The Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-02-12, Page 2. ;raga Advanee-Time, wr,lbw Fek. 1,958 OPPORTUNITY FOR T• he forthcoming concert which is to be presented by Rubinoff, the famous Violinist, in the Wingham District High School on February 2ist is something more than a mere money -making venture on the part of the Lions Club. It offers a rare opportunity for people in this local.- ity to bear The fim st of music at a fraction of the charge which would normally be made in the city for the same program. In years gone by 'WinghAm was known as a town where fine music and drama could always find sup - .port. More recently, however, there have been few occasions for local people to indulge their tastes in this regard',•The fast-moving pace.: of these post-var,years has creatoct • TriarkecV change. in the inrerests of those who -.make up small town au'. diences andunfortimately sone of the 'changes has been a swing away from aft in mOst of itS better forms, Most of us Want•tb be merely entertained, A. town which provides a notable exception in this case is Hanover, where good mn sic apd thse:who produce it have been loyally 'll,ppOrter.l. We have . often envied the residents of that town, who are able to hear excellent music Many trines a year. often by groups font -l- ed right.in:their own coMmunity. 'It•'is:possible that - there may he 'Sotne resist4tice to` the •cost of the 'tickets 6:1 the Rubinoff concert, „ . whim are priced. at t „ lowever,. ,•:•••-as we have mentioned, a Rubinoff ON THE LAST LAP , Qnce the first of February has "C-Orne .and. gone most of uS sort of • draw a deep breath and ruck in oitr figtiratiVe shirts for the final assault • ;op winter. T'.1'.ven the roost discattra.g- ed Can be convinced!thatiNilib a hWe thence lite3r can haticripoplAntilythe ,cliti/e,e4414 t po0.' titric, to, , toup,,ti ;, ec , now. namcs Tnett. .- tall. "Yt)ii tber4'WO clay'1:615i "'"7';',,ingif•a"b" a's genttr.411kiftlii4ved,i.li4 (If 114440 n MUSIC 1,6,1ER concert at any such 'figure, r ' ality the chance of a lifetime. The • :tickets are actually supposed to sell at $2.00 but the Lions have "gone to bat" for local music loiers- in an effort to keep the concert within the reach of as many families as pos- sible, DEPRESSION MAY BE VOCAL • One of the most regrettable issues •on which an election can be • fought is the possibility of a depres- sion. it is likely to be •an oft - mentioned point between now and • the end of March. Vinancial recessions are not al- ways based upon an actual Search y • of money. One of their most potent ingredients is the ',state of •neryons apprehension which causes those who. have money to stop bending it. Depression talk, repeated frequen Uy enough, can spell misery for . There is no point in denying that at present there are more :people drawing unemploynfent titian Ce than there have been 16r ,Many •years." The PC governmeM point's out that there. are also more .people employed Canada than there'evet have beenin'itS 'history; I hat -the mil empl4ment insitranae swelled: by new„classes of seasonally • • efoyttd as, fisherm , :who : are.';t4awing benefits •for the' first • time. The Libera1,9, of Coarse; pre ' quick to decry the policies Oftheir opponents, and to, blame Ahem for what :unemployment there is,. Whatever the reasim, is. cer- tainly' to 'be hoped • that :campaign speeches will be confined, to what • one party or the -other lirotniseS,to 412.:Itre,rp,e4y.. the. $411,4..0911,, cr,thPr; . . - ..than;in ndedlessly, „ern nhaswan• g.,1 the oter. If some of our rii'olrel„t PWi) err:A " tilie mot:then ;races Nv.ere more :viriler t:-. . , . ila'ncl hardy than' olio fell aWk5wh'bu'a. re 11 %cp. ' elk t •..loomed:to spend ,..t-,', eir ' lives 311,-, the- '."*.A. ..# astl.,Za • ; i -.4.F74,4,, 1 ' xtott's'. in fluenpg..m. s PP „ . .r7stjr 1 y.4 laeln the'raliArtttplati t t , ,alnIs and ;the waterS of:tne'blue axiroapt tt'hicli,•'+citYird!keriXeti , fliP bon. . frrha.nright have hedif '-trueltai.'iq.i./114446ti‘616.1"\k;ifiti tilironiNcti:'47,ski'Ltr, • P if ,grandyim"shOttldere't . ,i„ ,T•4141,9Jad rarilittait pas,:k.,yi c..c1r37,,t94?4,4CIP ,. .&,\Ars) ,q . •,,,} AI , it 1:,111.1 -tV1 t1,-1(.,rt..., axe and ;headed' foristlie-,01-)as..mjiltx, to- tm ....yr ., •.0',..titrii.o21.13)0,11.tstykt.p,f4deigok. 1Pinitte_:: i!.,. fe*4.491e A j,':)'''' tfrOes y , .11 ft! "44, • i -.7; :i..•;- t '?•,'! ',.t - .: e,,,,e. uig-th'emifga.r.q. i'om . of -at 1,.a.,st. • ••' '''t•' tnat-is What we haire been led to be- lieve. ' • cif the matter wa's' that Jack 0T-cietitific'rne'di Vkit d s ca; 9 e ge, coupled •with ,draughty •.horpesA : overly -large families, ,afid epidemic diseases guaranteed a hardy race— • • note but'the hardy`•couldisuririve. ati.k of our pi- oneer. cern eteri , and note the ast on- shing•humber of • stones erected in • memory ofinfants,_children and . Winter IS still a fateful season for the aged, It during the Cold months that human vitality seems to reach it lowest ebb, and most of our. 'threatening during The' come durin The winter. • And as far as vitality goes, just show us. anything more debilitating than a long, '4winter spent on the middle curvature of your helpless spme,,with your eyes glued to,a TV •SCreen. Three. months of. iort of relaxation and 'even you can't con- vince yourself you're a wan. • NOAV these palm trees and danc- ing girls may be a little hard on one's condition, but personally, we • would gladllY take a chatcce•if some- one would volunteer to write the • editorials, take the pictures, report the meetings, feed the press, operate the linotype, cook- the breakfast) take out the ashes, whop the kids, answer the phone, shovel the snow— and buy us a 'return ticket 0 tieit, muda. The ‘Vifighani,A‘Jvance-Timet *t Wilisturiti,".010010 Wiir Brothers, PubIfsbers, • W; Barry Wei e, Arallt Eturtati 0 Cliretfistloitt Joithertisisit s "cod aa PEA OHI415tept. 1•111B6* *lititi -4,- Nit tear 18.000, Mit WOE" $131 in ilielviinee 11. L $51,t. 490. Po. Yeiir fift 4401i0n06 • r 11..A. TOLD' TO LOOK NORTH ,A•Well-mannered lint nonetheless pointed lesson on how to behave like a good neighbor has been read to the - United States by the Finance Min- ister Of Ca.nada,. Donald M. Fleming. Americans have taken their good re- . lariOns -with. their neighbors • to the narthgp. long For grantedt that being taken for granted has ,act ually be- come another,., sOre point' with Ca- nadians. • • There is pot very much: now-. .,days tobe taken for granted and' ' there is a very great dealtobe taken . for diligent work, as a-llyone who • followed Mr. Pleming's grldress'.:to the Investment , Bankers As"sOci-- ations of America, at tiollyWloOd Beach, Via., wouldhe bound to re -t, , alize. • Canadiansare iinderstandably ' bothered by their chronic and grow- ing imbalance of trade Willi the United States. They are concerned by the threat of a lead and zinc tariff which would make• if still Worse. • Large America0 investments' in Can- ada, alone make the econ'orny viable •tit the face of the trade imbalances, produce their own frictions, particu- larly when :Canadians are occhuled from investing in' American 'subsid- iaries, a practice for which we see no -excuse whatsoever. Dumping of American wheat on the ygijld, mar- ket at cut prices further tlpS•etS Cal -l- ades economy. •, Pinance 'Minister Ttleming is mute right when he says the United States might to reeognize a special • responsibility not to damage Can- ada's export opportunities, We • would' go further and say that this country ought to recognme -st)cial, responsibility for equal and onetructive dealing with Canada all alotig. the line.--a(Vrorn the St. • Lgui$ rbst.Dispateh). • , .''44,0 Accidents, ilre y business 1'4, Prey, Constable "Bob" Lewis n14 past week -en d we bad •OM: me say that tile law on this point first real storm of the winter. Inis as follows, The Highway Trot. heaping with the title of this col- ,fle Act renotrea that a report• to limn I must say that "business was' the nearest',ovipeja r municipal brisk". Again this year, as II -00th- police is necessary for ang acct., ,er years, I was amazed at the num-. dent where damage is More than ber of niotartata on the highways SlO01/0 or where there is personal who have made absolutely po )ro- injury .to any. person. Mao 49ec, vision for winter travelling, Cars tion ill of the Highway Traffic by the dozen In ditches without Act calls for a report 1?.y the' snow tires •or chains, cars In shal- driver of nny damage to a ahrub, lar predicaments withaiit so much' tree, light, sign, sod or other as a shovel or a bo* of sand in property en the unpaved portion of the trunk, . , • any highway, The Criminal Code pit tourige the past wvetterliro;emin ndre ,radelieo: velieliir tvh:lvettdhe ririvnv r) -f any in an accident stations for drivers to lteep .off with a'p'ersoll'' "11/'1e er aattle in the highways unless their journey vlia)lic'giee,,agfivap 17:4g3mgehaall)1stop 0 ittss was absolutely necessary/ X inVes- dtitgsterv4e;raecricoiteentosr ilmnocireindrftivveerrys We4h80(' jalliii.tn;d:•Ptl'eiie28:"131srtras:e' been . .e , s Peed not have been travelling at Thereyou..havthethingre- alt, Believe rue, when rile,iistigii$, quired of you; by law at an accident :are broadcast by the various news Neilh:tlo-eg)estanding , ,ale yvili itnh aitb eredgetint lrreos agencies, requesting drivers i' -stay o of the highway, 4 damaged ye - off the road,. they are' not Used bY the station in question to fill in. hp!!!elfee,r Pto sf:ea r'"navielYhc 'ire°:04rerildtioLa, titre! Usually these messages are the side of the road when• eon - broadcast at the request of the po- llee or the local Department ofi1itlrni, either of the :9170401er Or the contour of the highway, flighways depot:, Without:, wishing make that vehiele .hazard to to appear overlY dramatic, I feel ' hound to say that when you, the alPrny Macohblerng entltaffoife,' Iverrih rite, motorist, sees fit to disregard these that3 creases, the difficulties of .inVesti- pin- wearrnnlings, you do so at your Own gatIon and may quite vveli ea45e., you, some diffieulty in e'stablish. This week X would like 'to talk big your own ,eivil liability but I about a matter which has giVen me , for lam would,-ffu• rather !rives:P- a great deal of trouble, In the paSt goe a flifrialln and will doubtless cOntinue tb do only two Velitill'es than an 'easy one •Seeidept involving s'o, for as long asam doing pciiice • which involVed ,four 'or more 11ip work, It is the 'rather eontroverl s alai question nr whether er • not V '; Is, "necessary to leave vehieles, ' • oneall • °.• wralch have been' inVOlved ' an dent a feve years 'ago, When leavi g '. aneirlent,-sittin'g exactly where'ltheY,a vehicle'danlaed tan -1131e /11°Ii‘v eansed -the cl'eath ,of a local man, came to rest, until the arrival or In eases where Iris ..possibia witti the pace," a little supervision to divert the Many people have a quite nits- oncoming traffic around, the "fteei- taken impression about this mat-, dent, then by all means leave the per, ,An accident X investigated vehicles 'where they are. In eases this past week -end was a typlial when vehicles . come to rest in 'example. The accident started off with two vehicles ,meeting iti the: are not available' to move., thern,• then try to see that persons are posted on each side et the'accident to'warn' aPprdaching, traffic, cases where lit rriove't dtunelged Vehicles ,iwhich,i:be-` cause of adverse conditiona,),:ild 194110i;Pt$([!,;iiiitiiIrd44.evlet#OttrIsti hazardous positions and facilities centre oT the highway, and after the impaet they took up positions completely lblieetipglththigfwaSr.•, :1tliltKil e e412 hrrita41et '4491.11irilang''il;):e tvivn vehicle e „ 8 'person, w o, I regret to shouldahavei.Arnbeeii betteiii'the hieles',v0ere- left exactly, an itfit vverwf ;Nat- Iresult,t . two, i -rnoreliel hiple4fearne,:a1ongiand,,!citte‘.14,11i4 ten..1 werA, eP11,111Filb-:•• 444i said•lpe;fort. there-4.1as 'be'‘'A 4411ehriArgurnentl.on thisq,-..matcelo 61A, 411Pi1iiXL e" that these,,, vehieles he ziovcd the side. of the rettcl,,' 1:11;' trc x41.1 • T.pig1 weett.ktd cAi KYCP.t141Yeti wJem VY, /el) .W4A. iiAtiC(14 1'11 It was written by the Rev. 11d tliZPfrseiliifet oti fitst tehticli` 1VX • 13;.; •le s. The X4ltov ;Dear Sin With the experience of the 1,957 ChrlStinas mailing seaSen so re, cently behind u.S, reports te head- quarters from postmasters in, all parts of Canada are making 'clear that once again the Canadian Pos- tai Service has had the generous support of the nubile ill Its task of handiing the -extremely heavy Vol - time of Mall that is normal to that period of the year, These reporta indicate ptirtimi- 14:13' that the response te the Pe: pa,rtnia pto fiavos =pogo q3i, Previous recorda, which, together with the fertilnate circumstance of geed Weather over the greater part of Canada, Made Possible an exceedingly successful mail handling effort by •the, postal staffs. • Through pictures in the news- papers and other means nlany,post- ai patrons. were given -glimpses of what the downpour ef christinas mail can mean: ,in any post office, apd realization/ of the immensity 'of the task is made perhaps efen. greater When it is known that in the three weeks prior to Christmas Day alMdst 800,000,000 Christmas cards and parcels, are DerinallY reeeived in Canadian pest offices. for'treatrnent, over and above the regular flew of mail, • The fact that through mailing early thi,s -extra load is spread over a ,greater itun-ther of days makes possible the best and MOst eca- nomipal use of, temporary staffs and ,Space, and tile delivery of well, Prepared and .correctly addressed Mali Tti good tirne fOr the holiday. • Needless to say, postal staffr everywhere In the coentry greatly, appreeiated the assistance received •f,rom the Public, and also frem the newspapers in publicizing the Many ways in which this co-opera:Hen could best be 'given., • MAY I •add my- own theeltsvand that of all Post ;Office department' personel, with best wishes to liii for -0-19 yar 1958r. Yours sincerely, • G. , • Deputy PostmaSter General: ' 73 OtteWa POO° january,5t,. 958 drivoth mit in the manner of the careless, not zig-zaggeth in the way of the scorner, in the driver's seat., But, ,his enjoyment is the laws ortke road, anti theselaws he cloth pbserve both by. day and by , • ,4,ad1,hq 0,,h pe.as,lelsureiy,„ as tr,ee 'plainterl as, leisurely, wayside ;pa"; s).1aPiarrive onotini3e,, his fenders.shan, rko be crnmPledl and Wlier,eyF gpAihi inisn.rfplee .6v11141 1 The'mix,ele,ss Are p.f4, sp, lqitt. are els.,41? er4PPIPO Whom t'kleerlbP' lance taketh away. Therekipt.,the careless shall stand in poitrt ande the drunken In, the- con - g regati())111 Otc/thef -I deed., • „ ; L1nd".tiVitilitaYMS9nl.tiAldfrfAtttauleo •114 "It IIm".1- '774V l'uf at *Of ficers,:'i.1 know,' The •hty 0ain almt tp‘rhste,* wrtir � tlie••=caretesS e.orned+ to --a `.(a/Pgela;leal%41,11,trIfill'":1 rst BleeskfisMses tribrottotlifiSte, Dc4d-Ericl'.' ;• _ -;• , ' 1),('`,, " ". ?"1":11), , • i.,1 : •01.NOcENT. :BYSTANDER . A moment of- thoughtlessness and this is the result. One car pulled out from the curb into the path, of an ,oncoming vehicle which swerved sharply to avoid a collision, and crashed into a parked car on the other side of the street. Many hundreds of dollars- improper= ty damage. When you ntoVe your vehicle into a regular traffic tane„ . .you. MUST be sure that your path is CompIetelf clear' and will, remain so until you are ftioving with the traffic at 'its normal rate of speed; . 12 fuld Mr?. Pret! Teinplentan and family spent the week -end With her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bennett, of. I,•onclon, —Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Bennett and family of Ingersoll Vent the Week -end with 'her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sell andother .rela- ‘,TtieV:n4' and 111•411, \IOW with Mr; —Mr. and Mrs. Boy Bennett, awl. •Mrs, ;Inman ligmborttm'of Iffinovor. BTat1-14;nrianndrtillr of%.artia,Balipi Pe tilt; the week -end, with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. 'I Brown and Mr,. andNorman IVIcPherson, of Hamilton, ,charlfritons,, A, M. 011. .iett er's parentS,'Mr. and lfrs. Walter spent the weekend with the fon-a- -Mr, Mien Charlton and Mr. —Mins Shirley Perkins visited in Toronto for ,a few days . last week wi--th;vIr.elaatnivdesM. rs. Jack lioPper of Toronto spent the week -end with Brown :and ts34..mra r..; and m awiErW. ss: cha,Ts: Hopper,. . . • Prenk gibbons is attending ZoolPrfdoirihOilsalacivIonnatietdutceourTsie•ade • in lathing. ;-1Weelt,end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, B. Burrell were his brother, Mr, Jack .Burrell, Mrs. BerrelVatid fguniiy, of Port Cre- dit:. Ina 'Mother, Mrs, Walter 13tir- rell,' retprned to Port*.Creclit with them after'spending abc weeks here. and Mrs, Stich Puellet of Tii4.ontor,S'Pept the week -end with Mi. 'and kri, Jack Pitcher, i —Miss #olen Ford, ,..`sransiiter of Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Pord is practice teaching in .Brantford this -week, I ..Nlisp Norma PinsreY a pat, lent in Victoria Hospital Where she underwent surgery, A/i Many friends are glad 'to knoWhat is Improving. slowly. —Mr. and 1411.4 Jaoil Pith spent -Tuesday evening; ' ith her father, Mr, john Fitch- at" Lloyd Igontgoplery's, —Miss Isabel Fortl14:,'ieft last week to, spend several' !Weeks in •- Florida,—`Krs • , Mabel Johilaellbf L . • Ingham, Mich., and -formerly of. Wingbara, left two Weeks ago for Los Angeles, Oalifornia,.;Mrs, Jghn- son has accepted a. po'sItipri in the Good Samaritan. Hogiiikal; in -that: city: —Mrs. Jack Tiffin, Mrs.'Norman tended the At flame, Od at 'the Thompson and Miss •arliesori at- _ Teachers, College at Stratford last Friday evening. Miss Graee Thompson returned home with them and spent the we4k-end with her parents, Grace. is 'teaching this Week in Guelph, „i .Gaviller MCIntosh \Vara 'chartered AcConntints , : • Bell Telephone Bldg. • Walkerton, Ont., Tjampuom or, .0#.0.01,1it101.?!..4.4111pqmp11,00.1111aimpneprpi,pWl#iMemowommlf,o1p0.0.0......p.m..1041,#!fiflif1;7#, FEBRUARY 12 to 19 A -B -S -&C TABLETS reliable.rennedy for the relief ef consti490; reg. 2,80 19A BEEF, IRON & WINE vvithiyuNwp ,0F„ $1.00, se,ve,:21e COLD CREAM SOAP I ath size,7 Reg. 2/zue,-, 0/85e - '113A$At4 • /TAB;j,EYS A°P7S:i 1 fie.6,0IfeLnd:AbiGesA, NROnriftla, 14-47.114* : Easy. to+take; for donstipaton, reg. 98e, 1.$9 9 SACCHARIN "TABLET5' ' 1% Or. 500's, a sweetener Thai dissolVes TISSUE HOTVATtli Bterttt'; II'S' Sift, !White 1•04 Brand - 711 sheets %. reg. Z.,'for, 8 years gpArantee. reg $1 ; • Thiglit V "Welcome:to; Wingham" Bargain Store • 0 ; •• 79c c 1:59 VANCE'S PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST — DU &MP Y•41410/01t1T- TA811-RE C?"5....22-_tz_VE7ERi Y 111...111..0!..•10,041111•411.11K1111•0•1.1111..." : ,,, 14i1111i 44 1 ...... I .. 11 .... 4.11,1111.EImpj . ; .... ....... I lll II iiiiiiiii 1111 iiiii II i 111 iii lit ii ,,,,,,,,,li,iggiiiOUhIIl,IIIiIiI$III1 !. THE SALVATION Agmy mgbaIrt. Corpt SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1.6 ' 11.09 a.m.—HOLINESS M.E.ETINO 2.3() p.m.--$UNRAt SCHOOL.. I.(10 p.m. --SALVATION MEETING YOUNG PEOPLE'SAEAL Special speakers at all those sieriieos, Mr. and Mrs. Tein:Campbell of Ritelienet COME ASSURE& OF A. BDESSIING • • Saturday, Feb..15 ., Special PraiseSeryke ANNUAL AWARDS, GWEN TO OUlt YOINO 1.111..1011.11 ' • $pEoto, Wil)B1(41$0 -BY Iffil YOUNG LAMES' TRIO OF WEST TORONTO ANO OTHER GUESTS YQ.U. irint.,COBB. AT/ Ton .."ARMIZ». i i ii ii .0 i i i ii•ii iii l l lll ll l ll i/c/Icio,///liiii,""10 ri:it 6 Cfittf (ANGLICAN) t ingbain Rev. C. F. Johnson, L.Th. ,Reetor Mrs. Gordon Davidson - Organisl Quinquagesima Sunday '8030 a. in Communion 11.00 a.m.—Morning Praye 7.00 patti-Evening Service- - * ' i• - 1 '‘Wd., rob. 12----Valp1tine Tea, 3 to kp.m. i. Thurs„ Feb. 13.--,A1tar Guild at the' hom Mrs, It Manuel at 3.30 Nit • I ,., . th i Tues.,,Peb. 1.8 ---Pancake Supper at 6,30 hi e i . . - i . . parish room. 1 litioilotilloritomimilligligutimilitlitimaimolatiliglIR