The Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-01-29, Page 1This' particular sales effort has not been plan- ned 80 that any one gr , oup of storekeepers can steal a march on their competitors, The only purpose is to have as many Wingham stores a6 possible extend their sincere invit,ation to the shopping public; 'not to slash prices to the bone but to offer consistently dependable and honest buying opi3ortunities. Tht Advanee.,Thnes has bligiiittiOd tliz 16n because the newspaper and most of the merchants are aware that it is through these eoltumis the most direct and dependable approach can be made to the rbsidents of Wingliam and its surrounding rural community. We do ask one favor of shoppers. When you are inaking your purchases, hi the storekeeper know that you have seem his message in the paper. That is his only way of knowing 'whether or not to continue his special offerings for your benefit. And remember — you're always welcome when yoti *hop Wingham. • Vf/BBNE80.0tY,..min.TiosY 29, I$8 • COUNTY ANTICIPATES1 More Girls Are Portrait of a Pussy By The Pedestrian SKIL TAX ' MP Enrolled as Glii4Os L J Last INtendkl• saw the completion U of the enrollment of the citrrent recruits to the Gwides. TboSe being; enrolled by ComMissioner Mrs- Qeo. Caroeon, were Jane Ann,•Col- yin,. B'rend4 MacLennan, Esther Kerr, Mary Joan Lapp . and Mary Phillips. The 'rest ' of the evening was Spent in learningl useful knots to use in daily life, both around home and at the lake,.Mother group was endeavouring to .thaster the com- pass p9ints. It was also decided to invite any girls in and arpund Wingham, between the ages of ten and a half and 14 years, who would like to becoine Girl Guides, to come along February 24 to the town hall at 7 p•rn• t POR 0140 'MAZER 'SdiKE:7-- Local residents were treated` to 4 , an ,unfamiliar night On Saturday when Tom Saint was out and /' around with hiS tearse and cutter, ' Once a common; means of trans', portatlon, the cutter has all but disappeared fiord the; vieW, • U T OF COLD SWORAO10 • Pon Hildebrand, jack Render- . non, Slier. Boucher, Terry, NetherY and Charlie Davidson Went to. Lake Simcae to try their, luck at' Ice fishing, They come back 'With three lovely Whitefish. INTERMEDIATES WIN FIRST OF SEASON Playing in Port KWh on Mon- day night, the Wingham Crawford. Dodgers brought borne their first win of the season, They defeated the Port Elgin Intermediates 10-4. Last Wednesday night, however, the Dodgers bowed put 16-3 before the Paisley Intermediates and 'on Friday night -Port Elgin took the- Wingham pOys on the sl•iort end of an 8-7 score, Degree Conferred At I-receptory ' The regular meeting of the Royal Black Precepte'ry was held oni Monday evening at the Orange Iaidge room with' a good attend- ance, RWcarf Oliver Jacques of. Exeter and ,RWPCM Robert Hib- herd of Fordwich, as well as brothers from Blyth, Auburn and rOrdWich attended, 'the Fourth Degree was Con- ferred, on 'twelve candidates by the ForclWich degree team. A social hour followed with' the hosts serving lunch. Indications at county council last week pointed to a rise In tai rates for 1958, although it was not , be- lieved that the' jump Would be Very great, it happeared likely that 7,4 mills will ,be required for the general account and 6, mills for county roads. The 1947 rate was.. 7.6 -Innis for geOerat purposes and 5.15° 4118 for roads, 'One of the major increases pc nense was the paYrnent of the 'fort bounty ,which leaped from $748 in' 1956 to almost 45,000 in 1957, Tak- ing immediate action- to lower this cost, the council cut -the 'botiply from $2,00 to $1.09. 'rho Jowetpd bounty is, offset by, a. recent, In- crease in the value of fox pelts. Some members of ,the '-council, speaking on the question, favored the abolition of bounty payments. ; Appoint Board Members The following appointments to hospital boards throughout the county were made: Ex-warden J. V. Fischer) "Wingham General Hos- pital Board; qtatiley Love, 'Smith Huron Hospital Board; W. I., Met.- lock, Clinton Hospital Beard; Scott Habkirk, Seaforth Hospital Board. Mrs, Eekmier, .the: county lib- ,rarian,ireported to council that cir- culation of county library hooks had increased by 5,322 in 1957, to a total of. 50,189. The library co- operative ended the year with a deficit of $6.19, after spendingr.$21,- 015. She reported that the system ' 0 FIREMEN CALLED OCT,— The Wingham firemen answered, ,a call to the home of Harry Bate mart of the ninth of Turnberry on Monday afternoon. The blaze was confined to the"chimney in which .It started, but the smoke-eaters '• stuck around for a time, ."fearing 'that there Might be a • freah out- break. , Ai IA (ALONG THE MAIN DRAG Votes Fund for Club Ti)betry. Anglican Congregation Hears Reports of $uccessful Year MONEY' BUT NO NAME— a., "Snooker", the; oeiniPant oi Cameron's 1 .1a deSetrvinA of a word of Mention, Ior she re- cently pretienOte .her owner; with her 81st kitten: "She hi been here. With ber'lates1:.ciontrIbutioie to• ti'e anti-mouse squad; :11%4:small' ball of- flu ' in the !big =hand, lot what- is. believed to be' No.' Si —A.T. photo'. 5 ' S ., Last tweek 'The Ailyance-Thrie " • received three dollars in alf,elive- ' lope which appeared ,to be post- marked at Bellmore. However there • was no indication a, to the identity ,,kii of, the sender. 'Wet ; ' eaurre .its Was for a 'subscription) and wotild like o''credit it to the proper-,..subscrib- er, Will you Jet us• knoW? CHAPTER ELECTS NEW, OFFICERS.',.!,...!5".•', Wingham Lebanon Chapter NO. Encouraging reports of progress in all clepartments were heard at the annual meeting of St. Paul's Anglican 0hureh pn Monday even- ing, Rev, C. F, Johnson, rector, presided aver the gathering, . It was reported that all major projects undertaken during the year were either completed or well under way, These included the erection of concrete steps -at the south entrance, the painting of the basement and the purchase of flags for the' chancel. Reports were also received from the . Evening Guild, Women's - Association, Junior W.A., Little Helpers and' Sunday School. The statements of the current account, budget (missions), and the special account for capital ex- penditure; repairs 'and insurance were Presented ,by the, treasurer, 3, A, Wilson, arid adopted. The recto r reported on the con- dition of the ,,ol•gan, and it, was • PROMISING SIHN— 5 ' Next Sanday is the t proverbial, "groundhog day",' 'If 'our fuzzy friend doesn't see, any more. sun,. light then than the rest of us itave seen -"during ;the past two weeks • we should be in for, an early, spring. decided that the' board of man- agera would review the situation and oreport to .a congregational meeting, It was also decided at the meet- ing that the evening service would be withdrawn as of Feb. 9th', 'and an • alternative form of service would he left to the. discretion, of the rector. Speaking' of the work which should be undertaken during the coming year it was suggested that the outside of the church he taint- ed and that work be done on the floors in the rectory and the fence on the west side of 'the church property, 'The projects were left to the Consideration, of the board, Appreciation for ',assistance throughout the past year Was ex- tended to the board members, CKNX, the caretaker, •Gerrie•, the organist, Mrs. Gordon David- son, The Advance-Times, SundaY (f l eas. .:11131 to Page Eight) , Fall Victims F- at }Jere . Regret -Expressed ?,,,atlanual MacRaeliDeparture r Interesting reports froth alr or- is placed , in every tome. A new 4anizations were presented at the project which • received , support , annual meeting of Wingharn Vnit7. during the ,year, was financial 'as- ed •charch. and inarkeW thp-otkfil'jslattince towaid. 'the building" ot pletion of a, ,very .successful year. 'McKinnon House, the new rest- Increases were..ahown in member- dence for United Church stirdents Ne•e•rs,n, I 84, Royal .Arch 'Masons, on TueSday nlghti ' when' the'election of 'officers Was held for,:1956: Those elected were EI:P Ex. Cornp., Spence Scott,`-,,Z.; Comp-, Alex .41obertson,,I.F.Z.; Ex. Comp., •Jint. Kx: Comp., John •JackSOM ,111:r Rt Ex:;. Comp.; IC ~MacLenna, areas , V; Ex. coMP.i John Comp., 'red Oauley;:: gist ;: Comp., Alex' Corrigan': liam Tiffin, '; g4,.; Lloyd cagemoro,. Atex *CalittS, 0.041.: V: Ert Corrip.I Alex Reid,". Ds of • Q. ?c", Dave Murray; M qf., ist. V.;: Ex, Comp:, Miller pavid;''"Of 'Mid,'Vr; ship, attendaace, and giving'; 'all at the U M.University of WeStern Oht- Ex. Cortip:, John "Of organizatiens having exceeded' ario. their,,allocatiens, The meeting, was. preceded, •by hot supper served by .they Woman's.,Association, Rev.r,D. J., aqaeRae. presided and V.;Ex .1*.roaali „Mb- M, of 4th, V,; i34. Ex. Comp, W S. Erc1 Corrip., Ken Saxton;: auditors. /yrcetinqs are held, in 'the •lodge conducted a brief! devotional* per- iod , which included a memorial service for the ,:sixteen members and adherents who had died during tie year. The congregation consists of 320 families' with. 633 members, During 1957, Several improvements were made to the church property: The outside of the church was painted, the organ repaired and a new heating System was installed in the parsonage. Bibles were present- ed to all children nine- years of age arid ,the United Church Observer, Falls accounted fbr three separ- ate accidents, victims' of which re- ceived treatment at the Wingham General Hospital, during the past week. • Lout Friday Alex MacDonald,. of 2, Lucknow, fell .on the lee and' fractured his left wrist> After treatment at the fibspittil his con- dition vitas •reported satisfs.ctory. • On Sunday, Lewis Byers ,seven- year-old sort of Mr. and •Mrs. Levi Byers, Clifford, fell • in the barn and received. a. serious head injury, 'with possible fracture of the skull, He Is still wider treat.: merit at the hospital but his con- dition now satisfactorY, While skating on. Sunday, Ken- neth Crdmpton, 11-year-old son' of Mr'.` and, M'rs, David Crompton, Wingharn, fell and, fraetbred his elboW, The fracture-Was reduced ‘at TROUBLE IN S A, . Frienda, of the fOrmer ,FranceS Currie, Who rookies in Caracas, the capital of Venezuela, have: been orriawhat anxious pakt few Weels's •couritrY,: was 71111.,'!by " reveltitioa • and a , new government junta was aet Up. The ' Currie family here haS „ received one letter from her, which cotivey7. ed, blittle inforthatlott. because of the_ unsettled conditions,' • ,, • 0 - 0 • • FITTING TITLE--,. Cutlines under one of 'our photos last week spoke Of a graceful line of elms and a "popular tree'at the Lower Townods.na. Though we, de knoW better, it is true that the tree is quite popular on 'warm evenings during the summer. REIBEKAII EUCHRE Majestic Rebekah Lodge' will/ hold a euchre party in the Odd- fellows Lodge looms on Friday, January 31st at' •8,30,. Everybody welcome, Admission 50 cents. F29b Early in July, 'vacation schboi was held with a regiatration of 252 (There, the children from 3 to 11 were' taught Bible study, gainer l and crafts. This is an interdenomi- national project which draw: children and leaders from different, churches. Every Sanday morning, during the church service, the junior con- gregation meets in two groups in the church parlors and is trained in Bible knowledge under the lead- ership of Mrs, A. Green and her assistants. The youngest group in the church is the Baby Band, a thriv- ing organization of 105 members with Mrs. T, S. Beattie and Mrs, H Kerr, as superintendents. The Mis- sion Band under the direction of Mrs, Jim Hamilton, Mrs. D. Miller and Mrs. D, Rosenhagen, showed great activity and interest by send- ing packs of school supplies to Korea. The three groups of C.G.I.T, meet every week for study and recreation. Several projects were completed this year. In Octo- ber they Collected $74.00 for UNICEF and at Christmas made place cards for the trays at the hospital, These girls are led by Mrs. G, W, Tiffin, Mrs, Vernon Reid, Mrs. D. atIeMurchy and Mrs. Jack Reavie, Together with its missionary cc, tivities, the Young Woman's Auxi- (Please turn to Page Eight) COMMUNITE NIOHT To be held in the Forester's Hall, Belgrave, on Friday night, Jan* ary 31st. Sponsored, by the Wo- men's /nstittite.' Euchre at 8.30, followed try dilating to Bruce's orchestra. Lunch will be served, Admission _50 tenth. F 29b 4,-.....-- WHIIIIECHUR,CH CONCERT AND DANCE Whitechurch Library Beard will hold a concert and dance hi the Memorial :Mill on Friday, January 81st, Music by Farrier-Retry ,,rehestrti. Ladies please , bring ,Punch, F20b WCiMEN'S 1INSTITIlTE EUCHRE The Wingham Women's Institute Will hold a euchre in the Courier' Chamber on Wednesday, February 5th. Everyone weir*. F20:510 wItoxEmit, W. I. VIUCIllti The Wroxeter W. ,I. will hold' a progressive euchre in••• the, Cora- niunity Hall, at a.30 p.m,, on ThurS, day, January 30th, F29b MORRIS rilnER,ATiog ANNTALIVIEBTING The IlArria Federation of' Agri- , eulture will hold its annual Meet- flukey 'Banquet iii the ester's 13eigrave, on Tuee•-,, day, evokin g, Febrtiary 4, .1958. Keith Riddell, 'Agr,•Rep,, for Mid- dlesex' Will 'be the guest speaker.; ' Get your tickets from 'your school ' director. 1`29b . DANC,P ' A "Sr.e'ball"I donee Speasored 'by HoWiek Lions 'club Will be hell"' in :the Gerrie Community Hall, "on Friday night, January 31\. • ,Revers Orchestra, door prises, spot dances, Admission '75 cents. Feel. I • U • U AT 1101418 TO ElltIENDS." ' Mr. 'and ikitit. GOrge Hyslop St„ 11.ft, 2, Vireekete.r will be at hornet to their friends Oa'Sattirda,Y.:- Felt- • nary .1st in the tate-tin/On en .the ' . . 4 hi-votary. 0aelcri of their" 25th ' Wedding"- r: • 17329 4'. - 1.1 PA TOIL Atoll tAkt,f, of Jiiatisi, India, Who Witt ‘s to St AildreW's Church, Wiatrgh>tutti, on' Sunday, February Zlid, 06" *tit be the guest preaeher at btitit.Moinkik and: evniiing 'services , 'Re, The senior.' pastor hi the , field/ Where he hot sorved, for bit'et 25 yearirt Postale Latii., to alter- three -of special ovinatoitsno tototnnik is. ukitisit krogbyttoty .'of church, IIe 4aii1J alie he tkb aPettitat at the meeting of the.- ItioattiOdo sciui InAtkidt ,sitoist#tikit Assotokk:, '4101 to be hem At the tibitiO of , and Mrs, A. Or 1, tieSt Al* t70Wkilit. 11T6A"I nuerre,11:1°11 b 111 e h011.1 411,t LOW' i'TownZombi, Priday, ,,land. Sot 8.(1 ,in Lady' With' Ion*, vtOotto wOloOme, CONCERT AND iimsTog IN WitOXETER Concert anti Dance at the Wt0a, eter Continunity Centre on Wed, needay evening at 8.20 pm. Clarke Johnston; the Kansas Parmer and the Mori•IS Township Country Girls, Valuable door prize, Adrniee- tett; children ,25'cents, adults .60 r204 .,-.1%,diquioe-Mersa photo. SPORTSMEN' MEETINO Spertstrieli AsSociation Meeting will be held in the Legion Hall, February 3, ttegular tynstng$ moviee and monthly draw will take t ttirith served, brne one., than have ht.en talcs In recent venire~ that rabbits kite anarceini Ala 0614 Of ti* etainitv,' Jost how One ' score PreS, Ernie secre, this IS out the Witte ol)en 60,080 but tke'abtiVe, 6 Videricc that we till have plenty of the tittle critters terry') Brian Metealt '29b toWit,! iii • r.1 With Which is sinsigainsted the Gcorrie Vidette iknd Wroxeter News now comprises 33 libraries, four deposit stations, three high schools and -218 public ,school classrooms, Home Rates Increased Rates at the county 'home were Increased to $74.00 per month re- troactive to Jan, 1st, The old rate was $60.00, The county home com- mittee expressed •the opinion that the increase in rates would not Work any 'hardship • since old age pensions have been increased by $15 per month. % - • The, report stated that the cost per day is now $2.06 far each in- mate: ' There are,. at present„98 inmates, of whom '63 pay alt or part of their, maintenance in the home.' ariMmeeotnincigayaetvethneinglfottheel Zroalinotic4t. of .Wingharn Voted to donate, •621/.06 to the fund which is cuttenfi5r 'being raised for the construetido of a swimming pool and Public park knianrth aeotnothesesi:ne,w Tbnrq-ic*Te pr°' therinherr people are making a great effort 'to raise sufficient money for the improvement of this, beauty. where a cement apron'las already been pour'e'd os4vyinittn .rgiv.eMr ebmedbert: of the club expressed' their atiMir- ation ,Of the effort Which is•being made in' Turnberry', ..and it •was agreed that the donation' he made as a token of the interest which the is 'being of the town; ngv takenlothe. project` Lion President Jack,Ileavie was in the chair 'for the,rneetin#, Lid& Harry MaCArthur acted lAino Tamer, Von Floyd Blakely %via At the piano and Lion Tom Carrie manipulated the fine box with a 'skill., eompounded - of ercperldriblir and enthatdasra. One of the major deciSions • at the meeting was the :changing 'Of the regular meeting night 'train. Monday-. to Friday eveningi. The club met on, Friday eVeniriga for many years, but the -day witailter- ed . last Year when there , stPpeaied to be some conflict with the open evening for local •stores, HoWeise4r, the decision to return to p'ilogiy. evening meetings was unanintoits. Treasurer No= Welwood gave- a surnmarized financial . statement, .Tickets were distributed ttr7the members for advance sale neetion with the appetirance In Wingbatas on February 2;.st of Rubinoff, the famens t violinist. Each, of the club 'members will have tickets for sale.'Theywilf otao be available :in MC/Cibbons And VancPs drug stores 'as well. ka at Other places of hpsiness•irk ,tawn. • THREE CONTtST COUNCIL SEAT . NoMinatiou rneefing was held for, the ToWnship of Turnberry ' ilt Bluevale bail last Friday itteynooln, when three Men were named Mr; the single council seat ,which, ftJtLir left -open by •the death of •.Perey, King at the first of the month. The three nominees, 41 of Whom are.ettuiding for election ark AIgic MacTavish, Cletus Hettinger ',and Alvin D, Smith. , ' The election will be held 'on' Sat- urday of this week and polls Will be open from 9 a.m. to 5 P.M. The polling places are at Lower Wing- ham •"School, Community . He 11. Bluevale; Powell's School and the Glenannan School. room 'the third Tuesday cis each Month. • , Former Rector Tb Leamington.. ,„. GORRIE--1•-•The- Rev, -C. .p. Vogfts, a former rector of, St, Stephe5s,, Chinch, Gerrie, ttrid...for;,-,the four years, rector Of the' pariah •of Thamesville and Dresden,: has been appointed to' , Johns Church, Leamington the appoint meet to ,be' effectiVe March 1st.' Welcome to Wingham This week The Advance-Times introduces something new to its readers and the shopping public throughout the town and district. "On page five you will find a full page of ad- vertisements, placed there by the owners of Wingham business firms, with the sole purpose of making-this town more interesting and attractive. Each of the stores offers one really worthwhile bargain, In total, they spell out savings for the shopping public when purchases are made in Wingham. . This page of bargains will appear each week-- with, a new offering of money-saving buys every time the paper appears. The participating mer- chants want you to know that your patronage is appreciated,. and they are spending money and offering good buys to do just that. In addition to the stores which are advertis- ing on' page five, several other places of business are participating in. equal measure. The mer- chants who have been regular advertisers in The Advance-Times are also included. Watch their advertisements for the "Welcome to Wingbana" line, All stores taking part will display window cards to identify them and their weekly bargains will be marked by distinctive price cards. YOUR' • • •