The Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-02-05, Page 10Mr- and Mrs.•George. Davidson Biel%) of Wroxeter, who celebrated
their 26th wedding anniversary on Saturday. The bride was the former
Louisa Einelia Subject.
Former 'Winghem. Doctor
Endorses National Health.
,....., :
heatre . .
elicit night
tint at 7.10
194Thilay, Frid0Y) Satilrdail
IrehruarY 6 - 7 - 8
Burt Lancaster,
Ttitollda Fleming, Kirk Douglas
A absorbing super-western An
;Centering around the exploits of
, Wyatt tarp,
11.1.1uarroday, Friday, Saturday,
February 13 .- IA - 15
.4, 'south sea island adventure
:InClixtrarna concerning the
leacendanta of the mutineers of
the "Bounty".
-i`The Desperadoes
• , ' Are In. Town"
Vt* Story of a teen-age boy
00 runs away from home and
bieonaee involved with a group
''. ' ' of outlaws.
:Thursday, Friday, Saturday
February 30 - 31 - 23
I•sei. Lancaster, Diana Lynn
•,' " in
' "The Kentuckian"
Vie story of the adventures of
1 Kentuckian and his son,
4711 7tiaday, Friday, Saturday,
:100/1fliary 27 - 28 - Itiardh 1
gieltt Steiger Marla Landi
David 'Knight
... in
",Across The Bridge" •
-A; 'tartitly, knit story of suspense
and adventure in Mexico.
Sanders for rent
First .Class
Mason's Store
Owfitg to lack of space
Vaiehes and very small
''. Clocks only,
rent=End Loader
now Removal
villable any time
Aft, and. N)*, .11410p
Morriea 2$ ears
wncomum--*r. and Mrs..
George Davidson Hialep.-Pelebrated
their 26th wedding anniversary on
Saturday, February 1st, at their
home on Highway 86,
The bride of 20 years ago was
the former Louisa ganglia Subject
And. they were married in 13rusaels
by Rev, Fowler, They resided on
the 2nd, concession" of Grey. Town-
ship and for nine years in Morris,.
before coming to their present:
home. in 1.949,
Their five children and five •
grandchildren were present for the
celebration, Mr, and Mrs, George
Hislop and baby, Linda Jean; Mr-.
and Mrs. Ron (Florence) „Jarrileaon,
David, Brenda, Patsy and Rickey,
of Brussels; Mr. and Mrs. Hew,
ard (Evelyn) gassivi, Hamilton;
Miss Shirley and Master Gordon.
at home.
The diaingroom was prettily dec-
orated with pink and white stream-
ers and while bells and 42 guests
sat downs.. to a delicious supper
served by Mrs, Howard Ryan and
Miss Edythe :Sanburn. The table
was centred with a lovely throa-
tier wedding cake,
The happy couple received many
lovely gifts, amongst which was an
electric tea kettle from the neigh-
bors, cards and a congratulatory
message from John Hanna, M.P,P,
The eveniee-
was spent in danc-
ing and card playing. We extend
best wishes for many more, years
of happily married life,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wright had
as their guests on Friday, Mrs. W,
Rose, Mrs. B. McArthur and
Mrs. Alex Wright of Brussels, the
occasion being Mrs. Wright's birth-
Ross Tomans visited Mr. and
Mrs. Robt. Sage at Atwood on Sun-
day, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sage, Lis-
towel were guests at the same
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Coates were
Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Lucas and Mr. and Mrs. Gor-
don Heath, Listowel.
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Doig were din-
ner guests on Saturday evening of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hyndman. Mr.
and Mrs, Doig were Sunday visitors
with Mr. .and Mrs. Bradley Gal-
braith, Wingham.
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Hart were
Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs.
Geo. Hart, Newry.
Mr. and Mrs, Lyle Hare and
Patti, Listowel spent the • week-end
with their parents, Mr. and' Mrs.
Wm. Hart and Mrs. R. Noirton,
in the Wroxeter United Chi*h
hall on Sunday evening with Preei7
dent Paul Higgins in charge.
Elaine Statia read the Scripture
lesson and Ruth Grainger led in
Shirley McMichael read a paper
•on "Racial Problems" which was
followed by a skit presented by
Ian Howes; Bruce Grainger and
Kelvin Buchanan. This was follow-
ed by a lively discussion on "Our
Feelings about Folks of Other
Races", ' • • ."' ' •
—Mr: Bob 'Gibbons of the CDC,'
Toronto, and Miss Sheena Smith
of Woodstock were• week-end visi-
tors with Mra: Ie., Carter, Frances
Street. '
—Miss Marion Oliver returned
home to ,Bra.ntford - on Sunday,
after spencling,the past two weeks
Xivonne McPherson was
in Stratferd last Friday to attend
the funeral, of „her cousin, Flight,
Lieutenant 'H. J. Robertson, who
was killed In the crash of a CF-106
near Churchill, Manitoba,
Kurt 'G se Of Kitchen-
er was •a Sunday visitor with his
sister, • Mis.." Raidy Heins 'and Mr.
Heins, 'and' with. other 'Wingham
friends. . " ' .•
, . ,
—Sunday Visitors: at. the* home
of Mr. and Mrs, K Wild were Mre,
Kay. Wild, Doug.' 'Mr. and
Mrs. rt: Moore and children, all. of
Petrolia,,Mr. and Mrs: ''Bud' Wild of
Sarnia,' Mr Allan Wild . of Windsor
and Mi. a,iirl'ivirs; 'Fred' Hazel-
grove aild':Mr. Stafford Churehar
OrLerlden.; , r • F 7 •
Mrs, ,E; Marron
of Kiteliener were recent gUests of
Mr' and- Mrs. G. 0.-Casemore, Car-
ling Terrace, - .
JAM, :Hebden -of Teronte
spent the week, the honie Of
his. sister; "-Mks: Wank Haselgrove.
• —Mise Bertha ,M. C: Shaw, Miss
Kate Andrews ,and Mr. and Mrs.
J. Smith. 'of OWen Sound,, visited
On Thursday 'With •Rey. C, , F. and
Mrs. Johnsen; Miss Shaw had beeil
On TV'cliscus'aing' her lateSt novel,
'`Laughter and Teal's": • -•
. .
WROXETER—A' meeting was
held in •• the .-•Wroxeter United
Prize.Winners at
W.f. Euchre Party
WROXETER.---The semi-monthly
euchre party, sponsored by the
Wroxeter W.I. was held in the
community-hall on the eVenirig of
January 30th, with a large crowd
In ,attenclanee,
There Were fourteen tables in
play and the prize Winner% were:
Ladies, Brat, We. Thos. Parker;
second, Mrs. Charles Callers;
Met', first, Justin W111, Second, Al-,
—Mrs. J. Butson of Hamilton
spent the week-end with Mr, and
Mrs. Hap Swatridge.
—Miss Barbara Edwards, who is
teaching school at Toronto, was
a visitor, over the week-end with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Harold
-•Dr. and Mrs. 'Bruce Eickmeier
and son Ronnie of Hamilton, and
Di. and Mrs, John Armitage of
Toronto, were week-end visitors
with their parents', Mr. and Mrs,
C. t. Armitage. •
—Mr. David Slosser of Christ
the King College, in London, was
a visitor with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Leander Slosser over the
'—Mrs. Mel Keatine, David and
Charles, and Mr. and Mrs. John
McInnes. visited with Mr. Keating
in Exeter on Sunday.
—Mrs. W. Davis, Mr, and Mrs.
Miller Davis, Mrs. W. A, Elliott and
Linda' visited on Sunday with
Brantford frielids. Mrs.. Bill Smith
accompanied them home to visit
with Mrs. W. Davis. '•
J, W. Dodd is at' present
a patient in Wingham General
—Mr. Pete Zimmerman, whOlis
member of the Bank of Commerce
staff in Toronto, spent the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
—Miss Patricia Brophy, Reg.N.,
of St. Joseph's Hospital, London,
spent the Week-end with her pa-
rents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brophy.
—Mr. and Mrs.' T. R. Dent of
Woodstock visited a few days last
week with Mrs. W. E, Hammond.
—Mr.' and Mrs. W. H, Edwards
spent a few days last week -with
her sister Mrs. L. W. Loppe„ Mr,
Loppe and, family, of Brantford.
—Messrs. Norman Keating, Lev
Balser and Jack Porter, of Elliot
Lake spent the week-end at their
respective' homes.
—Mrs. Stafford Church and Mrs,
John Gaskell of - London were
week-end guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. H. Wild.
-Encouraging reports were given
at the annual meeting of the
Wingham Baptist Church held last
Wednesday evening- in the auditor-
ium. Chairman for the Meeting
was Harold Pocock. All depart-
ments reported surpluses, with
total receipts from all departments
amounting to 86,845,97.
Officers elected for 1958 were;
Deacon board, Harold Pocock, Wil-
mer Harcourt, truce MacLean,
'Frank Collar; church clerk, Me,r-
rill Cahtelon; treasurer, Mre. Bruce
MacLeari; assistant treasurer, Mrs.
Wilmer Harcourt; elyareli trustees,
Morrill Cantelori, Warner Har-
court, James Stapleton,. Reg Collar,
Harold Poeoek, 'truce MacLean;
Sunday School stint., Frank Collar;
assistant, Bruce MacLean; or-
ganist, Harold Pocrick; auditors,
Glenn Schiefele, 'Harold Pocock,
communion' stewardess, Mrs.' ,Wal-
ter. Pocock; assistant, 'r,
Gaunt;. visiting. committee, Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Pocock'; baptismal
committee, Mrs, Morrill. Catitelon,
Mrs. Glenn Scheifelo, Glenn Scheif-
cle, Reg Collar; publicity, Morrill
Cantelorl ; 'evangel agent, 'Mr). Wil-
neer Harcourt; flower committee,
Mrs, Beg Collar,Mrs, Gleiin
Seinefele; Ushers, deacon board.
The funeral of the late William
Abraham was held at„,the Walker
funeral tonne en Wednesday after-
noon: at two Wein*, With P.ev,
R. A, 731oak of Eitievale United
Church offiiiiattrig, The paliril ear.
era were Charles Campbell, o'vet
Campbell, ' CaSetriere, lido
CaSerriere, Arthur Edgar and Wil-
',frid Mines, Iiiterreent Wes in the
1/Vineland Cerrieteryi,
An interesting article .appeared
"recently in the •Saint ,lohn.
Evening 'Times -Globe , concerning
&farmer resident of Wingham, Dr,
James Lockhart, who founded
Rath Hospital' in Carleton County
In 1935,
Dr. Lockhart practised in Wing,
tarn for a short time some years
ago, and married .Arinio Elliott, a
Wingham girl. .She trained "for a
nurse in Woodstock General Hoe,
Pital and served overseas in World
War I, where she met her husband.
Mrs, Lockhart passed away several
years ago and the doctor has 'since
remarried, The article reads as
"In appearance And demeanor,
Dr, James Lockhart strikes one as
a, folksy country neighbor..
"There is nothing pretentious
about the mild mannered man who
gave this community ,a,nauch need-
ed hospital and, whose countless
acts of kindness are known only
to the hundreds who haVe benefit,
ed from his generosity.
"I" was sitting on the porch of
the home he had just completed
building, chatting With Mrs, Lock-
hart When the doctor's car swung
into the driveway beside the peace-
ful mill stream, He moved as „lithe-
ly as a man half his age, took the
porch steps two-at-a-time and the
handshake he extended was that
of a man of character and author
t`. lthough a modest man, almost
to the point of shyness, Dr, Lock-
hart doesn't mince words when he
has something on his mind. Hi$
easy going, overLthe-Thrin,fence
manner is swept aside when he
speaks of such doings as a national
health insurance or the medical
profession generally.
"Doctors are a privileged guild,
spoiled and babied and will fight a
national health scheme," Dr, Lock;
hart claimed, "It will eertainly cur-
tail the doctor's financial return
but will put an end to" the ruination
of those who are financially crippl-
ed by the staggering cost of medi-
cal treatment," he said,
"In the upper regions of Carleton
County the humanitarian , works .of
this kindly country doctor are the
by-word of almost every resident
of the sprawling farm' community.
Well known among the 'residents
are his uphill struggles to establish
the Bath hospital which over the
The second in a series of pro-
gressive euchre parties was held
on Friday evening at the lime of
Mr, and Mrs. Sam, Thompson. The
Prizes for high scores went to Mrs'.
James Leddy and Leo Foran and
low prizes to Mrs. Hardy and 'Ro-
bert Chamney. Mr. and MrS;
ward Robinson invited those as-
sembled to their home for next
Friday evening's party.
Mr, and Mrs. R. Chamncy left
early this week via 17A for feW
weeks in Florida.
• '
Anderson-St. Onge
Vows at Guelph
]3ELGRAVE — Dublin Street
United Church, Guelph, was decor-
ated with standards of white chry-
santhemums and pink carnations
for a ceremony on 'Saturday after-
noon, February 1 at 3.30 o'clock, in
which Delvia Mary Ellen St. Onge,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Edgar
St, Onge, of Niagara Falls, was
united in marriage to Mr. James
Richard Anderson, Guelph, son, of
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Anderson of
Morris Township. Rev. Daskier of-,
Traditional wedding music . was
played by the church organist, who
also accompanied the soloist, 11188
Elizabeth Weeden of Guelph, who
sang "The Lord's Prayer" before
the ceremony and "Weddilig
Hymn" during the signing of the
register. "
Given in marriage by her father,
the bride looked charming in a
white.gewn of net and lace panels
over satin, featuring a full' colonial
skirt and portrait neckline, Her
fingertip veil of illusion was held
by. a pearl tiara and she carried
a bouquet Of white carnations and
red roses.
Miss Rose Marie • St. Onge of
Niagara Fella, as maid of honor,
nose a goWn of Pink brocade,
featuring a blue velvet Cummer-
bend sash and pink feathered
bandeau, She carried a crescent of
pink carnations with pink feathers,
Mies Karen Paterson of ,GuelPit,
and Mee Nancy Rao Noble, Nia-
gara .Falls, were bridesmaids and
their gowns and flowers were !den
tidal, to that of the• maid of honor,
The best Men was Gerald Keith
Anderson, ,of St, Thomas, brother
of the bridegroom, The guests were
ushered by two friends front St.
Thomas "and Cluelph.
,The reception was held in Dublin
Street United Chtirch hall, Which
Was decorated with basketa Of
white ehryaanthenitline and White
carnations, The tables were deder-
ated with pink earnatleris, and tail ,
dies.. The meal was served by the
ladles' of the church.. ' k Fee a Wedding trip to the Senth,
era United States', the bride chose
a royal blue lace dress with Whiter
white accessories, They will reside
in quelPh.
quests Wert present tit the wed
ding from Niavara Walls, Ontario,
Niagara Pats, 11.Y,, Versus, 1:40/1'1'
don, Kiteherfer, Weston, Campbell.
Vitle Streetsellie Auburn, lEtrUssele
arid toigrave,
community, In 01M/11010g the early
Into his homey manners
years has: so greatly benefited the
days' of his Carleton PPonty prae,
tic°, Dr, Lockhart fell back easily
"He shrugged aside my suggest,.
ion that opening the hespital was
part of his crusade for better and
JOSS costly nicAleill Care for his
county patients,
"I had a family to support\ and
it Seemed like a pretty good busl-
;loss venture," the doctor claimed,
but there are dozens ready to point
out that, the good health of the
peeple, and pot -the financial re-
ward, was the motivating force be-
hind the establishment of the bps-
1)aita tell' "Hospitalsoto reenly.s02r,doh for rhiwch showaroand
$3,90 for a Private room clearly in-
dicate that Money-making was not
the, prime, object,. Until the late
forties when Pr. Lockhart retired
from the hospital the rates had
Only been increased by •One 'dollar.
"Despite the low rates, the hospi-
tal has always made ends meet
since it qpened in 1935, which the
doctor claims-is abundant evidence
that hospitals can function with-
out; a deficit. .
4Mcire than 85 per cent of medi-
Cirie Can be done satiafa,dtorily
without fan'cy, elaborate and cost-
ly equipment, Modern hospitals are
loaded•down with fancy, Chromium
plated gear that leeks dandy but
is ;entirely unnecessary," Dr. Lock-
hart said. "When an old hotel was
converted into a hospital here in
1935,• a total of 15 beds were pro-
vided. In 1939 the accommodation
was increased to 25 beds and five
years later 40• beds were available,
In 1949 a son; Dr. John Lockhart,
joined his father and a short time
later the senior practitioner with-
drew from the hospital.
"With the worx began left
what he considered capable hands,
Dr., and Mrs, Lockhart set off for
a well-earned vacation, driving 20,-
000 miles in' a truck in which they
lived, enjoying a carefree life. In
1951 the doctor accepted" a post .in
the medical division of the depart-
ment of immigration and the
couple spent a number of years in
England, Ireland "and other Euro-
pean .coentries.
Indian Affairs
"In Canada once again, Dr, Lock-
hart entered. the civil service with
the Department of Indian. Affairs,
providing medical care for Indians
in • Moose Factory, Ontario and.
Fisher River, Manitoba.
"As well as being an enthusiastic
sportsman, 'Dr, Lockhart has an
outstanding collection of firearms,
hail `Old. and new, :some dating
hack' 300- years.' One of •his prized
pieces is a Broi:vn Bess flint lock
rifle in use. from 1650 to 1825.
'."In concluding the interview the
doctor had some encouraging re-
marks about the future of medicine
which he feels will make great
strides in •the next: decade, •,, •
could see small health
centres where the ailing • could
come for 'rest, observation and for
treatment: He said the day of door-
td-door medicine was happily pass,
"Aistrong country is only built
healthy people, and it is" the
responsibility of government •to
bring about socialized medicine
despite 'opposition,'' he said,
Both Dr. James Lockhart, and
his son, Dr, John 'Lockhart, are
graduates, of McGill University.
Former. Tornberry
Girl •Bereaved
The• death! occurred in Saska-
toon on Jaimary 17th 'of Walter
Myron VVininill, , husband of the
,former Jeanette Pringle, whose
honie was on concession 9, Turn-
berry. Deceased was a cousin of
Allen Pattison, .R.R. 3, Wingham,
He. was 64 years of age.
Born at Milton, North, Dakota,
he moved with his parents to the
Evansvale district in Saskatchewan
in 1901. They later moved to
Floral, where he farmed until his
Besides his wife, he is survived
by two sons, C, G. (Bert), with
the RCAF in England and Melvin,
at home; one daughter, Mrs. R.
(Anna) Paine of Floral, four bro-
thers and one sister,
'in Canada's
~lar est.
Mutual Fund
,OF .HURON:COV*.11)( . •,,,, .
.0,00 p,go, •
.Public Cordially Moiled
a P•WilIPAPIAWIllif .1014...filHIFP9101•IP4111.1!**, ..1.t.•.e..111mffro,010
IS YOUR cAR:LoomNo ][.rum., OR DRAM -
B od y : Shop.
Phone 746. ' "Sid Adams, Prop." Wingham
rOnt rocery
Phone: Our Prices Are Lower Free
We Keep Down the Upkeep, Delivery
Save 11c
Reg, ,
SPECIAI.4 '4 1us 99c
Save 17c
Regular.or Chubby .
Reg.• 2 for 39e
6 for $1.00
Save 11c - GreetilGiant"NIBLE,TS
14 oz. nog. 2 for 37c 1• .01)
7c OFF' - 16 or..
$2.99 10 lbs.
Hard Gloss GLO COAT'
$1 05 59C
liJonsene ................ .... . ... . .„...„„. quart ; • pint
California - 30's ...... , . .... fur 25c
Texas - 20 or,.
This is a "Welcome to. Wingham" Bargain Store
10 ....... till ...................... I .... ........ .. I ......... ..... illtililli11111111011111 ...... 1111 11.1!..1111.111111011q11111111.1-
Album.* RI issil milt I intsmi Sloe sad, s Omit "lint sass trii I • ilra
Tip. Tog's new Spring samples are here
, , and ,we ritranglyatege you to drop iii • and look over tht. • handsome selection of these tap duality fabrics:
MEN'S or LADIES' TIP top 'surfs
'tailored-to-measureArent „, .. , • $65.00
if It's iteady4o,Wear clothing 'itallu4 plea We etiggeo .'Tilt
`.l'op's outstanding stock suit "The •Meilallidi" an 'ail Wool snit
Skilfully designed in the laniena t :7 Tip To%) faSbleu ..... .... .. ....... .. ... Piked at w grv.• v v r-"••
A group of Men's All Nylon Dress Sox,
Regular .$1.00 pair
SPECIAL 69c pr. or 3 firs.. $2.00
(Winghatn) Limited - • itiocsow 'otougii •
fl'6H 0 N E 5 3
*4 WIItik101 AlfrVArAklitnimh W041,101171 VOS
Prom the Cosmetic Department
Colognes, Lipsticks, Nail Polishes
1011114t ifty An' Regular
'ilia" size for C 550 gift tttttttt ..„, 2 for
Prom the Veterinary Department
?Egvirlr t Regular
$1.1 9 sto., for 044,‘
,$1.45 - for
Vitaid Louse Powder - Powder.
• Reg. 85c for 59c • . --
Prom the Sundry Department
Aimed Assortmeni of Everyday, Cards
tictiv.s in the box
liteirefir . rot , 69C
told-over Writing Pad amid Envelopes
tell pureilictSe you are 'itiVited to register iii eh et 'CM
AN VaigNst PAW TKO' TO NEW itOntt
:CASitiOR gritAirit
Invitation •eennittee—Mrs. G. 'L.
VI di/ e Zift e d Sae
Dobson, convener, J. Snell,
Mrs. Geo. 'Gibson, Mrs. D. Statia,
Mr, Howard Wylie, Mr, Harvey
Timm, '
Lunch committee—Hrs. C. Mc-
Cuteheon, convener, , Mrs. Wm.
Hart, Mrs. J. Sanderson, Mrs: B.
Chambers. '
BoOklet conernittee—Rev. W. J. V.
Buchapan,. convener; Mr, A. Mun.,
To, Mrs. S. Higgins, Mrs, G, Mc-
Michael, Mr. C. McCutchcon, Mr.
Geo. Gibson.• .
Receptioli committee—Mr. A.
Munro,convener "Me. Howard Wy-
lie, Mr. S, Higgins, Mr. Roy Hun-
ter, Mr. -Stan Gallaher.
Would any, Parsen knowing the
addresses of former members of
the WrOxeter United Church please
contact"Mre. G. L, Dobson.
Final plans were made for the
final skating party to be held next Church hail nn Thursday evening
Tuesday evening in the Wroxeter to plan for The centennial services
rink, with ref reshments served which will be held on Sunday, July
afterward in the church hall. The 6th, 1958."
meeting closed with Taps. The followine• committees were
11111111111W !! I ll ,n1.1 llllll 111,1i tttttttttttttttttttttt ,IIIIIIIII tt appointed:
If f4
A recent iSsite.• of The F1116416161
Post carried 6 quote •froin The
AdvanteMitiefi, We can't
understand just bow we troika tint
pages Ot• till% august journal; par,
Cientefly 'Wilen its thief Concern isel
Ian IlteKereheri SP
11/amide Dennis,
ecial bingo, Mrs,' Abraham Funeral
Held 'Wednesday
In one.simpleAt'ep you
can become part owner
in over 100 widely
diversified: and 4elected
seturitieS, it's to your
advantage to contact ,
your lnVistort Syridt,
cite representative fOr
full details.
Thos. A. Jarditt
Phone 147
t'lltblettiOit, °Mt
John W,
W 0 Wi i
Phone 1042.
A tt 1,4 6.
OVAtieOridOinkiniti, Oitctiffolinae.A14ttin ,
llllll ti,t0,00000 ll • llllllllll lllllll lll l 'to 100 11111111 h-
„Save 1.0c
Maxviell House.
Beg, ,95c lb.
SPECIAL 85c"-lb.
lllll .....
Nestle's Chocolate ..QUIK , • 50c
Granulated SUGAR;2,;
5 lbs.
Instant NU MILK
Modem' 216's - dozen
47c ,
• 0