The Citizen, 1992-10-07, Page 27PAGE 28. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7,1992. Hensall Compost gala opening Oct. 16 One of the most technologically advanced compost facilities in North America is located in Hen­ sail and will be declared officially in operation Oct. 16 during a gala opening. The Hensall Compost Facility is located at the Hensall landfill site (one mile east of Highway 4 on Usbome-Tuckersmith Townline) and is the first facility anywhere built specifically to process indus­ trial waste. The processing equipment for the facility was designed and manufac­ tured by LH Resource Management Inc. of Walton. The company is managed by Chris Lee. LH Resource Management was approached by the Village of Hen­ sall to design a high-rate aerobic composting facility because the vil­ lage faced the problem of disposing considerable amounts of grain cleaning wastes from its three major seed-cleaning and processing elevators. Each year wastes from the three elevators—Cook's, Hensall Co-op and W.G. Thompson—totalled over 4,000 tons and was dumped in the Hensall landfill which threat­ ened to fill up the site within three to five years. With the new composting facili­ ty, 90 per cent of the waste will be transformed into high-quality com­ post which will, in turn, significant­ ly extend the life of the local landfill. The facility works like this: Dif­ ferent types of organic waste are blended to create a raw material ideal for composting. This raw material (termed a biomass) is loaded into one of three 100-foot channels where for the next 10 days, it is agitated, mixed and aer­ ated by a 'biomass processor' which can be described as a sort of giant rototiller. After 10 days,, the biomass is piled on storage beds outside .the building to 'cure' and then is shipped'to local landscapers who \yill add it to their commercial soil mixtures. It is estimated the compost facili­ ty will transform approximately 8500 cu. yd. of organic waste— enough to fill more than 100,000 garbage bags—into rich compost. The gala opening will celebrate this accomplishment. The day will begin at 11 a.m. for mingling with More talks needed on county rep. issue More consultation will be held with local municipalities before Huron County council recommends a change in the representation at the county level. County council is facing a space crunch after the next municipal elections because some municipali­ ties that currently have one council representative will be entitled to a second. In addition, even the largest municipality, Goderich, has only three votes while smaller vil­ lages have one vote with far less than one third the population. Twenty municipalities, not including either Blyth of Brussels, replied to a county questionnaire with proposals ranging from leav-. ing the system the same to one in which all deputy-reeve positions would be eliminated with repre­ sentatives of larger municipalities getting multiple votes. More discussions will be held before a final decision is made. guests then at 11:30 a.m., special guests will be introduced. At 11:50, Jack Riddell, the former Minister of Agriculture and Food, will cut the ribbon and there will be a demon­ stration of the prototype 'biomass processor' which will be followed by lunch and entertainment, door prizes, draws, trade displays and tours of the facility. For more information, call Luanne Phair at 262-2821. THIS Tg COME HOME TO THE SEAFORTH FALL FRIDAY OCTOBER 9 & SATURDAY OCTOBER 10 12 noon to 10:00 p.m. 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 'ISH' ’’Class A" Children's Comic Entertainer will be our MC this year THIS IS AN ENTERTAINER YOU WON'T WANT TO MISS!! Saturday - Professional Face Painting for Children too! [RL-- ' 'T COUNTRY 1 JAMBOREE LOCAL ENTERTAINMENT FRIDAY OCT. 9 SHOWTIME 8:00PM SEAFORTH COMMUNITY HALL NEW FARMERS MARKET SEAFORTH ARENA HORSE SHOE PITCHING COMPETITION SAT 1:30 ANTIQUE TRACTOR SHOW Parade Sat. Oct. 10 3:00 pm Featuring: ALLIS CHALMERS Jj JOYES AMUSEMENTS SPORTS CARD SHOW Seaforth District High School FREE ADMISSION Please Feet Free To Contact These Comma* Member*: PARADE 4 PUBLICITY - Lyie Haney, Rom Ribey, Rob Snefl, Don Tremeer ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - Don Tremeer ARENA INDOOR - ACTIVITIES CO-CHAIRMAN - Linda Vincent Jeff Tyndall, Bob Broadfoot, Bonnie Glenville, Mark and Sandra Melady, Tony and Susan Art*. PENNY SALE - Ken and Lois Moore Co-chairman. Tom and Bea KaJe. Hannah Miller, Maq. Broadfoot. Jana Vincent, Jean Roa*. MIDWAY - Ross Ribey, Nelson Pulman. OLD MCDONALD - Arnold Campbell, Brad Camochan FARM MACHINERY - Peter VandeBome, Brian McGavm, Bryan Vincent Tom Leppmgton. LIVESTOCK CO-ORDINATOR - Neil Dolmage BEEF - HEREFORD - John Bennett, Neil Dolmage, Andrew Patnck BEEF BREEDS - Jack Flanagan, Glen Haney, Carl □Often DAIRY - Alan CArter, Bob Eckert SWINE 4 PORK CARCASS - Nelson Pullman, Stuart Wilson, Bob McMillan, Brian Campbell, Linda Pullman, George Townsend. HORSES - Frank Nigh. Ed Van Dyke SHEEP ■ Franaa Hcknell, Mane Hickness, Frwxis Hunt GRAIN 4 FIELD CROP - Paul Dodds, Cart Bolton, Ken Scott, AJex Miller. Bob Broadfoot EGGS - Clare Reith, Ken Moore QUEEN OF THE FAIR - Bonnie Glenville, Mark and Sandra Melady, Tony and Susan Arts. PHOTOGRAPHY - Mark Cnpps PROGRAM THURSDAY, OCTOBER t, 1992 Exhibits to b« delivered to Arena and Ronnithonas Judflnf to start at 11:00 Noon FRIDAY. OCTOBER ». 1993 11 :OO AM. ■ Parade Leaves OpOntst Park Official Opentng trrvnediaiefy after parade 12.-00 P.M. ■ Judging of Shorthorn A Herefords 12:45 PM. - Judgtng of Light A Heavy Horses 1:00 PM. ■ Judgtng of S urine 1:00 P.M. ■ Pedal Pull Registration 1:00 P.M. ■ Junior Fair far 4-H 1:30 PM. ■ Pedal Pull 4:00 PM. ■ Bicycle Draw 9:00 P.M. ■ Pork Carcass A Beqf Carcass Auction. SATURDAY, OCTOBER IO. 1992 J.-00 PM. ■ Judgtng of Chardals. S tinmen tai A Jersey 12:00 P.M. ■ Registration for Baby Show 1:00 P.M. ■ Judgtng of Sheep1:00 P.M. ■ Pedal Pull Registration 1:00 P.M. ■ Baby Show ■ upstairs hall 1:30 P.M. ■ Pedal Pull 3:00 P.M. - Parade of Antique Tractors 4:00 P.M. ■ Bicycle Draw 4:00 P.M. ■ Penny Sale Draw 4:00 P.M. ■ Exhibits close SEAFORTH FALL FAIR BABY SHOW SATURDAY OCT. 10 UPSTAIRS HALL COMMUNITY CENTRES 0-6 Months 1:00 p.m. 6-12 Months 1:30 p.m. 12-18 Months 2:00 p.m. PRE-REGISTRATION ONLY BY CALLING Heather 345-2432 Ann 527-1894 Colleen 527-0450 DEADLINE TO REGISTER 6:00 P.M. OCT. 9 SEAFORTH'S TOY TRACTOR Customized Allis WD45. Available at Seaforth AG. Office.