The Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-02-05, Page 1oines
This edition of your -home paper carries the
second series of ."VVelcome to Wingbire'' bar-
gains — Most of them new and entirely different
since last week.
Now you cairn plan a good deal of, Yc4c shop-
ping before you leave home. r, Sit.:,.doWn with
The Advance-Times this afternoon .oi .tbit,even-
mg and pick out the items you neeci.-
In addition to the advertisements on . the;
special page you will note thai the•
other Stores, with adveilisementi:on irthieptiket
of the paper, are offering "Wileonit,201Ving-
hani" bargains as well. .
Pnrchase horn the stores
in these columns, Their owneri have taken time
and spent money to guarantee,
white, that you will get the best of 'isth14.:tele`
:your money. ,The merchant who . it .
the one who is actively interested in good'
nest this community.
WAIT FOR' hiAlitit
which is amalgamated the GeTrrie Viciette and Wroxeter News
N1QV VL.lP4 GABS- In4ustrta
Members of , the town council and assistant to time passenger traffic
iii.Presentatives of industry •and Manager; A. I. Craig, Toronto,
itSinesa in Wingham met on (superintendent, •." express • depart,
meat Q, Noel, public .rela-
tions manager. Also present at the
meeting was X, ..Fred Edwards, of
pain:108ton,, M.P,P. for Perth.
Mt Carlin opened the dicussion.
that at present the Palmerston to
Kincardine line, carries an average
of about 25, paSsengers per. day. IJe
said thaft the railwayofficials had
come to 'WfOghamTnly to- gilt for
comments and suggestions from
those Whose %municipalities • would
'be affected if any change were
made in the present service, He
said that on the occasion of the
last. discussions, about five years
ago, the railway had definitely
Suggested • curtailment or complete
removal of the passenger service,
but that the present move was a
change in approach to the subject,
Not 'Prepared for Meeting
Mayor R. E, McKinney register-
ed his objection to the Manner in
which the meeting bad been culled.
He'said that no adirence infa nt*.
tion had been, supplied' the
nature of the g at4erjr1 g , and ..:1s a.
result there was ms'opportunity for
the preparation .of suggestions to
the railway officials,'
Referring to' eicpress service, -J.
Fred Edwards •asked whether or
not continuance of this ,service
would be by .truck' or rail In. the
event that passenger service •were
removed, and Mr., replied
that it would be by either WOW,
whichever proved most ebonorniml.
Mr, Edwards also asked whether
or not there would, 'be any loss :of
employment, as a result, The •ans-
wer was that there .weuld, /in ail
probability, be some, eurtailmentin
the number of :employees reoini:ed.
Mr. Edward's else •'• pointed, 'Out
that most of the milincipalitiei
this area do ,not appreciate the
railways week-end fares, which
tend to facilitate• city shopping and
so provide,. for a husine'ss lobs in
Tuesday night of last week with
a!i .fact finding group sent out by
CaMiadian National Railways 'rela-
OW to the ,status Of ,passenger,ser-.
vice on, the4 Paimerston kinoariiine
Representing the railway were
E. Carlin,• Stratford, -divisional
...perinterident, who acted as chair-
P;Pi Brequ, Toronto, special
•. •
Winners of ,the draw pages at
the arena .to date are Donald Lee,
Ttenald Lee and jaek fieavie: Fifty
,dollars .went to each of the win-
ners because they were present in
this arena at the Intermediate
hockey gameS when „their names
were called.
0 - 0-U.
Our thanks to the 'fats who,
wanted yours truly,, the boss-man
photographer to come out to. Gil-
iinitir's School for w a few pictures
and ,a, bite of lunch Friday.
night,. 4. previous "engagement at
Whiteclitireh prevented' the trip,
but we'll try to see you next week.
. • (1 0
Members of. the Legion, their
wives and gal friends, will. gather
at the Legion. Home on Friday for
a Valentine party,
0 0 -0.
NO GitAlk-
Morning and eve) in congre-
gations at St. Andrew s Presbyter-1
ian Church on ,Sunday were deeply
interested in the message brought
by , Pastor Mott Lail, • of Jhansi,
India, The guest speaker told, of
-ltah ile ci,
tr,emendous, task which awaits
the dhristian Church in his home-
Prior , to Indian independence 'in!
1947, he said, the .local princes
suppressed the Christian teachings,
but since that 'time the. Church has
been free to, advance in India.
Lloyd Carter, of Berry Door and leis' opposite team are all s4 foe the
.go shoal in a hard-foUght battle in' the arena .dni Thur„.P4W ,nikht 0 Other teams•in the loop are Hydras
and Lloyds'. --Advanea-rimes
. •
Criticises Railway Policy
The speech from the throne at
the opening of the Legislature in
Toronto on Monday contained in-
teresting news for the people of
the County Of Huron. The speech
'included *the announcement that
two hospitals for. retarded children
are to be erected by the govern-
ment, one •of them in Huron, The
second will he in the southern part
of the province, in Kent County.
Originally the government an!
nounced intention to "build a 1,000
bed hospital at one point, but ap-
parently yielded to the insistence
of members from Huron 'and alter-
ed in favor of two 500-bed hospit-
als, •. Construction of the -Huron
hospitalis in
spring and the site Is believed to
be in the Goderich area,
'The late Thomas Pryde„ M.P,P,
for Huron, who 'died a few weeks
ago was in the• . . . of the
battle 'to, have one of the institu-;
Lions established in •H-uron. John
Hanna, M.P:P. for Huron-Bruce,
was equally . interested advanc-
ing the 'cause of.. the Huron area.
R, E, McKinney 'spoke at Some
length on• the, various aspects of
railway operation which, • in' his
(Please Turn to .Page Seven)
Dissolution of Canada's • Parlia-
Merit at six o'clock Saturday eve-
ning has set election wheels spin-
ning for the second time in nine
Terming the situation in the
House of C,oininond' "intolerable",
Prime Minister john ,Diefenbaker
ii'ds stated that he felt his party•
could' not• continue in control 'of
the House until a clear mandate
ao an over-all 'Majority waslorth=
coming from the Canadian elec-
The announcement came as no
surprise to Canadians,, who have
anticipated -an election for many
Returning 'officers all over the
Dominion were informed by tele-
gram of the election news during
Saturday night and Sunday mor-
ning. By noon on Monday the
etraediae hochey1ans were
d pointed Monday , night when rP
a scheduled game between Kincar-
dine and the Wingham Crawford
Docigeis• was cancelled, •Apparently,
the bus transporting the Kincar-
dine team failed to make the grade,
NONE -00pH S
returning1officere haVe.beettsready
for action,' with most of the- ne ."=,
cOssary supplies on hand; fqr some
Three pereons ernergpd uninjured
„front: a crash at Zetlarici bridge at
two. o'clock, Sunday , afternoon,
when '1959 Model 'ears driven bY,
Harold • Elphick, BR. Lucknow,
and Rev: Gecirge Clin-
ton;, collided. The vehicle'a came to
grief at the east end of :the bridge
in a partial. head-en ••skkikah whldh
',total damages. . , ". ' • , •tz • „• • • , • , Miss IreneElphickWas a Passen-
ger with her brother and the other
driver was alone
Due to thefeet that' the ;Inter-
mediate qtockey game 'with Kin-
, carding on. Monday night was can-
celled holdeis• Of draw tickets will
get a secon14;chaneeltO-hight.,(Wed-
nesday) .•when the Chesley ' boys
play here. If you are at• the Were
your icket is worth fifty ;bucks, post for Bruce. • '
He spoke_ very highly of the
edueational standards which have
been attained in Indian schools
and universities, the latter being
on a . par with Oxford, His own '
family includes a daughter who is
a medical doctor, a soil at Knox'
College in Toronto, two high
school teachers, and an 18-year-old
daughter who will graduate With
a bachelor of science degree' this.
year. She intends to complete her'
education in Medicine.. ,The youpg'
people of India, he stated, are
hungry for' education, and absorb
it qUiCkly,„ „ .• „
One of '•thelea p~rablemsiwi?;achs
confronts the Church in India is
the ' cu'Stoit iriarriliagU
whs'l'e Oils 'ere' AM). w6'cl' at e
age 'Of eight' ten"ye•ara: '• Since
the child iiiiS6a,ncl'ititiat be' barn,
the same hour as the bride, tre-
mendously,4117auited family.; part-
nershiPsi,„t are eatab,lished, . The
Christian converts :do not permit
1.7•Pastei1.111.'sp2ke Go` the 7ineiii4
marriagg until the age of e.ighteen
hers of the WirigharrCaed DiatriCt
Ministerial Association when they
Met at the Presbyterian manse in
Winghaixi on Monday afternoon,
as well as to the W.M.S. of the
ing as they met for the February
session, with Mayor R. E. McKin-
ney in. the chair and all council
member's ,present, The meeting'
lasted exactly 47 minutes.
The .question of Whether or net
to iemove 'the aceinnulated snow.
from Joaephine Street and month-
ly tax 'payrnentS for. trailer resi-
dences emerged as the two main
topiCS 'under discussion.
joint meeting of the young Constable; Carl Monk Of t
people's organizations of the 'Iocal Wingham detachment of the „,ro-
churches. vincial Police investigated.
,The ,Ira McLean barber sktoti in
Wroxater was': -eitter6i1 -On'e:Priday,
evening/ and a:, ituain: *pant 09f
money ,' was .tiikeli!:.•'-'.from• '•the
premises::, •
•A juvenile' has boon charged wit'n
the Offense. PrOffnelai..'„COikatible'
Lewia• of the....Wangharn,,,,cletach-
ment, investiglited/the(theft.:::
Three` distriet lYiiiii'.,hii..;e*als• O '
Tiid•lahies''Auiiiliary to the Can-
adian Isegien, Will hold it' euchre
oh Monday, ' FebrUary 10th at
8.15 p,rn. Everyone welcome, • 5b
4 Homemakers Will Gather at HOSPITAL AUXILIARY
The Ladies' Auxiliary to Wing-
ham General Hospital will hbld its
Monthly meeting in 'the • council
chamber mi Friday afteenooh, Feb-
ruary 7 at three o'clock, • F5b
Robert Kirby, aged 12 of Walton,
was're„ rushed -to -Wirigha General
` , ,
Hospital on Tuesday of last week
afteit a dynamite cap ,with which,
he had been playing exploded.
Parts of the fingers on the boy'S
'left hand had to be amputated and
pieces of metal were removed from
his face.- •
Hospital officials report that
thougii si,111 1 ;,erifined to hos-
tal, his condition is considered.
. - ,--
High School for Achievement Day
On 'Saturday, Feb, 8th approxi- era: Brusseli; Mrs: I. Alcoek, Mrs;
Any of you young mothers 'Who it:lately 150 girls will be participat- J. Davis; Colwanash, Mrs, Anne
think you 'are kept busy looking ing in the 4-11 Homemaking ChM Kilpatrick, Mrs. Agues Alton; Du 4 ''
Mrs, Town is the proud owner of jumpers and. record books to corn: Spatting; 1.01.kelet, Mrs, It •Wal-
whiCh gives them experience in
public speaking as well as-serving
as summary' for the subject 'mat-,
ter which they have studied
throughout the . project. As well,
certificates of achievement of com-
pletion of two prejects; County
Honour pins and certificates for
completion of 1,2 projects and 4-11
Homemaking Club teaspoons for
satisfactory completion of the pre-
sent project will be presented to
the girls. •
Tlie following clubs 'taking part
are sponsored by their local Wo-
men's Institutes: Auburn, Mrs. A.
Nesbit, Mrs, E, Davies; Belmore,
Mrs. D„,4'ortune, Mrs. .9*, Double-
dee; BIuevale, Mrs. Chas, Math-
Dr. K. M. MacLennan wishes to
announce that Dr. S. O. Leedham,
D.V.M. of St, Williams, will be in
Wingham as' of Thursday, Febru-
Mrs. Edith Mitchell, Mrs. G. Cainp-
bell; St. Helens, Mrs. Gordon Mae-
Pherson, Miss Irma Forster; Wal-
ton, Mrs. 1-1", Craig; Wingham;Wingba,
J. L. Currie, Mrs. W. T. Lapp,
All visitors, mothers and friends
of club menthars; Women's Insti-
tute members and anyone Interest-
ed are cordially Invited to attend
the program, '
A full day's Program has been
planned tot• the girls who take
part in judging shirts, materials
for skirts, giving reasons and tak-
ing part in -a .special activity.
In 'the afterntion the girls them-
selves will put On a program of
exhibits, skits. and. demonstrations
A meeting will be .held in fite'
Wingham Council dhanthet on' Vri-
'ay, lilebruaky 7, at 8 is rri. for the
purpose of organitiog at Film
Council. Everyone interested is
welcome: P50
1 1 11
Crokinole Party to be held on'
rebrii •,14th at 8.15 pm, in
Wroit I' United Church, Hall
Sponse' ed by Tuesday' „Staelight
Group. Admission, adults' 35 cents,
ehildren Public Selma! age 29 eentS,
Everyone welcome, lenaaa
'this iiiettite. 'pile ithetnikritither eettlittil Make Mein, 'tdt''00
ate seven birds la the cage six tiiiirlag laitingitteleS :4Wirtd,
His, Harry 'Town, Whigharn, who :been 'T'iltfing
This family is tlic.„ largest iithe Y *itiOed: and *1 *ft
Herself is open to question.
MO. Town says that under ordi-
nary circumstances the father 'of
the family is left in ••the•• cage and
mattes himself uSeftil 111 feeding
the young birds, but in this in-
stance the mother showed signs of
preferring to do the job alone, ,so
father went back to his 'bachelor
When the young canaries hatch
out of the shell, after two weeks'
sitting by the mother, they are
about the size of June bugs, but
bld, theyi, have a tremendous rate of
growth. At the end of three weeks
they are as large as the mother
Notirially a family of four, or
even one or 'two is not Onnusual,
In this case, hovVeVer, the mother
kept on laying until there were
six eggs. At that point the eggs
were plated in the nest and the
inariecit.hgeptrsose. ceded with the hatch-
The` father of this .particular
family is a handsome fellow', of
elusive golden yellow shade, The
male birds are the singers 41n the
canary' Clan. and his lovely songS
fill the room, A, second beautiful
bird at the Town home is 'a male
Hartz Mtinittaill
ToWit is right in the canary
bilairiess, tnitially the young
birds after they are Safely an their:
Own, In addition to her 'Interest in
ea g cols nitkleS She 1MS a fateinathig
leotion of dozens of varieties of
African violets, end% .eatint all the canaries
arid pose for 'the,l'ilottire, PlOWe'Veti there
their blether, They are the property of
broil songster's for the pitit 20 years4-
dab* welt,
Friends in this 'bomintittitY will
be pleased to knolk,that: Dr. K. M.
MacLeniaiii; Who, suffered' tt. heart
attack some weekS; ceneld-
erablY iniProVed:, teed-
hare, Of SE. ilian)* Ocomest. comes
to Wing M lutin this week to assist
Dr, MacLennan ,witif;his extensive
giVeri to By-law No..1303, to close her greedy offspring, Whether or
a small portion of land on Albert not 'she ever speaks a swallow for
By-law 1305 was read, detailing
the anticipated street expenditures
'in 1958. The• breAkdoWn includes
$6;090.00 for, new' construction and
$14,000.00 for maintenance.
.Clerk W, A. Galbraith reported
on tax arrears, which, he said, are
• in fairly healthy condition-Arrears
from 1058 amount to $2,135.00; 1556,
. $8,600.00; 1957, $17,809.00, He said
that about $11,000,00 in arrears
was paid in January,
The• World Day of Prayer will be
held" on .Friday, February 21st at
2.39 'o'clock in the afternoon and at
8 p.m, in the evening lit the Baptist
Church, kiss Laura Collar is the
guest speaker. • F5:194' The second midge' in aid .of the
DANCE IN WROXETEIt Tuimberry Park was held, at Gil-;
om ur's school on 'Friday' evening,
The Community Chib will hold The weatherman and a lot of en-a, dance in the hall on Friday, Feb- thuslastic park supporters got to-
ruary 7th, with Jerry Reevers or- Bess ft to make this a very sec-
thestra. Admission 50c. Everyone eessful etiehre, with thirteen tables welcOme. F5b in play. The high prize for men
was won by 'Ab Nethery; the one
for ladies by Jean Wilton, „ •
• The next euchre ,nt Gilmour's
'school Will be held February 14th
with a special added feature plen-
ary 6th, to take charge of his vet- nod to folletV the, card games, Be
erinary practice, Dr, Leedhain is sure 'to look far the announcement
a 1955 graduate ,of and has in next week's paper.
'meekly returned from Illinois,
witeke he has had a wide experi-
eitee in both large and small ani-.
inal practice. P'5b
Winners of the free car wash ad-
vertised by Downie's Sunoco r$er-
vice on the "VVeleorne to Wing-
ham" page last, week were Mrs,
Ken ,Currie, Ti,:11. 3, Wingharn;
D4:g MeQoWan, Wingham and
"red Riehl, Wingharn,
0 r .0 - 0
18y The Pedestrian
Parkfuncl i Euthre
At Gilmour's School
or. . ra ers Bein
Wingham town council set a new Councillor- Conran,. Add that' sea:
record for brevity,ori Menday, event end taxpayers'had asked him :When
the council intended` te:aernove the
snow banks ,along the main street
and, Street Connittee. Chairman
Elmer Wilkinson Said.' that the
matter had been. under i4rgful
consideratitin.!•HOweVer hiS com-
mittee' had dechied.! that 'if 'Nvoidd,
be, aawiie policy `to delay ''the ke-
inoval, It was., felt Ihitt i fi!ither
snow fall clitiltl•Ae /iientev eci.rwith,
out any p'eat
been arrested- and 'charged with
breakiag;,enterliik at the
on the night. of: 4auh#ry„,1.6,,, TOcils
from the:,w9rksboai,Aite400.,.seelen'en
that occasion :' i• ' • • ; • `'
• • "„
An Auburn Man Will',atipeat„,
February 17, after; charged
With "impaired driving in BlYth
at the week:end.
Will *Assist
Wingham Practice
that, the accumulation is not too
sevarg'at the present time...
I-Iltal •s) expressed the hope that vl
1{), anot or of the town streets" might
be n d - this summer and anY
saving on snow removal Would f
be 9,
big help to the finalicing."
. $10.00 for Trailers '''
to 'establish a trailer site on Albert
an application Printing of official f election .pro-
darnations whichi 4.4riust be pOsted Council received'
of $10.00- per month should 'lie
ratear throughout. eacht. entititttueriey,,,was Street •anclia• discussion of tax
ensued. It Wea decided that a *fee under way":iti.4.Thraitypitices.",,The
charged in future for trailers Which
are being used as residenCes. The ,
chief df police was also instructed, time. • to:.,iiiy.soz4±0.,„.44. trp,..iho,,.......r .Arthor 'Wilson; 'Wirighan,,, is
„,-4,:ya .i3"'ressnlitT•s ih.g. iied ,f n town; 11.1a,''kettikiiiiii officer' for .„'Iliel'',J.Vire1-1"
'to I dgcezkaliPhe.the'r 11,pi . not tU" Ilingtn°r!'"HilPn riding; while A. 144 ,feeisal,tre :-TAings•vni0.4.--9 A . ', ; ' ' ! McTavish; of Teeswater, holds the
, • ,An anonymous •letter teem'. "a
London, man"-'suggested' 'that the
reacantorCiiiinifiglialal -geralge 4 and
aurroundirikaletaShatiktlibe 'hied 11,4
E -a, Market. Plaee fi'n' Itlie 'town '
Chief. issues +ha 'the,: election,,
•Which 'is to be beld.,,on Monday,'
March 31st, will be unemployment
and the trade policies of the.%Die-
'1711 '6 illarniiton diStfidt`drthe SM. fdnbeicer government. With 'the
vatioli Army requested thc'eustom- Present representation so equally
ary %grant to ' aid "in the Army's divided between the two major
work with unmarried mothers and parties, the election is likely to be
other welfare' projects. Fifty dol- fought with a_great deal more in-
lars, the amount granted in pre- tensity than was the case last jtine.
vibes years, Was 'voted.
Councillor Wilkinson reported
that $600.00 had been spent for
calcium chloride this' winter, and
he, said that 10 tons of salt have
been ,purchased in an effdrt to
econumize• on what appears to he
it rather,heavY expenditure.
AcCounts were, read by Councillor
Warren, Callan w and passed on his
motion,, seconded by Deputy Reeve
Joe Kerr. •
Councillor Cenron reported for
the Recreation Council, and 'invited
the members to drop in at the
arena on Saterday mornings to see
the progress which has been made of six fledglings, single-handed.
in the - town-wide minor hockey Perhaps"' single-beaked• would "be a
prograin. He said that it is quite more accurate term, For this little
remarkable'hoW these young play- hen spends most of her Waking
era develop in a matter of weeks I hours chewing up food and then
The third. and final reading was cramming it down the throats of
after a small .baby should drop Achievement Day at the Wingham ga,nnott, Mrs, C MeNee; Mrs.
around to the home of Mrs. Harry, District High Schqol its Wingham. McWhinney; Gaderich, Mra,, A..' B.
Totivn. Even if you have twins you' Over the past three months these Straughan, Xrs. R. II. Wagon -
might learn a thing or two. girls have been blisy making skirts, Gorrie, Mrs, Vt, Dinsinore, Mrs. C. •
a little female canary which is in Inete the requirements of their lace, Mrs. L. Jaques; Molest/if:nth,
the process of bringing up a family project, "Working with Wool".
Pridnas and relatives gathered
'at the nurses" residence Of the
Wingham 'General Hospital last
Thursday afternoon for the gradu-
ation of a elasS of ten nursing as-
sistants who have 'been training at
the lecal hospital since last spring.
Xn: chicrgp Were Mrs Dorothy
Anderson, instructor-and Mrs. Iris
lVfOrris; Administratrik,
Gradtiatos are: Wilma Brodie,
of BA. 1, Vegner; Nancy Schalk,
°G RA, 1, benfield; Sharon Guy,
Wingham; Joanne 8utherlarid,
'8, Mount Brydges; Marion Schantz,
tta. 4, petty Lou Vassolla,
KA, 8, Goderich; Mrs, Clara
liott, LucknoWl 13etty Anti ban-
houseti, ,otithalrllitow bonne, Wil.
son, LiStowel and Janet McRae,
H.R. 2, Allenford,
The Wingham Women's Institute
will..hold a euchre in the *albeit
'Chamber on Wedneaday, February
.5th, 8veryorie weleofne,. P28:611
---,-"-..--7- ifroco
(A „ 11,91! ,AND DANClg
-,.. ' XiIiitElt
- -1A• concert, and ciande Will,bc Field.
itt .the Wroxeter Corrifilunity Omi-
treon Wednesday,Vebrilary, 6th,
at '8,80 pni. Clarke Jelthaton, 'the
kf illlil.0 Vatiner itha thd Morris i
t ‘tflisiiip, Country elirls. V,alinthic:
deft prite, AdMiSaleri f children '211e,
adults Me, ' r5*