The Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-02-26, Page 10tom
for 2 renting
Since Dafra day UFO Imuf bolgi
making prompt loans, in privacy,
to people who need money for sir
kinds of good reasonk At tio0a0,
boldYou can borrow up to $1,909;.
444 Otte-day service and take lip
to 30 months to 'rePay on the.
Wipe you choose.
Berrenv confrdi ntly from /VC
R. K. Fitch, Maangitr
OSA Willi Streit Tito Motto 1501
rr /A.
• • '4
1/911M0141098 PRESET NTE1) AT 01.11MCH 4. A brutes totem s union tatoto
cross and two Leases, Were presented t4 the Wingliant United
Church on. Sunday At. memory of the.late Mr; and Mrs. William x field,'
The gifts were dedicated by Rev, D, J. MacRae. ,---Advanee,-Tbales photo,
—Mrs: Allister Green, Linda and
Janis Spent Thursday with her
mother, Mrs, W..B.,Weir, at Wrox-
eter, jti was the ocasion of Mrs,
carte was mode, kiy.'i1VIts, .Grcien
7 c1Y;:.
heranother, . ,
.4::::14Y, 1; 1:'
Mi;1() where:
nieces, Misses Pearl and Babe
•,;34.• o,:i.
, Jas, „Scott. and two. daugh-
ters spent lastie'ek,m/itif her sister,
Mrs, Roy Bridge of Toronto
visited last ,weekt with
the foimer'd niece, ,,Mrs„ John
Cruiefisharik, Mr. Cruickshank and
.a-g.ishNary Miller, of Detroit
i?d CHIYaP40(3e nits,
• • '•
SPEC/At C1(#141:CES: Large sire Glen" She • I.
38c - 7at
—Mr.. arid' Mrs. fY,- 4t...'11/4)1;10, of
Detroit ;are ?visiting, with Mr. and
Mrs. W, T.. Cruickshank.i.. ‘•
...4-Mrt, ;and ,Mrs. ;Gerald, •Shannon
and Plarilyn; of 'Dundas spentAhe
week-end with hor •sister, Mrs:. j.
Al Lunn, Mr. Lunn and family.,.,
-,-Miss Mary Helen MacDonald,
of Toronto spent the week-end
VV c:
"TheIhithem..4iitrance-rimpit, Wertovirt reht zit 1.90 Weather on 60th „Anniversary
About Same .as. Wedding Day
Shows. 001' Alkitt
First ut 7,15
FonDR2ca-4wintgr ontalitiOnS
00 years ago were little different
from those of today.' Said Mr. and
Mrs. Albert johnSt011, prominent,
1-lowick Township couple, who
celebrated their diamond wedding
anniversary at their home in Ford-
wick on Wednesday, FObroarY 19th,
Recalling, the day of their roar-
"riage both Mr, and Mrs, Johnston
agreed that it was much the seine
es. Wednesday, The sun shone
brightly, temperature was belOw
freezing and. not a great deal of
snow fall, ,Although 'both are„ life-
long residents of Howick, they
journeyed to Chesley to be mar-
ried At the heine of friends. The
ceremony was performed 'by the
late Rev, A. MacKenzie of the
Presbyterian. Church, The couple,
are members of the Vordwich
Unite..a Church,
Mr, and Mrs, Johnston Are both
over 80 years of age but look much
younger. They are quite active and
",t' u! OLOSE'D
Thursday, Friday, Saturday,
February z7 - March 1
Rod Steiger Marla 1.4antli
David Knight
"Across The Bridge"
tautly knit story of suspense
and• adventure in Mexico,
(0ontlniled freln .0.10
• Dcar .Friendsr t •
Vitae know that you have beers
receiving many expreasiona of ali*
predation these days. That May
detract frOM the newness •of out
Story, but not born its warmth
or sincerity',
• Five .years of faithful full time
service in any Worthy endeavor
would merit _sone recognition
1Theae years. yarlia-VC spent among
us have been nlarked throughout,
by earnest 4devatiOn to promoting
the welfare of Christ's Church and
, by strong moral leadership in the
':community, So nitieh. so that our
seeming obligation becomes instead
a high privilege,
13arivlige W United Church has
been well served indeed. The
membership and . attendance and
the physical church 'preraises have
been well maintained, Our Mission-
ary • givings. have eontinued • by
your inspiration and at your urg-
ing to climb- above those of any.
other congregation in the e.ounty,
Mr, MacRae, yen have been the
active leader and chief sponsor of
such . prOjeete as the • 'Young
Peoples'. Union, the Men's Club
and the 'Vacation Bible School
for the children of the community.
YotIr assistance in the Sunday.
School as a class teacher and as a
teacher . of teachers has been gen.,
stant and valued.
The Christian cemfort and assur-
ance you have brought to many, in
their times of' sorrow and of stress
will be gratefully remembered,
In they larger area of -Christian
First Class
Located in Mason's Store
Owing to leek of awe()
Watches and very small
Clocks only,
service you have worked hard,
Your position this year 'as chair-
man of Huron Presbytery is itself
the biggest Church job in the dis-
trict. You were Young Peoples'
Counsellor for Huron *for 4 years
and have served both as president
and as secretary of the Wingham
and District Coundil of Churches.
You were •active in the organiza-
tion of the new TV "Sing Time”
and through the years -have con-
tributed largely to "Church of the
Air', radio broadcasting by taking
your regular turn and • filling in
many times for Missing 'United
Witt} lielr,mother,, Mrri.
- Mrs.' Win, Keith' spent, urs.
day with Listowel friends.
—Ift. Wendell Alton, of Lcldon,
spent, the'week-end with his
mother; Mts; Win. Alt* Victoria
.... ttt tt ttt tt tit tt ttt it t ttttt Orr ttt r t ttttt Mt° iirralfrrrrrrrrrrrrtrrrittrriii1111110011,91.11 tttt 1 tt ttttt F.2 "Striart , • , new . . WI; eoMplete range CI sizes, in colorful
• fancy prints, So comfortable to wear end made especially
smart so that they are even more than just a housedress. 'M Red Front Grocery
possess all their faculties, Until a
few months ago Mr, Johnston
travelled the few miles to his son's
farm daily to help, with the wet*.
Whey have, a philirSoldlY Par long
life, "Take things as they come,"
Mrs. Johnston added, '"We have
worked hard all our lives, Which
may have something to do With IV
Mr. •lohnston was a son. of the
late Mr. and Mrs. Samuel John-
ston, After his marriage be took
up farming on concession 9 in
lieWick and stayed there sg years,
They retired to Fordwich eight
years ago. Their son, Samuel, now
lives on the farm,
Mr. Johnston has never belong-
ed to any societies but he has had
a hobby—horses, He liked them so
much .that he worked his „hobby,
into a business, which, made him
one of the best-known men in the
township, "I Was a horse trader
arid enjoyed many yearA at this. oc-
cupation," he said.
Mrs. Johnston was formerly
Agnes White, a daughter of the
late Mr, and Mrs. William White,
She is quite active and does all
her own housework. She is also
member of the Fordwich
Many friends, neighbors ^ and
members of the family were pre-
sent to help them celebrate their
diamond wedding anniversary,.
They received' many cards, gifts
and 'telegrams, among, Whicl2, was
a message of congratulations from
Her Majesty, the Queen,. and One
from Ottawa. .,
Mr. and Mrs. Johnston have two
sons, Samuel on the home farm,
and Glenn F., of Howick Tow.nshi,p,
and two, daughters, Mrs. A., B.
(Jeanette) •Lindsay and Miss Ruth
Johnston, both of Toronto.
_ 3,00 Qntarlo clothing
'evr.rerlt ill, Kitchener, Water190 if
-VI rat:ford. Me/Albers of Arnalga-
-*Med alopthktg Workers of Arner-
1,00, (V14) have. decided not to Seek
' wao. increases this year.
Mrs, D, 5, MacNatighton and_
John MaeNaughton spent Sunday
with Mrs, I. j. 'Ganible, FordWich,
—Mr, and~ Mrs. C. J, Heughan
and Bobby, of Te'ronto spent' the
week-and with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W, A. Heughan.
—Mr. and Mrs. Toil : Wade and
children of Woddatogit -4port. a
Pews days this week with . theii
pareni:s; Mrs, Clarence Wade,;'
Belgrave and Mr.:
McPherson; of R.R, 2, LuchnOw:
—1W. and Mrs. Mlller ;`'Davis,
Mrs: Walter Davis 'and Linda 'El-
liott spent Sunday with Brantford'
friends. IVIrS. Wm. Smith, who has
spent the past three weeks here,,
returned home, , •
—Messrs., Jack Salter• and
McGee are attending a• convention
this week which is 'being ,held at
the Canadian Tire` store in TOronto,
—Miss Greta Harris, spent the
week-end with her .motheri 'Mrs.
Harris' ;of Kincardine, who fell one,
day lastoweek,and.fbroke her -right
arm belowl the. -shoulder.
—Mx., and Mrs. Robert Sinnarcon
spent ',Sunday 'the 'tliome,,,,of Mr.
and Mrs. Ernest Beeeroft:
—Mrs. WM, MeKitiney, Mrs, D, 5. •
Wf#011400,49.4 1 )4:?MP'C'•01'eO'
atteoded7the annual Brussels Car-
niflctx 1-agiAt and' acted
as judges. 'A large number were in
costume„,' L. E. CARDIFF 'TO
Sizes 1414 to 2,4% -7-r 16 to 20 -- 38, to.44 • 4.ei ,
i U LIANA CASUALS —. ' ,=..
teal ...„ te 'front sanforized 'printed cottoor, assuring you of Permanent IR
I fit after repeated washings: Special IA6300011 to necirtine,11
II *eyes and wickets, give them that dressed-up appearance.
Mr, and• Mrs. Joe Kerr spent 7i-
the early part of 'the week in Tor-
onto where the former attended the
annual Good Roads convention,
Phone: Otir Prices Are Lower Free
590 We Keep Down the Upkeep Delivery
For Your Lenten
And a Real Treat
Always Look For to those-who know good Ihnisetircsses, You'll A'
attractive styles from this'group of /forms,
checks, etc., all so very neatly 'trimmed. -
.1.41344,4+4,V , (A
Both your work in and your in-
fluence on the Lions Club have
been strong contributions to com-
munity welfare, So has your active
support of the Boy Scouts and the.
Scout Cubs,
Our goodwill is not confined to
the man. of the house by any
means. To you, Mrs. MacRae, we
extend sincere appreciation for
your friendship and your part in
the life and work of the 'congre-
gation and community.
In the Church itself your faith-
ful •choir ,service, your leadership
in the Junitir Congregation and
your piernbership in the Woman's
AskOciaiion and the toting WO-
reran s AtAiliary` 14Ve %O at
1:1:e'tf'utfact We° '11:v.:;3111C;eiril
accordeda likip? privilege in tills
Period. of u 0Sob)a,'`tiOU 'with' /UV.
The fertiu-4q. folks AV' `R,CtifMle
wilt iloW, enjoy thS,t
As yoindave us 46 Ii,kent6 Y46
chalfengebra,Iallger ceUgratidiosn
in 'a: far away, pwri ancl'In' a ;elov
,youf "friend's"hbre wish
for, all. of 'you, good health; hathii-
neas tend most of all,God's richest
SioSsing''On'iotir future
Th.gtik:You for livingVitli
for serving us ;. •
'The CongregailiM of
Wingham Vnited Chureh
Mrs. Roy Bennett then presented.
Mr. and Mrs. MacRae with a period
chair upholstered in gold brocade,
together with a purse of money,
on behalf of the congregation.
In recognition of his work among
the young people Raymond Walker
asked Mr. MacRae to accept a'
travelling clock from their organi-
Both 'Mr; -and Mrs. MacRae
thanked the pe6P1.6 .for their gifts
of love and appreciation, Mr. Mac-
Rae saying that in leaving a com-
munity, one does not lose old
friends but gains more new ones.
He spoke of the 'happy relations
that had- existed in the church and
community during his term as
minister here and hoped that they , • Might be renewed as people came
and -went between here and his,
new charge.
Rev. W. D. Clarke closed the
meeting with prayer, A friendly
hour was spent during which lunch
was served 'by the. Woman's As-
sociation, Mr. MacRae lea4es rot'
his new pastorate in Renfrew on
12 for 37t
q:-'.,. r -'1
4 I. , ,o
. .
• 1,,t.?-. - • ,ti.,4,,' • 3.,;,.
-76 x $0 ..,"Mtorts'!„,„ •,,, Itity,„,;,,S5.159., „. •
' '''*". '' • f:''',,
SPAcIAL .- t ,.. •
AS 99.-•-•,• •
* '/!.r."44j.
16 Oz. 8 oz„,
.49c . 9 9 I 1„:„.1..1
iron I lb.
lb: 29c
PRICE — $3.98 ,
familiar name =a's IN want to see the matey
29 ,
• •,.."
,. :itigharri) : -141nii,,ged .
dvitilliE iBitIENDL 'SYTOR•11") Pi
F.-74111111111.1411111111111111i111111111111111110i11.111i111111111111111111111111111111.111111111111111111111111r1 Hick's Whole 'Pt oz.
Wagstaff's 12 oz.
New 20 oz, eon()
CARROTS 2 for 27c.
.ra.twy Itiantosh or spy 6 qt.
APPLES t t . t . 75c
nisset, .141.`1 Gallon
Tops - 1v oz. 15 ups for
DOG FOOD , f $1,00
Maxwell; House Instant 2 oz.
Blue Betutett
(Quick Bag) 3 lios,
liss'Canatla - Panty - 48 oz.
Tomato Juice ... 3k
This is a "Welcome to. Wingham" Bargain Store
tilittft MI1111111 ttt i ttt
VittiltOttMillt ttttt 11111 ttttt ttt t I ttt i t tlittliftft11111111.111ill tt t ttt IIIIt1 ttttt tillIt111111110t1111 ttttt 111111 111,1 •'
5 cu. ft. Chest Freezers
525 lb. food capacity
0 Cu. ft. Chest Freezers
700 lb. food capacity
Full Fivelar Watroity Threoteat food
Spoilage Warranty included "6404 pries
00 lika • :i'i,EketricH.
The prep id trip, to New York
could be yours
XI Tim Timm, wims EOL)'JW ot
l 'A
The.' borne of Mr. arid Mrs.
Charles Irwin, in Turnberry Town-,
'ship, jug south of the Lower
,Wingharn area, was ' extensively
damaged by fire in 'the early hoUrrs
.of "Thursday njorning.—• ,
The fatuity was Away from hbree
for ithe night, a sou truce; being
the 'only occupant of . the house
•when he was aroused by 'Smoke
shout two aim, ran to the borne
o1h neighbour, Allan Walker, froth,
where the fire call was phoned In.
Tim response of the fire depart.
Merit was hampered by snout-fillet[
roads in, the meighborhood of the
fill tning' hOrrie,
believed Oat the fire Origin-
ated in the SaWduSt burner which
was tistd to' heat the Ironic.' Before
the flartiOS Were brOlight, under
control they had found their Wa‘y
Oom the 'basement ,up through the
partitions to the attic, the tat.
Melt remained on the ;bib for' oVer
two' hones to Make oure there
would:hemp tuttho outttreak..
The south side of our store has a
Bargain Shelf.:
Grouped. on the shelf are items
Peal -"Welcome to Wingharn" Bargains
such as
Listerine TOOTH PASTE reg. 55c 2 for 79c
Winter Wise HAND LOTION giant bottle 95c
CLEARANCE — Hasti Notts and
Boxed Greeting Cards reg.. ,$LOO for 69e
Diseoutiutted Cotton and Wool DYES
* at 'Ridiculous Prides,
L, Elston Cardiff, 'of Brussels,
who has represented Huron for
the last 18 years in th6 federal
house, was the unanimous choice
of the Progressive Conservative
Association al t.,,,I theii nominating
.convention 'in Clinton on Ii'Fiday
,During .his addresswgr, 'Cardiff
priedicted tthat the lizegrpssivet,q9u-,
seroatiye papty,,le4 by John Diefflil-
haliqr,)(wiQuI04 he returned ,to ;bower
With 1 ast,' ,lea.4 149 seats,,,, including
bigigaips t in the prOxihieg iof Quebec.
1, Mrs' Cardiff; was„tlie, Only person
nowinated„;at the 'Clinton meeting,
ato.whighwthe, guest. speaker was
4414 .p 1-4mi4p.p,, .',feFF ,parlia-
mentary. assistant i ce, ,,04, minister
of; citizenship ,an ,impeigration, .,,,
Day. of, Prayer
(Continued from page one)
versal may rise to meet the chal-
lenge and point the way to world
peace, were read by Mrs, C. H.
Hinde of the Anglican Chureh.
At the 'end of each intercession,
prayer was odered by Mrs, T.
Fells, Mrs. W.•Congram, Mrs.. 1/1e-'
Neidn, Mrs.. T. 'McLaughlin and
Mrs. G. N. Underwood, the whole
cOrtgregatiori laining in the Lord's
prayer. , ,
Miss Laura Collar, Who is at her.
home here on_lurlough from the
Seudan Inland Mission in Nigeria,.
Africa, then addressed the meet-
ing on the theme "The Bread of
'Bread in' some form is the uni-
versal food of the world and is one;
of the OtAitest foods recorded,
OM! physical body depends on ct
and the bread of 'the communion
service is symbolic of the food
needed for our soul's nourishment,
Each life, to reach its fullest
capability, must be tOuehed by the
Master's -hand and fed by the
"Bread of Life" which is the word
of God,
The duet "Sweet 'Holy of Prayer"
was sung by IV,frs. G. Cruiekshanit
and Mrs. jack Day With Mrs.
W. 'W, Gurney As accompanist.
The offering, which is used to
provide ' Christian literature in
missionary fields, .was dedicated
by Mrs. Fiiigland, Mrs, Reg,
Collar presided at 'the 'organ for
the Service and following the hyme l
"The Day Thou' Gayest Lord Is
Ended", the benediction, was pro-
nouneed by Mrs. Pocock,
.At the evening gathering
the saint order 'of service
Was follOWed with Mrs.. Prank
Collar and Mrs. Bruce McLean tak-
ing part for, the Baptist 'Church ;
and Mrs. ':Stuart Rertry and Mrs.
MeNevin for the Salvation Army,
Mrs. Kenneth Leitch and Mrs. Jelin
Donaldson represented the proiby.,
terian Cittoreh' and from -the United
Church Miss X, McGregor, Mrs. )1,
Zurbrigg arid Mrs, D. Meraggart
took part with Mrs. Alvin Higgins
from the Anglican Church.
MOS collar was again listened to y .
with great litteiest as she Spoke on
the Same subjeet-, Patricia and
'ManeOrwell sang as jx 'duet "At
Eventide with Mrs 'Gordon barvid.
son tweolaponying thorn,
ue •
pitim uteri WINGHAM
A manor ostrosonoottoiffloonovesanotoo,
ti I