that this agehey has hem purchased by Stewart A. Scott Wingharn 100* Wirth& Willey lalOribittioit .114101it 293 "