The Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-11-14, Page 19'an Tiffin Mr and Mrs D Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, November 14, 1 itechurch couple married 35 years BY VALETTA EMERCON Mr. and Mrs. Dan Tiffin on Saturday 'evening at Tees - water Complex. " celebrated their 3Sth 'Wedding anniver- sary. In the first -part of the evening , their son, Barry, entertained by playing rec- ords. Lunch was then served and Mr. and Mrs. Tiffin were called to the..• platform. John McInnes of Wingham gave an address. Their family was called to the platform, .Barry, Bevin, Douglas and Joyce. Barry replied for the family. Mr. and Mrs. Tiffin each replied thanking the large crowd for coming and enjoy- ing their hospitality and for the cards. After lunch time, the relatives formedan orch- estra .and dancing was enjoy- ed., On Wednesday Mrs. Mur- ray Glanville,, Benjie and Billie of. Exeter visited with Mr. and 'Mrs. Carl McClen- aghan and Mrs. Ben Mc- Clenaghan. Mr. and Mrs. Harry. Moss of Plattsville spent the week- end with Mrs. Ben McClen- aghan while Mr. and Mrs... Carl McClenaghan went to. Waterloo to visit with Mr. and Mrs. - Mack Stewart. On Sunday .Mr. and Mrs: Melvin McClenaghan visited with his mother, Mrs. Ben McCienaghan, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moss. Mr. and Mrs.. Keith Hum phrey4nd'family of Bluevale visited on Monday with Rev. and Mrs. Bell. On Monday, Philip Steer and Dawson Craig put storni windows on the • basement windows at the manse. Mr. and Mrs: George Lub- bers, Karen' and Brian, re- turned .home from .near Gravenhurst, where George had • the job of building an addition to a cottage,which took him six weeks. Home for the weekend With .Mr. :and Mrs: Dan Tiffin. to help them celebrate their' 35th wedding anniversary were Miss' Joyce Tiffin, Toronto, and Barry Tiffin, London. Mr.,and Mrs. Gary Rintoul on Saturday attended . the Royal ... Winter Fair•. where Charolais cattle . were _being shown.. They visited with Mr. and Mrs I:eroy_ RRintoul, Carol, Kimberley and Debbie who were there with Here= ford cattle. Carol Rintoul showed -her 4-H Limousin calf in the Open Lirfio"u in class and received first prize. Mr. and 'Mrs. Bill Snow- den and Bill Jr.- of Goderich and Mr. and Mrs. Dave McGlynn of .Kitchener at- tended the 3Sth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Dan _Tiffin held Saturday evening .at Teeswater Com- plex. Mr. and Mrs: Joe Tiffin and Joey and Mrs. Orville Tiffin also attended the same anniversary. . On Sutj dray. Mr. and Mrs. Dave McGlynn, Wayne and Janet of Kitchener, visted with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tiffin. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Evans of Hyde Park were Sunday visitors with his parents, Mr. and Mts. Bili Evans and her mother-,.. Mrs. Donaldson at Brucelea Haven; Walkerton. Mrs. Ted Evans; Lisa and Larry •of Balliitafad were Sunday visitors with his par- ents, Mr. and. Mrs. Bill Evans. 'Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Emer- son, Darlene, Sharon and Brenda of St. Catharines, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson. We are sorry to report that Cindy Moore was admitted on Wednsday last to Wing- ham Hospital and is still a patient there. The commun- ity wishes her a speedy recovery. Walter Moore's father, Ulmont Moore, of Wroxeter is also a patient in. Wingham Hospital, as well as his sister, Mrs. Alex Kalish of Wroxeter. To have . three relativesin the hospital at the same ,time is some- • thing extraordinary. All are wished a most speedy- recov- ery. ecovery. Nut 'Thoms.oi f Lucknow was a Sunday afternoon cal- ler on Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson. Mr. and Mrs.' Gordon Campbell and . Heather of Kitchener spent the .holiday weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'Bill. Rintoul: • Steven .Rintoul; son 'of Mr. and Mrs. Neil •Rintoul, • on Hallowe'en :day had the mis- fortune at school to break two bones in his left arm requir- ing a cast., He isnow able to be back to school with' the arm in a sling. He is wished a. speedy recovery. ' Congratulations to Mr.. and -Mrs. Rob Frank , of Teeswater on the arrival .of'a: baby boy, at St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon"don, on Thurs- ;: day, November 8, a brother. for Robbie. Recently Mr. Wm. A. Humphrey celebrated his 86th birthday at the home of Mr.. and Mrs. Ernie . Snow- den, ':with Mr. and Mrs. George Webster also 'pres- ent. The community extends its congratulations and wish- es for, many more years of health: This community extends a warm welcome to Mr, and Mrs. Stapleton who have purchased the' south part of Tom Davidson's double house. Mr. and Mrs. Relison Fal. coner of Sarnia spent •the we;i with his mother, Mrs; Robert Mowbray and her mother in Wingham. The Lucknow Central . Pub- lic School studentsenjoyed a holiday:on Monday, it being teachers' Professional Dev- eloptnent day. Kevin Beecroft, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Beecroft., returned home on Thursday from University Hospital, London. Mr. and. Mrs. Russell Chapman and Miss Mildred McClenaghan spent Monday in London. . WHITECHURCH U.C.W. United Church held . their November UC.W. meeting on Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Fred Tiffin. The convener, Mrs. Millan Moore, had charge of the topic, Christian Development and Leadership. She opened the meeting with a poem en Sincerity, Simplicity. Mrs. Lorne Durnin read the scrip- ture. Mrs. Pauline Adams read a meditation on love and 'Mrs. Lorne Durnin read one, Tuning. Enemies into Friends. MrS, Millan Moore gave a Remembrance Day reading and led in prayer. Ten an- swered the roll call with a peace verse, Mrs. Moore gave an article, Workshop of Women's Concern, which included, health care., vio- lence and drug addiction. The least coin was received and Mrs. Moore led • in prayer. Each member read a medi- tation from the Upper Roiom. Mrs. Moore told of the four. generations of 'a Japanese girl havingg a hard time being accepted as a Canadian be • cause - her appearance was different. Mrs. Muriel Thompson led in prayer. Mrs. Agnes Far- rier closed the meeting with prayer. VARIETY CONCERT On Friday evening a vari- ety concert was , held .in Whitechurch .Community Hall by Whitechurch. Wom- en's Institute. A large crowd attended despite inclement weather: A warm welcome was expressed by Miss Merle Wilson the W.I. pres- ident. Mrs. Russel McGuire was chairlady for the pro- gram. Clara Milligan and Karen Young sang, On the Good Ship Lolley Pop and Four Strong Winds, accompanied by pianist, Agnes Farrier. ' Janet Laidlaw played a piano selection. A skit, The Min- ister's Mistake, was given by Mrs. Currie and. Mrs. Lapp in which the minister thought he was consoling Mrs. Currie on the death of her husband when it was her dog which had died. Bob Soloman played mouth organ selections, St. • Annes . Reel, The British. Grenadiers, Peek-a-boo Waltz. The Women's Institute ladies., Mrs.. Russel Mc - Quire, Mrs. Lorne Durnin, Mrs. Ivan Laidlaw, Mrs, Don • Ross, Miss Mary Hehn and Mrs. Wardrop sang, Heart of Heart and Take Me Out to the Ball Game,. During the 'Chorus, Janet Laidlaw and Faye Irwin gave a demon- stration of ball pitching and catching. • Mrs. Don Bell and daugh- ter, Beverley sang Whisper- ing Hope, :accompanied. by Mrs. Don Ross. A . Rythm Bandwithvarious musical instruments, Miss Mary Hehn,-Mrs. Muriel Thomp- son, Mrs. Jim Wilson, Mrs. Johnston Conn and. Miss Merle Wilson with.,Mrs. Dan Tiffin; pianist, played I'm Forever Blowing. ' Bubbles, There's . ,a Tavern . in the Town, Put on Your Old Grey Bonnet, and Smile the While,,Till We Meet Again. The three Belanger sisters sang, Let Me Be There and Jesus Loves You. A play, Interviewing the Hired Girl,was put on .by .Mrs. Agnes Farrier, Mrs.' Dave Gibb, Janet Laidlaw, Mrs: Fred Tiffin, Linda Moore . and Mrs. Art Bur- rows. Seven girls presented the Tennessee Wigwatk. Turn to page 21• 0 All Filing Cithine#s Fireproof Safes Calculators Office Equipment Typewriters LATAWAY04 fAiii • A 10% Deposit Will kohl Your Gift Until Christmas. 1:0 A Large Selection of Ladies, Men's And Children's e.. D spec alk in effect Ore November 17th Se . o . Statione Open Six Day* A Week lassillesemmatimartislissiolimatilsaiwiwastoissilimmasOismnor 1 IltPriflIng LUCKNOW 52$-2919 w