The Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-02-12, Page 81,01All IGIFP073F.I.G.6411.2111061. 44111:14.11.1;14.7.,9111321)011.0..010•4444•01,1141,R.0111.11,111,10114,111INI-Gill.050.96=1,9 Here's the furnace that pays for itself 4! W , ESSO FURNACE A PLEASURE TO BUY Percy Clark EsSo urning Furnaces have such a =record of economical •op- .eratRN that many users claim the furnace is completely paid for out of fuel savings. Find out about the extra-easy credit terms which make a PLUMBINtk HEATING MR CONDITIONING Phone 255' Wingham Thurs.,Vett 2•0 te 8.30 pan, 6II IT IF ave You .Got •Most ,of have at This iim'e ,of Year.-:4369104 e brought np to 'date . . payroll records to belotal)ed . and - 'goodness knows bow many other .Iast' 'minute problems. t Risk inaccuracy! Mistakes can be unpleasant and expensive. There is only ONE safe way to =handle your part of the job. s. The new, , Smith-Corona adding machine guarantees per= feet totals ....as well as saving you tedious hours of work. • The Six.cblumn Smith Corona suitable for most • • businesses sells for only 'Se876-colutnn Oder $114.95 X129.95 wtAlit LIKE TOP -QUALITY BREAD BECAUSE of FLAVOR and FRESHNESS GUARANTra). 21c erm•nr......nneww• REMINGTON'S ' I.G.A. ... ; ... . ..... ; lllllllll,0i0m Irrq>Ir"IrillrrrU lllllllllll IIIIIIII/1 llllll II lllllll llllllll lllllllllll lllll lllllllllll llllll • Are you:ste iii your ,own borne? I. Do your fuses blow or breakers trip too frequently? 2. Do the electric wires ;n your Meuse get hot, or the walls ,around outlets get warm? 3. Are there any bare electric wires? 4. Have you replaced 15 amp. fuses 'with heavier ones? • '5 Have you had arty *lectrical work done by an unqualified el. ectrician? 6. Are outside wires rubbing on trees, roof or loose at buildings? 7. Do appliances, iron, kettles, op- erate too slowly? 8. Does your TV picture shimmy or shrink when other appliances come on? 9. Do you have to disconnect one appliance to plug in another? 10. Is your wiring in such ,conkii- tion that Hydro is costing you more than it Should? There's plenty rot room lOr doubt in every home. We will be glad 'lo make a FREE safety check for you. Phone us today, "LIVE BETIRP meermrcALtiri BURKE ELECTRIC teditnettiii, Home sad rarnii Wiring Motor Re-vind and Repair VONCJIAM PRONE 474 • WOO Wit ),04. IiIiY,YiiiliY10leelete eelrt11iiYl0me like aft the ii tell i ao eie Itin tie III iti en ai i WW1 00.1! 0 On 01100 i,44011011}1111 11 11 1 1 1 L t IS F I YI I 4 /1 /e l 1t Canadian National Electric Week FEBRUARY 9th to 16th emphasizes the hazards most commonly found in Canadian homes. Here are ten vital points for you to check for the 'safety of ,your family and property: • 'FOR THERMOMETERS, 1.10'1" WATER SAGS AND BrD PANS ,.. FOR YOUR FAMILY SICK ' ROOM NEEDS w AlUt SICK ROOM suinn.tEs VANCE'S DRUG STORE Best BoR CASH REGISTER Find out about the inost ec- onomical cash register available today/ Make Your Own Credit Terms Name your own %don payment. Balance as loM as $4.50 a monthI Low carrying charges. Vet Ott ilOpaslitara14,4atie(3413)tiesi Wedfleaday, Vela,. 12 Y'41% rinV MRS AGO • The firm of •Maxwell and Hill, • tailors and ,dealets. in ,gents' fern- 15hings. has been dissolved and Robert Mtincweli will continue the business in the old Stand, Mr. Wm, Bone heiS,. Moved his 'grocery stock from the Chisholm Block to the old post office stand in the Macdonald, Bloolt4 Mrs, J, Walton VeKibbon is visiting friends in Toronto. Mr, G, Graham, of Maple Creek, was guest of Miss Nellie M'. Wade fora few days last week, • MISe Lin% and Edgar. Barber have returned from a visit with their sister, Mrs, R. D. Mason, •of • Kineardirie, Mise Vera Holmes has gone to Toronto to take a special course 'of studies at Havergal Ladies' Col- 1ege, Barrister R. H. `Holmes ac- companied his. daughter to Tor,' onto, Dr, J, R, Macdonald was called to Blnevale on- Wednesday moth lag to see a pationt and was not able to return to Wingham until Saturday owing. to the severe • store'. Mr, F. W. Strielter, who recently. left for Southampton returned to• 'town on, Monday to take his old. positiOn in the ;Bell Factcity. Stricker's- famil will return to town in a few ,days. 0 -0 -0 FORTY 'YEARS AGO H, Musgrove's, many 'friends will be pleased to know that he has, been appointed postmaSter at' Wing-ham:He was Sworn in On ,Srit,• -urday morning and has tendered his resignation to the House, now in session in. Toronto,. Mr. and Mrs. Jelin Netterfieki of Kirby, Sask., are visiting --With relatives in -the vicinity. Miss Verna .Armour Of Toronto, visited - at the home of her parents, in ;Lower Wingham. • Mr, 'Nelson Rush, Hamilten,, spent a- few days at. the home of his. sister, Mrs, Thos, Fields. Mr. John Linklater, Teeswater, visited with his father, Mr, Win, Linklater, LoWer Wingham, - • Mrs. -Fenn • returned to her home in Parkhill after spending "a week with her .daughter, Mrs. Bergman, Centre Street.. Mr. :and Mrs, W. E. Norton and, family of Trenton are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. R. 1% 'Sp.1ge; VletorIci, Word has been received of the death o Wilbur Johnston who died in Bath Military Hospital in Vag,. land on January 20th, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Taylor visited with Beigrave friends. Miss -Claruiss of Elnevale and Miss Ishietee, of Wingham, visited with the latter's sister, Mrs. Miller Helgrave, TINVNTY4TirVg ''VRA.AS A.09 Mr, and Mrs, A. J, Wal4er .and daughter, Dell, attended the Nor- mal School "At Home' in ,Strat', ford last Friday. Mrs, W, J. Henderson left this week for Guelph, Niagara rails and Toronto, where she will visit for a few• weeks. Mrs, Hammond, Miss June and Master Everett have left to spend the remainder of the winter in London. and Montreal. Misses Olive Tiffin, Vivian Tif- fin and Leah, Robertson of town and Mime Mary Robertson of War- ton attended the annual "At Home" at Stratford Normal on 'Friday, Miss Helen Beattie left 'this week to take a course in hairdressing, permanent waving and all branch- es of beauty culture under the SUP. erviSion of Mrs. Jones of the Jones Beauty Salon in. Listowel. Mrs. Harold Hooper of ,Howielt slipped while engaged in milking and fractured her ankle. Marvin. Brown, '15-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Brown, taken.111 with flu a week ago Mon- day, on Tuesday had a had spell with his heart, He was a very filth boy last week, and we are pleased' to report be Is now on the road Ito recovery, Both the High and Puhlie Schools in Wingham bare beg) clesed until further notice by Dr R, L. Stewart, M.0,II„ due . to a severe outbreak of measles, It; is a long time since Wingham has bad Auch.en epidemic and this one -bee reached eueb porportions that 'it would appear to be making up lost time. ,• - Rev, Kenneth MacLean, .pastor of St, Andrew's Presbyterian Church went to Montreal on Tues- day to attend a ' meeting of the Senate of the Montreal Preshyter- Ian Church, The Public Library will be closed until Monday on account -.of the measles. 0 0 - 0 • FIFTEEN YEARS AGO Mr, and Mrs. Fred Spry were in Toronto over the week-end, . • Mr. and Mrs,' .1, .11. Crawford spent the week-end with relatives in Toronto. Lt, A. D:MacWillialn of Debert is spending a furlough with Mrs. MaaWitliam. A, C, Russell. Zurhrigg of 'Galt, Spent the 'week-end with his par!, ents, Mr.• and Mrs, Ezra.?2,iurbtigg;, LAC, Scott Reid, 'Radio .School. Clinton,. spent the week-end with his parents, Mr, 'and Mrs, W, M Reid. Pte, James Kenneth -CaSereore of Chatham spent the week-end With. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Casemate, Sgt. George Tervit has returned to Petawawa after spending a few days with his. -parents, Mr. and. Mrs. George Pewit. The Wingham . Cub Pack on Monday night invested four new Cubs, Williard Platt, John Hanna,' Ronald! Murray and Sam McAr- thur. Congratulations to. Mr. and Mrs, WEAK WIRING YS DANGEROUS WIRING This is Canidian National Elec- trical Week, an occasion when hoMeowners-. are reminded of the extreme danger inherent 'in faulty 'electrical wiring and appliances, The Warning-is realistic enough When one recalls the high percent- age of news stories where the cause of costly and sometimes fatal fires is listed as resulting from "faulty wiring", In ninny homes wiring IR weak because it wasn't built to take to- dayts tremendous loads. Not so many years ago electricity did not do much more than operate lights. Trertiendous ehringes have taken place recently, Available 'for use in the modern mine. are no less than 72 appliances, In 1030 there were only 20, Every day new electrically driven machines and conveniences are being readied for the market and as a result the lead on your' w firing system, is threatened With . 'new &Mends. It is not hard to ado why weak "Wiring ,IiiYstents and overloaded eleetiridal outlets ate rosoorisibie• for the largest hnoWri fire loss Canada "today, amounting to over 416 smutisily. This figure represents a innilaun national pro- Vern. Canada's electrical contractor's Are seriously concerned about the' intoblefit . of wait whim. they ;see pit In the Mimes, plants, offices and tcit`ea‘ they' are called to When NAOS blow and circuit breakers trip, The souudest solos- 'that can be worse Is 'to Seek the ittylvice of it dependable electrical contractor IO) can Midge you about the IOW eostty rosnloct ref intikitig your Sale tar Sate tiVAPatlY, /Out now 'youniett, FORUM THEME "EthiCatien---Wbo Should Pay?" is the subject for discussion on National Farm, Forum • February 3,7th, The breaticaet will originate . from Ottawa where the Canadian Conference OA Education is taking place. Gordon Hawkins, ,ASSOPiate eetor, Canadian Association for ' Adult Education will chair the 'broadcast panel eenalSting C, T. Armstrong president of Farm Women's Limon. in. Alberta; Pr. George Flower, director of the School of Graduate Studies, OritH ario College of Education, Toronto and Stan. 'Peakes, .managjeg dir- • ector Itidestriai Foundation .e. Education, Toronto, The advent of the Enesitip • ""Sputnik" . has created a greet deal of "'interest in the .standatils and emphasis on science in Cana- than schools, Are our children being fitted with the kind of .etlitett-' don necessary in this new scien- tific world? How are f4t1hoolfr to be. financed in the future? Should there be federal aid, to education? Should the provinees carry the> main burden? Discussion of these cinestions and others will ocean :in • Farm Forums across Canada when they consider the topic • . "Edirea- tion--Who Should Pay?" - Japan Is Subject Por Group On Tuesday, ,February the Wingham C.G,I.T, ' began their. mission study on japan with Mrs, A, D. IVNIVIAretiY's. group in charge. 'Following a sing-song, led by Mrs, G. W. 'Tiffin, Marilyn Chain- ney cerichteted a gtime,• "Twenty Questions;"" - using Japanese sub- jects, , • Mrs. McMurchy informed the 'girls that they would be learning about the Japanese teenager and his. life in an overpopulated country. This first evening was. devoted to edne.ation and, stressed th'e similari- ties and differences of Japanese and Canadian schools and pupils, The theme of the worship ser- vice was "Thai: we may apply our hearts unto wisdom". Eleanor Cloy' read the Scripture II Timothy 2:15. Under the .leadership' of - Joan Colvin the girls learned to count from one to five in. Japanese,, The girls then went • to their - troulls. :Business meetings' were held and the girls sewed on their mission projects, quilts,- baby nightgowns and jackets and health kits, The meeting closed . with. Taps. SurpriSe -Party A surprise party was heicl at the borne of Mrs, Roy MacDonald on, Saturday evening in 'honor. of Mary Helen MacDonald,' who left On Sun- day to attend SpOtton's., Business College,-in Toronto, The evening -was spent in .play,' ribs games dancing and .a "tie-: lieleus lunch was 'served:: .She wgs pteseuted with a radio from her friends.' - . • At the close of work on Saturday, the staff or EdIghOffers store, where .Mary Helen .has.been etn ployed fer:the past two years, pre-. Serited 'her with a 'train 'ailee, . , G. N. Underwood of Turnberry, who, on :Friday celebrated their 25th- wedding anniversary. It it had riot been that Rey. G. H, Dunlop -of Belgrave,:the United Church, minister has :mastered the art of skiing, Brick Church 'wetild have missed • several services both this winter and last, Mr. Dunlop goes As far as 'possible on the 'road and when drifts Make this travel impossible he transfers to his skis and continues on his way. Friends of Flight Sgt, Jack (Adel Bateson will he happy to know-he is back with his squadron in: the Near East, following a :terind in hospital and, a Convalescent 'home, Mies Betty Lloyd, Votonto, spent 'the week-end with her perents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H, Lloyd. .A.C, Jim Hamilton, of Exeter Plying Training School spent the week-end with his parents, Mr, and Mrs, W. C. Harniltch FAMILY INCOME An excellent method of having an adequate inatiranee estate for' the man with. a young family. CONS11,11— FRANK C. HOPMR —Representative— Canada Life WINCJ-IAM, ONT. Town Ha% Harrison Special Speakers to he announced Dext week, Rveryone Welcome God Save The Queen R, S, HETHERINGTON, DON AITCHISON', WinOtem - President • Hirrriston SeeretnrY See' 'the new Smith-Corona adder at Wingham Advance-Times !INGHAM vA--. ONT. In MildmaY see WENGER BROTHERS, Publishers 1