The Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-01-29, Page 3A leading Canadian Cothpany in its field has an immediate eai: eeptional opportunity for individuals: to own their own busithisS servicing established rout .s for the, sale ,of BUFFERIN, most popular odd and headache tablet, to-day; a product of Bristol-Myers Company of Canada Ishisited." . • No selling, warehouse facilities or experience, necessary. ' matiesdispeasers will sell 24 hours ;a day In 'eitatilished :aceountS',' with excellent immediate CASH ,ineome to successfully accentedI applieants You must have four to six luthrs a week' to devatei to this dynamic merchandising plan which: has been one 'of the. • fastest growing industries iii the.'Svorld. An applicant !oust aiteec a, minimum of $795.00 in oasts available; IMMEDIATELY ta:participate Sn our .plau, protected by, rePtir--, chase 'of Inventory.,' ' ". Applicants accepted will be'given 'excellent possibilities In, ex- pand this lucrative 'business' and build it up to au 'extent where he would not depend' oil market conditions, stock market Mines, or seasonal lay,offs. Applications will only be accepted after a personal itt4rvicw With a 'Company executive. Do not miss this outsta.ndieg • opportunity of a cash business on a year round basis. Write to-day giving name, address,' phone number and background. BOX 3, Advance-Tithes, Wiugham; Ontario. PRINCIPALS ONLY 1!"0, WOosion; 4,40000, Evil Character of Jezebel ,Descrilied 04440nr,-. -The ,lanuary meet-, ing of glkot Presbyterian ,Pbureh Women's Missionary ,Society waft, held in the school room of the church last Thursday Afternoon, OPTOMETRIST •—• li , Phone 31 for :appointment eswa.isamasmssa_ laressar 'riffle teste Thoroughness Mrs. 0, McPherson, president was in charge and opened the meeting with ..a call to worship, "Faith of Our Fathers" was sung. Edith Stokes read the ,Seritpure passage, Luke 7:1-16 and Mrs, Fraser Haugh led in Prayer.. 7 The'MinuteS of last meeting Were read and approved, The, roll call, was reaponded to by a donation of clans and Saueere for church use, These were unwrapped and diS- played, Mrs, H. 13allagh and Mrs, R. lVfcgague Were appointed to purchase an eleethe 'tea kettle for' the kitchen, from ahe expense fundt Books from the literature and lib- brary secretary of, the Presbyterial Were on diaplay, for Purehase. The ladles decided in favor of the chahge of names for Auxillar, les, as suggested by the Presbyter, ia1, Mrs, Kenneth Dickson gave the Bible study on women of the Bible. •She chose as her character; JezebC1„ who she pointed out was such an evil woinan that her life was an outstanding example of all the things a woman should not be. Mrs. Alvin Mundell gave an in- teresting and domprehensive re- port of •the annual, meeting Of the Maitland. Presbyterial held in St. Andrew's Church, Wingham, re cently. ,Mrs. McPherso,n introduced the new study book on Japan and Mrs. Hess McKague had• charge of the topic,, It took the form of a dis- cussion on 'conditions. in that coun- try and comparisons, She was as- sisted by'Mrs. Wm, Struthers and Mrs. Mundell. The ladies are invited to attend and assist with the program for the World Day of ,Prayer service, which is being held in the United Church, Belmore, this year. A hymn ;was sung and Mrs. Mc- Phersdn closed the meeting with prayer. Abilitky When you meet trouble headon,„better call Its, We are experts' in eating things baCk fat shape again, Service i s fast, ganits. modest. Silverbright Salmon = White Fish,. Kippers Oysters Dutch ,Salt Herrings Smoked Fillets, Variety of FROZEN FILLETS U Wingharn Body Shop Phone 746 "Sid Adams, Prop." Wittglialij,. = Kipperines • 11 • oz. bottle 23c LI Save on these We. Specials Mr. and Mrs. Scott Keith and „Randy, of Waterlob, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs/ Alex Keith. Mrs. Ruby Forester of Toronto 'spent 'the week-end at her home here.• Mr. and Mrs. Lang Vogan, of Molesworth, visited one night last week with Mr, and Mrs. James Vittie. Congratulations to Mr. anrPMrs. J. A. Versteg on the birth 'of a davighter at Listowel Hospital on Jan. 210t. Mri. Wm, Clyne spent last week with relatives in Kitchener, Mrs, Clara, McDermitt returned to her home in Galt last week affer spending three weeks with , •Mr. and Mrs, Harvey McDermitt: Mrs. George Baker spent a few days last week 'at the home of Mr. t • HEINZ In Campsicle TEABISI 21/2 lb. pkg. 47c NIBLETS Whole Ke rnel 'CORN 2 14 oz: tins 35c Z 15 oz. tins .37c HEINZ CATSUP THROUG and Mrs. Hartwell Strong. A rink• of curlers composed of William McElwain, William Ed- gar, Harry Lehr and Harold Wal- lace• attended the bonspiel at'Clif- ford last week and were lucky. enough to bring home end tables, the 'third prize, Mr. and lstrs. Everitt Allan visit- ed one day„last week with Mr. and Mrs, Harold Hibbert in Goderich. Little Karen Lynn returned to her •home in Orangeville over the week-end after spending three weeks with her grandmother, Mrs. Dora Ridley. Mr. and Mrs. 'Stewart Schaefer and Wendy of London spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. E, A. Schaefer. Mr. and Mrs; Harvey Bride of Toronto spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Doig, Mr, Bruce Williamson of Lon- don spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Emma Williamson. Tie Hi-C group of Fordwich United Church attended a meeting and social, evening with the group at. Harriston United Church on Sunday night. QUAKER PREMIUM i l PUFFED -WHEAT ' Sockeye SALMON ‘: • ' ; 2 pkgs.. 29.c •. . ' Vg lb. ,tin- 45c ..., MitiolkatiiirspiiiiiiiiiiiiniiInnial4liaiiinillaiiiimailIalliaiiInitfailaiiiiijimilaitianiiiialtsionmilsimitimanamit . . • ' !;, ! I 8 DODGE ower Oiants Boulevard beauty! Big haul brawn! BLUEVALE • ..., ... * Handsome new Swepisidl 100 model—new fashion-Setter of the truck 'world—with presSge-winning lines, passenger-car Ad e! * New Forward Look styling with distinctive dual headlights that throw light up to 75 feei farther! * New higher powered V-S engines give you up•to 234 h.p.! * New full-traction • diffrential •avail. able for D100 models .. automatically provides better traction in snow and mud, or on off.the-road jobil This year Dodge Power Giants 4‘teis out front to stay! For here is new- ness that budget-wise truck buyers can't afford to pass up. For example, Dodge D100 half- tonners provide a new easy-shift 3-speed transmission for the smoothest manual shifting,,of arty truck; or yoti .may prefer push- button LoadFlite automatic transmission. Dodge heavy-duty trucks offer ' many new advantages, too. G.V.W. on the 1700 model has been in-, creased 2,00.0 lbs. (now 25,000 lbs.,1 G.V.W.) . . new, more rugged chassis components include wider rear springs (s") ... new, bigger friendly eyes Miss Mary Duff is a patient in Wingham Hospital, following an accident to her shoulder occasioned by a fall on the slippery road. • Mrs. Howard Black, of Toronto has been the guest of her daughter, Mrs, Elmer Sellers for a, few days. Mrs, M, L. Aitken is spending a couple of weeks at her daughter's, Mrs. Donald Street, of Listowel. New Record Set In Advertising Newspaper circulation and ad- vertising' revenue in the United States seta records in 1957,• the Newspaper Advertising Executive Association reports. Advertisers also put niore newspaper advertising ' than tele- vision, radio, magazines and bill- boards combined, ASsociation Pres- ident Gilbert P. Swanson told the association's annual / meeting Tiles- ' day The climb marked the 12th year hi 'the last 13 that newspaper rev- enues set a record. Newipaper circulation In the U.S. last year averaged 58,600,000 copies a day. DOD brakes! RAIEfli ON:4411'5 FROM 4480 NW eltRYSLER CORPORATION OF CANAOA, LIPOID il l ~ f l l { ~ V l l i I f l f • 1 } , I l l ~ 6 t ~ l i 1 I i l t i ! I l l ~ l i { ~ 1 1 1 1 } ~ Las. tO, 46,000 LOS ci.c1v0fs TO 65,000 1115: The§e are the kind or eyes you'll find across the counters at The Toronto-Dominion Bank. We want you to know that we have a lot of friendly people waiting to serve you at the Toronto-Dominion. 01.11% is a bank that has been built on consistentiy friendly service to cu,,toiners— new and old. If you want information, advice ;Jr business counsel, it's nice to know that you can count on friendly help froth everyone—Whether you're n brand-new ens- tomer or one of long standing. Wherever you look, meet friendly eyes at The Paola to‘.Dominion Bank, Deafly and anxious to help you with any banking problem you have.• Why not drop' n at your nearest Toronto,D minion branch and find out for yourself? . . 0300 with ttilie holy- 9,000 lbs. ihAx. KIDN EYACIDS Rob your Rest, , Meny,people never seem to get a pod rest, They turn end toss-Aleine it bri "nereee'—when itmey be their kidney*. llealtlty kidneys Alt4zr poisons end metal kids from the Mewl. 11 they WI end impurities stay in the systems-diattidsed nittn follows. II you don't reit well ite( And uae Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dead's help 'the kidneys so thet yea ten Mot tietteasslind lab Dodis ney14 Is Kid MOO hatter--as la 51,100 bile With 19,500,1b$, Moe expiosss, DIOR banal- 5,060 lbs.inax, 0,V,Wi 5,000 ibs, mat, G.V.Was s' Now's the t1oie to switch to the truck:; of 'the FttirWara L..dok LEN CRAWFORD MOTORS There's your choice of en4vr Power4)orne V-8 in all'inodels, or a thrift-engineered light- and rn.ediuln-tennage inedels, See, teni-' pare, ,dritie one of these Imilevard lietatttes tvith big-haul bratvn„, 110W A4 I. J ktiNgTEMER, Matoiget Wingblim tittuttli- torrie .8ratich • • ONE 710 WINGIIAM 're'71,4!; ''AITIP ADAWHIIJIMIA .101110,f1MPWMIO441144WHIMAW4W1111WWwW1toWliwoliwmwmwilipwwwwwilwowwwwwwwispwommiympoqwwwviwiliiiiktw Voters Turiberry I aim a skin g for your support in this election because fliere is not a Countillor south and east of the' sixth conccsiion. This large area needs voice in Council and with, six years' experience, I feel qualified togive that service. Your support and influence; as in the Patat;. will be greatly appreciatvd, SMITH.. X. • 04,1!/11101.1! aa II 1111141111l 44l iii 11111.0 /iMillOniF,M0114111111111,11110.1111010 iiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Bernakt King Presides ot YP44 - VQ4PWIM—The AIM* held. its Meeting SurldaY night with 18 *embers present, The meeting was opened with the hymn, "The Church's Qne Foundation", for- lowed by prayer led by the presi- dent, Penland King, The 'minutes of the last Meeting were read and it was sledded to PtIrehaSe sonic Card tables, Mar, Berle Foster and Wayne King were named representatives to attend deanery Meetings, Committees Were Mulled for lunch and program for the next meeting. Rev, E. Attwell read the first chapter of St, Mark, after-Which he showed films on nor°, college. The meeting closed with prayer and a social half hour' was spent. Lunch was served by Nancy Both- ern, Marie Browne and Mafierie Foster. Weekly Etichre FORDWICH—Twelve tables of progressive euchre were in. play at the ‘Fordwich community hall on Tuesday 'night. Those in charge were Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Dinsmore, Miss Beatrice ,Wade and John Wank. High scores were as follows: Lady, Mrs, Bert Winston; gent, Rnssel Nickel; consolation, Mrs, Ira, Schaefer and • Sam Jahnson; special, Miss' Vera Kennedy, FORDWICH TIVENTYPSIX RIA.MAKINO COURSE FORD'W10}I—Mrs. Ken OrattaM Was hOsteaa for the P`Orl)Whils Meeting last week, The president, Xra. Pare Karris,,.opened the Meeting with the Ode and the Lord's. Prayer. DeVatiena were tak- en by Mrs. frareld Dolg. The motto Was "An inch of Pro- gress is worth a yard of complain".,, Progress is in many" Ways, such as the three R's in either hotige, Work or farming. Do something about 'the complaint and that will mean progress. This motto Was very ably given by Mrs, Lyle Sim- coons, The roll call, a local industry, was answered, Mrs, Stanley Bride read a letter from the branch's English' Institute, which was very interesting. • Mrs. Anion Demerling gave a re- port on the rug course, The name chosen was "From Rags to Rug Girls", Twenty-six ladies finished the course, A letter was read from the provincial president, Mrs, Haggerty, and a vote passed to pay 25c per member for the proVincial fund and A,C.W.W, Plans were made to finish the Institute layette and donate to re- lief. Two neighboring branches will be invited to the February meeting to be held in the hall. Plans were also completed to ca- ter to the Cheese Producers' ban- quet. A duet was enjoyed, rendered by Misses Pauline Sothern and Jean Siefert. It was decided to hold •the annual concert on March 21st, The topic, '.`Pass the Salt, Please" was given by Miss Minnie McEl- wain. She said salt is very impor- tant, used in chemicals and for in- dustrial , purposes, as well as in the home. She also told the story of the Carter Scholarship. Mrs. Anson Demerling conduct- ed a quiz. Lunch^ was served by Mrs, Howard 'Harris, Mrs. Fred McCann, Mrs. Goosen. Winkel and Mrs. Mark Armstrong, Win Prizes at W.1. Euchre Party BLUEVALE—The prize winners at the Vomen's Institue euchre on Wedneiday night were the follow- ing: Highl score for''li,dies, Mrs. R. Powell;` low score for, ladies, Mrs. Wm.• Detinan; high score',for men, George 'Brewer; low' score, Wm. Detmaii. , The lucky prize winners' were Brenda'Breckenridge and Allan Breckeridge: . • ' viitt.11 TORONTO 1St ,PANK :THAI' LOOKS AHEM Sister p4ises in Victoria, B.C. FORDWICK—The sympathy of the eenthirthity ,g400 to Mrs. Wil, Liam Foster of' NOWbridge, who re- ceived St telegram last week in. forming her cif the death of her sister, ;SIX'S, Susan Wallace, Mrs Wallace passed away at, the borne of her daughter, Mrs, Robert Pearce, in Victoria, B.C, The fun, oral Was held Monday of this week frOM here farmer home .at Arrow River, Mau, Thirteen nleces s.in a "baker's dozen" eriginated When King Louis. of France warned all bakers who gave under measure that, they would be beheaded. 011110111.111.4101111.1111161101110111111141111.11InlitillEMIIIIIIIIWitiiiiIiiimiloombilimiclimmiliAmillimuom uft.ilys. DELIVERY • : 'PHONE .. . ...... ,. , FREE ' •.• iii • .F.., • i - I@ i •' • i i SMELTS 25c lb. LARGE, VARIETY OF FISH 'FOODS LAKE HERRINGS. 25c lb.