The Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-02-12, Page 7ii WINarhall:ON014ilt10„ WDNJD 118filta1AltY 140,06 GIRLS FROM AUBURN Lbbth A, 4 A' 1 .11k 4-11. Club members from many points in, North Huron gethered at the Wingliane Distrait Saturday tor their Achievement Day which eullninated the projiert "Working witit T60:444,arhig was directed by Miss Shirley Peatersoin, of Pinion, iforne, economist. Above, frone the lefteere'enipealireaiaof the Auburn Andetkei, Audrey Meehan, Shirley Drown, Petty lautigalut, Julie Buechler, latea4abeel*airder, Mary Maehan. They displayed wool SICTIO Mkt voinpani0.11 pieties. ' Advience-Tinitaalilth'io. eeee- YvOrme Pollard, of Brussels, is Seen with Ile elaraetiVe (fi$1111by of wool -skirt and compahlon pieeea at the Achievement Day on Saturday. Bliss pollard is one of the. girls with Coinity homors, 'baying poikaileted six projects. • —AdvanceaTinies -photo. HOSPital Association pea:tenth ware forenerlY had to go — , to city hospitala for this type -of William M. Rod 1 10 • ment is a tremplidoue improve- (Centinued from ketoe Ofie) exam nat n, The new Xray equip - the :hOSpetal–cluring the year apd meat; eaer thodinineti 'another 111-agg will open on Febru- has. been kept extremely baSaalece ary 12th, it was put into operation, • • . aaree ',report haileatee that every report; also achnewleaged • of wins the elonatiee of collections at week lit'' phi*: eat the hospitaahad iterotsed mzelible .veroeotttee of prayer be the , As: ' 1 41 f ring tile ,Inno; twelve tn, nabs. eecelleze. . le co-operation o , ,oad ,'.he Advanee-Thees. 0. dalleeeieveeage of pati te . order- cam in:1957- was- 97' as eqm- " 94141nan 'iVIII9Ltan an:4' 4*. D - both eapossed ip- -1•14red, with /8.in 1906. ' • • . . rhianedel WOO a Other Speithere the. aloard'e finance ' eammittee. -Dr. W. A. McK16bon 'spoke,- his spoke of the hospital as a major eppeeciation to Mrs. Money,- the business which had agrees, revenue ,star, board and auxiliary fOr the Of , $279,363.06 in the Year 1907 effort which results in steal a fine Sabeies totalled • $181,902; food Institution in Wingham, He re - eta, 440,404; fuel, $10,341- drugs. grettee - the small attendance at, $13.978,a. " the annual: meeting, the only op - Tao emerged with all portunity for ..public discussion of operating aeficit of only. $2,a4. for hospital -affales,.. the year, - before depreciation, T, Critickshaelc conernend- The chairmen said that a large eci Lai who haae a waa io toe oia • pieeiation the Auxiliary acre ets- eislince to the hospital, „ . A.. D. MiteWallittere, chairman of 11r0Perti011 or the hospital's exix!ll- exertion and administration of the . (attires are made in Wingliam and hospital, aed said he never misses the surrounding .towns, since sal- an opportunity to tell outsider e of , •aries and wages represent such a the fine institution we tape... In bigproportioa of anatomy Spent.. WillOha „.. , . Mareagenleat KePort. . Nor,Miep Weiwood Inquired about Roy Cousins, chairman • ol , the the actualetatus of the Hogpital management - coautittee,. peal tel- Association and whether or not it bate to Mrs. IVIorrey, wheelie said was the policy to solicit membee- alwaya kept the hospital running shipa..in the 'Aesbciation, , • smoothly despite help ehoetages„ ' - ., it The chairman said Chat • Was • More ,Space Needed? , not the policy to seek Members, Mr, MacLean spoke of the 'over- but that membership could be had : crowded conditions at, the hospital 'by: the aayinent of $1.09 to any And said' that,. it Was poSsible that beard Member, at the hospital of- , .antither :addition would be needed fie dr front the secretary. , ,in the foreseeable Mute, Mat Ude He said that ' the etalus until • thought in mind the one-storeY 1937 -had been that of, a* private , ehonle patients' Wing, reeentlY hospital.. At that 'time all shares completed, had been ,i3lanned to were turned over to the A.118PCILL., • take a Second Storey if lioeeeSarY, titre and control ilow rests entirely illiclaa acaaY footings had ' been with the board. , , placed 'wider' the wing and the, roof DeWitt Miller said he was -not 'War do "118trilat(16 that; a ' second in favor of thinking of the hospie storey could be added withOuladiee to as a ausamas, but rather as it terbing the patients on the preami vital eervioe to the community. He floor, . ' • ' e •also voiced tire -opinion that if Mrs. -O. a Mode l' aaported the a ',8'44 :3f. .,Itell4,00a Of ft further .• activities of the- -Ladles' Auxiliary "16re • addition beiha heeded, the ilea ,Wthe noSidtal, air orgaillzatlo - and possible builaing, program W ilke bits 100 meinbere working should be etudled at , once, rather fa he benefit of the lesatution, . than waiting Until netiOn is Urgent - :been accomplished during the Saw j'Y required. * A 11/4 ' bad the money which had . beta thought In this ought P. L, Davidson, raised by rummage' sales and . tag loaner board chairman concurred. days, The Auxiliary looks haat allRe' said that flit.ImPleimallailoll the Inendlege and makes eliundreda of the natiMial, health plan Is lille/Y to increase demands Oil thk 110$1/i. of pieces each year. ,. • • Me, Cousthe said, that the Staff Lat. , ' ' • . is tow up to 132 pe)'ienis, as cm - 'pared With 127 in the previous year, Chairmae ft C. ' MiteLetea ex - Pressed regret that two 'Members; Of the board, It. 11, Lloyd, their - Man of the build/lig tionatittee and la, la, Arreitage, ,chaianual, Of the property aotainittee, had eteted their Intention Of resigning, from the booed,' Mr. MiteLean said that both mire had served the hospital eiteeltentiy, . Since beither Me, Lloyd- nor Mr. tetiitage 'Was present the chair. i reported briefly for • their .00minittees, He said that an emcee aeney power Plant Md been ile, Stalled to take tare Of arnergeftcy lighting and operatien .0 the boll. ors. A new electro-eardlograph nuieh,, • inc is alarallig a great Won to heart She' outlined the Work Which has BMW Mrs, Wiatek Scott will be edia Vetter of the health Meeting of the telg•rove Wrianalas inaltute an' Vebreary 18th In the cornitanity emare. Itoh call will. he answered by nainiiig someone wild haa Worked fOr better -health. MO. Carl Proeter will be in Charge of the ,o panel disetiesioh Will be held, led by Mrs. Kenheth. Wheeler, assisted by Mrs, O. to - gait, Mrs. 11. Vititent, Mrs, 0, NI. eholson. and Mrs Cf. tosmen, Mrs. 'Sohn Anderson, Mrs, Cart Procter ' and Mrs, Albert Vincent, will servo ,latielit FunerailVfonday William ,Melville Reid, , a resi- (lent of Winglatin for &mot: 00 raas, • died; at the, .Beek, eateineeriai aiuutoriem. Londoo on: priday. He had • been ill for, the%past six months; Mr. Reid wa$ 77 -yeas` of • , ag•e; . • , A :native, of ,Cuirese Townehaa he wag a son of the late WilliiMaReid and Jaee. Roceieing las earlY education in CulroSe,- lie,•faietted at home until 191k-ea:heir- '-rinteVed to Wingliane- d eater4a, the em- ploy of theaWeetern.-.POOndrY!, 0,s a molder,: retiring la? 1948.aIa he was married • to the finite) Martha Wheeler, of,. Reid wits a anernbere efa, at Andrew's Presbyterian Ohara, and for many years • was ' ateleht rneinber of the Wieghams Citizens'. pima., • ;„ • , 1 Surviving besides his* wife are three daughters; - Moe, 1Morley (Evelyn) • Kirklafid, "'Fort Mrs. Jack (Mildred) Hillman, Tor- onto; Mrs. Lee (Louise) Simpela Torontot and one son, 'Scott, of Wingham. There are two sisters, Janet of Teeewater. and Mrs, Wil - lien) Porter, Toronto, He was Pre- deceased by three sisters' and one • brother, There are four grand- children and one great-grandchild Service was beta at the fa A Currie 8i Sone funeral home at two o'clock on Monday•, with Dr. A. Nimmo in charge, and laterment at the Wingliani . Cemetery. The Pallbearers weae Harry Town, R, Lloyd, J. H. Irwin, Norman CaMeront Herbert Puller and Wil - awn Harris, FloeVerbearers, Roy Bennett and Charles Hodgina 1 'Mission Band Meets, St. Andre8,,A Church • The February meeting of St, An- drew's Presbyterian Miesieh Band was held in the' alinday School • room -on ;Monday bf last week, and 46 children answered. the roll Oita Marianne Cruickshaek Opened the meeting with a prayer, The hymn, "Cod Sees "the tittle Spar- leSW Fall", Wee sung. '11)0 23rd Psaltn was read by Jayne %Ake -r, Joan &millet:le mid Paul Gard - tier were the offeetOry ushers and Terry Gardner led In the offertory prayer, ' The birthday song was sung as those having birthdays in Feline- aey"droPped their pentle$ inter the birthday cake. The children' enj9yed "sing -song time", aod the hymns sang, were hte Waal Little Heeds", "Only A. toy Named David" and "How Did Moses Cross the Red Sea", A lovely • doet was sung by Linen Cruiekshank and judy Add. The ehildren, divided fide taro groups 'tor story:time. Mrs. Cooley and Mrs. ,Cooper" led the senior elaSi and Mrs. Mowbray And Mrs. Forsyth,. the Pallor claes-, 130th groups joined togethet for the closing diyiriti end the Meeting Closed With the Miaiion ttand prayer, LADIES OF 'UNITED CHURCH MET Kt PELGRAVE—Tlie regular Meet- ing of the Wernan's Missionary So- elatY and tha Woloiure Asiroelation of Knox United Meech was heal Weeleeteley aftelataan Pt the eilunch. Tae theme of the W.A theeking 'Was -"Take Tiani my lialtd and lead ale throuah the der. This 'was read by the preeklent Mre. Icenrieth Wive/ea allindee vere reed by Mae Cecil alharieney and the' treitearer's report, ithoveleg t balance on' hand of $1383.66 was road by Mr5, J. al" Oetatee. The member e agreed to eland $19,00 te the -March of .Dimes. - Mrs, Wheeler thauaed the ladles ter their help ,at ebecongregation al dinner, The group decided to hold a, bagitar next tala and Mrs, Wal tar Seat expreSsed thanks for all cionations to the 'bale, it Was agreed that there would hot be any charge made to Anglicioakallee foi the use of the glaesee, but if any :were broken, they would be placed. It was decided to have Holiday Bas .With 'the Nine Line group to make the belb. It was also decided to change the price of the flower sprays from five to eight dollars. The 'W.A. agreed to pay for the Observers sent to the congregation Mre. C, A. Krug,- vice president, Was hi charge of the W.M.G meta lag, opening With a Wrenn aolloWede by prayer. The treasures report was read by 'Mrs, George Martin, the minutes by Mrs. Earl Anderson and the gift fund *ay Mee, Jesse Wheeler, , Wheeler, The offering was received and dedicated and the visits ter the sick and ' shut-in were :reported, Mrs, George .MichiaChristian Stewardeldp aecretary, slated Itbat the allocation, for 1958 was' $230.90, A letter from Miss Christine Is- bister was read, stating that $100 had beengiven to the group for the week of the society in the name of Mrs, Joseph Miller, 'deceased; The roll call was answered by a verse of 'Scripture starting with the let- ter F. Mrs. Lyle" Hopper, supply secretary, steted that 02 pounds of goods were peeked in the bale 'and sent ail Toronto, • Ushers and plate collectora for the World Day of' Prayer .are Mrs. Herb Wheeler and Mrs, Albert Vin- cent, Mrs. Walter Scott offered a few words of Prayer far the, meme hers who have passed aWaYeana..a mimitels silence was Observed, iii which the group was asked to re- dedicate thentselves to the alocieOre ' The theme, of the worship ser.' Vice-, was "Looking to Christ and Not 'to Clureelves": with alrai Herb Medea:ea leader, opening with. TheScripture' 'from. Philippialis was read *by Mrs, C. R. Coultes„ 'A shrift talk. ,oa this passage 'was read by Mrs. Wheeler, The study period on "Convex -salons on Ja- pan", was' talon by 'Mrs. ,'Herb Wheeler, Mrs.' Lyle -Hopper, Mn. 'Albert 'Vincent end Mrs, John An- derson, The Meeting caved wale it hymn, and the 'benediction. Weekly Euchre BELGRAVE—Mrs, :Mark Arm- strong arta Herb Wheeler were tire high prize wiliners at the weekly progressive euchre party held on Wednesday evening in the conanua nita'centre. There' were nine tales in play. consolation prizes were won by Mrs.. Clarence Wade and Earl Noble, Novelty prize winners were Mrs. Bill Thuell, and Jesse Wheel- er. ' Club 20.Plays At Walgh Home BELGRAVE—Mr, Sad Mrs, Clif- ton Walsh weicemed the members of the Club- 20 group to their home on Monday evening of last week, when aft enjoyable time was spent playing- • progressive euchre, High prizes, were won" by Miss Ruth Howatt and 3amee R. Gout - tea Consolation prizes went to geg. Lewis •Stonehouee and Robeet Grasby, Linich was served. OffICERSI DIRECTORS MMD BY MORRIS TIVP FEDERRION 1310fARAVE—Merris Towoship Federation of Agriculture held its annual And turirey banquet in the Foresters' hail on fruacur petting ocrwist Week. The- national anthem wee sting 10;4 a toast to the Queen' Was proposed by the vice-preildent Ross Smith, Rev. Bryn eleVrier. said grace, Leslie Balt expresser a veite of thanke to the ladies of the Anglican. Church for their de' Melons banquet. Cie* johoson lee in 'a aing-song,. accompanied la Mrs, 4, M. Cotatta Art Bolton, aesistant agriculture' representative, ..spoke briefly and Introduced the guest speaker, Keith; agelcultural representative for Middleeeic County, ,who eeelte to the memberof the 4 -IT clubs present. To the others he stated that he thought the next six Menthe would be difficult ones for the formes, but felt that thingr would 'Improve by then, and sug- gested that good farm management and eloser co-operation between fearn organizatione- would help. James Mair expressed a, vote of thanks to the guest Speaker. Win- ston Simplon, president of Huron County Federetion, gave ,a few re- marks, He said that the farmers were asking 70 per cent of parity, 'Carl Hernmingway spoke briefly on care insueance. Simon liallitha,n 4-H _e'en club leader, made a few remarks, The auditors' report was given y -George Martin, Mr. .Shapton ,conducted the elm - of officers which resulted as fol- lows; Past president, Howard Wil- kinson; president, Ross Smith; vice Garner Nicholson; directoree No. 1, Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson; No,. 3 Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Yuill; No. 4 Mr. and Mrs, Ross Nichol; No, 5, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Grasby; Ne. 6, Mr, and Mrs: Joe Black; No, '7, Mr. and Mrs. .Stienley Helmer; No 8, Mr, and MO. Mel' Craig; No. 9 Mr. and'Mrs. Ross McCall; No. 10 Mr. and Mrs. Fleming Johnston; US:S. No, 3, Ma and Mrs. Pert Wear; No. 4, Mr. and Mrs, George Fisher, No. 8, Me and Mrs, Thos. Henderson; No. 11, Mr. and Mrs Ken McDonald; No. 12, Mr. and Mee. Mervin Ricianend; No, 17, Mr. and Mrs, Ted Fear. County directors, hog producers Albert Bacon and R, H. Coultes; cream producers, George Hether- ington and Dennis Langriclge; beef producers, Jim Main.; poultry, Ro- bert Wallace; county director, Ross Smith; lady county director, Mrs Carl Johnston; T.B, organization, Earl 'Anderson; aauditor, 'George Martin. in. Tmeeting closed" with. the eltiging of "0, Canada". , EIRORIS -NACU ,fiN TY IROADCAST • 'Perspective' portrays the 'tele of a weekly- newspaper in 001111111.1. - 'thy affairs as seen in a story about "The Editor", to be televised on the CBC -TV network on Sunda, February 16 at 5.30 p.m, Just how, and why, a weekly newspaper gets Involved in local issues becomes apparent In this' Story which begins when some' cal - gene agree . to sacrifice the local park, to encourage new industry The controversy finds the Weekly editor in the thick of It, Bad not entirely through choice, Unlike the editor of a big city daily, the Weekly editor takes a big chance when he takes a stand on local Josue% His readers expect him: to ktow everyone sad everything, and rely on him , to fight for those things they consider to be for the. good of' the community. The story of the 'park in Middle- town is typical of sityations ,arise in many Canadian coinmuni- ties served by weekly newspapers It provides an opportuidty to ex - &Mine the close -bond of coal -mon Interests between the -staff of a weekly newspaper and he readers Who may freely praise or criticise. but always look forward to their weekly hews, "'The Editor Is a thirty -minute filmed production of the National Film Board for the Perspective series on television. LAKELET GIRLS itthel HULIhuLU, left Mai Margaret Wallace, Were itivalag the repro. seeitatiVole Of thiola Janette test1e:4, Matiottat Spoke to the aUdititte aft, one platee of the pojct kk2daItoeTlftar5 photo. , . . . lugs. Is WEEK .BROTHER11001) ilou$1L iS ONLY AS %TROPIC AS ITS POVINDATION LIFE ,MEMBERSHIP ,PRESENTED WINS The February meeting of the Woman's Missionary Society of Wingham United Church was held In the school- room with Mrs, J. A. Fox in charge. She spoke on the theme, "Looking to Cheist'and Not to Ourselves", leaving the thought that we should not take any false Pride in Ourselves, but look to Jesus in prayer. The 'Scripture wits read by Mrs. Roulsten. , The study book, "Rebuilding, on Old Foundations in Japan" was re- viewed by Mrs, Lewis and Mrs. Fox told' of Japanese women who were rebuilding their epiritual lives and carrying on their church- es. A letter wee. read from Dr. Palmer at Hazelton, B,C„ thank- ing the auxiliary for the different articles Which they had sent for use in the hospital and chapel. The president, Mrs. Fingland, welcomed nine new rnernbers into the society, telling them that their help and inspiration is needed in the Mission work. • ' '• In recognition of her years of faithful work in' the atixiliary, Mrs Benson Crulkshank was presented with a life membership, the. gift of her sister, Mrs. F. R. Howson, Miss Laura Collar spoke to the meeting,' her subject being, 'Directl Answers to Prayer." She told of several instances 'where prayers had been answered in her • own personal life. As. this was the last meeting at vehleh Rev, D, J, MacRae would be preiene the president thanked him for the anspiratien which 'he had given to Elle aittaillary during his paltorate here and extended best wishes for his future. Mr MaeRae spoke about our ehristian- ity saying that it is the foundation of our faith and reminding the auxiliary to carry it from our owe) lives into the life of every person. This is done. by our rnissionary effort. .' At tae close of the meeting the ladies stayed for a social half hour. Sleigh Ride for Young People 'BELIGRAVE — About 30 young people, CGIT members and their friends, with their leader, 'Mrs. Ted Fear, enjoyeci a sleigh ride on Friday evening when -George Cook took the group out with his sleigh for a lengthy ride around the country. The group returned -to the church and played games arid enjoyed a lunch of saadwiehes tarts and hot chocolate. Special thaaks to Mr. Cook on behalf of the ,CGIT members for this enjoy- able evening. VELfiRAVE Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Saone of Londonspent the week -end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Alex 'Styles, Blllie and Patsy of Mienieo spent the week -earl with Mrs, Cora McGill, Mr. and MO, Gordon Wilkinson of Sinithialle spent the week -end With Mr. HoWard Wilkinson, Char- lie and Claytona and Miss Arndt Baker. Bridge -Club North -and Stith—First, Mrs. D. B. Fetter, Mrs. R, Manias; second, Mrs. F. A. Parker, Mrs. It C. Mite - Lean; third, Mrs, A. R, Mrs. Cl, Geakiii. East and Wet—Ilatet, MO', 3, A. 0, Haselgrove; second, Mies, C. Mister, Mts. Re H. Lloyd; third, MO. W. Henry, W. H. Preach. --Mr. Mel Keating of Eaeter spent the week -end ht his honie here. . VIIIITECHURCI-1 MITC1-1111T,&-4n Wingbain General alcisaitid, Prititiere Feheuitty Itli, 1955, to Mr. Mid Mit. joint Mitchell, of Whitechureit, &tighter, Rainbow Club Met Last Week The regular meeting of the MarY Hastings Rainbow Club was held on Tuesday of last week at the - home of Reta Drelanann, The Meet- • ing opened with. the Housewife's Creed and the Lord's Prayer in unison. Minutes of the last Meek ing were read and roll call was answered by 88 m.ernbere. Plans were made for euchre to be held ip the council chamber. The club received an invitation to at- tend the birthday party of the Onderich Sunset group on Friday, Feb; 7, and arrangements were made for some Of the ladies to at- tend. Te four ladles who volunteered to visit the older patients in hospi- tal were Marjorie Jeasen, Bertha Henderson, Winnie Lott and Ethel Aitchison. • The draw was won by ,Kathleen Aitchison. A couple of conteste were held and Lola Sanderson and Emily Elston won the prizes. Lunch was served ay Eva Bain, Velma Baleen, Georgina Crothers, Jean Sinnamori and Reta Drehmann. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 14 in the Legion home, with roll call to be answer- ed by "your pet peeve. The joint hostesses will be Marjorie Selling, Stella Cowan, Carrie Crulekshank RelSa Crernpten. and Olive Fuller). A 25c penny sale will be held., a WHITECIIURCII Th4 week -end blizeard arid cola spellealtered most a the traffic, in this district, except on alighweet 86. Church services were called off on Sunday, schools closed on Mon- day with not much hope of Open- ing on Tuesday as it will be some time before blocked sideroacla and concessions will be ploughed out. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Smith, and baby Kathie, of Toronto spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Chapman. East Wawanosh 'postponed their Friday night 'euchre as there was flu in so many homes. Dr. and. Mra. C. Hiltz, of Milton visited on Sunday with 'Mrs. Geo. ltileClenaghan and Mildred,. and their little son, Carl, 'who had been here for three "weeks, returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Walker and Clarence and Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Pardon visited last Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. W. A, Humph: rey. of St. Helens, Mu/ and Mrs. Walker and Clarence visited on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Johnston of Turnberry, Mrs. Lloyd Montgomery, Mr, and Mrs. Angus Falconer and Charles Robinson were at the Listowel boa - spiel on Saturday and Mr. Robin- son had -to spend the week -end at the heme of Mr. and Mrs. Mont- gomery on account of blocked roads. Mr. and Mrs. John Gaunt held a family party on Thursday night in honoile of Mr, Thomas Gaunt, who was celebrating his 74th birthday Twenty-four of the family and friends Were present and all en- joyed the evening playing cards. Miss Marjorie Coultes, of Guelph General Hospital, spent a, few days this week at the home of her parents, Mt and Mrs. Albert Coul- tes. Congratulations to Mr, David Currie, of Winghan) Who cele- brated ,his 87th birthday on Mon- day. Mr, Alvin McNall, who has been Working for Ur. James Coultee this fall, Was taken to London Hospital oh Thursday, suffering front com- plications of the flu. Mr. and Mrs. James Joheaton Of Turnberry were able. to take one of their month-old twine, Rata Anne hoine from the hospital on Saturday night. Mr. Robert Burchill made et btish, :floss trip to London on Friday. Mr. Harold Walker had the mis- fortune to drive hie car off the read into the erwaropy ditch by .Arbuckle's ea the 12th Collets. Mon oft ast Wawenosh Satur- day at the height of the storm when visibility, was nil. Neither he nor Mrs. Walker were lilac& Jimmie Taylor speat the Week, earl at the heme of his aurit, Mrs, Charles Robinson. Ur. Allan tarbour, of London, With a carload of young folks from that city; spent Saturday night hi the oar at ""ordyce amen They found the road blocked solid on their .way to the home of his pat - Mite, Mr. and Mrs. nroma Bar, botit. Nominal ticlabitaldajiloeted the road on Sunday for thein to rettirti home. Mr. ,A.Ittlit Pardon spent the 1141111. 0411:_4: SPEAKER. 'ATMS Tire monthly meeting, of the Wo- men's Missionary Society ,of St. Andrew's Ptesbyterlith Church was held, on 'Febtreery 4th, The president, Mrs. A. Mamma opened the meeting with it meegage on the meaning of the church. Mrs', Wilfnid MeKague read the )06.111/ - time and presented a short talon on the .sage. ates..00rdon Godkin offered prayer, ' A business session followed, duet, al' Know Whom I'Hava lieved"'by WS. POPPer and, Mrs. Vanderlcolk, acconvaeled by W. Ford, ‚was Much enjoyed, The distinguished guest :speaker, the Rev, Mot! Lail, from Jhansi, India, was introduced ''' 'Miss Marion Williernsee. Mr, Lail, who has recently completed a three- month evangelistic mission to .the Presbyterian Church in- British Guiana, is at present acquainting the church' In Canada With work being done in Central India:, Mt. Lan has been aesociated with the Rev, Angles MacKay in the Bible Schwa at JharL, evliere ev- angelists of, several Amon:Matter-a are trained' to carry the Cheisthih goefrel throughout the nation. : India is very consciouse*of -her need for , education' aacl- aspires to a $011091 hi evarYvillagt; 'Wbrova formerly evangeibm:wee largely be the illiterate, iterw the educated clasees are turning' to the Christian faith, The Indian Church, is now 'training itvolari.eworkere and 'is as- suming more and, Mete arearroesi- bilitY for Christian werk 'in the vast country. The printing presses are busy, Books are in great. 40- mand and the Indian, Charch is concerned that Christian literature be available to till this great need. Broadcasting the Christian mes- sage In several languages, every Sanriay evening throughent- a greet area, is spreading the message to those who have ,ne-Ver heard. The government has openedried, Cross centres Which arestaffed • by Christians and Oda are- ser - vice is bringing in nom -Cr:Inverts. Rev. Mr, Lail closed hia ing message with e raquhet for prayers on behalf Of the Gehumnh in India, • , •, • Mrs. N, L. Fry thanked tae speaker and following ii. hymn, Mrs, George Day 'closed *M. -meet- ing with prayer, week -end with Winghani ft -leads. Mr. and Mrs. George Kennedy left on Saturday to attend wed. - ding Sarnia. When they got to Grand Heed they returned home, finding the weather too bad. Miss Kathleen Fisher spent the Week -end with her allot, Mts. Da- vid Carruthers, of Ripley, end She and other Teeewater young, people were forced to remain there until Monday on account of the Storm. Mr, arid Mrs. Hector Purdoa and family, of Sarnia and las parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Pardon, of Lemke now, • visited on Sunday With Mr. and MO, Cecil Falconer. The Woinen's Institute lacliee have postponed their Tueedity meeting at Mrs. Albert Coultes' home until Thursday ana plan to hold a Vitlentibe euchte. Mr. Warren Sandburn was, able - to returri home from Wingtharn Hospital on Wednesday last. Night classes in winghson Dis- trict High School finished last Wednesday night. Those who at- tended froth here Were 'Mrs, E. at, Groskotth, avfts. L. Willis, Mrs. M. Mooreat the typing elate; Mrs, Carl McCleneghan, Mrs. Jae king In the sewing class; Miss Merle , Wilson hi the handicraft data • The er the United Church held 8. eteatirade patty hi the Sun- day Seheril tevent litet Tuesday eve- ning. ;Jetta Mettle. and • Witerne Farrier held high eteres and Met Russell Putdon and Wayne Martin held low Steres. All enjoyed ithe S6citleveliittlette Eghttl'of Vete in play In 5,8, Mo. 'I on Ptiday eve- ning, spontheed 'by Mr. and UM. Leeds Stonehouee, Mrs, Clareelee Hanna, and Deuglea Biennia held high pellite arid Mks, Win, Itermedy and ClatterOn Pebinsoii held IOW points. 'The party this Friday tee. lung will eliet espttoonwsctogd. by Mr. and Nft. 101111'6th Pardon Of Thorn. dale; visited on Stoiitiny with hie parents, Wir, and Mrs, $ohti Par,' dot .141.