The Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-11-07, Page 18. • • *-11.w Sentinel, Wednesday, November 7, 1979 Ripley y BY AB WYLDS Three short Hallowe'en nights ago there was a noise outside the door of the house here. When no one came in for the usual treats, the writer went outside to the sidewalk. The only thing in sight on thebare street was a car travelling` north across the railway tracks. On turning ,to return to the i house, Movement was noticed .An the high evergreen shrub by the front steps. Looking more closely a young boy was _noticed crouching there. Asked what was the trouble he said that he was hiding from the boys in• the car who were throwing eggs. By that • time Fran had come -out and she invited him in- side for. Hallowe'en treats. He saidthat he • was Charlie Dodson and •,:.lived about two blocks • ,soUth on Ripley's main street. When the car had turned by the •Ripley Chopping Mill and passed south and away it was • deemed safe for him to return home. • Well: •last Friday morning, the second day after this Hallowe'en; •Charlie Dadson, 15 years of age, •was dead. He • suffered a tragic death as • he . was...,using a. self unloading . wagOn to put • feed into the. automatic auger's system for ' the cattle at one of the farms of Doug Stanley . on the •10th cenceision of Culross - township. This farm was • east of the home farms andon' the opposite side of the road - known as the Green farm, When there was a delay in his return, Doug went to investigate and, found the unfortunate tragedy which had oc- • curred. Somehow Charlie • had got into the unloading beaters at the rear of the • wagon. According to the radio report the Walkerton 0.P:P. in- •'vestigated. Yesterday, Tuesday, November 6, the funeral and interment were held • in St. Thomas, where the parents and family bave 'teen since the tragedy. It •.is '. reported that they ;intend to return to their •:Ripley . home tomorrow :Thursday). Everyone along the Main street • describes Charlie as a likeable, quiet and nice • boy, and they were s.hocked as the news spread late Friday af- • ternoon. Sincere sym- pathy is expressed to his parents and the rest of • thefamily.: Charlie had been working for Doug Stanley . for approximately a month. He liked the farm work and they liked him. The Doug Stanley farms, three in nuniber, are located on the section of the 10th' concession of Culross travelled each summer by Morrison • MacKenzie of Inverhuron and this writer as they tended the beeyard on the Lorne 13eekingfartn. • Robert • Rock, son of uth ..dies Oraen and Doris Rock of Ripley, was presented last Friday evening at the Walkerton Secondary School commencement with a fine wooden wall plaque and a cheque for $25 for graduating first in the class in Shopwork, The metal plate on, the plaque bore the in- scription "First in Technology' 1979". Congratulations of the Ripley area folks go to Robert on obtaining this standing and honour. Last Saturday November 3, 1979, the Ripley. Agricultural. Society had the honour of holding the annual fall meeting of District 10 Agricultural Societies. There were 136 in at- tendance representing all 26 "fall fair" societies in Bruce and Grey counties. The . Donald Lenon trophy for the most at- tending combined with distance travelled • was7 -awarded tp the Mount • Forest Society. From;the display of fine quilts, one from each. society, one displayed by the Neustadt Ageicultural Society was picked to represent District 10 at the Ontario Convention 'in Toronto in February. On ' display here on • Saturday was the quilt • picked at the Ripley • Huron fall fair and made by Mrs. Evelyn (Bert) . Irwin of Ripley. A 'full accoUnt of the meeting • has been written by Mrs. Barbara (John) Gamble' • secretary of . the 'lady directors' • of the Ripley Agricult0a1 Society. Mr. OA Mrs. • Fred Bridle of Grand Bend Visited litb Mr. and:Mr. Sam Emerson in Ripley. Mrs. Bridle is a sister of. Mrs.•EmerSon. • On Tuesday evening of • last week a Liberal party meeting for the riding of Huron Bruce was held in the new Complex building in. Lucknow. Liberal M.P.P. Murray Gaunt of Wingham represents this riding in the Ontario Legislature in Toronto. Liberal leader • Dr. Stuart Smith, leader of the Opposition in the • provincial government, was the guest speaker. Barrie WyldS, B.A., C.A. • of Ripley was chosen as • the new riding secretary. Barrie is a metnber of the Bruce County Board of Education and also is a chartered accountant. • Some of those attending the meeting from .this area were ..Toy and George McLean, Barrie Wylds, G1en'Wylds,iil and Bertha Scott, Bob and Wendy Scott, and William Robertson of TorOnto. • • In Toronto people are going -to the Ontario College of Art on McCaul Street to see that golden colour -in the Tut treasure On display there. Here in Ripley all one has to see that golden colour is look at those grain wagon boxes heaped with yellow shelled corn waiting their turn to unload at the Ripley Grain Elevator. Last Wednesday over at the Elevator, the grain wagons were pulling in and again on Sunday morning, fifteen of them, still fully,loaded and left •over from Saturday evening„ were counted. On . Wednesday evening •they were finally parking on the shoulders of the road both north and south of the railway crossing. Ralph Grubb in charge of weighing, unloading and tending the dryerr and elevator has been ai busy foan. This last week Jim acDonald at Clarks, n. 12, has joined him.. nd further, at this time of writing, Sunday evening, there is a big yellow moon coming up in the eastern sky. Arriving back home last Saturday evening from a ten day vacation in Alberta were Mrs. Bette MacLeod, con- cession 3 east, and Mrs.. Alma Huston, con. 8 east of Pine River. They flew both ways, Toronto to Edmonton and return. .. • • - While in Edmonton they visited with relatives and Bette noted signs of progress which had taken place since her 1972 visit there. They also had a tour to Jasper and on their return along tne David Thompson High- way they had a wonderful view of the Rocky Turn to page 1940 • Registered Trademark of Drug Trading Co. 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