The Citizen, 1991-10-02, Page 22NOTICES NOTICES REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE0 e NOMINATIONS Notice to the Municipal Electors TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS TAKE NOTICE that persons may be nominated as candidates in an election between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. on Nomination Day-Friday, October 11, 1991, but nothing In section 35 of the Municipal Elections Act, R.S.O. 1980, C. 308, prevents a person from filing a nomination paper with the clerk during normal office hours during the period from Tuesday, October 8, 1991 to Thursday October 10, 1991, inclusive, immediately preceding Nomination Day. OFFICES FOR WHICH PERSONS MAY BE NOMINATED: REEVE e DEPUTY REEVE 3 COUNCILLORS 1 TRUSTEE FOR THE HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION (representing Township of Morris and Township of Turnberry) Nomination papers are available at the office of the clerk and may be filed with the Clerk on the following dates: October 8, 9, 10, 1991 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and on Nomination Day- October 11,1991 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. All candidates to be elected for a three year term. Each Nomination paper must be signed by at least 10 electors, whose names are entered on the Preliminary List of Electors or who have made application to have their names included on the list and who are entitled to vote in an election to such office. Electors are hereby required to take notice and govern themselves accordingly, and further take notice that the manner in which said nominations shall be filed is set forth in section 36 of the Municipal Elections Act. Nomination forms and full particulars of procedures to be followed may be obtained from the undersigned. Where more candidates are nominated and have made the required declarations, for election to an office, than the number required to fill the said office, notice of the time for holding the poll, Including the advance polls and notice of the last day for making application for a certificate to vote by proxy, will be given immediately. And Further Take Notice that where the number of candidates for an office who are nominated and have not withdrawn by 5 p.m. on October 15, 1991, is not sufficient to fill the number of vacancies to which candidates may be elected, subsection 40 (1) respecting acclamation, applies to those candidates. On Wednesday, October 16, 1991, following nomination day, the clerk may between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. receive and certify additional nominations for the remaining vacancies in the office In respect of which there was an Insufficient number of candidates and the provisions of subsections 37(4) and 39 (1) apply with necessary modifications. Given under my hand this 26th day of September, 1991. Nancy Michie, Returning Officer. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE IrEAL ESTATE LTD. REALTOR JOHN L. DUDDY "SUDDENL Y ITS SOLD" NEW LISTING BRUSSELS: Immaculate 2 bedroom Royal Home in prestige location overlooks river, paved drive, garden shed. List price $107,500. PIANO LESSONS ARE AVAIL­ ABLE in the Bluevale/Brussels area. For more information call Paula Hayden at 887-9472. 39-lp NEW LISTING DUPLEX FOR SALE Stately Blyth Duplex, 2 storey brick, 3 bedroom each unit, 3- piece and 4-piece modern bath, upper and lower hall with front and refiwXIlvf^ooni, dining,full basement, full front veranda. Large well treed lot 157 x 97, one block from all services. CONTACT: GORDON B. ELLIOTT, BROKER OR R. JOHN ELLIOTT, SALESMAN ELLIOTT REAL ESTATE AGENCY 519-523-4481 BLYTH, ONTARIO. SATELLITE SYSTEMS, ANTEN­ NA systems, sales and service. Call 887-9472. 39-lb ATTENTION FARMERS 1. Combining of all crops with air-reel. 2. Round baling - 4 feet wide from 40" to 6 feet high. 3. Sowing of wheat - no till or conventional tillage. 4. Trucking and grain buggy available. Competitive Rates NO MEMBERSHIP FEE DURWAY CUSTOM SERVICES R.R. 3 BLYTH 523-9837 BAILEY REAL ESTATE LTf COMPLETELY REMODELED 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, vinyl sided home. Den. living room, dining room and eat-in kitchen. Detached garage.-$85,900 00. JUST LISTED; New home to be built in Blyth, 1200 sq ft approximately, 2 car garage, 3 bedrooms, brick front, vinyl on the rest, full basement. Call Gary Walden. $100,000. BLYTH: 2 storey brick, solid, has character, 4 bedrooms, treed lot $85,000.00. BLYTH: In new subdivision east side of Blyth, 1480 sq. ft. home with garage, private, scenic view from balconies. $129,900.00. BLYTH: North end, aluminum-sided home, treed lot, large garage. Estate sale - $72,900.00 Gary Walden....................482-7675 Gordon Hill.......................233-3307 Alleen Craig......................482-3669 Bill Steenstra....................482-3780 Peter Damsma.................482-9849 Mary Vanden Hengel........527-0968 Sharon Medd....................527-0560 11 Victoria St, Clinton..............................482-5991 FAX...........482-9343 FREE EVALUATIONS xsettt For Real Estate Information CALL GARY WALDEN 482-7675 Office - 482-5991 Sales Rep. for Mclntee Real Estate s SERVICES CUSTOM COMBINING - SOY­ BEANS and com. J. C. Enterprises, RR 1, Auburn. Phone 526-7523. 37^4 RELIABLE BABYSITTING Ser­ vices, in Blyth. Your home or mine. Full or part-time, days or evenings. Phone 523 9697. 34-tfn CLARK & SON LAWN MAIN- tenance - fall clean-up, aerating, grass cutting. Reasonable rates. Call Jeff at 887-9668. 37-6p CUSTOM WELDING: PIGS/ cattle penning, aluminum, orna­ mental railing, trailers, custom hitches, machinery repairs and fab­ ricating. Call Peter de Jong, 523- 4816. tfn BLYTH - NEW LISTING: Most attractive ranch-style bungalow with attached garage, 2 bedrooms plus finished lower level, hardwood floors, excellent construction. List $114, 900. 100 ACRE FARM - NEW LISTING: Ashfield Twp. Near Port Albert, level cash crop land, approx. 90 acres workable; Berrien loam soil. OFFICE SPACE FOR LEASE: 2,300 sq. ft. in lower level, 160 Huron Street, available Feb 1st '92, can be split. BUILDING LOT, SUMMERHILL: Country building lot; 1/2 acre, near Summerhill Bridge; excellent location. $15,900. $51,900.: Vanastra home with keen price for early sale. Try 10% down, low monthly payments. DEVELOPMENT LAND: 10 Acres residential land in the town of Clinton with proposal for 30 building lots plus 2 additional parcels. Mason Bailey 482-9371 BROKER (24 Hour Service) LOTS FOR SALE: Londesboro. Your choice or take them all. RESTAURANT AND GAS STA­ TION on busy comer, showing good return, residence on same property. 70 ACRES: 9th Concession, Hullett, 58 workable, 12 acres hardwood bush, no buildings. LONDESBORO: Large commercial building on Hwy. 4, large lot, ideal for retail or service business. 100 ACRES: no buildings, 50 acres bush on paved road BLYTH: new 1 floor bungalow, with finished basement with fireplace, attractive price. COMMERCIAL BUILDING with 3 rental units, can be used as a residence. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY: Hamilton St., Blyth, ideal for offices, hairdressing, or service business, reasonable price. BLYTH: 3 acres, subdivided property with good home and barn. 50 ACRES: Near Auburn with good home, drive shed. Bams for cattle, sheep or horses. WE NEED LISTINGS ON HOMES AND SMALL ACREAGES. s SERVICES TREAT YOURSELF TODAY. Manicures - $5.00; Pedicures - $10.00; Reflexology - $10.00: Waxing - $4.00 to $12.00. Phone Deb Datema, 523-4984. 36-tfn JOHN L. DUDDY REAL ESTATE LTD. MLS Realtor 19 Albert St., Clinton 482-3766 John Duddy 482-3652 PITCH-IN CANADA! □ TENDERS HANK'S SMALL ENGINE Sales and Service, Highway 4, Londesboro. Complete services for small engines. Dealer for Canadi- ana, Bolens, Weed Eater, Poulan and Badger Farm Equipment. Call 523-9202. tfn A new spirit of giving □ TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS TENDERS FOR SNOW REMOVAL in the Township of Morris tor the 1991-92 season. Required is 1 motor grader - fully equipped. Clearly marked, sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned on a form supplied by the road superintendent until 4 p.m. on TUESDAY OCTOBER 15,1991. All tenders are subject to the approval of the Ministry of Trans­ portation. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Lloyd Michie C.R.S. Road Superintendent Township of Morris \TS- $Q 00 TL1I DO r\ A VO EVER'* Place your classified ad in person (pre-paid) and HE'N" B | | fl you'll enjoy a base-rale ot only $3.00 for the first 20 words