The Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-11-07, Page 15eep —, w47 The Stroke Recovery Club; a volunteer program, was. organized • last July to bring together homebound stroke victims. Operating one day per week, Tuesday, ithas succeeded in giving mem- bers a feeling of independ. ence and belonging within the community. Victims are provided with therapy in the form of exer- cises and an opportunity to discuss personal adjustment problems. - Recreational activities are incorporated into therapy for muscle strength, coordina- tion and fine finger move- ments. Communication skills are also taught to those suffering • from . aphasic, a speech disturbance. Bill Woodley, director of nursing at Wincham and District Hospital, explained Trick or treaters have fun to • Langside Bit LILLIAN YOUNG. Sympathy of the commun- ity is extended to relatives of George Tiffin ; who passed _ away oilunday;. October 28 in his 75th year...The funeral was held .last Thursday with interment in South Kinloss Cemetery. Mr. and .Mrs. Tiffin and daughter, Colleen farmed for quite, a few' years, in this district,• on the farm now owned by Mrs..Roelie de Boer and family, The weather ' was : fine Wednesday, evening for Hal- lowe'en which passed quietly here with no damage being reported. Some youngsters were out for tricks and treats whidh is. always the nicest part of Hallowe'en. Mr.: and Mrs. Robert Wynne spent the' weekend at their farm home. We are pleased that Mrs. Wynne is able to be out again after spending some time in. Kit= chener hospital.' Commencement was held at .F E. Madill High- Schciol. in Wingham on Friday even- ing, with a large attendance.: We would like to congrat ulate. all those receiving diplomas and 'other awards:. Receiving grade 12 diplomas:.: from this district were Marty Young and Hilda de Boer. Sandra Gardner, grand daughter of Mi. and Mrs. Wesley Young of Lucknow, formerly of Langside, also . received her grade 12 dip- loma. • Kim Coughlin, spent the weekend at the home of Mr. . and Mrs. Clifford Young. Liane Young spent a day last week at . the same home. the program is divided into two sections, 75 per cent for rehabilitation. and 25 per cent for social activity. • Ron. Khuranna, hospital therapist; conducts one hour of individual exercises, in the morning, to,strengthen mus- cles. Crafts such as knitting, crocheting, woodwork and `horticulture are practised during the afternoon. They are geared for enjoytnent and movement of damaged ,mus- cles. Mr. Woodley . said the club's 16 members consist of homebound out-patients and those still in hospital. "Many don't have any other outside Moonlighters are people who hold day and night jobs so they can go front one to the other in 'a better car. , .9_ ele c tugknow Sentinel, Wednesday, November 7, 479—Page 15 ub needs volunteers activity but the club," Program coordinator Nad- ina Foulds, RNA, added, "There are potentially .nine more stroke victims that could join, but we don't have enough volunteers." The original objective was one volunteer for every mem- ber. So far there are only eight regular and four part time volunteers. "More are needed to keep this program viable," de- clared Mr. Woodley. Mrs. Foulds attributed the lack of volunteers to the mis- conception that there is a lot of lifting, but there isn't. W "1 train volunteers how to. lift safely and everyone man- ages fairly. well," .she added. With or 'without thecom- munity's needed help; the club has been pushing for- ward. A portable classroom has been ordered and wilt arrive sometime this month. Upon delivery it will be placed on Carling Terrace, between .the emergency and the doctors' office. The class- room will be equipped with ramps, two wheelchair wash- rooms and a kitchen. At the present time the group meets . in a crowded room inside the clinie-build- ing. Several weeks ago tire club was. given a Medical consult» ant,. Dr. Leahy of Teeswater. Program orgranizers,hope • to incorporate the club into a day hospital concept, They f also wish. to extend• the meetings, to two days instead of one. "But vie need more volunteers," said Mr. Wood- ley. Johnston Bros.. (Bothwell.l.td.l Phone Wardsville 5 Phone 693.4383 Komoka 471-3059 Dungannon 529-7947 Washed Materials—Cruslmed Stone Cement Gravel Crushed Gravel—Road Contractors • BRING US YOUR SERVING THE FARMER FOR 65 YEARS 11.11 1' I' I 11111 I,1111 `1 1•:I ) • SEED GRAIN • BEANS HWY. NO. 21 JUST NORTH Or PORT ALBERT #V! J«;f4tli7 tC r -.r t "zs�aa PHONE 529-7135 :ALL OF C UR.FACILITIES ARE TO: SERVE YOU`BET"TEm