The Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-02-12, Page 1rea
Fr• ae1
With which is amalgamated the conic Vidette and Wroxeter New0
• $
*. .
----iii A hi- 1 ........ .. .,
ALONG. THE MAIN .01140.'
By The .kedesariae,
WINS THE „Pitl'41S.
. •
Pave XI,LITUY i9AS the. winner of
the draw at the Intefiricdiata
key game. Not Wing on liana to.
collect, be gets $25,00.ana -the acid
draw will be 'swollen to $60.00.
0 - 0 -
Last week freight service on the
--Ca', lino , into Wingliarii was cut
to three days a week, Trains on.
the run -through Wroaeter and:
-Gorrie have been .cut dawn to, threp •
days a 'week and the railavay has
proposed the removal of agents
from some Of the stations:hie-lulling
the two villages in'eatiorled.
A letter from John Hanna- tells
The Advalice-Tinies of . the rbund
of actiyittaaaa, which. beactea. Mrsz
Hanna have' been engaged' in con;
nectiori with 'the opening of the -s
current islature session of the Leg
in ;Toronto.
All set for big doings on Friday, February 14, -are David,Reating and Barbara Skinn, two members. of the
younger set on Leopold St reet, et. David is the son of Mr, and #rs. Mel. Heating alid Barbara is the daughter
of Mr. and M Alexrs.--Advance.-Times photo.
WINOHAat DISYNA$LICa 'W.11401101DAY, VEIBIalhalW afa 19511
A mixed curling bonsplel was
',held at the curling rink on Satura
'Ailay with a full entry. The ,nine,
t?'clock draw was won by It 5,
Iletherington's rink of Wingham.
;the rink was skipped by Mr.
Hetheriagton with Mrs, Hetherpg-
ton and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Madill
assisting. Second price went to- a
Chesley rink. The consolation prize
was won by a Palmerston rink.
The eleven o'clock draw was
won by Cecil Mahood's rink of
'Teeswater, His rink' was made up
'of Mrs. Mahood and Mr. and Mrs,
Freeman Tunney, of Teeawater.
,The second prize was won by a
Brampton rink and the third prize
weal. to Weir MoDoneld's rink of
Teetwater ' which included Mrs,
McDonald andalVIr. and Mrs. Wit-
bua Afellagne.i oThe .-eofisolation
firlataweat tat Wk lIalarenelfa rink
of Wingham, with Mrs. Joe Kerr,
Lloyd Casdinere and Miss Agnes
Williamson ,of Wingham assisting,
A buffet 'dinner Was - served at
'five dierotk to -tilic-Vignii by thd
'Members of the Wingham Ladies'
Curling Club. ,
„ a
To Hold Derry-
Di}"i iini Wingham
Mernaers of the Wingham Bleak
.Preceptory attended a meeting- of
the Black Preceptory, COunty of
York, which was ;held in the
County Orange Hall, TOrento re-
cently. The delegation from Wing-
ham consisted of Earl Hamilton,
Bob Deyell and T. W. Platt along
with Robert Hibberd, of Fordwich
and Earl Jacques, Of Hensall. They,
interviewed the members of York
County in regard to the celebration
of Derry Day. Plans- were made to
hold Derry Day in Wingham en
August 8th, 1959.
Atteedance at the annual meet-
ing, of the Wingham General Hos-
pital AsSaciatien, held in tin. re
creittien room of the Nurses',
Residence On Friday "night, vOas:
much lighter •than Usual. About 45,
persons turned ma for the imPo`r-
tant gathering, H. C. MacLean,
chairman of the board, !presided,
Letters were read from the:
hinnieiaalities in this area which
support the Wingham Hospital,
confirmieg the' appointraent of
their representatives• to the board,
`Flies° appointees are Ss follows:
Huron County, J. V. Fischer, Turn-
spital Association Annual
ports of Growing Service Needs
presentations, skits and demon-
strations Featured the 'North, Hur-
on Achieverneat Day for 4-H
Homemaking clubs in the ,Wing-
ham, District High School auditor-
ium on -Saturday, The event draw
150 girls from 13 district clubs,
namely "Aaburn, Belmore, Blue-
vale, Brussels, Colwanosh, Dungan-
Goderich, Gerrie, Lakelet,
Molesworth; St, Helens, Walton and
The girls took part in judging
skirts, materials for skirts with
seven clubs presenting, skits and
demonstrations. Theme of the pro-
gram was "Working With Wool",
In the club exhibits "A ,wool
skirt, and its companions" the
following participated, Lakelet
commentator, Margaret Wallace;,
Bluevale, Brenda'. Bi'ecicenridge;
Auburn, Shirley' Brown.; Walton',
Joan' HaMilton; Evelyn
Antib Stesiliansa Brussels' Yvanae-
Pollard. -Comments on the exhibits
• weiji Igivial0He.klart Woilmulst
Nttaits Wits and
dearipaatraticria, wf,erq apaes era eca. by
114.044, 3.031e$44414 ra
St. Helens -and Coiwanoshi with all
members participating.
"New rife for the old skirt" *as
presented 'by Donna MeNee, Soh-
dra Finnigan, and Corrine Red-
mond of the Dungannon club with
"Howl and whys of pressing wool"
presented by Mae Doubledee, Mary
Elliott, -Shirley Simmons and Wil-
ma Haskins of the Belmore club.
A highlight of the day was the
presentation of certificates. Pro-
vincial Honor 'certificates and pins
for completion of 12 1-II Home-
making,Club projects were award-
ed Bella Alcock,. Brussels, and
Miller; Medical association, Dr,. A, had been presented, to the annual
D, Arfaltirchy; Teeswater ,and Cul- meeting laat Year, a fifteenth mem.
ross, Carman Thompson; Howiek, her was added to the board to rep-
Ivan Has-lane; Brussels, ftoy Cons- resent the Ladies' Auxiliary to the
ins; Morris, William Easton; Blyth, Hospital, The appointee was Mrs.
and East Wawanosh, Alex Rob- Norman Cameron, president of the
orison; Lucknow, Kinloss and ,Auxiliary. -
West Wawanosh, W. B. And-erson; Dr. W. A, Mc:Ribbon presided
Turnberry, A., D, Smith, for the election of the board mem-
Four members of the board were hers.
elected by the annual meeting. Name Its Changed.
They were: For two years, H, O. One of the More important mat
MacLean,. A, la MacWilliam; for
one year, G. W. Tiffin, Barry Wall,.
Achievement Day Sees.
150 Girls at High School.
berry; town of Wingham, DeWitt Following :notice of inotiail Whieli district-wide support which its re,
cetved, it was moved ar Year ago
that the name of the inStitialan
changed to incliale • the ' word
"district". It Was, however, ltriPaP•
sible to make the change effeq-
ive at -the time since every :known
member of the hospital 4sPepik-
tion regardless of place of .reei-
dence, had to be notified, Natiiias
of the change have been seat Qat
during -the past year and the, way
cleared far the alteration, .
toenrstheef ghbaunsgininesgsawtahse fnianmale a•otettiohn nacm,
x. clir.oubiteesciamnogyeectool,"wt irtihge_
local hospital. In recognition of the aam and District General Waspital"
and final approval ,..sought from
the department, !His notion was
seconded by Carmaa ThoiriPson.
It was later polpted out ay Mrs.
Marl*, lto*Pltal adalaiStratr0s,
that since the Wingriain institution
now Includes a chronic patients'
wing, it cap no longer be classified
as a general hospital' The illation.
in regard to the name 'was there
fore amended to. read i'Winatican
and District Hospital".
Again OvercroWded
Submitting her statistical report
to the meeting, Mrs Morrey point-
ed oat that despite the recent' ad-
dition of a 50-lied wing to tOt,,49s-
pital, it is again overcroWaed, Oil
Friday of haat week there ,Were 135
Patients in the hospital, Trip new
wing containa 60 beds rather than
50 for which it was desigaad, and
the total has ruh as high as 1:V, for
the hospital as a whole.
The aciaalaistratrii aXpresSed her
appreciation of the help, and, co-
operation of, the hoard and her
staff,- mentioning, particularly the
kindriess of Dr: W," A,°
who hadl acted as staff .doctor- dur-
"ing the year.. She apoke of the
ainanesa, those who ,carefiir :the
eiderpatienti in' the clironle•wing.
Mrs. Mimes/. said , that two eltist-
es of students•haa graduated train
The giala who wort county honors at the 441 •Chub A aideatineat Day held it the Wingittun Distriet High.
'Sehooli on Saturday are •sitaii above. Front atria, ieft to Hata Betty Aletiett, •.fiaosSels :sham Itotoinguray,
Driassefi4 _Date MiteMotohyt, Iiitolesivoilit; back, Sandra ritinigan, Dittigittinoin Vatiiiiie kotiott OttissdAl
Audrey vf[tiothito, Auburn, 'Rimini front the *taro lit Dells A41063).0, of LiSitriVet tetty Aleock and Doris
Ashley are asset peaahlaird •telhataas,.-havirig taiiipleted It lirojact* Atha othaa •hori completed sk pro—
otokats, . • ,...Advanta,Ttillos photo. . .
Doris Ashley, Gorrie by Mrs. Stan-
ley Bride, Receiving county honor
certificiates and pins for comple-
tion of six projects were Audrey
Macaw), Auburn; Sandra Finni-
gan, Dungannon; Sharon Heming-
way. and Yvonne -Pollard, both of
BrusseiS; Dale McMurchy, Moles-
worth, Silver 4-H Homeinakina
spooris were presented to each girl
completing the project and who
attended, the achievement day,
Club leaders and assistants in
charge of the clubs were, Auburn,
Mrs. A. Nesbitt, Mrs. Edward Day-
iesa Behnore, Mrs. D. Fortune, Mrs,
Doubledee; Bluevale, Mrs. Chas.
Mothers; Brussels, Mrs. I. Aledek,
Mrs. J, Davis; Colwanosh, Mrs,
Anne- Kilpatrick, Mrs.. Agnes -Al-,
ton; Dungannon, Mrs. G,„ -McNee,
'Mrs, H.. McWilinney; 'Goderich„
Mrs. A, '13;.-Straughan, Mrs. R. H.
Wifson; Gorrie, Mrs, M. Dins-
more; ,IVrreaCaSpatlings aLakelats
Mrs. It. Wallace, Mrs, iL.. Jacques;
Molesworth, Mrs, Edith Mitchell,
Mrs. G. Campbell; St, Helens,
Gorden MacPherson, Miss Irma
Forster; Walton, Mrs. H, • Craig;
Wingham, Mrs. j. L. Currie, MTS.
W. T, Lapp.
Friends of George C.' Johnston
will lie-sorry to learn that ha was
taken to the hospital on 'Sunday
after Suffering a serious heart at-
taca. Edgar Pattison, '-whi) has
been conainecl to the hospital singe
last fall with a „heart condition,
Was 'also very ill at- the end of the
week. Mrs. Vie 'Loughlean, who
was dangeroasly sick as the ire-
suit at a ruptured- appendix is now'
dolassa nicely.
0 - 0 - 0
Business in town almost came
to a. standstill on :Monday after two
4' of real old-fashioned winter
saaiitner.School busasa,,acheduled
to bring students intoVie District
High 'School were almost all in-
active ,anct mails were badly- dis-
rupted on Monday .forenoon, Card
parties and 'meetings' throughout
le distrait; were cancelled.
JOINS' MED. 0011RS—; .
Billy Henderson, son af, Mr,. and.
Mrs, Bill -Henderson Sr., left' On
Sunday for Wollsely Barracka,, rnlektfil: _Mil Will '!I joili; .',,.taa'
edica: eras' of the . ariny.,`‘,He'
1 e 's-1"- ‘!st'',..?'il4/t9iiid„,45:: Rik I. OaMP a'Hcii, 1' dm aaaltefiailre Isait receive hid basic a traialag for the next three months. ca', .,,,.....1 .r!, , 4, :I ,
' ,.
tw 14.1LE" ,sAmyolif4-. ,
"1 Macy' Ambeaulla formerly 'of
Wingham; -appears this Friday
eveaing• on the CBC network pro-
gram "Canary Hoedown",
The. 85th Aunnal Meeting 9f the
-Howick .earners' Mutual Fire In-
surance Company will -be held in
the Township Hall, Gorrica op Tiri
day, February 21, 1958, at 1.30 p.m.
to receive the Annual 'Statement,
elect Directors, appoint two audi-
tors and auchl other, business as
may properly'be brought before the
meeting. The 'retiring -Di rectora are
Messrs. W. Leslie Douglas and
William L. Speir both of whom, arc
eligible for re-election. F12:19b
RecePtion for Mr: and Mrs, Jerry
Higgins Will lie held in, the FOOS-
tors'. Hail, 'Belgravia -on Friday,
February 14th. Brilee's orchestra,
Ladies please bring lunch,' Every-
one welcome, F12b
The Wroxeter W, X. will hold a
progressive. euchre In' the Calla-
. inunity Hall -at 8.30 p.m., ,on Thula-
day, February 13th. 'Xdraisidn 25e
Ladies please bring lialeb.
Dance sponsored by Minor Hoe-
key Teara will be held it Wroketar
Community. Hall on Friday, Febrit-
ur;y 14th, Reciter's-Orchestra. Ad-
mission 50e, Everytnie welcome,
GILMOUR N.011002, Intiditing
Help. the Turnberry ' Park and
play euchre at Glimour I a School on
:Friday, Vebtuary 14th. starting at,
8,30 p.m, and watt 'for that special
feature afterwards! Novelty Prizes
Will be given 'ineitiding the driver
who brings the -largest load -of
I XETtlit ,
Crattinele Patty to he held tilt:'
February 14th at '8,15 pari, in
Wroxeter :United Church Ha
ePonSered by Tuesday Starlight
Croup. „Admission, adattit 26 nods,
children. PtialieSefidel age 26 cents.
IiivOtyotit Welatiale, i F18.112*
Mr, Hanna• says that there Was a
higher "n he than ,eyer at the
apeaing and the reeeption
took 'several hew's. Guests 'of Mr.
Hanna in addition to his wife were
Dr. 0. M. and Mrs. McConkey of
Guelph and .Miss Shirley McPhee.
There were several social func-
tions during the week. On Tuesday
evening there was •a dinner for all
members and their ladies, given
by, Premier and Mrs. Frost. On
Wednesday afternoon Mrs'. Frost
and the wives of the Members en,
tertaineci at a tea at Prince Arthur
Haase, when Mrs. J. Keiller 'Mac-
kay, wife of the new lieutenant-
goyernor, was the honoured guest.
Mrs. Hanna was honored by Mrs.
Frost's invitation to „ pour tea, at
this event. On 'Thursday Mrs, Frost
entertained all the ladies at •a
l'unc'heon at "La Cabaret", a new
restaurant on St. Clair Ave.
Mn, Hartma mentions that there
is no snow in Toronto and refers
to the unpleasant weather experi-
enced in Florida. He says, "I was
in Miami about a month- and had
one day of Sunshine while, I was
there, and believe it 'has been bad
since.. We had- a call from ,Harley
Crawford last week, He was oil
his way to curl in Quebec and rid
doubt Will have an interesting
week to report on his return." .
"Please' extend my personal greet-
ings` to all my friends in the old
town and surrounding riding."
The Women's Institute is holding
a each e and dance in the
church Memotrill' Hall on Friday,
February 14th, Danoing to the
Farrier Henry arehestra, Lunch
will be served, Admission 50 cents.
Everyone welcome, ' 1P12*
Huron County Juniors' Farmers
Drama Festival in Gort/e Com-
inanity Hall, on' Thursday,. Febra-
ara 13th, at 8.15 pain, 'Three --one-
At the „ra#1,..dar meeting of Mait-
land Lodge 119, ea Thurs-
day evening a beaatiful altar Bible
was presented to tha Lodge.
I The presentation was made by
Bro. Alvin D.,.Snaitli'af., Bluevale,
on behalf of the ThariltOri faintly,
in memory of their- ameilier, Mrs.
George 0. Thornton, Who passed
away in May, 1957. ,
Carmkhael Ritik
Wins Round Robin
Hugh Carrniehael'a rink, con-
sisting of Frank Hopper, J. Tervit
and Ivan. MacWilliams,, emerged
from the January drala as the
winners of the Hamilton.- Optical
Co. trophy. They maintained an'
undefeated ecord throtighaut the
A euchre will be held, in. the.
Sacred Heart Pariah' Hall, on
Tuesday, February 18th at 8.30 pail.
Sponsored by tie Altar SOciety.
Admission .50e, Vera:Mc :Welcome.
Valentine Hot Supper will be
held in Gorrie United Church, on
Friday, February 14,, Supper served
Praia 5 to 7, AtirhiSsfisa $1.00 and
SOc. Sponsored ' ,Eastern
Willing Workers, • F12b
"AllE REoPtori) 14'urx SHOW"
in Wroxeter Hail 'on
Tuesday, February 1811i: *PriSeecas
epaeseatallyea af :a clezeia„or-
ganilations met in the Wingham
council abamber on Friday evening
at• eight o'clock. After viewing
film, ''Loolqnal lfKaa 41i1, a *Takla
the value alf nips! .aarcarnmanity
living, a alisbilsSio4 tvai taide/I
the: riiaderahip of Earl • Hamilton
and R. E. •Taylor,' district repro-
Seatative' of the National Film
The meeting voted in favor of
organizing the Wingham and Dis-
trict Film Council, a branch of the
Huron Film Council, and seeking
membership from all interested or-
ganizations here.
Officers elected were: President,
Envoy G. S, NeWman, Wingham;
vice-president, Gordon Moir, Goa
rie; secretary-treasurer, Mrs,
Harrell, Box 249, Wingham; lib-
iarian W. Harcourt, Wing-
ham; county representative, Earl
-Hamilton, Wingham; alternate,
R. A, Higgins, Wingham; member-
ship and promotion ,committee, W.
B, Conron, H. MacArthur, Mrs, G.
O'Brien, Wingham, Mrs. George
Vein°, R.R. 4, Brussels; Rev. W. T.
Marshall, „Whitechurch; committee
for training 'projectionists, R. E.
Taylor, Dave Scott and Tom Bur-
The first class wad set for Wed-
nesday, Feb, 12th at 7 p.m. in the
council- chambers, laterested or,
ganizations should try to have tWo
ineinbersPattend this and following
classea. It is alao urged that they
enroll as soon as Possible by send -,
ing half of the yearly fee to the
secretary-treasurer, since a new
year will begin each Sept. 1st.
Catalogues, faits and projector
are on loan from the National Film
Board, with the expectation that
the local group will purchase the
necessary equipment in the near
future, There is ho additional cost
tot their Use as Often:4m available
member 'organizations, Noti-
meiribers- may use them for $3.00
each time, Library' hours are to
5 afternoons eaeept Wednesday
and 7 to b evenings except Wednes-
day and Saturday.
M. E. Haines, of Clarks-
burg is visiting with her' sister,
Mrs, Capt. Adams, and Mr, Adams;
for several weeks.
to trttssets town hail, Titestlay
night, Vebtuary 18th, feattitirig the
13tuasels t toilettes, orch-
estta, Admission 50e. F121;
-WEATHER 11,111N.
stao conditions and poor visit,
WIRY over the week-end„. 'caused
several traffic •acildents (he
area. s
Mrs. Donald Douglas .:22a , df
Moose Taw, Sash,, suffered- ari
aured ankle- in 'a two-car'
three miles south of' Belgrii,34 ,,oli
'Sunday afternoon. ,
Drivers of the cars were William
G. Coaling, 21, of 'Guelph; w116.-Was
travelling south, and • Jahn ", G.
Fisher, 28, of Owen Sound, proceed-
ing north, Passengers in, ,the. Caal,-
Ing car were Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
Pringle Of Fergus, Miss: Edna
Pringle and Mrs. Donald Douglas.
A car from Detroit, drivea 'by
Charles Desmond, which was stop-
ped at the scene of the aecideat,
was slightly damaged when ',-car
driven by Clifford Bennett of In-
gersoll collided with it. No one Was
injured in the second accident,
Constable J. J. Lewis of the
MI:sham Detachment, OPP, ' in-
Crash Near Teeswater •
Three persons were injured in an
accident near Teeswater orr Sun-
day afternoon. Taken to the Wing-
ham Hospital, two of the three
were found to be in serious con-
dition, Those admitted to the hos-
pital were W. and Mrs, Albert
Bright, of Medford 'and Ernest
of Waterloo,
Albert 13right suffered chest la.-
juries, facial lacbrations and shock,
His Wife suffered aevere facial
and head lacerations and loss of
blood. The Waterloo Man had
disolocated elbow.
Two °that persons admitted to
the hospital were Mr.' and Mrs,
Albert Hettinger of the atitartitty
district, who were released after
minor treatment.
Three cars Were involved in the
accident, the drivers being Hebert
Vorealati of Pinkettoa, Erileat
Mealarie tied Albert Bright, tilt,
vineitil Pallet from Walherttitt
Minor Injuries
Rev. Natray Catty, of *Ingham,
was admitted to' the hOiipital Suf-
fering front, minor WOOS after
eallisloh cal the 7th tont:0411am of
TheAbotry township on Saturday
eyetung't His ear collided With -bite
&Weil bs,' notttim *SIAM: of Whia.
'ham dtifirtg a Stott&
Coriatable taWle Of Willghiiirf la.'
vostitated oo4idtti,t,
Transferred to
Los Angeles
Willard Platt, of Giand
'son of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Platt,
of Wingham, who has' been em-
ployed at the A. V. Roe plant at
Mallon, has been transferred to a
similar plant in. Los 'Angeles, Cali-
Willard,' along with a chum and
his wife left on Saturday morning
by ear.
I:0Wgit TOWN
A euchre will be held itt Lower
Town Selaxil /en loridaY, Feballary
14, at 8.30 p.m. Ladies with lunch
free. Everyone welcome. l'19*
The Ladies' ,Guild 'of St, ?aura'
Angilean Mutely wilt hold its
Valentine Tea to4niy, WecinesdaY.
Febritary 12th Xtbrii three to five
6'010A. filveryotin welcome, PIZ!,
act plays, Music between plays, for Minor Hockey Teams of •Gerrie
Admission 50, cents, lalaa triad Wroxeter, braW ,prizes,, door
prizeS, lucky prizea galore, Conaost
No. 1- Vitt. your shopping bag
With ail, the small articles around
the bottle and bring with you to the
performance, Malta alit alphabetical
list of artieles. and bring the list
With you, doriteat Bag
Contest. AnsWer this question:
Glee the anew of the now Liberal
:leader for Canada, Mail your ails-
Wei% directly to Kell, tdqiit, Box
1i9, Wroiteter. YOli reteiVe
atite vat at $8,60 bnt if you
shotild be in the 'atidienee your
prho then AVM be Inetetwed to
$10,00, M ' V1.2b