The Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-02-05, Page 6armichael s
Thia' Week
Just arrived — complete new shipment of
priced right, for quick sale
$2.98 TO $8.95
atrick St.t Wingham
Phone .710
ti ll
Shirley Jean Ashton
Wed on Saturday
FORDWICH-Rev, 13, A, Gard-
ner officiated on Saturday, Febru-
ary 1st, at 12 o'clock noon for the
Marriage of Shirley Jean Ashton
to Ross Durst, of Toronto.
The ceremony 'took place in the
Fordwich United Church, The
bride' is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs, George Ashton, R.R. 2, Gorrle,
and the groom is the son of Nfr,
and Mrs, George Durst of Listowel.
Given in marriage by her father,
she wore a street-length dress of
satin champagne lustre ,br,o gade
and carried yellow mums' and
stephanotis, Her headdress was a
band of champagne lustre.
Miss Elaine Demerling of Lon-
don was bridesmaid in a street-
length dress of brown velvet with
a headdress' of white feathers, She
carried a white Muff wills yellow
and bronze' mums attacb'ed.
Mrs, Bessie Jobb,of Listowel was
the organist and Mrs. George Ken-
nerti'veCIlderton was soloist. • '
Robert pilison of Listowel was
Best' man; The esherS were Jack
Acheson of To;plito. /Mid Arthur
Wells' oY`1 Llititld'n:' "'
.Immediately following the cere-,
‘Mony :a reception was held in the
elinrch::parlors,-; •
For.a.-wedding trip to• the United
States Mrs.'DurstlAvore a, dress of
royal %blue' wool ' jersey with a
tweed, coat and' browse accessories.
Her corsage was of yellow mums,
The ,bride-and groom Will, live, in
Toronto. , ,;
Charlie' OfrBri'tton visited on. Sun-
`'iNtr:•"hrittr: James
Walsh and family:'!"'''1 °
• 0011484lat tit sours oto alto mounettas,,, tt *LOINS MOIL • _
FRIDAY, FEB.,- 7'i1
1.30 p.m. to ,,,5 p:m.
has 'recorded, for the ages, all of the: clrinid ftiSi51
of Moses and The Ted Commandments.' He has brought ,to through the \
medium of the motion' picture, this great: subject ,which leas been described:
as "The most decisive leap forward ever discernible in the hutnaii story."
, .777-
'MATINEES. VEIL 8th " 12th,- .15th AT' 00 •p,m,,, books, OPEN. put_
its .911e, ,stuttents EVENING ',Adtithit Sittilktt, tt SOO
7,77r. "— ' ' 1$p
lutab•ait411$ Wedttemit% ro. 0,19m
!Atm Rimer fiqraiog
/NNA MEER% !Hostess to C.C.I.T. tliNIU
rot OPEN AT Gli,PIVN •
VOADWICH-Tbe BELGIIAVE-A- otelueit dinner regUlar Meeting at, the ho bold In mit! t h Mrs. Elmer Harding when .4no.,. was 9 c9 4011 Wit the
'veered the toll call, 'The worship. annual Meeting of Knox United
service was led by peggy ephson church on Tuesday, January 28, A
and Shirley Ent* ' • joint meeting, of the members of
Mrs, J', Pelle* gave the study Knox and Prick Churches was
on Japan, It was deeided to weer' held in the church, auditorium 011-
Mediatgly following the dinner,
when YON', C, A, Drug led in pray,
er, after, which hp dealt, with the
problems at hand, stressing the
fact .that he hoped the two church-
es .e)oeld, contiTie working to-
gether and support one another in
any prnleets taken up, by either
charge. He hoped for the co-opera-
tion of the congregations and ex-
pressed appreeiation pf the work
done in the past
The churches held their
separate meetinsgS. James. Michie
was chairman for the Knox meet-
reTtaa following reports
ing and Mrs, Leslie Bolt was sec-
were read;
Geperal fund and Missionary and
Maintenance fund by • Mrs. John
Anderson Wo an's A5sociatlon by
Middies one day that week, .4a it
we:N..014'1444n Youth, Wes*. Lamb
was Served and the meeting VIOSed
with Ta.O.s. •
volpwiel-f-Encetiraging re-
peas in all departments wore
heard atthe annual meeting of the
rertiWiell United Church, The
minister, Rev. Arthur F. -Gardner,
Presided, following a pot .luck
supper, 4
Harold Pollock was 'appointed
secretary for the 1.1414.11.1egS po'riod,
Warren ZurbrIgg was reeording
steward, Elected to the board of
stewards were James. Warrell, Ken
Graham," Anson Button, Harold
Pollock, Stan Bride, Robert :Nib-
berri, W. A. 'WallaCe, Clarence
Carswell, Elmer Harding, Hoserell.
Fraser, William Wilson, Tra Sehae-
for; secretary, Stan Bride; trees,
Wray Cooper; fin, see„ Robert Hib-
herd; M, and M, 'trews,, E, A.
Schaefer; congregation see„.
old Pollock; M. and M, Committed,
Geo, Ashton, Wm. Campbell, Robt,
Hibberd, Glenn Johnston, E. A,
Schaefer. ,
WX,S, Ares„ Mrs, Ken Graham;
W.A. pres., Mrs. Glenn Johnston;
Sunday School supt„ Menu. Stems-
ston; organist, Miss Violet Bes-
witherIck; choir leader, Austin
Stinson; auditore, Harold Pollock,
Robert Gibson,
There' are 108 active familiee;
persons under pastoral care, 909;
There were ten infant baptism;
five marriages; and six deaths in,.
1957. The total remittance to the
M and M. treasurer in Toronto was
$1100.00. All reports showed a good
minent :WC Pa,than, who' be-
trayed his people to their epttes-
tiera, and Was rewarded With a ,
government post and mullions liv-
ing. Yvonne De Carlo plays, the
beautiful desert *IA SOPhOra, 'One
of the seven dauglitorS of jetheo,a
minor chieftain, Who becomes the.
wife of Moses„ Debra Paget ie the
g'entle, bine,' who brings water to
bee unfortunate slaving „countey-
rTeelinin, thed4d1:7:0111mIrEionicretiht: ii;t9Shinuilthae
hot sun, Her protector, Joshua, is
ostromneg-cseust,toheis bteruertedesainoli tolientooluln!
out the, Exodus, and deSignated
as. theleader ofooletshe"tribble8e of Israel,
Nina. Foch..POrtran Bithia, the
Pharaoh's childless daughter, who
findsL the infant Moses'ie the bu1•
rashes • and brings up as an
Egyptian prince, Charlton Ilest;on't;
three-month-old son has the 'Pia
of the baby Moses. 4r Carle
Ra,rdwielte, as Sethl the Jfast, rite
Pharaoh in power when Moses was
a, considers Moses as vizeaki
allOyf htiZe'owotnheorsn'in• itnportant roles
Vincent Price plays Bake; Mar,
tha. Scott is seen as Yoehebel, the
true mother' of Moses; ,John par-
radine is Aaron And Wn.
COMM is the Pharaoh'S wAr leade,r.
Douglass Durelpille Is a conniv-
ing high"; priest ' at the court of
ran Keith,O itvhee Dearing iss isR
and Donald Curtis portrays Mere41
'?.or ,seenes of the Exodus made'
in'Egypt, men, woinep add children
were hired not by individuals 'het
by .tribes, and whole families 'Weir
part, brinking along their house-
hold goods , and their domestic
sizes 12 to ,18 & to 24%
Also a complete range of
(cottons and nylons) $3 Priced from • , , . . t
At Carmichael's NURSES'XI-IITE, . NYLONS
si qauge '30 denier, for long
Wear, at ONLY 79
Seventeen Tables
At Euchre Party
FORDWICH--- Seventeen tables
were in play 0,t the .Forriwieti, come
Triunity diall .on Tuesday night, spon-
sored by the Library Board, Thei,se
in charge were Mr. and Mrs. Stan
Bride, Miss Minnie MeElwain,,,Mrs,
Emma Williamson, Miss Beatrice•
Wade and Ron VanVelsor,
Winners were, high lady, 'Mre.
.Clare Harris; 'high gent, Clarence
Carswell; consolations, Mrs. George
Richard and Roy Sinunons;- most
lone hand; Leon Schneider..
.G001 13. DeMille's "The Ten
CoromandmeritS", .Preaentirig the
greatest oast ever assembled foe a,
motion picture, will open Irriday,
1Fueabaer y„eb7rtuha*uyi et n
h at
n toorgwata-
Theatre, Herristen,
Heading the magnificent cast
are Charlton Heston, Yel "z•yriner,
Anne Baxter, Edward G. Robinson,
Yvonne DeCarlo, Debra Paget,
John Derek, Sir Cedric liardvviclie,
Nina Foch, Martha Seott, Judith
Anderson and Vincent 'Prise with
a number of supporting stars,
Charlton Heston was selected for
the portrayal of Moses `because,, be,
More than any actor of the score
considered, had the necessary gnat-
'ties of strength. sincerity and spir-
ituality, The role required enor-
Mous physical stamina, the ability
to melt 'the, demands both of the
pert itself and to withstand the
tigers of actually following in the
fOotsteps of Moses, across 'the Sin-
ai desert. and alo»g the rugged
slopes of Mount Sinai, bare-footed
and under the' Peuncling sun With
the temperature hovering around
120 degrees, Key scenes for the pro-
duction, biggest, in the history of
motion pictures, were filtned in
authentic Biblical settings in g-
3,p1; and the Sinai Peninsula. .• • ,
Since "The Ten Commandments"
is a dramatization of the' life of
Moses, Heston is called on to de-
" t pie the great prophet from young
manhood, when he, brought up as
gat Egyptian prince, apPeara. as
the 'bronzed, stalwart- commander
of the army, through his degrade-
Lion as a slave, toiling with 'his
people; the Children of Israel; un-
der the lash in the brick pits to
build Egypt's great monuments,
and on through his ehastening by
the Lord in the desert and, his.
glorious later life as the leader of
the Exodus and the Voice of God,
Yel Ery.nner was ,chosen for the
role of RameSes, the Pharaoh , of,
the Exodus, who defies God
through Moses, as-the result of his
performance in the long-running
Broadway hit, "The King and -I":
DeMille attended the play, and ono'
minute after the star's appearance
knew he had found Pharaoh and
signed Brynner up' between acts.
• In the great Exodus Hoene, he
leads his charioteers . through the
Gates of the City of 'Per-Ramesee,
the biggest set ever constructed foe
a motion picture, built on the des-
ert outside Cairo, Brynner rides a
gilt .and leopard-skin thatioti Ahab
is.. drawn by two Spirited black
stallions, 'trained forfiye Months
for this =menial 'elliVade.
Antic Baxter portrays the tragic
Egyptian 'Queen, l'sTerretiri, - who
(historians say) loved 3/164e.e. 'Se-,
Meted for 'her. beauty; authority'
and great'acting tAntle8-
tele- presents her" as the scheniiiii
Worinaii,- vengeful 'When" she fella.' td
bend Moses 'to her evil -and
goading Ramescs into mote and
more; cruelties against 'the' Child
rep Of Israel.
Anglican Church'
GORR1E-The Guild of St, Mar-tha, will meet at the home of Mrs,
Harry King at 8.45 on Wednesday
The Erotherhood of Anglican
Laymen of the parish will hold
its February meeting in Trinity
Church, Vordwich, on Tuesday
evening at 8.45.
You, are always welcome at
Your Family. Store in Wingham Phone lw
•71!..711.14111441414=1,.M.444111=411n .744•1144•114'p41.7011,04111.0411.174n 11444•Maill.,4411141.1MW141411.41.4,444.1171.•114414.414041110
I( yeu want to be sure of,reak7
Ole a hit, let us send your
• Vidrntine. Just tell us for whom
icrirette,aiming: daughter, wife,
• Mother, sweetheart, and we'll
ereenge a sentimental rentern-
ltonce that can't miss.
tor ty'ifeel as septimental about
.4$0- Rowers as you do about
If you can't make a per.,
.11044, selection, just
kOrphone. We will
Aloe special care in
aitCing the right se.
;salon for you.
Lewis Flowers
i,;Phone 101 - Wingham
Mrs, John M. Coultes. Robert
Grasby expressed a word of
thanks to the W.A, on behalf of
the Board of Stewards; choir re-
port by Mrs'. Carol Procter, follow-
ed by words of appreciation by
Rev: Krug to the choir; report of
the Robert. Harrison bequest by
James Mollie,
The following were named a
committee to make arrangements
about having the organ repaired,
Mrs. George Johnston, Mrs. George
Michie and Roy. Mundy, The Even-
ing Auxiliary report was given by
Mrs. 'Robert .arasby; Evening
Auxiliary gift fund by Mrs. Gor-
don Bosnian; Afternoon Auxiliary
by Mre. George Martin, The sec-
retaries annual reports of the
Evening and Afternoon Aulxliary
and the Mission Band were read
by Earl Anderson; Mission Band'
by Ws. Gordon Boman; W.M.S
gift fund by Mrs. Jesse Wheeler;
Baby Band by Mrs. George Martin;
Sunday School by Ross Anderson;
Young People's Union by Earl'
Anderson; C,G.I.T., by Mrs. Ted
Fear. It was decided to have the
Obsever sent to each member's
home for another year.
The next annual meeting will be The New '
are All Here
Rock 'n roll, he-bop,
disiviand, we don't
care. What you like, " have It:
7t! :et,•;(e
The condition .of your estate should
concern 'you as much as your personal.
health: Estate Administration is an
imPortant undertaking-pot something
to be handled by people' unfamiliar
with estate management.
At Sterling Trusts, we have experienced
I ,„:410:EPtlate9MeerP. They will aciYise
assist you in the planning of your
estate. Call on us at any time •
• 4. 'of-Write for our free-booklet
!ItiuspriafFor,Your Family".
tHE Ward Allan ,Country Music
:.both albums and '78's
Ray Price
Rank Loeldin
held in the form of a pot-luqc
dinner 'on the fourth Tuesday in
January; ,1959,
New' members appointed 'to 'the
, official board are: To the Session,'
Walter Scotto' and, Lewis• ' 'Stone-
house;• •to' 'Stewards,• Jaities
Coultes; ;Clarence andV116.*VeY
Edgar: Plata ddllectOrS'•and` ushers
were all ;reappotrit'dd!' 'Anditcirs' 'ate
Mrs:•Oedege Martin dindi'Mri! rakk
Higgins. ' -
JOhn •COultes''and /YtWi-k
ArroStrorte v/eYe the high *lib
wirindes at the weekly Progressive
euchre party leld: on' 'Wedhe'SilitY
evening its th'e'ldiaminilbitY'C'entre.
Consolation; Went" rto "Via
Ftarold'WISh'' and ""Heritieth
WheeIell'There were "seven tablei
in play and ,1-leib'Whaler 'wori 'ihc
novelty prite). .; 57° ' '"•
• There Were 23 tables of progres-
sive euchre at the community card
party and dance sponsored by the
Belgrave Woirten's Institute, and
held on Friday evening in the
Foresters', hall. High prizes were
won by Mrs, Robert Graaby and
Earl Anderson. "Consolation -prizes
went to Miss. Jean Bacon and
George Grig-g, Lucky chair prize'
Winner, Mrs. Herson. Irwin. Lunch
was ser'od and dancing was en-
joyed to the music of Bruce's or-', • . ehestra, •
Head Office:,
3172.11ay„St., Toronto
„Branch Office:
1-3 Dunlop St., SWAP
"Sit! -You can't tell it by
looking at her but ;Grandma's
wearing her new Acousticon
Rearette. Don't even whisper
- she can hefty a pin drop 7-•
and 'she' says It's•sO;comfOit;
able she deer'Velien- t'ak'e 4
off when she haPi. triert6; •
see where she Wears ie=Thlit't
coulan't see a thing. She says
she has a coMpletely :eordless
new ear from Acoustiem
She's a„lot more furt.tin,play
with -.why she ; an leer; my.
dolls talk now - Init I do•haite
to he a lot more quiet when it's
nap pram" ,J
If yciieri' 61rd:4f-hearing,
come in and discover` thi
Miraculous new -Aiouiticois
advances that ' bring yeur
hearing as dime to normal' •
as possible. '
'Edward G. Robinson has a pro-
pkwrence Welk
E - Jimmy Rogers
IN HI 11
, Extended Plays, Child-
ren's Records, and
1111.1011 ttttt 1,fill11,111111.11111;111filll'1.1 iiiiiii ttttttt ttttttt t t I t 1i t
To Make Chopsticks
At Next Meeting
BELGRAVE-The regUlar meet-
ing of the Canadian Girls in Train-
ing was held on Friday evening
with their leader, Mrs. Ted Fear,
in charge. 'Mrs. Feat also Conduct-
ed the mission study on Japan,
Jean Hanna and Marilyn Pen-
gelly were •in charge Of the wor-
Ship service, opening with a hymn
and prayer by Jean followed by
the Scripture tesson, Psalm 4,
Marilyn led in prayer and read
the story, '"The Children Meet
Jesus", followede`by a hymn and
the benediction by-Jean.
The minutes‘were read by Lorna
Bolt, the roll: Call arfsWered and
the offering received. Florence
Rinn and Betty Rims will, be in
charge of the worship service ,at
the meeting on February, 14. Lil-
lian Pengelly arid'Plit Logan were
appointed to purchase dowelling to
make chop-sticks with at the next
'Bodiniii :raft% t'oriityl will Meet
"on Monday, Vebriittry 15, at the
' horrid' Of Mr. and Mrs', 'Ted Pear.
Me, and Mrs. George Linley and
Mr. Lee Roy, all of Detroit, Michi-
gan, visited over the week-end with
Mr and' Mrs, Albert `Vineent.
Mr. and Mrs. GOOF& lends And
family of London spent the .week.
end with her parents, Mt. and Mrs.
John! MeCallttin.
M. and Mrs. •Goldie Wheeler
and family of Lorideet spent the
week end With his parentai''Mr.
'and, ;Herb Wheeler. -
lett', and Mra, Rey Rehiring of
Birth visited Sunday with Mr,
mid WS, Latnont' end bale,
Mrs, Garner Pioetet,.of YierktOtis
Sisk, spent last Week .with
Old ,fps, Jambes' Cotines gild"
James It; Ooulteit laWhdetr 'th6
annual teeetthg a the Ontario.'
'Hereford ASeetlatiniti 'hod ity
GibelPh last Week,
M. and Mrs. Ca* I:3150k °'itild
2. 1 .11. DIE THIS'YEAR*
Slitteett ilutitired tfiflcers 'ef the Ontario Provincial
relict speed 466 OA et every year coverlet every
• Pine Orttarie4 highways-trying to stop Motorists
fttitri killing themselvest They do this by seeing to-it
it :..that tar and trunk drivers .drive 'sensibly and safely.
.e000perating with your 0,1iL.P., and driving within al
law you will .help these men to' make Ontario's
.-:highwaYs safer lot -eVerYhtle.
*164'd 04104:110 rert 4 y' ere
lltAlitd011itt Ott PON. A.IlilSa `Mi 1lltTf AfYdltiitY soinoto