The Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-10-17, Page 32• Page 4—Luchnow Sentinel, Wednesday, October 24, 1979 This year's Lucknow District Kinsmen executive includes, front row, from the left, Dave Button, secretary; Ken Johnstone, vice-president; Rod McDonagh, president; Jim Morrison, vice-president and Peter Steer, treasurer;Back row are, from the left, John MacKenzie, bulletin editor; Barry Hackett, past president; Morley Abbott, director; Evans director and Rick Matthews, Hodgins, director. • Doug Eadie, bulletin editor; Helm, registrar; Clem Cote, director. Absent was Lynn [Sentinel Stuff Photo] Approve wage • Wage agreements were ratified by the Wingbam and District Hogpital board for the supervisors, registered nurses and service employmees at the hospital when the hoard met for its October meeting last week. Effective April I, service employees will receive a six percent general wage adjustment in accordance with •the • CUPI award. They will receive a further six and a half percent increase non -compounded in the second year of the agreement. Some 100 employees including registered nurse's assistants, housplieeping and dietary staff will he hy the agreement. Supervisors and registerI nurses will receive a seven percent'increase non -compounded in each of two years retroactive to October 1, 19 8 until September 30, 1980. Management and Rararnedical staff Accept snow removal tender Tenders for snow removal for the Village of Lucknow for the 1979-80 winter were opened at the council's meeting on October 16. The tender from Bill Nelson of Lucknow was accepted at $27.50 an hour for bl-Ower and tractor and $20 an •hour for trucks. Tenders were also received from Robert Symes at $23 an hour for blower and tractor, S23 an hour for two yard loader and $17 an hour for tandem trucks. A third tender was received from Kinloss Sand and Gravel at $23 an hour for blower and tractor, $20 an hour for 21/2 yard loader and $17 an hour for tandem trucks. Council only considered blowers and tractors when making their decision concern- , ing \ snow removal for this winter: Councillors pointed out that last year's snow removal by blower and tractor was more efficient than using a loader and trucks. Council agreed Bill Nelson had done a fine job of removing the snow last winter and decided to hire him again this year, even though his tender was higher than the other two received: Tenders for fuel oil were also opened at the October nieeting of Village Council. Tenders were received from the Lucknow District Co-op, BP Oil and Chisholm Fuels. The lowest tender, received from the Co-op, was acc.tpted. settlements are tied to nursing salaries on 'a per- centage basis, across the ,whole hospital. The wage settlement is contained in ' the budget figure submitted to the •health ministry. The hospital's executive director Norman Hayes said he did not an- ticipate the size of the some of the settlements. The hospital is asking for additional allocations on the basis of the awards. Mr. Hayes said there is a precedent for obtaining additional funds. In 1974 a large award was given to service .2rrIployees after the budgets were filed and the ministry went hack to fhe cabinet and acquired more funds. The hospital deficit of $150,000. ac-' •rrued when the hospital refused to cut ;4, beds ordered closed by the health ministry has started- to reduce, said Hayes. . • He stated no further staff • layoffs wil be necessary and indicated with the help of all•the hospital staff the deficit should he reduced in a short period of time. Adopt wait and see attitude..... •from page 1 , never convince me it isn't politics. It's politics right down the line and it's dirt." Council deliberated over the issue for some time indicating they wished to support the hospital board in their battle witth the ministry to keep the beds open ,but not wanting to support the board financilly until they were certain the board was going to proceed with their legal case. Councillor Murray told the other members he did not like taking a backseat to (Health Minister Dennis) Timbrell. • "I don't care whether it's provincial or federal, I'll fight it if it takes three appeals and costs $150.000. In view of the fact the hospital board was meeting the following evening and because rumour indicated the board may be deciding to drop their legal case against the ministry, Lucknow council decided to withold their decision until the board decided whether they were going to persue legal action. MONUMENTS MARKERS - CEMETERY LETTERING MONUMENT CLEANING & REPAIR DON -DENOMME • AREA REPRESENTATIVE FOR AN APPOINTMENT ANYTIME Phone 524-2747 or 524-6621 T. PRYDE & SON LTD. BUSINESS EST. 1920 Olson's Gravel Pit Low prices & quantity discount's FINE, MEDIUM OR COARSE PIT RUN SAND, STONE DUST, CEMENT • AND ROAD GRAVEL 4" under, 5/8, 3/4, and Drainage Stone Backhoe, Septic Tanks, Area Beds Dozer, Scraper, Leveler Available For A Good Level Job Cali or See Freeman Olson Dungannon, 529-7942 Notice The Lucknow District Co-op WILL BE CLOSED ALL DAY Wednesday, October 31st For Inventory • ••••,.• • • • ••••... • • •-••=4*-,....4 •-••••• • • • •-••-• ••••• • .•-••-• • ••••...• • -•••-• •••••.• ••••••• ••••••. • • ,••• •••••• Living Learning & Planting P1 0 E R SEEDS You can plant PIONEER brand seed corn with confidence because it was developed and tested by the world's largest corn research program. That's why more Canadian farmers plant PIONEER brand ; seed corn than any other brand. See your PIONEER dealer today and ask him about your corn, alfalfa and Sila-bac requirements. • Your dealer in Kinloss Township is: MR. DOUGLAS EADIE R. R. # 3, Holyrood, Ontario • [519] 395-3511 Your dealer in the Townships of Huron and Kincardine Is: MR. VERN HODGINS R. R.# 4 Kincardine, Ontario • [519] 395-2271 •••"•••••••••..... •••••••••••• •••••••• •••••4 • ••••••••••••4•• ••,•• • •-••••••••••••,••••••••••••••••:••••••••••••••• • ".•• ••••••••••••••• 1...•••ii-'•••••• 0%.* •