The Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-01-01, Page 2,
to keep or pay. for.
;go acco . ts to carry opporttrn::
ity analimited for resident of 'this.
locality. Af;plieent must be pre-.,
pared to travel throughout •the
county. known and .Cititba.
halted. equipment 'firm will for.:'
'Matt leads,' catalogues,: . , pflee
lista, and national advertising.
erience with poultry • a. dis-
ct. advantage. APPly
I •ED., 31 Superior Street, Nevira
rket - Phone TWining 5-2394: th • • •, ,31b
BETWEEN the post office and
..„,Btedman's Store on'Saturday, a
$19 bill. , Reward. Finder please
Phone 69.R. 1*
pirar . NEA,41 YEAR
AP14404 14P goAtooONET AZ
Cash paid for dead, sick or
tilitablett horses or ,epkwii. Free
pick-up 'en smatierVutintals.
,ProullA service WI
equipped true
'Atwood '15
111, n011't . fool afrinSelf alent . your
farmprednetrIfit needs efaiStaut
attention. litaah 4 up' by proilding
Ilin proper itioljoh alt yew. live-
stoek•and ••pottlts See us for the
propel-and hala 60 'feeds to do
'Alto job;
till 'Cake, $4,00 per 100
r 100
lement A
4:: D
hot IVO a
to or er
Storm Window
We will measure and install windows if clre
SashA Building Supplies Pittsburgh' Paint
Winghain Phone 1J
• • and, •.
SOLICit.04 T
mid NOTAltit: 1'itl$11A0 •
.tEESWAVklt.: ' - • • oNtAotto
totothotto trg list;switterr
oftertineti, 4 ii,too, • or
by apuerittiiineut.' "
barriste'rei Solicitors, Etc.
Whitlow", rhone
jr.I, S. (j ItHAE E1WI11P1 °11NIt C. tt N'i (to.
Q.,C,.. . .. .,
„BO-01064, Salieltor,-,Netary,• ttei• . . , .
, motlos, to toitt,, ... „. ., ,, ... , •.
.ut tt.o.41t4i)iti illocko „Wissiii
elePhone 260, .
nincouitutt ,lolne ar. Mr. and Mrs. Cliftbn
M.1 at:mach spent Wednesday at 'the
'Moore a Loodea, and their noPiiewi
, 'MA and Mrs, Will iienrY, Fran, Harold Moore Of London, Visited,
es and Wayne, spOut ,a, f,eW daYS' here An 1.haraaq. • giactihnk ilk this week at the home or Mn', and um. aus, Gilbert neeerpft lu *VIP MX'S, Orville Mitchell, of Toronto. and family spent Christmas with
Mr. arid Mrs. *las. McIntyre of I her parents, Mn'. and Mrs, Robert
haini BaYle, Mr.
Michael Mid 01
Piimmine, of Port
Christmas With Mn'. and
Devereaux., of St. Augustin
Mr, and Mrs. Wrd, Hint
family spent Christmas w
parents, Atr, and Mrs,
Caldwell, of Myth, and Miss
• Stayed 'for a few days,,
turning for the St. ,Helens coil
on Friday evening, When the tr.
pt FerdYee School were eking
With the program,
t Ridgetown, spent a few days this Pr Watson of acefield, Mrs. Pee-
1 week at the home of her Parents, croft luta been laid up with
severe attack of flu, Mr.. and Mrs. Ben MeOlenaglian
gi the hStlie,"Oi'Mis. khd:14i!i.)I_ion-1 "Plante's; readings an'd OitOra. 'The
aid Rosa, Mrs. Robt. Releathd '1 riae4dng was closed with the 'Misr,
qebrgd IbVv'en'si'lqii'd,'‘iii;ebtlie benedibtion; and ',the 'Sunday;
Selidel Children received, .their
-WifiV,in:J.I*hcit ' •
• meland' itfk.
114a -ril'411§‘,"4
airiStinas • his 'MOttier, 'kis;
Jas. Laidlaw and , with her 'Par.:
entg'aeLtiek'n'ok' " .'"
Mr.* and Mrs. Archie Purdon
and baby; Kathy spent, Christmas
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
'Webster jacklin, Listowel.
Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Galbraith,
Wingham, Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Campbell and baby, Bradley, Bel-
grave, Mr. and -Mrs, 'Wm. Mc-
Pherson and ehildren, St. Helens,
and Mr, and Mrs.' Gordon Elliott'
met 'at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Elhott• eh Th,aarsday for a
family !dinner, A .
Mr. andt Geralli Watson •1o£
Forest are spending this week-end
with ;her parents, and Mts.
Allen Pattison and other relatives
here. ; ; • -
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Smith and
children "of Kitchener, Mr, and
Mrs, Chaa. 'Wood and children, of
Sectiorth, Mr, arid . Mrs. Kenneth
Johniton and daughters, of Clin-
ton, Mr. and Mts. Jas. Johnston
and Paul, arid her sister, Miss
Shirley Hini of iViol*ton, and Mr.
and Mrs, Clarence Ritchie arid
family and Mr. and Mrs. jack
Johnston of Lenclott, met at the
home of their parents, Mr, and
Mrs. Gorshom johnatois for Christ-
mas..The sixteen grandchildren
present, especially enjOyed the
Mr, and Mrs, Roy Pkittison and
children spent Christmas with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Hig-
gins of BelgraVe. „
Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Humphrey
and Miss Lila, of' 'St. Helena, Mr.
and Mrs. George Walker arid Clar-
()nee, Mr. and Mrs, Howard Wal-
ker and thild6n,, and Mr. and
Mrs. Ernest Walker, met en thars-
claY a the. hothe of Mr, and Miss,
Wilfred Walker for family
Christmas dinner.
Those who attended the funeral
of the late Mrs, Mary Meek from
cliatailee Were; Mr, and Mrs,
Bert 'Meek, *Toronto, Mr, Earl Me-
"eight, Windsor, Mr* and Mrs.,
Roy MdCreight arid 'family, of Pal-
merston, Mr, and Mrs, Harold El-
hate, Dungannon, Mr, and Mrs,
Arden Barker and baby,. Thomas,
MilvertOrt, Mt and UM tceter
MeCreight, Mr. and Mrs, Jas./Wil-
son, Mt Cecil McOreIght, Mr, and
Mrs, John Shiell, Mr, and Mrs.
ROSS Shiell and Mr. R, E. Shia' of
Charlotto, tifeturritly, Mrs,
Jon. Young of ,Wirighato, Mr, and
Mrs, ketinoth Iltarbeifir and child-
ren, ot Ileigrava, and Mr, Adam
Metturney, 0(11;4 'Christmas. With
Mt; and Mrs., /ebb Megurney.
Me, and Mra. Xermedy of
e 7 PIL46, a weeks old. Apply • to
Harvey Timm, phone 4r1 Wroir7 '
Canadian Manufacturing Corn?
pany requires Field Representa-
tive in Wa,wanosh, TurnberrY,
Morris and Howick townships,.
Exceptionally, high :earnings.,
Guaranteed repeat busineag.
Automobile essential, Agricultur-
al or farming background Most,
, important Sales training given
-Reply to Box 84, London, Ont-
Yerici. d24, j 1-11b •
ItERIENCED man for mixed,
f Oiling, State age, references,„
•ahrwewsi s expected.dered..Ap Ppely oraotnalI
t, Lucan, ;Ontario, phone e3,
residence 110, 31,8b
ham. Safe, courteous Service.
Phone Day,. 51; Night, 716 Or 836.
pEADSTOOK removed prdmptly,
h lifer sanitary disposal, FREE pick i ve up on larger animals, reasoecible
) 'collection charge for 80%11 ant-,
' :trials. " Phone tedlect Winghatri
' 518; *Palmerston 125w, or Dur-
.4 ham 398. Gordon Young Limited,
"home. Phone 64031. Orr))
blanked' for all risk coverage/
.F16t Mformatiort phone 293, Stew.,
:art A. Scott, Wingliarn, • 2ttb
. ,
T A, SCOTT can rid*
iiave yoli 15% oti your car or,
Aritek inettrance, Yearly or mix
months policies ate tiVallable.
Opeelal rates for farmers, For
' tiitthet infothiatiOn Phone 193,
Wirighatit, tirth
, Atruntoo CATTL't Elteeding
',Itieteteitifieh 'Where', Better Brills
Ae te, "Per artiffelal fit-
eitiin*tk'a inforMation or Set-
vied: from 'al breeds of Cattle,
ph,orto The WaterlooCattle
reeding, AssoCiation at; bilittod
HO' 2444,1: or Mildntay 130112 be,
**Peen 1:90'.1tild' 946 a.m., We haYal
all breeds ,avatiable—Top guftt
tow ebilV • MO
ed au, is ,
wish to express .rilY • sincere
thanks th relatives, neighbors
and friends; 'also Wroxeter Wo-
In§titnte for Cards, treats
and visits, 'which received daring
My. ..reeent • illness, —Margare
I wish to exptess my sincere
;thanks and aPpreciation to all ma
friends, neighbors And relatives far
ail the cards and gifts and to those
who yisited me while I was a pat-
ient in Wingham General Hospital
and Victoria HosPital, London,
Special thanks to Dr. W. A. Me-
Kibben, Dr, W. A, Crawford and
Dr. Street, Mrs. Morrey and staff,
—Ceeil ChamneY• 31b
The family of the late Dr. Walter
Davis wish to express their sincere
thanks and appreciation to all
these who sent floral tributes,
carda and the. kindneas extend-
ed to them at the time of their
recent •bereavement. Special thanks
to Dr, W, A. Crawford, the nurs-
ing staff of the hospital and Rev.
C, F. Johnson. These kind deeds
will never be forgotten. 31*
Mrs. Thos, Lovell, Gorrie, wishes
to thank friends for the many
kindnesses shown her during her
stay in the hospital; for the many
cards, visits and treats she hhs
received especially during the
Christmas season,
With 'sincere and grateful ap-
preciation I wish to thank all my
neighbours; 'friends', the Wingham
firemen and the telephone opera-
tors who so quickly responded to
the fire alarm on Christmas Eve,
to extinguish a blaze which in a
very short time might have re-
sated in a very serious fire. Once
again my thanks 'for a job well
drine.--aeloyne Higgins.
I wish to express my sincere
thanka and appreciation to all my
friends, who sent flowers, cards
'and' Off§ and' vlaited rire • tehilei
was a patient in :the # Winglian ,was
Hospitalo, and:" have; re-
membered, me pincei ,orrlY ,/rhtnfn
home; also to the,staff i of, the bos;
pita.1.—Harry lEre"thetirtgton. - „M r. 31:4,
sY1 ,11101TAM' - "
of Charles R..Wilkinsonf who
piineed"4-WaY. t,NN'o Tears age • SS!
eary 3rd,,1956. "
A token 'of love and remembran-e-
Of a' Did -We shilrneirer toilet!
Your memory to us is a treasu e;
yi;ur ioaa a lifetime regret. •
You are ,W,Ilete we cannot seelyeu
;YOur '-,;,:hice,....4,,,cannot hear. •
Yet'we..knOtv'.yo'u wall 'beside us
Never ab§ent, 'always near.
—Ever remembered and sadly
missed by the family. 31*
LEON, late 9f the Township of
:West Wawrino,§11 in the County
of :IrIntoil, Widow, deceased.
putsuait to the Trustee Act, that
all creditors and others having
claims against the Estate Of the
late Matilda Finleeti, are renuited
to send particulars of their Claims,
dUly verified to J. W. -Bushfield,
Q.C., Solicitor for the Exeedtor af
the said Estate, on or before the
4th day. Of January, AD. 1958, and
that after sueh, date the Executer
Will prodded to distribute the .assets
of the' said Estate, having regard
ohly to the crania of Which they
shall then have ,,had notice,
DATED at Winghant, Ontario,
this 14th day of Dedember,
WINGHAM, Ontario.
Selicitor lot the Executor.
18 :a4:31b
Miss Jennie McKee
Dies at Whitby
The death .of Miss Jennie 'McKee,
Reg. N., oecurred at Whitby on
Deceit-lb& V, the day on which
funeral service was held. for her
sistet, Mrs* George Lane, Miss Mc-
Itee had ,been In poor health for
the piod year,
She Was born near* &Amore, a
daughter of the late Mc-
Kee And Elizabeth Valitintyrie, She
received, her education at Belmar"
and the Walkerton High Sado'.
She trained as nurse fa NoW
VOrk Piterit Most of her life
nursing in. that city, Miss McKee,
Who' Was 79: years of ago,. retired
to Whitby ithout. eight years ago ,
She IS stirViVed by one brother,.
Carter' *Gee of Galt, and two
staters, Mrs. Laura Wylie, of Ger-
rie And Miss ttiftheth Melted of
Votteral Satihea Wtia hold in
WititlY- On 'Sunday eventrig„ 'with
tritoritiOnt to the WroXeter ènmo-
tsi Lit0 on Monday afternoon,
and with Wingham relatives.,
Mr, and Mrs, Wilford Cashel'
and family, Wingliarn, Mr, and
Mrs. Gordon Scott, Ripley, Kr, and
Mrs, Ronald Cointes, and family,
and other Caelick rela-
tives in this distrte,t spent Christ-
mas with Mn'. and Mrs, Wallace
Conn. • ,
Mr. and Mrs. Melville Beeeroft
and sons, John aad Wayne Bee-
ergft, of Otterville, spent a few
days this week at the home of his
sister, Mrs. Eccles Dow and with
other relatives here and at Gorrie,
Mr, and Mrs., Ernest Beecroft and
sous, Mrs. Hugh Sinnamon, Dawn
and Huoi, Wingham, spent' Christ-
mas with Mn'. and Mrs, Archie
.Hertel of Kitchener. Mr. Simm-
Mori spent the past week in Kit-
Mr. and Mrs, Ben 1VteClenaghan
spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs.
Wm, Parker, Clinton. Mr. and
Mrs. 'Carl McClenaghan spent
Christmas with .Mr, and ailre Don-
ald Stewart of Tborridale.
Mr. Alex Coulter reported a
strange ease of petty. ,thieving over
the week-end, Someone came and
pulled the battery Put of each Of
his tractors, pulled ari anvil off its
stand, and among other things
took' a big balance wheel, It's
many year's, since there has been So
many 'Iiictims of theft In this. dis-
. "and Mrs. Gordon Ross /of
Toronto speni last week with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs.,Prank , Ross
and with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Athol Bruce.' "
'Miss PlarenCe 'Beeeroft, Of Tor-
onto spent the week at the home
of beivarents, Mr. and, Mrs, j. D,
Beecroft. Mr. Roy McGee of Kit-
chener and Mr. Gordon, McGee of
Belgrahe spent Christmas there.
Mr. John Aitcheson has been a
patient in Victoria Hospital, Lon-
don during the past week follow-
ing an operation.
Mr. and Mrs. Myles St Marie
spent a few daye this week with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Lam-
bert df' '44,
Mr. and Mrs„ ,liorman);,chult:es
and Douglas trridedred brcifonte
on Thursday and IDOugla,s went 1,th'
hhe Hespitar, ity,heTe id
riridarv'veetana h opeiatieli 'onir Fridays Lci .J
B turn giffteng.k.f itee ..PtaYet Toron Pl
1t,t h It :
zt ).,.; ^ r. • nex week."
rt and, gorge Coates, Of
East awe:ridge-. sPerit Ch'fistri-ind
Light Ttyncont'for
Schooi Meeting
interest wee allewli 00 TillfradaY
the annual business meeting of
')he ratepayers of S.O. Q. Q.
inloss. T.11 fact, several Pheae calls
ad to be "made before the required
umber were present to conduct
the business of the section
g 'The !gnawing 'trustees were
'Wected: Ttussei Ross, ;res. Richard-
son and John Gannt,
arh0f,IVIrs. Irwin Carruthers of
lifolytetal Visiting' there pn Thars-
Mr, 'and Mrs, Gordon Wall and
family of Larigside spent Christ-
mas with Mr. and Mrs. Ira Wall
and all visited op Thursday at the
home of their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Wall Of Kialoss. Mr. Wall had
the nafottune to have three ribs
broken when kicked by a cow on
Tuesday; .
Mr. and Mrs. John Shiell and.
little daughter spent Christmas
With her mother, Mrs; Zilinnerman
of "Gorrie.
Mr: and Mrs. Sidney Thompson
and baby son spent Christmas
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Wright of Clifford.
„ .
Mr. and Mrs, Stewart Cowhand
of Tohanto speat a few days last
week with her: parents,, Mr, and
Mrs. Chita' itobinScre and with
VVroxeter' relatives. , Mr. and Mrs„ Albert Caineron,
LticknOw!•and Mr: end Mrs.
damercin, and family, Aihfield
spent Wedneiday. 'with' Mr. and
Mrs. Mason Robinson.
,Mr.. and Mrs. itoger n Inglia arid
George of Walkerton spent Christ-
mas'With Mr. and Mrs. Albert ,Bie- . .
man. Mr. and Mrs. Bien:tan and
family visited one. day last week
with his mother, •Mrs„, Wm: Bi0
ma.,n at Owen Sound. . .`
• Mies Barbara Gaunt, of Ottawa,
spent this week with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar: Gaunt and
Mrs. Geo.' McCienaghare 'and Miss
Mildred 'spent Chrietanai there.
shMr ancl"L ,,LeVi "Bielthin •
eltildterlw spea'ir'•,f
home of her itiateiV • „Lloyd .
Self -1.Q.e. Walleeitririal'i -AI!
'and 'iiis:"Wifi."'PlirddinlAd,
and set Agent 'for Kineardine
La dry. PilOne 185, 'firth It
' TEit liali POP'S•tot sales,' suitable
pr us hOnse deg's, VcrY reasonable,
ganitet E', Farrier, phone 711.JA, i
FILTERS 'for Sale—""Rapid 01"1 g•-inch, 79e; 6l4.••-inch, "85c,
teander'S Hardware, ,
T. FOR SALE—Qood beef by
,quarter, Killed under license
Dept Of Health, Yearling
he fere* Top quality. I.anVest
Prices, Raynard Ackert, Ripley.
hone 2.1r30. 17rrls
YOU KNOW that DaVici
,Mpten; Certified Watchmaker,
itarallteea to keen your watch in
1414:10Unning order for'one year/
This " free service gnarantee
o‘PPlies to all new watches, also
:watches that have been clean-
ed :and reconditioned, Bring in
Yhur watch to-day and take ad-
vantage of our fast guaranteed
'Service. 23rrb
5:00 ‘11ts, for bale, Apply to Glen
VariCamp, R.R.' 4, Breseela,,
phone1.7J7: 311)
Mr, and Mr. John Ecnenswiller
of Carlsruhe end Mr. auxl
Walter Inehenawiller and fairilly of
Nehatadt, Spent Christmas, at th
borne Of the former's son, Mr.
Frank Echenswiller.
Mr, and Mrs, G. A, M4cLaughlin
and .To Anne of Detroit, Mrs, Ray*
Mond Finnigan, and Mr. and Mrs.
Chester Finnigan and son, David,
of Aslifield, Mr. and Mrs, Cecil
Charnney, Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence
Vannan, Mrs. Perdue and MiSs
McRae, all of Belgrave, and Mr.
and Mrs. Sam Thompson and fam-
ily spent Christmas with Mr. and
Mrs, Clarence Charnney, 'Cecil
Chamney who hap been in Victoria
Hospital for two months, was able
to return home last Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Dowling;
Beth arid Lavergn spent Christmas
at the ;home of Mr. and Mrs, Will-
ard Alien of.Mount Forest.
Miss Lilian Smyth of London,
spent a few days last week with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin
Smyth. Albert &myth of the C,N.R.
at Kowkash, Northern' Ontario,
is spending this week at home,
and Mr. and Mrs, John Smyth and
Jacqueline of Hamilton and Mr,
and Mrs. Sam Smyth and George,
of 'Mitchell, spent Christmas at the
Smyth home, Jas. blascoe and
Robt, Englison of Chatham and
Mitchell also visited there,
Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Keen and
Betty Ann of Sudbury are spending,
the two weeks' vasation at the
'triune of Mr. and Mrs. jatniton,
Clam Mr,. and Mrs. Hari:A.:11 John-
ston and family of Parkhill, also.
spent Christmas at the Conn }three.
- Mrs, Wm, Taylor and Charlie
;Spent Christmas at •the, home of
her nephew, Mr. Milton Ross ,of
Teeswater, and Mrs. Irene pater-
son of Toronto spent the week with
her family at Kapeskasing. • Mr. Jamieson .Pettapiece spent
Thursday at the home of his sis-
ter, Mrs, Elwood Barbour, of For-
Miss Mary Fisher spent the.
'week-end at the home of her'aiint,,
Mils. D. -Carruthers of •Ripleyi.and
miSs Kathleen 'Fisher, Spent'''' the
Week-bild 'with Lticknonr 'relatives.
ethati:cd candy and titifi.
`litt Robt. Solonian had the fry- - • fife iithtilled in their farm Herne.
and, 13i:111(341gs and the virere
turned on last Thursday:
The 'family of Mrs, David Ken-
nedy gathered on Christmas, Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Tichbouene, Gode-
rich, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Durnin
and sons, St. Helens, Mr. and Mrs.
George Kennedy and sons, and .Mr.
and Mrs, Robt, Mowitray, Wing-
Miss Phyllis Smith, nurse-in-
training in Kitchener Hospital,
'spent a few days this week at the
home of her sister, Mrs, Wm, A;
Purdon, and Mr. and Mrs, 'Smith
and Willarnina of Langaide, spent
Wednesday there,
- Mr. and Mrs., Floyd Bott and
children , of Belwood, Mr. ,and Mrs,
Jas. Curran and Nancy, of St.
Helens and other members of the
Purdon family, spent Tuesday with
Mr, and Mrs. Robt, Purdon,
Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Simmons.
and Nancy of London spent a few
days this week with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Martin,
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Scholtz
and children spent Wednesday
with his parents, Mr, and Mrs.
Ezra Seholtz:
Mr, and Mrs., Rosa Smith and
baby Kathy of Toronto spent a few
days this week With her patents,
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Chapman and
with'. TurnbertY and Wingham
relatives, 4,
Mr. and Mrs. Jaek Gillespie and
family, of Sarnia spent a few daye
this wok with Gillespie and Farrier
eetai.ves 'here, Mr. and Mrs, Car-
man 'Worrier' and children of Long
Banch and Mr. and Mrs, Clifford
Varrier and Children of Windsor
snent a few 'days with Mr, and
Mrs, W, Farrier.
Mr, arid Mrs. Kenneth 1Yreisint'and
family spent 'Christmas with her
parents, Mr. and Mt*. Cecil t•Sitin.
her of Eketer,
Mr, and Mrs. Albert Coultes and
family spent, Christmas at the
home ,of her sister, Mt. and UM,
Lawson Majury of Paisley,
Me, and, Mrs.. Thou. Oantit and
Mrs.. ErrieSt Cale/note of Wing.
hani viaited last Sunday 'with Mr.
and Mrs, Russell Gaunt, Mr, arid
Mrs. daunt, Janet arid 'Donald
visited. on PridaY with Mr. Ithd
Mts. Wallace Itilrey, of Port.
Mr, and Mrs, Win, :Piglet of
Thritritno, Mr. and Mrs., Arabia
Liaughael arid family of' Meaford
visited this week with their par-
emits., Mt and Um George 'Wisher
and Me, and Mm's., Toby Jratitcl and
.fally of MilVettort, Mt*, Sohn
Catrothetis, Whigharn, Miss Joan
Tittaiberry, *Pent Christ"
rite.a at the flatter hate, With Miro
Mr. and Mrs. chaa. Shiell visited
on Thursday with' her mother,
Mrs..chaa, Congram of Lucknovv,
StoW1Witli told on the '''scrden, g a istivtdav,ii)ixyl kih.tii,it ,jtj‘;;,
1 ;II '7. I!, -
Mr., and' daughter - Grade ,'and' Mr. avid aaricLean aseocl ' 13ru§§ep,spent,c hristmas at ,,the
herite of, the locilmgee"s d'aliiii4r,, ..r.: If .rr. •
Mrs , Wm. Irwin, Mr. aild'.1.!Mis,
10'0,, Scott Reid 91,4: '1• 1 711,IgNt?1' also visited there. : ,^
,and Mrs. Arisen Ruttari.,and:
family of Pordwich, -"Mr. and Mrs,
Donald Preriet and' Randy, of
Walton arid Mr. and Mrs. Keith' ' • MontgorrierY, Wirigh,ani, anent
Christmas with their parents,, Mr*
and' Mrs. Robe
Mit, Sam McBtirriey, Mrs. Ed-
ward 3,29814110y, and: sons, and Mr. .„.
and Mts. R. M. Shiell,-all of, Wing:
Mr; and .MS.. Jas., ,iHardie
and; family :of -Turnberryi, and
And Mrs. Elmer. Shiell 'and childr'en .
Of London, 'spent ChtistriniPahrith
Mr. and Mrs. G'otdmi"Mellurney2
Mr and; *S.' ,Ronald .COPitea
:and Mr.: and, Mrs.',, Jas., Coates,
sponsored a. party in S.S. No. 9 On
Friday night, whenahli 'tables wete
in Play, Mts, J. Currie and Jas.
Currie held high. points, arid Mra,
Gershom Johnston and Miner Ire-
land held love points.', Roy Pati-
sOn'S card Was drawn for the lucky
prize. •
Ltineh 'Was served an all enjoy-
ed a social tittie, There will be,
another patty in two Weeks', time;
sponsored by Mr. and Mrs. 1, L.
dOrtie and Mt, arid Mrs. Harold
Currie. ,
, and Mrs, .1ohti McGee spent
thiristniaii at the • home of her
hieee, Mts. Gordon bichison of
Te.eaWatet, Nurse Helen Diekison
of Vieterla,HoSPital staff, London
'Ana tiohaia' DiekiSon Of Toronto
ATM alSO,kopte,
Mr, arid Mrs, jack Kerr and
ehildreri Of Tillsenharg; Mr, and
Mrs., Herbert Laidlaw and Ivan,
and Mr. J. Anhalett Of Clinton,
.spent 'Clitistina.8 With ,Mr, and Mit,
'Robert Laidlaw.
Mr, and Mrs. A. t, tuelttoa
spent Wednesday At the borne Of,
1 1A igood 'crowd gatheredlaat Stip-
1-.ay...?V'ening at 'the YOuirg PedPle'S
Meeting 'in"the "Presbyterian
Churchwhen Reti-1, R. 7. ./s.: risPurden' and Mr. arnin,Misi1 C
Shall 'Was Clitaat- ani l!qons "''.4.entf inaii 'data Set-VI:6e: 'The daihtinas7 awii mfk, •
rek.111.11,1, INCOIVit
vasellient method of having
an adeuttitte insurance eetate
hes the. roan Young
rawly, OC}NSVIG%
Canada Life
her graniNeghtert Mr. gerlf OarFo
'Mr. and Ms, Jaek Mitchell :ma
children 0914 a NW dayli this.
Week with his Mother, MO, Mit-
chell Of Kitchenet.
Rose ergo, Alpo Ur. and
Mrs. Small of Toronto, spent
ChriettnaS With Mr. and,Mrs, Clark
MeGreger of Sebringville,
Mr. Walter Arsot t anent Chript-
MRS With Mrs. Aracott, who hea
been at the home of her sister whp
has 'been ill in Toronto.
Mrs. Reuben 'Tiffin hes been con-
fined to her bed. during the peat
week, and under the doctor's care.
Mr. and Mrs, Stewart McNeill 'ef
SttathroY visited last :Sunday with
her; sister, Mrs. D, and Billie
Willis aceoinpanied. theni home to
aperiff the vacation, there, Mrs,
Musgrove, Mrs. Willis, Gary and
John spent Christmas at Moles-
Worth with Mr. 'and Mrs. Bennett
Mitchell. 1
Mr. and Mrs. George. MeKague,
of Teeswater, Mt. and Mrs. Orville
Hastings and Children, Winghann,
and Mr. and Mrs, George Stanley:
and '"family, Lucknow, spent
Christina§ with r. and Mrs., Jas.
111cIenie and her mother,' Mrs.
• Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Scott spent
Wednesday at the home of ,her
.sister, Mrs. Seiah ./3yeelienridge of
Jamestown, Mr. and • .Mrs. Oliver
Stokes'• of Ternberry, • were.. also at'
the' Breckenridge honte.- •• '
Mr, and Mrs: Douglas Simpsori
Ciilross,' Mr. and Mrs:" Robert
;Gibson, Wroiceter, kiss 'Marjorie'
LondOn;.and local members
,ef the ,farnilY sPerit Chtistinas With
tfeeli mother, MIS. J..Crirrie.
, Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Cheltes and
Barbara: spent a ' 'few days last':
tweak atathe home of her asistar,,.
Mrs.. Allan Armes,of Windsor.:
and Mrs.' Elnaer ,', Ireland,
held a fanny, dinner on Wednes-
day with the, hallowing present,
his motherj 'Mrs,' John Ireland,,
Teeswater, Mr: and Mrs. Jas.
Johnston' and family of Cooksville,
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd, Jasper, of
Mildma.y,• Mr. and Mrs.-Wilbur Mc-. Kagrie, of Teeswater, , •
, . .
'l.ri,;:.: (; ,r4;r • !.) ..:•ir • 1 i
'MI I' .1 .,,, .r,l...11 rr,:t ' ,i ,, .•-1,,-.,ir•rr Ii
" ' is" Thorouglinesii .11 Abilitr ' ...Titue tested'
7,77777777, ,u
' 1 14 " PhOirie r 37 fiii'iti31;01iiitnielit`. 44 ' io ---41flip.,.p .11,.. “,•!,•1.1 ,,.....• . ••• :I , - , •••,,,,' - l '- , ..a.
fil11111111111111111111111111111111,11111.111 n 111111111111111111111.11111iiiiigiujinomiimortim iiii
Wail on ' Ontario
Frederick .F' Hornuth
tool, E.
Mrs, LOd
• . otomoititom
PH0112. US'
Hrriston,' ..Ontario
Insuroseo Cip)apieny
Cot. 1510
An an enondinn Company nil
foitktO4 Worven its
homors for otter a telittirk.
Waif Off fee 'Toronto
H. C. Sititetoan Yosurrinee Ago
., miss ,.Gertrude Stewart, Sister Of
Mrp: Harold • Walker , -report§ :that ;
she landed at 'the Canary. 'Islands.,
Thele3,1slaidilareniatria Hi the clity;
iin.61,?;ibuthlifissr 1 SteWart4Olindi they
Ureic •''''''''''''''''' = ItIi
,facinties for hestxng "rooms' "and,
Li , ell: I r,',104,
t...41.1.:ri!,,•#PP- ,01,, of, ILMarleh,, „with; Glenn.
Swan andpn,,.penglasit jef, !Roe-,
RhurAday wth his';
atarenitai. Reth„.anclillta,J,..N. Watt,'
'and. Mta$4„SWath's
)tielvIr: and MiV1 Wilil.'.11iTtUfelia-1
ghlin 's of Watqrfect; 'Oa %ill "arid- I it is
'sons; also 'visited at the-Valt
was re1cezved, ere tkati
airforce,' the hospital 'at;
North lilay,,With pneumonia:
Mr. and' Mrs. Harry Cook and
Austin Matimeh -held a; family
'dinner ,Oh.Wednesday with 'the 'fol-
lowing 'present: and ;/vIrs. Shel-
'don' jaehliti'1 iincl family :"61, Blue-'
'Val, .'r. 'and' 'Mrs Harold Slelser
and &rally; Glands, Mr, arid Mts.
Ditriald COol . and children, Mr. and
Mrs, Jack Lewis and ,chilciren,_Mr.
and Mr 1.lyd Cook and childrenq
all pe.**tnehani, Mr, and
Grahatn,Cook and'„Ifitirtily of
ley,,,artd; Mr. and Mrs. hrt.y White,
.and children '„Of . • Belgraire, -The.
thrOntY graindeltildien espaiallyi
enjeyed :the . day together.
Mr, and Mts. Stanley. Moore, and
children. of WoOdatoeh Vilified 'on
Sunday ,last With his Patents,' Ur.
and MIS. .Atthur Moore; Mr. and
Mrs. Moore Spent Christreas at the
home of their daughter, Mrs. Ken-
neth Diekson of Belmore.
Miss Cathy McCarthy of Detroit
recently visited for a week at the
home 'of her. sister, Mrs. , Louis
Dalton: Mr, Phillip McCarthy of
Winnipeg, who ,has not been horne
fiat' fifty-two years, phoned his
sister, Mrs..' Daltelf, on Christmas,
a happy stitptise and • their Son,
'Marshall McCarthy, Of Winnipeg,
Arrived here on .Thilreday. to spend
the Winter at the Dalton hodie‘
Mt and Mrs, 'Dan' Tiffin and
ehildrett /and Mr, and Mrs.. Okra
tee' Orti Southampton, -tdsited. on ;
Thursday at the home of Mrs. W.
Stewart, Of WingheM.
' ;Mai Doreen Wilsort of Torotitti
Spent the Week-end 'at the lionle of
Mr, and Mrs. Alex Leaver, Mr, and
Mrs. O. A. Hackett Of Asliffeld 'and
Mt. and' Mrs, J. N. Coates of
Morris. epeirit Christintia at —the
Leaver htirrie,
Mrs.4hoa. Inglia retUttied home
last Friday, after spending a week
at the ironic Of her Ilittighter, is.
Jack Flannigan, Of , Throat'', litt•,;.
and IWO, ,Jack ngl1s and family
of Pordwich effient thrietmai with'
Mt and Uri). :Mat ngl1s. lfriL
ngllq has been eattn the vast'
mouth for the :little Laurie,
baby daughter. Of Mt: and Mr*
itoddy frigliti, Of Fdteilt, and the
little Min has been making splendid
Mr, 4ttid MT L tit* tgoyle,, Wing,