The Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-02-12, Page 10BUSY LEGISLATIVE
By John W. Hanna, M,P.P.
The Fourth Session of the pre-
of Ontario was opened on Monday,
sent Legislature of the Province
February 3rd, by the Honourable
J. Teenier Mackay, Lieutenant
Governor, who was recently ap-
pointed, There was the usual gath-
ering of prominent citizens of the
Province, including many guests of
Merribers from their constituencies,
The Lieutenant-Governor and Mrs,
Mackay and the Prime Minister
and Mrs. Frost received all the
guests in the Lieutenant-Govern-
nor',s suite in the Parliament
Buildings after the House adjourn-
ed, and the visitors had the pleas-
ure of meeting folk from ,all over
our great Province.
During the opening day of the
Session those Membrs who had
won by-elections since the last Ses-
sion were introduced and took
their seats in the House.
It is noted that .the present Gov-
ernment has not lost a by-election
nor has the Conservative admini-
stration in Ontario since 1,945: This
would indicate the strong position
in public esteem held by Prime
Minister Frost and 'his Govern-
As is eustoma.ryethe Speech from
the Throne, read at the opening
of the House by the Lieuten,etit-.
Gevernor, reviewed the progress
of Ontario during the past year
and sketched a program 'Of 'con-
tinued development with financial
aid. from the Ontario administra-
tion to .local municipal govere-
ments, particularly in education,
highways and public 'welfare. The
Prime Minister also announced
that Ontario's business being the
first charge of Members of the
Legislature, There could be no
shortening of the present Session
in view of the Federal election
but, of course, Members of all
parties, would be expected to do
their duty also as citizens of Can-
The first week of the Session,
as is necessary, was mostly taken
up with organization work and
social engagements, The serious
work of the legislative committee
commences with• the second week.
If. one is to judge by the program
outlined, in the Speech from the
Throne, all Mcfnbers and oommit-
tees.will have a very busy time this
E. Wawanosh Calls
For Gravel Tenders
A. J. McCrackin Dies
After Long Illness
BLUEVALE — There passed
away in Wingham General Hos-
pital after a long illness, Alex-
ander James MeCraekin, of Blue-
vale, in his 76th year, Bern in
Donegal, he was the son of the late
John and. Elizabeth Posliff Mc-
Be is survived by his wife, Mina
Julia Fox, three daughters: (Lila)
Mrs. Harry Goll, Belgrave; (Vera)
Mrs. Stanley Moffat, Bluevale;
(Beth) Mrs. Clarence Goll, Morris
Township; also one son, Lorne,
who resides at home. Percy Mc-
Crackin of Listowel, and George
MeCraeltin of Rimby, Alberta, are
brothers of 'the deceased.
He retired, from farming eight
years ago, and came into this dis-
trict from Moles-worth in 1940.
The, funeral took ,Place on Friday
efternoon rem theeBluevale Unit-
0•COurelt, Rev. R. A. Brook, con-
ducting, the service, during which
e duet "Good Night teed Good
Morning" was sung by Mrs, Alex
Corrigan and Charles leoefman.
The Pallbearers, were nephews of
the deceased:, George ! and ,Rose
McCrackin, of ListOwel; Kenneth
and, Roy Nethercott, of
Cecil 'Grainger ofd Gerrie and
Russel 'Fox of, Landon, The flower.-
bearers, else nephewse were' De-
Witt, and Gordon Adams, of Wrox-
eter, Murray, McCrackin ,of Lis-
towel, :and Jack Lowe of Brussit,
1A, temporary interment was made
in Winghana Cemetery 'chapel,
later in Wroxeter Cemetery,
We won't vouch for • this
item of Information, but it's a
delightful tale:
Once upon a time in China there
lived a craftsman who became
famous for his jewel boxes and
cabinets. These he finished with
the juice from a tree; giving them
a satiny gloss. His name was Ting
Pain and it became synonymous
with smooth; gleaming surfaces.
Written' in western style, Ting
Pain became Pain Ting. And that,
the legend claims, is the origin of
our word, "paint".•
• Can (jou -400;015,000
in your fUtpt?
Pori don't need a er'yital bell
to wee your hainciit filture.
An Investors: 8yiktliditi OW%
iriV M*0 poor Attenciel
*heath* come itue, Ilfik it
ever s'oeon with On Investor
repriseatitive — best
frieric.1 hrtancially." Cull or
'no's: A: Jartiin
ritont, 141
WING 11,01, ONT,
Pitone on
1 rt v o. iii t o r!
syndicat e *A A ,,, . 44 iir . i ,r ii 'O. Y 10.
w t,
.404.04 *Ifikiiii.liw ilMell 0 i*PiiiiiiiPAttrkil
*pi 000 t; .. i . ottm . . oooooo 000 tttt ttttttttttt ,,,,1„1,,,1,,,,,1„I”11111411,,,,,,11,111,1111 ..,111ll llllllll I l lllll 1.0 ,1000 ........
Aid You Know That
.Dairy products are still your cheapest
food item?'
ong with our CREAM • TOP'and
741 tit try our
serdal treat and guaranteed' to $hip.
11A-TESON'S Model pairy
Phone 74 • Wingham
• •
.4711101 .... ............ .... .. 111H1,11.401, ....... 0.0.”.A..0.1 001 .000 ...... U 00 . .... 0 .0 ;1 .... . . .... 6. . .................... a
40,..amosolim.40.4l, 0;
Make Valentine's Day a 'gay romantic
chapter in the 'sweetest story ever told'.
Give n truly sentimental gift from our
costnetie department. Remember your
money always buys value at your Rexall
Store — whether you buy Valentines •or
Vitamins . . or any of your DAILY
NIMBUS for Health, Hygiene and Person-
al appearance. •
,Faberge Colognes .& Perfumes
from $2.00
Fancy Soaps — Yardley. and
Nizabet,h, Arden from 50c cake
Chocolates - Valentine Hearts
from $1,25
Regular boxes with Valentine
motif from $1.00 - $3.50
BILLFOLDS —' Lovely Bux-
ton Brand for men and, ladies.
A welcome gift •
from $2.95 $7.50
(1St artiVed a beautiful assortment 'of
priced,from 80c $3.50
Austeraft. Valentines are on display.
Choose yours today.
F ;1e utif
DRUfi 0 •P.;
RXPENSIK PAM tftlilt* TO Art w”
Progressive Conservative
Noliiinating Convention
To select a candidate for March' 31
Dominion Election
'own Hall, Hanriston
riday,Feb. 14
Marvin Howe
Federal Member in 22nd & 23rd Parlia-
Ments and others will speak
EverybocIN Welcome
Wellington-Huron PC Assoc. — G. Fraser Smith; Wes.
H. M. Grata, (IX, Secretary J, W. Bueblield, Q.C., Treasurer
.... m mm ... I m ummmmmmmmmm ... m ... .. mmmn ... mml.! .. mimilimmmAomm .. wmm11 n ""4,
ed Front Grocery
Phone: Our Prices Are Lower Free
590 We Keep Down the Upkeep Delivery
WE ALL LIKE Save 14c
Maxwell !louse
Instant COFFEE
6 az. - Reg. $1.29
Mc off) 1,1
2 ,1-c;
,Sae 17c
with Chili. Sauce
• 20 oz. -qack..2"for SOU
4 ;
6 for $1,00
Save ll— e
Blue & Gold - 1 j oz. — Reg. 2 tor
Redpath Gram:dated .10 lbs. op
Estney Red ()ohne 7% or.
SALMON' , 2 for 67c
York 16 oz.I1 ason
Peanut Butter .. , 45c
Dainty . 2 lbs.
White RICE .... 33c
Pure Mack 4 oz.
vs. oz.
Walnut Pieces .. 39c
Kaduna (2 cup)
TEA BAGS , 43c
2 pkgs.
Shredded Wheat - 39c
No. 1
75 lbs. $1.69
10 lbs. 29c
This is a 'Welcome to Winghatn" Bargain Store
011111111111, llllllll 110111fitt.1.111111gr,
in Glazed, Border,' or Regular they're all outstanding.
TISSUE GiNdiAMS . . in Delicate" Pastels
in Soft- Plain Shades and Stripes, so suitable for Shorts, Slim Jims, etc.
in Plain Shades, ,Tweed Effects and Reversible Plaids,
ve' ate certain to filet the pattern to side your requirements in Morals, ivy League,
Min Shades, Etc. -0- All at PoUtillar triees.
M, •47
%IA Mitt AilvetteeeInneeie Weititea.doIa .14.b1 itr 141 tuts TAKE PART IN Attendance nn4 •
ACHIEVEMENT DAy At Powell' s Euchre
Busy Week at
Tile Hospital
The East Wawanosh Township
council met on February 3rd with
all members present, the reeve pre-
siding. The minutes of the meeting
held on January 13th were read
and adopted on motion of Hanna
and McGowan.
Pardon-Buchanan—Mutt a grant
of $25,00 be given to the Huron
County Soil and Crop Improvement
Association, Carried,
McGowan-Hanna—That council
order 700,e pouhde of warble fly
spray powder froM the Belgrave
Co-operative, Carried,
Buchanan-Purdon — That t h
road and general accounts as pre-
sented, be passed and Raid, Carried
Hanna-IVICGowan--That the toad
superintendent advertise for ten,.
Ors to crush and deliver on the
road, 6,00.0 cubic yards of five-
eighth screen and 2,000 , ctibie
yards of ,11/2 inch screen gravel,
tenders to be received by the reed
superintendent On Of 'before one
o'clock, March 4th, 1958, ,Carried.
my-law No, 12, 1957, the Granby
Municipal 13 )ranch, was read the
third and final oleo.
Puteloeeleuchenen—That Ry‘law
No. 12, 1957, be passed as read the
third time, Carried,
By-late No, 4, 1958, toad wool-
ditnre, was read the first and see.
end times.
UcCtoWari;Ilatina---That ByAlaw
;Two shows each night.
First at '7115
'111 1) 0AY TUESDAY ANL)
V,YEDNE$DAY, 41/AC11 WEllele
Theelejay, Friday, Saturday,
• J!ehruary 13 - 14 - 15
south: sea island adventure
Melodrama concerning the
descendants of the mutineers of
the "Bounty".
"The Desperadoes
Are In Town"
The story .of a teen-age boy
who tune away from home and
beeomee involved with a group
of outlaws.
l then often caused by lazy kidney ads •
• aitrier When kidneys get out of order,
el** add* and wastes remain in the
*Wein.; Then backache, disturbed rest
eeeltattieed-out and hem-headed feeling
illy soon follow. That's the time to take
„..•Duds Kidney Pills, Dodd's, stimulate
normal ietibie Then 'you
feet hdter=sleep:•better—work better.
Get Diddei Kidney Pills now. Si
Cjoyne Higgins Ends.
Term as, Chairman. ,
ot Library Board,
BLUEVALE Le The Fuelic W-
inery Hoard.• held their annual.
Meetitig"en Ttiteeday, February 4th.
Tile Seeetrettee Mrs. Harry Hillott,
eperted the circulation in 1e57
vas 2,153 books, .an increase over
956 of 301 books. Mr. °levee
Higgins, who has been chairman
of the board for over ten years,
handed in his resignation, This
was regretfnlly accepted by the
During the years. he was in office
. he took a great interest in the
library, espeeially in the recently
erected library building.
The expenditures for 1957 were
$3e6.1.7, 'and 'total receipts Were
'-$406:22, leaving a balance of $60.05,
Part of the expenditures were .the
• purchase of new books for the
children's section and an addition-
al ,sum to the County Library for
more books for adults. -
john Fischer lies. been appointed
the new chairman of the board
and Mrs, Elliott was re-appointed
sec,-treas. Other members of the
board are; Mrs. James Johnston,
Mrs, Gordon Mundell, Mrs. Bert
Gaieties, Miss R, Duff,- Rev. R, A.
Brook, George Thomson, Mrs, Ar-
nold Lillow; Mrs,-Elmer Sellers and
Miss R. Duff are the selecting com-
mittee for the new year.
The library fills an instructive
educational and recreational need
in this community. The library
association, aware of the important
work the library can do and is 'do-
ing, would like to increase its
membership.. Those Who partici-.
pate in this community enterprise,
will find it of groat interest and
benefit to themselves, as well as
being a help to the library's pro-
gress and success.
BLUEVALE — The 4-11 Club
course "Working^ With Wool" was
the feature of the girls' Achieve.
meet Day pregramme, held in
Wingham High. School, for the
East Huron District of the We,
men's. Institute,
The Bluevale Belles, 15 In Tam-
her' under the leadership of Mrs.
Charles Mathers, exhibited their
work, attractive woollen skirts,
and took part in the programme.
Their neatly decorated notebooks
were on display as well,
Much credit goes to Mrs. Mee
there for her expert leadership.
Some of her Class at the be-
glening of the , califs°, were
totally h\exPerienced in sewing,
and se have done a remarkable
job in turning out their finished
The names of the club girls tak-
ing part were; Elaine and •Gail
Kirton, Susan Sellers, Mary Craig,
Brenda Breckenridge, Kay Johns-
ton, Dorothy and Edith Shaw, Ann
Peacock, Joann Voght, Thelma
Dowling, Nancy Taylor, Doris and
Margaret Paulin, Phylis Grant,
Certificates were awarded to
Kay Johnston and Gail leirton, for
finishing courses 7 and 8 and 1 and
2, respectively.,
a eleeeteeen prettily decorated
for Valentines Day by the :teacher,
Miss Wightmon and her pupils,
thirteen tables of euchre were ht
play last Friday evening,.
Good. weather and pietorial pub-
licity by The Wingham Advance-
Times added to the crowd to boost
the fund 'of the Turnberry Swim,
Wing Pool, • •
The high prizes went tO MrS.
Robt, Hogg and Jim 411104. Low ,
prizes went to Mrs. Harry. Adams .
and Gordon Wray, A social hour
was spent during which time lanai
was served;
The next etichre Will. be held on
Friday, February 21st, 'at .8,30 and,
will be in charge of Mr, and Mee.
Norman Ross and Mr, and Mrs,
William Ross,
The annuzil meeting of Knoe.
Presbyterian Church will take
place on Wednesday evening,
February 12th, Preceding the
meeting a supper 'will be served
at seven o'clock by the Ladies' Aid.
Mrs, Wm. Purdon, of Lecknew
and daughter Barbara, were guests
at the, home of Miss Mary Duff on
A group, including Mrs. 'Jas.
Johnston, Mrs. Mei Creig, 'Mrs.
Eldon Kirton, -Miss le, Duff,
of the Women's Institute, attended
Achievement Day in Wingham.
The council of the Townehip of
Morris met in the township hall on
February 3 with all the members
present, The minutes of the last
meeting, were read and adopted on
motion of 'Gordon Wilkinson and
Ross Duncan.
Moved by Ross Duncan, seconded
by Gordon Wilkinson 'that council
grant $25.00 to the Salvation Army.
Moved by Walter Shortreed, sec-
onded by Stewart Procter that
council give a grant• of $25.00 to the
Huron Crop Improvement Associ-
Moved by Boss Duncan, second-
ed by -Walter Shortreed that the
road accounts as presented by the
road superintendent be paid.
Moved , by Walter • Shortreed,
seconded by Stewart ,Proctee that
we .,advertise for tenders to supply,
crush and deliver approximately
1e,000 cubic yards of, gravel
through a , % inch ecreen, Tenders
to . bee in by o'clock noon,
March 1,,
Moved by Ross Duncan, second-
ed by Gordon Wilkinson that we
advertise for tenders to supply
1,000 lbs. of Warble Fly powder,'
tenders to be in by 12 o'clock noon,
March 1.'
Moved by Stewart Procter, sec-
onded by Gordon Wilkinson that
we advertiSe for applications for
warble fly inspector -at $1.00 :per
hour plus 7 cents per mile; truck
driver at $1.00 per hour; and help-
er for warble fly spraying at 85
per hour.
Moved by Stewart Procter, sec-
onded by Walter Shortreed that the
meeting adjourn to meet again on
March 3 at 1 p.m..' Carried,
The following 'accounts were
paid; Salvation Army, grant $e5.00;
Association of Rural Municipali-
ties, fee, $10.00; Municipal World,
subscriptions $24.00; Huron Crop
Association, grant, $25.00; Garner.
Nicholson, , fox 'boenty, $2,00;
George Taylor, fox bounty, .$2.00;
Stanley Cook, fox bounty, $2.00;
Jack Higgins, fox bounty, $2.00;
Brussels Telephone, tolls, $5,85;
Albert Cardiff, insurance on hall,
and shed for 3 years, $79.20; Geo,
Martin, telephone calls, $2.40;
Stewart Procter, telephone
$1,00; Tile Drainage Loan, $1,800.00;
Tile Drainage Loan, $900.00; Re-
lief account, $15.00; Dept, of High-
ways; Wheeler Drain, $260.00;
Ratepayers on Lamont Drain,
grant, $2,747,14; 'Township of Grey,
grant on Lament Drain, $1,675.93;
Ratepayers on Cole Drain, grant,
$1,174,53; Ratepayers on Murray-
Lamb Diehl, grant, $477.80; Town-
ship of Grey, grant on Murray-
Lamb Drein, $114,47; Ratepayers
on Nichol brain, grant, $2,685.79;
Township of Grey, grant on
Nichol ,Drain, $8.88; Village of
Btuseels, grant on Nichol Drain,
WM; Ratepayers On Ereeken-
rid,ge brain, grant, $1,443.22,
Gee, Martiln Bailtie6cPvitetrott,
Woman Overcome
At Chimney Fire
Wingham. firemen 'answered a
call just after Atipper on Thursday
everileg Whith took them to the
home of Mr, and tIVIrs, Prank
Stamper on Highway 87 between
illuevale and Wrorcter.
The fire Was tonfined to the
ehinaneY •in Which it originated, but
t proved a particularly Stubborn
One to extinguish, Se 'much Stnolo,
poured into the home that Mrs.
'Staihpet Weit Overdone an fire.
4144404, X4114 ,$Q
A Ott% mound, or earth, a granite
stone •
That -spells his name, itiarits ihea ftee three—.
We joy he hroeghe in life, in
death has fiewe,
AO heartbreak lives with loved
ongee-and with rne,
Forever will he haut my memory,
As (rpm his mother's side, into the
He dashed With shout Of joy---then
A sleh I ning, thud-as flesh and
metal meet; ' a
He lay there, pale .and broken,
stilled his cry,
A 'crimson halo moist beneath bla
I knew 'at „once, and cried 'Dear
God, that
And not this little Child, might lie
there, ,dead:".
The officers,e the coroner, were
There WAS no guilt, according to
yet, they would 1i1101116 could they
but, read my mind,
That "heedless inattention', was
the- muse! •
I was not really speeding at the
Five miles above the law, perhaps,
or ten, •-
What I had done could not be
. called a crime—
But, oh, only I could take that
drive again!
For in . the night I hear that
• mother's,shrielt,
Co-otineling with 'my brakes in
tortured scream,—
I shudder—and my 'heart and soul
orow 'weak
To wake and know it's not a ghast-
ly dream: • . . •
'Tis true the law absolved, me him
Thealgl 'blame,uilt that dwells within is
I kireidne ?a ltIllottn: Ice boy, and carved his
Upon my conscience—as upon his
By Edward J, Allen, Chief of
Police, Santa Ana, California
No, 4, 1958, be passed .as read the
third time and two copies sent to
the Department of Highways for
approval, Carried.
Buchanen-Purdon—That Council
advert* for tenders for warble
fly inspector, sprayer operator and
operator's' helper and be reccivee,d
by the clerk on, or before March-4,
at one o'clock, duties to start. on
April '10th: Carried.
Road. Cheques
Stuart aNicHnrney, salary,. $179.00,
total, 481.93; Wm.
wages, $100.00; Fred Dea-
cono Wages, .$88,40; Vance's dreg
store, starting, fluid, ,$14.00; Alex-
ander's hardware; bolts, etc,, $5.80;
ReaVie Motors, two c rowbars, $5.00;
Wiegharie Advance-Times,• adver-
tising $1.00; Ross. Jamies6e, snow
removal, 'at•$4,00 per hour, sanding
'at . $3.50 per hour, $171.00;
'G, Radford, 137 hours snow remov-
al, at $7.50, $1027.50; Canadian Oil
Co., 200 gallons fuel and tax,
$80.40; James Lamont, towing
grader, $8.50; Receiver General of
Canada, income tax, $1.10.
General Cheques
Huron County Soil and Crop Im-
provement Assoc,, grant, $25.00;
W. B. Gibson, premium on spray
policy,. $70.00; MuniciPal World,
supplies, $22.27; Norman Pocock,
one fox bounty, ,$1.00; Donald
Cook, one fox bounty, $1.00.
Hanna-McGowan—That council'
adjourn to meet March 4th at one
o'clock in the 13elgrave community
centre. Carried.
Orval L. Taylor, reeve
R. 1-1. Thompson, clerk.
U a a a
a a
• Douglas Richard Klipatrielril
foucknow, was brettglit to the
wiposin Hospital on Thursday
after he had suffered a fractured
celler bone while basket-
ball, Detained at, the lioapltal, he
is in satisfactory condition.
Fifteen-year-old fiobert Temple-
man, son of Mr, and Mrs. Harry
Templeman, Gorrie, was confined
to the hospital here after he had
injured his ankle while skating,
Robert Musgrove, 12, son of
Stewart Musgrove, Wroxeter, was
treated at the hosptal after he was
struck over the eye by a flying
puck in a pee-wee hockey ga me,
Several„,stitches were required :te
close the gash,
Rev. Murdy Getty was treated at
the noeptal on Saturday evening
after a car accident in Turnherry
Towaehip. He euffered chest ,con-
tusions and a knee injury,
Thp 'condition of Mrs, Albert
Bright of Meaford, most seriously
injured of those who were involv-
ed in a ahree-car 'accident near
Teeswater on Sunday, was reported
on Tuesday to be in satisfactory
condition at the Wingham Hos-
pital, She suffered severe facial
and head lacerations and shOck,
than two hours before she was
back to normal,
e. bet ""How do you
P.k to the best ativautafe?"
'"'Brake, dear, it isn't
you. Apply; it that's ge
It's. . On whom you -apply
makes the -clifferenee.“
"ow qefte
,,svimattAN miZeti 34 to 40 - rag,
SPECIAL , , $14.99
men worked over her for MOO be,
No damage 'other than that cams,.ii ly od by the smoke, was do "The Freon Store° thine to the;