The Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-01-01, Page 3„t 414 3 :Ur 4 I, 41 The *Indent in yonv tter *Atka and glare eff,h t antes. The .neW retie partable typoWrItors pre* the Yery finest in compact, urge tYningekipmont leed frem $70,00. up, Ask for ree trial at The Advengo, ittle5 ,OffiSW Phalle .04; ogre TVESDAY, "ME KEATON Donald O'Cone The, true life denis Greatea /mber $. STER TORY” '4411 Plyti) ot, ;of IsfeSae- 0010(114n. WEIOTJESP4S2: 4 T$witsiMy,, enji . ABBOTT 0.00414,0, `Dance WitiNe Henry' pais ,George..11'ormby in "Spare Aicopper" A Treinend,e4,' Finny All Laugh Wrow, FRIDAY 81141,748,4Y7PURDAY Jaituar,‘0 OW41 "Four Gir !In Town" "REV AT ' FORT RRAMIE" all tecniacelor slioW IVIONEOAY TOESISAY JanuaayaasSuff,1 PP ‘1MEN' Akin , . •. 'Rebt, Ryan Take her hewers and "poke shii's miles •aWaY, 4o11:tfi4 'with fldweis,byt•Witeaf Delivery and Sathjacti%Gps guaranteed Best Wishes for . Happy.,and Prosperous New Year. etvig phoi*: `Winthit. . , dromiliiiimitnnisintimmooponm „ . URISTMAS SERVICES IT. KNOX CHURCH 1 131.4m.vAlt40-40 Knox Presby,„ teflon Chiircb, on December 22nd, am' mr,Williams,et Brussels, preached tir , the Morning service, The junior choir led the ailtilOrlg and rendered the anthem "Angel's (:"1, Hugh MundolY sang, "The Little. Road to Bethelellem". A tillartette, MI04 Karen' 'Green- away, Carol Robertgen, Mary lap berteon and Hugh' Mandell milt! "Bring 4 terch," A Oral 'service was :held in the 'evening with ehe senior .nhoir lad Ing, , Mr. C. TholliPaarl o Cran, bratk preached and ecintributed Solos with.. accardian. 'accotripani anent,. He saag"The Lord's Pray or", "Down from His Gloty"an "The Oki Rugged Cross". • the choir sang, 'Christmas; Hymn", "A Star Was His Candle", "While Shepherds Watched", "'Ding Don; Merrily" and "Silent Night", wit): accordion • accomPaniment, Tb, diet, "Loveliest Night", was ssam by ,Misses Eleanor Smith ane •EtoileaMoffatt. Mrs. Nora NCO; fatt orginiat conducted 'th( choir. White Gifts Ate.• , . Preented,at Seryice: . . nwEvALEHThp vinted Churel 4 had two special ChristMa,..seraice rn es on .Decernber 22nd. , Two. of tilr I Sunday iSchoof claasea,:: armager 111 the decciratiaire and .1lOwera:, werr place by by relativea to, ,hnnorl, th- • '• Memories ,of 'the late *Is; Jnlin: , .. Hall 'and the late '.lItf,i.' nna. /46., George' Thorntdri. ..•• : "' ' ' At :•ilia ,rnorning', ' Seivice ;Rem R A .:Brdoli'S thane was °PaYifer 'Ramage to, the :Bethlehem .Balys' -, The.' choir, conducted fi'Y 1Virs::.fla:r.' ' Johnstoni sang the anthein,4'The; SOng' and the Star", , A -ladies' trio :Mrs.. Glenn Sellers, Misses 'Awes ; Hoffman And Marie Johnston 'sang' "Behold Ye Bethlehem". . • ' . Ili . the evening there wea';',.' ."VIlliat Gift" service, when punil: of the: SanclaY School preseared, r fin,e program.' Rev. la., A. Brook and Sunday School sapetiritenden', 'Rpm Smith. were 'in charge. ,Mrs •;Alex, Carrigan -.. presicled,„ al ;-„the• • ,Otarlin..- a„.:,!,... •„•,,, ta 'a. :,:- ,.; '. Sixty, qiiildrenit .fr'011)..aafotirrYear, War ,tfat'„tee,erlagefse .ntOtqlmriPtiPf.q,. ,. ,carels,:tholold iand;the new4Speah- ,1.,ing:iparsts , a'aeral taken , lax affsatky . Craig,. john ..Thrvey* and Dougl' at . ::Gairriler.',rhei;'' fiAlleeingi8;4' I.I.' d; I '-irhe-'"SciiiiterV°CliffhYd.. •Bieva n. 1” fiii*Plartikd' tilesiglilileatiice!'ofAtt e,. '11Hile llien1Alt.iiliee6. tkitts'-':''' aro, ii 44 VA. '',j8h'ilfaistsaet4V4,.-giaskffiit e .,tik •Wetitealvie4ttitioitcl-Ohttistiti ,s, ,tyinlacilg" vend", ang1•6- Jilniodab,ia '' ii sanest -the ,chorpsainlalktbodylKal 1 ,ii Stwasr3 QhalatnaaaraVElleal.a!)riTaa ,, -:CIP:§.1kg,2IPA-m'itY a P/, l',440,241441,TnItg,s.eat4P-1° •, -. ..., A i %I! t8.11 :8 ',' 7 A,,r,qiires?int,a;ti,l,;e of, eac• h class fr , the, Sunday .School ' aresented. the : gift donated by the class.. . , ,.. .aterloolattle "Breeding ,,ASSOCIATI ON IV Better 'Bullsre se • 'Our" alinua4 member's meeting Will be held on JANUARY 9th, 195$ 'TIME 10.15 a.m. , PLACE' RosalYn 'Grove' On Highway No. 8- between.Kitchener and Preston. ,fler4,Ylof,,frillIpar)kkric tpace. GUEST ftareilEft` frolinkoneord; No*, ast Ppislept re,„and„.Secratary. the National .-AsSociationlof Artificial Breeders. Be.tlie Manager of Artificial Breeding Asseclationhabout 4liseatali,clisef•aasaisit. Don% miss him. •• t •' ' DINNER will I vf. 'Alla: • c `• pso 1,A SAPPle 11 a C. • .11 Hear rePorts,, pn; your lartifichs1 botectlii?0,- pulpiness. Help toi , elect directgaS aiseusg any. constructive:matters pertamin , itiiitilkistkarkinlizgtidii•Z'Mall,litttilt2lu 141.14,1.14,1.111ala • _ A,N't1.4•'FED • .,,i!c‘,,c.,• tore More meat at lovver cost is the result of feeding the' SHUR-GAIN way. Straight grain fed to your hogs, CAN'T put weight on your pigs as cheaply as when. it is properly balanced with SHUR-GAIN Concentrate. • For example 1,700 pounds of your own grain requires" only 300 pounds of SHUR-GAIN Hogmix Concen- • trate to make 1 ton of the best complete and • balanced Hog Growing Ration that money can , buy. You save on feed costs because of' :- Less Feed Consumed 'To Markel Weight. To Market Earlier. Betkr Grade's (Earning You More Pretnitops) Just give a trial to the SHUR.GAIN 5 Step Hog Program - call us to -day and we will explain how.• t can save YOU money: • So why feed forwasteful fat; Feed the SHUR-GAIN wag 'Get More Of Your Piga In The Top Grade THE, SHURiGAIN WAY PACKERS LTD BLUEVALE Relatives from ty. distance attend, irig•the rendre.' of ',the' ,.10e Mrs. John ' Mrs. Jarrieit Master, Of 'Parkhill; Mt. :and 'M. Harvey .:GroveS, ef Akron, Ohkr Mrs. Nermaa: ,�f Aylinera Mra,'M'halstfit'iter. Haimilion ;„ Mr. Ansi Mas; 'Wilbdrt Dorman,. Ansa Craig; Mt. apt] 'Mts. St.yellailieC, Of Gri;lisbyl;. Mr, and *Ira, J'aeic,Sebte.,:NeatiOn; and Mrs.'. *EdWatiW,Inlideri." rand.' !'detirge 04 children Of 'visited MrS. 14 -are Moffatt 'lest Week. ' Mit; and Mrs. jack :Bosman' and cblichreti of Ingersoll Were Clitiet roes 7viiitOl•S with M -r. '041C:tits, Charles Bosnian.: Misses Ethel end Plarenc •13eattle.: of Seaforth; 'Were recent visitors in the, Village, Ur. and' Mrs. Neil Meta:oaten and Gilbert 'Of Torantia visited 'their mach, Mae Scott, and.. also MM. B. F. Gartipa, in hospital, at Chriatheas. . • Mr, and Mrs. A, Smith. en - 'members 'of'the Thorn-. ten . family an Chtiehrais bay, Those from a dietarice atter', daliee atete: Mr, and Mrs. Neil McLean and Of totaina. Mr. and Mrs, -Jos. , Marshall and family, tar ListoWel, and Mr. And MVS. Hilliard Jeffetsen end fam- ily, of botillybradk, • Mr. and Mts. Dpittild Street and children, xi" ListOwel, sent Christ, ;Mae with the buff family: Mr, and Mrs. klOyd Matfett .a.nd children, 'of Souther-hater:1' Were bellitaX Visitors at the hared of Mr, and :mks. turtle Mdffatt, Rev. A,'Broak and Mita. Brook ',entertained aidalbets ;of . their minliy; at the holiday; HoWard Week .of Toronto and Mr, and Mrs, Koh 13reek mut family, Of Gait, dolleotiOrts for the Upper Canada' bible beetety ifi bluevale and or- , rounding' district amounted to .$01, 1051. • _,..1.156titild and Harry Darling Of 'Toronto, jint of thettidOli, St4fit cita.00gett: At Unftedghtii,.011, St; 100. -The, Schaal roma at Oa United Was well filled OP MOONY :elle for the annuar 01.),thitallas part lighted chriatmastreo and C Mae decorations:44444, t-42 be tiVitar • 95 the OPacialelf. Woods'.fiaPeOltendent of the ran, day Sehool, w.elcorned the Phil lay rch ing „ 4 1st- fee- ren and their parents And provided for Z•he following program: / .beeltations by Judy •Dorseht. 0Orinne Cranston, Lorene Erring^ ton, Allan MeDifinald, HUghle Todd, Jacanellae Cooper and Nene), Cur- ran; a duet by Dianne Humphrey and Elaine coak; selo Gladys McDonald; Plano aolo by Terry' Wilson: e duet, by - Mr. and Mrs Shaw% de. Boer and Christmas songs and carols iw 'the children. There was an impressive 'cantle, tight serViee, when the Cnristmas story was read try Miss W, D. RatherfOrd and carols were sung by , Gladys, McDonald, Wynn 'do boor and Terry collected the white gifts, .whith'sVaill be given to the .Children'a Aid • at Goclarleh• Gaines 'were enjOyed under thedir, letion of Mr. %toad Errington and r.; Don Cameron and Wadi' of aidiehs coakies and ice 'cream :and, distribution' of -,treata to the rhildren-; • ..brought an -enjoyable . „ evening_ to 8,% . . • ST HELENS - 't :The •jannarymeeting, of, the aVainetr's•:Institute will be held in the' eommuniti Theraclay,: January , at 2 os"Clodlc. Roll call,, ,',Suggestions:, for coin- nnelty ',Nights; , Matte., Somea 'times haying ability e. job' is 'so „much 'dab to talent as .to Topic Rosro.Erring- ton. Haeteaaes, Mrs. ,Vara. • Rather- aNal 'end Aire., Bill Huirriphrey. .There, will :be, A cleakinstration of Rug, making, , Mr. Derrald Muriay. was 'able, to be home from Victoria,: Hospital Caristraas. Miaa Anna, Stuart was borne from. Toronto for Christmas. MisS Mergaref .Reg.'•N,,,, ,pf LSpretford, . and p,'AriiPOttpa.' i,Wrocottlilic;;Ir;f, • • Mr.' Arid MreaGoakan. M▪ iller,and • • raaray.,,f Lpsndon re Ch ri atm as Asitar.s tru Am.. atel teagPoi.W#444 oarla.el,4111X. his sis&eaa,Mra... Geotge,..Sayar, d 4 ' a Members' ::thAd-.:Scrvice 13E44;1'01/K Members of the LaatiO4,4• gr011p of the Canadian Girls in Ttairling, With their lead, • or. Mrs. Ted rear, held their an- nual Vesper and Oandlo,Vghting service in the •churen on :AillidaY evening, Deeember12. The, ,POPVICO• Opened with ."O Come Ali Ye Faltbful," followed by the all: to Worship by Mrs,, Fear and prayer: Seripture readings were given by XI'S. Fear, Ruth Michie and Betty. Rinn,. The offering was taken ler by Barbara Krug. and Mario Cont.; tea, Those leading In the "Pageant, Qf the Candles" were Patsy Logan, Lorna, Boit, Lillian 'Pengelly, Joyce Armstrong, Janie Tieeeroft • an( Ruth Taylor. Rev. 0, A, 'Krug gave the benediction, „ Full House For,LOL Euchre B EL Q AVE—Tbe Foresters Han was filled to capacity on Ed day evening for the euchre am dance put on by the • Belgrav, L.O,L, 462, High prizes at tin euchre went to Mrs, Albert Vincent and George Martin; consolatioi prize a went to Mrs. Carl Proptei and C R„ Coulter, Novelty priz winner, Mrs. James ceuites prize for- the most lone hands wen: to Gordon Pengbily,,,, Tickets had been sold earlier or three turkeys, one goose and am duck,. which were won by the fol lowing: 20 pound turkey, E. Mar row, Brussels; 15 pound turkey Ronald Durnin, Dungannon; 1: + pound turkey, Russel Alton, Luck, now; goose, Dt R., Makin, Clinton duck, • Stanley Campbell, Wing ham. Bruce's orchestra, supplied - music for dancing. withePl4etlttl.mal:FaaVI:3;094:Ylinr:11.0:04t097P:lier74:1111-:111:4;‘**11" stor,r, Winitharn, Mr. and Mrs, George Jones and TafIlliy, of London, spent Christmas, with, her parents, Alfr. IPA Mrs, John Mecallum. • Mr,• and Mrs, Goldie Wheeler and UMW ,of London, spent the holidays with Mr; •an% Mrs, Herb VI/heeler anti, ather relative,s, Mitle Annie Meinbai, spent the holidays with relatives' at' Walton Mr, and Mrs, Cecil Bleck and Charlie, of Britton, Idra, Anni( Rae el Wroxeter and James 41 - Ilea of Bluevale spent Christnial- with Mr, and' Mrs. Edgar Wight, marl and family. Mr, and Mrs, Ted Fear arid fain, fly spent, Christmas da.Y 'with Mr and Mrs, Bert Pear and famitS near Blyth. Mr, and Mrat Ted Hunking an family of Auburn, Mr. and Mrs Ed, 'Martha and Kim, Mr, and Mrs 13111 Schrieber and family of Streetaville, Miss D. St. Lange and James Anderson of Guelph an( Keith Anderson of St. •Thema,. Spent the holidays with their par, eats. M. and Mrs. Earl Andersor lnd sister, Karen; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Goll end Marilyn and Miss Leis- Gall an' Mr. Mel McCarter spent .Cliristrna' with M. 'and .mrs„ Stanley 'Moffatt and family of Blnevale:, Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Armstronr and family ,of Thorndalea Mr. am Mrs. Jack Armstrong of Toronto Mrs.'Roberts of Listowel ane Mr. and Mrs. Itobert GraabY and family of R.R. Brussels spent Christmas with Mr.' and' Mrs• David Armstrong. Mrs. Cora McGill spent Chriat: miss with.Mr. at ,.Mr. Gearge afains at Blyth. . • • Mr. and Mrs. Russell ,Kelty, family of, .Cooksville spent th., holidays with Mr, and Mrs. Wil'' Ham Kelly. , ' Miss Joyce .Struthers pf Wing - ham. spent the week -end with. Miss Marilyn Gall. • • CHRISTMAS CONCERT AT UNITED CHURCH BELQRAVE—The basement of. Knox United Church was fined tc capacity on Monday evening, Dec. ember 23, when the members ot the Sunday School presented then annual Christmas concert. Ros: Anderson was chairman of the fol- lowing prdgram: • Opening chorus by Members of the Sunday ,Sahool; words of we'. come by, Mr,Anclerson;, Christ. maa gorig by,Barbare Krag, Loral Bolt), ,patsy • Logan, ;Carol Waist and Onultea, accompanied by, Mrs George johnsten; vocal due ,by Mira' Elaine Niion and Mist., •Iairpa accompanied, by •George:,. obaston; the Alice Bine qpwn d5rill the of r recitatien by irlda.',..7ohni sten,: Polo, by , Miss Mattilyn,,GOI:. accampanied by.,. Mies, Leia .poll: ahoriss by the ,Beginner's class, ec- pen-ma/ilea by Migs,Elearior piano; duet by Joyce • Armstrong and Karen Anderson;, a dialogue: yocal solo by, Mss Gwen Walsh ac-, ,comparded by Mrs. Blame ixon" ,reading,, Linda Couites; aCcordlor selo 15'y Mrs. Efa.ine Nix:aid; duet by Miss Rah Procter and George Procter, accompanied by Miss Ruth Prhcfer; "Sing a Song of Christraas" by the Heys' Class, ac- companied by Mrs. George John, ston; recitations by Mary Ellen Walsh, Ruth Ann Pleteh, George Johnston, Richard Anderson, Gara MeSween and 1,,ois Rhin. - • Rev. Krug was present and ex- pressed Words of praist to the children and the teachers and of fleets for having' such a good Sunday School and he also statee that for the size of the community that it serves it is one of the larg- est Sunday Schools in Westera °Alta:tic). There Was a solo by Joan Bos- man, aceoMpanied by Mrs. Gordon Bosnian; two humorous readings by Clifford Coultes; chorus num- bers by the pupils of S.S. 5 Morris; comedy skit by the Senior Girls' class; piano selo by Mr, Nen Eadie; "Christmas Candles" by the junk'', boys; duet by Ruth lalichie arid Marilyn Campbell, accompan- ied by Neil Eadie; a chorus awn- ber by all the school brought the prograin to a Close, after which lunch was servetl and Santa made his visit to distribute gifts and candy to the 'children. A ,arta,cri,:t. t.' an ivri•!`a' mefilVie pi'ins4idf ; spent n'ri.,stniks:,,wAtly Mr. land p1Vlslprs with ,?fr. d dolidon• MaldRheisCin thboll *;: day included :MiSa• ` • Mac- rhdrSon" '6i" LondOn; 'Mr. "Fred ,Thortipcipn.', of 'Cdritiralia; Ft., Lt. Blach :of, •::-I.achirie, Quebec and Mrs. MacFarlane Or LacknOW. 7 Mal and airs..'Larne Woods were Visitora,for ;Cheat/nes with Mre. R.. Weeds . -ConCert • d at AltgliC40.:Chtfreh :,BELGRAVELThe ..Memberar of the tinaday School of TrinfitY Anglican Chureli held their Chriat- inciai Concert, the .caramapity enatre on Morklaa evening', Dec- ernber * with ReV,' Bren de Vaine ea, 'chairman Of 'the following Pra- ire)* which opened by everyone singing:'Chriatintts carols, Visa. Mary Isobell,Nethery read sa Christmas story, recitations by •Nancy, ,keith and Gary' yanCarap; 'Larry Netnery and 'Linda John- ston ; •plano Solos by Kay and Diane Van:Camp and JOyce Proc- ter; a play, "The Birthday Calm. The: PrOgitem elaied With Christ- mas carols. The gifts and aarkla Were given out, and lunch Wee served. Mrs, Stanley Darling &lid Jim 'visited at Agincourt.. Jim Darling is now visiting at Ottawa, :On distiattnes Eve Wilighatia Fire Brigade wits called to the home: of .1 C, Higgins. on the Mortis,Turtiborry baUndary where the barn ,Was On fire, 'Th d fire • theeked„ befate setieMe dam age Was done. It Is bOlidi/Od to have beta Caused by an eleotrie light bulb OM ticiae to thnbere. The January meeting of the Wri- rndn'a inatitute ' Will be held in the eciniantillitY hall on Thursday, 3itratitry Oth; Current events of turnberry and Morrie Will be giVers by Mta, „1, McMurray Alia current eVelits ealriaaa by Mrs Chas, Methera, M. L. Aitkei. • speak on the., motto, "He *he knows his oWii generation tic. ' MAIMS . • Seek ;Elliott, of Cornwall, Is spending liolidajas With Mt. and Mrt Harry 'Elliott, Mr. and Um. 'tank lailleW and Marion were wok.enti) visitors With Mrs, 'Nellie " „, MiNa Marilyn Moffatt, of Christmas holidays at the fthrillY pien, Was a holiday' Vialtar With %.1.14111. ltanid with l‘tr,- and Mrs.. 'Stanley Joy inother, UM, Nora Moffat , ./BELIIRAVE Mr, and Mrs, Lewis stonebouse, Mrs. Harry McGuire and Mrs. Robert Coultes' travelled to Melton airport on Saturday to meet their brother, Dr, Gorden Stonehotiae, who had flown' foal Phoenix, Ari- zona to spend Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Stoneliouse arid other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Harry MaGitire left ari Sunday to spend Christmas with their daughter and son -1 - law, Mr. and Mrs, Harold Cante- Ion and family at Galt. • Visitors en Sunday with " Mrs Laura Johnston and, dtore Wert: Mrs, Helot' Mcburney aridSOT% of Wingliaist; Mr, And Mrs. ,Tim Warwick arid family of Illyth, Mr, and Mts. Clarence Yitill and Ross and Mr. Hobert 'nil! Of 13rUaeale, R./1, 5, Mr. and Mrs. Himself. Walker of Goderieh spent the week -end with' Mr. and Mrs. H. X, 0oultes. 13 LUEVALE Mr, and Mrs, k,p, Smith and MISS Eleanor Smith,. alto Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Xortort; anent A tow days hr Toronto. Wroxeter' Pupils Ejoy P4rty, • (Intended for' laSt Week) WROXETER,—The 4pmiplls ane teadlier Of 'the senior rocari 'Of the Wroxeter sdhpol held, thCir Cht 'Inas part y on' Decem.ber 20: •:,A Concert, scheduled for 'Decdri-Maa 1,7:!hed 0', be 'Cancelled due to' 'eflidemic of 'mumps. in the, colii- „ munity. ' ; • In the gaily,' decorated clesaroon a program of 'g'ames, under :the di,r, ection. of 'Dawn Lue :Clarke, Lynn Wright, Helen McGee, and Mel villa Greig, was thoroughly enjoy. ed by, the students :and thei guests; •• • . ; , After the distribution of present: from a lighted tree, a bountifu' lunch was'' served by Connid Smith, Joyce Heinapel and' Catndr. inc Edger,' A large cake decerata Mr' the, occasion was a.,,lunch high. light. ; ' The 'Christmas party proved: an exCelleat'.:substituta :for, the con., cert Which' the students reallY missed: WROIETER A Happy New Year to all. • Miss Ella Fraser, of Burlington, is spending the Christmas holidays with her brother, Mr. John Fraser and Mrs. Fraset. Mr.. and Mrs. Lloyd Itfaplete and family, Millbrook, • spent sev- eral days with Mr: and Mrs. Ross Coates. Mr. and Mrs. Coates were at their son's Mr, and Mrs. Clayton Coates, Sarnia for Christ- mas and New Year's. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Chanibera and family spent Christmas With Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Wade. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sege, Lis- towel, spent the holiday at Ross Tomah's. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Durst anti family, °anew:alum, Were guests Of Mr. arid Mrs, Wm. Durst for seta oral days. Mr, and Mrs. Verne Clark, bawn Lisa and Terry spent di:asthma with Mr. arid Mrs, Gordori Uhdo- wOOd, Obrrio. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Musgrove, Hobert and Paye, Mr. and Mrs, Mrs. WOS Reinvel, Harvey and Joyce, of Wroxeter, Miss Gladys Musgrave, Trenton, MM. Jeffrey MusgroVe Mrs. Lyle Willis and family of, Whiteehuroh, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mts. Ben- nett Mitchell and family, Moles. worth. Mr. Mrs. Elmer Gallagher lvflinlco, spent Sunday With tie former's father, Mr, Albert Oahe. gher, Christnuta Visitors at the same home Were: Mrs, Alba Acte. son, Leaden and Mr. and Mrs. Eon Acteson, London. Mr„. and Mrs, Albert Zvan s Mid tamuly PinglAtt'Visited aVet 'the holiday with Mrs, Evares motheri, Wk. M. Walker. • Mr. and Mts. roll* Gralitart, St, liarys,, Mr., and Mrs, tarl BOA hatiao4lidxsfyrkv;hfolttotTato,liot -$14.01; , Mrs, Ruth IVIrPOneld. And 11 orine spent pbrut.proo wit» ¥xs. Scottif tot, er and faintly, cal4rirs,tin"a4sMvrissitatirnweltItS*141.t4r, Ivatlevdt' Mrs. Ted' Mr, .and Mrs, Prat* arts, 1,,Ynno and. Leone, London, are spending the. Christmas vacation' with Mrs. Wni, ping and Hugh and ether MiatIven here. anclrenria;, (:.;eire41wr .ciib.splz w Mtior; andray G and Miss Gestic Bush, Wroxeter and Mr. and .Mrs, Lloyd Weir, Tor- onto spent Ghtistrnaa with Mr. and M.rin4m, s,gAalilstcr Green and family, w Mr, and Mrs, Dean Gibson, Lu- blin, Mr. and Mrs. J. D, MeGillvary, Paisley were .Tburaday. guests of • andafid0ih'Ms'lirors Geo,of Mi', l.tfC4b° ral.W9PM ,FriendsGibso ro• b:inpgleaLetclertioierknroecwer tshileis illness and was able to enjoy Christmaa with the family; „ Miss Winnifred Scott, Toronto, is a holiday guest With her Shear. atrs. Roy Hunter, and Mr. Hunter, 11fra. WOodelisse, Moorefield was a holiday guest with her daughter, Mrs. Mel GoWing arisl Mr. Gewing and is remaining for the Winter, Mr. and Mrs, Gowing's daughter,' Donelda, of Kitchener'was also home for Christmas. • `Mr, and. Mrs. Percy Coupland sPenf Christmas with their -disitigh- er• and son-irwaw, Mr. and .mrs. Wm, Merkiey. .Mr. and Mrs, Stewart Coupland, Toronto visited wit); Mi', 'and, Mrs. Heivey'Coripland, • ' •' Christmas gueSta of 'Mr. and tsIrs. 'Lloyd 'Townsend were: Mr, and Mrs: Roy Porter and Mrs. W. A. Kirkpatrick, Wiaghain, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Porter, London, Mr. Jack Porter,. Blind River and Mr. • and Mra. Calvin Moffat and family Of St:' Catharines. 'Mr. and Mrs. Jahn Black, Orton, spent Christmas with the lattef'a sl,ater, owrir 'aid Mrs, "WI" Loigstaff Andr ,J' • Mr.- and Mrs. Robt, 4,t,i4x; Mr.. and Mrs. Geo. Hunt,- Bramp•to ton, Mr:a 1-lildl•ifikItif,9 Hunt, Cara; iArGrgdestS- A. E? , 4.7,17,4 tit, A • 71t titIt ;4. ""4. .7,t• ,t „1 '4171,1T t4-1,L;dp 4,t AATHES -Krzr • GAS, OIL OR r'FIRED GRAVITY OR WINTER AIR CONDITIONING MODELS Ashil will no totoJn ef ora•avueii:bos 11;xsavvoielldwirillcvee1) thiullt best Wis for the' isge, G., C. MOF FRIESHIN GUARANI REMINGTON' I.G.A. • ?'•4 - SURE 11.74 HAPPY. AS. 'LONG AS MOMMY GETS a ALL MY BAcci NEEDS ATI. VANCE'S , DRUG STORE., HAVEN'T A CARE IN THE WORLD/ 'AOC .84,8441,1 '1481j,.4 ,,OeAL TRAbettfAlltlIk PERCY CLARK • Plumbing - Heating , Air Conditioning • Wingham• Phone 255 I '•CHOOSEIYOUR.:.OWN:...TERMS..,4; • ON ANY •••44 IFAR114%.,•1141 • • .00t!.150Q at TRANS'CANADA:CREDIT. Need extra cash for your farm? Then solve your financial problem with a loan from Trans Canada Credit. 'Right now Trans Canada Creditis Offering special terms on all farm loosaboye $1,500. Payments can be spread over aa hang as two -and, a -half years; and Can be made in any one of these three wayt: 1 PUMRTERLY 2 HALF -YEARLY 3 ANNUALLY REGULAR LOANS tons of $1,006 and less ate available on Vans ‘Cattada, Credit's monthly payinent tenths. Don't let the lack of ready money 'prevent you‘, iroin baying seed, stock, Or any other far equiretnerit. Get the cash you need mit Traits; Canada Credit, It 'THt iit,t0A0AbrAN' LOAN COMPANY NS CANADA CREDI • CORPORAtiON D Tilfit SWAMI 6001010014 ONTABIO 1110Mt /to