The Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-01-29, Page 7417
• i.
Gi Turnberry Euchre Parties to Aid Par4 901 CO Tig
fug ani, ZbbatittrIritrtro
vormattin, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, 014VAJW 29,, li
Friendship Circle
At Walker Home
GGRRIE---The South Friendship.
Circle of the Gorrie United. Church
held its ,Iantlary Meeting at tfle
home of Mrs, Lorne Walker on
Monday evening, January 20th
with 15 m'ember's present.
Mrs, Clifterd P,VI,W presided for
the Warship Perled, R,,cy, W. A.
V, Buchanan conducted the instal,
latioa Of officers for 1958,
Arrangements were made to quilt,
and a quilting! to he held at the
home of Mrs. Glad Edgar on Wea-
nesday afternoon, January 22nd.'
Infant Son Passes
On Saturday Night.
ST. IiELENS—The annual Cell,
gregatibrIal meeting of Calvin DA,
keel Church-was held on Tuesday
-evening with a large attendance,
Prior to the meeting a bountiful
pot-)lick alpPer,., served cafeteria
style and arranged by the W.A.,
with Mrs. T, S. Todd, Mrs, Chas.
McDonald, Mrs, .L, Woods and Mrs.
Frank McCiuillin as a committee in
charge, was enjnYed.'
Rey. B, F. Green presided for
the meeting, which was opened
with a hymn, prayer and Scripture
reading W. I. Miller was appointed
secretary, The report of the Sun-
day School was presented by Mrs.
T. J, qodd and was followed by
the singing 04 "'Jesus Bids Us
Shine" by the ehildren, The choir
sang, the arithem, "Christ Is Mine",
The reports of the Secretary and
treasurer of the W.MS., Mrs, 1.4,
Woods and Mrs. l'AcQuillin, showed
a successful year with' the alloca-
tion exceeded with $175 being gent
to the Presbyterial treasurer.
Women's institute
Commontly Night
ga4m1.9—googor Schwas of OKNX, Wingharn, was the guest
Sneaker at the cormininitY night
held 'linden, the auspicea Of the
Women's Institute on Friday even-
ing in the community •hall, Mr,
SchWass delighted his jistertere as
he showed beautiful colored slides,
and in his interesting arid Jovial
Manner told of the trip he and two
Companions had taken through
parts of the 'United States, and
Western Canada last summer, He
was introduced by Mrs, Andrew
Gaunt, the president, and thanked
by Mrs, Fred McQuillip,,
• Preceding the travelogue, Mrs.
Gaunt presided for a. short pro-
gram of community singiag, a duet
by Erma and Lorne Forster, piano
solo by. Terry Wilson and Mrs, C,
Taylor and a solo by `Mr, s,' Gaunt.
Following lunch dancing was en,
joyed to music by Mr, and Mrs,
Chester Taylor, and Don Cameron.
Murray 'Gaunt' and Mrs. 'A. 'Gaunt,
with Mr. Heffernan as caller-off,
This was one of. the "Community
Nights" of which 'the editor so
kindly commented in the editorial
last week, Thanks, we ,like them
Miss W. D. Rutherford gave a
reading, "The Land of Beginning
Again", Mrs, Green reported for
the Baby Band, which has 16 mem-
bdrs anct Allan McDonald sang,
•"Jesus Loves Me".' Mrs, G, Mae- . ST. HELENS Pherson reported much activity. in ,
the W.A. and a balance on hand of Mrs. Gordon MacPherson was a
$205,49. Mrs. C, McDonald gave a -visitor at Brussels with her sister,
reading "Unawares". Mrs, Raynard, who is making fav-
Mrs, W, A., Miller reported for ou'iable recovery from a recent
the Miss,ignary' and Maintenance operation.
fund with, $858.00 being forwarded Miss Isabelle MacPherson of
to Toronto, Mrs. W. I. Miller, the Lendon and LILO. Fred. Thompson
church treasurer, reported a sue- of Cent/'.alia spent the •week-end
cessful year with a balance in the at the former's home here.
treasury of $811.86. Reporting for
the trustees, L. Woods stated that The ri ebruarY meeting of 'the
six tenders had been received for Women's Institute will be held on Thursday, February' 6th, 'at 2 the shed with that of Thos. Hac-
Icett Jr., for $325 being accepted. , o'clock, "Why I'm proud to live in
Canada" and exchange of Valen-, Rev. Mr, Green reported „two_ tines, Motto a good neighbor is the marriages, five baptiSms and rthree best insurance policy, by Mrs, burials' during the year. Six mem- Ern'est Gaunt, Mrs, Wallace Mc-bens had been receiVed , by letter Clean of Lucknow will be the
and seven by 'profession' of faith, guest speaker.'Hostesses, Mrs.
making a total of 84 resident and
14 non-resident' Peter Campbell, Mrs: Eldon Miller
Members oti , the and Mrs. Harold Gaunt. The ladies ,
are requested to.,bring tl,lekr,.,11,Y It, wag agreed to 'Pay'$110' cr -year Ania-up bags' to this -ineeting,
for three 'years from the church .- • ,`• ' ''' '
funds for 'the University of Wes-
tern Ontario United' Cluirch kesi- PRIZES SURPRISES
dence Fund, The following cifficdis ' • were re-appointed: 'Stewards,' G ' ,
Rev, and Mrs. E. C. Attwell and
David -went to Lucan on Monday
morning, owing to„the -ser'icala
ness of Mrs. Attwell's mother, Mrs:
David Ashwell, who is in Victoria
Hospital, Ldricion,
At the service at 1.0
o'clock in Gorrie United Church
on•Sunclay pins will be awarded 'to
the' Sunday -School phildren for at-
tendarie in 1957
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harrison
visited Mrs, Etta Day at the hothe
of Mr, and Mrs. M, Casemore, of
R.R, 4 Wingham, On Thursday.
Sympathy is extended to Mi. and
Mz's. Stanley Lennox in the loss of
their infant son.
ND:, and Mrs,'Earl '116.rrison and
family of Wingham spent the
week-end at the home of Mr, and
Mrs. Robert Harrison.
Mr. 'and Mrs. W, King spent the
week-end at the home of Mrs,, Jean
McDonald, London.
s McRoberts, J. Cameron, G. Mac-
Pherson, G, Stuart and Chas. Mc-
Donald; auditors, Allan Miller and
Don, Cameron; secretary-treasurer,
Mrs. W, I. Miller, A vote of ap-
preciation was' teridereda to Mr. and
Mrs. G. S. McIntyre of ' Brace-
bridge for printihg the reports, to
Rev. and Mrs. Green; to the choir
and ,organist and to 'hit those who
had helped make the church year
a success. ,
Rug.making Course -
COmplqted Sa.turday
GORRIE—The concluding meet-
ing in the rug-making course,
sponsored by the Gorrie's
Institute, was held on Saturday
nighi. in the Orange Hall, The lead.'
Os, Mrs. Russell Adams' aad Mrs,
Willard Peel were .presented .with
gifts in appreciation of their ef-
torts.:Refreshments were served
and 6 social One Spent.
GORRIE- •The amiutil meeting
of the Gorrie and district Red
Cross was held on Friday evening
in the L,O.L, hall with an encour-
aging attendance. Mrs, Alex Taylor
Presided for .the opening business
meeting, when reports were heard
from the treasurer, Harvey Spar-
ling; from 74.1%.9 Margaret Dane,
women's work convener; Gordon
Moir 4and 'Dick Carson for the
Water safety service and Mrs,
Norman Wade for the first aid
Rev. W. J. V, Buchanan presid-
ed for the election of officers. They
are as follows: President, Alex
Graham; dice-president, Mrs, T. L.
McInnes; Secretary, Mrs, Norman
Wade; treasurer, Harvey Sparling;
auditors, Norman Cameron oand.W.
E.",'WhhfiCkl; ,work 'con
vener, Miss Margaret Dane; assist-
ants, to be, the same as last year
with the exception of Mrs, W. R.
Collings; who will replace the late
Mrs. Chas, Findlay. , ,
Welfare committee, T. C. Edgar
and W, B, Whitfield; campaign
convener, Leonard • Ruttan; cam-
paign committee, Harold Robinson;
Allan White, Dick Carson, -Glad
Edgar, David Neilson and W. R.
Collings; water safety service,
chairman, Gordon Moir;• assistant
chairman, W. R. Collings; secre-
tary, Mrs, Alex Taylor; treasurer,
Dick Carson.
Regret was expressed at the sud-
den passing of George Beattie last
August, Mr. Beattie was president
of the Gerrie. branch.
• A feature of bhe evening was the.
presentation of a Certificate of
Merit to Mrs. Alex 'Taylor, who
was pregiclent for a number of
years, for faithful and long ser-
vice in the local branch. Mrs. TaY-
lot made •a fitting' reply and spoke
on'the work of the Red Cross in ita
various forms of ,peace-time service
all ever the world, •
The word salary' comes from
"salarium" meaning salt money,
since Roman soldiers received part
of their pay in salt.
"'Every, competent authority in
Canada appears agreed that the
second quarter of 1958 will' see a
marked upswing in business activi-
ty," Ron W. Todgham, president
Chrysler Corporation of Canada,
Limited told the Windsor Chamber
of Commerce. •
Speaking at the annual meeting
of the Chamber, Mr. Todgham said
that a second quarter upswing "is
especially true in the 'forecasts for
'automobile and truck sales.
"It is •of overwhelming impor-
tance that the business community
in Windsor and elsewhere in
Canada ' provide, the .leadership
thrOugh &skive thinking that, will
get us back on the, road to pro-
gress. In the, months ahead,' Mr,
Todgham. asserted, ,"as 'we work
our way back to thelaigh levels of
production and, employment we
haVe achieved In 'the, past; it , will"
be the businessman—not the poll-
tician or the economists—whoSe
attitude either of confidence or .of
pessiinisra will set the paPe foi the
"Ildw incredible; it' is that. in
aationy of such infinite promise,
with. so much wealth and prosper''-
ity at our command, we should
permit ourselves to he bums-rashed
into the hurricane cellar of panic
thinking, Defeatism, pessimism, the
philosophy of 'let's pull in our
es several times'. The second sur- belts,' represent My opinion a more
prise was when the editor of the Sinister sputnik than the Soviets
have yet been able to harl into the
sky," said Mr. Todgham.
The Chrysler of Canada chief
cited 1957 record-high personal
savings and insurance purchases
by Canadians as indications of the
strong -position of Canadian buy-
ers, and pointed out that outstand-
ing per-capita consumer credit at
last report was only $74.00 in
Canada, compared with $250.00 per
person in the United States,
"It lies within our power to de-
stroy the „ sputnik of defeatism
and of panic before it ever gets
off the ground: if we are positive
in our outlook: if 'we are confident
in the future of our community
and our country; and if by our
words and our actions we demon-
strate that confidence at. every
opportunity," Mr, Todgham con-
Advance-Times arrived to snap
some pictures. The third surprise
came when the car drivers found
windshields and roads covered by
sleet. • .
There were seven tables in play,,
with high prizes' going. to Mrs.
Robert Hogg and Earl Welts and,
low Prizes going to Mrs, Earl El-
liott and Douglas 'Dennis. Rumor
has it that two important speakers,
(one of them accompanied by a
lady wearing an old hat) may be
present at the next euchre on Feb.
7, in charge of Mr. and Mrs. Geo,
Gallaway and Mr. and Mrs, Jack
Collie on out and hear these
speakers and see that hat. We'll
be seeing you!
' I
GORRIE—Willson Pale Lennox,
son of Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Len-
nox, Gorrie, passed away sudden-
ly at the 'home of his parents late
Saturday night, The child had ap-
parently been -in good health.
. Funeral service was at 2 p.m- on
Tuesday, Janu,ary 28th, at the Moir
funeral horne,, conducted by the
Rev. 17, C, Attwell, Burial was in
Fairview Cemetery, Listowel.
Surviving besides the parents
are a brother, Brian and a sister
Joyce at horne,C also a brother
Gerald in ListoweL
Mrs. Gordon Underwood. spent
few days last week In Barrigtoll,
:KM Gee. Baker of icordwieh
visited last week with Mr. and Mrs,
V, H, Strong and Mrs. . Frances
'he Gorrie Woolen's Institute
Will hold "Familyy Night" on
TileSday evening, Fobruarf' 4th, in
the community hall with Or Pot illek
supper, Each member has tile pri-
vilege of inviting another family,
There were six tables in play at
the L.O.L. euchre on Wednesday
night, Mrs, Tormny,Parker had the
high score for the ladies and Mrs,
Wm, Taylor for the gentlemen.
Mr. and Mrs. Ge,o, Hayden,
Maine, Mr. and Mrs, E. H, Strong
and Mr. Roy Strong attended the
funeral on Thursday of Mrs. Lin-
deaschnildt qf. Mildmay, Mrs. Geo,
Pennington of Mildmay is a daugh-
ter of 'the deceased,
Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Walker, Mrs,
Alex Taylor, Mrs, A, Taylor and.
Miss Margaret Dune attended the
capping :ceremony in Wingham
General • Hospital, when, Miss
Edythe Walker received her cap,
Mrs. Bower Parrish is a patient
in Listowel Hospital.
Sympathy is extended to Mr.
Albert Dustow, :whose sister, Mrs.
Grace Stewart of Carrick Town-
ship, was buried -in Walkerton on
Mr. and Mrs. Percy' Greenwood
and Mr. and Mr's, Howard Ritchie
of Ditrham spent ThurgdaY at the
homes of Mr. Gordon and Mr. Glad
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Bram and
Jimmy, of Kitchener, Mr, and Mrs.
Donald Ruthman, and family, of
Tiverton, visited Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. George Brown.
Mr, and Mrs,' Ina ard, Newton
were guests of Mr. d Mrs, Wm,
Wroxeter, Snliday afternoon,
Mr: Bill Thornton was able to
return home from Wingham Hos-
pital on Saturday.
At their January meeting, the
Gorrie L.O.B.A, made arrange-
ments for a Valentine euchre party,
Mr, Elwin Somers Was taken to
Victoria Hospital, London, on Sun-
day. Friends are hoping there may
soon be an improVeranut in his
The second ,euchre -in aid 'of 'the
Turnberry Park wat,s, held at Pow-
ell's School on Friday evening. The
first surprise made some of the
men sit up and adjust their glass-
' When the -Turnberry people set
intttho concession
sfusinodins atfbolridagepartkhey . tihnt!
tended to do something a-bout it,
TItsiesPrwieistitoefr etillieehyr•rivuterteer to oholliinsg
money for the project. Last Fri-
day evening they gathered at two
schools In the district and The
Advance-Times titana,ged to sneak
-these pictures of the intent PlaYers
At the top Robert Hogg and
Earl Weltz are hard at it, during
the p4rty at Powell's School, along
with their' partners. Second top,
Mr. and Mrs. ,Jack MeRurriey and
Jim 'MCBur•ney
Powell's, Third 'afrroem atlso, op 'saeneoli t kcal!:
group at the same school includes
Jim McBurney, Gordon Wray, Mrs.
Walter Willits, and Wilbur Franck.
The pictures at the bottom of
this page were taken at-the Glen-
-Inman School. At right J5on For-
tune, Allen McGill, Mrs. Donald
Wallace, Mrs, Lorne ,Metcalfe, Mrs.
Les Fortune, Mrs, Waiter • Woods
and - little Laurie Apple,by_, are
seen: Centre, aria - George Day;
Lorne MAicalfe, • Marjorie Emile,'
1VIrs, David Eadie ,and Mrs. Gold-
riot . Rottom...left 'catches Mrs.
Willaur Fralicli, Mrs. Glenn Apple-
by, • ' Mr,s, ,I,,,Mel,caltec Mrs. Don
Fortune and Les rortune,
''YouVe'right. There, are a few
names left out. But 'believe us, you
don't ititerrtipt these euchre' play-
ers to tisk Silly questions.
Institute Holds
Euchre Party
A progressive euchre party was
held oil Friday " evening by, the
Wingham Women's Institute ill the
council' chamber with 17 tables in'
The high Prize for the ladies
went to Mrs. George '•Kerr and
the men's high prize went to Alvin
Orvis, Mrs.. Gotdon Walker won
the high prize playing as a man.
The birthday prize went to Mrs.
Geo, Drehnrian.