The Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-02-19, Page 7r-iK1-1Mrft,T,
ittbaiiii Mb. Ott7TEittit..--
Tr/Wig W A, Met
11'them Home
FOADWICII--The W.A, of Trin-
WIUTBCII1W101---;The ,reg taw
tsf Hu, W
on Tueedity,' leat" et the home of,
:fdre, Albert ,C'oultee with 13, ladles
anti 'three eirlidree present. The
president, Mrs, Russell /toss;, pre-
Wiled, After, the opening exerejeee.
thank-wen notes 'were ;Ned from.
Rutherford. Reavita John McGee..
Adam Robert:eon Lind from Mr, and
Mee, V, Eininereon, thanking -the
ladies for time pretty teapot present,
ed to them As a r(111.erribra.A00 .for,.
carat/king through the past ;Nevi:
A request- was read. to appelotea'
repreemitetive to'CAMA to A train,.
ling centre 'to lielp-compile Interest-
ha; data from .this community for
a Tweedarruile. Book, An invitation
from the Leeknow Institute was
accepted to "attend a meeting there.
An Teveday .eveeiagi when they will
celebrate their .00th anniversary:
Mrs. Wilson, -delegate to Ceylon will
be- the guest- speaker,. The ladles -
were asked- to attend 0, meeting re
the Wuce Museum in Ilolypod on
The roil call was :answered by
contribpting articles, diapers," soap
and -safety 'pins for a parcel for
Korea Or Arab children, rand
large box of second-.hang( clothing
Was packed, Mrs, Cecil—Falconer/
Mrs.' Ed. MeClenaghan and: Mee.
Wm. Henry were appoieted • as
Institute representatives on 'the hall
Mrs, Prank Miller read a very
interesting paper on the topic
"Are Working Wives a: Menace to
the Horne?".She asked what is a
home, and explained it was the
first school and the first church a
child knows and explained that
money Was not so important as
kindness, happiness and- comforting
hands', Mrs. Miller told of Many
reasons that influenced mothers to
take work outside the home these
.Mrs, Robe Pnrdon read en in-
tercet:the' .paper- ort dlia" motto "Do
not be discouraged, it is 'often the
last key that opens the door," Mrs,
Joe Tiffin played a piano solo and
Mrs. J. D. Beecroft gave a Valen-
tine reading, telling .how Valen-
tines meant much more years ago
than they de now. The ladies made
plans to have the Teeswater play
in the hall next week and the
meeting closed with the National
Anthem. •-
The hostesses served lunch. The
next meeting will be. hold in the
hall, with - Mrs. Orland Richards,
district convener of agriculture
and Canadian industry, " as the
guest speaker.
AYPA Plans tor
Lenten Service
:Flt, Stephen's Church,- Gerrie, mei
Clurrele FordWiell,
here in the beaernela Of the
church on- Sunday evening witti
time ;president, Dermild King, Pre-
Siding.- The Meeting repatied with
.the tiYine '"Neel lie toe to, 1 el l
Riede", After which the president
led hi 'prayer, Minutes of-_ the last
meeting were read..
Plan; .were made for tile Leiden
service ,and the p,realdent repodeci
that the card tables were ordered.
Marjorie Ebeter Wee" appointed try
get a eriealcer for the /text meet-
ing, which_ wilt be March '304,-
Rev, E. .G. Attwell' -closed the
Meeting with prayer, and •a social
half hotir - spent. Lunch .convenors
were Pauline ".Sothern, Florence
Leppington and 'Rose King,/
leeb, Meeting
St ! Anne's Guild
FORPWICIT—Tbe Guild of Bt,
Anne met et the home of Miss
Beatriee Wade last week for their
Vehreary meet ig with tint presi-,
dent, Mrs. Wellington Hargrave,
presiding. The meeting 'was opened
with the hymn, "Work fee the
Night is 'Com'i'ng" followed by the
Scripture reading, .1st Chapter
Mre. William Pother,/ gave a
reading on "Ruth". Minutes of the
last meeting were, read, by • the
secretary; Mrs. Don King, Roll
Call was, answered 10 members,
with a verse on "Love",
me$, Peter. Browne and Mrs,
George Holland' wore named a
committee to plan luneh for the
A:Y.P.A. Lenten service which will
be held in Fordwich on March 9.
Rev, E. C. Attwell reminded the
members of Lenten services, the
first one to be Ash Wednesday,
after which he closed the meeting
with prayer.
Members were asked to make a
Valentine and Write a verse, Win-
ners were Mrs, W. Hargrave and
Mrs. W. otliern," Lunch was
served by the hostess, assisted by
Mrs. Don King.
A rink of, elleleee lronl •IrOrdwieh .•
tot* part in the burisiile l hold in'
lYroxelev lete week erne were sue-.
eeasful bringleg home second
prizie, They were . W. Edgar,
Harry Loin', dere Harris and "Wil-
Dam Mebilwahl Were the .four-
'Mrs, Whitten Olyee apeet several
'days last week with relatives ire
Me. and IVIrs, ,Terris .031411re
spent the 'week-end ip'lVfeeford and
attendee the weddieg of a friend
on San rdeY,
Congratulations .LO Mr. and, Mrs.
Mae McIntosh „thee Merle, Bridi"o
on the birth or' a .son, on. Pebreary,
10th, at the Lietowei
Mia and Mrs. GOO; Bolandet and
John Of Kornelca spent lest -week
with Mrs, Dora 'Ridley,
. Mies Elizabeth Patterson of
Waterloo:. spent theaweek.end with
her mother.
Ur, - and Mrs. Scott Keith and
Randy of Waterloo -.spent the
week-end with Mr. and Mr's. Alex.
Mr, Donald Doig of Galt spout
the .week-end with his parents. ,
-Ma• and Mrs, Keith Ridley, Ur:
Sari Ridley, Mn Gordon Ridley,
of -London, Mr, and • Mrs, Cecil
Lynn, of Mr. and Mrs.,
Don Gibson, of St. Catharines, -Mr..
and Mrs, Jack Gibson of Toronto.
MA and .Mrs, . Fred Holetbek of .
Willowdale . attended the •funeral
of the late: Mrs. Annie Gibson last
- Miss Louise Browne of Toronto
spent the week-end with her par-
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bender and
family of Palmerston visited op
Sunday with -Mr. and Mrs, Emmee-
sen Hargrave: •
Mr. and Mrs. Trcv Hainetestc of
Milton spent . the "Week-end with
Mrs, Fred 'Oadke.
Mrs; Tom MeClement and Betty,
and Mrs. William' Sothern , and
Nancy spent Saturday in
ily .Aeitlican Chard/ held their
irebripiry xneeting, at the home of
Mre, Crosby Sethere W1111 the.
ViV8Id ,Mrs. iteby Footer, • Pre'.
Lord's ;Pram: was re.
pieitCre, after which'' Mite. Nellie
finlehie rend the Sedinture lesson.
Roll call was answered by 15.
MeraberS with a verse on prayer,
Oth ehaptee of the study,
bolt nr> ,Janata WO taken by IVI:re-
Groeby ,Sethern, Xis, Stan lfores-
ter read a poem by Edgar Cieeat,
pjene were made for the World
Bay of Mayer, which will be In
the, Angle:an Merck wag de-
, aided Le quilt th e last' week Of
• Febrear,e at the home of. Mrs.
0 Ruby Foster. faewang was passed
out anion the members.
'E, C. Attwell closed the
M1 meetmg with. prayer, and a, social
half hour spent, Lunch was served
by :Mee. Ruby. Foster and Wire,'
Gam King, • "
Fordwich United
W.M.S. Meets
'Gorrie Man.. for
Bible Group
FOBDWICH—The Bible Study
Group met in the United Church
on Sunday evening with Mre, Ken
Graham preeiding. Miss Violet
Beawitherielc was Pianist.
The meeting opened with a 'hymn
and Prayer. Tom Edgar of, Gordo
led, in the meditation of part of
Corinthians concerning our
-freedom, its use and abuse; and
our spiritual gifts. Following this
Mrs. C. Wilson and Mrs, J. H.
Pollock were in charge of dis-
cussion` groups, After hearing. the
summary ,of the findings of these
groups, the meeting was closed
with prayer by H. Fraser.
Hi-C's Will Hold
Skating Party
FORDWIOH—The Hi-C group of
the United Chortle held their
meeting at the 'parsonage on Sun-
day evening with 15 present, A
sing-eong was enjoyed, The ,busi-
noes was diecussed and it was de-
tided , to hold a skating party' on
Tuesday night,.
'Larry McDermitt.' was: in charge
of the Worship 'service, 'Sharon
Pollock 'led .diseuesions -on
'"Conteets". The meeting closed
wlth Taps,
FORD WICH--Th e death of an
aged resident of the village, Mrs.
James Gibson, opcurred at her
home 'on Sunday, February 9th.
Mrs. Gibson had been ill since she
suffered a stroke about two yeays
.Born' at Conestoga, Ontario, on
Deceinber 2nd; 1871, she Was:- the
Pinner Annie Brigotta Malinke, a
'daughter _of thq late 'Mt, and Mrs
•AilgirW.:1141finbe. had l'i
moet of her life in this community,
following her marriage-to Mr. 'Gib-
son, She was a 'member of the
Fordwich United Church,
Surviving are one son, Gordon.
of " Wroxetert three daughters,
Mrs. Jack (Margaret) Tilker, Har-
riston; Mrs., n'ar]... (Dora). Ridley.
and Mrs. Douglas '(Tillie) Holt,
hoth of Fordwieh, A sister, Mrs.
Agnes. Ettingea 'also - residua in the
village. There are 21 grandchildren.,
33 geeat-grandehi,ldren and 5 great-
,great-grantlehild yen. N '
Service, was held . at the Moir
funeral, *home in Gorrie at 2.30 on
Tuesday afternodn of last week.
With Rev, A; F. Gardner in charge.
Rurial was in the Fordwich
Cemetery, pallbearers ,being, Gor-
don and Keith. Ridley, Jack and
Crawford/ Gibson, ,George Bolander
and ,Cecil Lynn, The floral tribtiter
were carried by Garry and Don
Gibson, Norman Tilker, Burt
Brown 'and Fred Holstocic,
Neighbours in Turoberry i'VOwnxbip
,"0 111P.?4$1.,froA-9.11161', affoeliete • u,,..Wirrghriru .11.1o1 district liava -.hie n' •
gathering - every • second Friday .
evening to play 011titrO
School 1111, the ;Muth conteselou: cif -
Turfiberr.Y. The proceeds from thm
willies will be devoted to the fund
whiehis being atetiortilated. for the
establisiiinent of • a park•-the"
bridge on the. ninth." Aft,e eerile
'last Friday evening colored elides
were shown to the _.,galhering,
Above arid at left are stenos shot
while the .euellee games- were.. in
Institute Holds
FORDWICEI---MrS, WraY Cooper
wee hostess for thaVebruciry meet-
ing of an; 1VBSSionOry
Society of Fordwich United Church,
Mrs, Ken Grallidia, president and
Miss MineittIVfeElwain, acting see-
rotary, presided, •
Mrs,aKen Graham preeented the
programs for the year to the
inembere, reminding them that
the theme was "What Doth The
Lord Require of" Thec,7" The ans.:-,
' wer for this month is Prayer.
TWenty-five members -and visitors
answered the roll eall with a
thought about prayer. , '
The meeting was opened 'with a
reading on PraYer and a prayer
for the missionaries.. The minutes
were read and .the businesa dis-
ereieed, Plane were made to hold a
St, Patrick's supper to support
the supply wt./1.qt and expenee fund
of the society, The treasurer, Mrs:
C, Ettinger, reported that the
locatiordha,d been raised to 11-00.(10.
Mrs. Jas. Magoffin is the shut-in
with Mrs. K, Graham and Mrs, H.
Rogers appoieted to visit her.
Mrs. Harold Doig" spoke, about
'the missionary for prayer,Miss E,
Suttie of Japan. Mrs, in. Mac-
Donald 'led in prayer..
Miele , Mel ',17ayloe conducted the
worship service, with the, thc'mu,
"Looking; to Christ and Not to
Ourselves",Mrs, Lloyd; Mrs, Wil-
son and rs. 3. 1-1, Pollock assisted
With Mrs. Wm. Cline as leader,
11'1re. „Toe. Warren Parker.
Emig Making- a 'panel;' their nil,
missed "The Youth of Japan.' They
told of some of.'„thd. difficulties
A these young' people fece, such' as
saralack. of ernploynamit, new • 'free-
'doms, parental clieappro,val when
they 'become Christian, There are
diany things, they neve in conimon
with our western yoeth.
Mrs, M. Taylor closed the meet-
. ing with the benediction.
Euchre Party
WHITECHURCH—The ladies of
the Institute held a euchre party
on Friday evening in the Memorial
Hall with eight tables in• play, Mrs.
Charles Shiell and John Gaunt
held high points and Mrs, John
Purdon and Donald McCormick
held low points. The prize for lone
hands in hearts went to Mrs. J. D.
Beeeroft, Diane Coultes drew the
winning ticket -for a, lazy eusan for
Grant Crirrie. Lunch was served
'and the Farrier and Henry orches-
tra provided :music :for dancing, •
Mr. and Mrs, Archie Pardon and
Kathy, and her mother, Mrs, 3aeir-
lin of Listowel, were in London on
Saturday,, Mr, daeklin, who had
been a patient St, Joseph's Hos-
pital fora feW days= last week was
able to return home,
Miss Janet Gaunt, of Toronto
Spent the weei0-erld with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs, Russell Gaunt.
Mn, and Mrs, Carl MeCkmeghan
visited on Sunday with Mn, and
Mrs. Malcoim Stewart, of -Preston.
Mr. and Mrs, OrvilleNlitehell and
Gordon and Mr. and . Mrs. Oreet
Haverehuk of Toronto epent the
week-end with: Me and Mrs. Wm,
Mrs: David. Stroud, of Kieless,
teacher' et S,S, No, 0, is laid up
with a bad attack of flu.
Quite- a number from Imre at-
tended the play ."Here 'Comes
Charlie", held in Teeswater on
Friday evening, This play was put
on by the jr. Farmers. and jr, In-
stitute and will .be coming to
Whitechurch in the near future.
Mrs.',Jarnes Johnston of James-
town made the' hazardous trip
through the storm on Mbnclay to
her duties at. Holmes' School, Two
children had braved the . storm.
Hugh Sinnarnon, teacher , at Stone
School wee advised, to return
home at noon onMonday but' other
schools in the district, did not epee,
Mrs. Victor Young, who had
been visiting, with her brother,
Adam Meturney, at IVIarrioch, -re-
turned to leer home in. Wingham
,on Wednesday. -
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth King and
children 'of Woodstock visited last
week :with Mr, and Mrs. -Fraele
Itese, of Tiferibariee' and
Coulter, ,f Wingham,
Little Allen Walker, two-year-old
son of- Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred. Walk-
er, who has been a frequent pat-
ient in Wingham ;Hospital during
the past few weeks with an' ear
ache, went throligh' ai toneilectomy
on Tuesday last and was able to
return home this 'week.
Mm'S, W. 3. Humphrey of Si:.
Helens will celebrate , her 00th
birthday on Sunday, February 23,
Mr. Gordon Naylor was seriously
ill last week with pleura pneum-
Mr. Austin Cook and Mr. Alan
IvIcBurney attended the Ice Follies
in Toronto one day last week,
,Little Neil Rieman, four-year-old
son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bic-
mall is laid up with chicken pox,
Mn and Mrs, Stewart Coupland,
of Toronto, spent the week-end
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, C.
Robinson, and with his parents. at
Miss Marjorie Currie, Cif Toronto,
spent the week-end with her
Mrs. -Robe. Barber
Dies in Toronto
ber, widow of the late Rev. Role:.
,Barber, passed - away at her home
in Toronto on jimuary 21st, in her
02nd year after n long illness, tier
husband anti her ;two eaubters,
.Mra. Chas, Congram of Luck-
now spent .the week-end at the
home of her Mon, M1', Harold Con-
gram, of Wingham.
Miss Lilian Smyth has liven a
patient lit Wingemen Hospital dur-
ing the limed week following au
.operallon for appendicitis on Mon-
Euchre Party. At
Lower l Ingham -:
Mrs. Shropahall„, Mrs„ H., Kiimg
and Mr's. "..Sangster ernineeted a
euchre Ln the. •Lower .Winghtien
school on. Friday evening, ..Niee
tables were in play, Mre, ;lames ...a
Currie and Keitlm Thompson held
high points and Mrs. R.- Sangster
and IVe Baker held low points, The
lucky chair prize went. to Mrs.'S.
The ladies have purchased cups
and a toffee kettle and hope to.
buy chairs, soon for their get-toa
gathers, In two weeks Mr. and
Mrs. L. :McDougal and Mr. and
Mrs. H. Iroxton will sponsor an-
other euchre.
eponsored the euchre party at' S.&
No, 7 School on Friday evening
with Six tables in play. Mrs. Frank
Eckenseviller and Roy Robinson
held high points. Mrs. Mason
,Robinson and Torn Armstrong
held low points, All enjoyed the
social time together.
Mrs.- Walter Lott had been .visit-
leg for the last. week-. with friends
in Toronto.
Robert and" Clarence Adams
were _called to Teeswater on Sun-
4474 • where their f ether, - Wil
Liam Adams, was suffering from a
severe nose bleed. Re was later
taken to Wingham
Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Elliott vis-
ited on Sunday at the home of
their daughter, Mrs; Wm, Mc-
Pherson, of St. Helens.
Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Laidlaw
and daughters of London
on Sunday at the home of his
brother, Mr. Elroy Laidlaw and
with Lucknow relatives:
Mrs, Alex and baby
Laurie spent a few days last week
at the home .of Mr, and Mrs. Robta
Mr. Win. Cummins of Saskatoon,
who had been a delegate for the
Saskatchewan wheat pool at the
convention at Montreal recently,
spent a few days at the home , of
his brothers, Michael Cummins, of
West Wawanosh and Jim Ctimmins
of Teeswater, and his sister, Mrs,
Duncan McMillan, "of Detroit,
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Robertson
and children visited on Sunday
with Mn and We. W, J. 'Peacock
of Bluevale,
Mr. and Mrs, OSear Rock of
Moriktoe and Mr. and Mrs, Rohl.
Sinnarnon, of Wingba , visited oil
Sunday With Mr. and 1VTrs, Ernest
sympathy of East Wawanosh
,goes out to Mr. and Mrs. Weeded
MeCtilluin, who lost their , home
and contents by fire on Saturday,
Mrs. Milton McBurney, of home Lon-
don visited, on Sunday at the home
of her brother, Mr. Chas, Sliiell
and spent the week-end with
Shiell. and McBurney relatives in
Car Damaged
During Storm-
WHITECHURCH '--Mrs. George
Fisher met with an unfortunate
accident on Thursday morning on mother, Mrs. R. J. Currie,
her way to her school at Fordyce,' The ladies of thie district will,
In- the storm she waited at the meet for the World Day of Prayer
Division Line for -an east-bound on Friday in the Presbyterian
truck she was meeting and the Church here. Brick Church ladies
blowing snow that it raised hid her Will meet at the home of Mrs. J.
cer. A truck Mlibiving, unable to Currie.
see the car, crashed into the rear, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Snowden
shoving it • up' on the north bank
of the road, The police investigated
the accident.
Mrs. Fisher received a severe
shaking uP belt fortunately no
'bones were 'Woken', even though
X-rays were "taken for a, serious
vain in her neck.
Dedicate New
Light 'at LOBA'.
rottrfwx6H—At the February
meeting of ,Votdwich Le0B,A, a
memorial light' was' dedicated to
honour the late Mrs. Win, Hewits-
bee who was a faithful member,
A letter was read' froth Sdott
dvlissicin thanking-members Mn bale
sent, Committees reported
quilts finished for. Rielenond Hill
Orphanage. A cash donation was,
eent to the Horrie for the Aged
Cowrie Foxton, doughter of Mr,
and Mrs. Herb itl'oxton, proves that
TV isn't everything tie the younger
generatime She With thoroughly
enjoying herself at the" card party
aaf the LoWei ToVidi School on Frie
(lay. evening,
donated by Carinichaol't stalk ,
Lunch was Served by the wito*
of the section after Which enibtir.
ed slides of Venezuela Were
by Wainer Woods and -of Florida.
by Stewart 14teGill,
Another filichre Will be held th
011foolit'S School on irrld4Y, refit.
raw 281:14
Letitia and Jean; had .piedeeeitsed a„3,,
her sun1e. years ago. She bad al-
ways been interested in the WMS Mr. and 1.11:F3, Norman C01111e::
work aucl at mie time was the and son, Dough/ went la Toronto
president of 'Coma° Conference on Wednesday and Douglas had his
WM,S, The funeral was held front east removed raid returned home
the Trull funeral home and Inter- with his parents on Sunday.
maul Win lie later in Greenhill Th Cemetery 'Lucknov. ose from a died/ n te who • , 'tended the funeral of the l a te
Adam Roberlsoe were Mr. and
Mrs, Cecil liarele of St. h7gi.M4,
Jr linnt Harrieon, of 1;,,,,roto,,
Miss - Ruth Menziee, of Toronto.
Mira, Jack Gillespie, of :aai'tila, A successful euchre party was
has been a patient In St, ,Joseph's Held
iii ilni at , C11,111:11°atihit''so thei '1 8f
4.1,:oriedeyY evening,
El, 5, Watt Mill, lies been in- play.
Fund. Twenty 'tables were in
eonwellerieed during the peed week
on eccount of the breakdown in The high prizes were won by
the toilets lefts. Don Iroetune and Cecil Cool-
1 Mr. Archie Watt, of Toronto Les. 'lire spectral prizes were won
visited on 1"nidey with his parents, by -1.,:yhla Alexander and Tara,‘,,e„
Rev. and Mrs. W, .1. Watt, Hatelson. The prize for the il).1.`,,,er
Aft'N, John Mitchell and halo/ bringing the largest load of PI V'' :;: az it,ey Lynn, wore able in tr ima ere was won by Ed. Marsh`, A drool
homeBoni Wiugham iloepital 011 was made for a box groeSries,
the whirler tieing Miss Myrtle.
I Mr, Wm, Ringler of Morriehnek
visited oia mli'Vcl t% iety with Mr. find Donations were received troni
the Lions Club of Winghani in the m.w; lit lave-ay-five dollere marl
/went the week-end at. the home ten &Mare front Alietender'es
of Mr, end Mre, Ituesell Rees, Hardware, The epeeial prizee wttiti
Mir, and Mrs, Genet Vereler
,Janis mini the week-end at the
hemp of Mr. anti Mre. Jack Gilles',
pip, -of 1-./irrria. Mr. and Mre. W, R.
Farrier, who' bad Vern at the'
lespie home, were leaving on Sun-
day to visit at the 'home Of Me. and
Mrs, Clifford Farrier for the next
few weeks'.
Mrs. Collins, teacher of Ski. Mo.
10, Was unable to he at her school
last week on aeeetkrit -of SicIttleaL
EtICRION. is JIIG Tsar and beAr With(' '61 at
.the Lover Wing:ham 'Sehool Iroany evenieg roe the etiebre pally
‘Vhieili is held every eeeond Week to aid time Tamberry Park fund.
At OW tar left are /MIMI* Ii. COrrie; Mrs. :Keith Thompson, Mrs, Leslie
Nebotikahl iii dSteWfirt Ritchie,. Cefitre, Mem‘ dames H. Currie. Mrs. lid
Wtako, Um* 'Ste, Metie and Alex Mtd)Oriabi. Above, dim Jlefidergoa,
ried -Betty Zinit Mrs, AICX Mclieuaki4 ' -