The Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-01-22, Page 8SVVV.V414. Seen` in' the labeintery reeeiving instruction from Prof. A, G. 1...eg.gatt of, the O.A.C. Dairy Department faculty, are lent to trneiit Stotler. eliffertr; Earl Peareen, Weed8tmek; • lion Titempson,, TeesWater; Charles Kuensig, eeesivater; and Prof, Leggatt; GIVE Us A CALL... Whenever You're Ready To STOP WASTING FUEL DOLLARS Let us give you a 'FREP HEATING SURVEY today and report on the condition ot your present heating system, kethember .. the only man who can offOrd a faulty fur. nave is the Man who hat money to• burnt WO Ripcbtrmend Insttall go4 Imes, W, y '4.4; Mr. and Mrs. A. McLaughlin, of Detroit, Emerge-4 Atistin of London. is viaiting at the borne of ber ,ala-' ter, h1: s, Robert Stewart, loss: - • 41A4 Helen Neholl of Kitchener.: spent the .Weeknenti, with 'her par-, ents, M. ;qrs., Wm, Nobel.1, of Melo:Ass., Mr.. Warren Sand burn. has been A patient All Wlegh4111 Hospttall since SAttclay, when he was taken CHOOSE YOUR OWN TERMS ON ANY FARM LAAN _..over,!,g500:at TRANS CANAKPOIT: OCR RUMNESS INSURANCE Pftirtiecillp4fuk:rloji:selpealilrott:e0e.Aclt: NERSRIP$S, JJllY MEM $010E OWNtotstars Be AS$ulitcp ,"'RANK C. C, HOPPER Repreoentative... Canada Life, WINGI-JAM, ONT. Youcaot LI:OU if you feel Lii N. Ta'thi:ne ea41wiYttlyfrn:nstit bpreaomple:keors4phs::::: prelsure, worry IP9ref;•1110eP NU. This Arneap es to .19oe-haMer to Fegiti- TottlY's tense lirmOvwered overwork, worry--any gf /kw may gtfect normal kidney action. When kidneys: gat, out of order, excess Vida tend. Waste; remain in the system. Then backache, disturbed rest, that ''tired-out" heavy- headed feeling often follow, That's the atinmyedrtoettacounke Dodds Kidney Pills, Giadd'a stimulate the kidneys to normal action.; Then you feel hettee-sleep hatter-work better. Ask'for fiadd's Kl‘fney Pill, et #11 • , M.A*.A,1"4YPIP0iAtAlAsitAITAAAAtAi AA A11AAA1 001 41 iflAi4eAfaliAlo*ApintileAtO . A .... . . ....... I ..... QUALITY HEATING Whether it be aid-W..000 Gray: Ity Furnace Or an ultra-mode ern Anthes Winter Air Condi- tioning Unit, We guarantee it costwilt yen les's to install and far to Operate than any other heating Unit of the time CaPaeityl 1 RCY CLARK pitmAing 'hating Air Contlitieurng 0/hightail Phone 25.5 Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Sittipson Douglas and Shawn, of Peterbor- ough visited on Sunday at the home of mr, and Mrs. Wm. A. Purdon. Mr. and Mrs, Relison -Falconer and children of ;Sarnia spent a few days this week with his ,parenta, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Falconer and Wingham relatives. Mrs...tas, MeIlrath was a patient in Winghani Hospital Tor a few days this week. Mr, John Coulter, of Chatham, visited' heie last week-end, and with his father, Mr, Sam Coulter in Wingharn Hospital, Farm Portirn met on Monday evening at the borne of Mr. and Mrs, John Purdon with 14 present. After the broadcast, two groups discussed the • 'Fenn` Marketing Board and decided, that it would stabilize priCes, and must be given control to work, out -plans, and that only by- co4operation can better or more stable prices, be ob- tained. Three tables played euchre, with Mrs. R. Ptirdon and Aidin Purdon holding high points. Mrs. J. D. 33eeeroft won at cribbage. Lunch Was served . and the next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs; .Jab. Falconer. Mr, e„ncl,Mrs. Ben MeCienaghan, who spent last week at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Harry Moss of Plattsville, returned home on Monday. Mrs. Dark Logteriburg and baby Frances Ann, were able to return home from Wingham licispital on Friday, ' Mr. and Mrs, Bennett Mitchell and children of 1Vrolesvvorth visit- ed on Sunday at the home of her sister, Mrs, L. Willis. Mr, and Mrs. john Eckenswiller of Neustadt and Mr, and Mrs. Walter Eekehswiller of Carisrube visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank EekensWiller. Mr. and Mrs,' Percy Vincent of. Auburn spent a few -days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Fal- coner. Mrs. Robert Scott and Murray spent last week with her father, Mr, Sohn A. Johnston at the hOme of her sister, Ivy's, Wm. Williams of Coderich. , aghon ,TfigguGH , MA-rp Ti.ess of 'rrorentp ICJ#?k he WOltenti, with .her pp..r• T; 44.114 ars, Frank Ross, of 4441.1) Anna Metcalf, a gelmorp unt anday at the borne of Mr, 4 Mrs, Albert Coultas. Mrs. Alld Mrs, Calvin Rehinso)) 411-4 RAY anent the week-.end with relfat4ves at Tiilsonnurg 4140 with eXtra- cash for your farm? Then solve your fugticig problem With a Joan, freari'TrifIS Canaq a Clrledit.10811t119W TrallS Catt,a4aCrecht is nrin4 fpegigl teterms90 411 farm 19ans .abnve $ Ne 1,5,90. fsYmf4r4Pr' be spreacl 9Y0F as Laos aS two-aticl- 14-441f Yr#4r.S; ap4 Carl he ca*de in. *.uy :ofw 911140c *rot w#)1 : QUARTERLY 2 HALF-YFARLY ANNUM.LY REGULAR LOANS toppls of $1,990 and less are available on Trans Canada Credit's monthly payment term. 1;444't let the lack of ready money prevent yoxi fog.P. guying 'Peed, stock, or any or her farm xfgwiscAnetio. Get the cash y90 kkpi at Trans C*940 credit- Tilk ALL-CANADIAN 'LOAN COMPANY TRANS CANADA, CREDIT CORPORATION LIMITED 1"57.4 348 To.2.,P• SQUARE GODERICH, ONTARIO , TOONE 79'7. Farmer after farmer has found that SHUR.GAIN Dairy Ration increases niilk production, keeps cows on feed, keeps cows fit and puts more money in his pocket. A stock of fresh SHUR. GAIN Dairy Ration is always available at our mill. You can also rqke an economical dairy ration using your own grain and one of these profitable supplements. 1. If grain supply is limited, use molasses-rich SHUR-GAIN 24% MILK PRODUCER. . If grain supply is adequate, use the popular SHUR-GAIN 32% DAIRY CONCEN.: TRATE. • if roughage or grain quality it just fair or poor, use the new SHUR-GAIN DAIRY SUPPLEIVIENt "A". - Whether you buy the complete ration or whether you balance your grain with ono of these $uppletnents you'll find that AIN Saves and Makes You Mimeo KERS LTD, GRAM AT MO FORM BELGRAVE-,,Bodinin r pr Forum met on Thursday, evening at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Coviltes with an attendance of 28, adults . and 7 children, They alSo had as their guests the ifollowing memberth from the Farm Porton Council,, Mrs, Edith Storr, secre- tary-manager of the Ontario Farin Forum.; Jan Schokking, second vice-president of the Ontario Farnt, Forum; Don Sorley, Ottawa, repre- sentative of Zone 5 Federation of Agriculture and Mrs. Arthur Hu& son, Chairman for women of the Federation of Agriculture. ' The group watched the -farm forum broadcast on television on the topic "Produee Marketing''; four groups were formed to , ana- ,wer the questions. They . agreed that a marketing board could not` stabilize, but would increase the price with control pf the product, They, felt that the co-operatives would, playa part in raising and stablizing prices' if there was co- operation and if they had the fa- cilities to process.- Other ways of achieving the same results would be free and open competition: ' Progressive euchre was enjoyed with high prizes going to Mrs. Carl Procter:4nd Richard Procter.. Con- solation ' prizes went to Mrs, Cora McGill and Don.Sorley, Mrs. John Nixon was named to the flower committee and a collection is to be taken up at the next meeting for this committee, Riehard Proc- ter expressed a word of thanks to the gueSts and Mrs: liudSon re- plied, A. lunch of sandwiches, `cook- ies and tea was served. The next meeting will be held at the ,home of Mr., and Mrs. Richard Procter on January 27th. Presbyterian WMS Met Thursday WHITECHURCII — :The regu- lar monthly meeting of the VV.M.S. of the Presbyterian Chureh was held on Thursday last, with. twelve ladies present and with' the presi- dent, .Mrs. Dawson Craig, presid- ing, All sang Psalm 1, and Mrs. Frank Goulter led in prayer. Mrs, R. T. A, Marshall 16r1 in the Scrip- ture reading, and gave the medi- tation talk on "Showing YoUr. Light,' and Witnessing for Christ". The president then led in a, dis- cussion; on "Women's Place in the Church", explained this discus- sion had been held at the Pres- byterial, The roll-Call Was answered by a Bible verse, with the word, "Joy" andaVIrs. Craig gave an interesting report of 'the morning session of the Tuesday Presbyterial meeting. Mrs, 'Johnston ,Conn gave the re- port for the afternoon session. Mrs. Earl CaSliek led in prayer, and Mrs, McInnis gave reading on New rears, and different be- ginnings. The World bay of Prayer Will be held in the Presbyterian Church on February 21. The next meet- ing of the W.IVI,S. will he held at the home of Mrs, Jas. MeIttnis. All sang, "Come Let Us Sing of a Wonderful Love", and Mrs, Mc- Innis closed the meeting with prayer. WAS. Presents Lite membership wmTEcaup,o4-1110 regular monthly meeting of the W.M,S, of Langside Church 1A+ax held on Thursday last, when ten Indies met at the home of Mrs, Wm, Orr. Miss Emilia, Richardson presided. Mrs. George Tiffin read the Scripture lesson and Mrs. Arnold Scott led In prayer. During the 'Meeting, Miss Rich- ardsoti presented Mrs. Orr with a life membership' In the W,Ikit,S, Mrs, Orr thanked the Indica for the priced gift. • -.Variety Program Presented At Hall WlitTPICHtMCH--The young peripie of the Iiengskle district pregenterl. a Variety preigram in :the - hall lag .Friday eiydndng. Arnold Appoints Officials The East Wavyanpsir eseincil held its inaugural meeting ,Jannary With all the niembers present, Reeve Orval Taylor • in` the- „chair. After 'signing" the declaration of '`effice, Rev, rt. S. Hilts •of Auhurn. addressed the council, follmyed by prayer asking. Divine guidance for the council during 1958. ' The reeve thanked Mr. Hilts for 'Corning to the meeting and ad- dressed the council, asking for their continuing co-operation na the past. The minutes of the meet- ing held December 10th were read, and adopted on motion by Pnrcion- Buchanan, Moved by McGowan-Hanna, that eouneil join the Rural Municipal AssOciation and pay the mem- ber fee of $10,00 and any member or offieial.attending receive $30,00 as expenses: Moved by Buchanan,Purclon, that any tenant in the township who does not pay any tax other than dog tax be contacted by the assessor 'to eollect the latter. Moved by Buchanan MeGowman, that members of the arena, board for 1958 be Orval E. Taylor, Clar- ence Hanna, Stuart Procter, Leslie Bolt, /Mason Robinson, Gordon Pengelly and Mrs, jarbes CpUltes, , Moved by Hanna-Purdon that eOtineil Pay 'the Huron Colinty Fed=:' gration Of Agriculture $591.84, -1957 fees, Moved by MeGowan-Buehanan, that Prank CoCoper gel a refund of, $8.42 overpaid on W.T.P. collec- tion. Moved by Punkin-Hanna, -that the read and general accounts as presented be passed and paid. Moved by Buchanan-lVfeGowan, that transfer of $1,343.99, from maintenance to culverts and a transfer of $2,711.50 frOin mainten- ance to construction on 1957 road expenditure, Moved- by Buchanan-.McGowan, that.the council appeint the rolloW- ing as live stock -valuer, john F. McCallum, poundltmers, Roy Eas- on'', Mason Robinson,Frank Mar- shall, Chas. C. Smith,; Athol Bruce, John 'A. Currie and Gordon Snell; fenee-viewel's, Wilfred SariderSon, Nelson Patterson, John Hallaban, Henry Pattison, Stanley Marks and John M, Taylor, By-laws No. 1, 2, 3 and 5 vyere read the first. and second times. Moved by Hanna,Purdon, that by- laws 1, 2, 3 and 5 be read the third and final time and passed .this 13th day of January 1958. Road Acconuts 'Stuart IVIcBurney, salary, Dec. 1957, $175.00; Wm. T. Irwin, wages and truck, $28,18; Fred Deacon, wages, $4.25;. Can, Oil Co.,, 200 gals, fuel and tax, $80.40; R, Id, Thompson, truck license, $2,05; Jack Alexander Hardware, auger bit, $2,75. General AceoWits BelgraveCommunity Centre, rent of rooms 1958, $1.00; A. Montgom- ery, relief ,aceount, 14-ton coal, $13.00; The Ulyth Standard, 'print-, ing financial statements, $68,75; Char, C, Smith, refund dog tax, $2.00; Norman Coultea r refund dog tax, $2,00; Ontario Association of Rural Mun,, fees 1958, A10.00; Towe of Clinton, debentures, re $277.05; Huron County Federation of Agriculture, grant on tax toll, $391.84; llyth lsktin. Telephone Systeth, $2925,70; .Prank Cooper, overpay W, eolleetions, $6,42; The Mitnicipal Heard, fees re Gras,- by Drain, $2.00; The 11/A110101 World, 8 subscriptions, f04.00. Moved by McGowan - Buehartan that council adjourn to Meet On February '4th, at One o'clock in the Helgratfe,community centre. Orval 8, Taylor, keeVe. ft. 0, l'hotripatm, Clerk. Scott WAS Chrtiernart tor the betas- ion, l.hy1Tfs and Ffntii steer sang seVeral .finitiberg. Nancy' Scott danced•the Highland Gordon played several ti,ece•rtifori intrabers, and the.young rebple presented a htittiorOlig skit, "Dres$- itttg Tiffin Erciii, petiVided magic ter the dancing' that follow- tdt By Willie Broom ,Saturday was the occasion of a very sueeeSaftli in*eti bonspiel the local club, when first plaee was taken by a rink skipped by Bob Hetherington, assisted by. Mrs, Hetherington, vice, Jack tLloyd, Second and 1Vrrs. Anti), Mitchell, lead. Rill Bain's rink was in second place, his rink being made up of Mrs. Dop Nesmith, Doug Wylie and Mrs. Murray Rae, Tri third position I was a rink skipped by Norman Rirktoul, as- sisted ,})3, Miss A. Williamson, A. Currie and Mrs. Wm. glifOtt. Consolation award went to Lloyd Casernore's rink with Mrs, pout wylie, Fran* gecorrnielt and Mrs. ,T, A, • Currie. Bill Tiffin acted as Skip in the ,evening, 0 - There will be an invitation mix- ed honspiel on the Wingham lee on Saturday, February $tb, 0-0-0 Two Wingham. rinks travelled' to Hanover, for the opening event in the new curling rink there, •Oilier' Haselgrove Skipped a rink, com- posed of Si Scott, Alex MacDonald and Matt Boyd. The Seeond was a Church,GrOups Met Tuesday !DONNYBROOhe January meeting of the and W.A. was held on Tuesday .afternoon e at ,the home of the , president, Mrs. Chas, Jefferson. Hymn„ 360, was aung and, prayer was offered by Mrs, H. Jefforpon, Psalm 'aelection 724 'was read in unison. The" Scrip- ture lesson "was read from' the 16th, chapter of Matthew, verses 13-24. Heralds. wrm,rsHaErdys 4r,eopwoor et end gfoarvr etboe reading. Minutes of the December Meeting were approved as read and thankyou cards we're read, Hymn 550 was sung and the study book was taken by, Mrs. JaMes Leddy, Hymn 175 was sung in closing, Mrs. E. Robinson was in charge of the W.A. meeting when hymn 397 was, sung and Psalm selection 737 read in unison. Prayer was offered by the ,leader, A contest Was enjoyed and Mrs. S. Charnney gave a reading. The meeting ,Was closed by' the,' president, Mrs, T. Armstrong. Lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. Sam Thompson and Mrs. H. Jefferson. , 1 The regular Scout meeting was held on Wednesday night Of last week, opening with the Fiaglirealc• The Scollt$ were nalced to knave their l'egiatration fee of 41,0Q turn- ed in on or before January V, The fees are to be collected by elleb Patrol leader. A lively game was 'carried out by Troop Leader Paul Bennett, The •game was called, "Here, There and Where" and points were awarded for the smartest patrol. Instruetion WAS given, by :Snout Leader Adams, assisted by Troop Leader Bennett- on the acfnaphore eorle. Morse code was bandied by Patrol ?,,eader Adams. Scoutmaster Al Walker handled questions 'and answers on camp- ing and campsite set-up. Follew- ing this instruction and a game called "Heads and Tails"' the. whistle *as blown and the horse- shoe was formed, and Flaghreak and Scout Silence were observed. A small felling axe was presented to the Wolf Patrol as winners • of thelaat oornpetipon 1957. A court of honor made up of Patrol leaders and their seconds will meet at the Scoutmaster's home this Wednesday evening for an all-day 'hike in frobruarY, Duty Patrol for the*next regular Meeting on January 29 is the Swan' Patrol. • by ambnlance, suffering from In- ternal heinmorthage, Mr. Meldrurn Sandhuru of Turnherry is visiting with his sister, Miss Lerleds, Stout- burn. Mr, and Mrs, Ches. Fele-Mier and baby daughter, of Glamis, 'spent Monday in London, and visited, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Jas, Falconer. RESTS ast'%`(avr{411 te.!eorserelei temeeere SCOOT CORNER STRAWBERRY JAM, 24 02, PEANUT BUTTER, DOG FOOD, 15 ,0z; 1171r. liallard's Champ on The new number is in ham 2,0,.29c 43c 29c 2, 53c 2 r,„ 33c 17c 3 35c •. 43C te!“,! ii iiiii ee ,eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee iiii !wee; ,,,, Brussels rink skipped by John ! Rowman With Harold 'Thomas, N ' 'Tom McDonald and Sam Sweeney, emits this : ee Sponsors Arranged For Minor Teams The four minor hockey teams which have been playing at the local arena each Sail rd ay will ghortly swing into a schedule .of games to carry through the .bal- ance of. the- season., The Lions Club will sponsor Team 4; the Legion will take charge of Team 3; the Firemen will• look, after Team 2 and the Kins- men will sponsor Team 1. An all-star team will be selected • to take part in' the Young Canada'or tournament at Goderich during the ;Easter holidays. '16, oz. . Margene. MARGARINE, 1.11),; BREAD• Royal .Gest APPLESAUCE, 10.4 FtlItcY - 15 , , ,,, NIBLETS, 14 oz, Grr"en Giant, •Fancy FRYING CHICKENS irdbii,rite, Oven Ready - SIDE BACON Tablerite, tininess - 3 lb. pkg. COOKED HAM Tablerite - 6 Q. pkg., FRANKS' 45cTablerite - lb. pkg. , ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, , ,,,,,,,,,, ....... ........... .. HEADCHEESE.. 29 35 Piece - lb, ' C lb.. C BACON SQUARES Smoked. -lb. .... - .. ........ , ...... ........... ...... ....... eats at the New Phone Number In order to provide improved service THE 'ADVANCE.TINIES now has Two .Lines ` to. Central. In order to secure this extra service tor you a* change in teleph6ne number haskeen necessary.w Use it ofteri—we're alwayg glad 'to hear .frou., .,-trip • matter :who you have say t The lifinglini 'Advances:Times- •