The Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-01-29, Page 2SHOULD WE HAVE AN AIRSTRIP? in thenever ending search for additional industrial enterprise for our community civic Officials frees quentl 4' list and enumerate the assets our town, , possesses winieli w ould help to attract a wood live concern to Wingha'iu. end we do have mnx:an • of those assets. Plenty of first gttalit,x `;cater. New high school and hospital buildinnga, fine churches and public buildings, a television and radio station ^ yes even a news- har We did hear a suggestion reccent- 'I� I3.o��� ever, which made sense. We W01114 be exhibiting real signs of our prv, ressiveness if we had an au -- ear The town. Oh, yes, we ready hear the cries of de- but in the first place a sodded rip does not cost a fortune, and the second instance it would be ed far more frequently .than most of us imagine. %Vingham is often visited by uessinen whoat times use air- for their, business ess trips — that hen they are headed for places Melt offer landing facilities. We alt cad v- have a busy branch of an # atneriitan firm in this -town and t h i ere r bIt1 1 le" doubt i that if airstrip tHides were available it would of - be used by those who are at +CONGER WORKING YEAR No_ doubt hirjh school students f greet the announcement of . the minister of education, relative to a winger rear, with dismay. Appar- tly t)r.. Dunlop, has come to the usi earl theta littleextra ;t k [nt' hurt the younger generation. T °ugh the proposal will not be IVO - axe with the students. most of eir mothers and fathers can easily member the day when the summer racat on lasted ooth- six weeks n- teadi of ten and when there r h e v,e t;nrn aster holidays at all, One aspect of the holiday ques- v ich we havealways found' pit lxlig was the '_ act that high school. students were often through shortly after .the middle of June, ile the little codgers in glade one ttlbltc school had to slung it 11 the end of that beautiful It, always has seemed tntt- [s ye mentioned previously nm, we are entering a which human mentalito oat treasured co?ilmod lex so etv_ The men. xa women with the brains will bare ere: t lager loads to cafes. It seems tlfat Or. Ontnlop is going to start the accelerated production ssa ,L brain power.. PICTURES ARE WELCOME lo the other day one of oar irttoned an. old friend Inas men n the West for tnanv years. "I ondet' what George look like now," he said. That remark staffed a train €af thought. The etotipment in our plant-' riludes a machine, i iatalied for the pm 'r;i providing more picture eovera f ¢r our readers. The ad- ditional pectus es have hronght a veal deal of crrmlent and a very definite upswing in circulation for The .1,d ante -Times_ , Our staff tries to get every avail- able picture, an effort which entails a: treamentlons amount of time and mileage. II'o ween et a we weld be tickled silly 'to )have readers, who ham mei away front this locality fora time, send us pktures of them - Ives, their homes. and families., so Oa 44d friendsin Wirogliam could ate howthey are getting along. e halt you can do for us, l you WinshamAdvAnceritnes Paattritaa tot W Valet ILA trrresent making tiresome tips be- tween the American and Canadian factories. In addition to the 1. blis#ileSS con- siderations we have in this t'tlmu uu it v many veterans of the war who art~ c tnntt etent fliers and wouldbe p ]l -i glad' tai fillopportunity to renew their- 'hard-won skills. Certainly the whole idea sounds a little daring -•-- but this town could well use some daring, at the present time. REACHING THE LIMIT An article in The Fergus News - . Record, outlining the reasons for aea sox _ i� the removal of the Beatty Brothers wooden wares division from that town to Lucknow is enliightening'. That paper states flatly hat the main reason for the move was that prevailing labor rates in Fergus for the type of work done in the plant were 5143 per hour, A survey in Lucknow indicated that the rate there would be $1.05. A plain von - sideration of profit alid lass made the sivite i of locations lnhnp2t•ati'4e. Perhaps this decision is an indi- cation of the thinking of many busi- ness ,heads, who find that despite. high prices, profits have all but dis- appeared becabrse of the high cost of production. At times labor groups disregard the fact that labor ran be 'employed only as long as .time em- ployer is makinga working profit. After all, the laborerdoes not pro- vide - vide the building, than machinery or the office staff which is necessary cessary i he is to be employed, and there is -a limit somewhere -to the upz and spir- al of consumer goods prices, In many wars we maintain a dangerous balance on the American continent, Prices of all commodities are at record peaks, and labor- is paid at rates which cannot be matchers anywhere .'. else in the world. Yet there are .h countless millionsin other countries who would be delighted 'to do douhie•Ilne work that d tai- labor is asked ,to perform •_ for a `quarter or. the money- Any one?e Any sensible business man knows that he is in constant -danger of pricing his goods off the, . market. Labor should realize that it Mann precisely the same thing. �. LAWLESSNESS FOR THE LAWLESS There appeared to be a certain a..tnc3uait of justice in the actions - of a ,group of Indians in North Caro- lina who used their shotguns on members of the Kann. Klux Klan at one of `their ;R.. thedngs. Perhaps the attionn of the Indians was law- less, but it may be the only kind of mediieime that will have any -areal meaning for the terrorists of „the Southland. The Klan was formed in the evil days which followed upon tine American civil war, as a protective organization for women and child- ren who were helpless before the freedom -tit -tank ex—slaves„ The or- ganization r-gan izat on had a purpose in those dao s, hunt it was foreaded o u the basis of ' violence and fear. 'The in- tolerance which was readily explain- able in W:i( has grown in to a great national evil and its influence has spread to every state in the n4n'tiii*an. The ideolme that a human he- iiog is despicable h ~"attae his skin is not white is the most igrtatarraaut folly a man can ever possess. Can we not remember, Americans and Cana- dians alike, how we shuddered at the devilish consequences of the German cryfor 'a pure Aryan Have we forgotten the mil- f thetics who were consign- ovens, onsign-o Wens, though they were of the same 'race as the Savi%ntt'"' t nti:l man can rid himself of the Inst :shred of race pt'e.wlkte car at scientific athi'v mem ria are by most trivial waste of time. There i no place on this globe for an orrgan- atimi dedicated to instilling fear in. human hearts. nor generation haro already squandered killtilredtc of thousands of lives and ontOld wealth to otteratinate, such criuture,P. The fact that they lige in our own Fart makes thew no lam hateful. �:rvin'.-mny717- Accidents My Business By Pew. (tons talate "Bob" Lewis T"ix*ink in as *mail town in the eentre of a rural eonarnonity has as auraber at' decided advantages, Some of these have been made sea•' obvious to nae since Chief ('on - stable "Bert'' Platt and I began ten plan our forthcoming sat** caru» paign, A typical rxraraapie is the publication you are presently rekd tug. Hers*, the reamer does not elan tbrough the headlines and tiara tarn imitrediateiv to the cantle sec. Orin. .In this paper you otteu fated news of personal friends and ae slupintances. For that real -on this . type of "local" newspaper is ots naliy read from cover to *over. That 'feet alone is a definite axI.. Vantage .to writers lil,e myself, in most eases the reader Is halfway through the column before to .re..' *Haft bis mistake. By that nae: he is usually reading in h-rgln gear' and rather than change down and start something else be will cruise right through to the bitter end. a n teras retain sarnmi acts they Trial learn BOX 473 ditor, of the 'W nghani;t. Advance -Time; :Dear Sit: aire:Sdial9y, the campaign w to action with the ,publieatlon +at' dais newspaper last week. when "l"tan= Atleance•Times safety series niaored into ;the 'field of .tratfie: By this means we hope tar lhroagh to you, the parents. Ira addition to this :series, ;Bola Car- , Bert, the :U :fat"nt editor, will, o n Fedi glue, stage a "safety quiz'" show on his urogram a'Aiantanae-". 3ma is .glow a team from the High Ss iarzent willdo battle with d• team from the local. l insmen Kiuette organization. The local IDA .drug• - gist, Lee Vance, has donated an automobile first' aid kit for each aaaember tat the Atoning team. On thought perhaps the Herrn-: tracer of the losing team will be more in need of such items. Reec fly the Farmer's Union leas made an appeal to farmers to bin u direct dues paying organi,$ation. Also some attempt has been made to give the impression that tiie ration of Agriculture is a.in tire because It is not .a direct aninatii nt... comes to' mind the growlers, who wanted te ,.amort in regard to Mar - crook First ar- crops.:Fiirst of ail they lied] are Farm Winn officials. A large meeting- was held tron which PM was received in mere- bersbip fees. Apparently the to- bacco growers were gust that much poorer for they did not get any action. Following that an appeal was made to the Ontario Federa- tion of Agriculture with the result The. Federation Fieldman went in and the tobacco growers were ot-- ganized and a vote held, which re- scatted In the Tobacco afar/Pe/lag plan. In shart, 'the point t. want~ to retake is, that regardless of whether arae tobacco growers are satisfied yet, they did get action from the Federation. Following to TV show' we inn-' aril: to issue the *Official 8„-a e1y taan. at the public school and In may opinion, by far the most to the students at the high 'school satisfying aspect of a rural cow- we shall issue a "D.riher's 3f nual' munity is the whole -headed co-op- After the students are giaen am erstion and erntintsiasa n s-eteauddie:El ', opportngiity - to study this liters- to those persons who try to pro- 'lure the schopl authorities have mote any scheme calculated to :im-1agreed to set an esana-anation ons prove conditions in any phase -of she subject, , - oar ccamununity re passing lightly over the t . e Stith was the rx�pansr•- when matter of the examination, I woad Chief Platt and I put our I 'adsi like to point out to readers that together -a short, time ago. Front it will entail a great deal of effort tier vaguest glimmer of an idea we l'ae.d extra. worlt for the school tea - managed -a- muaaaage d to evolve a, campaign chess and they cannot be too Liiglr- which we Telt would in stone mea.- ly camnnneaadcd for the part they 'pure increase tim "safety awnre- will play iii this project. •. ° mess" of ow- local youngsters. 4 For ail those students whose As with many other such srhemres knowledge of safety gains theme a oursP could. never hope to he sue- Ixas;;. niark tlaem;;a will be an award cul without a great deal of of meat. harry, Wenger of the t support front great number of people. I wooled like, if I asst;', to outline the campaign, and in arcathe � solir 3t support cat -319 .. the parents of ourarr,,�schoOI children. For .a number of years now group of ii inngita n businessmen ess men have been span Bring a; patine - tion- known as the "Oftrcit Safe- . -T has donated a number of very, fine-looking certificates for his purpose. ' These we hope to have presented ell by a we1d-k'ntoxrts.person- ality at a later date. In addition the certificates we hope to have number of very _ worth -while rites for the students who sub- mit the best, papers. Already we have had donated a ;esEaoa wrist', ty Manual". This publication hagJ� zatel .ivy^ Dnntriie's . nznoc Ser1'tceI an a another la y ' dne- Sn; lseeie issued to the'students of the 4 p>?r?le',t Pe.'f-:, Winglaamu Public Selma. Doubt mm rij rarearialrat n - 'Welune'; less.,most of the 'children read line° lienal grarnisecd a. ninuber of parses book and also adored some of me I crt similar raiaae from lather some- pictures eceueepictures in it, rafortnt ately aw i es', details of these to be made base not previously been ,able ata' 74-arow n as $oon ars they haTa been assess v+ fig if later„ • aralta+e. hoer dr;- ronrfirmed Lwow donors*. rived from it, Te-his Nr vie ,in- e,.., 40.7 .:« . fend to build around the issue ni s ybst can a.7'91: saanlaort 4321 et; thr'hooldet a aa.a npoi^'n whiein. wili ran haste .betien plentiful- on include the student's at"'til . Wing -,:if we can, h,S' this effort. save ierr; ham Tht ir'ict „High Se -hoot :and 'one ci cur children Trona injury or I am absolutely opposed to farm- ers becoming- the kind of pressure group that trade unions are typical o o€ r -, eaiapisryrr,g their tactics, MI - have donee much for' labour, but too often have become a lagan unto themselves. You will remem- ber"a strike some years, ago in Windsor, which lasted six months -1 Yep the union. Made some gain— but.t3s One member of that union stated—it Would take him thirty years to gain bark what he ''had ira, �z by reason nIl of that Str3iit. We farmers have in mne-' n' avail- able to us to get our views across nae a democratic manner through oaar Fe deroEin n. hy having a Farm re: :Fr" o u min every community, if we +oraiy had the good sense to use It. The Minister or Agriculture of ario credited the Federation of Agriculture with being realistic and ' not +tsenane in its demands 14e aahso a ptnlnd •there was no room for two ram s rgamizaiions in On ro4-- i3 nerli t9. Stick 'to - I know e seryo • who inns tontri- eh3 that the effort has i art ie i r tlaa�-i rn, cheer Your, shows, so armies per are,apt -drir ng • 3 eu'rie aiming it! rI:sl i;ai LL rneniber telex needi hour inch trig be calculated to helpid dratta in a &stiff, occir eat, . then North ee gather as a group for the day the individualist is past, in so tar' es the marketing at our products t: fa concerned. Iowevnr, it tarot organisations is" to become AS effective :as It. might be, we need to overcome the Indifference, suspicion and div- t;rpst that is all too 'common among rural people, By the way I .notice in the 'farm pma*—where the Saskatchewan Farmer's inion has voted to re". ,join the Saskatchewan Federation- of .Agricultlare, yours 04434 Wif. Ross Smith, R.Tt 4, 't, ingham - D. A. nieminiacing Mail% found 'art Page Sig, Caviller, McIntosh Ward Chartered Aecntantante Be -If "`elapboise Bldg Walkerton, Ont, ikitownuNE $3$ Special COLD CREAM n Evelyn Howard 'Theatrical Style i,pound far red. 89c .. , � . a , , 69c MINERAL OI1: Heavy grade medicinal quality, ill4 4tJ viz,. reg. 5>Zc, 11,1(1 43c, 87c Hydrogen Peroxide �, ,lt, is ate. reg. 19c, 29c, -15c 15c, 23.c, 39e SHAVING CREAM The creamy rand -e. I0.:i. Brand dueed from 99e to 1 ONLY 39c 3 -way SHAVE BOMB reg. 98c value at a 39c saving 59c MOTH CRYSTALS reg. 59c 2 lbs. 73c rices Wed„ Jan, 29th to Wed,. ..Feb. 5th I NAVE ''TO GET 1105 pfatESCl1Pl'IOH FILLED; CAN YOU RECOMMEND ; A GOOD DRUGGIST? •adJ,%� "TAKE If TO VANCE'S DRUG STORE; • - THEY'RE coMPLETEL'i' DEPENDABLE AND :U 5 C I GET FAST SERVICE D0 �s • This la a Welcome to Win ham Bargainain Store V AN ITitte i PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST DUBAQZ'a' NUG'NUr TABU REVi_ON VETE/NAR & PPL/E,d' 7!� e.cq l:ezm_ • 'crit -a -.1-c_ 18 ttfl W.fl.a.a{HYaa,.a. W w r 1k1aY1ifalYll4 tf,aY(itlNif, {411fkfifllf1f141ff11ffY 4i11affa(fa1,,uk.ltNY ttt,ff,faaek4l j t (fflfrla- IF YOU ARE C :D:r.OUR STREET; ,T DR' 3P /AI AND5EE` T ..r OUR • STOCK COMPLETE - ,,�.: _ . _ �• a` = = -t��' � err ; our Business LEA. tJ .00! - - a /-bl, E D POCOC K, o -*:.y:*.._ "be drive to legal s; the road C it a inc di is truck wasn't nit cessarily exceeding It ; • but he was going. too fast for it's prevailing when this accident occurred. s ail ; extracted from a space about de beteen the back of the seat and the dashboard of his • vehicle. AD I D a DITI NS SET TIM SP Y.O• LIMIT OBSERVE hM CAREFULLY rWtlstYt(taaa'ahryNithltafhenil Iaan.tanitatalwfk1111 tat1. 41Sai[kaaall(t! {laatfa..114tt1l,lRi111/41i. tAkatla>a l2Maf[atYhyaktiallairaansa ll4111tat,a1114l3nix.sYk4 est111 4..Varonatoltrt• lu nntli{Hil THE SALVATION ARMY IRtOattt Core SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 2nd "GOD SEEKS" CAMPAIGN Y:Ultt ;rr tn.,_HOL'Rc . 31iETi3 % ".«fit pan. --,....DAY SCHOOL 7att p.ni.- INATIOX 1VfFT1' `INO F?tONO February- Ili-14-Ltidks" Trio. frOm West Tta ontO TOT ARE W'H'E *ARMY" "' � a,YKbh1'ta'Wpgtlpµlka/trt1['kkRRgl1Y(/kNatahbb[YIbk4FSi.14tYhialla111NMae/at1Vk16)iNhYYF11YHa1k L��11111ti11i 1101il1.l.fitfltiIa•1 ;t11fI.$:'dF.ii!?IVIIIIIIIIti ilail41111111111iq tl alit ebtirt GINGTAWat■ e . � ,Johnson, L.TII. - Rector Mars. Gordon Davidson * Organist Septuagesima &Max 11. a.m.---Holy Communion 230 p.m.-;-Stttnxlay School 210 p.m.- •I tyen ng Prayer • i a U a .w fan, lLdies' t'wuild the parish room at 3Ai lett $'liti iatIMNlbi +1AM41 tI6Mial itaitI INIAESMA gallu