The Citizen, 1991-11-06, Page 7Huron-Perth FTO meets in Seaforth On October 16, over 200 mem­ bers of the Huron-Perth Superannu­ ated Teachers of Ontario (STO) District 9 and guests attended their annual noon dinner meeting in Seaforth and District Community Centre. A morning Health Services' workshop conducted by Carmen Whitmore of London, preceded the dinner. Following the dinner, a lively sing-song was led by Janet Day, with Don Dunbar at the piano. Carol Simons introduced the speakers, STO members Eleanor and Ralph Smith who showed slides of their visits to Coral Island in Hudson Bay. They were thanked for their pictures and commentary by Joan Hamilton. President John Hayman conduct­ ed the business meeting. Commit­ tee reports were given. The Perth Unit dinner meeting will be held on June 3, 1992 in Ellice Township Hall in Rostock. The Huron Unit dinner meeting will be in Ontario Street United Church in Clinton on June 10, 1992. Ross Haugh, the newsletter con­ venor, asked for items to be for­ warded to him in early spring when the first district newsletter is to be published. Ruth Shaddick presented the new slate of officers for 1992-93. They are as follows: past president, John Hayman; president, Howard Sin­ clair; first vice-president, John Hayman; president, Howard Sin­ clair; first vice-president, June Boussey; secretary-treasurer, Mary Hoy. Ruth presented retiring president John Hayman and retiring secre­ tary-treasurer Evelyn Merrill with STO pins. President John thanked the members for the opportunity to serve them, and also the convenors, telephone callers and chairpersons. Incoming president, Howard Sin­ clair of Mitchell, reminded the members of the spring business meeting in Mitchell Public School on May 20, 1992, at 1:30 p.m. The meeting adjourned. A The Huron Board A of Education in partnership with Huron Industrial Training Advisory Committee and Employment and Immigration Canada as part of the Canadian Job Strategy Program invites tenders for A NEW THREE CLASSROOM ADDITION at the GODERICH DISTRICT COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE under a modified construction man­ agement method Bids received will be evaluated on the basis of pnce, alternate construc­ tion methods proposed, and the number of hours of employment pro­ vided to the participants in the job retraining program. Lowest or any tender not necessanly accepted All general contracting firms inter­ ested MUST attend a meeting to be held at Goderich District Collegiate Institute at 10:30 a.m. on November 7, 1991. f'i( op o' ■ JLp Employment and ■ Immigration Canada J EthelThe news from Compiled by Margaret McMahon Phone 887-9250 ] 4H club holds first meeting BY WANDA MARTIN The first meeting of the Ethel “Milk Makes it Better” club was held on October 19 at Barb Mart­ in’s. To get the ball rolling everybody enjoyed a get-acquainted game. After the books were handed out, the pledge was taken and the busi­ ness was discussed. There was also an election of officers in which Priska Menzies was voted presi­ dent. After a presentation on measure­ ment by Barb Martin, some of the members headed for the kitchen. While they made vegetable pizza and chocolate milk, the other mem­ bers did book work and listened to the story, “Say Hello to the Cow”. When the pizza was ready every­ body calmed down and dug in. It was really good. Then the meeting was closed. BRUSSELS VILLAGE We reserve the right to limit quantities Prices In effect from November 5 • 9,1991 While quantities last Deliveries Monday to Friday only! Open 6 days a week Monday to Saturday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday Nights until 9 p.m.Ak Friday Nights until 9 p.mMARKET KSSSSV 887-9226 SCHNEIDER’S MEATS QUALITY PRODUCE SCHNEIDER'S OKTOBERFEST SAUSAGE^ QQ 500 G. 1 ■ V HEAD _ LETTUCE 0Q SCHNEIDER'S RED HOT WIENERSO QQ 450 G. ■ £* V CELERY STALKS "^Q SCHNEIDER'S TASTY CARROTS^ Q 2 LB. BAG ■ PEPPERETTES 1 79125 G. 1 ■ ff V THIS WEEK'S GROCERY SAVINGS KELLOGG'S McCAIN FROZEN ORANGE QQ JUICE 121/20Z. SALMON 73/4oz1 PURE SPRING GINGER ALE 750 ML. ■ wJ ^/DEPOSIT ROBIN HOOD ALL PURPOSE/* QA FLOUR wkgQ.Z/^INGER 1.39^-1.09 HEINZ PLAIN SQUEEZE 1 OOketchupl,tre2.99 The second meeting was held on October 26 at Heidi Menzie's. After the pledge and roll call, the mem­ bers decided on a club name. The new name is “the Milk Mates”. Then the members read up on the different kinds of milk in their books. When they thought that they knew all about them, the members went to the kitchen and took a taste test. Nobody seemed to like No. 1 (buttermilk) but they were sur­ prised to find that No. 3 (goat's milk) was quite good. Then some of the members made Cheesy Fondue Dip while the other members played a game. Mrs. Menzie also showed the members how to make Swiss Fondue. When it was time to eat the majority of the members liked the 4H version of the recipe better. Soon it was time to go and so the meeting was closed. — THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6 1991. PAGE 7. RE-ELECT DALE NEWMAN FOR GREY TOWNSHIP COUNCILLOR -RESIDENT OF GREY TOWNSHIP FOR 15 YEARS -PAST PRESIDENT AND MEMBER OF BRUSSELS LIONS CLUB -5 YEARS ON B.M. & G. RECREATION BOARD (3 YEARS AS CHAIRMAN) -3 YEARS EXPERIENCE AS GREY TOWNSHIP COUNCILLOR ANYONE REQUIRING A RIDE TO POLLS ON NOVEMBER 12 CALL 887-6664 PRONTO PAPER TOWELS ALMOND OR WHITE 2 ROLL .79i mULTRA TIDE REGULAR,PHOSPHATE FREE, OR WITH BLEACH 2 LITRE BOX 0 REGULAR OR SUNRISE FRESH DOWNY FABRIC SOFTENER 1.5 LITRE 2.79 in MAXWELL HOUSE GROUND COFFEE REGULAR, FINE, EXTRA FINE 300 G. VAC PAC 1.99 &