The Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-02-05, Page 31 Pay all bills by cheque on a Personal Chcouing A Account. A quarterly statement will help you keep • your ;records straight. The low service charges " are prepaid. Your cancelled cheques are on We 2 if you need them. KeerYour Savings. A•ccount for saving. Add hi it from every pay. As your balance grows, you'll galit , neW peace of mind. Start Planned Saving at our nearest branch naw, 'THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE '775 {RANCHES ACROSS CANADA READY TO SERVE YOU N4170 R. HAMILTON t . . . , . OPTOMETRIST d ri . 4 "aSig„ t iris the so id of ng Or a- Kr tor avi rt jai s. Itha ho is Eire 111111111 cf 9.1 • Co. 11111111111 111110111 UIlSN' it Sou 4117#3. CASH you die. ll'01400,100 tor Ole :4411itlY (,.1'...)1114g1A't; for your tetireiriont Ali sirs one FRANK C. HOPPER , --Repreotentative— Canada Life. WINGHAK ONT. Theatre - Harriston W•••••M•14,IN IVW,Nr•WWWW, TnURISDAV FEBEEARY and 6 "JOE BUTTERFLY" , in TeehnicolOr and starrirfg Murph3; & Keenan Wynn STABITS1 FIDDAy, FEB. 7 pigtox191.1 MT., VEIL. 15 "THE • TEN 'COMMANDMENTS' One Nightly starting '1.W4i MANTINEES §AT.; WED., and. SAT., ,FEB. 12 - 15 Starting at',1:30 W,A. Groups Meet At Bosnian Home BLVEVALE—The second and first line group Of the Woirian's Association ef the United Ghtireb weye entertained at the home of Mrs. Chas. Besman last Thursday, There were 4.0 mentbers present. Plans for the year were 'lima& and the members engaged in doing work for the annual sale of the church, which takes plaed in the autumn. QUALITY HEATING . . is Mrs, .Jack Wiekstead and Abe session will be proving(' hY.' Mrs M. 40Farlar10 and Mrs, Mel Craig. Mrs, P. S. MacNaughton will :re- port on the W. I, hat/41141 conVen- tiOn in Ottawa in OCtgber, ASSIst- ing the hoSteas Will be Mrs, R, A. , • • jilnel,4958. !MS intbnatien WAS re-, The Women's Institute Joe Horton, 4111.11 01 1 11111 11111 ,111,1114111.11111111111111,111,111.1111111,1111111.11111.1111111111111111111101111111 1,111111110111 ,1111111,1 01 1114111101111111101# 1111 r I , ur 2-ACCOUNT PL is Planned Saving WINGHAM • BRANCH, W. 0. STRUTHERS - Manager of colOrs. Nom q Pecorotiog,#padoarters -• Ability —7 Time tested • I. Thoroughiless' • / Phone 37 fok aPpointment , .)11.011(1010•11•0011011,1111ii•miluornamoginuniormilmfinisiiiri,'"4 and, r*Ors!„.$14pito y Phone •30 5,0 FORDWICII rrs, A COMFORT 6 HAVING 'THAT SORB . IN TOWN! ' FEEL:A LOT BETTER NOW THAT efERI .NSGC IP1:11-E160r:4At VANCE'S, DRUG STORE _ • - This valuable, easy-to-use book, which you . borrow absolutely (free, is arranged by color scientists to make the choos- I i ing of color combinations easy . . . Enables you to re-style your rooms i With the new, softer look . .. Over 1,400 different color combinations:•, a, it • . i We also I,ndle SPRED-SATIN and SPRED-LUSTRE, in the full range m7 members. New Life Wit !. The meeting was opened by a P_ brief devotional service and George • Thomsen acted as sepretriry for the p 1 — meetings and read the` minutes of 4. fil . .._-. the last annual Meeting. • Super Ketn-Tone and 4 Keen-Glo' 1 , A k ' See Your Honie Take r ores ar ware MISS Mary and Miss Ruby Mo. 'rhos,. Inglis and .01004 of I3ohoore opest, Sunday v00. Robertson. • - • • Mr, 'Orld, 'Mrs, Jack t'eSirieb and children of Woodstoek spent•Sem. gay with Mr, and Mrs, Chas, Bog, men. , 'Ws. A.. Barnard• and Mrs. 1.1 W -c1"'sl°11' retire 09 "4- °E Mrs, ,Donald Street of spending a wreck with tesrt7i:i4A1,1•PrQ-P14° :9119w/14 :34'e business le:':%1IVITOAtt;Pageiwairro.HitZ; ILIJEVALE Thursday, Vehrtrary I,2th t 2 fli nt ip Two xrtoth.lg, ouplp,c1REt y g ORoun at ,be ot Mi's, Win Nleb , • spent the week end with her par, 0„4, ru.n,,,guarn, a member of the Miss Joyce Hoffman Or Barrie ,,,,,,wikigtkfunt member of the RETINt 4IINE gr, and gra, (alas, Antonan„. P140)1040 /bstitute, The CenTener , = There are 74 families' in the eon- I I Nothing can give you a greater pick-up at this time of year than' a bright, cheerful home: Drop in this week and see our Complete stock ,of wallpaper, and the hun- dreds of colors in Super Kem-Tone, the. De- luxe Latex Wall Paint and Kem-Glo, the U miracle Alkyd Enamel. WONDERFUL NEW ,COLOR HARMONY BOOK U ion of the feeling of the emigre- gation was given by Alex Corrigan. Mr. Brook has been eight years in this pastorate by thg end of June and during this time and Mrs. Brook 'have endeared thens- Selves to,. the eongregation and their resignatiOn" will be a 'great loss to .the church. The reports ofP- the various, or- ganipations lin the work, of the church were very satisfactory and a showed the keen interest of their took place.. ,pa. ..Friday 4.1n140,.:014 mitten the venvegstion .was well -representi4.- The pastor, Mr; Mr; BrO0h -Presided at the meeting.- and .,(Ittring. the evening advised - the Inetabera of gregation, 325 individuals under pastoral :care. The 'finances of the church arc in a, sound' condition and the budget for theorear 958 was given Out. , .•• ' • Mr. Brook :''spoke on' the urgent need of a men's residerfce at Wes- tern University fOr United Church Theological students and gave the plan by which the money for this objective coUld be raised. Each family in the Presbytery Will be asked to donate :0,0.00, which' to be paid in three year's time, • • When the meeting adjourned refreshments wore served. ceived With regret and eXpre.44. Harry Gowdy's sale 'of farm stock, implements, etc., on Wed- nesday, January 29th, was one of the most largely attended salei in this district, Good prices were rea- lized. Arnold s Darroch of Clifford was the auctioneer, The "Silo" ball, sponsored by the Howlett Lions Club on Friday even- ing drew a good crowd. The hall was nicely decorated the Lions' colors. Spotlight dance prizes went to Mr, and Mrs, Harry Ternpleman and Mr.,and Mrs, Jack Berlett, of Listowel, Roy Simmons had the lucky ticket for the door prize. Mr. H. V, Holmes returned last week after spending several weeks with relatives in.Toronto. Mrs, Minnie Irwin and Mrs. G. Wiright entertained op Friday evening in honor of Mrs. Bella Greaves' birthday. Euchre was played and later refreshments were served including birthday cake. ' Mr. and Mrs„ James McKenzie Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Jas, McKen-, zie Jr, of Wallaceburg, visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Alex Graham, Mrs. McKenzie Sr, is re- maining for a week's visit with her daughter, Mrs, Graham, Mrs. Elwin Somers accompanied her son, Mr. Cameron Somers, Mrs. Somers and sons of Stratford,' orr Sunday to visit Mr, Elwin Samers in Victoria Hospital, London. Mr, Arthur Chapman, who was a patient in the Palmerston Hospi- tal, was able to return to his home on Friday. Mr. Morley Bell, who has been ill wih pleurisy in the Listowel Memorial Hospital, is ex- pected to be home this week. Mrs. Archie Miller spent several days last week with friends in To- ronto. , I Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hyndman and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Dilworth, Ethel. Mr. and , Mrs, Ira MeLean and Murray visited with Mr, and Mrs. W. C. King on Sunday. - Mr, and Mrs.' George Brown. and Jean visited with Mr. and Mrs. Beet Elliott of Molesworth on Sun- day. Miss Jean Spelling and her niece, Wanda Sparling, are both patients Thelma Belinett.4 tbe mighty, liblel on 'Monday. eliorting, at the horne ,91 Mr. Asa Mrs, tho Priae 'Winners' wOre,:- Ivtrs„ Tt4 Ed.gar, ladlea blab. score;• AQ40- Mann, Men's high sc-00; Hugh :Sinnarnen end IlarVey AO,•. ger, draw 'prim. Euchre Winner tin ,ListOWel Hospital. • . Mr_ Rayinond...GOVedji of Toronto spent several days with bis parents prior. to• their adetion.Pale. " 'Will' 'litiVe rettirried • /ionic after •sponding .two weeks in Beams-vine,. - • Miss' Margaret ..BroWn, Torcintb, .sPent thei ,"weeli•-ond With . Miaa fl(c-Igeek, FORDWICH--114he Hi C held itp meeting at the parSonage with 24 present.. The • discussion on "young Peopio im'the Home" ,was taken by Jean and Joyce , Greer. Contests were enjoyed tand .:the meeting closed with, Taps, . • tt IS Ef FORDWX0fr---' 'The '0A11144 'e,01k,7 nivaT *as held Saturday. night in the Arena with *.good attendaheo, nOntRieheing 41 eight ""eloeli.,trytth ,hoOlfey *OOP 4)90,_cpti Ole Osten Pala -004 thf faH*Ieh 1 The vialithrg came PiciPFtfiti6 with a Scere or 7,4, ,to.09Nvithr tha' offio judging okeastmnea took place; the wiriner$ 1)014 'aa, follows: !Girls ip efg;t0Te, pre:Schent:Karen 'Whighanil•-bnY0--in costume, Pre- SChOtil, BOW, Gihilen,Otirkie; fan- cy,- girls .6-12,, 116; '40911' .49bnaon; 2nd, Mari9rY Attitten1 ,fAirY; laW4 6-124 Jah,(1 Cart4Well,- ,814 .goitter,' winghoir ocainic eoStuine, bOY or girl, '6-12, CarSwell, Miller • fehara.,eter" easturne„ boy, or girl '6142, Tiodglha'''OihiOn, '4Arine Best' e4hibition figure skating • • . Marjorie • Keiffer Wing- him and Wes 'DoWney, H.:arriston; best •• ,ekbibitiOn't 'figure ; skating, single, Marjorie;Keiffer; be'st turtle; -carswelj, *Dor- is CarsWeil';'^farigy 'ceetninet gOnt's. T. -Schaefer,. 141,1dy Xeiffer; char- acter. costuine, .lady. Or gent„Rein- hard Lange,. Wes: DoWney. ' Best elown, 'Elaine Miller; mi- . egSturne, .4st,, Mr. and Mre. Ben Gibson', and lamily, pnd, John ',Harris; best skating couple in cos- tume,Schae- fer; queen of the. c'aritivai, Dianne Carswell; oldest` couple on skates, Mrs. F, F.. White .of Harrieton, Wes bown.eY;,',11.1Arriston; gouple • coming. the farthest,' Mr.. and. Mrs. Les Halliday,- Toronto; heaVinst lady In. the area, Mrsi, IR.:Devitt; largest ,famiijr,.'Mr. and 24,trb. Clar- ence Carswell and, family and Mrs. Ciseai• Keiffer 'and .fariiily; • , fteges, girtS.':9.•,•and under, Helen Johnson, . Kelffer, ' Era Reichard; girls, '0-12; Doris Cars,. Nfergaret.;',Artir.,•-Wilson• girls 13-15, ,Stineira,- -:„,Wright • difford, Donelcia ifirOt'ett; •,Gowanstown; boys 9 ' tied .tuiddr; Norman Dtike, Douglas Gibson,,IJininny Harding;, boys 1042, Sack,Ruitin, Andy Mil- boks 1345, WaYne' king, Giai•-• rio, Ronald ,41,falnif, Gorrib; Fa.n6'116 and ',Ovelt,',,Bob Gibseh;•'Pave poke.: ' were' Xi's: Alex Gra-. halal; 'Oorrie;- Mrs,: :Ruth Merronald, Wicmeter, and ,W`arren !Zurhrigg, Gorrie,;", GIVE US A CALL... Whenever You're Ready Top STOP WASTING ' FUEL DOLLARS' ts give you a FAO' HEATING SURVEY today tied report on the coodition• your present hetitieg systent. Rethember , . the only radii who can afford a faulty far,: taco is the man WhO money to burnt . We Recommend & Whether it be lew-eoIt ity Pomace Or an nitta.MOd* ern Antlies Wither' Air Cchidt.. tioatag Uni4 We guarafitee it Will cost you /as to ifistall km less to operate than ttay. other heating Unit Of the tam* capacity!. PERCY. CLAkft ktritobing Heath*. Mt Condition:1ft PhOttie •Mr. and Mrs. Mae Corbett and fillnilY; of London, ,spent the week- • end With Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Mat- theWs. .and.,Mrs. Les Halfiday of T,Iiionto were vi'reek-end 'vi§itOrs viritir Mr; and Mrs. Ken Graharif, 'MisS`Jearl Brcars and Mr. Robert Bignell of Kitchener and Mr. Earl 8(ears . of ,.Stratford were week- end.visitors with Mr, anl Mrs. Bal tireats.' • • MiSs, Lotirse .Browne of -Toronto spent,•-the:'-Weeli-end with her par- ents, i!,,,E,ri.:AnO , Mrs. Peter Browne. Jacle.roster of Stoney Creek spent 'the" Week-end at his home here. • ' ,.Mrs: BrOwn, Karen and .Tohn 'spent a few days last week with Mrs,%W. R. Duncan at -Guelph. Mister Billy Brown also visited for ° few days with Mr. and Mrs. Wray Cooper. -Messrs, Carl Darcey and Har- old Gibson spent the week-end in Thronto. ' 11fri Inn ; Pittendreigh of Lon- don spent the week-end with hit-, lialeritS, Mr. and Mrs. George Pit. teridreighl: ,Mr. and Mrs. Peter Chiomey of Port Colborne spent all last week with Mr. ant Mrs. Alex Keith. Mr, and Mrs. Scott Keith .and Randy of..Waterloo spent the week-end at the same home. Miss Elizabeth Patterson of Wa- tpl.loo.spent the week-end with her Mother, Mrs. Pearl Patterson. Niss Elaine Demerling of Lon- dOn spent the Week-end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Anson Dem- lvri, Gordon ,Goldrich of LAndon visited at the same home n day, Jklf,r; and Mrs, Crosby SoLliern Mt. and Mrs, R, B, Cousins of TirtiSsels were in Aurnrs bost Fri- ttay, Where they attended the fun- eral sit their aunt, tire late Mrs. F,t'diik Col sins, , 144r, .ahci Mrs, Glenn Doig St."Catharines, spent the week-end wIth Ana Mrs. Ross Dole'. :Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bolander and Jblin of .Lotdon spent the welt- end with, Mrs. Earl Ridley, On Saturday Mrs, Bolander and Mrs. Ridley visited with Mr. and 'Mrs. Cecil Lynn itt Orangeville, Mr, and Mrs. William R, Camn- bell, bf Toronto visited Over the weelt-tnd With Mr, and Mrs. Cros- by Sothern, Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, Frank 'Benin (net Sheila Denny) on the, birth of a daughter, at the Ititehenet Hospital on PridaY. Satiuilty. 8Ist, Dawrie :Lautine. Ilitleutls of Mrs, toyd will be Sorry to hear that she was tontiltiod to' Politerston ResPittlI filt" few days last Week, Mr, Merley Bride and tyle of Elora visited Sunday with Mr. and Master David Adams of Wits- worth snent the weeelt.end With Mr; and 110s, 'William 'Wilson, Mr. and ,Mrs, Patti Adatts visited on 'Sunday -at ,the same home, comMtinity was Shocked ori Monday ,thorniag -hatkr of the sudden :death Altred BAAL Mill vartletilars Will :appear nekt week, T!.41.0:• TVH CO E SO: IV" Lit C .0 STS.S , •