The Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-02-26, Page 1Grader Injures
Operatpr's Leg
'Bruce Montgomery, son 'of Mrs,
Was, Montgomery of Wroxeter,
who operates the Tuanberry Town-
ship grader, suffered painful leg
injuries last week when. ills cloth-
ing became entangled In the drive
shaft :of the big Machine. Part of
his clothing Was torn off arid one
leg badly mangled.
He was taken to Wingh,ain Hos-
pital for treatment, but is now
around in a walking oast.
Miss L. Collar
'Mrs. John Donaldson was hostess
at a party on Thursday in honour
of Miss Laura 'Collar, who is on
furlough from the mission •field in
Nigeria, and will leave in April to
again take up her work,, Guests
numbered forty, The guest of lion- ) our was the recipient of a shower
of persoaal gifts, for Which she
graciously thanked all present.
' Miss Collar showed picturea
taken during her. trip home when
she vired several countries,
Mr, and Mrs. Itt librt Allan,
tt.R. 1, Clifford, Wish to announce
the engagement of their eldest
daughter, Reta Margatet, to Mr.
Ronald: George Dtthms, Sim of Mr.
and Mrs, Louis Daatnis, of Mild-
may.a.The marriage to taste place
fit i1 at Trinity Church, -Ford-
SS. No. TurtibetrY, Gilmour's
School is holding a euchre party oh
hariday, February 28 at 8.30,, in aid
-of Turaberry Park. boat prize,
Lunch served ,and other prize:,. .
wRoxtztErt w, itsittiortnc
The Wroxeter .W,t Will hold
prOgresalVe etichie in the Com-
munity Hail, at Thurs.
day,' February V, 1,41208. given,
Larlies please ,hting lunch. F264
AT I IVIREElE0111tlialt-
lay "Here Ochrida Charlie' by
the Teeswater Jnntur rarintro and
Junior Institute and Sbondored by
the Wornen's institute and a dance
with Varrier va Orchestra *DI be
held in the Memorial Haft on
rridaY, Fabillatat 28th • at 8,30
Sharp, Luiith counter. AdthISSien
'50e. :and -35d, Everyone Welcome.
Filling a Distinct Need
Only rour weeks ago The Advance-Times
opened a special department under the title
"Welcome to Wingham" — a page of adver-
tisements in which some 20 local merchants are•
offering bargains week by week. '
It is always difficult to assess the merits of
such a venture, especially in its early stages, but
last week did provide such an opportunity. Due
to snow-filled roads this •paper appeared a day
later than usual • . and as a result over 40 tele,
phone calls were received at the 'office, all of
them 'from nettled readers who wanted to know
what had happened to their weekly paper.
That fact in itself was not unusual. It is
routine when, because of a Monday holiday or
for sonic other cause the paper does not appear
at the usual time. The interesting point was
that many of the, callers mentioned that they
wanted to read the "Welcome to Wingham"
page, so they could plan their shopping for the
If you are not already doing so, turn to Page
Vivo as' 'soon as you have fidished reading this
article . . and plan to buy in the stores that
advertise. Note, too, that ' tnaty of the regular
advertisers on other paged 06 "Widebitit to
Wingharn" stores as well as those on Page 'Five,
ith Which is itirnaloaffiated the 0`,9r.ric Viclette *Rd WrOXPWr liPW5
WINCittaivt,. Wi'FARto,..AVAPttiNgsnav,,roaRuAgy 14.s. 404 •
• - • . . .
...._iii iu
By '"the Pedestrian
At about; 11,30 last Friday morn-
ing Thanuta ,.Fells 'tva.a disturbed
by an. riimsual noise and inveati-
laatien proved that al flock of at) or
3,9 , seagulls were milling. around
tree tops in hip coiner of the
3,9 , seagulls
as'af they had lost their bear-
ingsa The birds came in from the
south and eventually left in ,the
direction of LoWer Town.
Members of the Wingham B1181-
. ness Assoalation are slated to meet
in the 'ebuhell. ehamber 'on A'hars-•
day evening of this week at 1.30.
There should be' a big attendance
Far. the meeting. will hear a. report-
from Lce Varipe and his committee
Who have conduated a . ,vote by
ballot on the questionof Friday,
versus'* Saturday evening store
Mrs. W B. IsfeCool, has not: ap-
parently, been immobilized ay the
cold weather in Florida, for she
Was a member of "a bowling team
which, captured the trophy for dia.
trict playoffs in the southerh
0 - 0 - 0
A reader in the West sends the
following bit of poetry which is
taken front the Viking, Alta. News:
X now hear that Ike has a Yank-
ravelling ;Companion for •Sput-\ nik,
As they journey through space
May they meet face to aace,
And agree to sayeans from Helinik.
0 - 0 -
In aadition. to Mr. Fella seagulls
,metitioned elsewhere in this l eolumn
out , Whi teal; u reb writer sityP . that
crows and .bluejaya and even the
odd robin are showing hp. Let's
hopeathey know' what they're doing.
Any sign of spring looks gocid now.
0 - 9 -„,0
WINNERS AT LEG'ION SPIEL A rink skipped by Si- Scott, wsrt at;right as he presents the lardware to Si Scott. Other members of
the Pattison Trophy iii the Canadian Legion Bonsplel 'held in Wing- • rink are Ross ifamliton, left, Jack '"Ace" Elateson and bon Adam,-
ham on Saturday. Above John:Pattison, donor of the award IS Seen ' " ' • ' -'--AdVance-Tinies photo.
LEAVING FOR RIENFILEW itev. II: J. andi'Mktr.•MineRke; were
honored by members of the Wingham United. Chureiceongregation and
friends from the other chin-chin; in town :on Sunday oetking: IteY.
MacRae leaves today for his new .eltarge at Renfrew.. ; '
, •---Advatice7Times photo.
Sabotage al the
City Hall' Day of Prayer Service
Held at Baptist Church
IVIctinia,y.night's Girl 'Guide meet-
ing was a very memorable, one for
five Wingharn girls. A joint meet-
ing between the -Brownies and)
'Guides was held in the town hail
cured -With their Brownie wings,
sented aatth the profieiency,badges
they had recently Won.
- The executive''" of 'the " Win gham
and -Distri'et Fain - Ocith ialkMe'tin
the toWn -lrali :On littitqatitl,eitenitig
to make fOttier*•PlitriaA'it'al!their,
;graining classes feta p...tOjetittonists
to about four arretritieras.:.Witdiaa'hold
them whenever instructors
'and f"cniitiefr
able,. 'Mrs. W. :" Harcourt , was'
appointed •to cOokaihatettbe classes..
1)r.o.speetive .rilentbereL'are asked
to ;„place Wietv'M't's•;:that.abi;.MaY.galt;itnge
the classes..'AftetAhoe''paesently
Kenneth Whitmore, owner and
publisher of The . Blyth-Standaral,
died ,on Sunday. Mr. Whitmore, had
been' in rather Poet• health tor; the
"past few months, but his 'dbath
cameos a shock to family and
OottunnnitY. HI.Sattas 49 years of age;
A native of Colborne. Township., prizes which will be aWaralea to voted to the study of methods by
which weekly newspapers may be
, a ,
Members of the Ontario Weekly
Newspapers Association gathered
at the King Edward Hotel in
Toronto on Friday and Saturday
of last week for their annual con-
vention and election of officers.
Barry Wenger, publisher of The
Wingham Advance-Times, was
named president of the province-
wide association; succeeding G. C:
Craven, of The RidgetoWnaDomin-
Ion, Werden Leavens,' of' The 13ol-
ten Enterprise, is the secretary.
,manager of the group,
-"Mt ,oattay meettng .waa de
Some person with, a wander-
ing mind or a perverted sense
of humor made an abortive at-
tempt to set fire to the Wing-
ham - ,Ball Saturday
evening. As representatives
were attending a meeting of the
local Film Council they detect-
ed distinct *signs of smoke in
the building,. W. IL C011plIt,
searching for the source; found
thir'hasement filled with smoke
and 'turn'ed . in' a fire alarm.
iWnenlhe'fireinen reached-the
see ea' they 'fotind that tonna per-
son, who had` apparently been,
In the ..public ,washroom- in- the
to, t 7,Aliad'..g°#e •
into the room, used by the card
oink had removed an .oiltiloth
cover from one 'of the tables
aiid rolling", 'it' into' a '
`4et"it att4 -beneath
OP AigtirS'' en''the floor.
On Sunday raortting Winghain
United, D.:1, Maellate,
aaid farewell to the equgregation
which he has served .$0 deyetealY
for almost five yearti, .PtiOilg.
his subject "A Charge,ta Keep It
Have", he eatlined the duties of
the leaders of the 'eaurgh," site
asked that theae Jeadera .accePt 010
charge of- breaking the bread 9f.
4fe to the whole chtirely„, not for-,
getting those Members of the flock
in far Off -fieltik,He ala ittiteq• that
the congregation' keep the'lfire of
faith berning in their ,hearta leet
they become cold and' incliffereota
Mr MacRae thanked the people
for the hive and service Which ,sae
had shared with the people' here
and asked for ita'contiimancita.
FOIloWIng the evening aei.vibe, a
friendly, get-together Was held in
the school room, when the tinged
Church , people • were joined by
friends from the F'refibyterian 'and'
Anglican congregations who had
graciemsay come to wish Mr. Mae-
',Rae God speed in his new' charge,
F. R. Howson •acted 'as •ehairMan.
and music was provided by Merle
and Muriel Gowdy and Dorothy
Chamney with A, B,"Bennett at the
Short addresses from. Dr. A.
Nimmo of St. Andrew's Presbyter-
Ian Church and Rev. C, John
son.of St. Paul's Anglican Church
were ' much- appreciated, Both
gentlemen spoke ttf the happy re-
lations which had existed in the
Ministerial, Association during the
time' in which Mr. MacRae- had
been 'one of their number. They
also expressed their personal regret
,at, his removal •from the commun:.'
On. be of the congregatioa, of
the church, G. W. Tiffin read the
following address:
Rev.- D, J, MacRae, MacRae
and family, ' .
(Pleaseatttata;Pa' Page aTett) 4a,
improved in their seiFtea tta the
communities in which they are
f publiShed.. E. U. Sohitactei,
heads the school of graphie
at the Ryerson Institute of Tech-
nology in Toronto, was the, prin-
cipal speaker in this department.
The anneal banquet on Friday
evening was addressed by the lieu-
tenant governor of the Province
of Ontario, who .Spolte on the vital
part which is , played by weekly
newspapers in the maintenance of
individual freedom.
A highlight of the convention
was a visit to Imperial Oil's new
building on St. Clair Avenue, where
lunch was served to the guests at
noon on Saturday.
election demands a lot of Paper
work, believe us!
Friends Honor
for the concert presented in the
High School auditorium la•dt Friday
evening by the famous violinist,
David Rubintiff, Under the spon-
sors4ip' of the "Liens Club 'of Wing-
At the opening of the concert
Lion President ' Jack .Reavie in-
troduced 'Homer Phillips,. pianist,
who accompanied Rubinoff and the
program . of selections which rang-
ed from the Warsaw Concerto to
The Ballad of DavY Crockett.
Following the prograni the violin-
ist spokelto the gathering, remark-
ing particularly on the excellent
behaviour of the children in at-
tendance. He spoke of his life in
Mr, Garnet . Campbell, of the
noted .Campbell Family Curlers, of
Avoitlee, Sask., will be curling in
the Wingham Curling Club on
Monday, March 3, at 8 p.m, All
curlers welcome. F26b
The 'Blyth community will sin-
cerely' regret the passing of a Ma:
wtfo. :with actively devoted' to
its best 'interests: The funeral was
held yesterday afternoon. .
Mrs. W. J. Humphrey
Ninetieth Birthday
Geo Walker and Clarence, and
A' yeasonable.baaWd turned: out '"? ••
,IreiTtunately the blaze was dis-
covered before , it had .a • chance
to reach any other materials
which would ignite. Pollee Chief.
Platt is investigating the in,
cident..Vvidenee Would indicate
that it was the 'work Of some
Who .was more than a little
inebriated: —
jatequeline Saint, Mary Ellen Mc-
Phail,. Coralie Hammerton, ; 'Judy
Callan and Susan Spry *ere 'hen-
, cured With their Browniie wings,
representing a First Class Brownie.
During this ceremony they left the
Browhie Pack and entered the
Guide Company.
Good *lanai were .extended to
Commissioner Mrs„Geo. Cameron
who, is" in the hospital, The.even-
Mg was spent in team games, e0n- „ ,
chiding with Taps. •
The Baptist Church was well
filled with women from the ;Wirt-'
ham denominations for the World
Day of Prayer `services Friday,
February, the first Pridaysan
Lent. ,
The service this year was -pre-
pared by the women 'of A-tiatraita
and had for its themea"TheaBreSsa
of Life”.
The eall `to prayer War' read "Isy
Mraa Walter Pocoek of the Baptist
church, followed by the, hymn
"Break Thou the Bread of Life".
The' paayer :ettvi'.4.4e opened 'with
Psaliri 100, '',Make a joyful noise
unto the Lord", read' rAponsively
with Mrs.'Stuart lientat Of:the:Sal-
vation Army as leader.
This was followed by the Service
of Repentance with Mrs'.-A., Nina,
mo of the. Presbyterian' .ChUrell ,As.
leader. In responsive reading sor-
row was expressed for ainaa.stkW.
sed the need 'of forgiveness and
desire for new devotion- to' -the
Lord's work,' *
Then came the re-dedication:Da
lives to Christ, read by Mrs.' Colin.
Fingland of the 'United Church,
"Man does not live by bread 'alone:
Let us hunger and thirst after
righteousness and having fed utiOn
this heavenly manna,' mal&" out
lives to count in God's service"
The prayers of intetcessiota 'for
the Royal family, for the world re-
fugees and. that 'the church.
(Please Turn to Page Ten)
police-sponsored, wingers in the lsor sflor,ed he was employed many years by ,
tr fie safety contest are "'i° ' °° The' Clinton News-Record, but alRir at the present time in ,the : . 29 years ago purchased the Btita window of George Tripp's ' barber weekly and in the interval had
Opp alathe corner of John Street. built it up' as one of 'the bettet
,rAn, to, be young again! , .• weeklies in this part of the pre- t s s la ; s., 1 0 ' 0 ' ... 0 .. enrolled have. beetlittainkIal'pader-
vhice, • mow plump sill'.—. ,. . . • .ente Will be giVer(iitathe Order in
He was married to the former which the efitba ha Ve enrolled for - '' -" ' - •• Any of you businessmen' who
think you have a little book work'Gladys Blake of Colborne,whotraining." "
ahead of you stiould drop" in on survives with one son, Douglas, a The ' smell 'a/ '!Sniiiii led the
Returning ',Officer Art Wilaon at I toeMber of his father's newspaper menthers CO tile. 'ciiin dli''''41 .' '''ts .. an r eta
the Masonic Hall. A Federal staff, to 'investigate andAhey fiatind the
room filled, -With:4 ;6tnilte. '.'' This
brought;. the. italeStPlgs 40-. a close.,
'ATpher11. 11 1 t a .th.I'll•?'. j'et.::::;":.!,r!).;47!li'be
'h;e1 lc" "on.
fib-x.111y visited on 'Sunday with
Mrs. Walker's parents Mr. and
Mrs, W, J, Humphrey of St.
Helens, on the occasion 'of Mrs.
hihetieth • birthday.
Mighbora apd friends called at
the Humphrey home eu 'Saturday
to Offer their hearty congratula.-
tions to MrS. Humphrey.
the great artist, The students were
most enthusiastic in their reception
of Itubinoff's music.
Russia as a Child and young, man
and went on to state his belief
that only hard and incessant work
makes real achievement possible.
where the•vehicle.,grashad, o a
tree.. • • *
During the afternoon flubmote Mr. and 'Mrs. Ernest Snowden and
visited' several schools in this area,
• Ian Howes, 43.8a.w.aa.*:the• driVer of to play briefly for the students, and
'the car and his. PaaSehger was presented a 'concert at the
Larry snot. aa; Bothw'era•adinitted Winghatn Disrict High School for
to the WinghtutrGetieral:Hospital the young people, many of whom
with cuts 'and 'bittlatia*-Tbe ettr:wa; came froth outside points ta hear
badly dame*.
of the Winght;trit:PfaYlimial' Pollee
iftvestlgated, the aceidegt..'
• '
Field Family
Presents Cross,
Vases to 'Church
In Whig-ham United. Church on
Sunday morning the presentation
of, two brass vases and d brass
cross for the communion table was
made to the church in memory of
the late Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Field,
who had been life long members.
For many years Mr. Field was a
member of the session, and until
the time of her death Mrs. Wield
had been active in the various
women's orgapizationi.
These gifts Were given by the
family, (Helen) Mrs. James Kerri-
gan, Walkerton; (Mildred) Mrs.
George Carrol, Brantford; (Edith)
Mrs. Jaelt Robertson, of Staynar;
Arthur, of Lambeth; Jack of Man-
chester, Conn., and , Frank, of
Teeswatee, in memory of their par-
eats, The, presentation was made
by Frank Field arid was accepted
on behalf of the church and dedi-
cated by Rev. D. J, MacRae,
John T. Scott Is
Ninety Years Old
Congratulations are extended 'to
John T. Scott, alifelong resident of
East his 90th birth-
day, Saturday, February 22. A
family dinner was held in his'
honour at the home of hi's grand-
son, Kenneth Scott and Mrs. Scott
on the 9th Concession of East
Wawanosh where Ma Scott lives,
Mr. Scott enjoys good health and
Is Mentally 'alert and can relate
many interesting incidents of the
years gene by. Since retiring. 'from
active 'farthing Ills hobby hits been
making easel; of which he has quite
Presort for the occasion were
his brother, Waiter S. Scott Of East
Wiaattinaph, his tittUghter-in-law,
Mrs, Robta J, Stott, Wifigham 'and
and leis five s gramdebildrera. Mr,
and Mrs. 3-61111 McMillan, Liataatel;
Ma. and Mrs. Gercloit -Robb, Ash-
field; and Mrs, Malcolm R.
Scott, )3elgraare. and Mary Scott of ,
Wibgluityi, Mr. acid Mrs. Reit 'Scott
and 'eleven great grandehildren;
Ybuths' Mja:re'
In Car. Crash • .;
Two Wttateter diOtrict • youths
suffered. Minor frijiirieS When their
car left -the• road ,on :Friday, night
as they attempted tti-pase a truck.
The accident., occurred.* two miles
west of Wroaetar orasHigloyfty 87,
DANCE AT Wit0XtTliat
Preaefitatieri ,dsince in honor. of
Mr. and IVirs. Lorne Madill in,
Wr'oxeter hall On kriday, Vela 28th
Itaas Hine `Orchestra, Vveiyorie
welcome, Ladles' please Ibring,hinch,
Mrs, Harold troolta, Mlitiile
Street, received the tragic news
last week that her seven-months-old
nieee, Deborah Geedhand, had been
killed in a Car tteeldent hear LOA-
The baby Was a passenger in a
tar clriveh by her father, William
Goodharici, of Mount Ilrydges. As
he was proceeding along a county
road In the London area, on That's-
day evening the 'vehicle skidded
out Of control and struck a polo,
Mrs, Goetlhand, 'Wile is Mit,
II le sIstar,suffered Serious
, 'buts ,broisok Rex. husband and' ctritinzolq. ntopro VIDDINCi and IVIts. Aftiort 416)11000/1 of rodwich, who relebrated the
at four-year-old daughter escaped f4ixilkih onlveirmarty nit their natirriinta on WednoStho y kIIt Week, Witten frinilds Hein far . and near
With Wait iffitirlea. gittiiiered to' eitevid ntinipittulationi.
I C.