The Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-02-19, Page 1f HOME COMPLETELY DESTROYED III FIRE Mr. and Mrs, Wendell MeCallum suffered a shocking' surprise on Saturday afternoon after their return from Wingham, to be in- formed by -neighbours that their borne in East Wawanosh, had been completely destroyed by fire, In addition no their norne, all their personal possessions and their dog. were lost in the blaze, HOWE IS CHOICE OF PC CONVENTION Marvin. Howe, Arthur .merchant, who has represented this, federal constituency of Wellington-Huron in tnee previous parllaments, was the -unarinnotia. 4:twice of the rid- ings Progressive Conservative Aseeelation when they gathered for their nominating_ conventian. at Harriston town hall last FridaY evening, Mr; Howe was first elect- ed to .the House of Commons In 190 and was re-eleeted by a com- fortable majority in the voting last June 10th. • His name was the only one pro- posed to the nominating conven- tion. Guest speaker for the evening was Hone Earl Rowe, who- repre- sented Dufferin-Sinicoe in the last parliament. lie was introduced to the gathering by Mayor R..E Mc-' Kinney of Wingham, Fraser Smith of Arthur 'was chairman of the conventitat. - • Association conveners ' were named at the meeting, J, V. Fisch- er was appointed for Turnberry Township and Harvey McMichael for the Township of, Howlett, t HEAD SAFETY, COUNCIL. Win. J. Armstrong 94 on Friday Mrs. Jas. Armstrong of Gerrie had quite a number of callers at the Wingham General Hospital on FiriclaY,At, Valentine's Day, on the occasion of her 94th birthday. She ale° received many bards and gifts. Her memory is still good but sight and hearing are failing, A Gerrie resident for 31 years she is Gorrie's oldest citizen, I? With wliich is amalgamated the Gorrie Vidette and Wroxeter News wwoictot, Qzrvooti,), wtmstso4Y, riosittiuw )4)114. PLAN T. PAM_ ......0, , . . Ingham District g 00. to00es $500. Increases to Staff ROVG111 ON 'ME CARGO, One of Bondi's large trucice came to grief on the way to Tees- water on Monday afternoon when it hogged down in the deep snow at the side of the, highway, leaning over at a precarioue angle. The cold weather wouldn't do the load any good, either, ' • 0 - 0 - 0 . 11-00KINO OUT-- The opening up process -began- on Tuesday after the high winds had abated overnight. By Monday afternoon most of the highway had given up the effort to keen the roads open. The town ' crew kept at it and 'the streets ,in Wingbala remained 'passable througheiit. • 0 0 - 0 • • • Jvi r IN T1111E— • ortunately the town decided to remove the accumulated snow along the main street on Friday night, so there was a little room for further 'Plowing wherit the big blow came, • „ 0 -0 7.0 QUEEN IS •CROWNEHL- Friends ' throughout the district are organizing a benefit dance 'to be held in the Forestees Hall at Beigrave on Friday' evening of this 'week, under the sponsorship of the -L,Q,L. Chairman Re S, Iletheringten presided over t1.te 'F ebruaryneet g9ftwiIsir,piotraHigise400i,:oaro:todattheschoo on Wednesday afterneon of last week. The chairman welcomed a new member of the hoard, Cordon i'll:b9rWrinrisr7.1fibpGoaexno:fler:Itlwrinobwboelicr;Zeyrsee.p7a:egita;g: Following a study of earetaking coats in other example in this area.. it Was, dqcided that the local school was somewhat lower than average. As a result the payment to Care- taker Wilfred Seddon.was mee ts imams- thdtp50tWhig h e expense 7f all neesarYsals- lance. , Dr. W, A. MeKibbon reported that the price of cafeteria,, meals has been .finalized at 30e, ineluding milk, lifeala were 25c Until a few weeks ago, when it was fount' nee- easary to increase the rate to 35c. However, an- increase in attendance has permitted the drop 'kitten to the present rate of SOc. Teachers .T, Jackson and Miss M, Davis appeared before the 'board to state the request of the staff in regard to wage increases. After considerable discussion the board suggested that. the manage- ment committee propose an in- crease of $500 'for all staff mem- bers. Further diseusekine betnteea the committee and staff represen- tatives will be held on the matter of wage increases, Principal W, S. Hail reported at- tenanee at 528, with an average at- tenclance for the month of 03,5 per e Htt timer l-e also have been ebetelf`nat daottiicatv,wailettrok an dt tiu school by the students,, purchased out of funds laised through mane of magazines,' The principal also re- ported that four students had ap- peared on a, television program In a vilely 'quiz, The Health Unit nurse had checked eyesight in Oradeenn! The :Health. Unit also it- tends to administer the third•polio injectiona ate the school in the near future, • Due to the fact that the atehaol has been closed on some occasions tbbeecasueslemc5of flu t .grantswd thwaidi wheari itlieljef;1*TrInd by this drop in sialaeol atterinance days, the board will discuss .,the matter with the Department of Education, , .. . . . . .... ,...... . , , . Members Of the Kinsmen Club. 'are busy making plans Iten.Hie Wingnam Trade Fair winch is to 1m .Stagod at; the local arena early in June, Above, Cal Burke,"ceritrce is: the general chairmaa for the event, At left 'is Jim 'Currie,• secretary and Cy Robinson,' a menalter iteth4,blioth sales conamittee.—Bill Cement 000: LATE' STWHES ARE' NOT ACCEVIABLC • Wo edict to inform our reade tnnvainl- particularly some of our COntribatOrS, that, several. re* ports. of ...meetings,. -weft soot Fite tti,i"s week, not appear in 'the AdvancOfimes: They httemen to, Iv the nee.01114:4 of gatherings -WWII occurred two and three Weeks ago (one as far back -as jan, 21st), Disappointing as it may be -Co those who : have ;taken the trouble, to write these reports, the time . has •nome.0 draw the line attenneWs" which no longer faRS into that category, We are glad to ....91,0!,r the use of our coiumns for pahlieittion of these reports, but only if they -rerch es While they are stilt of some !• Merest to the, readers of the paper, • There .is the odd occasion,. when( for; one reason or another, a story Angst be held over for one issue, but that is the' rths0- lute limit, Unless there is par,' ticularty good cause, we will not. publish reports of events • which do not reach us in ample time 'for the first issue after 'the meeting takes place. KINSMEN SET fRICE FOR FM - PITHS Committees of the Kinsmen Club of Wingham, which have been set up to complete arrangements -for the Wingham Trade Fair to he raid t is spintg tie divided • into 12 by 12 foot booths around true outside and 12 by 8 foot booths • in the centre Tbese spaces will Lively Debates:Mark rent for $2.5.00.each. The spaces b e the four corriere, -which will be . . -, open 'oil two sides, will be-priced at. • ...., . $35.00. .Prices include luniber'for ession-;s..', teond Wee ' electrical mitten - the outside or the display and one reC.lonttirisinictotne7iisitist occha,t'goye 13,0f boothobinson, Ross Hamilton and Bill nitontgom- ,ery. ' ELFARE: The following is a seminary of .Buring the'.second Week of the LIONS CLUB LISTS the appropriate committee, (This tession, the Legislature, as is ces- ternary, bas been organised into eommittees for the .nonsideration Yf Dropoeed legislation Many. nletlargenerealattlelttetedePrivItne..tialea. been presented to the House and, after, second reading, referred to ,monies ,spent, on community and welfare 'Work during the period June 14,. 1955' to December 31st,, 1957 0, thee Lions Ctub. of • Wing- bah): • e - Recreation Connell • eind Com- By' ionn AV, Hamar, Mise ePaixteia Graf, a, grade XIII sterieritI at Vaughan Road Colleg- iate, Toronto, was crowned, Queen* at the annual Formal held at Casa Loma recently. She was 'presented with flowers and a braeplet suit- - ably 'engraved,' I -Vaughan ft.nati 1958." (icicle is the daughter of Ine or Stella Bennett Of Wing- Sati-Mtee last of the hook- week, ,The based,on the results r-Photo by Cautelon, .13ridge Club • 1<T-cal:Altana Smith—First and sec- ond tied, Mrs, D, C, Nesmith. and J. A. Wilson; Mrs. J, H. Crawford and Miss C.., Isbistert third, J. Martin and Wm, Laidlaw, East and West--First, Mrs. J. A. Wilson and W, H, French; ,second; J. H. Crawford and Hether- ington; third and fourth tied, Mrs. R. II, Lloyd and Mrs, R. S. Heti} erington; Charles Hodgins add Omar Haselgrove. mutiny -Centre, hockey ' account, $1218.08; 'Band (Boya and Girls), $226.97; Scholarships and awards, $155.00; Park (improvement), $139.87; Hallowe'en party for child- ren (prizes and gifts), $230.35; Christmas baskets area clothing, $186.99; donations and special help, Boy Scouts, $60.00; Cancer Society ,and Institute for the .Blind, $25,00; Crippled Children's- Centre, Lon- don, (Building Vaud) $175.00; Hun- garian Relief, $50.00; Television set for Wingham Hospital (patients), $260.00; Accident victims, $112.00; Salvation Army, mobile, canteen, $251.70; Others, $15.00; total, $3105,96; special Crippled Children help, ,special shoes, braces, camp fees, etc., $203.90; total $3309.96. 11 p.m, it is easily understood that 1Wembers have little time for other than public business. During this Session Mr. Speaker, who is responeible for the Cham- ber has made an innovation in the method of" recording the debates and proceedings of the House. The time honoured Hansard shorthand reporters have now been replaced by a tape recorder, While there is sorne -eritieism that this method is neither as efficient nor as accurate as Hansard shorthand reporters, it is undoubtedly another advance for automation, ' Protein:Jai Constable 'Bob" Lents acrd Winghanfit Peirce 'Clitief,'"Bertn Platt exhibit lets dealing with traffic safety which were diStrlinited tO'.atehoon 'children - in Wingham youngsters 'have tried a Safety examination and will be awarded prizes antl-certificates tel the test. " .1 : C.W.L. EXECUTIVE Possible Increase:`n m y.Rates Is Session your Member is a member of nine committees of the House, whereby he may have a voice in considering legislation e for Which he. .must ,bear responsibility.) The majority -of the - bills so far pre- *10d have 'been- Government legislation aimed at keeping exist- ing legislation up to date, for con- stant revision of all laws is 'a ne- cessity in this modern age. How- ever, notice has been given of im- portant new, legislation in the fields of public welfare, municipal lawe and agriculture which are matters that affect every one of The debate on thd Speech from the ',throne commenced with the usual effective defenee of Govern- :anent policy by' Prime Minister P roet and sustained criticism from Opposition Leader Oliver and C.C.P. Leader A/eclat:maid. Mr. Oliver is an experienced politician and pleasing speakerandn always makes an interesting and enjoyable contribution to debates -in the House. The main attack on Govern- relent policies this year stems from current unemployment problems and agricultural and farm market- ing . difficulties. It Would appear that at this Session the agricultur- al industry will receive some long needed and; much desired strength- ening in its struggle to share in the prosperity of our national economy. 'Since each morning there are two or More committees meeting :from 10 am. on, with (for Govern- ment ,members) a caucus at 1,30 Or 2 p.m, renewed by the sitting of the Houses from 3 to at p.m. and, shertly also by night sitting's.. of the House from 8 to ospital Board Foreseen by District ' ALONG THE MAIN' DRAG Ily ''ho Pedestrian SCOTT ilium—, Any of the criminals facing' court action iii Winghtun this week, must have been relieved to learn that the magistrate's court cancelled beeattse of the storm Monday, 0 0 0 SCHOOL CLOSED— Though many of the school busee delivered their • charges to. ,the WDHS on Monday morning they took off on the return journey to the outlying areas at noon, as the blizzard inereaaed in intensity and roads"continued to fill. 0 0 0 lows: Management, R .13, Cousins, chairman; Dr, A. D, MeMurehyn Alex Robertson, W, B; Anderson, Barry Wenger, Property Committee—D e W i t t Miller, chairnian; Alex, 13,obertson, Ivan 1:Ittakine, J. V, Fischer,. A. D. Smith, William Elston, ,Mrs. N. D. LADIES, AUXILIARY TO LEGION EUCHRE The, Ladies! Auxiliary- 0 the Canadian Legion is , holding a cuelire ,in the Legion Home on' Monday, 'February' 24th at 8,15. Good prim:a, Lench. Fl9b alie inaugural meeting of the board -of directors of the Wingham Geaeral Hospital was held on 'Fri- day evening, when EL C. MacLean was re-elected chairman antI eR. B, Cousins, of Brussels, vice chair- man, , Committees named were as fol- CILIIINANNAN EUCHRE A euchre. will be held at the, Gienaninin School in aid of the Turnberry' Park Fund on Friday, February 21st at 8,30 . Lunch will be served.. FM) REV, 0, J.,,MATAE Child Escapes Serious Injury LIONS SPEAKER helm Leitch, four-year-old• son of Mr. and Mrs, Kerineth Leitch, Wingliam, narrowly escaped ser- ious injury on Saturday when lie rah into the path of a ear. Taken to the Wingham General Hospital, it-was found that tic had suffered minor injury to his left:arm, He was' kept at the hoSpital • where, his condition is reported to be satisfactory. DANCE AT WROX,ETER .. A Dance and Draw for $50 will b held in Wroxetee sponsored by Community Club on Feiday, Feb- rainy 2151, Music by Rover's Or- chestra. „ F19b OIEEGRAVE :BENEFIT DANCE A Benefit Derma will be held in the Forester's Hall MI Ptndr.tet, Feb- , vier21at le aid of Mr, and Mrs, 0 Wen0 McCallum, who: lost their IMant , en Saturday, Sponsored 'by L,O,L, No, 462. Ladies please bring' Web, Everyone Ma:Icon-W. P101) 0 U U p U U I I U The exteritiVe of the Catholic Womon,s League of Sacred Heat( Church is pictured as the League gathered at the Queens Hotel. on Theranity eta:ming for the annual banquet, Penni., frone the left, Mrs, John Hanna, Mrs. George Winn toes., Mrs. Frank Caskatiette. Rack, left, Or, Vino, guest' speaker, Mrs, Gerald O'Brien, Rev. R, Durand, parish priest, Darold Ross, --AderuieneTitnee photo; .1# 11,A11111(11( TEA Tbe Ladies' Aid of St, Andrew's Presbyterian Church 18 holding St Patele'k's Tea and sale of bemo- ans& baking ml Saturday, March. 15th from 3 to 5 o'clock. The ladies Would appreciate tiouations for bake-table also a, denatitin for the toneh-and-take table, Valued at .25e, PlOti WOMIN'S' irovttsno tVENING Tile Women's Institute are hold- hig a 'pot luck supper and Meeting in the cdutreil chamber On Thurs- day itt 6.30 sharp, for .their famillea and invited triads. bob% forget. ;you clenatieine fear the baby ,la bale for Bitropettit children. A go programme is planned with Slides being shown, Flab Cameron. Finance Committee—A, D. Mae- William chairman; W. B, Ander- son, C. Thompson, A. D. Smith, Ivan Haskins, William Blston, C. W, Tiffin, Building Committee—John V, ,'Fischer, chairman; R, B, Cousins, DeWitt Miller, Barry Wenger, Mrs, Cameron. Mrs, I, E. Morrey Was re-appoint- ed admirdstratrix .ands John 'Strong secretary. The statistical report for the month, of January included the in- formation that total patient days amounted to 1181 during the. Month, as compared with, 818 for January of last yearn The average number, of patients under treat- ment was 123 as compared with 87 in 1057. Discussing the financial position of the hospital A, D. 'Min:William pointed out the fact that in the face of an operating deficit of $2,344.00 last year the management committee will be required to give serious considerattent to air increase in at least some of the daily rates- ehargen. Mrs. Morro stated that the rates prevailing here arc the fewest of those in effect in any hospital in this district, Mr, Cousins, reporting for the. management committee, said that there is an acute shortage of iegis- tered -nurses at the hospital and as a result the administratrix is badly in need of supervisory assistance, He, also said that More help will be required r d In the office in the near ftt The property committee under the ehairinan, D. Milker, arranged to meet et the hospital on Saturday to inspect 'all facilities arid so make plans for aybatevet problems 'may 'exist. A 'resolution 'Was passed at the board meeting to change 'the' name of the institution to the Wingham District. Hospital,' However the change will not become official, until it has beer( approved 'by the lietitenant governor In council, M. A.., VirOnti) 17A OF tittAVkilt 3.. MacRae, minister of Wingham United. Church, was the speaker at the regular meeting of the Lions Club, held at the Hotel Brunswick . on Friday evening, President Jack Reavie presided. 'Mr. MacRae said that he regret- ted it WoUld be his last opportun- ity to intact with the Lions Club, since he leaves &horny for his new charge at Reriaew. Itie, talk was delivered on the theme "Move on or Lose. Outt" He mentioned the fine record of service In the nom- muhity which has been established by -the Lions Chub, but warned, "l'on can't afford to'rest on year tiatret$,'s , - The speelter said that there is always lots of room for advance- ment in the fellowship of the mentirera, not only at the meetings of the organization, but in their daily lives as well, There is the ener-present teed to improve the organization itself, so that the greatest poetibie efficiency is at- tained. In the field of EttV,106 to others, he pointed 1;6 the fact that all these efforts have their basis in Christianity— Mr. MacRae also said that the elliia should carefully watch its fund-raising activities, He voiced his, approval of the peanut drives and Frontier nays which have been the thief methods of making Money here, hilt he was outspoken alt his criticism of bingos and other sheh projects which "eneoutage the gambling inatineVv 010104 N6SVOliliti Miss lit Mho, at s, Hilltiokt) W. The speaker was Introduced by Lion 0, W. Tiffin and apprecia- tion avas expressed by Lion' Don Naemith, who also spoke of the loss .the Lions Club will experience hi Lion DOTI MaeRade departure, He was presented with a gift from the club. Lion. Harold• Vieter Pint Was pianist for the eVenifig, Lion 18111 Conron led the singing• and Lion, DeWitt Miller collo2ted ;the fines, Invite .Larry' Henderson The Licate 'voted ,te Plata on' L'adie's' Night the seeon4 ,Settirday In May, and it is expdeted that Larry ,Hetitiersnite „Well-known. C13C-TV n'ewscaster, 14 ekpeeted to lie' the guest speaker - for the cm- easion. The Lions Were idled to filth in their ticket 88,16 -returns for the forthconiing Rubinort toneett to Lien, 0. Struthers at the Bank of Commerec Wednesday of this week, Treasurer Notes WeIhrood gaVe summary of the torninUliity wel,1 fare wok, which has been- paid for by the club during the past two years, totalling p300,60, Sceil. at the bittialitet on Thursday cVenitig.,—PrOtxt the left, Alias Vologio, `M.1*, (I, NeWititite, Miss A, 81-clOinion, MN*, Relmani Miss The World Day of Prayer will be held oil PrldaY, Pcbrilitry 21st at 3,00 o'Cloolt in the afternoon and at p.M. in the evening. in the Baptist thtirch. Miss Laura olitte is' the *hest Speaker, 106 ;10*